1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Meta checkout dependency manager for Git."""
7# Files
8#   .gclient      : Current client configuration, written by 'config' command.
9#                   Format is a Python script defining 'solutions', a list whose
10#                   entries each are maps binding the strings "name" and "url"
11#                   to strings specifying the name and location of the client
12#                   module, as well as "custom_deps" to a map similar to the
13#                   deps section of the DEPS file below, as well as
14#                   "custom_hooks" to a list similar to the hooks sections of
15#                   the DEPS file below.
16#   .gclient_entries : A cache constructed by 'update' command.  Format is a
17#                   Python script defining 'entries', a list of the names
18#                   of all modules in the client
19#   <module>/DEPS : Python script defining var 'deps' as a map from each
20#                   requisite submodule name to a URL where it can be found (via
21#                   one SCM)
23# Hooks
24#   .gclient and DEPS files may optionally contain a list named "hooks" to
25#   allow custom actions to be performed based on files that have changed in the
26#   working copy as a result of a "sync"/"update" or "revert" operation.  This
27#   can be prevented by using --nohooks (hooks run by default). Hooks can also
28#   be forced to run with the "runhooks" operation.  If "sync" is run with
29#   --force, all known but not suppressed hooks will run regardless of the state
30#   of the working copy.
32#   Each item in a "hooks" list is a dict, containing these two keys:
33#     "pattern"  The associated value is a string containing a regular
34#                expression.  When a file whose pathname matches the expression
35#                is checked out, updated, or reverted, the hook's "action" will
36#                run.
37#     "action"   A list describing a command to run along with its arguments, if
38#                any.  An action command will run at most one time per gclient
39#                invocation, regardless of how many files matched the pattern.
40#                The action is executed in the same directory as the .gclient
41#                file.  If the first item in the list is the string "python",
42#                the current Python interpreter (sys.executable) will be used
43#                to run the command. If the list contains string
44#                "$matching_files" it will be removed from the list and the list
45#                will be extended by the list of matching files.
46#     "name"     An optional string specifying the group to which a hook belongs
47#                for overriding and organizing.
49#   Example:
50#     hooks = [
51#       { "pattern": "\\.(gif|jpe?g|pr0n|png)$",
52#         "action":  ["python", "image_indexer.py", "--all"]},
53#       { "pattern": ".",
54#         "name": "gyp",
55#         "action":  ["python", "src/build/gyp_chromium"]},
56#     ]
58# Pre-DEPS Hooks
59#   DEPS files may optionally contain a list named "pre_deps_hooks".  These are
60#   the same as normal hooks, except that they run before the DEPS are
61#   processed. Pre-DEPS run with "sync" and "revert" unless the --noprehooks
62#   flag is used.
64# Specifying a target OS
65#   An optional key named "target_os" may be added to a gclient file to specify
66#   one or more additional operating systems that should be considered when
67#   processing the deps_os/hooks_os dict of a DEPS file.
69#   Example:
70#     target_os = [ "android" ]
72#   If the "target_os_only" key is also present and true, then *only* the
73#   operating systems listed in "target_os" will be used.
75#   Example:
76#     target_os = [ "ios" ]
77#     target_os_only = True
79# Specifying a target CPU
80#   To specify a target CPU, the variables target_cpu and target_cpu_only
81#   are available and are analogous to target_os and target_os_only.
83from __future__ import print_function
85__version__ = '0.7'
87import collections
88import copy
89import json
90import logging
91import optparse
92import os
93import platform
94import posixpath
95import pprint
96import re
97import sys
98import time
101  import urlparse
102except ImportError:  # For Py3 compatibility
103  import urllib.parse as urlparse
105import detect_host_arch
106import fix_encoding
107import gclient_eval
108import gclient_scm
109import gclient_paths
110import gclient_utils
111import git_cache
112import metrics
113import metrics_utils
114from third_party.repo.progress import Progress
115import subcommand
116import subprocess2
117import setup_color
119from third_party import six
121# TODO(crbug.com/953884): Remove this when python3 migration is done.
122if six.PY3:
123  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
124  basestring = str
127DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
129# Singleton object to represent an unset cache_dir (as opposed to a disabled
130# one, e.g. if a spec explicitly says `cache_dir = None`.)
131UNSET_CACHE_DIR = object()
134class GNException(Exception):
135  pass
138def ToGNString(value, allow_dicts = True):
139  """Returns a stringified GN equivalent of the Python value.
141  allow_dicts indicates if this function will allow converting dictionaries
142  to GN scopes. This is only possible at the top level, you can't nest a
143  GN scope in a list, so this should be set to False for recursive calls."""
144  if isinstance(value, basestring):
145    if value.find('\n') >= 0:
146      raise GNException("Trying to print a string with a newline in it.")
147    return '"' + \
148        value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"').replace('$', '\\$') + \
149        '"'
151  if sys.version_info.major == 2 and isinstance(value, unicode):
152    return ToGNString(value.encode('utf-8'))
154  if isinstance(value, bool):
155    if value:
156      return "true"
157    return "false"
159  # NOTE: some type handling removed compared to chromium/src copy.
161  raise GNException("Unsupported type when printing to GN.")
164class Hook(object):
165  """Descriptor of command ran before/after sync or on demand."""
167  def __init__(self, action, pattern=None, name=None, cwd=None, condition=None,
168               variables=None, verbose=False, cwd_base=None):
169    """Constructor.
171    Arguments:
172      action (list of basestring): argv of the command to run
173      pattern (basestring regex): noop with git; deprecated
174      name (basestring): optional name; no effect on operation
175      cwd (basestring): working directory to use
176      condition (basestring): condition when to run the hook
177      variables (dict): variables for evaluating the condition
178    """
179    self._action = gclient_utils.freeze(action)
180    self._pattern = pattern
181    self._name = name
182    self._cwd = cwd
183    self._condition = condition
184    self._variables = variables
185    self._verbose = verbose
186    self._cwd_base = cwd_base
188  @staticmethod
189  def from_dict(d, variables=None, verbose=False, conditions=None,
190                cwd_base=None):
191    """Creates a Hook instance from a dict like in the DEPS file."""
192    # Merge any local and inherited conditions.
193    gclient_eval.UpdateCondition(d, 'and', conditions)
194    return Hook(
195        d['action'],
196        d.get('pattern'),
197        d.get('name'),
198        d.get('cwd'),
199        d.get('condition'),
200        variables=variables,
201        # Always print the header if not printing to a TTY.
202        verbose=verbose or not setup_color.IS_TTY,
203        cwd_base=cwd_base)
205  @property
206  def action(self):
207    return self._action
209  @property
210  def pattern(self):
211    return self._pattern
213  @property
214  def name(self):
215    return self._name
217  @property
218  def condition(self):
219    return self._condition
221  @property
222  def effective_cwd(self):
223    cwd = self._cwd_base
224    if self._cwd:
225      cwd = os.path.join(cwd, self._cwd)
226    return cwd
228  def matches(self, file_list):
229    """Returns true if the pattern matches any of files in the list."""
230    if not self._pattern:
231      return True
232    pattern = re.compile(self._pattern)
233    return bool([f for f in file_list if pattern.search(f)])
235  def run(self):
236    """Executes the hook's command (provided the condition is met)."""
237    if (self._condition and
238        not gclient_eval.EvaluateCondition(self._condition, self._variables)):
239      return
241    cmd = [arg for arg in self._action]
243    if cmd[0] == 'python':
244      cmd[0] = 'vpython'
245    if cmd[0] == 'vpython' and _detect_host_os() == 'win':
246      cmd[0] += '.bat'
248    try:
249      start_time = time.time()
250      gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(
251          cmd, cwd=self.effective_cwd, print_stdout=True, show_header=True,
252          always_show_header=self._verbose)
253    except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError) as e:
254      # Use a discrete exit status code of 2 to indicate that a hook action
255      # failed.  Users of this script may wish to treat hook action failures
256      # differently from VC failures.
257      print('Error: %s' % str(e), file=sys.stderr)
258      sys.exit(2)
259    finally:
260      elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
261      if elapsed_time > 10:
262        print("Hook '%s' took %.2f secs" % (
263            gclient_utils.CommandToStr(cmd), elapsed_time))
266class DependencySettings(object):
267  """Immutable configuration settings."""
268  def __init__(
269      self, parent, url, managed, custom_deps, custom_vars,
270      custom_hooks, deps_file, should_process, relative, condition):
271    # These are not mutable:
272    self._parent = parent
273    self._deps_file = deps_file
274    self._url = url
275    # The condition as string (or None). Useful to keep e.g. for flatten.
276    self._condition = condition
277    # 'managed' determines whether or not this dependency is synced/updated by
278    # gclient after gclient checks it out initially.  The difference between
279    # 'managed' and 'should_process' is that the user specifies 'managed' via
280    # the --unmanaged command-line flag or a .gclient config, where
281    # 'should_process' is dynamically set by gclient if it goes over its
282    # recursion limit and controls gclient's behavior so it does not misbehave.
283    self._managed = managed
284    self._should_process = should_process
285    # If this is a recursed-upon sub-dependency, and the parent has
286    # use_relative_paths set, then this dependency should check out its own
287    # dependencies relative to that parent's path for this, rather than
288    # relative to the .gclient file.
289    self._relative = relative
290    # This is a mutable value which has the list of 'target_os' OSes listed in
291    # the current deps file.
292    self.local_target_os = None
294    # These are only set in .gclient and not in DEPS files.
295    self._custom_vars = custom_vars or {}
296    self._custom_deps = custom_deps or {}
297    self._custom_hooks = custom_hooks or []
299    # Post process the url to remove trailing slashes.
300    if isinstance(self.url, basestring):
301      # urls are sometime incorrectly written as proto://host/path/@rev. Replace
302      # it to proto://host/path@rev.
303      self.set_url(self.url.replace('/@', '@'))
304    elif not isinstance(self.url, (None.__class__)):
305      raise gclient_utils.Error(
306          ('dependency url must be either string or None, '
307           'instead of %s') % self.url.__class__.__name__)
309    # Make any deps_file path platform-appropriate.
310    if self._deps_file:
311      for sep in ['/', '\\']:
312        self._deps_file = self._deps_file.replace(sep, os.sep)
314  @property
315  def deps_file(self):
316    return self._deps_file
318  @property
319  def managed(self):
320    return self._managed
322  @property
323  def parent(self):
324    return self._parent
326  @property
327  def root(self):
328    """Returns the root node, a GClient object."""
329    if not self.parent:
330      # This line is to signal pylint that it could be a GClient instance.
331      return self or GClient(None, None)
332    return self.parent.root
334  @property
335  def should_process(self):
336    """True if this dependency should be processed, i.e. checked out."""
337    return self._should_process
339  @property
340  def custom_vars(self):
341    return self._custom_vars.copy()
343  @property
344  def custom_deps(self):
345    return self._custom_deps.copy()
347  @property
348  def custom_hooks(self):
349    return self._custom_hooks[:]
351  @property
352  def url(self):
353    """URL after variable expansion."""
354    return self._url
356  @property
357  def condition(self):
358    return self._condition
360  @property
361  def target_os(self):
362    if self.local_target_os is not None:
363      return tuple(set(self.local_target_os).union(self.parent.target_os))
364    else:
365      return self.parent.target_os
367  @property
368  def target_cpu(self):
369    return self.parent.target_cpu
371  def set_url(self, url):
372    self._url = url
374  def get_custom_deps(self, name, url):
375    """Returns a custom deps if applicable."""
376    if self.parent:
377      url = self.parent.get_custom_deps(name, url)
378    # None is a valid return value to disable a dependency.
379    return self.custom_deps.get(name, url)
382class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
383  """Object that represents a dependency checkout."""
385  def __init__(self, parent, name, url, managed, custom_deps,
386               custom_vars, custom_hooks, deps_file, should_process,
387               should_recurse, relative, condition, print_outbuf=False):
388    gclient_utils.WorkItem.__init__(self, name)
389    DependencySettings.__init__(
390        self, parent, url, managed, custom_deps, custom_vars,
391        custom_hooks, deps_file, should_process, relative, condition)
393    # This is in both .gclient and DEPS files:
394    self._deps_hooks = []
396    self._pre_deps_hooks = []
398    # Calculates properties:
399    self._dependencies = []
400    self._vars = {}
402    # A cache of the files affected by the current operation, necessary for
403    # hooks.
404    self._file_list = []
405    # List of host names from which dependencies are allowed.
406    # Default is an empty set, meaning unspecified in DEPS file, and hence all
407    # hosts will be allowed. Non-empty set means whitelist of hosts.
408    # allowed_hosts var is scoped to its DEPS file, and so it isn't recursive.
409    self._allowed_hosts = frozenset()
410    self._gn_args_from = None
411    # Spec for .gni output to write (if any).
412    self._gn_args_file = None
413    self._gn_args = []
414    # If it is not set to True, the dependency wasn't processed for its child
415    # dependency, i.e. its DEPS wasn't read.
416    self._deps_parsed = False
417    # This dependency has been processed, i.e. checked out
418    self._processed = False
419    # This dependency had its pre-DEPS hooks run
420    self._pre_deps_hooks_ran = False
421    # This dependency had its hook run
422    self._hooks_ran = False
423    # This is the scm used to checkout self.url. It may be used by dependencies
424    # to get the datetime of the revision we checked out.
425    self._used_scm = None
426    self._used_revision = None
427    # The actual revision we ended up getting, or None if that information is
428    # unavailable
429    self._got_revision = None
430    # Whether this dependency should use relative paths.
431    self._use_relative_paths = False
433    # recursedeps is a mutable value that selectively overrides the default
434    # 'no recursion' setting on a dep-by-dep basis.
435    #
436    # It will be a dictionary of {deps_name: depfile_namee}
437    self.recursedeps = {}
439    # Whether we should process this dependency's DEPS file.
440    self._should_recurse = should_recurse
442    self._OverrideUrl()
443    # This is inherited from WorkItem.  We want the URL to be a resource.
444    if self.url and isinstance(self.url, basestring):
445      # The url is usually given to gclient either as https://blah@123
446      # or just https://blah.  The @123 portion is irrelevant.
