1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stddef.h>
9 #include <stdint.h>
11 #include <memory>
12 #include <vector>
14 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
15 #include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
16 #include "base/macros.h"
17 #include "base/observer_list.h"
18 #include "base/optional.h"
19 #include "base/process/kill.h"
20 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
21 #include "base/time/time.h"
22 #include "build/build_config.h"
23 #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/scoped_surface_id_allocator.h"
24 #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
25 #include "components/viz/host/hit_test/hit_test_query.h"
26 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/display_feature.h"
27 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/event_with_latency_info.h"
28 #include "content/common/content_export.h"
29 #include "content/public/browser/render_frame_metadata_provider.h"
30 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
31 #include "content/public/common/widget_type.h"
32 #include "services/viz/public/mojom/hit_test/hit_test_region_list.mojom.h"
33 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/page/content_to_visible_time_reporter.h"
34 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/intrinsic_sizing_info.mojom-forward.h"
35 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/input_event_result.mojom-shared.h"
36 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/record_content_to_visible_time_request.mojom-forward.h"
37 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
38 #include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_id_registry.h"
39 #include "ui/base/ime/mojom/text_input_state.mojom-forward.h"
40 #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_mode.h"
41 #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h"
42 #include "ui/display/display.h"
43 #include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
44 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
45 #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
46 #include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
47 #include "ui/surface/transport_dib.h"
49 namespace blink {
50 class WebMouseEvent;
51 class WebMouseWheelEvent;
52 }
54 namespace ui {
55 enum class DomCode;
56 class LatencyInfo;
57 class TouchEvent;
58 struct DidOverscrollParams;
59 }
61 namespace content {
63 class BrowserAccessibilityDelegate;
64 class BrowserAccessibilityManager;
65 class CursorManager;
66 class MouseWheelPhaseHandler;
67 class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
68 class RenderWidgetHostViewBaseObserver;
69 class SyntheticGestureTarget;
70 class TextInputManager;
71 class TouchSelectionControllerClientManager;
72 class WebCursor;
73 class DelegatedFrameHost;
75 // Basic implementation shared by concrete RenderWidgetHostView subclasses.
76 class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderWidgetHostViewBase : public RenderWidgetHostView {
77  public:
current_device_scale_factor()78   float current_device_scale_factor() const {
79     return current_device_scale_factor_;
80   }
82   // Returns the focused RenderWidgetHost inside this |view|'s RWH.
83   RenderWidgetHostImpl* GetFocusedWidget() const;
85   // RenderWidgetHostView implementation.
86   RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() final;
87   ui::TextInputClient* GetTextInputClient() override;
WasUnOccluded()88   void WasUnOccluded() override {}
WasOccluded()89   void WasOccluded() override {}
90   void SetIsInVR(bool is_in_vr) override;
91   base::string16 GetSelectedText() override;
92   bool IsMouseLocked() override;
93   bool GetIsMouseLockedUnadjustedMovementForTesting() override;
94   bool LockKeyboard(base::Optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> codes) override;
95   void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color) override;
96   base::Optional<SkColor> GetBackgroundColor() override;
97   void UnlockKeyboard() override;
98   bool IsKeyboardLocked() override;
99   base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutMap() override;
100   gfx::Size GetVisibleViewportSize() override;
101   void SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets) override;
102   bool IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() override;
103   void CopyFromSurface(
104       const gfx::Rect& src_rect,
105       const gfx::Size& output_size,
106       base::OnceCallback<void(const SkBitmap&)> callback) override;
107   std::unique_ptr<viz::ClientFrameSinkVideoCapturer> CreateVideoCapturer()
108       override;
109   void GetScreenInfo(blink::ScreenInfo* screen_info) override;
110   void EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& min_size,
111                         const gfx::Size& max_size) override;
112   void DisableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& new_size) override;
113   float GetDeviceScaleFactor() final;
114   TouchSelectionControllerClientManager*
115   GetTouchSelectionControllerClientManager() override;
116   void SetRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest(
117       base::TimeTicks start_time,
118       bool destination_is_loaded,
119       bool show_reason_tab_switching,
120       bool show_reason_unoccluded,
121       bool show_reason_bfcache_restore) final;
123   // This only needs to be overridden by RenderWidgetHostViewBase subclasses
124   // that handle content embedded within other RenderWidgetHostViews.
