1 // Copyright 2015 The Servo Project Developers. See the
2 // COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
5 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
6 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
7 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
8 // except according to those terms.
10 //! 3.3.4 - 3.3.6. Resolve implicit levels and types.
12 use std::cmp::max;
14 use super::char_data::BidiClass;
15 use super::prepare::{IsolatingRunSequence, LevelRun, not_removed_by_x9, removed_by_x9};
16 use super::level::Level;
18 use BidiClass::*;
20 /// 3.3.4 Resolving Weak Types
21 ///
22 /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Resolving_Weak_Types>
23 #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flame)]
resolve_weak(sequence: &IsolatingRunSequence, processing_classes: &mut [BidiClass])24 pub fn resolve_weak(sequence: &IsolatingRunSequence, processing_classes: &mut [BidiClass]) {
25     // FIXME (#8): This function applies steps W1-W6 in a single pass.  This can produce
26     // incorrect results in cases where a "later" rule changes the value of `prev_class` seen
27     // by an "earlier" rule.  We should either split this into separate passes, or preserve
28     // extra state so each rule can see the correct previous class.
30     // FIXME: Also, this could be the cause of increased failure for using longer-UTF-8 chars in
31     // conformance tests, like BidiTest:69635 (AL ET EN)
33     let mut prev_class = sequence.sos;
34     let mut last_strong_is_al = false;
35     let mut et_run_indices = Vec::new(); // for W5
37     // Like sequence.runs.iter().flat_map(Clone::clone), but make indices itself clonable.
38     fn id(x: LevelRun) -> LevelRun {
39         x
40     }
41     let mut indices = sequence.runs.iter().cloned().flat_map(
42         id as fn(LevelRun) -> LevelRun,
43     );
45     while let Some(i) = indices.next() {
46         match processing_classes[i] {
47             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#W1>
48             NSM => {
49                 processing_classes[i] = match prev_class {
50                     RLI | LRI | FSI | PDI => ON,
51                     _ => prev_class,
52                 };
53             }
54             EN => {
55                 if last_strong_is_al {
56                     // W2. If previous strong char was AL, change EN to AN.
57                     processing_classes[i] = AN;
58                 } else {
59                     // W5. If a run of ETs is adjacent to an EN, change the ETs to EN.
60                     for j in &et_run_indices {
61                         processing_classes[*j] = EN;
62                     }
63                     et_run_indices.clear();
64                 }
65             }
66             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#W3>
67             AL => processing_classes[i] = R,
69             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#W4>
70             ES | CS => {
71                 let next_class = indices
72                     .clone()
73                     .map(|j| processing_classes[j])
74                     .find(not_removed_by_x9)
75                     .unwrap_or(sequence.eos);
76                 processing_classes[i] = match (prev_class, processing_classes[i], next_class) {
77                     (EN, ES, EN) | (EN, CS, EN) => EN,
78                     (AN, CS, AN) => AN,
79                     (_, _, _) => ON,
80                 }
81             }
82             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#W5>
83             ET => {
84                 match prev_class {
85                     EN => processing_classes[i] = EN,
86                     _ => et_run_indices.push(i), // In case this is followed by an EN.
87                 }
88             }
89             class => {
90                 if removed_by_x9(class) {
91                     continue;
92                 }
93             }
94         }
96         prev_class = processing_classes[i];
97         match prev_class {
98             L | R => {
99                 last_strong_is_al = false;
100             }
101             AL => {
102                 last_strong_is_al = true;
103             }
104             _ => {}
105         }
106         if prev_class != ET {
107             // W6. If we didn't find an adjacent EN, turn any ETs into ON instead.
108             for j in &et_run_indices {
109                 processing_classes[*j] = ON;
110             }
111             et_run_indices.clear();
112         }
113     }
115     // W7. If the previous strong char was L, change EN to L.
116     let mut last_strong_is_l = sequence.sos == L;
117     for run in &sequence.runs {
118         for i in run.clone() {
119             match processing_classes[i] {
120                 EN if last_strong_is_l => {
121                     processing_classes[i] = L;
122                 }
123                 L => {
124                     last_strong_is_l = true;
125                 }
126                 R | AL => {
127                     last_strong_is_l = false;
128                 }
129                 _ => {}
130             }
131         }
132     }
133 }
135 /// 3.3.5 Resolving Neutral Types
136 ///
137 /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Resolving_Neutral_Types>
138 #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flame)]
resolve_neutral( sequence: &IsolatingRunSequence, levels: &[Level], processing_classes: &mut [BidiClass], )139 pub fn resolve_neutral(
140     sequence: &IsolatingRunSequence,
141     levels: &[Level],
142     processing_classes: &mut [BidiClass],
143 ) {
144     let e: BidiClass = levels[sequence.runs[0].start].bidi_class();
145     let mut indices = sequence.runs.iter().flat_map(Clone::clone);
146     let mut prev_class = sequence.sos;
148     while let Some(mut i) = indices.next() {
149         // N0. Process bracket pairs.
150         // TODO
152         // Process sequences of NI characters.
153         let mut ni_run = Vec::new();
154         if is_NI(processing_classes[i]) {
155             // Consume a run of consecutive NI characters.
156             ni_run.push(i);
157             let mut next_class;
158             loop {
159                 match indices.next() {
160                     Some(j) => {
161                         i = j;
162                         if removed_by_x9(processing_classes[i]) {
163                             continue;
164                         }
165                         next_class = processing_classes[j];
166                         if is_NI(next_class) {
167                             ni_run.push(i);
168                         } else {
169                             break;
170                         }
171                     }
172                     None => {
173                         next_class = sequence.eos;
174                         break;
175                     }
176                 };
177             }
179             // N1-N2.
180             //
181             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#N1>
182             // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#N2>
183             let new_class = match (prev_class, next_class) {
184                 (L, L) => L,
185                 (R, R) | (R, AN) | (R, EN) | (AN, R) | (AN, AN) | (AN, EN) | (EN, R) |
186                 (EN, AN) | (EN, EN) => R,
187                 (_, _) => e,
188             };
189             for j in &ni_run {
190                 processing_classes[*j] = new_class;
191             }
192             ni_run.clear();
193         }
194         prev_class = processing_classes[i];
195     }
196 }
198 /// 3.3.6 Resolving Implicit Levels
199 ///
200 /// Returns the maximum embedding level in the paragraph.
201 ///
202 /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Resolving_Implicit_Levels>
203 #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flame)]
resolve_levels(original_classes: &[BidiClass], levels: &mut [Level]) -> Level204 pub fn resolve_levels(original_classes: &[BidiClass], levels: &mut [Level]) -> Level {
205     let mut max_level = Level::ltr();
207     assert_eq!(original_classes.len(), levels.len());
208     for i in 0..levels.len() {
209         match (levels[i].is_rtl(), original_classes[i]) {
210             (false, AN) | (false, EN) => levels[i].raise(2).expect("Level number error"),
211             (false, R) | (true, L) | (true, EN) | (true, AN) => {
212                 levels[i].raise(1).expect("Level number error")
213             }
214             (_, _) => {}
215         }
216         max_level = max(max_level, levels[i]);
217     }
219     max_level
220 }
222 /// Neutral or Isolate formatting character (B, S, WS, ON, FSI, LRI, RLI, PDI)
223 ///
224 /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#NI>
225 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
is_NI(class: BidiClass) -> bool226 fn is_NI(class: BidiClass) -> bool {
227     matches!(class, B | S | WS | ON | FSI | LRI | RLI | PDI)
228 }