447      self.resources.append(self.url.split('@')[0])
449    # Controls whether we want to print git's output when we first clone the
450    # dependency
451    self.print_outbuf = print_outbuf
453    if not self.name and self.parent:
454      raise gclient_utils.Error('Dependency without name')
456  def _OverrideUrl(self):
457    """Resolves the parsed url from the parent hierarchy."""
458    parsed_url = self.get_custom_deps(self._name, self.url)
459    if parsed_url != self.url:
460      logging.info('Dependency(%s)._OverrideUrl(%s) -> %s', self._name,
461                   self.url, parsed_url)
462      self.set_url(parsed_url)
463      return
465    if self.url is None:
466      logging.info('Dependency(%s)._OverrideUrl(None) -> None', self._name)
467      return
469    if not isinstance(self.url, basestring):
470      raise gclient_utils.Error('Unknown url type')
472    # self.url is a local path
473    path, at, rev = self.url.partition('@')
474    if os.path.isdir(path):
475      return
477    # self.url is a URL
478    parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
479    if parsed_url[0] or re.match(r'^\w+\@[\w\.-]+\:[\w\/]+', parsed_url[2]):
480      return
482    # self.url is relative to the parent's URL.
483    if not path.startswith('/'):
484      raise gclient_utils.Error(
485          'relative DEPS entry \'%s\' must begin with a slash' % self.url)
487    parent_url = self.parent.url
488    parent_path = self.parent.url.split('@')[0]
489    if os.path.isdir(parent_path):
490      # Parent's URL is a local path. Get parent's URL dirname and append
491      # self.url.
492      parent_path = os.path.dirname(parent_path)
493      parsed_url = parent_path + path.replace('/', os.sep) + at + rev
494    else:
495      # Parent's URL is a URL. Get parent's URL, strip from the last '/'
496      # (equivalent to unix dirname) and append self.url.
497      parsed_url = parent_url[:parent_url.rfind('/')] + self.url
499    logging.info('Dependency(%s)._OverrideUrl(%s) -> %s', self.name,
500                 self.url, parsed_url)
501    self.set_url(parsed_url)
503  def PinToActualRevision(self):
504    """Updates self.url to the revision checked out on disk."""
505    if self.url is None:
506      return
507    url = None
508    scm = self.CreateSCM()
509    if os.path.isdir(scm.checkout_path):
510      revision = scm.revinfo(None, None, None)
511      url = '%s@%s' % (gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)[0], revision)
512    self.set_url(url)
514  def ToLines(self):
515    s = []
516    condition_part = (['    "condition": %r,' % self.condition]
517                      if self.condition else [])
518    s.extend([
519        '  # %s' % self.hierarchy(include_url=False),
520        '  "%s": {' % (self.name,),
521        '    "url": "%s",' % (self.url,),
522    ] + condition_part + [
523        '  },',
524        '',
525    ])
526    return s
528  @property
529  def requirements(self):
530    """Calculate the list of requirements."""
531    requirements = set()
532    # self.parent is implicitly a requirement. This will be recursive by
533    # definition.
534    if self.parent and self.parent.name:
535      requirements.add(self.parent.name)
537    # For a tree with at least 2 levels*, the leaf node needs to depend
538    # on the level higher up in an orderly way.
539    # This becomes messy for >2 depth as the DEPS file format is a dictionary,
540    # thus unsorted, while the .gclient format is a list thus sorted.
541    #
542    # Interestingly enough, the following condition only works in the case we
543    # want: self is a 2nd level node. 3rd level node wouldn't need this since
544    # they already have their parent as a requirement.
545    if self.parent and self.parent.parent and not self.parent.parent.parent:
546      requirements |= set(i.name for i in self.root.dependencies if i.name)
548    if self.name:
549      requirements |= set(
550          obj.name for obj in self.root.subtree(False)
551          if (obj is not self
552              and obj.name and
553              self.name.startswith(posixpath.join(obj.name, ''))))
554    requirements = tuple(sorted(requirements))
555    logging.info('Dependency(%s).requirements = %s' % (self.name, requirements))
556    return requirements
558  @property
559  def should_recurse(self):
560    return self._should_recurse
562  def verify_validity(self):
563    """Verifies that this Dependency is fine to add as a child of another one.
565    Returns True if this entry should be added, False if it is a duplicate of
566    another entry.
567    """
568    logging.info('Dependency(%s).verify_validity()' % self.name)
569    if self.name in [s.name for s in self.parent.dependencies]:
570      raise gclient_utils.Error(
571          'The same name "%s" appears multiple times in the deps section' %
572              self.name)
573    if not self.should_process:
574      # Return early, no need to set requirements.
575      return not any(d.name == self.name for d in self.root.subtree(True))
577    # This require a full tree traversal with locks.
578    siblings = [d for d in self.root.subtree(False) if d.name == self.name]
579    for sibling in siblings:
580      # Allow to have only one to be None or ''.
581      if self.url != sibling.url and bool(self.url) == bool(sibling.url):
582        raise gclient_utils.Error(
583            ('Dependency %s specified more than once:\n'
584            '  %s [%s]\n'
585            'vs\n'
586            '  %s [%s]') % (
587              self.name,
588              sibling.hierarchy(),
589              sibling.url,
590              self.hierarchy(),
591              self.url))
592      # In theory we could keep it as a shadow of the other one. In
593      # practice, simply ignore it.
594      logging.warning("Won't process duplicate dependency %s" % sibling)
595      return False
596    return True
598  def _postprocess_deps(self, deps, rel_prefix):
599    """Performs post-processing of deps compared to what's in the DEPS file."""
600    # Make sure the dict is mutable, e.g. in case it's frozen.
601    deps = dict(deps)
603    # If a line is in custom_deps, but not in the solution, we want to append
604    # this line to the solution.
605    for dep_name, dep_info in self.custom_deps.items():
606      if dep_name not in deps:
607        deps[dep_name] = {'url': dep_info, 'dep_type': 'git'}
609    # Make child deps conditional on any parent conditions. This ensures that,
610    # when flattened, recursed entries have the correct restrictions, even if
611    # not explicitly set in the recursed DEPS file. For instance, if
612    # "src/ios_foo" is conditional on "checkout_ios=True", then anything
613    # recursively included by "src/ios_foo/DEPS" should also require
614    # "checkout_ios=True".
615    if self.condition:
616      for value in deps.values():
617        gclient_eval.UpdateCondition(value, 'and', self.condition)
619    if rel_prefix:
620      logging.warning('use_relative_paths enabled.')
621      rel_deps = {}
622      for d, url in deps.items():
623        # normpath is required to allow DEPS to use .. in their
624        # dependency local path.
625        rel_deps[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rel_prefix, d))] = url
626      logging.warning('Updating deps by prepending %s.', rel_prefix)
627      deps = rel_deps
629    return deps
631  def _deps_to_objects(self, deps, use_relative_paths):
632    """Convert a deps dict to a dict of Dependency objects."""
633    deps_to_add = []
634    for name, dep_value in deps.items():
635      should_process = self.should_process
636      if dep_value is None:
637        continue
639      condition = dep_value.get('condition')
640      dep_type = dep_value.get('dep_type')
642      if condition and not self._get_option('process_all_deps', False):
643        should_process = should_process and gclient_eval.EvaluateCondition(
644            condition, self.get_vars())
646      # The following option is only set by the 'revinfo' command.
647      if self._get_option('ignore_dep_type', None) == dep_type:
648        continue
650      if dep_type == 'cipd':
651        cipd_root = self.GetCipdRoot()
652        for package in dep_value.get('packages', []):
653          deps_to_add.append(
654              CipdDependency(
655                  parent=self,
656                  name=name,
657                  dep_value=package,
658                  cipd_root=cipd_root,
659                  custom_vars=self.custom_vars,
660                  should_process=should_process,
661                  relative=use_relative_paths,
662                  condition=condition))
663      else:
664        url = dep_value.get('url')
665        deps_to_add.append(
666            GitDependency(
667                parent=self,
668                name=name,
669                url=url,
670                managed=True,
671                custom_deps=None,
672                custom_vars=self.custom_vars,
673                custom_hooks=None,
674                deps_file=self.recursedeps.get(name, self.deps_file),
675                should_process=should_process,
676                should_recurse=name in self.recursedeps,
677                relative=use_relative_paths,
678                condition=condition))
680    deps_to_add.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)
681    return deps_to_add
683  def ParseDepsFile(self):
684    """Parses the DEPS file for this dependency."""
685    assert not self.deps_parsed
686    assert not self.dependencies
688    deps_content = None
690    # First try to locate the configured deps file.  If it's missing, fallback
691    # to DEPS.
692    deps_files = [self.deps_file]
693    if 'DEPS' not in deps_files:
694      deps_files.append('DEPS')
695    for deps_file in deps_files:
696      filepath = os.path.join(self.root.root_dir, self.name, deps_file)
697      if os.path.isfile(filepath):
698        logging.info(
699            'ParseDepsFile(%s): %s file found at %s', self.name, deps_file,
700            filepath)
701        break
702      logging.info(
703          'ParseDepsFile(%s): No %s file found at %s', self.name, deps_file,
704          filepath)
706    if os.path.isfile(filepath):
707      deps_content = gclient_utils.FileRead(filepath)
708      logging.debug('ParseDepsFile(%s) read:\n%s', self.name, deps_content)
710    local_scope = {}
711    if deps_content:
712      try:
713        local_scope = gclient_eval.Parse(
714            deps_content, filepath, self.get_vars(), self.get_builtin_vars())
715      except SyntaxError as e:
716        gclient_utils.SyntaxErrorToError(filepath, e)
718    if 'allowed_hosts' in local_scope:
719      try:
720        self._allowed_hosts = frozenset(local_scope.get('allowed_hosts'))
721      except TypeError:  # raised if non-iterable
722        pass
723      if not self._allowed_hosts:
724        logging.warning("allowed_hosts is specified but empty %s",
725                        self._allowed_hosts)
726        raise gclient_utils.Error(
727            'ParseDepsFile(%s): allowed_hosts must be absent '
728            'or a non-empty iterable' % self.name)
730    self._gn_args_from = local_scope.get('gclient_gn_args_from')
731    self._gn_args_file = local_scope.get('gclient_gn_args_file')
732    self._gn_args = local_scope.get('gclient_gn_args', [])
733    # It doesn't make sense to set all of these, since setting gn_args_from to
734    # another DEPS will make gclient ignore any other local gn_args* settings.
735    assert not (self._gn_args_from and self._gn_args_file), \
736        'Only specify one of "gclient_gn_args_from" or ' \
737        '"gclient_gn_args_file + gclient_gn_args".'
739    self._vars = local_scope.get('vars', {})
740    if self.parent:
741      for key, value in self.parent.get_vars().items():
742        if key in self._vars:
743          self._vars[key] = value
744    # Since we heavily post-process things, freeze ones which should
745    # reflect original state of DEPS.
746    self._vars = gclient_utils.freeze(self._vars)
748    # If use_relative_paths is set in the DEPS file, regenerate
749    # the dictionary using paths relative to the directory containing
750    # the DEPS file.  Also update recursedeps if use_relative_paths is
751    # enabled.
752    # If the deps file doesn't set use_relative_paths, but the parent did
753    # (and therefore set self.relative on this Dependency object), then we
754    # want to modify the deps and recursedeps by prepending the parent
755    # directory of this dependency.
756    self._use_relative_paths = local_scope.get('use_relative_paths', False)
757    rel_prefix = None
758    if self._use_relative_paths:
759      rel_prefix = self.name
760    elif self._relative:
761      rel_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.name)
763    if 'recursion' in local_scope:
764      logging.warning(
765          '%s: Ignoring recursion = %d.', self.name, local_scope['recursion'])
767    if 'recursedeps' in local_scope:
768      for ent in local_scope['recursedeps']:
769        if isinstance(ent, basestring):
770          self.recursedeps[ent] = self.deps_file
771        else:  # (depname, depsfilename)
772          self.recursedeps[ent[0]] = ent[1]
773      logging.warning('Found recursedeps %r.', repr(self.recursedeps))
775      if rel_prefix:
776        logging.warning('Updating recursedeps by prepending %s.', rel_prefix)
777        rel_deps = {}
778        for depname, options in self.recursedeps.items():
779          rel_deps[
780              os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rel_prefix, depname))] = options
781        self.recursedeps = rel_deps
782    # To get gn_args from another DEPS, that DEPS must be recursed into.
783    if self._gn_args_from:
784      assert self.recursedeps and self._gn_args_from in self.recursedeps, \
785              'The "gclient_gn_args_from" value must be in recursedeps.'
787    # If present, save 'target_os' in the local_target_os property.
788    if 'target_os' in local_scope:
789      self.local_target_os = local_scope['target_os']
791    deps = local_scope.get('deps', {})
792    deps_to_add = self._deps_to_objects(
793        self._postprocess_deps(deps, rel_prefix), self._use_relative_paths)
795    # compute which working directory should be used for hooks
796    if local_scope.get('use_relative_hooks', False):
797      print('use_relative_hooks is deprecated, please remove it from DEPS. ' +
798            '(it was merged in use_relative_paths)', file=sys.stderr)
800    hooks_cwd = self.root.root_dir
801    if self._use_relative_paths:
802      hooks_cwd = os.path.join(hooks_cwd, self.name)
803      logging.warning('Updating hook base working directory to %s.',
804                      hooks_cwd)
806    # override named sets of hooks by the custom hooks
807    hooks_to_run = []
808    hook_names_to_suppress = [c.get('name', '') for c in self.custom_hooks]
809    for hook in local_scope.get('hooks', []):
810      if hook.get('name', '') not in hook_names_to_suppress:
811        hooks_to_run.append(hook)
813    # add the replacements and any additions
814    for hook in self.custom_hooks:
815      if 'action' in hook:
816        hooks_to_run.append(hook)
818    if self.should_recurse:
819      self._pre_deps_hooks = [
820          Hook.from_dict(hook, variables=self.get_vars(), verbose=True,
821                         conditions=self.condition, cwd_base=hooks_cwd)
822          for hook in local_scope.get('pre_deps_hooks', [])
823      ]
825    self.add_dependencies_and_close(deps_to_add, hooks_to_run,
826                                    hooks_cwd=hooks_cwd)
827    logging.info('ParseDepsFile(%s) done' % self.name)
829  def _get_option(self, attr, default):
830    obj = self
831    while not hasattr(obj, '_options'):
832      obj = obj.parent
833    return getattr(obj._options, attr, default)
835  def add_dependencies_and_close(self, deps_to_add, hooks, hooks_cwd=None):
836    """Adds the dependencies, hooks and mark the parsing as done."""
