1# Acquiring dynamic libraries
5## Overview
7The normal model for shared libraries in Unix is that libraries are installed
8into the filesystem by a package manager into the centralised locations `/lib`
9and `/usr/lib`. Native Client, however, does not have a built-in filesystem, and
10the concept of a centralised package manager is not applicable to web apps.
11Instead, we propose to use a virtualised filesystem namespace, implemented via
12IPC calls. Each NaCl process may be launched with a custom filesystem namespace
13populated with the library versions the web app chooses to use.
15## How files are fetched
17Each library and executable can be fetched from a URL.
19There are at least two interfaces through which libraries can be fetched for use
20in NaCl processes: * XMLHttpRequest * NaCl's `__urlAsNaClDesc()`, a method
21provided to Javascript on the NaCl plugin object. This returns a NaCl file
22descriptor via an asynchronous callback.
24In principle, any mechanism that Javascript code can currently use for fetching
25data can be used for fetching libraries.
27However, using the latter, NaCl-specific descriptor-based interface has two
28advantages: * It reduces the need to copy data between processes via sockets. *
29It can be used with an mmap() interface which has the potential to allow library
30and executable code to be mapped rather than copied into memory. Whether this
31potential can be realised depends on the underlying mechanism for dynamic
32loading; see [mmapping code]
33(DynamicLoadingOptions#mmapping_code_to_share_memory.md) in
34DynamicLoadingOptions. If mapping can be used, it means that two NaCl processes
35using the same library will share physical memory for the library, provided that
36the library is retained in the browser's cache.
38The basic interface for fetching files is therefore a Javascript API. We need a
39way to hook that up to Native Client.
41## How files are requested by NaCl processes
43NaCl processes will open files by making requests over IPC, using NaCl IMC
44sockets. Javascript code running in the browser can handle these requests and
45call `__urlAsNaclDesc()` on behalf of the NaCl process. Javascript objects can
46provide a virtual file namespace that may contain a Unix-like file layout.
48The `open()` library function will be implemented as a remote procedure call
49which sends a message across an IMC socket and expects to receive a reply
50message containing a file descriptor. This `open()` implementation will be used
51by the dynamic linker and can be made available in libc/libnacl.
53*   This solves a bootstrap problem. The NaCl file namespace does not need to be
54    implemented by another NaCl process that would need to load its own files
55    somehow. The file namespace does not have to be implemented by trusted code.
56*   This allows namespaces to be defined in a flexible way. Rules for mapping
57    filenames to URLs can be written in a scripting language.
58*   The task of mapping filenames to URLs is not computationally intensive so
59    using Javascript should not be a performance problem. Javascript code passes
60    NaCl file descriptors around. File data does not need to be copied to or
61    from Javascript strings.
62*   We can provide a sample implementation or standard library that implements
63    the Javascript side and provides the kind of file namespaces that developers
64    are likely to need.
65*   This design does not involve adding too many NaCl-specific interfaces to
66    trusted code.
68### Receiving messages from NaCl asynchronously in Javascript
70The current NaCl Javascript API does not allow Javascript code to receive
71messages asynchronously from NaCl processes. We propose to extend the Javascript
72API to allow this. Javascript will need to be able to receive `open()` requests
73from the NaCl process. Currently the only way to do this is to busy-wait.
75Implementing this in the NaCl NPAPI plugin will require using
79### Initial socket connections
81The current interface assumes that the Javascript code will be sending requests
82to the NaCl process. The NaCl plugin creates the NaCl process with a BoundSocket
83descriptor. The NaCl process is expected to start by going into an
84`imc_accept()` loop on this descriptor to receive connections from Javascript.
86We would like to remove this assumption and allow the reverse arrangement. It
87should be possible to start the NaCl process with a SocketAddress descriptor --
88or ideally, an array of NaCl descriptors of any descriptor type. The NaCl
89process should be able to send `open()` requests early on and should not need to
90call `imc_accept()` on startup.