125   gfx::PointF TransformPointToRootCoordSpaceF(
126       const gfx::PointF& point) override;
127   gfx::PointF TransformRootPointToViewCoordSpace(
128       const gfx::PointF& point) override;
130   virtual void UpdateIntrinsicSizingInfo(
131       blink::mojom::IntrinsicSizingInfoPtr sizing_info);
133   static void CopyMainAndPopupFromSurface(
134       base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> main_host,
135       base::WeakPtr<DelegatedFrameHost> main_frame_host,
136       base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> popup_host,
137       base::WeakPtr<DelegatedFrameHost> popup_frame_host,
138       const gfx::Rect& src_subrect,
139       const gfx::Size& dst_size,
140       float scale_factor,
141       base::OnceCallback<void(const SkBitmap&)> callback);
143   void SetWidgetType(WidgetType widget_type);
145   WidgetType GetWidgetType();
147   // Notification that a resize or move session ended on the native widget.
148   void UpdateScreenInfo(gfx::NativeView view);
150   // Tells if the display property (work area/scale factor) has
151   // changed since the last time.
152   bool HasDisplayPropertyChanged(gfx::NativeView view);
154   // Called by the TextInputManager to notify the view about being removed from
155   // the list of registered views, i.e., TextInputManager is no longer tracking
156   // TextInputState from this view. The RWHV should reset |text_input_manager_|
157   // to nullptr.
158   void DidUnregisterFromTextInputManager(TextInputManager* text_input_manager);
160   // Informs the view that the renderer's visual properties have been updated
161   // and a new viz::LocalSurfaceId has been allocated.
162   virtual viz::ScopedSurfaceIdAllocator DidUpdateVisualProperties(
163       const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata);
165   // Returns the time set by SetLastRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest. If this
166   // was not preceded by a call to SetLastRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest the
167   // |event_start_time| field of the returned struct will have a null
168   // timestamp. Calling this will reset |last_record_tab_switch_time_request_|
169   // to null.
170   blink::mojom::RecordContentToVisibleTimeRequestPtr
171   TakeRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest();
173   base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewBase> GetWeakPtr();
175   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176   // The following methods can be overridden by derived classes.
178   // Returns the root-view associated with this view. Always returns |this| for
179   // non-embeddable derived views.
180   virtual RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetRootView();
182   // Notifies the View that the renderer text selection has changed.
183   virtual void SelectionChanged(const base::string16& text,
184                                 size_t offset,
185                                 const gfx::Range& range);
187   // The requested size of the renderer. May differ from GetViewBounds().size()
188   // when the view requires additional throttling.
189   virtual gfx::Size GetRequestedRendererSize();
191   // Returns the current capture sequence number.
192   virtual uint32_t GetCaptureSequenceNumber() const;
194   // The size of the view's backing surface in non-DPI-adjusted pixels.
195   virtual gfx::Size GetCompositorViewportPixelSize();
197   // If mouse wheels can only specify the number of ticks of some static
198   // multiplier constant, this method returns that constant (in DIPs). If mouse
199   // wheels can specify an arbitrary delta this returns 0.
200   virtual int GetMouseWheelMinimumGranularity() const;
202   // Called prior to forwarding input event messages to the renderer, giving
203   // the view a chance to perform in-process event filtering or processing.
204   // Return values of |NOT_CONSUMED| or |UNKNOWN| will result in |input_event|
205   // being forwarded.