837    if hooks_cwd == None:
838      hooks_cwd = self.root.root_dir
840    for dep in deps_to_add:
841      if dep.verify_validity():
842        self.add_dependency(dep)
843    self._mark_as_parsed([
844        Hook.from_dict(
845            h, variables=self.get_vars(), verbose=self.root._options.verbose,
846            conditions=self.condition, cwd_base=hooks_cwd)
847        for h in hooks
848    ])
850  def findDepsFromNotAllowedHosts(self):
851    """Returns a list of dependencies from not allowed hosts.
853    If allowed_hosts is not set, allows all hosts and returns empty list.
854    """
855    if not self._allowed_hosts:
856      return []
857    bad_deps = []
858    for dep in self._dependencies:
859      # Don't enforce this for custom_deps.
860      if dep.name in self._custom_deps:
861        continue
862      if isinstance(dep.url, basestring):
863        parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(dep.url)
864        if parsed_url.netloc and parsed_url.netloc not in self._allowed_hosts:
865          bad_deps.append(dep)
866    return bad_deps
868  def FuzzyMatchUrl(self, candidates):
869    """Attempts to find this dependency in the list of candidates.
871    It looks first for the URL of this dependency in the list of
872    candidates. If it doesn't succeed, and the URL ends in '.git', it will try
873    looking for the URL minus '.git'. Finally it will try to look for the name
874    of the dependency.
876    Args:
877      candidates: list, dict. The list of candidates in which to look for this
878          dependency. It can contain URLs as above, or dependency names like
879          "src/some/dep".
881    Returns:
882      If this dependency is not found in the list of candidates, returns None.
883      Otherwise, it returns under which name did we find this dependency:
884       - Its parsed url: "https://example.com/src.git'
885       - Its parsed url minus '.git': "https://example.com/src"
886       - Its name: "src"
887    """
888    if self.url:
889      origin, _ = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
890      if origin in candidates:
891        return origin
892      if origin.endswith('.git') and origin[:-len('.git')] in candidates:
893        return origin[:-len('.git')]
894      if origin + '.git' in candidates:
895        return origin + '.git'
896    if self.name in candidates:
897      return self.name
898    return None
900  # Arguments number differs from overridden method
901  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
902  def run(self, revision_overrides, command, args, work_queue, options,
903          patch_refs, target_branches):
904    """Runs |command| then parse the DEPS file."""
905    logging.info('Dependency(%s).run()' % self.name)
906    assert self._file_list == []
907    if not self.should_process:
908      return
909    # When running runhooks, there's no need to consult the SCM.
910    # All known hooks are expected to run unconditionally regardless of working
911    # copy state, so skip the SCM status check.
912    run_scm = command not in (
913        'flatten', 'runhooks', 'recurse', 'validate', None)
914    file_list = [] if not options.nohooks else None
915    revision_override = revision_overrides.pop(
916        self.FuzzyMatchUrl(revision_overrides), None)
917    if not revision_override and not self.managed:
918      revision_override = 'unmanaged'
919    if run_scm and self.url:
920      # Create a shallow copy to mutate revision.
921      options = copy.copy(options)
922      options.revision = revision_override
923      self._used_revision = options.revision
924      self._used_scm = self.CreateSCM(out_cb=work_queue.out_cb)
925      self._got_revision = self._used_scm.RunCommand(command, options, args,
926                                                     file_list)
928      patch_repo = self.url.split('@')[0]
929      patch_ref = patch_refs.pop(self.FuzzyMatchUrl(patch_refs), None)
930      target_branch = target_branches.pop(
931          self.FuzzyMatchUrl(target_branches), None)
932      if command == 'update' and patch_ref is not None:
933        self._used_scm.apply_patch_ref(patch_repo, patch_ref, target_branch,
934                                       options, file_list)
936      if file_list:
937        file_list = [os.path.join(self.name, f.strip()) for f in file_list]
939      # TODO(phajdan.jr): We should know exactly when the paths are absolute.
940      # Convert all absolute paths to relative.
941      for i in range(len(file_list or [])):
942        # It depends on the command being executed (like runhooks vs sync).
943        if not os.path.isabs(file_list[i]):
944          continue
945        prefix = os.path.commonprefix(
946            [self.root.root_dir.lower(), file_list[i].lower()])
947        file_list[i] = file_list[i][len(prefix):]
948        # Strip any leading path separators.
949        while file_list[i].startswith(('\\', '/')):
950          file_list[i] = file_list[i][1:]
952    if self.should_recurse:
953      self.ParseDepsFile()
955    self._run_is_done(file_list or [])
957    if self.should_recurse:
958      if command in ('update', 'revert') and not options.noprehooks:
959        self.RunPreDepsHooks()
960      # Parse the dependencies of this dependency.
961      for s in self.dependencies:
962        if s.should_process:
963          work_queue.enqueue(s)
965    if command == 'recurse':
966      # Skip file only checkout.
967      scm = self.GetScmName()
968      if not options.scm or scm in options.scm:
969        cwd = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root.root_dir, self.name))
970        # Pass in the SCM type as an env variable.  Make sure we don't put
971        # unicode strings in the environment.
972        env = os.environ.copy()
973        if scm:
974          env['GCLIENT_SCM'] = str(scm)
975        if self.url:
976          env['GCLIENT_URL'] = str(self.url)
977        env['GCLIENT_DEP_PATH'] = str(self.name)
978        if options.prepend_dir and scm == 'git':
979          print_stdout = False
980          def filter_fn(line):
981            """Git-specific path marshaling. It is optimized for git-grep."""
983            def mod_path(git_pathspec):
984              match = re.match('^(\\S+?:)?([^\0]+)$', git_pathspec)
985              modified_path = os.path.join(self.name, match.group(2))
986              branch = match.group(1) or ''
987              return '%s%s' % (branch, modified_path)
989            match = re.match('^Binary file ([^\0]+) matches$', line)
990            if match:
991              print('Binary file %s matches\n' % mod_path(match.group(1)))
992              return
994            items = line.split('\0')
995            if len(items) == 2 and items[1]:
996              print('%s : %s' % (mod_path(items[0]), items[1]))
997            elif len(items) >= 2:
998              # Multiple null bytes or a single trailing null byte indicate
999              # git is likely displaying filenames only (such as with -l)
1000              print('\n'.join(mod_path(path) for path in items if path))
1001            else:
1002              print(line)
1003        else:
1004          print_stdout = True
1005          filter_fn = None
1007        if self.url is None:
1008          print('Skipped omitted dependency %s' % cwd, file=sys.stderr)
1009        elif os.path.isdir(cwd):
1010          try:
1011            gclient_utils.CheckCallAndFilter(
1012                args, cwd=cwd, env=env, print_stdout=print_stdout,
1013                filter_fn=filter_fn,
1014                )
1015          except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1016            if not options.ignore:
1017              raise
1018        else:
1019          print('Skipped missing %s' % cwd, file=sys.stderr)
1021  def GetScmName(self):
1022    raise NotImplementedError()
1024  def CreateSCM(self, out_cb=None):
1025    raise NotImplementedError()
1027  def HasGNArgsFile(self):
1028    return self._gn_args_file is not None
1030  def WriteGNArgsFile(self):
1031    lines = ['# Generated from %r' % self.deps_file]
1032    variables = self.get_vars()
1033    for arg in self._gn_args:
1034      value = variables[arg]
1035      if isinstance(value, gclient_eval.ConstantString):
1036        value = value.value
1037      elif isinstance(value, basestring):
1038        value = gclient_eval.EvaluateCondition(value, variables)
1039      lines.append('%s = %s' % (arg, ToGNString(value)))
1041    # When use_relative_paths is set, gn_args_file is relative to this DEPS
1042    path_prefix = self.root.root_dir
1043    if self._use_relative_paths:
1044      path_prefix = os.path.join(path_prefix, self.name)
1046    with open(os.path.join(path_prefix, self._gn_args_file), 'wb') as f:
1047      f.write('\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8', 'replace'))
1049  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1050  def _run_is_done(self, file_list):
1051    # Both these are kept for hooks that are run as a separate tree traversal.
1052    self._file_list = file_list
1053    self._processed = True
1055  def GetHooks(self, options):
1056    """Evaluates all hooks, and return them in a flat list.
1058    RunOnDeps() must have been called before to load the DEPS.
1059    """
1060    result = []
1061    if not self.should_process or not self.should_recurse:
1062      # Don't run the hook when it is above recursion_limit.
1063      return result
1064    # If "--force" was specified, run all hooks regardless of what files have
1065    # changed.
1066    if self.deps_hooks:
1067      # TODO(maruel): If the user is using git, then we don't know
1068      # what files have changed so we always run all hooks. It'd be nice to fix
1069      # that.
1070      result.extend(self.deps_hooks)
1071    for s in self.dependencies:
1072      result.extend(s.GetHooks(options))
1073    return result
1075  def RunHooksRecursively(self, options, progress):
1076    assert self.hooks_ran == False
1077    self._hooks_ran = True
1078    hooks = self.GetHooks(options)
1079    if progress:
1080      progress._total = len(hooks)
1081    for hook in hooks:
1082      if progress:
1083        progress.update(extra=hook.name or '')
1084      hook.run()
1085    if progress:
1086      progress.end()
1088  def RunPreDepsHooks(self):
1089    assert self.processed
1090    assert self.deps_parsed
1091    assert not self.pre_deps_hooks_ran
1092    assert not self.hooks_ran
1093    for s in self.dependencies:
1094      assert not s.processed
1095    self._pre_deps_hooks_ran = True
1096    for hook in self.pre_deps_hooks:
1097      hook.run()
1099  def GetCipdRoot(self):
1100    if self.root is self:
1101      # Let's not infinitely recurse. If this is root and isn't an
1102      # instance of GClient, do nothing.
1103      return None
1104    return self.root.GetCipdRoot()
1106  def subtree(self, include_all):
1107    """Breadth first recursion excluding root node."""
1108    dependencies = self.dependencies
1109    for d in dependencies:
1110      if d.should_process or include_all:
1111        yield d
1112    for d in dependencies:
1113      for i in d.subtree(include_all):
1114        yield i
1116  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1117  def add_dependency(self, new_dep):
1118    self._dependencies.append(new_dep)
1120  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1121  def _mark_as_parsed(self, new_hooks):
1122    self._deps_hooks.extend(new_hooks)
1123    self._deps_parsed = True
1125  @property
1126  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1127  def dependencies(self):
1128    return tuple(self._dependencies)
1130  @property
1131  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1132  def deps_hooks(self):
1133    return tuple(self._deps_hooks)
1135  @property
1136  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1137  def pre_deps_hooks(self):
1138    return tuple(self._pre_deps_hooks)
1140  @property
1141  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1142  def deps_parsed(self):
1143    """This is purely for debugging purposes. It's not used anywhere."""
1144    return self._deps_parsed
1146  @property
1147  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1148  def processed(self):
1149    return self._processed
1151  @property
1152  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1153  def pre_deps_hooks_ran(self):
1154    return self._pre_deps_hooks_ran
1156  @property
1157  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1158  def hooks_ran(self):
1159    return self._hooks_ran
1161  @property
1162  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1163  def allowed_hosts(self):
1164    return self._allowed_hosts
1166  @property
1167  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1168  def file_list(self):
1169    return tuple(self._file_list)
1171  @property
1172  def used_scm(self):
1173    """SCMWrapper instance for this dependency or None if not processed yet."""
1174    return self._used_scm
1176  @property
1177  @gclient_utils.lockedmethod
1178  def got_revision(self):
1179    return self._got_revision
1181  @property
1182  def file_list_and_children(self):
1183    result = list(self.file_list)
1184    for d in self.dependencies:
1185      result.extend(d.file_list_and_children)
1186    return tuple(result)
1188  def __str__(self):
1189    out = []
1190    for i in ('name', 'url', 'custom_deps',
1191              'custom_vars', 'deps_hooks', 'file_list', 'should_process',
1192              'processed', 'hooks_ran', 'deps_parsed', 'requirements',
1193              'allowed_hosts'):
1194      # First try the native property if it exists.
1195      if hasattr(self, '_' + i):
1196        value = getattr(self, '_' + i, False)
1197      else:
1198        value = getattr(self, i, False)
1199      if value:
1200        out.append('%s: %s' % (i, value))
1202    for d in self.dependencies:
1203      out.extend(['  ' + x for x in str(d).splitlines()])
1204      out.append('')
1205    return '\n'.join(out)
1207  def __repr__(self):
1208    return '%s: %s' % (self.name, self.url)
1210  def hierarchy(self, include_url=True):
1211    """Returns a human-readable hierarchical reference to a Dependency."""
1212    def format_name(d):
1213      if include_url:
1214        return '%s(%s)' % (d.name, d.url)
1215      return d.name
1216    out = format_name(self)
1217    i = self.parent
1218    while i and i.name:
1219      out = '%s -> %s' % (format_name(i), out)
1220      i = i.parent
1221    return out
1223  def hierarchy_data(self):
1224    """Returns a machine-readable hierarchical reference to a Dependency."""
