1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <map>
11 #include <string>
13 #include "base/callback.h"
14 #include "base/feature_list.h"
15 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
16 #include "base/macros.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
18 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
19 #include "base/time/time.h"
20 #include "net/base/expiring_cache.h"
21 #include "net/base/hash_value.h"
22 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
23 #include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
24 #include "net/cert/signed_certificate_timestamp_and_status.h"
25 #include "net/http/transport_security_state_source.h"
26 #include "url/gurl.h"
28 namespace net {
30 namespace ct {
31 enum class CTPolicyCompliance;
32 }
34 class HostPortPair;
35 class NetworkIsolationKey;
36 class SSLInfo;
37 class X509Certificate;
39 // Controls whether or not Certificate Transparency should be enforced for
40 // newly-issued certificates.
41 extern const NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE base::Feature kEnforceCTForNewCerts;
43 void NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SetTransportSecurityStateSourceForTesting(
44     const TransportSecurityStateSource* source);
46 // Tracks which hosts have enabled strict transport security and/or public
47 // key pins.
48 //
49 // This object manages the in-memory store. Register a Delegate with
50 // |SetDelegate| to persist the state to disk.
51 //
52 // HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) is defined in
53 // http://tools.ietf.org/html/ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec.
54 class NET_EXPORT TransportSecurityState {
55  public:
56   class NET_EXPORT Delegate {
57    public:
58     // This function may not block and may be called with internal locks held.
59     // Thus it must not reenter the TransportSecurityState object.
60     virtual void StateIsDirty(TransportSecurityState* state) = 0;
61     // Same as StateIsDirty but instructs the Delegate to persist the data
62     // immediately and call |callback| when done.
63     virtual void WriteNow(TransportSecurityState* state,
64                           base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
66    protected:
~Delegate()67     virtual ~Delegate() {}
68   };
70   class NET_EXPORT RequireCTDelegate {
71    public:
72     // Provides a capability for altering the default handling of Certificate
73     // Transparency information, allowing it to be always required for some
74     // hosts, for some hosts to be opted out of the default policy, or
75     // allowing the TransportSecurityState to apply the default security
76     // policies.
77     enum class CTRequirementLevel {
78       // The host is required to always supply Certificate Transparency
79       // information that complies with the CT policy.
80       REQUIRED,
82       // The host is explicitly not required to supply Certificate
83       // Transparency information that complies with the CT policy.
84       NOT_REQUIRED,
86       // The delegate makes no statements, positive or negative, about
87       // requiring the host to supply Certificate Transparency information,
88       // allowing the default behaviour to happen.
89       DEFAULT,
90     };
92     // Called by the TransportSecurityState, allows the Delegate to override
93     // the default handling of Certificate Transparency requirements, if
94     // desired.
95     // |hostname| contains the host being contacted, serving the certificate
96     // |chain|, with the set of hashesh |hashes|. Note that |hashes| and
97     // |chain| are not guaranteed to be in the same order - that is, the first
98     // hash in |hashes| is NOT guaranteed to be for the leaf cert in |chain|.
99     virtual CTRequirementLevel IsCTRequiredForHost(
100         const std::string& hostname,
101         const X509Certificate* chain,
102         const HashValueVector& hashes) = 0;
104    protected:
105     virtual ~RequireCTDelegate() = default;
106   };
108   // A STSState describes the strict transport security state (required
109   // upgrade to HTTPS).
110   class NET_EXPORT STSState {
111    public:
112     enum UpgradeMode {
113       // These numbers must match those in hsts_view.js, function modeToString.
114       MODE_FORCE_HTTPS = 0,
115       MODE_DEFAULT = 1,
116     };
118     STSState();
119     ~STSState();
121     // The absolute time (UTC) when the |upgrade_mode| (and other state) was
122     // observed.
123     base::Time last_observed;
125     // The absolute time (UTC) when |upgrade_mode| (and other state)
126     // expires.
127     base::Time expiry;
129     UpgradeMode upgrade_mode;
131     // Are subdomains subject to this policy state?