206   virtual blink::mojom::InputEventResultState FilterInputEvent(
207       const blink::WebInputEvent& input_event);
209   virtual void WheelEventAck(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& event,
210                              blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
212   virtual void GestureEventAck(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
213                                blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
215   virtual void ChildDidAckGestureEvent(
216       const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
217       blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
219   // Create a platform specific SyntheticGestureTarget implementation that will
220   // be used to inject synthetic input events.
221   virtual std::unique_ptr<SyntheticGestureTarget>
222   CreateSyntheticGestureTarget() = 0;
224   // Create a BrowserAccessibilityManager for a frame in this view.
225   // If |for_root_frame| is true, creates a BrowserAccessibilityManager
226   // suitable for the root frame, which may be linked to its native
227   // window container.
228   virtual BrowserAccessibilityManager* CreateBrowserAccessibilityManager(
229       BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* delegate,
230       bool for_root_frame);
232   virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget AccessibilityGetAcceleratedWidget();
233   virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessible();
234   virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible
235   AccessibilityGetNativeViewAccessibleForWindow();
SetMainFrameAXTreeID(ui::AXTreeID id)236   virtual void SetMainFrameAXTreeID(ui::AXTreeID id) {}
237   // Informs that the focused DOM node has changed.
FocusedNodeChanged(bool is_editable_node,const gfx::Rect & node_bounds_in_screen)238   virtual void FocusedNodeChanged(bool is_editable_node,
239                                   const gfx::Rect& node_bounds_in_screen) {}
241   // This method will reset the fallback to the first surface after navigation.
242   virtual void ResetFallbackToFirstNavigationSurface() = 0;
244   // Requests a new CompositorFrame from the renderer. This is done by
245   // allocating a new viz::LocalSurfaceId which forces a commit and draw.
246   virtual bool RequestRepaintForTesting();
248   // Because the associated remote WebKit instance can asynchronously
249   // prevent-default on a dispatched touch event, the touch events are queued in
250   // the GestureRecognizer until invocation of ProcessAckedTouchEvent releases
251   // it to be consumed (when |ack_result| is NOT_CONSUMED OR NO_CONSUMER_EXISTS)
252   // or ignored (when |ack_result| is CONSUMED).
253   // |touch|'s coordinates are in the coordinate space of the view to which it
254   // was targeted.
255   virtual void ProcessAckedTouchEvent(
256       const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch,
257       blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
DidOverscroll(const ui::DidOverscrollParams & params)259   virtual void DidOverscroll(const ui::DidOverscrollParams& params) {}
DidStopFlinging()261   virtual void DidStopFlinging() {}
263   // Returns the ID associated with the CompositorFrameSink of this view.
264   virtual const viz::FrameSinkId& GetFrameSinkId() const = 0;
266   // Returns the LocalSurfaceId allocated by the parent client for this view.
267   virtual const viz::LocalSurfaceId& GetLocalSurfaceId() const = 0;
269   // Called whenever the browser receives updated hit test data from viz.
NotifyHitTestRegionUpdated(const viz::AggregatedHitTestRegion & region)270   virtual void NotifyHitTestRegionUpdated(
271       const viz::AggregatedHitTestRegion& region) {}
273   // Indicates whether the widget has resized or moved within its embedding
274   // page during the 500 milliseconds prior to the event.
275   virtual bool ScreenRectIsUnstableFor(const blink::WebInputEvent& event);
PreProcessMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent & event)277   virtual void PreProcessMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) {}
PreProcessTouchEvent(const blink::WebTouchEvent & event)278   virtual void PreProcessTouchEvent(const blink::WebTouchEvent& event) {}
280   void ProcessMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event,
281                          const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
282   void ProcessMouseWheelEvent(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& event,
283                               const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
284   void ProcessTouchEvent(const blink::WebTouchEvent& event,
285                          const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
286   virtual void ProcessGestureEvent(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
287                                    const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
289   // Transform a point that is in the coordinate space of a Surface that is
290   // embedded within the RenderWidgetHostViewBase's Surface to the
291   // coordinate space of an embedding, or embedded, Surface. Typically this
292   // means that a point was received from an out-of-process iframe's
293   // RenderWidget and needs to be translated to viewport coordinates for the
294   // root RWHV, in which case this method is called on the root RWHV with the
295   // out-of-process iframe's SurfaceId.
