1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "remoting/host/client_session.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <utility>
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "base/command_line.h"
12 #include "base/optional.h"
13 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
14 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
15 #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
16 #include "build/build_config.h"
17 #include "remoting/base/capabilities.h"
18 #include "remoting/base/constants.h"
19 #include "remoting/base/logging.h"
20 #include "remoting/base/session_options.h"
21 #include "remoting/host/action_executor.h"
22 #include "remoting/host/action_message_handler.h"
23 #include "remoting/host/audio_capturer.h"
24 #include "remoting/host/desktop_environment.h"
25 #include "remoting/host/file_transfer/file_transfer_message_handler.h"
26 #include "remoting/host/file_transfer/rtc_log_file_operations.h"
27 #include "remoting/host/host_extension_session.h"
28 #include "remoting/host/input_injector.h"
29 #include "remoting/host/keyboard_layout_monitor.h"
30 #include "remoting/host/mouse_shape_pump.h"
31 #include "remoting/host/screen_controls.h"
32 #include "remoting/host/screen_resolution.h"
33 #include "remoting/proto/control.pb.h"
34 #include "remoting/proto/event.pb.h"
35 #include "remoting/protocol/audio_stream.h"
36 #include "remoting/protocol/capability_names.h"
37 #include "remoting/protocol/client_stub.h"
38 #include "remoting/protocol/clipboard_thread_proxy.h"
39 #include "remoting/protocol/pairing_registry.h"
40 #include "remoting/protocol/peer_connection_controls.h"
41 #include "remoting/protocol/session.h"
42 #include "remoting/protocol/session_config.h"
43 #include "remoting/protocol/video_frame_pump.h"
44 #include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_capturer.h"
46 namespace {
47 constexpr char kRtcLogTransferDataChannelPrefix[] = "rtc-log-transfer-";
48 }  // namespace
50 namespace remoting {
52 using protocol::ActionRequest;
ClientSession(EventHandler * event_handler,std::unique_ptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient> connection,DesktopEnvironmentFactory * desktop_environment_factory,const DesktopEnvironmentOptions & desktop_environment_options,const base::TimeDelta & max_duration,scoped_refptr<protocol::PairingRegistry> pairing_registry,const std::vector<HostExtension * > & extensions)54 ClientSession::ClientSession(
55     EventHandler* event_handler,
56     std::unique_ptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient> connection,
57     DesktopEnvironmentFactory* desktop_environment_factory,
58     const DesktopEnvironmentOptions& desktop_environment_options,
59     const base::TimeDelta& max_duration,
60     scoped_refptr<protocol::PairingRegistry> pairing_registry,
61     const std::vector<HostExtension*>& extensions)
62     : event_handler_(event_handler),
63       desktop_environment_factory_(desktop_environment_factory),
64       desktop_environment_options_(desktop_environment_options),
65       input_tracker_(&host_input_filter_),
66       remote_input_filter_(&input_tracker_),
67       mouse_clamping_filter_(&remote_input_filter_),
68       pointer_lock_detector_(&mouse_clamping_filter_, this),
69       disable_input_filter_(&pointer_lock_detector_),
70       disable_clipboard_filter_(clipboard_echo_filter_.host_filter()),
71       client_clipboard_factory_(clipboard_echo_filter_.client_filter()),
72       max_duration_(max_duration),
73       pairing_registry_(pairing_registry),
74       connection_(std::move(connection)),
75       client_jid_(connection_->session()->jid()) {
76   connection_->session()->AddPlugin(&host_experiment_session_plugin_);
77   connection_->SetEventHandler(this);
79   // Create a manager for the configured extensions, if any.
80   extension_manager_.reset(new HostExtensionSessionManager(extensions, this));
82 #if defined(OS_WIN)
83   // LocalInputMonitorWin filters out an echo of the injected input before it
84   // reaches |remote_input_filter_|.
85   remote_input_filter_.SetExpectLocalEcho(false);
86 #endif  // defined(OS_WIN)
87 }
~ClientSession()89 ClientSession::~ClientSession() {
90   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
91   DCHECK(!audio_stream_);
92   DCHECK(!desktop_environment_);
93   DCHECK(!input_injector_);
94   DCHECK(!screen_controls_);
95   DCHECK(!video_stream_);
96 }
NotifyClientResolution(const protocol::ClientResolution & resolution)98 void ClientSession::NotifyClientResolution(
99     const protocol::ClientResolution& resolution) {
100   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
101   DCHECK(resolution.dips_width() >= 0 && resolution.dips_height() >= 0);
102   VLOG(1) << "Received ClientResolution (dips_width="
103           << resolution.dips_width() << ", dips_height="
104           << resolution.dips_height() << ")";
106   if (!screen_controls_)
107     return;
109   webrtc::DesktopSize client_size(resolution.dips_width(),
110                                   resolution.dips_height());
111   if (connection_->session()->config().protocol() ==
112       protocol::SessionConfig::Protocol::WEBRTC) {
113     // When using WebRTC round down the dimensions to multiple of 2. Otherwise
114     // the dimensions will be rounded on the receiver, which will cause blurring
115     // due to scaling. The resulting size is still close to the client size and
116     // will fit on the client's screen without scaling.
