1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/mixed_content_navigation_throttle.h"
7 #include <vector>
9 #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
10 #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
11 #include "base/stl_util.h"
12 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_tree.h"
13 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_tree_node.h"
14 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_request.h"
15 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_delegate.h"
16 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
17 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
18 #include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
19 #include "content/common/navigation_params.mojom.h"
20 #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
21 #include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
22 #include "content/public/common/navigation_policy.h"
23 #include "content/public/common/origin_util.h"
24 #include "net/base/url_util.h"
25 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/loader/network_utils.h"
26 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/security_context/insecure_request_policy.h"
27 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/web_preferences/web_preferences.h"
28 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom.h"
29 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom.h"
30 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/security_context/insecure_request_policy.mojom.h"
31 #include "url/gurl.h"
32 #include "url/origin.h"
33 #include "url/url_constants.h"
34 #include "url/url_util.h"
36 namespace content {
38 namespace {
40 // Should return the same value as SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure.
IsSecureScheme(const std::string & scheme)41 bool IsSecureScheme(const std::string& scheme) {
42   return base::Contains(url::GetSecureSchemes(), scheme);
43 }
45 // Should return the same value as SecurityOrigin::isLocal and
46 // SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsCorsEnabled.
ShouldTreatURLSchemeAsCorsEnabled(const GURL & url)47 bool ShouldTreatURLSchemeAsCorsEnabled(const GURL& url) {
48   return base::Contains(url::GetCorsEnabledSchemes(), url.scheme());
49 }
51 // Should return the same value as the resource URL checks assigned to
52 // |isAllowed| made inside MixedContentChecker::isMixedContent.
IsUrlPotentiallySecure(const GURL & url)53 bool IsUrlPotentiallySecure(const GURL& url) {
54   // blob: and filesystem: URLs never hit the network, and access is restricted
55   // to same-origin contexts, so they are not blocked.
56   return url.SchemeIs(url::kBlobScheme) ||
57          url.SchemeIs(url::kFileSystemScheme) ||
58          blink::network_utils::IsOriginSecure(url) ||
59          IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin(url::Origin::Create(url));
60 }
62 // This method should return the same results as
63 // SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsRestrictingMixedContent.
DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent(const url::Origin & origin)64 bool DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent(const url::Origin& origin) {
65   return origin.scheme() == url::kHttpsScheme;
66 }
UpdateRendererOnMixedContentFound(NavigationRequest * navigation_request,const GURL & mixed_content_url,bool was_allowed,bool for_redirect)68 void UpdateRendererOnMixedContentFound(NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
69                                        const GURL& mixed_content_url,
70                                        bool was_allowed,
71                                        bool for_redirect) {
72   // TODO(carlosk): the root node should never be considered as being/having
73   // mixed content for now. Once/if the browser should also check form submits
74   // for mixed content than this will be allowed to happen and this DCHECK
75   // should be updated.
76   DCHECK(navigation_request->frame_tree_node()->parent());
77   RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh =
78       navigation_request->frame_tree_node()->current_frame_host();
79   DCHECK(!navigation_request->GetRedirectChain().empty());
80   GURL url_before_redirects = navigation_request->GetRedirectChain()[0];
81   rfh->GetAssociatedLocalFrame()->MixedContentFound(
82       mixed_content_url, navigation_request->GetURL(),
83       navigation_request->request_context_type(), was_allowed,
84       url_before_redirects, for_redirect,
85       navigation_request->common_params().source_location.Clone());
86 }
88 }  // namespace
90 // static
91 std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottle>
CreateThrottleForNavigation(NavigationHandle * navigation_handle)92 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::CreateThrottleForNavigation(
93     NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) {
94   return std::make_unique<MixedContentNavigationThrottle>(navigation_handle);
95 }
MixedContentNavigationThrottle(NavigationHandle * navigation_handle)97 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::MixedContentNavigationThrottle(
98     NavigationHandle* navigation_handle)
99     : NavigationThrottle(navigation_handle) {}
~MixedContentNavigationThrottle()101 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::~MixedContentNavigationThrottle() {}
103 NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult
WillStartRequest()104 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::WillStartRequest() {
105   bool should_block = ShouldBlockNavigation(false);
106   return should_block ? CANCEL : PROCEED;
107 }
109 NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult
WillRedirectRequest()110 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::WillRedirectRequest() {
111   // Upon redirects the same checks are to be executed as for requests.