296   // Returns false when this attempts to transform a point between coordinate
297   // spaces of surfaces where one does not contain the other. To transform
298   // between sibling surfaces, the point must be transformed to the root's
299   // coordinate space as an intermediate step.
300   bool TransformPointToLocalCoordSpace(const gfx::PointF& point,
301                                        const viz::SurfaceId& original_surface,
302                                        gfx::PointF* transformed_point);
304   // Given a RenderWidgetHostViewBase that renders to a Surface that is
305   // contained within this class' Surface, find the relative transform between
306   // the Surfaces and apply it to a point. Returns false if a Surface has not
307   // yet been created or if |target_view| is not a descendant RWHV from our
308   // client.
309   virtual bool TransformPointToCoordSpaceForView(
310       const gfx::PointF& point,
311       RenderWidgetHostViewBase* target_view,
312       gfx::PointF* transformed_point);
314   // On success, returns true and modifies |*transform| to represent the
315   // transformation mapping a point in the coordinate space of this view
316   // into the coordinate space of the target view.
317   // On Failure, returns false, and leaves |*transform| unchanged.
318   // This function will fail if viz hit testing is not enabled, or if either
319   // this view or the target view has no current FrameSinkId. The latter may
320   // happen if either view is not currently visible in the viewport.
321   // This function is useful if there are multiple points to transform between
322   // the same two views. |target_view| must be non-null.
323   bool GetTransformToViewCoordSpace(RenderWidgetHostViewBase* target_view,
324                                     gfx::Transform* transform);
326   // Subclass identifier for RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrames. This is useful
327   // to be able to know if this RWHV is embedded within another RWHV. If
328   // other kinds of embeddable RWHVs are created, this should be renamed to
329   // a more generic term -- in which case, static casts to RWHVChildFrame will
330   // need to also be resolved.
331   virtual bool IsRenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame();
333   // Notify the View that a screen rect update is being sent to the
334   // RenderWidget. Related platform-specific updates can be sent from here.
WillSendScreenRects()335   virtual void WillSendScreenRects() {}
337   // Returns true if the current view is in virtual reality mode.
338   virtual bool IsInVR() const;
340   // Obtains the root window FrameSinkId.
341   virtual viz::FrameSinkId GetRootFrameSinkId();
343   // Returns the SurfaceId currently in use by the renderer to submit compositor
344   // frames.
345   virtual viz::SurfaceId GetCurrentSurfaceId() const = 0;
347   // Returns true if this view's size have been initialized.
348   virtual bool HasSize() const;
350   // Informs the view that the assocaited InterstitialPage was attached.
OnInterstitialPageAttached()351   virtual void OnInterstitialPageAttached() {}
353   // Tells the view that the assocaited InterstitialPage will going away (but is
354   // not yet destroyed, as InterstitialPage destruction is asynchronous). The
355   // view may use this notification to clean up associated resources. This
356   // should be called before the WebContents is fully destroyed.
OnInterstitialPageGoingAway()357   virtual void OnInterstitialPageGoingAway() {}
359   // Returns true if the visual properties should be sent to the renderer at
360   // this time. This function is intended for subclasses to suppress
361   // synchronization, the default implementation returns true.
362   virtual bool CanSynchronizeVisualProperties();
364   // Extracts information about any active pointers and cancels any existing
365   // active pointers by dispatching synthetic cancel events.
366   virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ui::TouchEvent>>
367   ExtractAndCancelActiveTouches();
369   // Used to transfer pointer state from one view to another. It recreates the
370   // pointer state by dispatching touch down events.