1225    d = self
1226    out = []
1227    while d and d.name:
1228      out.insert(0, (d.name, d.url))
1229      d = d.parent
1230    return tuple(out)
1232  def get_builtin_vars(self):
1233    return {
1234        'checkout_android': 'android' in self.target_os,
1235        'checkout_chromeos': 'chromeos' in self.target_os,
1236        'checkout_fuchsia': 'fuchsia' in self.target_os,
1237        'checkout_ios': 'ios' in self.target_os,
1238        'checkout_linux': 'unix' in self.target_os,
1239        'checkout_mac': 'mac' in self.target_os,
1240        'checkout_win': 'win' in self.target_os,
1241        'host_os': _detect_host_os(),
1243        'checkout_arm': 'arm' in self.target_cpu,
1244        'checkout_arm64': 'arm64' in self.target_cpu,
1245        'checkout_x86': 'x86' in self.target_cpu,
1246        'checkout_mips': 'mips' in self.target_cpu,
1247        'checkout_mips64': 'mips64' in self.target_cpu,
1248        'checkout_ppc': 'ppc' in self.target_cpu,
1249        'checkout_s390': 's390' in self.target_cpu,
1250        'checkout_x64': 'x64' in self.target_cpu,
1251        'host_cpu': detect_host_arch.HostArch(),
1252    }
1254  def get_vars(self):
1255    """Returns a dictionary of effective variable values
1256    (DEPS file contents with applied custom_vars overrides)."""
1257    # Variable precedence (last has highest):
1258    # - DEPS vars
1259    # - parents, from first to last
1260    # - built-in
1261    # - custom_vars overrides
1262    result = {}
1263    result.update(self._vars)
1264    if self.parent:
1265      merge_vars(result, self.parent.get_vars())
1266    # Provide some built-in variables.
1267    result.update(self.get_builtin_vars())
1268    merge_vars(result, self.custom_vars)
1270    return result
1274  'cygwin': 'win',
1275  'darwin': 'mac',
1276  'linux2': 'linux',
1277  'linux': 'linux',
1278  'win32': 'win',
1279  'aix6': 'aix',
1283def merge_vars(result, new_vars):
1284  for k, v in new_vars.items():
1285    if k in result:
1286      if isinstance(result[k], gclient_eval.ConstantString):
1287        if isinstance(v, gclient_eval.ConstantString):
1288          result[k] = v
1289        else:
1290          result[k].value = v
1291      else:
1292        result[k] = v
1293    else:
1294      result[k] = v
1297def _detect_host_os():
1298  return _PLATFORM_MAPPING[sys.platform]
1301class GitDependency(Dependency):
1302  """A Dependency object that represents a single git checkout."""
1304  #override
1305  def GetScmName(self):
1306    """Always 'git'."""
1307    return 'git'
1309  #override
1310  def CreateSCM(self, out_cb=None):
1311    """Create a Wrapper instance suitable for handling this git dependency."""
1312    return gclient_scm.GitWrapper(
1313        self.url, self.root.root_dir, self.name, self.outbuf, out_cb,
1314        print_outbuf=self.print_outbuf)
1317class GClient(GitDependency):
1318  """Object that represent a gclient checkout. A tree of Dependency(), one per
1319  solution or DEPS entry."""
1322    "aix6": "unix",
1323    "win32": "win",
1324    "win": "win",
1325    "cygwin": "win",
1326    "darwin": "mac",
1327    "mac": "mac",
1328    "unix": "unix",
1329    "linux": "unix",
1330    "linux2": "unix",
1331    "linux3": "unix",
1332    "android": "android",
1333    "ios": "ios",
1334    "fuchsia": "fuchsia",
1335    "chromeos": "chromeos",
1336  }
1339solutions = [
1340  { "name"        : %(solution_name)r,
1341    "url"         : %(solution_url)r,
1342    "deps_file"   : %(deps_file)r,
1343    "managed"     : %(managed)r,
1344    "custom_deps" : {
1345    },
1346    "custom_vars": %(custom_vars)r,
1347  },
1352cache_dir = %(cache_dir)r
1357# Snapshot generated with gclient revinfo --snapshot
1358solutions = %(solution_list)s
1361  def __init__(self, root_dir, options):
1362    # Do not change previous behavior. Only solution level and immediate DEPS
1363    # are processed.
1364    self._recursion_limit = 2
1365    super(GClient, self).__init__(
1366        parent=None,
1367        name=None,
1368        url=None,
1369        managed=True,
1370        custom_deps=None,
1371        custom_vars=None,
1372        custom_hooks=None,
1373        deps_file='unused',
1374        should_process=True,
1375        should_recurse=True,
1376        relative=None,
1377        condition=None,
1378        print_outbuf=True)
1380    self._options = options
1381    if options.deps_os:
1382      enforced_os = options.deps_os.split(',')
1383    else:
1384      enforced_os = [self.DEPS_OS_CHOICES.get(sys.platform, 'unix')]
1385    if 'all' in enforced_os:
1386      enforced_os = self.DEPS_OS_CHOICES.values()
1387    self._enforced_os = tuple(set(enforced_os))
1388    self._enforced_cpu = detect_host_arch.HostArch(),
1389    self._root_dir = root_dir
1390    self._cipd_root = None
1391    self.config_content = None
1393  def _CheckConfig(self):
1394    """Verify that the config matches the state of the existing checked-out
1395    solutions."""
1396    for dep in self.dependencies:
1397      if dep.managed and dep.url:
1398        scm = dep.CreateSCM()
1399        actual_url = scm.GetActualRemoteURL(self._options)
1400        if actual_url and not scm.DoesRemoteURLMatch(self._options):
1401          mirror = scm.GetCacheMirror()
1402          if mirror:
1403            mirror_string = '%s (exists=%s)' % (mirror.mirror_path,
1404                                                mirror.exists())
1405          else:
1406            mirror_string = 'not used'
1407          raise gclient_utils.Error(
1408              '''
1409Your .gclient file seems to be broken. The requested URL is different from what
1410is actually checked out in %(checkout_path)s.
1412The .gclient file contains:
1413URL: %(expected_url)s (%(expected_scm)s)
1414Cache mirror: %(mirror_string)s
1416The local checkout in %(checkout_path)s reports:
1417%(actual_url)s (%(actual_scm)s)
1419You should ensure that the URL listed in .gclient is correct and either change
1420it or fix the checkout.
1421''' % {
1422                  'checkout_path': os.path.join(self.root_dir, dep.name),
1423                  'expected_url': dep.url,
1424                  'expected_scm': dep.GetScmName(),
1425                  'mirror_string': mirror_string,
1426                  'actual_url': actual_url,
1427                  'actual_scm': dep.GetScmName()
1428              })
1430  def SetConfig(self, content):
1431    assert not self.dependencies
1432    config_dict = {}
1433    self.config_content = content
1434    try:
1435      exec(content, config_dict)
1436    except SyntaxError as e:
1437      gclient_utils.SyntaxErrorToError('.gclient', e)
1439    # Append any target OS that is not already being enforced to the tuple.
1440    target_os = config_dict.get('target_os', [])
1441    if config_dict.get('target_os_only', False):
1442      self._enforced_os = tuple(set(target_os))
1443    else:
1444      self._enforced_os = tuple(set(self._enforced_os).union(target_os))
1446    # Append any target CPU that is not already being enforced to the tuple.
1447    target_cpu = config_dict.get('target_cpu', [])
1448    if config_dict.get('target_cpu_only', False):
1449      self._enforced_cpu = tuple(set(target_cpu))
1450    else:
1451      self._enforced_cpu = tuple(set(self._enforced_cpu).union(target_cpu))
1453    cache_dir = config_dict.get('cache_dir', UNSET_CACHE_DIR)
1454    if cache_dir is not UNSET_CACHE_DIR:
1455      if cache_dir:
1456        cache_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, cache_dir)
1457        cache_dir = os.path.abspath(cache_dir)
1459      git_cache.Mirror.SetCachePath(cache_dir)
1461    if not target_os and config_dict.get('target_os_only', False):
1462      raise gclient_utils.Error('Can\'t use target_os_only if target_os is '
1463                                'not specified')
1465    if not target_cpu and config_dict.get('target_cpu_only', False):
1466      raise gclient_utils.Error('Can\'t use target_cpu_only if target_cpu is '
1467                                'not specified')
1469    deps_to_add = []
1470    for s in config_dict.get('solutions', []):
1471      try:
1472        deps_to_add.append(GitDependency(
1473            parent=self,
1474            name=s['name'],
1475            url=s['url'],
1476            managed=s.get('managed', True),
1477            custom_deps=s.get('custom_deps', {}),
1478            custom_vars=s.get('custom_vars', {}),
1479            custom_hooks=s.get('custom_hooks', []),
1480            deps_file=s.get('deps_file', 'DEPS'),
1481            should_process=True,
1482            should_recurse=True,
1483            relative=None,
1484            condition=None,
1485            print_outbuf=True))
1486      except KeyError:
1487        raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid .gclient file. Solution is '
1488                                  'incomplete: %s' % s)
1489    metrics.collector.add(
1490        'project_urls',
1491        [
1492            dep.FuzzyMatchUrl(metrics_utils.KNOWN_PROJECT_URLS)
1493            for dep in deps_to_add
1494            if dep.FuzzyMatchUrl(metrics_utils.KNOWN_PROJECT_URLS)
1495        ]
1496    )
1498    self.add_dependencies_and_close(deps_to_add, config_dict.get('hooks', []))
1499    logging.info('SetConfig() done')
1501  def SaveConfig(self):
1502    gclient_utils.FileWrite(os.path.join(self.root_dir,
1503                                         self._options.config_filename),
1504                            self.config_content)
1506  @staticmethod
1507  def LoadCurrentConfig(options):
1508    """Searches for and loads a .gclient file relative to the current working
1509    dir. Returns a GClient object."""
1510    if options.spec:
1511      client = GClient('.', options)
1512      client.SetConfig(options.spec)
1513    else:
1514      if options.verbose:
1515        print('Looking for %s starting from %s\n' % (
1516            options.config_filename, os.getcwd()))
1517      path = gclient_paths.FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd(), options.config_filename)
1518      if not path:
1519        if options.verbose:
1520          print('Couldn\'t find configuration file.')
1521        return None
1522      client = GClient(path, options)
1523      client.SetConfig(gclient_utils.FileRead(
1524          os.path.join(path, options.config_filename)))
1526    if (options.revisions and
1527        len(client.dependencies) > 1 and
1528        any('@' not in r for r in options.revisions)):
1529      print(
1530          ('You must specify the full solution name like --revision %s@%s\n'
1531           'when you have multiple solutions setup in your .gclient file.\n'
1532           'Other solutions present are: %s.') % (
1533              client.dependencies[0].name,
1534              options.revisions[0],
1535              ', '.join(s.name for s in client.dependencies[1:])),
1536          file=sys.stderr)
1537    return client
1539  def SetDefaultConfig(self, solution_name, deps_file, solution_url,
1540                       managed=True, cache_dir=UNSET_CACHE_DIR,
1541                       custom_vars=None):
1542    text = self.DEFAULT_CLIENT_FILE_TEXT
1543    format_dict = {
1544      'solution_name': solution_name,
1545      'solution_url': solution_url,
1546      'deps_file': deps_file,
1547      'managed': managed,
1548      'custom_vars': custom_vars or {},
1549    }
1551    if cache_dir is not UNSET_CACHE_DIR:
1552      text += self.DEFAULT_CLIENT_CACHE_DIR_TEXT
1553      format_dict['cache_dir'] = cache_dir
1555    self.SetConfig(text % format_dict)
1557  def _SaveEntries(self):
1558    """Creates a .gclient_entries file to record the list of unique checkouts.
1560    The .gclient_entries file lives in the same directory as .gclient.
1561    """
1562    # Sometimes pprint.pformat will use {', sometimes it'll use { ' ... It
1563    # makes testing a bit too fun.
1564    result = 'entries = {\n'
1565    for entry in self.root.subtree(False):
1566      result += '  %s: %s,\n' % (pprint.pformat(entry.name),
1567          pprint.pformat(entry.url))
1568    result += '}\n'
1569    file_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self._options.entries_filename)
1570    logging.debug(result)
1571    gclient_utils.FileWrite(file_path, result)
1573  def _ReadEntries(self):
1574    """Read the .gclient_entries file for the given client.
1576    Returns:
1577      A sequence of solution names, which will be empty if there is the
1578      entries file hasn't been created yet.
1579    """
1580    scope = {}
1581    filename = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self._options.entries_filename)
1582    if not os.path.exists(filename):
1583      return {}
1584    try:
1585      exec(gclient_utils.FileRead(filename), scope)
1586    except SyntaxError as e:
1587      gclient_utils.SyntaxErrorToError(filename, e)
1588    return scope.get('entries', {})
1590  def _EnforceRevisions(self):
1591    """Checks for revision overrides."""
1592    revision_overrides = {}
1593    if self._options.head:
1594      return revision_overrides
1595    if not self._options.revisions:
1596      return revision_overrides
1597    solutions_names = [s.name for s in self.dependencies]
1598    index = 0
1599    for revision in self._options.revisions:
1600      if not '@' in revision:
1601        # Support for --revision 123
1602        revision = '%s@%s' % (solutions_names[index], revision)
1603      name, rev = revision.split('@', 1)
1604      revision_overrides[name] = rev
1605      index += 1
1606    return revision_overrides
1608  def _EnforcePatchRefsAndBranches(self):
1609    """Checks for patch refs."""
1610    patch_refs = {}
1611    target_branches = {}
1612    if not self._options.patch_refs:
1613      return patch_refs, target_branches
1614    for given_patch_ref in self._options.patch_refs:
1615      patch_repo, _, patch_ref = given_patch_ref.partition('@')
1616      if not patch_repo or not patch_ref or ':' not in patch_ref:
1617        raise gclient_utils.Error(
1618            'Wrong revision format: %s should be of the form '
1619            'patch_repo@target_branch:patch_ref.' % given_patch_ref)
1620      target_branch, _, patch_ref = patch_ref.partition(':')
1621      target_branches[patch_repo] = target_branch
1622      patch_refs[patch_repo] = patch_ref
1623    return patch_refs, target_branches
1625  def _RemoveUnversionedGitDirs(self):
1626    """Remove directories that are no longer part of the checkout.
1628    Notify the user if there is an orphaned entry in their working copy.
1629    Only delete the directory if there are no changes in it, and
1630    delete_unversioned_trees is set to true.