117     // TODO(sergeyu): Make WebRTC handle odd dimensions properly.
118     // crbug.com/636071
119     client_size.set(client_size.width() & (~1), client_size.height() & (~1));
120   }
122   // Try to match the client's resolution.
123   // TODO(sergeyu): Pass clients DPI to the resizer.
124   screen_controls_->SetScreenResolution(ScreenResolution(
125       client_size, webrtc::DesktopVector(kDefaultDpi, kDefaultDpi)));
126 }
ControlVideo(const protocol::VideoControl & video_control)128 void ClientSession::ControlVideo(const protocol::VideoControl& video_control) {
129   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
131   // Note that |video_stream_| may be null, depending upon whether
132   // extensions choose to wrap or "steal" the video capturer or encoder.
133   if (video_control.has_enable()) {
134     VLOG(1) << "Received VideoControl (enable="
135             << video_control.enable() << ")";
136     pause_video_ = !video_control.enable();
137     if (video_stream_)
138       video_stream_->Pause(pause_video_);
139   }
140   if (video_control.has_lossless_encode()) {
141     VLOG(1) << "Received VideoControl (lossless_encode="
142             << video_control.lossless_encode() << ")";
143     lossless_video_encode_ = video_control.lossless_encode();
144     if (video_stream_)
145       video_stream_->SetLosslessEncode(lossless_video_encode_);
146   }
147   if (video_control.has_lossless_color()) {
148     VLOG(1) << "Received VideoControl (lossless_color="
149             << video_control.lossless_color() << ")";
150     lossless_video_color_ = video_control.lossless_color();
151     if (video_stream_)
152       video_stream_->SetLosslessColor(lossless_video_color_);
153   }
154 }
ControlAudio(const protocol::AudioControl & audio_control)156 void ClientSession::ControlAudio(const protocol::AudioControl& audio_control) {
157   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
159   if (audio_control.has_enable()) {
160     VLOG(1) << "Received AudioControl (enable="
161             << audio_control.enable() << ")";
162     if (audio_stream_)
163       audio_stream_->Pause(!audio_control.enable());
164   }
165 }
SetCapabilities(const protocol::Capabilities & capabilities)167 void ClientSession::SetCapabilities(
168     const protocol::Capabilities& capabilities) {
169   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
171   // Ignore all the messages but the 1st one.
172   if (client_capabilities_) {
173     LOG(WARNING) << "protocol::Capabilities has been received already.";
174     return;
175   }
177   // Compute the set of capabilities supported by both client and host.
178   client_capabilities_ = std::make_unique<std::string>();
179   if (capabilities.has_capabilities())
180     *client_capabilities_ = capabilities.capabilities();
181   capabilities_ = IntersectCapabilities(*client_capabilities_,
182                                         host_capabilities_);
183   extension_manager_->OnNegotiatedCapabilities(
184       connection_->client_stub(), capabilities_);
186   if (HasCapability(capabilities_, protocol::kFileTransferCapability)) {
187     data_channel_manager_.RegisterCreateHandlerCallback(
188         kFileTransferDataChannelPrefix,
189         base::BindRepeating(&ClientSession::CreateFileTransferMessageHandler,
190                             base::Unretained(this)));
191   }
193   if (HasCapability(capabilities_, protocol::kRtcLogTransferCapability)) {
194     data_channel_manager_.RegisterCreateHandlerCallback(
195         kRtcLogTransferDataChannelPrefix,
196         base::BindRepeating(&ClientSession::CreateRtcLogTransferMessageHandler,
197                             base::Unretained(this)));
198   }
200   std::vector<ActionRequest::Action> supported_actions;
201   if (HasCapability(capabilities_, protocol::kSendAttentionSequenceAction))
202     supported_actions.push_back(ActionRequest::SEND_ATTENTION_SEQUENCE);
203   if (HasCapability(capabilities_, protocol::kLockWorkstationAction))
204     supported_actions.push_back(ActionRequest::LOCK_WORKSTATION);
206   if (supported_actions.size() > 0) {
207     // Register the action message handler.