132     bool include_subdomains;
134     // The domain which matched during a search for this STSState entry.
135     // Updated by |GetDynamicSTSState| and |GetStaticDomainState|.
136     std::string domain;
138     // ShouldUpgradeToSSL returns true iff HTTP requests should be internally
139     // redirected to HTTPS (also if WS should be upgraded to WSS).
140     bool ShouldUpgradeToSSL() const;
141   };
143   class NET_EXPORT STSStateIterator {
144    public:
145     explicit STSStateIterator(const TransportSecurityState& state);
146     ~STSStateIterator();
HasNext()148     bool HasNext() const { return iterator_ != end_; }
Advance()149     void Advance() { ++iterator_; }
hostname()150     const std::string& hostname() const { return iterator_->first; }
domain_state()151     const STSState& domain_state() const { return iterator_->second; }
153    private:
154     std::map<std::string, STSState>::const_iterator iterator_;
155     std::map<std::string, STSState>::const_iterator end_;
156   };
158   // PKPStatus describes the result of a pinning check.
159   enum class PKPStatus {
160     // Pinning was enabled and the necessary pins were not present.
161     VIOLATED,
163     // Pinning was not enabled, or pinning was enabled and the certificate
164     // satisfied the pins.
165     OK,
167     // Pinning was enabled and the certificate did not satisfy the pins, but the
168     // violation was ignored due to local policy, such as a local trust anchor.
169     BYPASSED,
170   };
172   // A PKPState describes the public key pinning state.
173   class NET_EXPORT PKPState {
174    public:
175     PKPState();
176     PKPState(const PKPState& other);
177     ~PKPState();
179     // The absolute time (UTC) when the |spki_hashes| (and other state) were
180     // observed.
181     base::Time last_observed;
183     // The absolute time (UTC) when the |spki_hashes| expire.
184     base::Time expiry;
186     // Optional; hashes of pinned SubjectPublicKeyInfos.
187     HashValueVector spki_hashes;
189     // Optional; hashes of static known-bad SubjectPublicKeyInfos which MUST
190     // NOT intersect with the set of SPKIs in the TLS server's certificate
191     // chain.
192     HashValueVector bad_spki_hashes;
194     // Are subdomains subject to this policy state?
195     bool include_subdomains;
197     // The domain which matched during a search for this DomainState entry.
198     // Updated by |GetDynamicPKPState| and |GetStaticDomainState|.
199     std::string domain;
201     // An optional URI indicating where reports should be sent when this
202     // pin is violated, or empty when omitted.
203     GURL report_uri;
205     // Takes a set of SubjectPublicKeyInfo |hashes| and returns true if:
206     //   1) |bad_static_spki_hashes| does not intersect |hashes|; AND
207     //   2) Both |static_spki_hashes| and |dynamic_spki_hashes| are empty
208     //      or at least one of them intersects |hashes|.
209     //
210     // |{dynamic,static}_spki_hashes| contain trustworthy public key hashes,
211     // any one of which is sufficient to validate the certificate chain in
212     // question. The public keys could be of a root CA, intermediate CA, or
213     // leaf certificate, depending on the security vs. disaster recovery
214     // tradeoff selected. (Pinning only to leaf certifiates increases
215     // security because you no longer trust any CAs, but it hampers disaster
216     // recovery because you can't just get a new certificate signed by the
217     // CA.)
218     //
219     // |bad_static_spki_hashes| contains public keys that we don't want to
220     // trust.
221     bool CheckPublicKeyPins(const HashValueVector& hashes,
222                             std::string* failure_log) const;
224     // Returns true if any of the HashValueVectors |static_spki_hashes|,
225     // |bad_static_spki_hashes|, or |dynamic_spki_hashes| contains any
226     // items.
227     bool HasPublicKeyPins() const;
228   };
230   // An ExpectCTState describes a site that expects valid Certificate
231   // Transparency information to be supplied on every connection to it.
232   class NET_EXPORT ExpectCTState {
233    public:
234     ExpectCTState();
235     ~ExpectCTState();
237     // The URI to which reports should be sent if valid CT info is not
238     // provided.
