1escape <- paste0("([0-9a-f]{1,6})(\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?", "|[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]")
2nonascii <- "[^\1-\177]"
3hash_re <- "([_a-z0-9-]|([0-9a-f]{1,6})(\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?|[^\1-\177])"
5TokenMacros <- list(unicode_escape = "\\([0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?",
6                    escape = escape,
7                    string_escape = paste0("\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)|", escape),
8                    nonascii = nonascii,
9                    nmchar = paste0("([_a-z0-9-]|", escape, "|", nonascii, ")"),
10                    nmstart = paste0("[_a-z]|", escape, "|", nonascii))
12Selector <- R6Class("Selector",
13    public = list(
14        parsed_tree = NULL,
15        pseudo_element = NULL,
16        initialize = function(tree, pseudo_element = NULL) {
17            self$parsed_tree <- tree
18            if (!is.null(pseudo_element))
19                self$pseudo_element <- tolower(pseudo_element)
20        },
21        repr = function() {
22            pseudo_el <-
23                if (is.null(self$pseudo_element)) ""
24                else paste0("::", self$pseudo_element)
25            paste0(self$parsed_tree$repr(), pseudo_el)
26        },
27        specificity = function() {
28            specs <- self$parsed_tree$specificity()
29            if (!is.null(self$pseudo_element))
30                specs[3] <- specs[3] + 1
31            specs
32        },
33        show = function() { # nocov start
34            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
35        } # nocov end
36    )
39ClassSelector <- R6Class("ClassSelector",
40    public = list(
41        selector = NULL,
42        class_name = NULL,
43        initialize = function(selector, class_name) {
44            self$selector <- selector
45            self$class_name <- class_name
46        },
47        repr = function() {
48            paste0(
49                first_class_name(self),
50                "[",
51                self$selector$repr(),
52                ".",
53                self$class_name,
54                "]")
55        },
56        specificity = function() {
57            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
58            specs[2] <- specs[2] + 1
59            specs
60        },
61        show = function() { # nocov start
62            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
63        } # nocov end
64    )
67Function <- R6Class("Function",
68    public = list(
69        selector = NULL,
70        name = NULL,
71        arguments = NULL,
72        initialize = function(selector, name, arguments) {
73            self$selector <- selector
74            self$name <- tolower(name)
75            self$arguments <- arguments
76        },
77        repr = function() {
78            token_values <- lapply(self$arguments,
79                function(token) paste0("'", token$value, "'"))
80            token_values <- paste0(unlist(token_values), collapse = ", ")
81            token_values <- paste0("[", token_values, "]")
82            paste0(
83                first_class_name(self),
84                "[",
85                self$selector$repr(),
86                ":",
87                self$name,
88                "(",
89                token_values,
90                ")]")
91        },
92        argument_types = function() {
93            token_types <- lapply(self$arguments, function(token) token$type)
94            unlist(token_types)
95        },
96        specificity = function() {
97            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
98            specs[2] <- specs[2] + 1
99            specs
100        },
101        show = function() { # nocov start
102            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
103        } # nocov end
104    )
107Pseudo <- R6Class("Pseudo",
108    public = list(
109        selector = NULL,
110        ident = NULL,
111        initialize = function(selector, ident) {
112            self$selector <- selector
113            self$ident <- tolower(ident)
114        },
115        repr = function() {
116            paste0(
117                first_class_name(self),
118                "[",
119                self$selector$repr(),
120                ":",
121                self$ident,
122                "]")
123        },
124        specificity = function() {
125            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
126            specs[2] <- specs[2] + 1
127            specs
128        },
129        show = function() { # nocov start
130            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
131        } # nocov end
132    )
135Negation <- R6Class("Negation",
136    public = list(
137        selector = NULL,
138        subselector = NULL,
139        initialize = function(selector, subselector) {
140            self$selector <- selector
141            self$subselector <- subselector
142        },
143        repr = function() {
144            paste0(
145                first_class_name(self),
146                "[",
147                self$selector$repr(),
148                ":not(",
149                self$subselector$repr(),
150                ")]")
151        },
152        specificity = function() {
153            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
154            sub_specs <- self$subselector$specificity()
155            specs + sub_specs
156        },
