1 // Copyright (c) 1995 James Clark
2 // See the file COPYING for copying permission.
4 #ifndef CopyEventHandler_INCLUDED
5 #define CopyEventHandler_INCLUDED 1
6 #ifdef __GNUG__
7 #pragma interface
8 #endif
10 #include "Event.h"
11 #include "OutputCharStream.h"
12 #include "Vector.h"
13 #include "NCVector.h"
14 #include "MarkupEventHandler.h"
16 // This should be local to CopyEventHandler, but some compilers
17 // can't handle this.
19 #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE
20 namespace SP_NAMESPACE {
21 #endif
23 struct CopyEventHandlerEntityInfo {
24   StrOutputCharStream str;
25   ConstPtr<EntityOrigin> ref;
26 };
28 class CopyEventHandler : public MarkupEventHandler {
29 public:
30   enum NormalizeFlags {
31     normalizeOmittag = 01,
32     normalizeShortref = 02,
33     normalizeNet = 04,
34     normalizeEmptytag = 010,
35     normalizeUnclosed = 020,
36     normalizeAttname = 040,
37     normalizeAttvalue = 0100,
38     normalizeAttspec = 0200,
39     normalizeShorttag = (normalizeNet|normalizeEmptytag|normalizeUnclosed
40 			 |normalizeAttname|normalizeAttvalue|normalizeAttspec),
41     normalizeRank = 0400,
42     normalizeOmittagHoist = 01000,
43     normalizeExpand = 02000,
44     normalizeExpandAll = 04000,
45     normalizeCurrent = 010000,
46     normalizeLower = 020000,
47     normalizeReserved = 040000,
48     normalizeExpandProlog = 0100000,
49     normalizeIncludeProlog = 0200000,
50     normalizeMarkedSection = 0400000
51     };
52   CopyEventHandler(OutputCharStream *, unsigned flags,
53 		   const StringC &outputEntity);
54   ~CopyEventHandler();
55   void reOrigin(ReOriginEvent *);
56   void sSep(SSepEvent *);
57   void ignoredRs(IgnoredRsEvent *);
58   void data(DataEvent *);
59   void startElement(StartElementEvent *);
60   void endElement(EndElementEvent *);
61   void sdataEntity(SdataEntityEvent *);
62   void externalDataEntity(ExternalDataEntityEvent *);
63   void subdocEntity(SubdocEntityEvent *);
64   void nonSgmlChar(NonSgmlCharEvent *);
65   void pi(PiEvent *);
66   void endProlog(EndPrologEvent *);
67   void markedSectionStart(MarkedSectionStartEvent *);
68   void markedSectionEnd(MarkedSectionEndEvent *);
69   void entityStart(EntityStartEvent *);
70   void entityEnd(EntityEndEvent *);
71   void ignoredChars(IgnoredCharsEvent *);
72   void sgmlDecl(SgmlDeclEvent *);
73   void usemap(UsemapEvent *);
74   void uselink(UselinkEvent *);
75   void startDtd(StartDtdEvent *);
76   void startLpd(StartLpdEvent *);
77   void endDtd(EndDtdEvent *);
78   void endLpd(EndLpdEvent *);
79   void entityDecl(EntityDeclEvent *);
80   void shortrefDecl(ShortrefDeclEvent *);
81   void markup(const Location &loc, const Markup &markup);
82 private:
83   virtual void reportTagInSpecialMarkedSection(const Location &) = 0;
84   OutputCharStream &os();
85   void startSubset(StartSubsetEvent *);
86   void endSubset(MarkupEvent *);
87   void literal(const Text &text);
88   void attributeSpecList(MarkupIter &, const AttributeList &);
89   void unspecifiedAttributeValues(const AttributeList &atts,
90 				  const StringC &beforeFirst);
91   void withNamedCharRef(const StringC &, const Location &loc);
92   void withNamedCharRef(const Char *p, size_t n, const Location &loc);
93   void writeData(const Char *p, size_t n, const Location &loc);
94   void sdParamLiteral(const SdText &text);
95   void entityRef(const EntityOrigin *);
96   Boolean doNothing(Event *);
97   Boolean noOutput();
98   Boolean isSgmlChar(Char);
99   const StringC &elementTypeOrigName(const ElementType *, StringC &buf);
100   const StringC &generalName(const StringC &name, StringC &buf);
101   const StringC &entityName(const StringC &name, StringC &buf);
102   const StringC &lowerCaseName(const StringC &name, StringC &buf);
103   void handleChange();
104   void outputMarkup(const Location &loc, const Markup &markup);
105   OutputCharStream *os_;
106   OutputCharStream *topOs_;
107   Boolean inInstance_;
108   unsigned entityLevel_;
109   unsigned outputEntityLevel_;
110   ConstPtr<Syntax> syntax_;
111   ConstPtr<Syntax> instanceSyntax_;
112   ConstPtr<Sd> sd_;
113   SubstTable lowerSubst_;
114   unsigned normalizeFlags_;
115   StringC outputEntity_;
116   Vector<StringC> elementTypeOrigNames_;
117   unsigned omittagHoist_;
118   ConstPtr<EntityOrigin> entityOrigin_;
119   NCVector<CopyEventHandlerEntityInfo> entityStack_;
120   Boolean inSpecialMarkedSection_;
121   Boolean hasInternalSubset_;
122   Boolean mustOmitEnd_;
123   Boolean emptyElementNormal_;
124   const AttributeList *currentAttributes_;
125 };
127 inline
os()128 OutputCharStream &CopyEventHandler::os()
129 {
130   return *os_;
131 }
133 #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE
134 }
135 #endif
137 #endif /* not CopyEventHandler_INCLUDED */