1 // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/congestion_control/bandwidth_sampler.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
9 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_types.h"
10 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h"
11 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flag_utils.h"
12 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_flags.h"
13 #include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h"
15 namespace quic {
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const SendTimeState & s)17 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SendTimeState& s) {
18   os << "{valid:" << s.is_valid << ", app_limited:" << s.is_app_limited
19      << ", total_sent:" << s.total_bytes_sent
20      << ", total_acked:" << s.total_bytes_acked
21      << ", total_lost:" << s.total_bytes_lost
22      << ", inflight:" << s.bytes_in_flight << "}";
23   return os;
24 }
Update(QuicBandwidth bandwidth_estimate,QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count,QuicTime ack_time,QuicByteCount bytes_acked)26 QuicByteCount MaxAckHeightTracker::Update(QuicBandwidth bandwidth_estimate,
27                                           QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count,
28                                           QuicTime ack_time,
29                                           QuicByteCount bytes_acked) {
30   if (aggregation_epoch_start_time_ == QuicTime::Zero()) {
31     aggregation_epoch_bytes_ = bytes_acked;
32     aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = ack_time;
33     ++num_ack_aggregation_epochs_;
34     return 0;
35   }
37   // Compute how many bytes are expected to be delivered, assuming max bandwidth
38   // is correct.
39   QuicByteCount expected_bytes_acked =
40       bandwidth_estimate * (ack_time - aggregation_epoch_start_time_);
41   // Reset the current aggregation epoch as soon as the ack arrival rate is less
42   // than or equal to the max bandwidth.
43   if (aggregation_epoch_bytes_ <=
44       ack_aggregation_bandwidth_threshold_ * expected_bytes_acked) {
45     QUIC_DVLOG(3) << "Starting a new aggregation epoch because "
46                      "aggregation_epoch_bytes_ "
47                   << aggregation_epoch_bytes_
48                   << " is smaller than expected. "
49                      "ack_aggregation_bandwidth_threshold_:"
50                   << ack_aggregation_bandwidth_threshold_
51                   << ", expected_bytes_acked:" << expected_bytes_acked
52                   << ", bandwidth_estimate:" << bandwidth_estimate
53                   << ", aggregation_duration:"
54                   << (ack_time - aggregation_epoch_start_time_)
55                   << ", new_aggregation_epoch:" << ack_time
56                   << ", new_aggregation_bytes_acked:" << bytes_acked;
57     // Reset to start measuring a new aggregation epoch.
58     aggregation_epoch_bytes_ = bytes_acked;
59     aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = ack_time;
60     ++num_ack_aggregation_epochs_;
61     return 0;
62   }
64   aggregation_epoch_bytes_ += bytes_acked;
66   // Compute how many extra bytes were delivered vs max bandwidth.
67   QuicByteCount extra_bytes_acked =
68       aggregation_epoch_bytes_ - expected_bytes_acked;
69   QUIC_DVLOG(3) << "Updating MaxAckHeight. ack_time:" << ack_time
70                 << ", round trip count:" << round_trip_count
71                 << ", bandwidth_estimate:" << bandwidth_estimate
72                 << ", bytes_acked:" << bytes_acked
73                 << ", expected_bytes_acked:" << expected_bytes_acked
74                 << ", aggregation_epoch_bytes_:" << aggregation_epoch_bytes_
75                 << ", extra_bytes_acked:" << extra_bytes_acked;
76   max_ack_height_filter_.Update(extra_bytes_acked, round_trip_count);
77   return extra_bytes_acked;
78 }
BandwidthSampler(const QuicUnackedPacketMap * unacked_packet_map,QuicRoundTripCount max_height_tracker_window_length)80 BandwidthSampler::BandwidthSampler(
81     const QuicUnackedPacketMap* unacked_packet_map,
