1import os
2import logging
4log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
7def load_files(path, extensions=[], filters=[], read=False):
8    """
9    Method to load files from path, and filter file names with
10    REs filters and extensions.
11    Args:
12        path (str): string that contains OS path
13        extensions (list): list of strings files' extensions like ['txt', 'log', 'conf']
14        filters (list): list of strings regexes to filter files
15        read (bool): if False will return file names, if true will
16    Returns:
17        List of (type, text_data) tuples or empty list []  if
18        read True, if read False return (type, url,) or []
19    """
20    files = []
21    # need to use path[:5000] cause if path is actually text of the template
22    # and has length more then X symbols, os.path will choke with "path too long"
23    # error, hence the safe-assumption that no os path exists longer then 5000 symbols
25    # check if structured, non text, data given, return it as is if so
26    # to process within input macro/function
27    if not isinstance(path, str):
28        return [
29            (
30                "structured_data",
31                path,
32            )
33        ]
34    elif _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 2:
35        if not isinstance(
36            path,
37            (
38                unicode,
39                str,
40            ),
41        ):
42            return [
43                (
44                    "structured_data",
45                    path,
46                )
47            ]
49    # check if path is a reference to template in ttp_templates collection
50    if path.startswith("ttp://"):
51        from ttp_templates import get_template
53        return [("text_data", get_template(path=path.replace("ttp://", "")))]
54    # check if path is a path to file:
55    elif os.path.isfile(path[:5000]):
56        if read:
57            try:
58                if _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 2:
59                    with open(path, "r") as file_obj:
60                        return [
61                            (
62                                "text_data",
63                                file_obj.read(),
64                            )
65                        ]
66                with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_obj:
67                    return [
68                        (
69                            "text_data",
70                            file_obj.read(),
71                        )
72                    ]
73            except UnicodeDecodeError:
74                log.warning(
75                    'ttp_utils.load_files: Unicode read error, file "{}"'.format(path)
76                )
77        else:
78            return [
79                (
80                    "file_name",
81                    path,
82                )
83            ]
84    # check if path is a directory:
85    elif os.path.isdir(path[0:5000]):
86        from re import search as re_search
88        files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))]
89        if extensions:
90            files = [f for f in files if f.split(".")[-1] in extensions]
91        for filter in filters:
92            files = [f for f in files if re_search(filter, f)]
93        if read:
94            ret = []
95            for f in files:
96                if _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 2:
97                    with open((os.path.join(path, f)), "r") as file_obj:
98                        ret.append(
99                            (
100                                "text_data",
101                                file_obj.read(),
102                            )
103                        )
104                elif _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 3:
105                    with open(
106                        (os.path.join(path, f)), "r", encoding="utf-8"
107                    ) as file_obj:
108                        ret.append(
109                            (
110                                "text_data",
111                                file_obj.read(),
112                            )
113                        )
114            return ret
115        else:
116            return [
117                (
118                    "file_name",
119                    os.path.join(path, f),
120                )
121                for f in files
122            ]
123    # check if path is a string:
124    elif isinstance(path, str):
125        return [
126            (
127                "text_data",
128                path,
129            )
130        ]
131    # check if py2, if so check if path is unicode string:
132    elif _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 2:
133        if isinstance(path, unicode):
134            return [
135                (
136                    "text_data",
137                    path,
138                )
139            ]
140    else:
141        return []
144def load_struct(text_data="", **kwargs):
145    """Method to load structured data from text
146    or from file(s) given in include attribute
147    Args:
148        element (obj): ETree xml tag object
149    Returns:
150        empy {} dict if nothing found, or python dictionary of loaded
151        data from elemnt.text string or from included text files
152    """
153    result = {}
154    loader = kwargs.get("load", "python").lower()
155    include = kwargs.get("include", None)
156    if not text_data and include is None:
157        return None
158    elif text_data is None and include:
159        text_data = ""
160    # dispatcher:
161    loaders = {
162        "ini": load_ini,
163        "python": load_python,
164        "yaml": load_yaml,
165        "json": load_json,
166        "csv": load_csv,
167        "text": load_text,
168    }
169    # run function to load structured data