1631    """
1633    entries = [i.name for i in self.root.subtree(False) if i.url]
1634    full_entries = [os.path.join(self.root_dir, e.replace('/', os.path.sep))
1635                    for e in entries]
1637    for entry, prev_url in self._ReadEntries().items():
1638      if not prev_url:
1639        # entry must have been overridden via .gclient custom_deps
1640        continue
1641      # Fix path separator on Windows.
1642      entry_fixed = entry.replace('/', os.path.sep)
1643      e_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, entry_fixed)
1644      # Use entry and not entry_fixed there.
1645      if (entry not in entries and
1646          (not any(path.startswith(entry + '/') for path in entries)) and
1647          os.path.exists(e_dir)):
1648        # The entry has been removed from DEPS.
1649        scm = gclient_scm.GitWrapper(
1650            prev_url, self.root_dir, entry_fixed, self.outbuf)
1652        # Check to see if this directory is now part of a higher-up checkout.
1653        scm_root = None
1654        try:
1655          scm_root = gclient_scm.scm.GIT.GetCheckoutRoot(scm.checkout_path)
1656        except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
1657          pass
1658        if not scm_root:
1659          logging.warning('Could not find checkout root for %s. Unable to '
1660                          'determine whether it is part of a higher-level '
1661                          'checkout, so not removing.' % entry)
1662          continue
1664        # This is to handle the case of third_party/WebKit migrating from
1665        # being a DEPS entry to being part of the main project.
1666        # If the subproject is a Git project, we need to remove its .git
1667        # folder. Otherwise git operations on that folder will have different
1668        # effects depending on the current working directory.
1669        if os.path.abspath(scm_root) == os.path.abspath(e_dir):
1670          e_par_dir = os.path.join(e_dir, os.pardir)
1671          if gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsInsideWorkTree(e_par_dir):
1672            par_scm_root = gclient_scm.scm.GIT.GetCheckoutRoot(e_par_dir)
1673            # rel_e_dir : relative path of entry w.r.t. its parent repo.
1674            rel_e_dir = os.path.relpath(e_dir, par_scm_root)
1675            if gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsDirectoryVersioned(
1676                par_scm_root, rel_e_dir):
1677              save_dir = scm.GetGitBackupDirPath()
1678              # Remove any eventual stale backup dir for the same project.
1679              if os.path.exists(save_dir):
1680                gclient_utils.rmtree(save_dir)
1681              os.rename(os.path.join(e_dir, '.git'), save_dir)
1682              # When switching between the two states (entry/ is a subproject
1683              # -> entry/ is part of the outer project), it is very likely
1684              # that some files are changed in the checkout, unless we are
1685              # jumping *exactly* across the commit which changed just DEPS.
1686              # In such case we want to cleanup any eventual stale files
1687              # (coming from the old subproject) in order to end up with a
1688              # clean checkout.
1689              gclient_scm.scm.GIT.CleanupDir(par_scm_root, rel_e_dir)
1690              assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(e_dir, '.git'))
1691              print('\nWARNING: \'%s\' has been moved from DEPS to a higher '
1692                    'level checkout. The git folder containing all the local'
1693                    ' branches has been saved to %s.\n'
1694                    'If you don\'t care about its state you can safely '
1695                    'remove that folder to free up space.' % (entry, save_dir))
1696              continue
1698        if scm_root in full_entries:
1699          logging.info('%s is part of a higher level checkout, not removing',
1700                       scm.GetCheckoutRoot())
1701          continue
1703        file_list = []
1704        scm.status(self._options, [], file_list)
1705        modified_files = file_list != []
1706        if (not self._options.delete_unversioned_trees or
1707            (modified_files and not self._options.force)):
1708          # There are modified files in this entry. Keep warning until
1709          # removed.
1710          self.add_dependency(
1711              GitDependency(
1712                  parent=self,
1713                  name=entry,
1714                  url=prev_url,
1715                  managed=False,
1716                  custom_deps={},
1717                  custom_vars={},
1718                  custom_hooks=[],
1719                  deps_file=None,
1720                  should_process=True,
1721                  should_recurse=False,
1722                  relative=None,
1723                  condition=None))
1724          if modified_files and self._options.delete_unversioned_trees:
1725            print('\nWARNING: \'%s\' is no longer part of this client.\n'
1726                  'Despite running \'gclient sync -D\' no action was taken '
1727                  'as there are modifications.\nIt is recommended you revert '
1728                  'all changes or run \'gclient sync -D --force\' next '
1729                  'time.' % entry_fixed)
1730          else:
1731            print('\nWARNING: \'%s\' is no longer part of this client.\n'
1732                  'It is recommended that you manually remove it or use '
1733                  '\'gclient sync -D\' next time.' % entry_fixed)
1734        else:
1735          # Delete the entry
1736          print('\n________ deleting \'%s\' in \'%s\'' % (
1737              entry_fixed, self.root_dir))
1738          gclient_utils.rmtree(e_dir)
1739    # record the current list of entries for next time
1740    self._SaveEntries()
1742  def RunOnDeps(self, command, args, ignore_requirements=False, progress=True):
1743    """Runs a command on each dependency in a client and its dependencies.
1745    Args:
1746      command: The command to use (e.g., 'status' or 'diff')
1747      args: list of str - extra arguments to add to the command line.
1748    """
1749    if not self.dependencies:
1750      raise gclient_utils.Error('No solution specified')
1752    revision_overrides = {}
1753    patch_refs = {}
1754    target_branches = {}
1755    # It's unnecessary to check for revision overrides for 'recurse'.
1756    # Save a few seconds by not calling _EnforceRevisions() in that case.
1757    if command not in ('diff', 'recurse', 'runhooks', 'status', 'revert',
1758                       'validate'):
1759      self._CheckConfig()
1760      revision_overrides = self._EnforceRevisions()
1762    if command == 'update':
1763      patch_refs, target_branches = self._EnforcePatchRefsAndBranches()
1764    # Disable progress for non-tty stdout.
1765    should_show_progress = (
1766        setup_color.IS_TTY and not self._options.verbose and progress)
1767    pm = None
1768    if should_show_progress:
1769      if command in ('update', 'revert'):
1770        pm = Progress('Syncing projects', 1)
1771      elif command in ('recurse', 'validate'):
1772        pm = Progress(' '.join(args), 1)
1773    work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(
1774        self._options.jobs, pm, ignore_requirements=ignore_requirements,
1775        verbose=self._options.verbose)
1776    for s in self.dependencies:
1777      if s.should_process:
1778        work_queue.enqueue(s)
1779    work_queue.flush(revision_overrides, command, args, options=self._options,
1780                     patch_refs=patch_refs, target_branches=target_branches)
1782    if revision_overrides:
1783      print('Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags will soon '
1784            'be considered an error.', file=sys.stderr)
1786    if patch_refs:
1787      raise gclient_utils.Error(
1788          'The following --patch-ref flags were not used. Please fix it:\n%s' %
1789          ('\n'.join(
1790              patch_repo + '@' + patch_ref
1791              for patch_repo, patch_ref in patch_refs.items())))
1793    # Once all the dependencies have been processed, it's now safe to write
1794    # out the gn_args_file and run the hooks.
1795    if command == 'update':
1796      gn_args_dep = self.dependencies[0]
1797      if gn_args_dep._gn_args_from:
1798        deps_map = dict([(dep.name, dep) for dep in gn_args_dep.dependencies])
1799        gn_args_dep = deps_map.get(gn_args_dep._gn_args_from)
1800      if gn_args_dep and gn_args_dep.HasGNArgsFile():
1801        gn_args_dep.WriteGNArgsFile()
1803      self._RemoveUnversionedGitDirs()
1805    # Sync CIPD dependencies once removed deps are deleted. In case a git
1806    # dependency was moved to CIPD, we want to remove the old git directory
1807    # first and then sync the CIPD dep.
1808    if self._cipd_root:
1809      self._cipd_root.run(command)
1811    if not self._options.nohooks:
1812      if should_show_progress:
1813        pm = Progress('Running hooks', 1)
1814      self.RunHooksRecursively(self._options, pm)
1817    return 0
1819  def PrintRevInfo(self):
1820    if not self.dependencies:
1821      raise gclient_utils.Error('No solution specified')
1822    # Load all the settings.
1823    work_queue = gclient_utils.ExecutionQueue(
1824        self._options.jobs, None, False, verbose=self._options.verbose)
1825    for s in self.dependencies:
1826      if s.should_process:
1827        work_queue.enqueue(s)
1828    work_queue.flush({}, None, [], options=self._options, patch_refs=None,
1829                     target_branches=None)
1831    def ShouldPrintRevision(dep):
1832      return (not self._options.filter
1833              or dep.FuzzyMatchUrl(self._options.filter))
1835    if self._options.snapshot:
1836      json_output = []
1837      # First level at .gclient
1838      for d in self.dependencies:
1839        entries = {}
1840        def GrabDeps(dep):
1841          """Recursively grab dependencies."""
1842          for d in dep.dependencies:
1843            d.PinToActualRevision()
1844            if ShouldPrintRevision(d):
1845              entries[d.name] = d.url
1846            GrabDeps(d)
1847        GrabDeps(d)
1848        json_output.append({
1849            'name': d.name,
1850            'solution_url': d.url,
1851            'deps_file': d.deps_file,
1852            'managed': d.managed,
1853            'custom_deps': entries,
1854        })
1855      if self._options.output_json == '-':
1856        print(json.dumps(json_output, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
1857      elif self._options.output_json:
1858        with open(self._options.output_json, 'w') as f:
1859          json.dump(json_output, f)
1860      else:
1861        # Print the snapshot configuration file
1862        print(self.DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_FILE_TEXT % {
1863            'solution_list': pprint.pformat(json_output, indent=2),
1864        })
1865    else:
1866      entries = {}
1867      for d in self.root.subtree(False):
1868        if self._options.actual:
1869          d.PinToActualRevision()
1870        if ShouldPrintRevision(d):
1871          entries[d.name] = d.url
1872      if self._options.output_json:
1873        json_output = {
1874            name: {
1875                'url': rev.split('@')[0] if rev else None,
1876                'rev': rev.split('@')[1] if rev and '@' in rev else None,
1877            }
1878            for name, rev in entries.items()
1879        }
1880        if self._options.output_json == '-':
1881          print(json.dumps(json_output, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
1882        else:
1883          with open(self._options.output_json, 'w') as f:
1884            json.dump(json_output, f)
1885      else:
1886        keys = sorted(entries.keys())
1887        for x in keys:
1888          print('%s: %s' % (x, entries[x]))
1889    logging.info(str(self))
1891  def ParseDepsFile(self):
1892    """No DEPS to parse for a .gclient file."""
1893    raise gclient_utils.Error('Internal error')
1895  def PrintLocationAndContents(self):
1896    # Print out the .gclient file.  This is longer than if we just printed the
1897    # client dict, but more legible, and it might contain helpful comments.
1898    print('Loaded .gclient config in %s:\n%s' % (
1899        self.root_dir, self.config_content))
1901  def GetCipdRoot(self):
1902    if not self._cipd_root:
1903      self._cipd_root = gclient_scm.CipdRoot(
1904          self.root_dir,
1905          # TODO(jbudorick): Support other service URLs as necessary.
1906          # Service URLs should be constant over the scope of a cipd
1907          # root, so a var per DEPS file specifying the service URL
1908          # should suffice.
1909          'https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com')
1910    return self._cipd_root
1912  @property
1913  def root_dir(self):
1914    """Root directory of gclient checkout."""
1915    return self._root_dir
1917  @property
1918  def enforced_os(self):
1919    """What deps_os entries that are to be parsed."""
1920    return self._enforced_os
1922  @property
1923  def target_os(self):
1924    return self._enforced_os
1926  @property
1927  def target_cpu(self):
1928    return self._enforced_cpu
1931class CipdDependency(Dependency):
1932  """A Dependency object that represents a single CIPD package."""
1934  def __init__(
1935      self, parent, name, dep_value, cipd_root,
1936      custom_vars, should_process, relative, condition):
1937    package = dep_value['package']
1938    version = dep_value['version']
1939    url = urlparse.urljoin(
1940        cipd_root.service_url, '%s@%s' % (package, version))
1941    super(CipdDependency, self).__init__(
1942        parent=parent,
1943        name=name + ':' + package,
1944        url=url,
1945        managed=None,
1946        custom_deps=None,
1947        custom_vars=custom_vars,
1948        custom_hooks=None,
1949        deps_file=None,
1950        should_process=should_process,
1951        should_recurse=False,
1952        relative=relative,
1953        condition=condition)
1954    self._cipd_package = None
1955    self._cipd_root = cipd_root
1956    # CIPD wants /-separated paths, even on Windows.
1957    native_subdir_path = os.path.relpath(
1958        os.path.join(self.root.root_dir, name), cipd_root.root_dir)
1959    self._cipd_subdir = posixpath.join(*native_subdir_path.split(os.sep))
1960    self._package_name = package
1961    self._package_version = version
1963  #override
1964  def run(self, revision_overrides, command, args, work_queue, options,
1965          patch_refs, target_branches):
1966    """Runs |command| then parse the DEPS file."""
1967    logging.info('CipdDependency(%s).run()' % self.name)
1968    if not self.should_process:
1969      return
1970    self._CreatePackageIfNecessary()
1971    super(CipdDependency, self).run(revision_overrides, command, args,
1972                                    work_queue, options, patch_refs,
1973                                    target_branches)
1975  def _CreatePackageIfNecessary(self):
1976    # We lazily create the CIPD package to make sure that only packages
1977    # that we want (as opposed to all packages defined in all DEPS files
1978    # we parse) get added to the root and subsequently ensured.
1979    if not self._cipd_package:
1980      self._cipd_package = self._cipd_root.add_package(
1981          self._cipd_subdir, self._package_name, self._package_version)
1983  def ParseDepsFile(self):
1984    """CIPD dependencies are not currently allowed to have nested deps."""
