1#!/usr/bin/env perl
2use warnings;
3use strict;
4use diagnostics;
5use PDF::Table;
7# Please use TABSTOP=4 for best view
8# -------------
9# -A or -B on command line to select preferred library (if available)
10# then look for PDFpref file and read A or B forms
11my ($PDFpref, $rcA, $rcB); # which is available?
12my $prefFile = "./PDFpref";
13my $prefDefault = "B"; # PDF::Builder default if no prefFile, or both installed
14if (@ARGV) {
15    # A or -A argument: set PDFpref to A else B
16    if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-?([AB])/i) {
17	$PDFpref = uc($1);
18    } else {
19	print STDERR "Unknown command line flag $ARGV[0] ignored.\n";
20    }
22if (!defined $PDFpref) {
23    if (-f $prefFile && -r $prefFile) {
24        open my $FH, '<', $prefFile or die "error opening $prefFile: $!\n";
25        $PDFpref = <$FH>;
26        if      ($PDFpref =~ m/^A/i) {
27	    # something starting with A, assume want PDF::API2
28	    $PDFpref = 'A';
29        } elsif ($PDFpref =~ m/^B/i) {
30	    # something starting with B, assume want PDF::Builder
31	    $PDFpref = 'B';
32        } elsif ($PDFpref =~ m/^PDF:{1,2}A/i) {
33	    # something starting with PDF:A or PDF::A, assume want PDF::API2
34	    $PDFpref = 'A';
35        } elsif ($PDFpref =~ m/^PDF:{1,2}B/i) {
36	    # something starting with PDF:B or PDF::B, assume want PDF::Builder
37	    $PDFpref = 'B';
38        } else {
39	    print STDERR "Don't see A... or B..., default to $prefDefault\n";
40	    $PDFpref = $prefDefault;
41        }
42        close $FH;
43    } else {
44        # no preference expressed, default to PDF::Builder
45        print STDERR "No preference file found, so default to $prefDefault\n";
46        $PDFpref = $prefDefault;
47    }
49foreach (1 .. 2) {
50    if ($PDFpref eq 'A') { # A(PI2) preferred
51        $rcA = eval {
52            require PDF::API2;
53            1;
54        };
55        if (!defined $rcA) { $rcA = 0; } # else is 1;
56        if ($rcA) { $rcB = 0; last; }
57	$PDFpref = 'B';
58    }
59    if ($PDFpref eq 'B') { # B(uilder) preferred
60        $rcB = eval {
61            require PDF::Builder;
62            1;
63        };
64        if (!defined $rcB) { $rcB = 0; } # else is 1;
65	if ($rcB) { $rcA = 0; last; }
66	$PDFpref = 'A';
67    }
69if (!$rcA && !$rcB) {
70    die "Neither PDF::API2 nor PDF::Builder is installed!\n";
72# -------------
74our $VERSION = '1.002'; # VERSION
75my $LAST_UPDATE = '1.000'; # manually update whenever code is changed
77my $outfile = $0;
78if ($outfile =~ m#[\\/]([^\\/]+)$#) { $outfile = $1; }
79$outfile =~ s/\.pl$/.pdf/;
81my $pdftable = PDF::Table->new();
82# -------------
83my $pdf;
84if ($rcA) {
85    print STDERR "Using PDF::API2 library\n";
86    $pdf      = PDF::API2->new( -file => $outfile );
87} else {
88    print STDERR "Using PDF::Builder library\n";
89    $pdf      = PDF::Builder->new( -file => $outfile );
91# -------------
92my $page     = $pdf->page();
95# A4 as defined by PDF::API2 is h=842 w=545 for portrait
97# some data to lay out. notice that there are 9 rows with the raw data for
98# 'two' and 'four' being split up into multiple lines = multiple single rows,
99# as well as 'four' being split on max_word_length
100my $some_data = [
101	# H. dk blue on yellow, underlined (each page)
102	[ 'HeaderA', 'HeaderB' ],
103	# 1. white on red,blue  underlined (page 1)
104	[ 'foo',     'bar Aye' ],
105	# 2. dk gray on light gray, underlined (page 2)
106	[ 'one',     'twosie' ],
107	# 3. light gray on dk gray, col 2 underlined, split multiple pages 3-6
108	[ 'two',     'four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth' ],
109	# 4. dk gray on light gray, underlined (page 7)
110	[ 'three',   'six pack' ],
111	# 5. light gray on dk gray, underlined, split multiple pages 8-9
112	[ 'four',    'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ],
115# build the table layout
116# this will show the header and one line (row), meaning two rows will be
117# split up into multiple pages
120	# required params
121	$pdf,
122	$page,
123	$some_data,
124	x       => 10,
125	w       => 255,
126	start_y => 700,  # or y
127	next_y  => 700,
128	start_h => 69,   # or h. just enough height for two rows per page
129	next_h  => 69,   # (repeated header + next data row single line)
131	# some optional params
132	bg_color_odd => "#666666",
133	bg_color_even => "#EEEEEE",
134	fg_color_odd => "#EEEEEE",
135	fg_color_even => "#666666",
136        padding_left =>  10,    # new
137        padding_right => 10,
138	border          => 0,   # no frame or rules (default thin line)
139	font_size       => 20,  # default leading about 25
140       #font_underline  => 'auto',   # underline everything with thin line
141	font_underline  => [3, 2],   # or underline. thick underline for all
142	                             # text (including header) unless override
143	max_word_length => 13,  # force alphabet row to split in half
145	header_props    => {
146		# font size defaults to 22, leading to 27.5
147		background_color => 'yellow',  # or bg_color
148		repeat           => 1  # is now default
149	},
150	cell_props => [
151		[],   # header row no cell overrides
152		[  # first data row (foo  bar Aye)
153			{ background_color => 'red', fg_color => 'white'  },
154			{ background_color => 'blue', fg_color => 'white' }
155		],
156		[], # second data row, no cell overrides
157		[  # third data row, no underline first column 'two  four...'
158			{ underline => [] }  # 'none' OK for PDF::Builder
159		],
160	],