1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7import argparse
8from collections import defaultdict
9import logging
10import os
11import re
12import shutil
13import sys
14import tempfile
15import zipfile
17import dex
18import dex_jdk_libs
19from util import build_utils
20from util import diff_utils
23    (21, 'L'),
24    (22, 'LolliopoMR1'),
25    (23, 'M'),
26    (24, 'N'),
27    (25, 'NMR1'),
28    (26, 'O'),
29    (27, 'OMR1'),
30    (28, 'P'),
31    (29, 'Q'),
32    (30, 'R'),
36def _ParseOptions():
37  args = build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(sys.argv[1:])
38  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
39  build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser)
40  parser.add_argument('--r8-path',
41                      required=True,
42                      help='Path to the R8.jar to use.')
43  parser.add_argument(
44      '--desugar-jdk-libs-json', help='Path to desugar_jdk_libs.json.')
45  parser.add_argument('--input-paths',
46                      action='append',
47                      required=True,
48                      help='GN-list of .jar files to optimize.')
49  parser.add_argument('--desugar-jdk-libs-jar',
50                      help='Path to desugar_jdk_libs.jar.')
51  parser.add_argument('--desugar-jdk-libs-configuration-jar',
52                      help='Path to desugar_jdk_libs_configuration.jar.')
53  parser.add_argument('--output-path', help='Path to the generated .jar file.')
54  parser.add_argument(
55      '--proguard-configs',
56      action='append',
57      required=True,
58      help='GN-list of configuration files.')
59  parser.add_argument(
60      '--apply-mapping', help='Path to ProGuard mapping to apply.')
61  parser.add_argument(
62      '--mapping-output',
63      required=True,
64      help='Path for ProGuard to output mapping file to.')
65  parser.add_argument(
66      '--extra-mapping-output-paths',
67      help='GN-list of additional paths to copy output mapping file to.')
68  parser.add_argument(
69      '--classpath',
70      action='append',
71      help='GN-list of .jar files to include as libraries.')
72  parser.add_argument(
73      '--main-dex-rules-path',
74      action='append',
75      help='Path to main dex rules for multidex'
76      '- only works with R8.')
77  parser.add_argument(
78      '--min-api', help='Minimum Android API level compatibility.')
79  parser.add_argument(
80      '--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Print all ProGuard output')
81  parser.add_argument(
82      '--repackage-classes', help='Package all optimized classes are put in.')
83  parser.add_argument(
84      '--disable-outlining',
85      action='store_true',
86      help='Disable the outlining optimization provided by R8.')
87  parser.add_argument(
88    '--disable-checks',
89    action='store_true',
90    help='Disable -checkdiscard directives and missing symbols check')
91  parser.add_argument('--sourcefile', help='Value for source file attribute')
92  parser.add_argument(
93      '--force-enable-assertions',
94      action='store_true',
95      help='Forcefully enable javac generated assertion code.')
96  parser.add_argument(
97      '--feature-jars',
98      action='append',
99      help='GN list of path to jars which comprise the corresponding feature.')
100  parser.add_argument(
101      '--dex-dest',
102      action='append',
103      dest='dex_dests',
104      help='Destination for dex file of the corresponding feature.')
105  parser.add_argument(
106      '--feature-name',
107      action='append',
108      dest='feature_names',
109      help='The name of the feature module.')
110  parser.add_argument(
111      '--uses-split',
112      action='append',
113      help='List of name pairs separated by : mapping a feature module to a '
114      'dependent feature module.')
115  parser.add_argument('--warnings-as-errors',
116                      action='store_true',
117                      help='Treat all warnings as errors.')
118  parser.add_argument('--show-desugar-default-interface-warnings',
119                      action='store_true',
120                      help='Enable desugaring warnings.')
121  parser.add_argument(
122      '--stamp',
123      help='File to touch upon success. Mutually exclusive with --output-path')
124  parser.add_argument('--desugared-library-keep-rule-output',
125                      help='Path to desugared library keep rule output file.')
127  diff_utils.AddCommandLineFlags(parser)
128  options = parser.parse_args(args)
130  if options.feature_names:
131    if options.output_path:
132      parser.error('Feature splits cannot specify an output in GN.')
