2Helper functions and data structures
4import functools
5import re
6from contextlib import contextmanager
7from importlib import import_module
10def camel_to_snake_case(name):  # type: (str) -> str
11    """Takes a camelCased string and converts to snake_case."""
12    pattern = r"[A-Z][a-z]+|[A-Z]+(?![a-z])"
13    return "_".join(map(str.lower, re.findall(pattern, name)))
16def is_paired(text, open="(", close=")"):  # type: (str, str, str) -> bool
17    """Check if the text only contains:
18    1. blackslash escaped parentheses, or
19    2. parentheses paired.
20    """
21    count = 0
22    escape = False
23    for c in text:
24        if escape:
25            escape = False
26        elif c == "\\":
27            escape = True
28        elif c == open:
29            count += 1
30        elif c == close:
31            if count == 0:
32                return False
33            count -= 1
34    return count == 0
37def _preprocess_text(text):  # type: (str) -> str
38    return text.replace("\r\n", "\n")
41class Source:
42    """Wrapper class on content to be parsed"""
44    def __init__(self, text):  # type: (str) -> None
45        self._buffer = _preprocess_text(text)
46        self.pos = 0
47        self._anchor = 0
48        self._states = []  # type: List[BlockElement]
49        self.match = None  # type: Optional[Match]
51    @property
52    def state(self):  # type: () -> BlockElement
53        """Returns the current element state."""
54        if not self._states:
55            raise RuntimeError("Need to push a state first.")
56        return self._states[-1]
58    @property
59    def root(self):  # type: () -> BlockElement
60        """Returns the root element, which is at the bottom of self._states."""
61        if not self._states:
62            raise RuntimeError("Need to push a state first.")
63        return self._states[0]
65    def push_state(self, element):  # type: (BlockElement) -> None
66        """Push a new state to the state stack."""
67        self._states.append(element)
69    def pop_state(self):  # type: () -> BlockElement
70        """Pop the top most state."""
71        return self._states.pop()
73    @contextmanager
74    def under_state(self, element):
75        # type: (BlockElement) -> Generator[Source, None, None]
76        """A context manager to enable a new state temporarily."""
77        self.push_state(element)
78        yield self
79        self.pop_state()
81    @property
82    def exhausted(self):  # type: () -> bool
83        """Indicates whether the source reaches the end."""
84        return self.pos >= len(self._buffer)
86    @property
87    def prefix(self):  # type: () -> str
88        """The prefix of each line when parsing."""
89        return "".join(s._prefix for s in self._states)
91    def _expect_re(self, regexp, pos):
92        # type: (Union[Pattern, str], int) -> Optional[Match]
93        if isinstance(regexp, str):
94            regexp = re.compile(regexp)
95        return regexp.match(self._buffer, pos)
97    @staticmethod
98    @functools.lru_cache()
99    def match_prefix(prefix, line):  # type: (str, str) -> int
100        """Check if the line starts with given prefix and
101        return the position of the end of prefix.
102        If the prefix is not matched, return -1.
103        """
104        m = re.match(prefix, line.expandtabs(4))
105        if not m:
106            if re.match(prefix, line.expandtabs(4).replace("\n", " " * 99 + "\n")):
107                return len(line) - 1
108            return -1
109        pos = m.end()
110        if pos == 0:
111            return 0
112        for i in range(1, len(line) + 1):
113            if len(line[:i].expandtabs(4)) >= pos:
114                return i
115        return -1  # pragma: no cover
117    def expect_re(self, regexp):  # type: (Union[Pattern, str]) -> Optional[Match]
118        """Test against the given regular expression and returns the match object.
120        :param regexp: the expression to be tested.
121        :returns: the match object.
122        """
123        prefix_len = self.match_prefix(
124            self.prefix, self.next_line(require_prefix=False)  # type: ignore
125        )
126        if prefix_len >= 0:
127            match = self._expect_re(regexp, self.pos + prefix_len)
128            self.match = match
129            return match
130        else:
131            return None
133    def next_line(self, require_prefix=True):  # type: (bool) -> Optional[str]
134        """Return the next line in the source.
136        :param require_prefix:  if False, the whole line will be returned.
137            otherwise, return the line with prefix stripped or None if the prefix
138            is not matched.
139        """
140        if require_prefix:
141            m = self.expect_re(r"(?m)[^\n]*?$\n?")
142        else:
143            m = self._expect_re(r"(?m)[^\n]*$\n?", self.pos)
144        self.match = m
145        if m:
146            return m.group()
147        return None
149    def consume(self):  # type: () -> None
150        """Consume the body of source. ``pos`` will move forward."""
151        if self.match:
152            self.pos = self.match.end()
153            if self.match.group()[-1:] == "\n":
154                self._update_prefix()
155            self.match = None
157    def anchor(self):  # type: () -> None
158        """Pin the current parsing position."""
159        self._anchor = self.pos
161    def reset(self):  # type: () -> None
162        """Reset the position to the last anchor."""
163        self.pos = self._anchor
165    def _update_prefix(self):  # type: () -> None
166        for s in self._states:
167            if hasattr(s, "_second_prefix"):
168                s._prefix = s._second_prefix  # type: ignore
171def normalize_label(label):  # type: (str) -> str
172    """Return the normalized form of link label."""
173    return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", label).strip().casefold()
176def load_extension_object(name):
177    """Load extension object from a string.
178    First try `marko.ext.<name>` if possible
179    """
180    module = None
181    if "." not in name:
182        try:
183            module = import_module(f"marko.ext.{name}")
184        except ImportError:
185            pass
186    if module is None:
187        try:
188            module = import_module(name)
189        except ImportError:
190            raise ImportError(
191                f"Extension {name} cannot be found. Please check the name."
192            )
194    try:
195        maker = getattr(module, "make_extension")
196    except AttributeError:
197        raise AttributeError(
198            f"Module {name} does not have 'make_extension' attributte."
199        )
200    return maker
203def is_type_check() -> bool:  # pragma: no cover
204    try:
205        from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
206    except ImportError:
207        return False
208    else:
209        return TYPE_CHECKING
212if is_type_check():
213    from .block import BlockElement
214    from typing import Optional, List, Generator, Union, Pattern, Match