82     QuicRoundTripCount max_height_tracker_window_length)
83     : total_bytes_sent_(0),
84       total_bytes_acked_(0),
85       total_bytes_lost_(0),
86       total_bytes_neutered_(0),
87       total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_(0),
88       last_acked_packet_sent_time_(QuicTime::Zero()),
89       last_acked_packet_ack_time_(QuicTime::Zero()),
90       is_app_limited_(true),
91       connection_state_map_(),
92       max_tracked_packets_(GetQuicFlag(FLAGS_quic_max_tracked_packet_count)),
93       unacked_packet_map_(unacked_packet_map),
94       max_ack_height_tracker_(max_height_tracker_window_length),
95       total_bytes_acked_after_last_ack_event_(0),
96       overestimate_avoidance_(false) {}
BandwidthSampler(const BandwidthSampler & other)98 BandwidthSampler::BandwidthSampler(const BandwidthSampler& other)
99     : total_bytes_sent_(other.total_bytes_sent_),
100       total_bytes_acked_(other.total_bytes_acked_),
101       total_bytes_lost_(other.total_bytes_lost_),
102       total_bytes_neutered_(other.total_bytes_neutered_),
103       total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_(
104           other.total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_),
105       last_acked_packet_sent_time_(other.last_acked_packet_sent_time_),
106       last_acked_packet_ack_time_(other.last_acked_packet_ack_time_),
107       last_sent_packet_(other.last_sent_packet_),
108       is_app_limited_(other.is_app_limited_),
109       end_of_app_limited_phase_(other.end_of_app_limited_phase_),
110       connection_state_map_(other.connection_state_map_),
111       recent_ack_points_(other.recent_ack_points_),
112       a0_candidates_(other.a0_candidates_),
113       max_tracked_packets_(other.max_tracked_packets_),
114       unacked_packet_map_(other.unacked_packet_map_),
115       max_ack_height_tracker_(other.max_ack_height_tracker_),
116       total_bytes_acked_after_last_ack_event_(
117           other.total_bytes_acked_after_last_ack_event_),
118       overestimate_avoidance_(other.overestimate_avoidance_) {}
EnableOverestimateAvoidance()120 void BandwidthSampler::EnableOverestimateAvoidance() {
121   if (overestimate_avoidance_) {
122     return;
123   }
125   overestimate_avoidance_ = true;
126   // TODO(wub): Change the default value of
127   // --quic_ack_aggregation_bandwidth_threshold to 2.0.
128   max_ack_height_tracker_.SetAckAggregationBandwidthThreshold(2.0);
129 }
~BandwidthSampler()131 BandwidthSampler::~BandwidthSampler() {}
OnPacketSent(QuicTime sent_time,QuicPacketNumber packet_number,QuicByteCount bytes,QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data)133 void BandwidthSampler::OnPacketSent(
134     QuicTime sent_time,
135     QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
136     QuicByteCount bytes,
137     QuicByteCount bytes_in_flight,
138     HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data) {
139   last_sent_packet_ = packet_number;
141   if (has_retransmittable_data != HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA) {
142     return;
143   }
145   total_bytes_sent_ += bytes;
147   // If there are no packets in flight, the time at which the new transmission
148   // opens can be treated as the A_0 point for the purpose of bandwidth
149   // sampling. This underestimates bandwidth to some extent, and produces some
150   // artificially low samples for most packets in flight, but it provides with
151   // samples at important points where we would not have them otherwise, most
152   // importantly at the beginning of the connection.
153   if (bytes_in_flight == 0) {
154     last_acked_packet_ack_time_ = sent_time;
155     if (overestimate_avoidance_) {
156       recent_ack_points_.Clear();
157       recent_ack_points_.Update(sent_time, total_bytes_acked_);
158       a0_candidates_.clear();
159       a0_candidates_.push_back(recent_ack_points_.MostRecentPoint());
160     }
161     total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_ = total_bytes_sent_;
163     // In this situation ack compression is not a concern, set send rate to
164     // effectively infinite.