239     GURL report_uri;
240     // True if connections should be closed if they do not comply with the CT
241     // policy. If false, noncompliant connections will be allowed but reports
242     // will be sent about the violation.
243     bool enforce;
244     // The absolute time (UTC) when the Expect-CT state was last observed.
245     base::Time last_observed;
246     // The absolute time (UTC) when the Expect-CT state expires.
247     base::Time expiry;
248   };
250   // Unlike other data, Expect-CT information is indexed by NetworkIsolationKey
251   // in addition to domain hash, to prevent leaking user IDs across different
252   // first party contexts. Public only because ExpectCTStateIterator is public
253   // and depends on it.
254   struct ExpectCTStateIndex {
255     // Creates an ExpectCTStateIndex. Uses an empty NetworkIsolationKey instead
256     // of the passed in one, depending on |respect_network_isolation_key|.
257     // The value of features::kPartitionExpectCTStateByNetworkIsolationKey is
258     // cached on creation of the TransportSecurityState, and then passed in to
259     // this method whenever an ExpectCTStateIndex() is created, to avoid
260     // constantly querying the field trial.
261     ExpectCTStateIndex(const std::string& hashed_host,
262                        const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
263                        bool respect_network_isolation_key);
265     bool operator<(const ExpectCTStateIndex& other) const {
266       return std::tie(hashed_host, network_isolation_key) <
267              std::tie(other.hashed_host, other.network_isolation_key);
268     }
270     std::string hashed_host;
271     NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key;
272   };
274   class NET_EXPORT ExpectCTStateIterator {
275    public:
276     explicit ExpectCTStateIterator(const TransportSecurityState& state);
277     ~ExpectCTStateIterator();
HasNext()279     bool HasNext() const { return iterator_ != end_; }
Advance()280     void Advance() { ++iterator_; }
hostname()281     const std::string& hostname() const { return iterator_->first.hashed_host; }
network_isolation_key()282     const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key() const {
283       return iterator_->first.network_isolation_key;
284     }
domain_state()285     const ExpectCTState& domain_state() const { return iterator_->second; }
287    private:
288     std::map<ExpectCTStateIndex, ExpectCTState>::const_iterator iterator_;
289     std::map<ExpectCTStateIndex, ExpectCTState>::const_iterator end_;
290   };
292   // An interface for asynchronously sending HPKP violation reports.
293   class NET_EXPORT ReportSenderInterface {
294    public:
295     // Sends the given serialized |report| to |report_uri| with
296     // Content-Type header as specified in
297     // |content_type|. |content_type| should be non-empty.
298     // |success_callback| is called iff an HTTP 200 response is received.
299     // |error_callback| is called in all other cases. Error callback's
300     // |net_error| can be net::OK if the upload was successful but the server
301     // returned a non-HTTP 200 |http_response_code|. In all other cases,
302     // error callback's |http_response_code| is -1.
303     virtual void Send(const GURL& report_uri,
304                       base::StringPiece content_type,
305                       base::StringPiece report,
306                       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
307                       base::OnceCallback<void()> success_callback,
308                       base::OnceCallback<void(const GURL&,
309                                               int /* net_error */,
310                                               int /* http_response_code */)>
311                           error_callback) = 0;
313    protected:
~ReportSenderInterface()314     virtual ~ReportSenderInterface() {}
315   };
317   // An interface for building and asynchronously sending reports when a
318   // site expects valid Certificate Transparency information but it
319   // wasn't supplied.
320   class NET_EXPORT ExpectCTReporter {
321    public:
322     // Called when the host in |host_port_pair| has opted in to have
323     // reports about Expect CT policy violations sent to |report_uri|,
324     // and such a violation has occurred.
325     virtual void OnExpectCTFailed(
326         const net::HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
327         const GURL& report_uri,
328         base::Time expiration,
329         const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
330         const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
331         const SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatusList&
332             signed_certificate_timestamps,
333         const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key) = 0;
335    protected:
~ExpectCTReporter()336     virtual ~ExpectCTReporter() {}
337   };
339   // Indicates whether or not a public key pin check should send a
340   // report if a violation is detected.