157        show = function() { # nocov start
158            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
159        } # nocov end
160    )
163Attrib <- R6Class("Attrib",
164    public = list(
165        selector = NULL,
166        namespace = NULL,
167        attrib = NULL,
168        operator = NULL,
169        value = NULL,
170        initialize = function(selector, namespace, attrib, operator, value) {
171            self$selector <- selector
172            self$namespace <- namespace
173            self$attrib <- attrib
174            self$operator <- operator
175            self$value <- value
176        },
177        repr = function() {
178            attr <-
179                if (!is.null(self$namespace))
180                    paste0(self$namespace, "|", self$attrib)
181                else
182                    self$attrib
183            if (self$operator == "exists")
184                paste0(
185                    first_class_name(self),
186                    "[",
187                    self$selector$repr(),
188                    "[",
189                    attr,
190                    "]]")
191            else
192                paste0(
193                    first_class_name(self),
194                    "[",
195                    self$selector$repr(),
196                    "[",
197                    attr,
198                    " ",
199                    self$operator,
200                    " '",
201                    self$value,
202                    "']]")
203        },
204        specificity = function() {
205            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
206            specs[2] <- specs[2] + 1
207            specs
208        },
209        show = function() { # nocov start
210            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
211        } # nocov end
212    )
215Element <- R6Class("Element",
216    public = list(
217        namespace = NULL,
218        element = NULL,
219        initialize = function(namespace = NULL, element = NULL) {
220            self$namespace <- namespace
221            self$element <- element
222        },
223        repr = function() {
224            el <-
225                if (!is.null(self$element)) self$element
226                else "*"
227            if (!is.null(self$namespace))
228                el <- paste0(self$namespace, "|", el)
229            paste0(first_class_name(self), "[", el, "]")
230        },
231        specificity = function() {
232            if (!is.null(self$element)) c(0, 0, 1)
233            else rep(0, 3)
234        },
235        show = function() { # nocov start
236            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
237        } # nocov end
238    )
241Hash <- R6Class("Hash",
242    public = list(
243        selector = NULL,
244        id = NULL,
245        initialize = function(selector, id) {
246            self$selector <- selector
247            self$id <- id
248        },
249        repr = function() {
250            paste0(
251                first_class_name(self),
252                "[",
253                self$selector$repr(),
254                "#",
255                self$id,
256                "]")
257        },
258        specificity = function() {
259            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
260            specs[1] <- specs[1] + 1
261            specs
262        },
263        show = function() { # nocov start
264            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
265        } # nocov end
266    )
269CombinedSelector <- R6Class("CombinedSelector",
270    public = list(
271        selector = NULL,
272        combinator = NULL,
273        subselector = NULL,
274        initialize = function(selector, combinator, subselector) {
275            if (is.null(selector))
276                stop("'selector' cannot be NULL")
277            self$selector <- selector
278            self$combinator <- combinator
279            self$subselector <- subselector
280        },
281        repr = function() {
282            comb <-
283                if (self$combinator == " ") "<followed>"
284                else self$combinator
285            paste0(
286                first_class_name(self),
287                "[",
288                self$selector$repr(),
289                " ",
290                comb,
291                " ",
292                self$subselector$repr(),
293                "]")
294        },
295        specificity = function() {
296            specs <- self$selector$specificity()
297            sub_specs <- self$subselector$specificity()
298            specs + sub_specs
299        },
300        show = function() { # nocov start
301            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
302        } # nocov end
303    )
306#### Parser
308# foo
309el_re <- '^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$'
311# foo#bar or #bar
312id_re <- '^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$'
314# foo.bar or .bar
315class_re <- '^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)\\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ \t\r\n\f]*$'
317parse <- function(css) {
318    nc <- nchar(css)
319    el_match <- str_match(css, el_re)[1, 2]
320    if (!is.na(el_match))
321        return(list(Selector$new(Element$new(element = el_match))))
322    id_match <- str_match(css, id_re)[1, 2:3]
323    if (!is.na(id_match[2]))
324        return(list(Selector$new(
325                        Hash$new(