165     last_acked_packet_sent_time_ = sent_time;
166   }
168   if (!connection_state_map_.IsEmpty() &&
169       packet_number >
170           connection_state_map_.last_packet() + max_tracked_packets_) {
171     if (unacked_packet_map_ != nullptr) {
172       QUIC_BUG << "BandwidthSampler in-flight packet map has exceeded maximum "
173                   "number of tracked packets("
174                << max_tracked_packets_
175                << ").  First tracked: " << connection_state_map_.first_packet()
176                << "; last tracked: " << connection_state_map_.last_packet()
177                << "; least unacked: " << unacked_packet_map_->GetLeastUnacked()
178                << "; packet number: " << packet_number << "; largest observed: "
179                << unacked_packet_map_->largest_acked();
180     } else {
181       QUIC_BUG << "BandwidthSampler in-flight packet map has exceeded maximum "
182                   "number of tracked packets.";
183     }
184   }
186   bool success = connection_state_map_.Emplace(packet_number, sent_time, bytes,
187                                                bytes_in_flight + bytes, *this);
188   QUIC_BUG_IF(!success) << "BandwidthSampler failed to insert the packet "
189                            "into the map, most likely because it's already "
190                            "in it.";
191 }
OnPacketNeutered(QuicPacketNumber packet_number)193 void BandwidthSampler::OnPacketNeutered(QuicPacketNumber packet_number) {
194   connection_state_map_.Remove(
195       packet_number, [&](const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket& sent_packet) {
196         QUIC_CODE_COUNT(quic_bandwidth_sampler_packet_neutered);
197         total_bytes_neutered_ += sent_packet.size;
198       });
199 }
201 BandwidthSamplerInterface::CongestionEventSample
OnCongestionEvent(QuicTime ack_time,const AckedPacketVector & acked_packets,const LostPacketVector & lost_packets,QuicBandwidth max_bandwidth,QuicBandwidth est_bandwidth_upper_bound,QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count)202 BandwidthSampler::OnCongestionEvent(QuicTime ack_time,
203                                     const AckedPacketVector& acked_packets,
204                                     const LostPacketVector& lost_packets,
205                                     QuicBandwidth max_bandwidth,
206                                     QuicBandwidth est_bandwidth_upper_bound,
207                                     QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count) {
208   CongestionEventSample event_sample;
210   SendTimeState last_lost_packet_send_state;
212   for (const LostPacket& packet : lost_packets) {
213     SendTimeState send_state =
214         OnPacketLost(packet.packet_number, packet.bytes_lost);
215     if (send_state.is_valid) {
216       last_lost_packet_send_state = send_state;
217     }
218   }
220   if (acked_packets.empty()) {
221     // Only populate send state for a loss-only event.
222     event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_lost_packet_send_state;
223     return event_sample;
224   }
226   SendTimeState last_acked_packet_send_state;
227   for (const auto& packet : acked_packets) {
228     BandwidthSample sample =
229         OnPacketAcknowledged(ack_time, packet.packet_number);
230     if (!sample.state_at_send.is_valid) {
231       continue;
232     }
234     last_acked_packet_send_state = sample.state_at_send;
236     if (!sample.rtt.IsZero()) {
237       event_sample.sample_rtt = std::min(event_sample.sample_rtt, sample.rtt);
238     }
239     if (sample.bandwidth > event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth) {
240       event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth = sample.bandwidth;
241       event_sample.sample_is_app_limited = sample.state_at_send.is_app_limited;
242     }
243     const QuicByteCount inflight_sample =
244         total_bytes_acked() - last_acked_packet_send_state.total_bytes_acked;
245     if (inflight_sample > event_sample.sample_max_inflight) {
246       event_sample.sample_max_inflight = inflight_sample;
247     }
248   }
250   if (!last_lost_packet_send_state.is_valid) {
251     event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_acked_packet_send_state;
252   } else if (!last_acked_packet_send_state.is_valid) {
253     event_sample.last_packet_send_state = last_lost_packet_send_state;
254   } else {
255     // If two packets are inflight and an alarm is armed to lose a packet and it
256     // wakes up late, then the first of two in flight packets could have been
257     // acknowledged before the wakeup, which re-evaluates loss detection, and
258     // could declare the later of the two lost.
259     event_sample.last_packet_send_state =
260         lost_packets.back().packet_number > acked_packets.back().packet_number
261             ? last_lost_packet_send_state
262             : last_acked_packet_send_state;
263   }
265   max_bandwidth = std::max(max_bandwidth, event_sample.sample_max_bandwidth);
266   event_sample.extra_acked = OnAckEventEnd(
267       std::min(est_bandwidth_upper_bound, max_bandwidth), round_trip_count);
269   return event_sample;
270 }
OnAckEventEnd(QuicBandwidth bandwidth_estimate,QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count)272 QuicByteCount BandwidthSampler::OnAckEventEnd(
273     QuicBandwidth bandwidth_estimate,
274     QuicRoundTripCount round_trip_count) {
275   const QuicByteCount newly_acked_bytes =
276       total_bytes_acked_ - total_bytes_acked_after_last_ack_event_;
278   if (newly_acked_bytes == 0) {
279     return 0;
280   }
281   total_bytes_acked_after_last_ack_event_ = total_bytes_acked_;
283   QuicByteCount extra_acked = max_ack_height_tracker_.Update(
284       bandwidth_estimate, round_trip_count, last_acked_packet_ack_time_,
285       newly_acked_bytes);
286   // If |extra_acked| is zero, i.e. this ack event marks the start of a new ack
287   // aggregation epoch, save LessRecentPoint, which is the last ack point of the
288   // previous epoch, as a A0 candidate.