133    if not options.actual_file and not options.stamp:
134      parser.error('Feature splits require a stamp file as output.')
135  elif not options.output_path:
136    parser.error('Output path required when feature splits aren\'t used')
138  options.classpath = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.classpath)
139  options.proguard_configs = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.proguard_configs)
140  options.input_paths = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.input_paths)
141  options.extra_mapping_output_paths = build_utils.ParseGnList(
142      options.extra_mapping_output_paths)
144  if options.feature_names:
145    if 'base' not in options.feature_names:
146      parser.error('"base" feature required when feature arguments are used.')
147    if len(options.feature_names) != len(options.feature_jars) or len(
148        options.feature_names) != len(options.dex_dests):
149      parser.error('Invalid feature argument lengths.')
151    options.feature_jars = [
152        build_utils.ParseGnList(x) for x in options.feature_jars
153    ]
155  split_map = {}
156  if options.uses_split:
157    for split_pair in options.uses_split:
158      child, parent = split_pair.split(':')
159      for name in (child, parent):
160        if name not in options.feature_names:
161          parser.error('"%s" referenced in --uses-split not present.' % name)
162      split_map[child] = parent
163  options.uses_split = split_map
165  return options
168class _DexPathContext(object):
169  def __init__(self, name, output_path, input_jars, work_dir):
170    self.name = name
171    self.input_paths = input_jars
172    self._final_output_path = output_path
173    self.staging_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, name)
174    os.mkdir(self.staging_dir)
176  def CreateOutput(self, has_imported_lib=False, keep_rule_output=None):
177    found_files = build_utils.FindInDirectory(self.staging_dir)
178    if not found_files:
179      raise Exception('Missing dex outputs in {}'.format(self.staging_dir))
181    if self._final_output_path.endswith('.dex'):
182      if has_imported_lib:
183        raise Exception(
184            'Trying to create a single .dex file, but a dependency requires '
185            'JDK Library Desugaring (which necessitates a second file).'
186            'Refer to %s to see what desugaring was required' %
187            keep_rule_output)
188      if len(found_files) != 1:
189        raise Exception('Expected exactly 1 dex file output, found: {}'.format(
190            '\t'.join(found_files)))
191      shutil.move(found_files[0], self._final_output_path)
192      return
194    # Add to .jar using Python rather than having R8 output to a .zip directly
195    # in order to disable compression of the .jar, saving ~500ms.
196    tmp_jar_output = self.staging_dir + '.jar'
197    build_utils.DoZip(found_files, tmp_jar_output, base_dir=self.staging_dir)
198    shutil.move(tmp_jar_output, self._final_output_path)
201def _OptimizeWithR8(options,
202                    config_paths,
203                    libraries,
204                    dynamic_config_data,
205                    print_stdout=False):
206  with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp_dir:
207    if dynamic_config_data:
208      tmp_config_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'proguard_config.txt')
209      with open(tmp_config_path, 'w') as f:
210        f.write(dynamic_config_data)
211      config_paths = config_paths + [tmp_config_path]
213    tmp_mapping_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'mapping.txt')
214    # If there is no output (no classes are kept), this prevents this script
215    # from failing.
216    build_utils.Touch(tmp_mapping_path)
218    tmp_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'r8out')
219    os.mkdir(tmp_output)
221    feature_contexts = []
222    if options.feature_names:
223      for name, dest_dex, input_paths in zip(
224          options.feature_names, options.dex_dests, options.feature_jars):
225        feature_context = _DexPathContext(name, dest_dex, input_paths,
226                                          tmp_output)
227        if name == 'base':
228          base_dex_context = feature_context
229        else:
230          feature_contexts.append(feature_context)
231    else:
232      base_dex_context = _DexPathContext('base', options.output_path,
233                                         options.input_paths, tmp_output)
235    cmd = build_utils.JavaCmd(options.warnings_as_errors) + [
236        '-Dcom.android.tools.r8.allowTestProguardOptions=1',
237        '-Dcom.android.tools.r8.verticalClassMerging=1',
238    ]
239    if options.disable_outlining:
240      cmd += ['-Dcom.android.tools.r8.disableOutlining=1']
241    cmd += [
242        '-cp',
243        options.r8_path,
244        'com.android.tools.r8.R8',
245        '--no-data-resources',
246        '--output',
247        base_dex_context.staging_dir,
248        '--pg-map-output',
249        tmp_mapping_path,
250    ]
252    if options.disable_checks:
253      # Info level priority logs are not printed by default.