92### Prototype implementation
94I wrote a prototype of this earlier in 2009. As an example web app I implemented
95a [Python read-eval-print loop (REPL)]
97using CPython running under Native Client using dynamic linking. It is able to
98use Python extension modules such as Sqlite. The prototype works in Firefox on
101The code is in Git: * [hello.html]
103contains the Javascript side of the Python REPL * [imcplugin.c]
105a minimal trusted NPAPI plugin for Native Client allowing Javascript to send and
106receive asynchrous messages * [demo.py]
108the Python code
110`imcplugin` provides the following interfaces to Javascript:
112*   `plugin.get_file(url_string, function(nacl_file) { ... })`
114> Fetches a file from the given URL. When the file becomes available, the plugin
115> calls the callback function passing a Javascript wrapper object for a NaCl
116> file descriptor. This simple interface lacks error handling for when the URL
117> cannot be fetched.
119*   `plugin.launch(nacl_file, [arg1, arg2, ...], function(msg) { ... }) -> proc`
121> Spawns a NaCl process. Under the hood, this runs `sel_ldr`. * Takes a NaCl
122> file object specifying the executable to run. * Takes an array of strings to
123> pass as command line arguments which the NaCl process receives via main(). *
124> Takes a callback function which receives messages from the NaCl process. Each
125> message is a string. * Returns an object which can be used to send messages to
126> the process.
128*   `proc.send(string_arg, [nacl_file, ...])`
130> Sends a message to the process. Messages consist of an array of bytes
131> (represented as a Javascript string) and an array of file descriptor wrapper
132> objects. (The latter array may of course be empty.)
134### Call-return over IMC
136There are two ways we might implement call-return on top of IMC sockets.
138Option 1: Use the same channel, C, for sending and receiving: * `imc_sendmsg(C,
139request)` * `imc_recvmsg(C) -> reply` * This does not allow the channel to be
140shared between processes.
142Option 2: Create a new channel for each request: * `imc_connect(C) -> D` *
143`imc_sendmsg(D, request)` * `imc_recvmsg(D) -> reply` * `close(D)`
145See [IMCSockets](imc_sockets.md) for a further discussion.
147### Questions
149How will this interact with Web Workers?
151## Sharing libraries across sites
153It will be desirable to share library files across sites, so that the browser
154does not have to download identical files multiple times. This issue already
155occurs for Javascript libraries. NaCl executables and libraries are expected to
156be larger than Javascript libraries which makes this issue more important for
159### Background: Same Origin Policy
161XMLHttpRequest is constrained by a Same Origin Policy (SOP). `__urlAsNaClDesc`
162will also be constrained by a SOP. (Note that the NaCl NPAPI plugin has to
163implement the SOP itself because NPAPI does not provide a way to reuse the
164browser's SOP.)
166The main reason for the SOP is that XMLHttpRequest requests convey cookies -- a
167type of [ambient authority](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_authority). The
168Same Origin Policy is not intended to prevent web apps from sending messages
169across origins; it is only intended to prevent the web app from seeing the
170server's response to the request. (Sending cross-origin messages can already be
171done using mechanisms other than XMLHttpRequest, including redirects and `<img>`
174### Comparison: `script` element
176Loading libraries in NaCl is analogous to loading Javascript files via the
177`<script src=...>` element. Interestingly, `<script>` is not constrained by the
178SOP. By setting the response's content-type to `text/javascript`, the server
179effectively opts in to revealing the response to the web app. Supposedly, the
180response is not revealed directly to the web app. The DOM, a trusted part of the
181browser, evaluates the Javascript code, and the web app gets access only to the
182values the script assigns to variables. In practice, one cannot rely on
183`text/javascript` data from being revealed across origins.
185In NaCl's case, however, interpreting .so files is unambiguously the
186responsibility of untrusted code. We have to reveal the fetched data to the web
187app, so NaCl cannot be as unconstrained as the `<script>` tag.
189The `<script>` element permits a centralised model for sharing library code.
190Suppose multiple web apps use the library `libjfoo.js`. If this is hosted at
191`http://libjfoo.org/libjfoo-1.0.js`, the web apps can opt to link to this URL.
192The down side of using the `<script>` element in this way is that the web apps
193will be vulnerable to the centralised site, `libjfoo.org`. This site can change
194the file contents it serves up (there was [an example of this happening with
195json.org's copy of json.js]
196(http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2009/12/10/crockford-alert/)) and thereby run
197arbitrary Javascript in the context of the web apps. Since the script text is
198not available across origins, the web app cannot check the text against a hash
199before `eval`'ing it.
