1 // Created by Lionello Lunesu and placed in the public domain.
2 // This file has been modified from its original version.
3 // It has been formatted to fit your screen.
4 module phoneno;     // optional
5 import std.stdio;   // writefln
6 import std.ctype;   // isdigit
7 import std.stream;  // BufferedFile
9 // Just for readability (imagine char[][][char[]])
10 alias char[] string;
11 alias string[] stringarray;
13 /// Strips non-digit characters from the string (COW)
stripNonDigit(in string line)14 string stripNonDigit( in string line )
15 {
16     string ret;
17     foreach(uint i, c; line) {
18         // Error: std.ctype.isdigit at C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\ctype.d(37)
19         // conflicts with std.stream.isdigit at C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\stream.d(2924)
20         if (!std.ctype.isdigit(c)) {
21             if (!ret)
22                 ret = line[0..i];
23         }
24         else if (ret)
25             ret ~= c;
26     }
27     return ret?ret:line;
28 }
30 unittest {
31     assert( stripNonDigit("asdf") == ""  );
32     assert( stripNonDigit("\'13-=2 4kop") ==  "1324"  );
33 }
35 /// Converts a word into a number, ignoring all non alpha characters
wordToNum(in string word)36 string wordToNum( in string word )
37 {
38 // translation table for the task at hand
39 const char[256] TRANSLATE =
40     "                                "  // 0
41     "                0123456789      "  // 32
42     " 57630499617851881234762239     "  // 64
43     " 57630499617851881234762239     "
44     "                                "
45     "                                "
46     "                                "
47     "                                ";
48     string ret;
49     foreach(c; cast(ubyte[])word)
50         if (TRANSLATE[c] != ' ')
51             ret ~= TRANSLATE[c];
52     return ret;
53 }
55 unittest {
56  // Test wordToNum using the table from the task description.
57  assert( "01112223334455666777888999" ==
58    wordToNum("E | J N Q | R W X | D S Y | F T | A M | C I V | B K U | L O P | G H Z"));
59  assert( "01112223334455666777888999" ==
60    wordToNum("e | j n q | r w x | d s y | f t | a m | c i v | b k u | l o p | g h z"));
61  assert( "0123456789" ==
62    wordToNum("0 |   1   |   2   |   3   |  4  |  5  |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9"));
63 }
main(string[]args)65 void main( string[] args )
66 {
67     // This associative array maps a number to an array of words.
68     stringarray[string]    num2words;
70     foreach(string word; new BufferedFile("dictionary.txt" ) )
71         num2words[ wordToNum(word) ] ~= word.dup;        // must dup
73     /// Finds all alternatives for the given number
74     /// (should have been stripped from non-digit characters)
75     stringarray _FindWords( string numbers, bool digitok )
76     in {
77         assert(numbers.length >  0);
78     }
79     out(result) {
80         foreach (a; result)
81             assert( wordToNum(a) == numbers );
82     }
83     body {
84         stringarray ret;
85         bool foundword = false;
86         for (uint t=1; t<=numbers.length; ++t) {
87             auto alternatives = numbers[0..t] in num2words;
88             if (!alternatives)
89                 continue;
90             foundword = true;
91             if (numbers.length >  t) {
92                 // Combine all current alternatives with all alternatives
93                 // of the rest (next piece can start with a digit)
94                 foreach (a2; _FindWords( numbers[t..$], true     ) )
95                     foreach(a1; *alternatives)
96                        ret ~= a1 ~ " " ~ a2;
97             }
98             else
99                 ret ~= *alternatives;    // append these alternatives
100         }
101         // Try to keep 1 digit, only if we're allowed and no other
102         // alternatives were found
103         // Testing "ret.length" makes more sense than testing "foundword",
104         // but the other implementations seem to do just this.
105         if (digitok && !foundword) { //ret.length == 0
106             if(numbers.length >  1) {
107                 // Combine 1 digit with all altenatives from the rest
108                 // (next piece can not start with a digit)
109                 foreach (a; _FindWords( numbers[1..$], false ) )
110                     ret ~= numbers[0..1] ~ " " ~ a;
111             }
112             else
113                 ret ~= numbers[0..1];    // just append this digit
114         }
115         return ret;
116     }
118     /// (This function was inlined in the original program)
119     /// Finds all alternatives for the given phone number
120     /// Returns: array of strings
121     stringarray FindWords( string phone_number )
122     {
123         if (!phone_number.length)
124             return null;
125         // Strip the non-digit characters from the phone number, and
126         // pass it to the recursive function (leading digit is allowed)
127         return _FindWords( stripNonDigit(phone_number), true );
128     }
130     // Read the phone numbers
131     foreach(string phone; new BufferedFile("input.txt"   ) )
132         foreach(alternative; FindWords( phone ) )
133             writefln(phone, ": ", alternative );
134 }