208     data_channel_manager_.RegisterCreateHandlerCallback(
209         kActionDataChannelPrefix,
210         base::BindRepeating(&ClientSession::CreateActionMessageHandler,
211                             base::Unretained(this),
212                             std::move(supported_actions)));
213   }
215   VLOG(1) << "Client capabilities: " << *client_capabilities_;
217   desktop_environment_->SetCapabilities(capabilities_);
218 }
RequestPairing(const protocol::PairingRequest & pairing_request)220 void ClientSession::RequestPairing(
221     const protocol::PairingRequest& pairing_request) {
222   if (pairing_registry_.get() && pairing_request.has_client_name()) {
223     protocol::PairingRegistry::Pairing pairing =
224         pairing_registry_->CreatePairing(pairing_request.client_name());
225     protocol::PairingResponse pairing_response;
226     pairing_response.set_client_id(pairing.client_id());
227     pairing_response.set_shared_secret(pairing.shared_secret());
228     connection_->client_stub()->SetPairingResponse(pairing_response);
229   }
230 }
DeliverClientMessage(const protocol::ExtensionMessage & message)232 void ClientSession::DeliverClientMessage(
233     const protocol::ExtensionMessage& message) {
234   if (message.has_type()) {
235     if (extension_manager_->OnExtensionMessage(message))
236       return;
238     DLOG(INFO) << "Unexpected message received: " << message.type() << ": "
239                << message.data();
240   }
241 }
SelectDesktopDisplay(const protocol::SelectDesktopDisplayRequest & select_display)243 void ClientSession::SelectDesktopDisplay(
244     const protocol::SelectDesktopDisplayRequest& select_display) {
245   LOG(INFO) << "SelectDesktopDisplay "
246             << "'" << select_display.id() << "'";
248   // Parse the string with the selected display.
249   int id = webrtc::kInvalidScreenId;
250   if (select_display.id() == "all") {
251     id = webrtc::kFullDesktopScreenId;
252   } else {
253     if (!base::StringToInt(select_display.id().c_str(), &id)) {
254       LOG(ERROR) << "  Unable to parse display id "
255                  << "'" << select_display.id() << "'";
256       id = webrtc::kInvalidScreenId;
257     }
258     if (!desktop_display_info_.GetDisplayInfo(id)) {
259       LOG(ERROR) << "  Invalid display id "
260                  << "'" << select_display.id() << "'";
261       id = webrtc::kInvalidScreenId;
262     }
263   }
264   // Don't allow requests for fullscreen if not supported by the current
265   // display configuration.
266   if (!can_capture_full_desktop_ && id == webrtc::kFullDesktopScreenId) {
267     LOG(ERROR) << "  Full desktop not supported";
268     id = webrtc::kInvalidScreenId;
269   }
270   // Fall back to default capture config if invalid request.
271   if (id == webrtc::kInvalidScreenId) {
272     LOG(ERROR) << "  Invalid display specification, falling back to default";
273     id = can_capture_full_desktop_ ? webrtc::kFullDesktopScreenId : 0;
274   }
276   if (show_display_id_ == id) {
277     LOG(INFO) << "  Display " << id << " is already selected. Ignoring";
278     return;
279   }
281   video_stream_->SelectSource(id);
282   show_display_id_ = id;
284   // If the old and new displays are the different sizes, then SelectSource()
285   // will trigger an OnVideoSizeChanged() message which will update the mouse
286   // filters.
287   // However, if the old and new displays are the exact same size, then the
288   // video size message will not be generated (because the size of the video
289   // has not changed). But we still need to update the mouse clamping filter
290   // with the new display origin, so we update that directly.
291   const DisplayGeometry* oldGeo =
292       desktop_display_info_.GetDisplayInfo(show_display_id_);
293   const DisplayGeometry* newGeo = desktop_display_info_.GetDisplayInfo(id);
294   if (oldGeo != nullptr && newGeo != nullptr) {
295     if (oldGeo->width == newGeo->width && oldGeo->height == newGeo->height) {
296       UpdateMouseClampingFilterOffset();
297     }
298   }
299 }
ControlPeerConnection(const protocol::PeerConnectionParameters & parameters)301 void ClientSession::ControlPeerConnection(
302     const protocol::PeerConnectionParameters& parameters) {
303   if (!connection_->peer_connection_controls()) {
304     return;
305   }
306   base::Optional<int> min_bitrate_bps;
307   base::Optional<int> max_bitrate_bps;
308   bool set_preferred_bitrates = false;
309   if (parameters.has_preferred_min_bitrate_bps()) {
310     min_bitrate_bps = parameters.preferred_min_bitrate_bps();
311     set_preferred_bitrates = true;
312   }
313   if (parameters.has_preferred_max_bitrate_bps()) {
314     max_bitrate_bps = parameters.preferred_max_bitrate_bps();
315     set_preferred_bitrates = true;
316   }
317   if (set_preferred_bitrates) {
318     connection_->peer_connection_controls()->SetPreferredBitrates(
319         min_bitrate_bps, max_bitrate_bps);
320   }
322   if (parameters.request_ice_restart()) {
323     connection_->peer_connection_controls()->RequestIceRestart();
324   }
326   if (parameters.request_sdp_restart()) {
327     connection_->peer_connection_controls()->RequestSdpRestart();
328   }
329 }
OnConnectionAuthenticating()331 void ClientSession::OnConnectionAuthenticating() {
332   event_handler_->OnSessionAuthenticating(this);
333 }
OnConnectionAuthenticated()335 void ClientSession::OnConnectionAuthenticated() {
336   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
337   DCHECK(!audio_stream_);
338   DCHECK(!desktop_environment_);
339   DCHECK(!input_injector_);
340   DCHECK(!screen_controls_);
341   DCHECK(!video_stream_);
343   is_authenticated_ = true;
345   desktop_display_info_.Reset();
347   if (max_duration_ > base::TimeDelta()) {
348     max_duration_timer_.Start(
349         FROM_HERE, max_duration_,
350         base::BindOnce(&ClientSession::DisconnectSession,
351                        base::Unretained(this), protocol::MAX_SESSION_LENGTH));
352   }
354   // Notify EventHandler.