201### Fetching libraries across origins
203For NaCl, web apps could fetch libraries using [Uniform Messaging]
205(formerly known as GuestXHR) or [CORS](http://www.w3.org/Security/wiki/CORS),
206which are not NaCl-specific.
208We might also wish to allow decentralised sharing of files. For example, sites A
209and B both host `libfoo.so`. If the browser has already downloaded `libfoo.so`
210from site A, it won't need to download it again from site B, and vice-versa.
211Schemes for doing this by embedding secure hashes into URLs have been proposed;
212for example, see [Douglas Crockford's post]
215This problem is not unique to NaCl, so we should not adopt a solution which is
218## Trust relationship between Javascript and NaCl process
220In the above scheme, there are two principals: * the untrusted NaCl process
221running under the NaCl trusted runtime; * the Javascript code running on the web
222page under the browser
224The NaCl process depends on the Javascript code to provide its execution
225environment. The Javascript code provides all the code running in the NaCl
226process. The Javascript code therefore has at least as much authority as the
227NaCl process.
229This is at odds with the current same origin policy, described in [issue 238]
230(http://code.google.com/p/nativeclient/issues/detail?id=238). In the current
231scheme, executable `http://a.com/foo.nexe` can be embedded in the page
232`http://b.com`. Javascript on `b.com`'s page can use `__urlAsNaClDesc()` to
233fetch an `a.com` URL, getting a file descriptor in return. However, only the
234NaCl process can use the file descriptor to read the file's contents. The NaCl
235process therefore has strictly greater authority than the Javascript. However,
236it has no trusted path for fetching files from `a.com`. This is a dangerous
237situation which is likely to lead to XRSF-like Confused Deputy vulnerabilities.
238`foo.nexe` is expected to distrust the messages and file descriptors it receives
239from the page; this is difficult or impossible to achieve. It is incompatible
240with the dynamic library scenario above in which the NaCl process must trust the
241library data supplied by the page.
243We propose that if `__urlAsNaClDesc()` (or a similar API) is to follow a same
244origin policy at all, it should use the origin of the page, not the origin of
245the executable's URL.
247It may be that directly embedding a NaCl plugin object across origins should not
248be permitted at all. In this case, it would still be possible to embed a NaCl
249plugin object across origins indirectly, through a cross-origin iframe. In such
250a scenario, one is embedding a combination of Javascript and NaCl code in which
251the latter can legitimately trust the former.
253## Prefetching files
255The simplest approach to fetching library files is to fetch them one by one, as
256ld.so does synchronous open() calls. However, this means the inbound network
257connection will be idle after the end of a file is received by the client and
258before ld.so's request for the next file is received by the server. This costs
259one network round trip per file.
261We could reduce the time taken to fetch the whole set of files by pipelining the
262requests. A simple way to do this, which does not involve changing the dynamic
263linker, is to list up-front all the libraries we expect to load. The Javascript
264code could request the files on startup in order to pre-populate the browser's
267## Versioning
269As with static linking, each web app gets to choose its own version of libc and
270other libraries. Furthermore, different NaCl processes in the same web app can
271use different libc versions. Libc is not supplied by the browser.
273We don't expect there to be a huge number of libc versions, but older and newer
274versions of the same libc are likely to be around at the same time, as are
275different libc implementations (such as newlib and glibc).
277Web apps get to pick a set of libraries that are known to work well together.
278This is analogous to selecting a set of Javascript libraries, or selecting a set
279of packages for a software distribution such as Debian or Fedora. This way we
280can avoid "[DLL hell](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dll_hell)"; libraries are not
281the responsibility of the end user.
283This provides extra flexibility that is not available to typical applications on
284Linux when packaged with commonly-used packaging systems like dpkg or RPM.
285Packaging systems such as Zero-Install and Nix allow multiple library versions
286to coexist in the same way that I am proposing for NaCl.
288Though we have this extra flexibility we will still have all the versioning
289mechanisms that are available in ELF shared libraries normally: libraries can
290opt to provide stable ABIs and declare interfaces via [sonames]
291(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soname) and ELF symbol versioning; we get the
292benefit of separate compilation.
294Upgrading libraries is the responsibility of the web app. A web app may choose
295to delegate this responsibility to another site by fetching libraries from that