112   bool should_block = ShouldBlockNavigation(true);
113   return should_block ? CANCEL : PROCEED;
114 }
116 NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult
WillProcessResponse()117 MixedContentNavigationThrottle::WillProcessResponse() {
118   // TODO(carlosk): At this point we are about to process the request response.
119   // So if we ever need to, here/now it is a good moment to check for the final
120   // attained security level of the connection. For instance, does it use an
121   // outdated protocol? The implementation should be based off
122   // MixedContentChecker::handleCertificateError. See https://crbug.com/576270.
123   return PROCEED;
124 }
GetNameForLogging()126 const char* MixedContentNavigationThrottle::GetNameForLogging() {
127   return "MixedContentNavigationThrottle";
128 }
130 // Based off of MixedContentChecker::shouldBlockFetch.
ShouldBlockNavigation(bool for_redirect)131 bool MixedContentNavigationThrottle::ShouldBlockNavigation(bool for_redirect) {
132   NavigationRequest* request = NavigationRequest::From(navigation_handle());
133   FrameTreeNode* node = request->frame_tree_node();
135   // Find the parent frame where mixed content is characterized, if any.
136   RenderFrameHostImpl* mixed_content_frame =
137       InWhichFrameIsContentMixed(node, request->GetURL());
138   if (!mixed_content_frame) {
139     MaybeSendBlinkFeatureUsageReport();
140     return false;
141   }
143   // From this point on we know this is not a main frame navigation and that
144   // there is mixed content. Now let's decide if it's OK to proceed with it.
146   ReportBasicMixedContentFeatures(request->request_context_type(),
147                                   request->mixed_content_context_type());
149   // If we're in strict mode, we'll automagically fail everything, and
150   // intentionally skip the client/embedder checks in order to prevent degrading
151   // the site's security UI.
152   bool block_all_mixed_content =
153       (mixed_content_frame->frame_tree_node()
154            ->current_replication_state()
155            .insecure_request_policy &
156        blink::mojom::InsecureRequestPolicy::kBlockAllMixedContent) !=
157       blink::mojom::InsecureRequestPolicy::kLeaveInsecureRequestsAlone;
158   const auto& prefs = mixed_content_frame->GetOrCreateWebPreferences();
159   bool strict_mode =
160       prefs.strict_mixed_content_checking || block_all_mixed_content;
162   blink::WebMixedContentContextType mixed_context_type =
163       request->mixed_content_context_type();
165   // Do not treat non-webby schemes as mixed content when loaded in subframes.
166   // Navigations to non-webby schemes cannot return data to the browser, so
167   // insecure content will not be run or displayed to the user as a result of
168   // loading a non-webby scheme. It is potentially dangerous to navigate to a
169   // non-webby scheme (e.g., the page could deliver a malicious payload to a
170   // vulnerable native application), but loading a non-webby scheme is no more
171   // dangerous in this respect than navigating the main frame to the non-webby
172   // scheme directly. See https://crbug.com/621131.
173   //
174   // TODO(https://crbug.com/1030307): decide whether CORS-enabled is really the
175   // right way to draw this distinction.
176   if (!ShouldTreatURLSchemeAsCorsEnabled(request->GetURL())) {
177     // Record non-webby mixed content to see if it is rare enough that it can be
178     // gated behind an enterprise policy. This excludes URLs that are considered
179     // potentially-secure such as blob: and filesystem:, which are special-cased
180     // in IsUrlPotentiallySecure() and cause an early-return because of the
181     // InWhichFrameIsContentMixed() check above.