1985    self.add_dependencies_and_close([], [])
1987  #override
1988  def verify_validity(self):
1989    """CIPD dependencies allow duplicate name for packages in same directory."""
1990    logging.info('Dependency(%s).verify_validity()' % self.name)
1991    return True
1993  #override
1994  def GetScmName(self):
1995    """Always 'cipd'."""
1996    return 'cipd'
1998  #override
1999  def CreateSCM(self, out_cb=None):
2000    """Create a Wrapper instance suitable for handling this CIPD dependency."""
2001    self._CreatePackageIfNecessary()
2002    return gclient_scm.CipdWrapper(
2003        self.url, self.root.root_dir, self.name, self.outbuf, out_cb,
2004        root=self._cipd_root, package=self._cipd_package)
2006  def hierarchy(self, include_url=False):
2007    return self.parent.hierarchy(include_url) + ' -> ' + self._cipd_subdir
2009  def ToLines(self):
2010    """Return a list of lines representing this in a DEPS file."""
2011    def escape_cipd_var(package):
2012      return package.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
2014    s = []
2015    self._CreatePackageIfNecessary()
2016    if self._cipd_package.authority_for_subdir:
2017      condition_part = (['    "condition": %r,' % self.condition]
2018                        if self.condition else [])
2019      s.extend([
2020          '  # %s' % self.hierarchy(include_url=False),
2021          '  "%s": {' % (self.name.split(':')[0],),
2022          '    "packages": [',
2023      ])
2024      for p in sorted(
2025          self._cipd_root.packages(self._cipd_subdir),
2026          key=lambda x: x.name):
2027        s.extend([
2028            '      {',
2029            '        "package": "%s",' % escape_cipd_var(p.name),
2030            '        "version": "%s",' % p.version,
2031            '      },',
2032        ])
2034      s.extend([
2035          '    ],',
2036          '    "dep_type": "cipd",',
2037      ] + condition_part + [
2038          '  },',
2039          '',
2040      ])
2041    return s
2044#### gclient commands.
2047@subcommand.usage('[command] [args ...]')
2048@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient recurse')
2049def CMDrecurse(parser, args):
2050  """Operates [command args ...] on all the dependencies.
2052  Runs a shell command on all entries.
2053  Sets GCLIENT_DEP_PATH environment variable as the dep's relative location to
2054  root directory of the checkout.
2055  """
2056  # Stop parsing at the first non-arg so that these go through to the command
2057  parser.disable_interspersed_args()
2058  parser.add_option('-s', '--scm', action='append', default=[],
2059                    help='Choose scm types to operate upon.')
2060  parser.add_option('-i', '--ignore', action='store_true',
2061                    help='Ignore non-zero return codes from subcommands.')
2062  parser.add_option('--prepend-dir', action='store_true',
2063                    help='Prepend relative dir for use with git <cmd> --null.')
2064  parser.add_option('--no-progress', action='store_true',
2065                    help='Disable progress bar that shows sub-command updates')
2066  options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
2067  if not args:
2068    print('Need to supply a command!', file=sys.stderr)
2069    return 1
2070  root_and_entries = gclient_utils.GetGClientRootAndEntries()
2071  if not root_and_entries:
2072    print(
2073        'You need to run gclient sync at least once to use \'recurse\'.\n'
2074        'This is because .gclient_entries needs to exist and be up to date.',
2075        file=sys.stderr)
2076    return 1
2078  # Normalize options.scm to a set()
2079  scm_set = set()
2080  for scm in options.scm:
2081    scm_set.update(scm.split(','))
2082  options.scm = scm_set
2084  options.nohooks = True
2085  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2086  if not client:
2087    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2088  return client.RunOnDeps('recurse', args, ignore_requirements=True,
2089                          progress=not options.no_progress)
2092@subcommand.usage('[args ...]')
2093@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient fetch')
2094def CMDfetch(parser, args):
2095  """Fetches upstream commits for all modules.
2097  Completely git-specific. Simply runs 'git fetch [args ...]' for each module.
2098  """
2099  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2100  return CMDrecurse(OptionParser(), [
2101      '--jobs=%d' % options.jobs, '--scm=git', 'git', 'fetch'] + args)
2104class Flattener(object):
2105  """Flattens a gclient solution."""
2107  def __init__(self, client, pin_all_deps=False):
2108    """Constructor.
2110    Arguments:
2111      client (GClient): client to flatten
2112      pin_all_deps (bool): whether to pin all deps, even if they're not pinned
2113          in DEPS
2114    """
2115    self._client = client
2117    self._deps_string = None
2118    self._deps_files = set()
2120    self._allowed_hosts = set()
2121    self._deps = {}
2122    self._hooks = []
2123    self._pre_deps_hooks = []
2124    self._vars = {}
2126    self._flatten(pin_all_deps=pin_all_deps)
2128  @property
2129  def deps_string(self):
2130    assert self._deps_string is not None
2131    return self._deps_string
2133  @property
2134  def deps_files(self):
2135    return self._deps_files
2137  def _pin_dep(self, dep):
2138    """Pins a dependency to specific full revision sha.
2140    Arguments:
2141      dep (Dependency): dependency to process
2142    """
2143    if dep.url is None:
2144      return
2146    # Make sure the revision is always fully specified (a hash),
2147    # as opposed to refs or tags which might change. Similarly,
2148    # shortened shas might become ambiguous; make sure to always
2149    # use full one for pinning.
2150    revision = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(dep.url)[1]
2151    if not revision or not gclient_utils.IsFullGitSha(revision):
2152      dep.PinToActualRevision()
2154  def _flatten(self, pin_all_deps=False):
2155    """Runs the flattener. Saves resulting DEPS string.
2157    Arguments:
2158      pin_all_deps (bool): whether to pin all deps, even if they're not pinned
2159          in DEPS
2160    """
2161    for solution in self._client.dependencies:
2162      self._add_dep(solution)
2163      self._flatten_dep(solution)
2165    if pin_all_deps:
2166      for dep in self._deps.values():
2167        self._pin_dep(dep)
2169    def add_deps_file(dep):
2170      # Only include DEPS files referenced by recursedeps.
2171      if not dep.should_recurse:
2172        return
2173      deps_file = dep.deps_file
2174      deps_path = os.path.join(self._client.root_dir, dep.name, deps_file)
2175      if not os.path.exists(deps_path):
2176        # gclient has a fallback that if deps_file doesn't exist, it'll try
2177        # DEPS. Do the same here.
2178        deps_file = 'DEPS'
2179        deps_path = os.path.join(self._client.root_dir, dep.name, deps_file)
2180        if not os.path.exists(deps_path):
2181          return
2182      assert dep.url
2183      self._deps_files.add((dep.url, deps_file, dep.hierarchy_data()))
2184    for dep in self._deps.values():
2185      add_deps_file(dep)
2187    gn_args_dep = self._deps.get(self._client.dependencies[0]._gn_args_from,
2188                                 self._client.dependencies[0])
2189    self._deps_string = '\n'.join(
2190        _GNSettingsToLines(gn_args_dep._gn_args_file, gn_args_dep._gn_args) +
2191        _AllowedHostsToLines(self._allowed_hosts) +
2192        _DepsToLines(self._deps) +
2193        _HooksToLines('hooks', self._hooks) +
2194        _HooksToLines('pre_deps_hooks', self._pre_deps_hooks) +
2195        _VarsToLines(self._vars) +
2196        ['# %s, %s' % (url, deps_file)
2197         for url, deps_file, _ in sorted(self._deps_files)] +
2198        [''])  # Ensure newline at end of file.
2200  def _add_dep(self, dep):
2201    """Helper to add a dependency to flattened DEPS.
2203    Arguments:
2204      dep (Dependency): dependency to add
2205    """
2206    assert dep.name not in self._deps or self._deps.get(dep.name) == dep, (
2207        dep.name, self._deps.get(dep.name))
2208    if dep.url:
2209      self._deps[dep.name] = dep
2211  def _flatten_dep(self, dep):
2212    """Visits a dependency in order to flatten it (see CMDflatten).
2214    Arguments:
2215      dep (Dependency): dependency to process
2216    """
2217    logging.debug('_flatten_dep(%s)', dep.name)
2219    assert dep.deps_parsed, (
2220        "Attempted to flatten %s but it has not been processed." % dep.name)
2222    self._allowed_hosts.update(dep.allowed_hosts)
2224    # Only include vars explicitly listed in the DEPS files or gclient solution,
2225    # not automatic, local overrides (i.e. not all of dep.get_vars()).
2226    hierarchy = dep.hierarchy(include_url=False)
2227    for key, value in dep._vars.items():
2228      # Make sure there are no conflicting variables. It is fine however
2229      # to use same variable name, as long as the value is consistent.
2230      assert key not in self._vars or self._vars[key][1] == value, (
2231        "dep:%s key:%s value:%s != %s" % (
2232          dep.name, key, value, self._vars[key][1]))
2233      self._vars[key] = (hierarchy, value)
2234    # Override explicit custom variables.
2235    for key, value in dep.custom_vars.items():
2236      # Do custom_vars that don't correspond to DEPS vars ever make sense? DEPS
2237      # conditionals shouldn't be using vars that aren't also defined in the
2238      # DEPS (presubmit actually disallows this), so any new custom_var must be
2239      # unused in the DEPS, so no need to add it to the flattened output either.
2240      if key not in self._vars:
2241        continue
2242      # Don't "override" existing vars if it's actually the same value.
2243      elif self._vars[key][1] == value:
2244        continue
2245      # Anything else is overriding a default value from the DEPS.
2246      self._vars[key] = (hierarchy + ' [custom_var override]', value)
2248    self._pre_deps_hooks.extend([(dep, hook) for hook in dep.pre_deps_hooks])
2249    self._hooks.extend([(dep, hook) for hook in dep.deps_hooks])
2251    for sub_dep in dep.dependencies:
2252      self._add_dep(sub_dep)
2254    for d in dep.dependencies:
2255      if d.should_recurse:
2256        self._flatten_dep(d)
2259@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient flatten')
2260def CMDflatten(parser, args):
2261  """Flattens the solutions into a single DEPS file."""
2262  parser.add_option('--output-deps', help='Path to the output DEPS file')
2263  parser.add_option(
2264      '--output-deps-files',
2265      help=('Path to the output metadata about DEPS files referenced by '
2266            'recursedeps.'))
2267  parser.add_option(
2268      '--pin-all-deps', action='store_true',
2269      help=('Pin all deps, even if not pinned in DEPS. CAVEAT: only does so '
2270            'for checked out deps, NOT deps_os.'))
2271  options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
2273  options.nohooks = True
2274  options.process_all_deps = True
2275  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2277  # Only print progress if we're writing to a file. Otherwise, progress updates
2278  # could obscure intended output.
2279  code = client.RunOnDeps('flatten', args, progress=options.output_deps)
2280  if code != 0:
2281    return code
2283  flattener = Flattener(client, pin_all_deps=options.pin_all_deps)
2285  if options.output_deps:
2286    with open(options.output_deps, 'w') as f:
2287      f.write(flattener.deps_string)
2288  else:
2289    print(flattener.deps_string)
2291  deps_files = [{'url': d[0], 'deps_file': d[1], 'hierarchy': d[2]}
2292                for d in sorted(flattener.deps_files)]
2293  if options.output_deps_files:
2294    with open(options.output_deps_files, 'w') as f:
2295      json.dump(deps_files, f)
2297  return 0
2300def _GNSettingsToLines(gn_args_file, gn_args):
2301  s = []
2302  if gn_args_file:
2303    s.extend([
2304        'gclient_gn_args_file = "%s"' % gn_args_file,
2305        'gclient_gn_args = %r' % gn_args,
2306    ])
2307  return s
2310def _AllowedHostsToLines(allowed_hosts):
2311  """Converts |allowed_hosts| set to list of lines for output."""
2312  if not allowed_hosts:
2313    return []
2314  s = ['allowed_hosts = [']
2315  for h in sorted(allowed_hosts):
2316    s.append('  "%s",' % h)
2317  s.extend([']', ''])
2318  return s
2321def _DepsToLines(deps):
2322  """Converts |deps| dict to list of lines for output."""
2323  if not deps:
2324    return []
2325  s = ['deps = {']
2326  for _, dep in sorted(deps.items()):
2327    s.extend(dep.ToLines())
2328  s.extend(['}', ''])
2329  return s
2332def _DepsOsToLines(deps_os):
2333  """Converts |deps_os| dict to list of lines for output."""
2334  if not deps_os:
2335    return []
2336  s = ['deps_os = {']
2337  for dep_os, os_deps in sorted(deps_os.items()):
2338    s.append('  "%s": {' % dep_os)
2339    for name, dep in sorted(os_deps.items()):
2340      condition_part = (['      "condition": %r,' % dep.condition]
2341                        if dep.condition else [])
2342      s.extend([
2343          '    # %s' % dep.hierarchy(include_url=False),
2344          '    "%s": {' % (name,),
2345          '      "url": "%s",' % (dep.url,),
2346      ] + condition_part + [
2347          '    },',
2348          '',
2349      ])
2350    s.extend(['  },', ''])
2351  s.extend(['}', ''])
2352  return s
2355def _HooksToLines(name, hooks):
2356  """Converts |hooks| list to list of lines for output."""
2357  if not hooks:
2358    return []
2359  s = ['%s = [' % name]
2360  for dep, hook in hooks:
2361    s.extend([
2362        '  # %s' % dep.hierarchy(include_url=False),
2363        '  {',
2364    ])
2365    if hook.name is not None:
2366      s.append('    "name": "%s",' % hook.name)
2367    if hook.pattern is not None:
2368      s.append('    "pattern": "%s",' % hook.pattern)
2369    if hook.condition is not None:
2370      s.append('    "condition": %r,' % hook.condition)
2371    # Flattened hooks need to be written relative to the root gclient dir
2372    cwd = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(hook.effective_cwd))
2373    s.extend(
2374        ['    "cwd": "%s",' % cwd] +
2375        ['    "action": ['] +
2376        ['        "%s",' % arg for arg in hook.action] +
2377        ['    ]', '  },', '']
2378    )
2379  s.extend([']', ''])
2380  return s
2383def _HooksOsToLines(hooks_os):
2384  """Converts |hooks| list to list of lines for output."""