TransferTouches(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ui::TouchEvent>> & touches)371   virtual void TransferTouches(
372       const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ui::TouchEvent>>& touches) {}
SetLastPointerType(ui::EventPointerType last_pointer_type)374   virtual void SetLastPointerType(ui::EventPointerType last_pointer_type) {}
376   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
377   // The following methods are related to IME.
378   // TODO(ekaramad): Most of the IME methods should not stay virtual after IME
379   // is implemented for OOPIF. After fixing IME, mark the corresponding methods
380   // non-virtual (https://crbug.com/578168).
382   // Updates the state of the input method attached to the view.
383   virtual void TextInputStateChanged(
384       const ui::mojom::TextInputState& text_input_state);
386   // Cancel the ongoing composition of the input method attached to the view.
387   virtual void ImeCancelComposition();
389   // Notifies the view that the renderer selection bounds has changed.
390   // Selection bounds are described as a focus bound which is the current
391   // position of caret on the screen, as well as the anchor bound which is the
392   // starting position of the selection. The coordinates are with respect to
393   // RenderWidget's window's origin. Focus and anchor bound are represented as
394   // gfx::Rect.
395   virtual void SelectionBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
396                                       base::i18n::TextDirection anchor_dir,
397                                       const gfx::Rect& focus_rect,
398                                       base::i18n::TextDirection focus_dir,
399                                       bool is_anchor_first);
401   // Updates the range of the marked text in an IME composition.
402   virtual void ImeCompositionRangeChanged(
403       const gfx::Range& range,
404       const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& character_bounds);
406   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
407   // The following pure virtual methods are implemented by derived classes.
409   // Perform all the initialization steps necessary for this object to represent
410   // a popup (such as a <select> dropdown), then shows the popup at |pos|.
411   virtual void InitAsPopup(RenderWidgetHostView* parent_host_view,
412                            const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
414   // Perform all the initialization steps necessary for this object to represent
415   // a full screen window.
416   // |reference_host_view| is the view associated with the creating page that
417   // helps to position the full screen widget on the correct monitor.
418   virtual void InitAsFullscreen(RenderWidgetHostView* reference_host_view) = 0;
420   // Sets the cursor for this view to the one associated with the specified
421   // cursor_type.
422   virtual void UpdateCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) = 0;
424   // Changes the cursor that is displayed on screen. This may or may not match
425   // the current cursor's view which was set by UpdateCursor.
426   virtual void DisplayCursor(const WebCursor& cursor);
428   // Views that manage cursors for window return a CursorManager. Other views
429   // return nullptr.
430   virtual CursorManager* GetCursorManager();
432   // Indicates whether the page has finished loading.
433   virtual void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) = 0;
435   // Notifies the View that the renderer has ceased to exist.
436   virtual void RenderProcessGone() = 0;
438   // Tells the View to destroy itself.
439   virtual void Destroy();
441   // Tells the View that the tooltip text for the current mouse position over
442   // the page has changed.
443   virtual void SetTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text) = 0;
445   // Displays the requested tooltip on the screen.
DisplayTooltipText(const base::string16 & tooltip_text)446   virtual void DisplayTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text) {}
448   // Transforms |point| to be in the coordinate space of browser compositor's
449   // surface. This is in DIP.
450   virtual void TransformPointToRootSurface(gfx::PointF* point);
452   // Gets the bounds of the top-level window, in screen coordinates.
453   virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() = 0;
455   // Called by the WebContentsImpl when a user tries to navigate a new page on
456   // main frame.
457   virtual void OnDidNavigateMainFrameToNewPage();
459   // Called by WebContentsImpl to notify the view about a change in visibility
460   // of context menu. The view can then perform platform specific tasks and
461   // changes.