326                            Element$new(
327                                element =
328                                    if (nzchar(id_match[1]) == 0) NULL
329                                    else id_match[1]),
330                            id_match[2]))))
331    class_match <- str_match(css, class_re)[1, 2:3]
332    if (!is.na(class_match[3]))
333        return(list(Selector$new(
334                        ClassSelector$new(
335                            Element$new(
336                                element =
337                                    if (is.na(class_match[2])) NULL
338                                    else class_match[2]),
339                            class_match[3]))))
340    stream <- TokenStream$new(tokenize(css))
341    stream$source_text <- css
342    parse_selector_group(stream)
345parse_selector_group <- function(stream) {
346    stream$skip_whitespace()
347    i <- 1
348    results <- list()
349    while (TRUE) {
350        parsed_selector <- parse_selector(stream)
351        results[[i]] <- Selector$new(parsed_selector$result,
352                                     parsed_selector$pseudo_element)
353        i <- i + 1
354        if (token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", ",")) {
355            stream$nxt()
356            stream$skip_whitespace()
357        } else {
358            break
359        }
360    }
361    results
364token_equality <- function(token, t, val) {
365    if (token$type != t)
366       return(FALSE)
367    # val can be NULL or (maybe) NA
368    if (is.null(val) && is.null(token$value))
369        return(TRUE)
370    if (is.na(val) && is.na(token$value))
371        return(TRUE)
372    # Should be OK with regular equality
373    token$value == val
376parse_selector <- function(stream) {
377    results <- parse_simple_selector(stream)
378    result <- results$result
379    pseudo_element <- results$pseudo_element
381    while (TRUE) {
382        stream$skip_whitespace()
383        peek <- stream$peek()
384        if (token_equality(peek, "EOF", NULL) ||
385            token_equality(peek, "DELIM", ",")) {
386            break
387        }
388        if (!is.null(pseudo_element) && nzchar(pseudo_element)) {
389          stop("Got pseudo-element ::",
390               pseudo_element,
391               " not at the end of a selector")
392        }
393        if (peek$is_delim(c("+", ">", "~"))) {
394            # A combinator
395            combinator <- stream$nxt()$value
396            stream$skip_whitespace()
397        } else {
398            # By exclusion, the last parse_simple_selector() ended
399            # at peek == ' '
400            combinator <- ' '
401        }
402        stuff <- parse_simple_selector(stream)
403        pseudo_element <- stuff$pseudo_element
404        result <- CombinedSelector$new(result, combinator, stuff$result)
405    }
406    list(result = result, pseudo_element = pseudo_element)
409parse_simple_selector <- function(stream, inside_negation = FALSE) {
410    stream$skip_whitespace()
411    selector_start <- length(stream$used)
412    peek <- stream$peek()
413    if (peek$type == "IDENT" || token_equality(peek, "DELIM", "*")) {
414        if (peek$type == "IDENT") {
415            namespace <- stream$nxt()$value
416        } else {
417            stream$nxt()
418            namespace <- NULL
419        }
420        if (token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", "|")) {
421            stream$nxt()
422            element <- stream$next_ident_or_star()
423        } else {
424            element <- namespace
425            namespace <- NULL
426        }
427    } else {
428        element <- namespace <- NULL
429    }
430    result <- Element$new(namespace, element)
431    pseudo_element <- NULL
432    while (TRUE) {
433        peek <- stream$peek()
434        if (any(peek$type == c("S", "EOF")) ||
435            peek$is_delim(c(",", "+", ">", "~")) ||
436            (inside_negation && token_equality(peek, "DELIM", ")"))) {
437            break
438        }
439        if (!is.null(pseudo_element)) {
440            stop("Got pseudo-element ::",
441                 pseudo_element,
442                 " not at the end of a selector")
443        }
444        if (peek$type == "HASH") {
445            result <- Hash$new(result, stream$nxt()$value)
446        } else if (token_equality(peek, "DELIM", ".")) {
447            stream$nxt()
448            result <- ClassSelector$new(result, stream$next_ident())
449        } else if (token_equality(peek, "DELIM", "|")) {
450            stream$nxt()
451            result <- Element$new(element = stream$next_ident())
452        } else if (token_equality(peek, "DELIM", "[")) {
453            stream$nxt()
454            result <- parse_attrib(result, stream)
455        } else if (token_equality(peek, "DELIM", ":") ||
456                   token_equality(peek, "DELIM", "::")) {
457            if (token_equality(peek, "DELIM", "::")) {
458                stream$nxt()
459                pseudo_element <- stream$next_ident()
460                next
461            } else {
462                stream$nxt()
463            }
464            ident <- stream$next_ident()
465            if (tolower(ident) %in% c(
466                "first-line", "first-letter", "before", "after")) {
467                # Special case: CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements can have a single ':'
468                # Any new pseudo-element must have two.