254      cmd += ['--map-diagnostics:CheckDiscardDiagnostic', 'error', 'info']
256    if options.desugar_jdk_libs_json:
257      cmd += [
258          '--desugared-lib',
259          options.desugar_jdk_libs_json,
260          '--desugared-lib-pg-conf-output',
261          options.desugared_library_keep_rule_output,
262      ]
264    if options.min_api:
265      cmd += ['--min-api', options.min_api]
267    if options.force_enable_assertions:
268      cmd += ['--force-enable-assertions']
270    for lib in libraries:
271      cmd += ['--lib', lib]
273    for config_file in config_paths:
274      cmd += ['--pg-conf', config_file]
276    if options.main_dex_rules_path:
277      for main_dex_rule in options.main_dex_rules_path:
278        cmd += ['--main-dex-rules', main_dex_rule]
280    base_jars = set(base_dex_context.input_paths)
281    input_path_map = defaultdict(set)
282    for feature in feature_contexts:
283      parent = options.uses_split.get(feature.name, feature.name)
284      input_path_map[parent].update(feature.input_paths)
286    # If a jar is present in multiple features, it should be moved to the base
287    # module.
288    all_feature_jars = set()
289    for input_paths in input_path_map.values():
290      base_jars.update(all_feature_jars.intersection(input_paths))
291      all_feature_jars.update(input_paths)
293    module_input_jars = base_jars.copy()
294    for feature in feature_contexts:
295      input_paths = input_path_map.get(feature.name)
296      # Input paths can be missing for a child feature present in the uses_split
297      # map. These features get their input paths added to the parent, and are
298      # split out later with DexSplitter.
299      if input_paths is None:
300        continue
301      feature_input_jars = [
302          p for p in input_paths if p not in module_input_jars
303      ]
304      module_input_jars.update(feature_input_jars)
305      for in_jar in feature_input_jars:
306        cmd += ['--feature', in_jar, feature.staging_dir]
308    cmd += sorted(base_jars)
309    # Add any extra input jars to the base module (e.g. desugar runtime).
310    extra_jars = set(options.input_paths) - module_input_jars
311    cmd += sorted(extra_jars)
313    try:
314      stderr_filter = dex.CreateStderrFilter(
315          options.show_desugar_default_interface_warnings)
316      logging.debug('Running R8')
317      build_utils.CheckOutput(cmd,
318                              print_stdout=print_stdout,
319                              stderr_filter=stderr_filter,
320                              fail_on_output=options.warnings_as_errors)
321    except build_utils.CalledProcessError as err:
322      debugging_link = ('\n\nR8 failed. Please see {}.'.format(
323          'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/build/'
324          'android/docs/java_optimization.md#Debugging-common-failures\n'))
325      raise build_utils.CalledProcessError(err.cwd, err.args,
326                                           err.output + debugging_link)
328    if options.uses_split:
329      _SplitChildFeatures(options, feature_contexts, tmp_dir, tmp_mapping_path,
330                          print_stdout)
332    base_has_imported_lib = False
333    if options.desugar_jdk_libs_json:
334      logging.debug('Running L8')
335      existing_files = build_utils.FindInDirectory(base_dex_context.staging_dir)
336      jdk_dex_output = os.path.join(base_dex_context.staging_dir,
337                                    'classes%d.dex' % (len(existing_files) + 1))
338      base_has_imported_lib = dex_jdk_libs.DexJdkLibJar(
339          options.r8_path, options.min_api, options.desugar_jdk_libs_json,
340          options.desugar_jdk_libs_jar,
341          options.desugar_jdk_libs_configuration_jar,
342          options.desugared_library_keep_rule_output, jdk_dex_output,
343          options.warnings_as_errors)
345    logging.debug('Collecting ouputs')
346    base_dex_context.CreateOutput(base_has_imported_lib,
347                                  options.desugared_library_keep_rule_output)
348    for feature in feature_contexts:
349      feature.CreateOutput()
351    with open(options.mapping_output, 'w') as out_file, \
352        open(tmp_mapping_path) as in_file:
353      # Mapping files generated by R8 include comments that may break
354      # some of our tooling so remove those (specifically: apkanalyzer).