355   event_handler_->OnSessionAuthenticated(this);
357   const SessionOptions session_options(
358       host_experiment_session_plugin_.configuration());
360   connection_->ApplySessionOptions(session_options);
362   DesktopEnvironmentOptions options = desktop_environment_options_;
363   options.ApplySessionOptions(session_options);
364   // Create the desktop environment. Drop the connection if it could not be
365   // created for any reason (for instance the curtain could not initialize).
366   desktop_environment_ =
367       desktop_environment_factory_->Create(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), options);
368   if (!desktop_environment_) {
369     DisconnectSession(protocol::HOST_CONFIGURATION_ERROR);
370     return;
371   }
373   // Connect host stub.
374   connection_->set_host_stub(this);
376   // Collate the set of capabilities to offer the client, if it supports them.
377   host_capabilities_ = desktop_environment_->GetCapabilities();
378   if (!host_capabilities_.empty())
379     host_capabilities_.append(" ");
380   host_capabilities_.append(extension_manager_->GetCapabilities());
381   if (!host_capabilities_.empty())
382     host_capabilities_.append(" ");
383   host_capabilities_.append(protocol::kRtcLogTransferCapability);
384   host_capabilities_.append(" ");
385   host_capabilities_.append(protocol::kWebrtcIceSdpRestartAction);
387   // Create the object that controls the screen resolution.
388   screen_controls_ = desktop_environment_->CreateScreenControls();
390   // Create the event executor.
391   input_injector_ = desktop_environment_->CreateInputInjector();
393   // Connect the host input stubs.
394   connection_->set_input_stub(&disable_input_filter_);
395   host_input_filter_.set_input_stub(input_injector_.get());
397   // Connect the clipboard stubs.
398   connection_->set_clipboard_stub(&disable_clipboard_filter_);
399   clipboard_echo_filter_.set_host_stub(input_injector_.get());
400   clipboard_echo_filter_.set_client_stub(connection_->client_stub());
401 }
CreateMediaStreams()403 void ClientSession::CreateMediaStreams() {
404   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
406   // Create a VideoStream to pump frames from the capturer to the client.
407   auto composer = desktop_environment_->CreateComposingVideoCapturer();
408   if (composer) {
409     desktop_and_cursor_composer_ = composer->GetWeakPtr();
410     video_stream_ = connection_->StartVideoStream(std::move(composer));
411   } else {
412     video_stream_ = connection_->StartVideoStream(
413         desktop_environment_->CreateVideoCapturer());
414   }
416   // Create a AudioStream to pump audio from the capturer to the client.
417   std::unique_ptr<protocol::AudioSource> audio_capturer =
418       desktop_environment_->CreateAudioCapturer();
419   if (audio_capturer) {
420     audio_stream_ = connection_->StartAudioStream(std::move(audio_capturer));
421   }
423   video_stream_->SetObserver(this);
425   // Apply video-control parameters to the new stream.
426   video_stream_->SetLosslessEncode(lossless_video_encode_);
427   video_stream_->SetLosslessColor(lossless_video_color_);
429   // Pause capturing if necessary.
430   video_stream_->Pause(pause_video_);
432   if (event_timestamp_source_for_tests_)
433     video_stream_->SetEventTimestampsSource(event_timestamp_source_for_tests_);
434 }
OnConnectionChannelsConnected()436 void ClientSession::OnConnectionChannelsConnected() {
437   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
439   DCHECK(!channels_connected_);
440   channels_connected_ = true;
442   // Negotiate capabilities with the client.
443   VLOG(1) << "Host capabilities: " << host_capabilities_;
444   protocol::Capabilities capabilities;
445   capabilities.set_capabilities(host_capabilities_);
446   connection_->client_stub()->SetCapabilities(capabilities);
448   // Start the event executor.