469                pseudo_element <- ident
470                next
471            }
472            if (!token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", "(")) {
473                result <- Pseudo$new(result, ident)
474                next
475            }
476            stream$nxt()
477            stream$skip_whitespace()
478            if (tolower(ident) == "not") {
479                if (inside_negation) {
480                    stop("Got nested :not()")
481                }
482                res <- parse_simple_selector(stream, inside_negation = TRUE)
483                argument <- res$result
484                argument_pseudo_element <- res$pseudo_element
485                stream$skip_whitespace()
486                nt <- stream$nxt()
487                if (length(argument_pseudo_element) &&
488                    nzchar(argument_pseudo_element)) {
489                    stop("Got pseudo-element ::",
490                         argument_pseudo_element,
491                         " inside :not() at ",
492                         nt$pos)
493                }
494                if (!token_equality(nt, "DELIM", ")")) {
495                    stop("Expected ')', got ", nt$value)
496                }
497                result <- Negation$new(result, argument)
498            } else {
499                arguments <- list()
500                i <- 1
501                while (TRUE) {
502                    nt <- stream$nxt()
503                    if (nt$type %in% c("IDENT", "STRING", "NUMBER") ||
504                        (token_equality(nt ,"DELIM", "+") ||
505                         token_equality(nt, "DELIM", "-"))) {
506                        arguments[[i]] <- nt
507                        i <- i + 1
508                    } else if (nt$type == "S") {
509                        next
510                    } else if (token_equality(nt, "DELIM", ")")) {
511                        break
512                    } else {
513                        stop("Expected an argument, got ", nt$repr())
514                    }
515                }
516                if (length(arguments) == 0) {
517                    stop("Expected at least one argument, got ", nt$repr())
518                }
519                result <- Function$new(result, ident, arguments)
520            }
521        } else {
522            stop("Expected selector, got ", stream$peek()$repr())
523        }
524    }
525    if (length(stream$used) == selector_start) {
526        stop("Expected selector, got ", stream$peek()$repr())
527    }
528    list(result = result, pseudo_element = pseudo_element)
531parse_attrib <- function(selector, stream) {
532    stream$skip_whitespace()
533    attrib <- stream$next_ident_or_star()
534    if (is.null(attrib) && !token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", "|"))
535        stop("Expected '|', got ", stream$peek()$repr())
536    if (token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", "|")) {
537        stream$nxt()
538        namespace <- attrib
539        attrib <- stream$next_ident()
540        op <- NULL
541    } else if (token_equality(stream$peek(), "DELIM", "|=")) {
542        namespace <- NULL
543        stream$nxt()
544        op <- "|="
545    } else {
546        namespace <- op <- NULL
547    }
548    if (is.null(op)) {
549        stream$skip_whitespace()
550        nt <- stream$nxt()
551        if (token_equality(nt, "DELIM", "]")) {
552            return(Attrib$new(selector, namespace, attrib, "exists", NULL))
553        } else if (token_equality(nt, "DELIM", "=")) {
554            op <- "="
555        } else if (nt$is_delim(c("^=", "$=", "*=", "~=", "|=", "!="))) {
556            op <- nt$value
557        } else {
558            stop("Operator expected, got ", nt$repr())
559        }
560    }
561    stream$skip_whitespace()
562    value <- stream$nxt()
563    if (!value$type %in% c("IDENT", "STRING")) {
564        stop("Expected string or ident, got ", value$repr())
565    }
566    stream$skip_whitespace()
567    nt <- stream$nxt()
568    if (!token_equality(nt, "DELIM", "]")) {
569        stop("Expected ']', got ", nt$repr())
570    }
571    Attrib$new(selector, namespace, attrib, op, value$value)
574str_int <- function(s) {
575    suppressWarnings(as.integer(s))
578parse_series <- function(tokens) {
579    for (token in tokens) {
580        if (token$type == "STRING")
581            stop("String tokens not allowed in series.")