182     UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("SSL.NonWebbyMixedContentLoaded", true);
183     return false;
184   }
186   bool allowed = false;
187   RenderFrameHostDelegate* frame_host_delegate =
188       node->current_frame_host()->delegate();
189   switch (mixed_context_type) {
190     case blink::WebMixedContentContextType::kOptionallyBlockable:
191       allowed = !strict_mode;
192       if (allowed) {
193         frame_host_delegate->PassiveInsecureContentFound(request->GetURL());
194         frame_host_delegate->DidDisplayInsecureContent();
195       }
196       break;
198     case blink::WebMixedContentContextType::kBlockable: {
199       // Note: from the renderer side implementation it seems like we don't need
200       // to care about reporting
201       // blink::UseCounter::BlockableMixedContentInSubframeBlocked because it is
202       // only triggered for sub-resources which are not checked for in the
203       // browser.
204       bool should_ask_delegate =
205           !strict_mode && (!prefs.strictly_block_blockable_mixed_content ||
206                            prefs.allow_running_insecure_content);
207       allowed =
208           should_ask_delegate &&
209           frame_host_delegate->ShouldAllowRunningInsecureContent(
210               prefs.allow_running_insecure_content,
211               mixed_content_frame->GetLastCommittedOrigin(), request->GetURL());
212       if (allowed) {
213         const GURL& origin_url =
214             mixed_content_frame->GetLastCommittedOrigin().GetURL();
215         frame_host_delegate->DidRunInsecureContent(origin_url,
216                                                    request->GetURL());
217         mixed_content_features_.insert(
218             blink::mojom::WebFeature::kMixedContentBlockableAllowed);
219       }
220       break;
221     }
223     case blink::WebMixedContentContextType::kShouldBeBlockable:
224       allowed = !strict_mode;
225       if (allowed)
226         frame_host_delegate->DidDisplayInsecureContent();
227       break;
229     case blink::WebMixedContentContextType::kNotMixedContent:
230       NOTREACHED();
231       break;
232   };
234   UpdateRendererOnMixedContentFound(request,
235                                     mixed_content_frame->GetLastCommittedURL(),
236                                     allowed, for_redirect);
237   MaybeSendBlinkFeatureUsageReport();
239   return !allowed;
240 }
242 // This method mirrors MixedContentChecker::inWhichFrameIsContentMixed but is
243 // implemented in a different form that seems more appropriate here.
InWhichFrameIsContentMixed(FrameTreeNode * node,const GURL & url)244 RenderFrameHostImpl* MixedContentNavigationThrottle::InWhichFrameIsContentMixed(
245     FrameTreeNode* node,
246     const GURL& url) {
247   // Main frame navigations cannot be mixed content.
248   // TODO(carlosk): except for form submissions which might be supported in the
249   // future.
250   if (node->IsMainFrame())
251     return nullptr;
253   // There's no mixed content if any of these are true:
254   // - The navigated URL is potentially secure.
255   // - Neither the root nor parent frames have secure origins.
256   // This next section diverges in how the Blink version is implemented but
257   // should get to the same results. Especially where isMixedContent calls
258   // exist, here they are partially fulfilled here  and partially replaced by
259   // DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent.
260   RenderFrameHostImpl* mixed_content_frame = nullptr;
261   RenderFrameHostImpl* root = node->parent()->GetMainFrame();
262   RenderFrameHostImpl* parent = node->parent();
263   if (!IsUrlPotentiallySecure(url)) {
264     // TODO(carlosk): we might need to check more than just the immediate parent
265     // and the root. See https://crbug.com/623486.
267     // Checks if the root and then the immediate parent frames' origins are
268     // secure.
269     if (DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent(root->GetLastCommittedOrigin()))
270       mixed_content_frame = root;
271     else if (DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent(
272                  parent->GetLastCommittedOrigin())) {
273       mixed_content_frame = parent;
274     }
275   }
277   // Note: The code below should behave the same way as the two calls to
278   // measureStricterVersionOfIsMixedContent from inside
279   // MixedContentChecker::inWhichFrameIs.