449   input_injector_->Start(CreateClipboardProxy());
450   SetDisableInputs(false);
452   // Create MouseShapePump to send mouse cursor shape.
453   mouse_shape_pump_.reset(
454       new MouseShapePump(desktop_environment_->CreateMouseCursorMonitor(),
455                          connection_->client_stub()));
456   mouse_shape_pump_->SetMouseCursorMonitorCallback(this);
458   // Create KeyboardLayoutMonitor to send keyboard layout.
459   // Unretained is sound because callback will never be called after
460   // |keyboard_layout_monitor_| has been destroyed, and |connection_| (which
461   // owns the client stub) is guaranteed to outlive |keyboard_layout_monitor_|.
462   keyboard_layout_monitor_ = desktop_environment_->CreateKeyboardLayoutMonitor(
463       base::BindRepeating(&protocol::KeyboardLayoutStub::SetKeyboardLayout,
464                           base::Unretained(connection_->client_stub())));
465   keyboard_layout_monitor_->Start();
467   if (pending_video_layout_message_) {
468     connection_->client_stub()->SetVideoLayout(*pending_video_layout_message_);
469     pending_video_layout_message_.reset();
470   }
472   // Notify the event handler that all our channels are now connected.
473   event_handler_->OnSessionChannelsConnected(this);
474 }
OnConnectionClosed(protocol::ErrorCode error)476 void ClientSession::OnConnectionClosed(protocol::ErrorCode error) {
477   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
479   HOST_LOG << "Client disconnected: " << client_jid_ << "; error = " << error;
481   // Ignore any further callbacks.
482   weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
484   // If the client never authenticated then the session failed.
485   if (!is_authenticated_)
486     event_handler_->OnSessionAuthenticationFailed(this);
488   // Ensure that any pressed keys or buttons are released.
489   input_tracker_.ReleaseAll();
491   // Stop components access the client, audio or video stubs, which are no
492   // longer valid once ConnectionToClient calls OnConnectionClosed().
493   desktop_and_cursor_composer_.reset();
494   audio_stream_.reset();
495   mouse_shape_pump_.reset();
496   video_stream_.reset();
497   keyboard_layout_monitor_.reset();
498   client_clipboard_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
499   input_injector_.reset();
500   screen_controls_.reset();
501   desktop_environment_.reset();
503   // Notify the ChromotingHost that this client is disconnected.
504   event_handler_->OnSessionClosed(this);
505 }
OnTransportProtocolChange(const std::string & protocol)507 void ClientSession::OnTransportProtocolChange(const std::string& protocol) {
508   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
509   HOST_LOG << "Transport protocol: " << protocol;
510   protocol::TransportInfo transport_info;
511   transport_info.set_protocol(protocol);
512   connection_->client_stub()->SetTransportInfo(transport_info);
513 }
OnRouteChange(const std::string & channel_name,const protocol::TransportRoute & route)515 void ClientSession::OnRouteChange(const std::string& channel_name,
516                                   const protocol::TransportRoute& route) {
517   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
518   event_handler_->OnSessionRouteChange(this, channel_name, route);
519 }
OnIncomingDataChannel(const std::string & channel_name,std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe)521 void ClientSession::OnIncomingDataChannel(
522     const std::string& channel_name,
523     std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe) {
524   data_channel_manager_.OnIncomingDataChannel(channel_name, std::move(pipe));
525 }
client_jid() const527 const std::string& ClientSession::client_jid() const {
528   return client_jid_;
529 }
DisconnectSession(protocol::ErrorCode error)531 void ClientSession::DisconnectSession(protocol::ErrorCode error) {
532   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
533   DCHECK(connection_.get());
535   max_duration_timer_.Stop();
537   // This triggers OnConnectionClosed(), and the session may be destroyed
538   // as the result, so this call must be the last in this method.