582    }
583    s <- paste0(sapply(tokens, function(x) x$value), collapse = "")
584    if (s == "odd")
585        return(2:1)
586    else if (s == "even")
587        return(c(2, 0))
588    else if (s == "n")
589        return(1:0)
590    if (is.na(str_locate(s, "n")[1, 1])) {
591        result <- str_int(s)
592        if (is.na(result)) {
593            return(NULL)
594        } else {
595            return(c(0, result))
596        }
597    }
598    ab <- str_split_fixed(s, "n", 2)[1,]
599    a <- str_trim(ab[1])
600    b <- str_trim(ab[2])
602    intb <- str_int(b)
603    if (!nzchar(a) && is.na(intb))
604        return(NULL)
606    if (!nzchar(a))
607        a <- 1
608    else if (a == "-" || a == "+")
609        a <- str_int(paste0(a, "1"))
610    else
611        a <- str_int(a)
612    if (!nzchar(b))
613        b <- 0
614    else
615        b <- str_int(b)
616    c(a, b)
619Token <- R6Class("Token",
620    public = list(
621        type = "",
622        value = NULL,
623        pos = 1,
624        initialize = function(type = "", value = NULL, pos = 1) {
625            self$type <- type
626            self$value <- value
627            self$pos <- pos
628        },
629        repr = function() {
630            paste0("<", self$type, " '", self$value, "' at ", self$pos, ">")
631        },
632        is_delim = function(values) {
633            self$type == "DELIM" && self$value %in% values
634        },
635        show = function() { # nocov start
636            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
637        } # nocov end
638    )
641EOFToken <- R6Class("EOFToken",
642    inherit = Token,
643    public = list(
644        initialize = function(pos = 1, type = "EOF", value = NULL) {
645            super$initialize(type, value, pos)
646        },
647        repr = function() {
648            paste0("<", self$type, " at ", self$pos, ">")
649        },
650        show = function() { # nocov start
651            cat(self$repr(), "\n")
652        } # nocov end
653    ))
655compile_ <- function(pattern) {
656    function(x) {
657        str_locate(x, pattern)[1, ]
658    }
661delims_2ch <- c('~=', '|=', '^=', '$=', '*=', '::', '!=')
662delims_1ch <- c('>', '+', '~', ',', '.', '*', '=', '[', ']', '(', ')', '|', ':', '#')
663delim_escapes <- paste0("\\", delims_1ch, collapse = "|")
664match_whitespace <- compile_('[ \t\r\n\f]+')
665match_number <- compile_('[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)')
666match_hash <- compile_(paste0("^#([_a-zA-Z0-9-]|", nonascii, "|\\\\(?:", delim_escapes, "))+"))
667match_ident <- compile_(paste0("^([_a-zA-Z0-9-]|", nonascii, "|\\\\(?:", delim_escapes, "))+"))
668match_string_by_quote <- list("'" = compile_(paste0("([^\n\r\f\\']|", TokenMacros$string_escape, ")*")),
669                              '"' = compile_(paste0('([^\n\r\f\\"]|', TokenMacros$string_escape, ")*")))
671# Substitution for escaped chars
672sub_simple_escape <- function(x) gsub('\\\\(.)', "\\1", x)
673sub_unicode_escape <- function(x) gsub(TokenMacros$unicode_escape, "\\1", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
674sub_newline_escape <- function(x) gsub('\\\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)', "", x)
676tokenize <- function(s) {
677    pos <- 1
678    i <- 1
679    len_s <- nchar(s)
680    results <- list()
681    while (pos <= len_s) {
682        ss <- substring(s, pos, len_s)
683        match <- match_whitespace(ss)
684        if (!anyNA(match) && match[1] == 1) {
685            results[[i]] <- Token$new("S", " ", pos)
686            match_end <- match[2]
687            pos <- pos + match_end
688            i <- i + 1
689            next
690        }
691        match <- match_number(ss)
692        if (!anyNA(match) && match[1] == 1) {
693            match_start <- match[1]
694            match_end <- max(match[1], match[2])
695            value <- substring(ss, match_start, match_end)
696            results[[i]] <- Token$new("NUMBER", value, pos)
697            pos <- pos + match_end
698            i <- i + 1
699            next
700        }
701        match <- match_ident(ss)
702        if (!anyNA(match) && match[1] == 1) {
703            match_start <- match[1]
704            match_end <- max(match[1], match[2])
705            value <- substring(ss, match_start, match_end)
706            value <- sub_simple_escape(sub_unicode_escape(value))
707            results[[i]] <- Token$new("IDENT", value, pos)
708            pos <- pos + match_end
709            i <- i + 1
710            next
711        }
712        match <- match_hash(ss)
713        if (!anyNA(match) && match[1] == 1) {
714            match_start <- match[1]
715            match_end <- max(match[1], match[2])
716            value <- substring(ss, match_start, match_end)
717            value <- sub_simple_escape(sub_unicode_escape(value))
718            hash_id <- substring(value, 2)
719            results[[i]] <- Token$new("HASH", hash_id, pos)
720            pos <- pos + match_end
721            i <- i + 1
722            next
723        }
724        # Testing presence of two char delims