341   enum PublicKeyPinReportStatus { ENABLE_PIN_REPORTS, DISABLE_PIN_REPORTS };
343   // Indicates whether or not an Expect-CT check should send a report if a
344   // violation is detected.
345   enum ExpectCTReportStatus {
348   };
350   // Indicates whether a connection met CT requirements.
351   enum CTRequirementsStatus {
352     // CT was not required for the connection.
354     // CT was required for the connection and valid Certificate Transparency
355     // information was provided.
357     // CT was required for the connection but valid CT info was not provided.
359   };
361   // Feature that controls whether Expect-CT HTTP headers are parsed, processed,
362   // and stored.
363   static const base::Feature kDynamicExpectCTFeature;
365   TransportSecurityState();
367   // Creates a TransportSecurityState object that will skip the check to force
368   // HTTPS from static entries for the given set of hosts. All hostnames in the
369   // bypass list must consist of a single label, i.e. they must be a TLD.
370   explicit TransportSecurityState(
371       std::vector<std::string> hsts_host_bypass_list);
373   ~TransportSecurityState();
375   // These functions search for static and dynamic STS and PKP states, and
376   // invoke the functions of the same name on them. These functions are the
377   // primary public interface; direct access to STS and PKP states is best
378   // left to tests. The caller needs to handle the optional pinning override
379   // when is_issued_by_known_root is false.
380   bool ShouldSSLErrorsBeFatal(const std::string& host);
381   bool ShouldUpgradeToSSL(const std::string& host);
382   PKPStatus CheckPublicKeyPins(
383       const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
384       bool is_issued_by_known_root,
385       const HashValueVector& hashes,
386       const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
387       const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
388       const PublicKeyPinReportStatus report_status,
389       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
390       std::string* failure_log);
391   bool HasPublicKeyPins(const std::string& host);
393   // Returns CT_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET if a connection violates CT policy
394   // requirements: that is, if a connection to |host|, using the validated
395   // certificate |validated_certificate_chain|, is expected to be accompanied
396   // with valid Certificate Transparency information that complies with the
397   // connection's CTPolicyEnforcer and |policy_compliance| indicates that
398   // the connection does not comply.
399   //
400   // The behavior may be further be altered by setting a RequireCTDelegate
401   // via |SetRequireCTDelegate()|.
402   //
403   // This method checks Expect-CT state for |host| if |issued_by_known_root| is
404   // true. If Expect-CT is configured for |host| and the connection is not
405   // compliant and |report_status| is ENABLE_EXPECT_CT_REPORTS, then a report
406   // will be sent.
407   CTRequirementsStatus CheckCTRequirements(
408       const net::HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
409       bool is_issued_by_known_root,
410       const HashValueVector& public_key_hashes,
411       const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
412       const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
413       const SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatusList&
414           signed_certificate_timestamps,
415       const ExpectCTReportStatus report_status,
416       ct::CTPolicyCompliance policy_compliance,
417       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
419   // Assign a |Delegate| for persisting the transport security state. If
420   // |NULL|, state will not be persisted. The caller retains
421   // ownership of |delegate|.
422   // Note: This is only used for serializing/deserializing the
423   // TransportSecurityState.
424   void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
426   void SetReportSender(ReportSenderInterface* report_sender);
428   void SetExpectCTReporter(ExpectCTReporter* expect_ct_reporter);
430   // Assigns a delegate responsible for determining whether or not a
431   // connection to a given host should require Certificate Transparency
432   // information that complies with the CT policy provided by a
433   // CTPolicyEnforcer.
434   // If nullptr, no delegate will be consulted.
435   // The caller retains ownership of the |delegate|, and must persist for
436   // the lifetime of this object or until called with nullptr, whichever
437   // occurs first.
438   void SetRequireCTDelegate(RequireCTDelegate* delegate);
440   // Clears all dynamic data (e.g. HSTS and HPKP data).
441   //
442   // Does NOT persist changes using the Delegate, as this function is only
443   // used to clear any dynamic data prior to re-loading it from a file.