539   connection_->Disconnect(error);
540 }
OnLocalKeyPressed(uint32_t usb_keycode)542 void ClientSession::OnLocalKeyPressed(uint32_t usb_keycode) {
543   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
544   bool is_local = remote_input_filter_.LocalKeyPressed(usb_keycode);
545   if (is_local && desktop_environment_options_.terminate_upon_input())
546     DisconnectSession(protocol::OK);
547 }
OnLocalPointerMoved(const webrtc::DesktopVector & position,ui::EventType type)549 void ClientSession::OnLocalPointerMoved(const webrtc::DesktopVector& position,
550                                         ui::EventType type) {
551   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
552   bool is_local = remote_input_filter_.LocalPointerMoved(position, type);
553   if (is_local && desktop_environment_options_.terminate_upon_input())
554     DisconnectSession(protocol::OK);
555 }
SetDisableInputs(bool disable_inputs)557 void ClientSession::SetDisableInputs(bool disable_inputs) {
558   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
560   if (disable_inputs)
561     input_tracker_.ReleaseAll();
563   disable_input_filter_.set_enabled(!disable_inputs);
564   disable_clipboard_filter_.set_enabled(!disable_inputs);
565 }
desktop_session_id() const567 uint32_t ClientSession::desktop_session_id() const {
568   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
569   DCHECK(desktop_environment_);
570   return desktop_environment_->GetDesktopSessionId();
571 }
session_control()573 ClientSessionControl* ClientSession::session_control() {
574   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
575   return this;
576 }
OnPointerLockChanged(bool active)578 void ClientSession::OnPointerLockChanged(bool active) {
579   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
580   if (desktop_and_cursor_composer_)
581     desktop_and_cursor_composer_->SetComposeEnabled(active);
582 }
OnMouseCursor(webrtc::MouseCursor * mouse_cursor)584 void ClientSession::OnMouseCursor(webrtc::MouseCursor* mouse_cursor) {
585   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
586   if (desktop_and_cursor_composer_)
587     desktop_and_cursor_composer_->SetMouseCursor(mouse_cursor);
588 }
OnMouseCursorPosition(const webrtc::DesktopVector & position)590 void ClientSession::OnMouseCursorPosition(
591     const webrtc::DesktopVector& position) {
592   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
593   if (desktop_and_cursor_composer_)
594     desktop_and_cursor_composer_->SetMouseCursorPosition(position);
595 }
RegisterCreateHandlerCallbackForTesting(const std::string & prefix,protocol::DataChannelManager::CreateHandlerCallback constructor)597 void ClientSession::RegisterCreateHandlerCallbackForTesting(
598     const std::string& prefix,
599     protocol::DataChannelManager::CreateHandlerCallback constructor) {
600   data_channel_manager_.RegisterCreateHandlerCallback(
601       prefix, std::move(constructor));
602 }
SetEventTimestampsSourceForTests(scoped_refptr<protocol::InputEventTimestampsSource> event_timestamp_source)604 void ClientSession::SetEventTimestampsSourceForTests(
605     scoped_refptr<protocol::InputEventTimestampsSource>
606         event_timestamp_source) {
607   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
608   event_timestamp_source_for_tests_ = event_timestamp_source;
609   if (video_stream_)
610     video_stream_->SetEventTimestampsSource(event_timestamp_source_for_tests_);
611 }
CreateClipboardProxy()613 std::unique_ptr<protocol::ClipboardStub> ClientSession::CreateClipboardProxy() {
614   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
615   return std::make_unique<protocol::ClipboardThreadProxy>(
616       client_clipboard_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
617       base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
618 }
SetMouseClampingFilter(const DisplaySize & size)620 void ClientSession::SetMouseClampingFilter(const DisplaySize& size) {
621   UpdateMouseClampingFilterOffset();
623   mouse_clamping_filter_.set_output_size(size.WidthAsPixels(),
624                                          size.HeightAsPixels());
626   switch (connection_->session()->config().protocol()) {
627     case protocol::SessionConfig::Protocol::ICE:
628       mouse_clamping_filter_.set_input_size(size.WidthAsPixels(),
629                                             size.HeightAsPixels());
630       break;
632     case protocol::SessionConfig::Protocol::WEBRTC: {
633 #if defined(OS_APPLE)
634       mouse_clamping_filter_.set_input_size(size.WidthAsPixels(),
635                                             size.HeightAsPixels());
636 #else
637       // When using the WebRTC protocol the client sends mouse coordinates in
638       // DIPs, while InputInjector expects them in physical pixels.
639       // TODO(sergeyu): Fix InputInjector implementations to use DIPs as well.
640       mouse_clamping_filter_.set_input_size(size.WidthAsDips(),
641                                             size.HeightAsDips());
642 #endif  // defined(OS_APPLE)
643     }
644   }
645 }
UpdateMouseClampingFilterOffset()647 void ClientSession::UpdateMouseClampingFilterOffset() {
648   if (show_display_id_ == webrtc::kInvalidScreenId)
649     return;
651   webrtc::DesktopVector origin;
652   origin = desktop_display_info_.CalcDisplayOffset(show_display_id_);
653   mouse_clamping_filter_.set_output_offset(origin);
654 }
OnVideoSizeChanged(protocol::VideoStream * video_stream,const webrtc::DesktopSize & size_px,const webrtc::DesktopVector & dpi)656 void ClientSession::OnVideoSizeChanged(protocol::VideoStream* video_stream,
657                                        const webrtc::DesktopSize& size_px,
658                                        const webrtc::DesktopVector& dpi) {
659   DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_);
660   LOG(INFO) << "ClientSession::OnVideoSizeChanged";
661   DisplaySize size =
662       DisplaySize::FromPixels(size_px.width(), size_px.height(), dpi.x());
663   LOG(INFO) << "  DisplaySize: " << size;
665   // The first video size message that we receive from WebRtc is the full
666   // desktop size (if supported). If full desktop capture is not supported,
667   // then this will be the size of the default display.