SetShowingContextMenu(bool showing)462   virtual void SetShowingContextMenu(bool showing) {}
464   virtual void OnAutoscrollStart();
466   // Gets the DisplayFeature whose offset and mask_length are expressed in DIPs
467   // relative to the view. See display_feature.h for more details.
468   virtual base::Optional<DisplayFeature> GetDisplayFeature() = 0;
470   virtual void SetDisplayFeatureForTesting(
471       const DisplayFeature* display_feature) = 0;
473   // Returns the associated RenderWidgetHostImpl.
host()474   RenderWidgetHostImpl* host() const { return host_; }
476   // Process swap messages sent before |frame_token| in RenderWidgetHostImpl.
477   void OnFrameTokenChangedForView(uint32_t frame_token);
479   // Add and remove observers for lifetime event notifications. The order in
480   // which notifications are sent to observers is undefined. Clients must be
481   // sure to remove the observer before they go away.
482   void AddObserver(RenderWidgetHostViewBaseObserver* observer);
483   void RemoveObserver(RenderWidgetHostViewBaseObserver* observer);
485   // Returns a reference to the current instance of TextInputManager. The
486   // reference is obtained from RenderWidgetHostDelegate. The first time a non-
487   // null reference is obtained, its value is cached in |text_input_manager_|
488   // and this view is registered with it. The RWHV will unregister from the
489   // TextInputManager if it is destroyed or if the TextInputManager itself is
490   // destroyed. The unregistration of the RWHV from TextInputManager is
491   // necessary and must be done by explicitly calling
492   // TextInputManager::Unregister.
493   // It is safer to use this method rather than directly dereferencing
494   // |text_input_manager_|.
495   TextInputManager* GetTextInputManager();
497   void StopFling();
is_fullscreen()499   bool is_fullscreen() { return is_fullscreen_; }
set_is_currently_scrolling_viewport(bool is_currently_scrolling_viewport)501   void set_is_currently_scrolling_viewport(
502       bool is_currently_scrolling_viewport) {
503     is_currently_scrolling_viewport_ = is_currently_scrolling_viewport;
504   }
is_currently_scrolling_viewport()506   bool is_currently_scrolling_viewport() {
507     return is_currently_scrolling_viewport_;
508   }
510   virtual void DidNavigate();
512   // Called when the RenderWidgetHostImpl has be initialized.
OnRenderWidgetInit()513   virtual void OnRenderWidgetInit() {}
set_is_evicted()515   void set_is_evicted() { is_evicted_ = true; }
reset_is_evicted()516   void reset_is_evicted() { is_evicted_ = false; }
is_evicted()517   bool is_evicted() { return is_evicted_; }
519   // SetContentBackgroundColor is called when the renderer wants to update the
520   // view's background color.
521   void SetContentBackgroundColor(SkColor color);
content_background_color()522   base::Optional<SkColor> content_background_color() const {
523     return content_background_color_;
524   }
526  protected:
527   explicit RenderWidgetHostViewBase(RenderWidgetHost* host);
529   void NotifyObserversAboutShutdown();
531   virtual MouseWheelPhaseHandler* GetMouseWheelPhaseHandler();
533   // Applies background color without notifying the RenderWidget about
534   // opaqueness changes. This allows us to, when navigating to a new page,
535   // transfer this color to that page. This allows us to pass this background
536   // color to new views on navigation.
537   virtual void UpdateBackgroundColor() = 0;
539   // Stops flinging if a GSU event with momentum phase is sent to the renderer
540   // but not consumed.
541   virtual void StopFlingingIfNecessary(
542       const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
543       blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
545   // If |event| is a touchpad pinch or double tap event for which we've sent a
546   // synthetic wheel event, forward the |event| to the renderer, subject to
547   // |ack_result| which is the ACK result of the synthetic wheel.
548   virtual void ForwardTouchpadZoomEventIfNecessary(
549       const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
550       blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result);
552   virtual bool HasFallbackSurface() const;
554   // The model object. Access is protected to allow access to
555   // RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame.