444   // Note: This is only used for serializing/deserializing the
445   // TransportSecurityState.
446   void ClearDynamicData();
448   // Inserts |state| into |enabled_sts_hosts_| under the key |hashed_host|.
449   // |hashed_host| is already in the internal representation.
450   // Note: This is only used for serializing/deserializing the
451   // TransportSecurityState.
452   void AddOrUpdateEnabledSTSHosts(const std::string& hashed_host,
453                                   const STSState& state);
455   // Inserts |state| into |enabled_expect_ct_hosts_| under the key
456   // |hashed_host|. |hashed_host| is already in the internal representation.
457   // Note: This is only used for serializing/deserializing the
458   // TransportSecurityState.
459   void AddOrUpdateEnabledExpectCTHosts(
460       const std::string& hashed_host,
461       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
462       const ExpectCTState& state);
464   // Deletes all dynamic data (e.g. HSTS or HPKP data) created between a time
465   // period  [|start_time|, |end_time|).
466   //
467   // If any entries are deleted, the new state will be persisted through
468   // the Delegate (if any). Calls |callback| when data is persisted to disk.
469   void DeleteAllDynamicDataBetween(base::Time start_time,
470                                    base::Time end_time,
471                                    base::OnceClosure callback);
473   // Deletes any dynamic data stored for |host| (e.g. HSTS or HPKP data).
474   // If |host| doesn't have an exact entry then no action is taken. Does
475   // not delete static (i.e. preloaded) data.  Returns true iff an entry
476   // was deleted.
477   //
478   // If an entry is deleted, the new state will be persisted through
479   // the Delegate (if any).
480   bool DeleteDynamicDataForHost(const std::string& host);
482   // Returns true and updates |*result| if |host| has dynamic or static
483   // HSTS/HPKP (respectively) state. If multiple entries match |host|, dynamic
484   // state is preferred over static state and other than that the most specific
485   // match determines the return value (both is in deviation of RFC6797, cf.
486   // https://crbug.com/821811).
487   //
488   // Note that these methods are not const because they opportunistically remove
489   // entries that have expired.
490   bool GetSTSState(const std::string& host, STSState* result);
491   bool GetPKPState(const std::string& host, PKPState* result);
493   // Returns true and updates |*sts_result| and/or |*pkp_result| if there is
494   // static (built-in) state for |host|. If multiple entries match |host|,
495   // the most specific match determines the return value.
496   bool GetStaticDomainState(const std::string& host,
497                             STSState* sts_result,
498                             PKPState* pkp_result) const;
500   // Returns true and updates |*result| iff |host| has dynamic
501   // HSTS/HPKP/Expect-CT (respectively) state. If multiple entries match |host|,
502   // the most specific match determines the return value.
503   //
504   // Note that these methods are not const because they opportunistically remove
505   // entries that have expired.
506   bool GetDynamicSTSState(const std::string& host, STSState* result);
507   bool GetDynamicPKPState(const std::string& host, PKPState* result);
508   bool GetDynamicExpectCTState(const std::string& host,
509                                const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
510                                ExpectCTState* result);
512   // Processes an HSTS header value from the host, adding entries to
513   // dynamic state if necessary.
514   bool AddHSTSHeader(const std::string& host, const std::string& value);
516   // Adds explicitly-specified data as if it was processed from an
517   // HSTS header (used for net-internals and unit tests).
518   void AddHSTS(const std::string& host,
519                const base::Time& expiry,
520                bool include_subdomains);
522   // Adds explicitly-specified data as if it was processed from an HPKP header.
523   // Note: dynamic PKP data is not persisted.
524   void AddHPKP(const std::string& host,
525                const base::Time& expiry,
526                bool include_subdomains,
527                const HashValueVector& hashes,
528                const GURL& report_uri);
530   // Adds explicitly-specified data as if it was processed from an Expect-CT
531   // header.
532   // Note: This method will persist the Expect-CT data if a Delegate is present.
533   //       Make sure that the delegate is nullptr if the persistence is not
534   //       desired. See |SetDelegate| method for more details.