2385  if not hooks_os:
2386    return []
2387  s = ['hooks_os = {']
2388  for hook_os, os_hooks in hooks_os.items():
2389    s.append('  "%s": [' % hook_os)
2390    for dep, hook in os_hooks:
2391      s.extend([
2392          '    # %s' % dep.hierarchy(include_url=False),
2393          '    {',
2394      ])
2395      if hook.name is not None:
2396        s.append('      "name": "%s",' % hook.name)
2397      if hook.pattern is not None:
2398        s.append('      "pattern": "%s",' % hook.pattern)
2399      if hook.condition is not None:
2400        s.append('    "condition": %r,' % hook.condition)
2401      # Flattened hooks need to be written relative to the root gclient dir
2402      cwd = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(hook.effective_cwd))
2403      s.extend(
2404          ['    "cwd": "%s",' % cwd] +
2405          ['      "action": ['] +
2406          ['          "%s",' % arg for arg in hook.action] +
2407          ['      ]', '    },', '']
2408      )
2409    s.extend(['  ],', ''])
2410  s.extend(['}', ''])
2411  return s
2414def _VarsToLines(variables):
2415  """Converts |variables| dict to list of lines for output."""
2416  if not variables:
2417    return []
2418  s = ['vars = {']
2419  for key, tup in sorted(variables.items()):
2420    hierarchy, value = tup
2421    s.extend([
2422        '  # %s' % hierarchy,
2423        '  "%s": %r,' % (key, value),
2424        '',
2425    ])
2426  s.extend(['}', ''])
2427  return s
2430@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient grep')
2431def CMDgrep(parser, args):
2432  """Greps through git repos managed by gclient.
2434  Runs 'git grep [args...]' for each module.
2435  """
2436  # We can't use optparse because it will try to parse arguments sent
2437  # to git grep and throw an error. :-(
2438  if not args or re.match('(-h|--help)$', args[0]):
2439    print(
2440        'Usage: gclient grep [-j <N>] git-grep-args...\n\n'
2441        'Example: "gclient grep -j10 -A2 RefCountedBase" runs\n"git grep '
2442        '-A2 RefCountedBase" on each of gclient\'s git\nrepos with up to '
2443        '10 jobs.\n\nBonus: page output by appending "|& less -FRSX" to the'
2444        ' end of your query.',
2445        file=sys.stderr)
2446    return 1
2448  jobs_arg = ['--jobs=1']
2449  if re.match(r'(-j|--jobs=)\d+$', args[0]):
2450    jobs_arg, args = args[:1], args[1:]
2451  elif re.match(r'(-j|--jobs)$', args[0]):
2452    jobs_arg, args = args[:2], args[2:]
2454  return CMDrecurse(
2455      parser,
2456      jobs_arg + ['--ignore', '--prepend-dir', '--no-progress', '--scm=git',
2457                  'git', 'grep', '--null', '--color=Always'] + args)
2460@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient root')
2461def CMDroot(parser, args):
2462  """Outputs the solution root (or current dir if there isn't one)."""
2463  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2464  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2465  if client:
2466    print(os.path.abspath(client.root_dir))
2467  else:
2468    print(os.path.abspath('.'))
2472@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient config')
2473def CMDconfig(parser, args):
2474  """Creates a .gclient file in the current directory.
2476  This specifies the configuration for further commands. After update/sync,
2477  top-level DEPS files in each module are read to determine dependent
2478  modules to operate on as well. If optional [url] parameter is
2479  provided, then configuration is read from a specified Subversion server
2480  URL.
2481  """
2482  # We do a little dance with the --gclientfile option.  'gclient config' is the
2483  # only command where it's acceptable to have both '--gclientfile' and '--spec'
2484  # arguments.  So, we temporarily stash any --gclientfile parameter into
2485  # options.output_config_file until after the (gclientfile xor spec) error
2486  # check.
2487  parser.remove_option('--gclientfile')
2488  parser.add_option('--gclientfile', dest='output_config_file',
2489                    help='Specify an alternate .gclient file')
2490  parser.add_option('--name',
2491                    help='overrides the default name for the solution')
2492  parser.add_option('--deps-file', default='DEPS',
2493                    help='overrides the default name for the DEPS file for the '
2494                         'main solutions and all sub-dependencies')
2495  parser.add_option('--unmanaged', action='store_true', default=False,
2496                    help='overrides the default behavior to make it possible '
2497                         'to have the main solution untouched by gclient '
2498                         '(gclient will check out unmanaged dependencies but '
2499                         'will never sync them)')
2500  parser.add_option('--cache-dir', default=UNSET_CACHE_DIR,
2501                    help='Cache all git repos into this dir and do shared '
2502                         'clones from the cache, instead of cloning directly '
2503                         'from the remote. Pass "None" to disable cache, even '
2504                         'if globally enabled due to $GIT_CACHE_PATH.')
2505  parser.add_option('--custom-var', action='append', dest='custom_vars',
2506                    default=[],
2507                    help='overrides variables; key=value syntax')
2508  parser.set_defaults(config_filename=None)
2509  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2510  if options.output_config_file:
2511    setattr(options, 'config_filename', getattr(options, 'output_config_file'))
2512  if ((options.spec and args) or len(args) > 2 or
2513      (not options.spec and not args)):
2514    parser.error('Inconsistent arguments. Use either --spec or one or 2 args')
2516  if (options.cache_dir is not UNSET_CACHE_DIR
2517      and options.cache_dir.lower() == 'none'):
2518    options.cache_dir = None
2520  custom_vars = {}
2521  for arg in options.custom_vars:
2522    kv = arg.split('=', 1)
2523    if len(kv) != 2:
2524      parser.error('Invalid --custom-var argument: %r' % arg)
2525    custom_vars[kv[0]] = gclient_eval.EvaluateCondition(kv[1], {})
2527  client = GClient('.', options)
2528  if options.spec:
2529    client.SetConfig(options.spec)
2530  else:
2531    base_url = args[0].rstrip('/')
2532    if not options.name:
2533      name = base_url.split('/')[-1]
2534      if name.endswith('.git'):
2535        name = name[:-4]
2536    else:
2537      # specify an alternate relpath for the given URL.
2538      name = options.name
2539      if not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name)).startswith(
2540          os.getcwd()):
2541        parser.error('Do not pass a relative path for --name.')
2542      if any(x in ('..', '.', '/', '\\') for x in name.split(os.sep)):
2543        parser.error('Do not include relative path components in --name.')
2545    deps_file = options.deps_file
2546    client.SetDefaultConfig(name, deps_file, base_url,
2547                            managed=not options.unmanaged,
2548                            cache_dir=options.cache_dir,
2549                            custom_vars=custom_vars)
2550  client.SaveConfig()
2551  return 0
2555  gclient pack > patch.txt
2556    generate simple patch for configured client and dependences
2558@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient pack')
2559def CMDpack(parser, args):
2560  """Generates a patch which can be applied at the root of the tree.
2562  Internally, runs 'git diff' on each checked out module and
2563  dependencies, and performs minimal postprocessing of the output. The
2564  resulting patch is printed to stdout and can be applied to a freshly
2565  checked out tree via 'patch -p0 < patchfile'.
2566  """
2567  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2568                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2569                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2570                         'references')
2571  parser.remove_option('--jobs')
2572  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2573  # Force jobs to 1 so the stdout is not annotated with the thread ids
2574  options.jobs = 1
2575  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2576  if not client:
2577    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2578  if options.verbose:
2579    client.PrintLocationAndContents()
2580  return client.RunOnDeps('pack', args)
2583@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient status')
2584def CMDstatus(parser, args):
2585  """Shows modification status for every dependencies."""
2586  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2587                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2588                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2589                         'references')
2590  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2591  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2592  if not client:
2593    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2594  if options.verbose:
2595    client.PrintLocationAndContents()
2596  return client.RunOnDeps('status', args)
2600  gclient sync
2601      update files from SCM according to current configuration,
2602      *for modules which have changed since last update or sync*
2603  gclient sync --force
2604      update files from SCM according to current configuration, for
2605      all modules (useful for recovering files deleted from local copy)
2606  gclient sync --revision src@31000
2607      update src directory to r31000
2609JSON output format:
2610If the --output-json option is specified, the following document structure will
2611be emitted to the provided file. 'null' entries may occur for subprojects which
2612are present in the gclient solution, but were not processed (due to custom_deps,
2613os_deps, etc.)
2616  "solutions" : {
2617    "<name>": {  # <name> is the posix-normalized path to the solution.
2618      "revision": [<git id hex string>|null],
2619      "scm": ["git"|null],
2620    }
2621  }
2624@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient sync')
2625def CMDsync(parser, args):
2626  """Checkout/update all modules."""
2627  parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
2628                    help='force update even for unchanged modules')
2629  parser.add_option('-n', '--nohooks', action='store_true',
2630                    help='don\'t run hooks after the update is complete')
2631  parser.add_option('-p', '--noprehooks', action='store_true',
2632                    help='don\'t run pre-DEPS hooks', default=False)
2633  parser.add_option('-r', '--revision', action='append',
2634                    dest='revisions', metavar='REV', default=[],
2635                    help='Enforces revision/hash for the solutions with the '
2636                         'format src@rev. The src@ part is optional and can be '
2637                         'skipped. You can also specify URLs instead of paths '
2638                         'and gclient will find the solution corresponding to '
2639                         'the given URL. If a path is also specified, the URL '
2640                         'takes precedence. -r can be used multiple times when '
2641                         '.gclient has multiple solutions configured, and will '
2642                         'work even if the src@ part is skipped.')
2643  parser.add_option('--patch-ref', action='append',
2644                    dest='patch_refs', metavar='GERRIT_REF', default=[],
2645                    help='Patches the given reference with the format '
2646                         'dep@target-ref:patch-ref. '
2647                         'For |dep|, you can specify URLs as well as paths, '
2648                         'with URLs taking preference. '
2649                         '|patch-ref| will be applied to |dep|, rebased on top '
2650                         'of what |dep| was synced to, and a soft reset will '
2651                         'be done. Use --no-rebase-patch-ref and '
2652                         '--no-reset-patch-ref to disable this behavior. '
2653                         '|target-ref| is the target branch against which a '
2654                         'patch was created, it is used to determine which '
2655                         'commits from the |patch-ref| actually constitute a '
2656                         'patch.')
2657  parser.add_option('--with_branch_heads', action='store_true',
2658                    help='Clone git "branch_heads" refspecs in addition to '
2659                         'the default refspecs. This adds about 1/2GB to a '
2660                         'full checkout. (git only)')
2661  parser.add_option('--with_tags', action='store_true',
2662                    help='Clone git tags in addition to the default refspecs.')
2663  parser.add_option('-H', '--head', action='store_true',
2664                    help='DEPRECATED: only made sense with safesync urls.')
2665  parser.add_option('-D', '--delete_unversioned_trees', action='store_true',
2666                    help='Deletes from the working copy any dependencies that '
2667                         'have been removed since the last sync, as long as '
2668                         'there are no local modifications. When used with '
2669                         '--force, such dependencies are removed even if they '
2670                         'have local modifications. When used with --reset, '
2671                         'all untracked directories are removed from the '
2672                         'working copy, excluding those which are explicitly '
2673                         'ignored in the repository.')
2674  parser.add_option('-R', '--reset', action='store_true',
2675                    help='resets any local changes before updating (git only)')
2676  parser.add_option('-M', '--merge', action='store_true',
2677                    help='merge upstream changes instead of trying to '
2678                         'fast-forward or rebase')
2679  parser.add_option('-A', '--auto_rebase', action='store_true',
2680                    help='Automatically rebase repositories against local '
2681                         'checkout during update (git only).')
2682  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2683                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2684                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2685                         'references')
2686  parser.add_option('--process-all-deps', action='store_true',
2687                    help='Check out all deps, even for different OS-es, '
2688                         'or with conditions evaluating to false')
2689  parser.add_option('--upstream', action='store_true',
2690                    help='Make repo state match upstream branch.')
2691  parser.add_option('--output-json',
2692                    help='Output a json document to this path containing '
2693                         'summary information about the sync.')
2694  parser.add_option('--no-history', action='store_true',
2695                    help='GIT ONLY - Reduces the size/time of the checkout at '
2696                    'the cost of no history. Requires Git 1.9+')
2697  parser.add_option('--shallow', action='store_true',
2698                    help='GIT ONLY - Do a shallow clone into the cache dir. '
2699                         'Requires Git 1.9+')
2700  parser.add_option('--no_bootstrap', '--no-bootstrap',
2701                    action='store_true',
2702                    help='Don\'t bootstrap from Google Storage.')
2703  parser.add_option('--ignore_locks',
2704                    action='store_true',
2705                    help='No longer used.')
2706  parser.add_option('--break_repo_locks',
2707                    action='store_true',
2708                    help='No longer used.')
2709  parser.add_option('--lock_timeout', type='int', default=5000,
2710                    help='GIT ONLY - Deadline (in seconds) to wait for git '
2711                         'cache lock to become available. Default is %default.')
2712  parser.add_option('--no-rebase-patch-ref', action='store_false',
2713                    dest='rebase_patch_ref', default=True,
2714                    help='Bypass rebase of the patch ref after checkout.')
2715  parser.add_option('--no-reset-patch-ref', action='store_false',
2716                    dest='reset_patch_ref', default=True,
2717                    help='Bypass calling reset after patching the ref.')
2718  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2719  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2721  if not client:
2722    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2724  if options.ignore_locks:
2725    print('Warning: ignore_locks is no longer used. Please remove its usage.')
2727  if options.break_repo_locks:
2728    print('Warning: break_repo_locks is no longer used. Please remove its '
2729          'usage.')
2731  if options.revisions and options.head:
2732    # TODO(maruel): Make it a parser.error if it doesn't break any builder.