280   if (mixed_content_frame) {
281     // We're currently only checking for mixed content in `https://*` contexts.
282     // What about other "secure" contexts the SchemeRegistry knows about? We'll
283     // use this method to measure the occurrence of non-webby mixed content to
284     // make sure we're not breaking the world without realizing it.
285     if (mixed_content_frame->GetLastCommittedOrigin().scheme() !=
286         url::kHttpsScheme) {
287       mixed_content_features_.insert(
288           blink::mojom::WebFeature::
289               kMixedContentInNonHTTPSFrameThatRestrictsMixedContent);
290     }
291   } else if (!blink::network_utils::IsOriginSecure(url) &&
292              (IsSecureScheme(root->GetLastCommittedOrigin().scheme()) ||
293               IsSecureScheme(parent->GetLastCommittedOrigin().scheme()))) {
294     mixed_content_features_.insert(
295         blink::mojom::WebFeature::
296             kMixedContentInSecureFrameThatDoesNotRestrictMixedContent);
297   }
298   return mixed_content_frame;
299 }
MaybeSendBlinkFeatureUsageReport()301 void MixedContentNavigationThrottle::MaybeSendBlinkFeatureUsageReport() {
302   if (!mixed_content_features_.empty()) {
303     NavigationRequest* request = NavigationRequest::From(navigation_handle());
304     RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh = request->frame_tree_node()->current_frame_host();
305     rfh->GetAssociatedLocalFrame()->ReportBlinkFeatureUsage(
306         std::vector<blink::mojom::WebFeature>(mixed_content_features_.begin(),
307                                               mixed_content_features_.end()));
308     mixed_content_features_.clear();
309   }
310 }
312 // Based off of MixedContentChecker::count.
ReportBasicMixedContentFeatures(blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type,blink::WebMixedContentContextType mixed_content_context_type)313 void MixedContentNavigationThrottle::ReportBasicMixedContentFeatures(
314     blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type,
315     blink::WebMixedContentContextType mixed_content_context_type) {
316   mixed_content_features_.insert(
317       blink::mojom::WebFeature::kMixedContentPresent);
319   // Report any blockable content.
320   if (mixed_content_context_type ==
321       blink::WebMixedContentContextType::kBlockable) {
322     mixed_content_features_.insert(
323         blink::mojom::WebFeature::kMixedContentBlockable);
324     return;
325   }
327   // Note: as there's no mixed content checks for sub-resources on the browser
328   // side there should only be a subset of RequestContextType values that could
329   // ever be found here.
330   blink::mojom::WebFeature feature;
331   switch (request_context_type) {
332     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::INTERNAL:
333       feature = blink::mojom::WebFeature::kMixedContentInternal;
334       break;
335     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::PREFETCH:
336       feature = blink::mojom::WebFeature::kMixedContentPrefetch;
337       break;
339     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::AUDIO:
340     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::DOWNLOAD:
341     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::FAVICON:
342     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::IMAGE:
343     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::PLUGIN:
344     case blink::mojom::RequestContextType::VIDEO:
345     default:
346       NOTREACHED() << "RequestContextType has value " << request_context_type
347                    << " and has WebMixedContentContextType of "
348                    << static_cast<int>(mixed_content_context_type);
349       return;
350   }
351   mixed_content_features_.insert(feature);
352 }
354 // static
IsMixedContentForTesting(const GURL & origin_url,const GURL & url)355 bool MixedContentNavigationThrottle::IsMixedContentForTesting(
356     const GURL& origin_url,
357     const GURL& url) {
358   const url::Origin origin = url::Origin::Create(origin_url);
359   return !IsUrlPotentiallySecure(url) &&
360          DoesOriginSchemeRestrictMixedContent(origin);
361 }
363 }  // namespace content