535   void AddExpectCT(const std::string& host,
536                    const base::Time& expiry,
537                    bool enforce,
538                    const GURL& report_uri,
539                    const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
541   // Enables or disables public key pinning bypass for local trust anchors.
542   // Disabling the bypass for local trust anchors is highly discouraged.
543   // This method is used by Cronet only and *** MUST NOT *** be used by any
544   // other consumer. For more information see "How does key pinning interact
545   // with local proxies and filters?" at
546   // https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/security-faq
547   void SetEnablePublicKeyPinningBypassForLocalTrustAnchors(bool value);
549   // Parses |value| as a Expect CT header value. If valid and served on a
550   // CT-compliant connection, adds an entry to the dynamic state. If valid but
551   // not served on a CT-compliant connection, a report is sent to alert the site
552   // owner of the misconfiguration (provided that a reporter has been set via
553   // SetExpectCTReporter).
554   //
555   // The header can also have the value "preload", indicating that the site
556   // wants to opt-in to the static report-only version of Expect-CT. If the
557   // given host is present on the preload list and the build is timely and the
558   // connection is not CT-compliant, then a report will be sent.
559   void ProcessExpectCTHeader(const std::string& value,
560                              const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
561                              const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
562                              const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
AssertCalledOnValidThread()564   void AssertCalledOnValidThread() const {
565     DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_);
566   }
568   // For unit tests only. Forces CheckCTRequirements() to unconditionally
569   // check compliance.
570   static void SetRequireCTForTesting(bool required);
572   // For unit tests only. Clears the caches that deduplicate sent PKP and
573   // Expect-CT reports.
574   void ClearReportCachesForTesting();
576   // For unit tests only.
EnableStaticPinsForTesting()577   void EnableStaticPinsForTesting() { enable_static_pins_ = true; }
has_dynamic_pkp_state()578   bool has_dynamic_pkp_state() const { return !enabled_pkp_hosts_.empty(); }
580   // The number of cached ExpectCTState entries.
581   size_t num_expect_ct_entries() const;
583  private:
584   friend class TransportSecurityStateTest;
585   friend class TransportSecurityStateStaticFuzzer;
586   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HttpSecurityHeadersTest, NoClobberPins);
587   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(URLRequestTestHTTP, PreloadExpectCTHeader);
589   typedef std::map<std::string, STSState> STSStateMap;
590   typedef std::map<std::string, PKPState> PKPStateMap;
591   typedef std::map<ExpectCTStateIndex, ExpectCTState> ExpectCTStateMap;
592   typedef ExpiringCache<std::string,
593                         bool,
594                         base::TimeTicks,
595                         std::less<base::TimeTicks>>
596       ReportCache;
598   // IsBuildTimely returns true if the current build is new enough ensure that
599   // built in security information (i.e. HSTS preloading and pinning
600   // information) is timely.
601   static bool IsBuildTimely();
603   // Helper method for actually checking pins.
604   PKPStatus CheckPublicKeyPinsImpl(
605       const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
606       bool is_issued_by_known_root,
607       const HashValueVector& hashes,
608       const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
609       const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
610       const PublicKeyPinReportStatus report_status,
611       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
612       std::string* failure_log);
614   // If a Delegate is present, notify it that the internal state has
615   // changed.
616   void DirtyNotify();
618   // Adds HSTS, HPKP, and Expect-CT state for |host|. The new state supercedes
619   // any previous state for the |host|, including static entries.
620   //
621   // The new state for |host| is persisted using the Delegate (if any).
622   void AddHSTSInternal(const std::string& host,
623                        STSState::UpgradeMode upgrade_mode,
624                        const base::Time& expiry,
625                        bool include_subdomains);
626   void AddHPKPInternal(const std::string& host,
627                        const base::Time& last_observed,
628                        const base::Time& expiry,
629                        bool include_subdomains,
630                        const HashValueVector& hashes,
631                        const GURL& report_uri);
632   void AddExpectCTInternal(const std::string& host,
633                            const base::Time& last_observed,
634                            const base::Time& expiry,
635                            bool enforce,
636                            const GURL& report_uri,
637                            const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
639   // Returns true if a request to |host_port_pair| with the given
640   // SubjectPublicKeyInfo |hashes| satisfies the pins in |pkp_state|,
641   // and false otherwise. If a violation is found and reporting is
642   // configured (i.e. there is a report URI in |pkp_state| and
643   // |report_status| says to), this method sends an HPKP violation
644   // report containing |served_certificate_chain| and
645   // |validated_certificate_chain|.