289   if (overestimate_avoidance_ && extra_acked == 0) {
290     a0_candidates_.push_back(recent_ack_points_.LessRecentPoint());
291     QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "New a0_candidate:" << a0_candidates_.back();
292   }
293   return extra_acked;
294 }
OnPacketAcknowledged(QuicTime ack_time,QuicPacketNumber packet_number)296 BandwidthSample BandwidthSampler::OnPacketAcknowledged(
297     QuicTime ack_time,
298     QuicPacketNumber packet_number) {
299   ConnectionStateOnSentPacket* sent_packet_pointer =
300       connection_state_map_.GetEntry(packet_number);
301   if (sent_packet_pointer == nullptr) {
302     // See the TODO below.
303     return BandwidthSample();
304   }
305   BandwidthSample sample =
306       OnPacketAcknowledgedInner(ack_time, packet_number, *sent_packet_pointer);
307   return sample;
308 }
OnPacketAcknowledgedInner(QuicTime ack_time,QuicPacketNumber packet_number,const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket & sent_packet)310 BandwidthSample BandwidthSampler::OnPacketAcknowledgedInner(
311     QuicTime ack_time,
312     QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
313     const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket& sent_packet) {
314   total_bytes_acked_ += sent_packet.size;
315   total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet_ =
316       sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_sent;
317   last_acked_packet_sent_time_ = sent_packet.sent_time;
318   last_acked_packet_ack_time_ = ack_time;
319   if (overestimate_avoidance_) {
320     recent_ack_points_.Update(ack_time, total_bytes_acked_);
321   }
323   if (is_app_limited_) {
324     // Exit app-limited phase in two cases:
325     // (1) end_of_app_limited_phase_ is not initialized, i.e., so far all
326     // packets are sent while there are buffered packets or pending data.
327     // (2) The current acked packet is after the sent packet marked as the end
328     // of the app limit phase.
329     if (!end_of_app_limited_phase_.IsInitialized() ||
330         packet_number > end_of_app_limited_phase_) {
331       is_app_limited_ = false;
332     }
333   }
335   // There might have been no packets acknowledged at the moment when the
336   // current packet was sent. In that case, there is no bandwidth sample to
337   // make.
338   if (sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time == QuicTime::Zero()) {
339     QUIC_BUG << "sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time is zero";
340     return BandwidthSample();
341   }
343   // Infinite rate indicates that the sampler is supposed to discard the
344   // current send rate sample and use only the ack rate.
345   QuicBandwidth send_rate = QuicBandwidth::Infinite();
346   if (sent_packet.sent_time > sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time) {
347     send_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
348         sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_sent -
349             sent_packet.total_bytes_sent_at_last_acked_packet,
350         sent_packet.sent_time - sent_packet.last_acked_packet_sent_time);
351   }
353   AckPoint a0;
354   if (overestimate_avoidance_ &&
355       ChooseA0Point(sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_acked, &a0)) {
356     QUIC_DVLOG(2) << "Using a0 point: " << a0;
357   } else {
358     a0.ack_time = sent_packet.last_acked_packet_ack_time,
359     a0.total_bytes_acked = sent_packet.send_time_state.total_bytes_acked;
360   }
362   // During the slope calculation, ensure that ack time of the current packet is
363   // always larger than the time of the previous packet, otherwise division by
364   // zero or integer underflow can occur.
365   if (ack_time <= a0.ack_time) {
366     // TODO(wub): Compare this code count before and after fixing clock jitter
367     // issue.
368     if (a0.ack_time == sent_packet.sent_time) {
369       // This is the 1st packet after quiescense.
370       QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_prev_ack_time_larger_than_current_ack_time, 1, 2);
371     } else {
372       QUIC_CODE_COUNT_N(quic_prev_ack_time_larger_than_current_ack_time, 2, 2);
373     }
375         << "Time of the previously acked packet:"
376         << a0.ack_time.ToDebuggingValue()
377         << " is larger than the ack time of the current packet:"
378         << ack_time.ToDebuggingValue()
379         << ". acked packet number:" << packet_number
380         << ", total_bytes_acked_:" << total_bytes_acked_
381         << ", overestimate_avoidance_:" << overestimate_avoidance_
382         << ", sent_packet:" << sent_packet;
383     return BandwidthSample();
384   }
385   QuicBandwidth ack_rate = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(
386       total_bytes_acked_ - a0.total_bytes_acked, ack_time - a0.ack_time);
388   BandwidthSample sample;
389   sample.bandwidth = std::min(send_rate, ack_rate);
390   // Note: this sample does not account for delayed acknowledgement time.  This
391   // means that the RTT measurements here can be artificially high, especially
392   // on low bandwidth connections.