668   if (default_webrtc_desktop_size_.IsEmpty()) {
669     default_webrtc_desktop_size_ = size;
670     LOG(INFO) << "  display id " << show_display_id_;
671     DCHECK(show_display_id_ == webrtc::kInvalidScreenId);
672     LOG(INFO) << "  Recording default webrtc capture size "
673               << default_webrtc_desktop_size_;
674   }
675   webrtc_capture_size_ = size;
677   SetMouseClampingFilter(size);
679   // Record default DPI in case a display reports 0 for DPI.
680   default_x_dpi_ = dpi.x();
681   default_y_dpi_ = dpi.y();
682   if (dpi.x() != dpi.y()) {
683     LOG(WARNING) << "Mismatch x,y dpi. x=" << dpi.x() << " y=" << dpi.y();
684   }
686   if (connection_->session()->config().protocol() !=
687       protocol::SessionConfig::Protocol::WEBRTC) {
688     return;
689   }
691   // Generate and send VideoLayout message.
692   protocol::VideoLayout layout;
693   protocol::VideoTrackLayout* video_track = layout.add_video_track();
694   video_track->set_position_x(0);
695   video_track->set_position_y(0);
696   video_track->set_width(size.WidthAsDips());
697   video_track->set_height(size.HeightAsDips());
698   video_track->set_x_dpi(dpi.x());
699   video_track->set_y_dpi(dpi.y());
701   // VideoLayout can be sent only after the control channel is connected.
702   // TODO(sergeyu): Change client_stub() implementation to allow queuing
703   // while connection is being established.
704   if (channels_connected_) {
705     connection_->client_stub()->SetVideoLayout(layout);
706   } else {
707     pending_video_layout_message_.reset(new protocol::VideoLayout(layout));
708   }
709 }
OnDesktopDisplayChanged(std::unique_ptr<protocol::VideoLayout> displays)711 void ClientSession::OnDesktopDisplayChanged(
712     std::unique_ptr<protocol::VideoLayout> displays) {
713   LOG(INFO) << "ClientSession::OnDesktopDisplayChanged";
714   // Scan display list to calculate the full desktop size.
715   int min_x = 0;
716   int max_x = 0;
717   int min_y = 0;
718   int max_y = 0;
719   int dpi_x = 0;
720   int dpi_y = 0;
721   LOG(INFO) << "  Scanning display info... (dips)";
722   for (int display_id = 0; display_id < displays->video_track_size();
723        display_id++) {
724     protocol::VideoTrackLayout track = displays->video_track(display_id);
725     LOG(INFO) << "   #" << display_id << " : " << track.position_x() << ","
726               << track.position_y() << " " << track.width() << "x"
727               << track.height() << " [" << track.x_dpi() << "," << track.y_dpi()
728               << "]";
729     if (dpi_x == 0)
730       dpi_x = track.x_dpi();
731     if (dpi_y == 0)
732       dpi_y = track.y_dpi();
734     int x = track.position_x();
735     int y = track.position_y();
736     min_x = std::min(x, min_x);
737     min_y = std::min(y, min_y);
738     max_x = std::max(x + track.width(), max_x);
739     max_y = std::max(y + track.height(), max_y);
740   }
742   // TODO(garykac): Investigate why these DPI values are 0 for some users.
743   if (dpi_x == 0)
744     dpi_x = default_x_dpi_;
745   if (dpi_y == 0)
746     dpi_y = default_y_dpi_;
748   // Calc desktop scaled geometry (in DIPs)
749   // See comment in OnVideoSizeChanged() for details.
750   const webrtc::DesktopSize size(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y);
752   // If this is our first message, then we need to determine if the current
753   // display configuration supports capturing the entire desktop.
754   LOG(INFO) << "    Webrtc desktop size " << default_webrtc_desktop_size_;
755   if (show_display_id_ == webrtc::kInvalidScreenId) {
756 #if defined(OS_APPLE)
757     // On MacOS, there are situations where webrtc cannot capture the entire
758     // desktop (e.g, when there are displays with different DPIs). We detect
759     // this situation by comparing the full desktop size (calculated above
760     // from the displays) and the size of the initial webrtc capture (which
761     // defaults to the full desktop if supported).
762     if (size.width() == default_webrtc_desktop_size_.WidthAsDips() &&
763         size.height() == default_webrtc_desktop_size_.HeightAsDips()) {
764       LOG(INFO) << "    Full desktop capture supported.";
765       can_capture_full_desktop_ = true;
766     } else {
767       LOG(INFO)
768           << "    This configuration does not support full desktop capture.";
769       can_capture_full_desktop_ = false;
770     }
771 #else
772     // Windows/Linux can capture full desktop if multiple displays.