170    result = loaders[loader](text_data, **kwargs)
171    return result
174def load_text(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
175    return text_data
178def _get_include_data(text_data, include):
179    files = load_files(path=include, extensions=[], filters=[], read=True)
180    for datum in files:
181        text_data += "\n" + datum[1]
182    return text_data
185def load_ini(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
186    if _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 3:
187        import configparser
189        cfgparser = configparser.ConfigParser()
190        # to make cfgparser keep the case, e.g. VlaN222 will not become vlan222:
191        cfgparser.optionxform = str
192        # read from ini files first
193        if include:
194            files = load_files(path=include, extensions=[], filters=[], read=False)
195            for datum in files:
196                try:
197                    cfgparser.read(datum[1])
198                except:
199                    log.error(
200                        "ttp_utils.load_struct: Pythom3, Unable to load ini formatted data\n'{}'".format(
201                            text_data
202                        )
203                    )
204        # read from tag text next to make it more specific:
205        if text_data:
206            try:
207                cfgparser.read_string(text_data)
208            except:
209                log.error(
210                    "ttp_utils.load_struct: Python3, Unable to load ini formatted data\n'{}'".format(
211                        text_data
212                    )
213                )
214        # convert configparser object into dictionary
215        result = {k: dict(cfgparser.items(k)) for k in list(cfgparser.keys())}
216    elif _ttp_["python_major_version"] == 2:
217        import ConfigParser
218        import StringIO  # pylint: disable=import-error
220        cfgparser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
221        # to make cfgparser keep the case, e.g. VlaN222 will not become vlan222:
222        cfgparser.optionxform = str
223        # read from ini files first
224        if include:
225            files = load_files(path=include, extensions=[], filters=[], read=False)
226            for datum in files:
227                try:
228                    cfgparser.read(datum[1])
229                except:
230                    log.error(
231                        "ttp_utils.load_struct: Python2, Unable to load ini formatted data\n'{}'".format(
232                            text_data
233                        )
234                    )
235        # read from tag text next to make it more specific:
236        if text_data:
237            buf_text_data = StringIO.StringIO(text_data)
238            try:
239                cfgparser.readfp(buf_text_data)
240            except:
241                log.error(
242                    "ttp_utils.load_struct: Python2, Unable to load ini formatted data\n'{}'".format(
243                        text_data
244                    )
245                )
246        # convert configparser object into dictionary
247        result = {k: dict(cfgparser.items(k)) for k in list(cfgparser.sections())}
248    if "DEFAULT" in result:
249        if not result["DEFAULT"]:  # delete empty DEFAULT section
250            result.pop("DEFAULT")
251    return result
254def load_python(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
255    data = {}
256    if include:
257        text_data = _get_include_data(text_data, include)
258    if not text_data.strip():
259        return {}
260    try:
261        data = _ttp_["utils"]["load_python_exec"](text_data)
262        return data
263    except SyntaxError as e:
264        log.error(
265            "ttp_utils.load_struct: Unable to load Python formatted data\n'{}'Make sure that correct loader used to load data, error:\n{}".format(
266                text_data, e
267            )
268        )
271def load_yaml(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
272    try:
273        from yaml import safe_load
274    except ModuleNotFoundError:
275        log.error(
276            "loaders.load_yaml: failed to import yaml module, install: 'python -m pip install pyyaml'"
277        )
278    data = {}
279    if include:
280        text_data = _get_include_data(text_data, include)
281    try:
282        data = safe_load(text_data)
283    except:
284        log.error(
285            "ttp_utils.load_struct: Unable to load YAML formatted data\n'{}'".format(
286                text_data
287            )
288        )
289    return data
292def load_json(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
293    from json import loads
295    data = {}
296    if include:
297        text_data = _get_include_data(text_data, include)
298    try:
299        data = loads(text_data)
300        return data
301    except:
302        log.error(
303            "ttp_utils.load_struct: Unable to load JSON formatted data\n'{}'".format(
304                text_data
305            )
306        )
309def load_csv(text_data, include=None, **kwargs):
310    """Method to load csv data and convert it to dictionary
311    using given key-header-column as keys or first column as keys
312    """
313    from csv import reader
315    key = kwargs.get("key", None)
316    data = {}
317    headers = []
318    if include:
319        text_data = _get_include_data(text_data, include)
320    for row in reader(iter(text_data.splitlines())):
321        if not row:
322            continue
323        if not headers:
324            headers = row
325            if not key:
326                key = headers[0]
327            elif key and key not in headers:
328                return data
329            continue
330        temp = {headers[index]: i for index, i in enumerate(row)}
331        data[temp.pop(key)] = temp
332    return data