355      out_file.writelines(l for l in in_file if not l.startswith('#'))
358def _CheckForMissingSymbols(r8_path, dex_files, classpath, warnings_as_errors):
359  cmd = build_utils.JavaCmd(warnings_as_errors) + [
360      '-cp', r8_path, 'com.android.tools.r8.tracereferences.TraceReferences',
361      '--map-diagnostics:MissingDefinitionsDiagnostic', 'error', 'warning',
362      '--check'
363  ]
365  for path in classpath:
366    cmd += ['--lib', path]
367  for path in dex_files:
368    cmd += ['--source', path]
370  def stderr_filter(stderr):
371    ignored_lines = [
372        # Summary contains warning count, which our filtering makes wrong.
373        'Warning: Tracereferences found',
375        # TODO(agrieve): Create interface jars for these missing classes rather
376        #     than allowlisting here.
377        'dalvik/system',
378        'libcore/io',
379        'sun/misc/Unsafe',
381        # Found in: com/facebook/fbui/textlayoutbuilder/StaticLayoutHelper
382        ('android/text/StaticLayout;<init>(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;IILandroid'
383         '/text/TextPaint;ILandroid/text/Layout$Alignment;Landroid/text/'
384         'TextDirectionHeuristic;FFZLandroid/text/TextUtils$TruncateAt;II)V'),
386        # Found in
387        # com/google/android/gms/cast/framework/media/internal/ResourceProvider
388        # Missing due to setting "strip_resources = true".
389        'com/google/android/gms/cast/framework/R',
391        # Found in com/google/android/gms/common/GoogleApiAvailability
392        # Missing due to setting "strip_drawables = true".
393        'com/google/android/gms/base/R$drawable',
395        # Explicictly guarded by try (NoClassDefFoundError) in Flogger's
396        # PlatformProvider.
397        'com/google/common/flogger/backend/google/GooglePlatform',
398        'com/google/common/flogger/backend/system/DefaultPlatform',
400        # trichrome_webview_google_bundle contains this missing reference.
401        # TODO(crbug.com/1142530): Fix this missing reference properly.
402        'org/chromium/base/library_loader/NativeLibraries',
404        # Currently required when enable_chrome_android_internal=true.
405        'com/google/protos/research/ink/InkEventProto',
406        'ink_sdk/com/google/protobuf/Internal$EnumVerifier',
407        'ink_sdk/com/google/protobuf/MessageLite',
408        'com/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessageLite$GeneratedExtension',
410        # Definition and usage in currently unused lens sdk in doubledown.
411        ('com/google/android/apps/gsa/search/shared/service/proto/'
412         'PublicStopClientEvent'),
414        # Referenced from GeneratedExtensionRegistryLite.
415        # Exists only for Chrome Modern (not Monochrome nor Trichrome).
416        # TODO(agrieve): Figure out why. Perhaps related to Feed V2.
417        ('com/google/wireless/android/play/playlog/proto/ClientAnalytics$'
418         'ClientInfo'),
420        # TODO(agrieve): Exclude these only when use_jacoco_coverage=true.
421        'Ljava/lang/instrument/ClassFileTransformer',
422        'Ljava/lang/instrument/IllegalClassFormatException',
423        'Ljava/lang/instrument/Instrumentation',
424        'Ljava/lang/management/ManagementFactory',
425        'Ljavax/management/MBeanServer',
426        'Ljavax/management/ObjectInstance',
427        'Ljavax/management/ObjectName',
428        'Ljavax/management/StandardMBean',
429    ]
431    had_unfiltered_items = '  ' in stderr
432    stderr = build_utils.FilterLines(
433        stderr, '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in ignored_lines))
434    if stderr:
435      if '  ' in stderr:
436        stderr = """
437DEX contains references to non-existent symbols after R8 optimization.
438Tip: Build with:
439        is_java_debug=false
440        treat_warnings_as_errors=false
441        enable_proguard_obfuscation=false
442     and then use dexdump to see which class(s) reference them.