393   sample.rtt = ack_time - sent_packet.sent_time;
394   SentPacketToSendTimeState(sent_packet, &sample.state_at_send);
396   if (sample.bandwidth.IsZero()) {
398         << "ack_rate: " << ack_rate << ", send_rate: " << send_rate
399         << ". acked packet number:" << packet_number
400         << ", overestimate_avoidance_:" << overestimate_avoidance_ << "a1:{"
401         << total_bytes_acked_ << "@" << ack_time << "}, a0:{"
402         << a0.total_bytes_acked << "@" << a0.ack_time
403         << "}, sent_packet:" << sent_packet;
404   }
405   return sample;
406 }
ChooseA0Point(QuicByteCount total_bytes_acked,AckPoint * a0)408 bool BandwidthSampler::ChooseA0Point(QuicByteCount total_bytes_acked,
409                                      AckPoint* a0) {
410   if (a0_candidates_.empty()) {
411     QUIC_BUG << "No A0 point candicates. total_bytes_acked:"
412              << total_bytes_acked;
413     return false;
414   }
416   if (a0_candidates_.size() == 1) {
417     *a0 = a0_candidates_.front();
418     return true;
419   }
421   for (size_t i = 1; i < a0_candidates_.size(); ++i) {
422     if (a0_candidates_[i].total_bytes_acked > total_bytes_acked) {
423       *a0 = a0_candidates_[i - 1];
424       if (i > 1) {
425         a0_candidates_.pop_front_n(i - 1);
426       }
427       return true;
428     }
429   }
431   // All candidates' total_bytes_acked is <= |total_bytes_acked|.
432   *a0 = a0_candidates_.back();
433   a0_candidates_.pop_front_n(a0_candidates_.size() - 1);
434   return true;
435 }
OnPacketLost(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,QuicPacketLength bytes_lost)437 SendTimeState BandwidthSampler::OnPacketLost(QuicPacketNumber packet_number,
438                                              QuicPacketLength bytes_lost) {
439   // TODO(vasilvv): see the comment for the case of missing packets in
440   // BandwidthSampler::OnPacketAcknowledged on why this does not raise a
441   // QUIC_BUG when removal fails.
442   SendTimeState send_time_state;
444   total_bytes_lost_ += bytes_lost;
445   ConnectionStateOnSentPacket* sent_packet_pointer =
446       connection_state_map_.GetEntry(packet_number);
447   if (sent_packet_pointer != nullptr) {
448     SentPacketToSendTimeState(*sent_packet_pointer, &send_time_state);
449   }
451   return send_time_state;
452 }
SentPacketToSendTimeState(const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket & sent_packet,SendTimeState * send_time_state) const454 void BandwidthSampler::SentPacketToSendTimeState(
455     const ConnectionStateOnSentPacket& sent_packet,
456     SendTimeState* send_time_state) const {
457   *send_time_state = sent_packet.send_time_state;
458   send_time_state->is_valid = true;
459 }
OnAppLimited()461 void BandwidthSampler::OnAppLimited() {
462   is_app_limited_ = true;
463   end_of_app_limited_phase_ = last_sent_packet_;
464 }
RemoveObsoletePackets(QuicPacketNumber least_unacked)466 void BandwidthSampler::RemoveObsoletePackets(QuicPacketNumber least_unacked) {
467   // A packet can become obsolete when it is removed from QuicUnackedPacketMap's
468   // view of inflight before it is acked or marked as lost. For example, when
469   // QuicSentPacketManager::RetransmitCryptoPackets retransmits a crypto packet,
470   // the packet is removed from QuicUnackedPacketMap's inflight, but is not
471   // marked as acked or lost in the BandwidthSampler.
472   connection_state_map_.RemoveUpTo(least_unacked);
473 }
total_bytes_sent() const475 QuicByteCount BandwidthSampler::total_bytes_sent() const {
476   return total_bytes_sent_;
477 }
total_bytes_acked() const479 QuicByteCount BandwidthSampler::total_bytes_acked() const {
480   return total_bytes_acked_;
481 }
total_bytes_lost() const483 QuicByteCount BandwidthSampler::total_bytes_lost() const {
484   return total_bytes_lost_;
485 }
total_bytes_neutered() const487 QuicByteCount BandwidthSampler::total_bytes_neutered() const {
488   return total_bytes_neutered_;
489 }
is_app_limited() const491 bool BandwidthSampler::is_app_limited() const {
492   return is_app_limited_;
493 }
end_of_app_limited_phase() const495 QuicPacketNumber BandwidthSampler::end_of_app_limited_phase() const {
496   return end_of_app_limited_phase_;
497 }
499 }  // namespace quic