556   RenderWidgetHostImpl* host_;
558   // Is this a fullscreen view?
559   bool is_fullscreen_ = false;
561   // Whether this view is a frame or a popup.
562   WidgetType widget_type_ = WidgetType::kFrame;
564   // Indicates whether keyboard lock is active for this view.
565   bool keyboard_locked_ = false;
567   // Indicates whether the scroll offset of the root layer is at top, i.e.,
568   // whether scroll_offset.y() == 0.
569   bool is_scroll_offset_at_top_ = true;
571   // The scale factor of the display the renderer is currently on.
572   float current_device_scale_factor_ = 0;
574   // The color space of the display the renderer is currently on.
575   gfx::DisplayColorSpaces current_display_color_spaces_;
577   // The orientation of the display the renderer is currently on.
578   display::Display::Rotation current_display_rotation_ =
579       display::Display::ROTATE_0;
581   // A reference to current TextInputManager instance this RWHV is registered
582   // with. This is initially nullptr until the first time the view calls
583   // GetTextInputManager(). It also becomes nullptr when TextInputManager is
584   // destroyed before the RWHV is destroyed.
585   TextInputManager* text_input_manager_ = nullptr;
587   // The background color used in the current renderer.
588   base::Optional<SkColor> content_background_color_;
590   // The default background color used before getting the
591   // |content_background_color|.
592   base::Optional<SkColor> default_background_color_;
594   bool is_currently_scrolling_viewport_ = false;
596  protected:
597   ~RenderWidgetHostViewBase() override;
599  private:
601       BrowserSideFlingBrowserTest,
602       EarlyTouchscreenFlingCancelationOnInertialGSUAckNotConsumed);
604       BrowserSideFlingBrowserTest,
605       EarlyTouchpadFlingCancelationOnInertialGSUAckNotConsumed);
606   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostDelegatedInkMetadataTest,
607                            FlagGetsSetFromRenderFrameMetadata);
608   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouterTest,
609                            QueryResultAfterChildViewDead);
610   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DelegatedInkPointTest, EventForwardedToCompositor);
611   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DelegatedInkPointTest,
612                            MojoInterfaceReboundOnDisconnect);
614   void SynchronizeVisualProperties();
616   // Called when display properties that need to be synchronized with the
617   // renderer process changes. This method is called before notifying
618   // RenderWidgetHostImpl in order to allow the view to allocate a new
619   // LocalSurfaceId.
OnSynchronizedDisplayPropertiesChanged()620   virtual void OnSynchronizedDisplayPropertiesChanged() {}
622   // Transforms |point| from |original_view| coord space to |target_view| coord
623   // space. Result is stored in |transformed_point|. Returns true if the
624   // transform is successful, false otherwise.
625   bool TransformPointToTargetCoordSpace(RenderWidgetHostViewBase* original_view,
626                                         RenderWidgetHostViewBase* target_view,
627                                         const gfx::PointF& point,
628                                         gfx::PointF* transformed_point) const;
view_stopped_flinging_for_test()630   bool view_stopped_flinging_for_test() const {
631     return view_stopped_flinging_for_test_;
632   }
634   gfx::Rect current_display_area_;
636   base::ObserverList<RenderWidgetHostViewBaseObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
638   base::Optional<blink::WebGestureEvent> pending_touchpad_pinch_begin_;
640   // The last tab switch processing start request. This should only be set and
641   // retrieved using SetRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest and
642   // TakeRecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest.
643   blink::mojom::RecordContentToVisibleTimeRequestPtr
644       last_record_tab_switch_time_request_;
646   // True when StopFlingingIfNecessary() calls StopFling().
647   bool view_stopped_flinging_for_test_ = false;
649   bool is_evicted_ = false;
651   base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderWidgetHostViewBase> weak_factory_{this};
653   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderWidgetHostViewBase);
654 };
656 }  // namespace content