444     E.g.:
445       third_party/android_sdk/public/build-tools/*/dexdump -d \
446out/Release/apks/YourApk.apk > dex.txt
447""" + stderr
448      elif had_unfiltered_items:
449        # Left only with empty headings. All indented items filtered out.
450        stderr = ''
451    return stderr
453  logging.debug('cmd: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
454  build_utils.CheckOutput(cmd,
455                          print_stdout=True,
456                          stderr_filter=stderr_filter,
457                          fail_on_output=warnings_as_errors)
460def _SplitChildFeatures(options, feature_contexts, tmp_dir, mapping_path,
461                        print_stdout):
462  feature_map = {f.name: f for f in feature_contexts}
463  parent_to_child = defaultdict(list)
464  for child, parent in options.uses_split.items():
465    parent_to_child[parent].append(child)
466  for parent, children in parent_to_child.items():
467    split_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'split_%s' % parent)
468    os.mkdir(split_output)
469    # DexSplitter is not perfect and can cause issues related to inlining and
470    # class merging (see crbug.com/1032609). If strange class loading errors
471    # happen in DFMs specifying uses_split, this may be the cause.
472    split_cmd = build_utils.JavaCmd(options.warnings_as_errors) + [
473        '-cp',
474        options.r8_path,
475        'com.android.tools.r8.dexsplitter.DexSplitter',
476        '--output',
477        split_output,
478        '--proguard-map',
479        mapping_path,
480    ]
482    parent_jars = set(feature_map[parent].input_paths)
483    for base_jar in sorted(parent_jars):
484      split_cmd += ['--base-jar', base_jar]
486    for child in children:
487      for feature_jar in feature_map[child].input_paths:
488        if feature_jar not in parent_jars:
489          split_cmd += ['--feature-jar', '%s:%s' % (feature_jar, child)]
491    # The inputs are the outputs for the parent from the original R8 call.
492    parent_dir = feature_map[parent].staging_dir
493    for file_name in os.listdir(parent_dir):
494      split_cmd += ['--input', os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name)]
495    logging.debug('Running R8 DexSplitter')
496    build_utils.CheckOutput(split_cmd,
497                            print_stdout=print_stdout,
498                            fail_on_output=options.warnings_as_errors)
500    # Copy the parent dex back into the parent's staging dir.
501    base_split_output = os.path.join(split_output, 'base')
502    shutil.rmtree(parent_dir)
503    os.mkdir(parent_dir)
504    for dex_file in os.listdir(base_split_output):
505      shutil.move(os.path.join(base_split_output, dex_file),
506                  os.path.join(parent_dir, dex_file))
508    # Copy each child dex back into the child's staging dir.
509    for child in children:
510      child_split_output = os.path.join(split_output, child)
511      child_staging_dir = feature_map[child].staging_dir
512      shutil.rmtree(child_staging_dir)
513      os.mkdir(child_staging_dir)
514      for dex_file in os.listdir(child_split_output):
515        shutil.move(os.path.join(child_split_output, dex_file),
516                    os.path.join(child_staging_dir, dex_file))
519def _CombineConfigs(configs, dynamic_config_data, exclude_generated=False):
520  ret = []
522  # Sort in this way so //clank versions of the same libraries will sort
523  # to the same spot in the file.
524  def sort_key(path):
525    return tuple(reversed(path.split(os.path.sep)))
527  for config in sorted(configs, key=sort_key):
528    if exclude_generated and config.endswith('.resources.proguard.txt'):
529      continue
531    ret.append('# File: ' + config)
532    with open(config) as config_file:
533      contents = config_file.read().rstrip()
535    # Fix up line endings (third_party configs can have windows endings).
536    contents = contents.replace('\r', '')
537    # Remove numbers from generated rule comments to make file more
538    # diff'able.