773     can_capture_full_desktop_ = true;
774 #endif  // defined(OS_APPLE)
775   }
777   // Generate and send VideoLayout message.
778   protocol::VideoLayout layout;
779   layout.set_supports_full_desktop_capture(can_capture_full_desktop_);
780   protocol::VideoTrackLayout* video_track;
782   // The first layout must be the current webrtc capture size.
783   // This is required because we reuse the same message for both
784   // VideoSizeChanged (which is used to scale mouse coordinates)
785   // and DisplayDesktopChanged.
786   video_track = layout.add_video_track();
787   video_track->set_position_x(0);
788   video_track->set_position_y(0);
789   video_track->set_width(webrtc_capture_size_.WidthAsDips());
790   video_track->set_height(webrtc_capture_size_.HeightAsDips());
791   video_track->set_x_dpi(dpi_x);
792   video_track->set_y_dpi(dpi_y);
793   LOG(INFO) << "  Webrtc capture size (DIPS) = 0,0 "
794             << default_webrtc_desktop_size_;
796   // Add raw geometry for entire desktop (in DIPs).
797   video_track = layout.add_video_track();
798   video_track->set_position_x(0);
799   video_track->set_position_y(0);
800   video_track->set_width(size.width());
801   video_track->set_height(size.height());
802   video_track->set_x_dpi(dpi_x);
803   video_track->set_y_dpi(dpi_y);
804   LOG(INFO) << "  Full Desktop (DIPS) = 0,0 " << size.width() << "x"
805             << size.height() << " [" << dpi_x << "," << dpi_y << "]";
807   // Add a VideoTrackLayout entry for each separate display.
808   desktop_display_info_.Reset();
809   for (int display_id = 0; display_id < displays->video_track_size();
810        display_id++) {
811     protocol::VideoTrackLayout display = displays->video_track(display_id);
812     desktop_display_info_.AddDisplayFrom(display);
814     protocol::VideoTrackLayout* video_track = layout.add_video_track();
815     video_track->CopyFrom(display);
816     LOG(INFO) << "  Display " << display_id << " = " << display.position_x()
817               << "," << display.position_y() << " " << display.width() << "x"
818               << display.height() << " [" << display.x_dpi() << ","
819               << display.y_dpi() << "]";
820   }
822   // Set the display id, if this is the first message being processed.
823   if (show_display_id_ == webrtc::kInvalidScreenId) {
824     if (can_capture_full_desktop_) {
825       show_display_id_ = webrtc::kFullDesktopScreenId;
826     } else {
827       // Select the default display.
828       protocol::SelectDesktopDisplayRequest req;
829       req.set_id("0");
830       SelectDesktopDisplay(req);
831     }
832   }
834   // We need to update the input filters whenever the displays change.
835   DisplaySize display_size =
836       DisplaySize::FromPixels(size.width(), size.height(), default_x_dpi_);
837   SetMouseClampingFilter(display_size);
839   connection_->client_stub()->SetVideoLayout(layout);
840 }
CreateFileTransferMessageHandler(const std::string & channel_name,std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe)842 void ClientSession::CreateFileTransferMessageHandler(
843     const std::string& channel_name,
844     std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe) {
845   // FileTransferMessageHandler manages its own lifetime and is tied to the
846   // lifetime of |pipe|. Once |pipe| is closed, this instance will be cleaned
847   // up.
848   new FileTransferMessageHandler(channel_name, std::move(pipe),
849                                  desktop_environment_->CreateFileOperations());
850 }
CreateRtcLogTransferMessageHandler(const std::string & channel_name,std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe)852 void ClientSession::CreateRtcLogTransferMessageHandler(
853     const std::string& channel_name,
854     std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe) {
855   new FileTransferMessageHandler(
856       channel_name, std::move(pipe),
857       std::make_unique<RtcLogFileOperations>(connection_.get()));
858 }
CreateActionMessageHandler(std::vector<ActionRequest::Action> capabilities,const std::string & channel_name,std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe)860 void ClientSession::CreateActionMessageHandler(
861     std::vector<ActionRequest::Action> capabilities,
862     const std::string& channel_name,
863     std::unique_ptr<protocol::MessagePipe> pipe) {
864   std::unique_ptr<ActionExecutor> action_executor =
865       desktop_environment_->CreateActionExecutor();
866   if (!action_executor)
867     return;
869   // ActionMessageHandler manages its own lifetime and is tied to the lifetime
870   // of |pipe|. Once |pipe| is closed, this instance will be cleaned up.
871   new ActionMessageHandler(channel_name, capabilities, std::move(pipe),
872                            std::move(action_executor));
873 }
875 }  // namespace remoting