725        nc_inds <- seq_len(nchar(ss))
726        if (length(nc_inds) %% 2 == 1)
727            nc_inds <- c(nc_inds, length(nc_inds) + 1)
728        split_ss_2ch <- substring(ss, nc_inds[(nc_inds %% 2) == 1],
729                                      nc_inds[(nc_inds %% 2) == 0])
730        delim_inds_2ch <- which(split_ss_2ch %in% delims_2ch)
731        if (length(delim_inds_2ch) && delim_inds_2ch[1] == 1) {
732            # We have a 2ch delim
733            results[[i]] <- Token$new("DELIM", split_ss_2ch[1], pos)
734            pos <- pos + 2
735            i <- i + 1
736            next
737        }
739        # Testing presence of single char delims
740        split_ss_1ch <- substring(ss, nc_inds, nc_inds)
741        delim_inds_1ch <- which(split_ss_1ch %in% delims_1ch)
742        if (length(delim_inds_1ch) && delim_inds_1ch[1] == 1) {
743            # We have a single char delim
744            results[[i]] <- Token$new("DELIM", split_ss_1ch[1], pos)
745            pos <- pos + 1
746            i <- i + 1
747            next
748        }
749        quote <- substring(s, pos, pos)
750        if (quote %in% c("'", '"')) {
751            ncs <- nchar(s)
752            split_chars <- substring(s, (pos + 1):ncs, (pos + 1):ncs)
753            matching_quotes <- which(split_chars == quote)
754            is_escaped <- logical(length(matching_quotes))
755            if (length(matching_quotes)) {
756                for (j in seq_along(matching_quotes)) {
757                    end_quote <- matching_quotes[j]
758                    if (end_quote > 1) {
759                        is_escaped[j] <- split_chars[end_quote - 1] == "\\"
760                    }
761                }
762                if (all(is_escaped)) {
763                    stop("Unclosed string at ", pos)
764                }
765                end_quote <- matching_quotes[min(which(!is_escaped))]
766                value <- substring(s, pos + 1, pos + end_quote - 1)
767                value <- sub_simple_escape(
768                             sub_unicode_escape(
769                                 sub_newline_escape(value)))
770                results[[i]] <- Token$new("STRING", value, pos)
771                pos <- pos + end_quote + 1 # one for each quote char
772                i <- i + 1
773            } else {
774                stop("Unclosed string at ", pos)
775            }
776        }
777        # Remove comments
778        pos1 <- pos + 1
779        if (substring(s, pos, pos1) == "/*") {
780            rel_pos <- str_locate(ss, "\\*/")[1]
781            pos <-
782                if (is.na(rel_pos)) {
783                    len_s + 1
784                } else {
785                    pos + rel_pos + 1
786                }
787            next
788        }
789        # Because we always call 'next', if we're here there must have
790        # been an error
791        tmp <- substring(ss, 1, 1)
792        if (!tmp %in% c(delims_1ch, '"', "'")) {
793            stop("Unexpected character '",
794                 tmp,
795                 "' found at position ",
796                 pos)
797        }
798    }
799    results[[i]] <- EOFToken$new(pos)
800    results
803TokenStream <- R6Class("TokenStream",
804    public = list(
805        pos = 1,
806        tokens = NULL,
807        ntokens = 0,
808        used = list(),
809        source_text = NULL,
810        peeked = list(),
811        peeking = FALSE,
812        initialize = function(tokens, source_text = NULL) {
813            self$tokens <- tokens
814            self$ntokens <- length(tokens)
815            self$source_text <- source_text
816        },
817        nxt = function() {
818            if (self$peeking) {
819                self$peeking <- FALSE
820                self$used[[self$pos]] <- self$peeked
821                self$peeked
822            } else {
823                nt <- self$next_token()
824                self$used[[self$pos]] <- nt
825                nt
826            }
827        },
828        next_token = function() {
829            nt <- self$tokens[[self$pos]]
830            self$pos <- self$pos + 1
831            nt
832        },
833        peek = function() {
834            if (!self$peeking) {
835                self$peeked <- self$next_token()
836                self$peeking <- TRUE
837            }
838            self$peeked
839        },
840        next_ident = function() {
841            nt <- self$nxt()
842            if (nt$type != "IDENT")
843                stop("Expected ident, got ", nt$repr())
844            nt$value
845        },
846        next_ident_or_star = function() {
847            nt <- self$nxt()
848            if (nt$type == "IDENT")
849                nt$value
850            else if (token_equality(nt, "DELIM", "*"))
851                NULL
852            else
853                stop("Expected ident or '*', got ", nt$repr())
854        },
855        skip_whitespace = function() {
856            peek <- self$peek()
857            if (peek$type == "S")
858                self$nxt()
859        }
860    )