646   PKPStatus CheckPinsAndMaybeSendReport(
647       const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
648       bool is_issued_by_known_root,
649       const TransportSecurityState::PKPState& pkp_state,
650       const HashValueVector& hashes,
651       const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
652       const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
653       const TransportSecurityState::PublicKeyPinReportStatus report_status,
654       const net::NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
655       std::string* failure_log);
657   // Returns true and updates |*expect_ct_result| iff there is a static
658   // (built-in) state for |host| with expect_ct=true.
659   bool GetStaticExpectCTState(const std::string& host,
660                               ExpectCTState* expect_ct_result) const;
662   void MaybeNotifyExpectCTFailed(
663       const HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
664       const GURL& report_uri,
665       base::Time expiration,
666       const X509Certificate* validated_certificate_chain,
667       const X509Certificate* served_certificate_chain,
668       const SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatusList&
669           signed_certificate_timestamps,
670       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
672   // Convenience method to create ExpectCTStateIndex, taking into account
673   // |key_expect_ct_by_nik_|.
674   ExpectCTStateIndex CreateExpectCTStateIndex(
675       const std::string& hashed_host,
676       const NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key);
678   // Checks if Expect-CT entries should be pruned, based on number of them and
679   // when entries were last pruned, and then performs pruning if necessary.
680   void MaybePruneExpectCTState();
682   // Sort ExpectCTState based on retention priority, with earlier entries to be
683   // removed first. Transient entries put in the front, then report-only
684   // entries, then entries are sorted by age, oldest first.
685   static bool ExpectCTPruningSorter(const ExpectCTStateMap::iterator& it1,
686                                     const ExpectCTStateMap::iterator& it2);
688   // The sets of hosts that have enabled TransportSecurity. |domain| will always
689   // be empty for a STSState, PKPState, or ExpectCTState in these maps; the
690   // domain comes from the map keys instead. In addition, |upgrade_mode| in the
691   // STSState is never MODE_DEFAULT and |HasPublicKeyPins| in the PKPState
692   // always returns true.
693   STSStateMap enabled_sts_hosts_;
694   PKPStateMap enabled_pkp_hosts_;
695   ExpectCTStateMap enabled_expect_ct_hosts_;
697   Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
699   ReportSenderInterface* report_sender_ = nullptr;
701   // True if static pins should be used.
702   bool enable_static_pins_;
704   // True if static expect-CT state should be used.
705   bool enable_static_expect_ct_;
707   // True if public key pinning bypass is enabled for local trust anchors.
708   bool enable_pkp_bypass_for_local_trust_anchors_;
710   ExpectCTReporter* expect_ct_reporter_ = nullptr;
712   RequireCTDelegate* require_ct_delegate_ = nullptr;
714   // Keeps track of reports that have been sent recently for
715   // rate-limiting.
716   ReportCache sent_hpkp_reports_cache_;
717   ReportCache sent_expect_ct_reports_cache_;
719   // Whether Expect-CT data should keyed by a NetworkIsolationKey. When false,
720   // ExpectCTStateIndex is always created with an empty NetworkIsolationKey.
721   // Populated based on features::kPartitionExpectCTStateByNetworkIsolationKey
722   // on construction of the TransportSecurityStateObject to avoid repeatedly
723   // querying the feature.
724   bool key_expect_ct_by_nik_;
726   // The earliest possible time for the next pruning of Expect-CT state.
727   base::Time earliest_next_prune_expect_ct_time_;
729   std::set<std::string> hsts_host_bypass_list_;
731   THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_);
733   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TransportSecurityState);
734 };
736 }  // namespace net