539    contents = re.sub(r' #generated:\d+', '', contents)
540    ret.append(contents)
541    ret.append('')
543  if dynamic_config_data:
544    ret.append('# File: //build/android/gyp/proguard.py (generated rules)')
545    ret.append(dynamic_config_data)
546    ret.append('')
547  return '\n'.join(ret)
550def _CreateDynamicConfig(options):
551  ret = []
552  if options.sourcefile:
553    ret.append("-renamesourcefileattribute '%s' # OMIT FROM EXPECTATIONS" %
554               options.sourcefile)
556  if options.apply_mapping:
557    ret.append("-applymapping '%s'" % os.path.abspath(options.apply_mapping))
558  if options.repackage_classes:
559    ret.append("-repackageclasses '%s'" % options.repackage_classes)
561  _min_api = int(options.min_api) if options.min_api else 0
562  for api_level, version_code in _API_LEVEL_VERSION_CODE:
563    annotation_name = 'org.chromium.base.annotations.VerifiesOn' + version_code
564    if api_level > _min_api:
565      ret.append('-keep @interface %s' % annotation_name)
566      ret.append("""\
567-if @%s class * {
568    *** *(...);
570-keep,allowobfuscation class <1> {
571    *** <2>(...);
572}""" % annotation_name)
573      ret.append("""\
574-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class ** {
575  @%s <methods>;
576}""" % annotation_name)
577  return '\n'.join(ret)
580def _VerifyNoEmbeddedConfigs(jar_paths):
581  failed = False
582  for jar_path in jar_paths:
583    with zipfile.ZipFile(jar_path) as z:
584      for name in z.namelist():
585        if name.startswith('META-INF/proguard/'):
586          failed = True
587          sys.stderr.write("""\
588Found embedded proguard config within {}.
589Embedded configs are not permitted (https://crbug.com/989505)
591          break
592  if failed:
593    sys.exit(1)
596def _ContainsDebuggingConfig(config_str):
597  debugging_configs = ('-whyareyoukeeping', '-whyareyounotinlining')
598  return any(config in config_str for config in debugging_configs)
601def _MaybeWriteStampAndDepFile(options, inputs):
602  output = options.output_path
603  if options.stamp:
604    build_utils.Touch(options.stamp)
605    output = options.stamp
606  if options.depfile:
607    build_utils.WriteDepfile(options.depfile, output, inputs=inputs)
610def main():
611  build_utils.InitLogging('PROGUARD_DEBUG')
612  options = _ParseOptions()
614  logging.debug('Preparing configs')
615  proguard_configs = options.proguard_configs
617  # ProGuard configs that are derived from flags.
618  dynamic_config_data = _CreateDynamicConfig(options)
620  # ProGuard configs that are derived from flags.
621  merged_configs = _CombineConfigs(
622      proguard_configs, dynamic_config_data, exclude_generated=True)
623  print_stdout = _ContainsDebuggingConfig(merged_configs) or options.verbose
625  if options.expected_file:
626    diff_utils.CheckExpectations(merged_configs, options)
627    if options.only_verify_expectations:
628      build_utils.WriteDepfile(options.depfile,
629                               options.actual_file,
630                               inputs=options.proguard_configs)
631      return
633  logging.debug('Looking for embedded configs')
634  libraries = []
635  for p in options.classpath:
636    # TODO(bjoyce): Remove filter once old android support libraries are gone.
637    # Fix for having Library class extend program class dependency problem.
638    if 'com_android_support' in p or 'android_support_test' in p:
639      continue
640    # If a jar is part of input no need to include it as library jar.
641    if p not in libraries and p not in options.input_paths:
642      libraries.append(p)
643  _VerifyNoEmbeddedConfigs(options.input_paths + libraries)
645  _OptimizeWithR8(options, proguard_configs, libraries, dynamic_config_data,
646                  print_stdout)
648  if not options.disable_checks:
649    logging.debug('Running tracereferences')
650    all_dex_files = []
651    if options.output_path:
652      all_dex_files.append(options.output_path)
653    if options.dex_dests:
654      all_dex_files.extend(options.dex_dests)
655    _CheckForMissingSymbols(options.r8_path, all_dex_files, options.classpath,
656                            options.warnings_as_errors)
658  for output in options.extra_mapping_output_paths:
659    shutil.copy(options.mapping_output, output)
661  inputs = options.proguard_configs + options.input_paths + libraries
662  if options.apply_mapping:
663    inputs.append(options.apply_mapping)
665  _MaybeWriteStampAndDepFile(options, inputs)
668if __name__ == '__main__':
669  main()