1 import std.stdio;
main()3 void main() {
4     // Nesting delimited strings
5     auto a = q"{foo " {bar} baz}";
6     auto b = q"[foo [bar] " baz]";
7     auto c = q"(foo " (bar) baz)";
8     auto d = q"<foo <bar> " baz>";
9     // Non-nesting delimited strings
10     auto e = q"/foo " bar/";
11     auto f = q"-Another " string-";
12     // "heredoc" strings
13     auto g = q"FOO
14         This is a string!
15 FOO";
16     // Token strings (only the q{} should be highlighted as a string)
17     auto h = q{
18         int i;
19         void foo() { writefln("Hello, world!"); }
20     };
21 }