2733    print('Warning: you cannot use both --head and --revision')
2735  if options.verbose:
2736    client.PrintLocationAndContents()
2737  ret = client.RunOnDeps('update', args)
2738  if options.output_json:
2739    slns = {}
2740    for d in client.subtree(True):
2741      normed = d.name.replace('\\', '/').rstrip('/') + '/'
2742      slns[normed] = {
2743          'revision': d.got_revision,
2744          'scm': d.used_scm.name if d.used_scm else None,
2745          'url': str(d.url) if d.url else None,
2746          'was_processed': d.should_process,
2747      }
2748    with open(options.output_json, 'w') as f:
2749      json.dump({'solutions': slns}, f)
2750  return ret
2753CMDupdate = CMDsync
2756@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient validate')
2757def CMDvalidate(parser, args):
2758  """Validates the .gclient and DEPS syntax."""
2759  options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
2760  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2761  rv = client.RunOnDeps('validate', args)
2762  if rv == 0:
2763    print('validate: SUCCESS')
2764  else:
2765    print('validate: FAILURE')
2766  return rv
2769@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient diff')
2770def CMDdiff(parser, args):
2771  """Displays local diff for every dependencies."""
2772  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2773                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2774                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2775                         'references')
2776  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2777  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2778  if not client:
2779    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2780  if options.verbose:
2781    client.PrintLocationAndContents()
2782  return client.RunOnDeps('diff', args)
2785@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient revert')
2786def CMDrevert(parser, args):
2787  """Reverts all modifications in every dependencies.
2789  That's the nuclear option to get back to a 'clean' state. It removes anything
2790  that shows up in git status."""
2791  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2792                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2793                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2794                         'references')
2795  parser.add_option('-n', '--nohooks', action='store_true',
2796                    help='don\'t run hooks after the revert is complete')
2797  parser.add_option('-p', '--noprehooks', action='store_true',
2798                    help='don\'t run pre-DEPS hooks', default=False)
2799  parser.add_option('--upstream', action='store_true',
2800                    help='Make repo state match upstream branch.')
2801  parser.add_option('--break_repo_locks',
2802                    action='store_true',
2803                    help='No longer used.')
2804  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2805  if options.break_repo_locks:
2806    print('Warning: break_repo_locks is no longer used. Please remove its ' +
2807          'usage.')
2809  # --force is implied.
2810  options.force = True
2811  options.reset = False
2812  options.delete_unversioned_trees = False
2813  options.merge = False
2814  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2815  if not client:
2816    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2817  return client.RunOnDeps('revert', args)
2820@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient runhooks')
2821def CMDrunhooks(parser, args):
2822  """Runs hooks for files that have been modified in the local working copy."""
2823  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2824                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2825                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2826                         'references')
2827  parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=True,
2828                    help='Deprecated. No effect.')
2829  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2830  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2831  if not client:
2832    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2833  if options.verbose:
2834    client.PrintLocationAndContents()
2835  options.force = True
2836  options.nohooks = False
2837  return client.RunOnDeps('runhooks', args)
2840@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient revinfo')
2841def CMDrevinfo(parser, args):
2842  """Outputs revision info mapping for the client and its dependencies.
2844  This allows the capture of an overall 'revision' for the source tree that
2845  can be used to reproduce the same tree in the future. It is only useful for
2846  'unpinned dependencies', i.e. DEPS/deps references without a git hash.
2847  A git branch name isn't 'pinned' since the actual commit can change.
2848  """
2849  parser.add_option('--deps', dest='deps_os', metavar='OS_LIST',
2850                    help='override deps for the specified (comma-separated) '
2851                         'platform(s); \'all\' will process all deps_os '
2852                         'references')
2853  parser.add_option('-a', '--actual', action='store_true',
2854                    help='gets the actual checked out revisions instead of the '
2855                         'ones specified in the DEPS and .gclient files')
2856  parser.add_option('-s', '--snapshot', action='store_true',
2857                    help='creates a snapshot .gclient file of the current '
2858                         'version of all repositories to reproduce the tree, '
2859                         'implies -a')
2860  parser.add_option('--filter', action='append', dest='filter',
2861                     help='Display revision information only for the specified '
2862                          'dependencies (filtered by URL or path).')
2863  parser.add_option('--output-json',
2864                    help='Output a json document to this path containing '
2865                         'information about the revisions.')
2866  parser.add_option('--ignore-dep-type', choices=['git', 'cipd'],
2867                    help='Specify to skip processing of a certain type of dep.')
2868  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2869  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2870  if not client:
2871    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
2872  client.PrintRevInfo()
2873  return 0
2876@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient getdep')
2877def CMDgetdep(parser, args):
2878  """Gets revision information and variable values from a DEPS file."""
2879  parser.add_option('--var', action='append',
2880                    dest='vars', metavar='VAR', default=[],
2881                    help='Gets the value of a given variable.')
2882  parser.add_option('-r', '--revision', action='append',
2883                    dest='getdep_revisions', metavar='DEP', default=[],
2884                    help='Gets the revision/version for the given dependency. '
2885                         'If it is a git dependency, dep must be a path. If it '
2886                         'is a CIPD dependency, dep must be of the form '
2887                         'path:package.')
2888  parser.add_option('--deps-file', default='DEPS',
2889                    # TODO(ehmaldonado): Try to find the DEPS file pointed by
2890                    # .gclient first.
2891                    help='The DEPS file to be edited. Defaults to the DEPS '
2892                         'file in the current directory.')
2893  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2895  if not os.path.isfile(options.deps_file):
2896    raise gclient_utils.Error(
2897        'DEPS file %s does not exist.' % options.deps_file)
2898  with open(options.deps_file) as f:
2899    contents = f.read()
2900  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2901  if client is not None:
2902    builtin_vars = client.get_builtin_vars()
2903  else:
2904    logging.warning(
2905        'Couldn\'t find a valid gclient config. Will attempt to parse the DEPS '
2906        'file without support for built-in variables.')
2907    builtin_vars = None
2908  local_scope = gclient_eval.Exec(contents, options.deps_file,
2909                                  builtin_vars=builtin_vars)
2911  for var in options.vars:
2912    print(gclient_eval.GetVar(local_scope, var))
2914  for name in options.getdep_revisions:
2915    if ':' in name:
2916      name, _, package = name.partition(':')
2917      if not name or not package:
2918        parser.error(
2919            'Wrong CIPD format: %s:%s should be of the form path:pkg.'
2920            % (name, package))
2921      print(gclient_eval.GetCIPD(local_scope, name, package))
2922    else:
2923      print(gclient_eval.GetRevision(local_scope, name))
2926@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient setdep')
2927def CMDsetdep(parser, args):
2928  """Modifies dependency revisions and variable values in a DEPS file"""
2929  parser.add_option('--var', action='append',
2930                    dest='vars', metavar='VAR=VAL', default=[],
2931                    help='Sets a variable to the given value with the format '
2932                         'name=value.')
2933  parser.add_option('-r', '--revision', action='append',
2934                    dest='setdep_revisions', metavar='DEP@REV', default=[],
2935                    help='Sets the revision/version for the dependency with '
2936                         'the format dep@rev. If it is a git dependency, dep '
2937                         'must be a path and rev must be a git hash or '
2938                         'reference (e.g. src/dep@deadbeef). If it is a CIPD '
2939                         'dependency, dep must be of the form path:package and '
2940                         'rev must be the package version '
2941                         '(e.g. src/pkg:chromium/pkg@2.1-cr0).')
2942  parser.add_option('--deps-file', default='DEPS',
2943                    # TODO(ehmaldonado): Try to find the DEPS file pointed by
2944                    # .gclient first.
2945                    help='The DEPS file to be edited. Defaults to the DEPS '
2946                         'file in the current directory.')
2947  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
2948  if args:
2949    parser.error('Unused arguments: "%s"' % '" "'.join(args))
2950  if not options.setdep_revisions and not options.vars:
2951    parser.error(
2952        'You must specify at least one variable or revision to modify.')
2954  if not os.path.isfile(options.deps_file):
2955    raise gclient_utils.Error(
2956        'DEPS file %s does not exist.' % options.deps_file)
2957  with open(options.deps_file) as f:
2958    contents = f.read()
2960  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
2961  if client is not None:
2962    builtin_vars = client.get_builtin_vars()
2963  else:
2964    logging.warning(
2965        'Couldn\'t find a valid gclient config. Will attempt to parse the DEPS '
2966        'file without support for built-in variables.')
2967    builtin_vars = None
2969  local_scope = gclient_eval.Exec(contents, options.deps_file,
2970                                  builtin_vars=builtin_vars)
2972  for var in options.vars:
2973    name, _, value = var.partition('=')
2974    if not name or not value:
2975      parser.error(
2976          'Wrong var format: %s should be of the form name=value.' % var)
2977    if name in local_scope['vars']:
2978      gclient_eval.SetVar(local_scope, name, value)
2979    else:
2980      gclient_eval.AddVar(local_scope, name, value)
2982  for revision in options.setdep_revisions:
2983    name, _, value = revision.partition('@')
2984    if not name or not value:
2985      parser.error(
2986          'Wrong dep format: %s should be of the form dep@rev.' % revision)
2987    if ':' in name:
2988      name, _, package = name.partition(':')
2989      if not name or not package:
2990        parser.error(
2991            'Wrong CIPD format: %s:%s should be of the form path:pkg@version.'
2992            % (name, package))
2993      gclient_eval.SetCIPD(local_scope, name, package, value)
2994    else:
2995      gclient_eval.SetRevision(local_scope, name, value)
2997  with open(options.deps_file, 'wb') as f:
2998    f.write(gclient_eval.RenderDEPSFile(local_scope).encode('utf-8'))
3001@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient verify')
3002def CMDverify(parser, args):
3003  """Verifies the DEPS file deps are only from allowed_hosts."""
3004  (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
3005  client = GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
3006  if not client:
3007    raise gclient_utils.Error('client not configured; see \'gclient config\'')
3008  client.RunOnDeps(None, [])
3009  # Look at each first-level dependency of this gclient only.
3010  for dep in client.dependencies:
3011    bad_deps = dep.findDepsFromNotAllowedHosts()
3012    if not bad_deps:
3013      continue
3014    print("There are deps from not allowed hosts in file %s" % dep.deps_file)
3015    for bad_dep in bad_deps:
3016      print("\t%s at %s" % (bad_dep.name, bad_dep.url))
3017    print("allowed_hosts:", ', '.join(dep.allowed_hosts))
3018    sys.stdout.flush()
3019    raise gclient_utils.Error(
3020        'dependencies from disallowed hosts; check your DEPS file.')
3021  return 0
3024@subcommand.epilog("""For more information on what metrics are we collecting and
3025why, please read metrics.README.md or visit https://bit.ly/2ufRS4p""")
3026@metrics.collector.collect_metrics('gclient metrics')
3027def CMDmetrics(parser, args):
3028  """Reports, and optionally modifies, the status of metric collection."""
3029  parser.add_option('--opt-in', action='store_true', dest='enable_metrics',
3030                    help='Opt-in to metrics collection.',
3031                    default=None)
3032  parser.add_option('--opt-out', action='store_false', dest='enable_metrics',
3033                    help='Opt-out of metrics collection.')
3034  options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
3035  if args:
3036    parser.error('Unused arguments: "%s"' % '" "'.join(args))
3037  if not metrics.collector.config.is_googler:
3038    print("You're not a Googler. Metrics collection is disabled for you.")
3039    return 0
3041  if options.enable_metrics is not None:
3042    metrics.collector.config.opted_in = options.enable_metrics
3044  if metrics.collector.config.opted_in is None:
3045    print("You haven't opted in or out of metrics collection.")
3046  elif metrics.collector.config.opted_in:
3047    print("You have opted in. Thanks!")
3048  else:
3049    print("You have opted out. Please consider opting in.")
3050  return 0
3053class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
3054  gclientfile_default = os.environ.get('GCLIENT_FILE', '.gclient')
3056  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
3057    optparse.OptionParser.__init__(
3058        self, version='%prog ' + __version__, **kwargs)
3060    # Some arm boards have issues with parallel sync.
3061    if platform.machine().startswith('arm'):
3062      jobs = 1
3063    else:
3064      jobs = max(8, gclient_utils.NumLocalCpus())
3066    self.add_option(
3067        '-j', '--jobs', default=jobs, type='int',
3068        help='Specify how many SCM commands can run in parallel; defaults to '
3069             '%default on this machine')
3070    self.add_option(
3071        '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
3072        help='Produces additional output for diagnostics. Can be used up to '
3073             'three times for more logging info.')
3074    self.add_option(
3075        '--gclientfile', dest='config_filename',
3076        help='Specify an alternate %s file' % self.gclientfile_default)
3077    self.add_option(
3078        '--spec',
3079        help='create a gclient file containing the provided string. Due to '
3080            'Cygwin/Python brokenness, it can\'t contain any newlines.')
3081    self.add_option(
3082        '--no-nag-max', default=False, action='store_true',
3083        help='Ignored for backwards compatibility.')
3085  def parse_args(self, args=None, _values=None):
3086    """Integrates standard options processing."""
3087    # Create an optparse.Values object that will store only the actual passed
3088    # options, without the defaults.
3089    actual_options = optparse.Values()
3090    _, args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self, args, actual_options)
3091    # Create an optparse.Values object with the default options.
3092    options = optparse.Values(self.get_default_values().__dict__)
3093    # Update it with the options passed by the user.
3094    options._update_careful(actual_options.__dict__)
3095    # Store the options passed by the user in an _actual_options attribute.
3096    # We store only the keys, and not the values, since the values can contain
3097    # arbitrary information, which might be PII.
3098    metrics.collector.add('arguments', list(actual_options.__dict__))
3100    levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
3101    logging.basicConfig(
3102        level=levels[min(options.verbose, len(levels) - 1)],
3103        format='%(module)s(%(lineno)d) %(funcName)s:%(message)s')
3104    if options.config_filename and options.spec:
3105      self.error('Cannot specify both --gclientfile and --spec')
3106    if (options.config_filename and
3107        options.config_filename != os.path.basename(options.config_filename)):
3108      self.error('--gclientfile target must be a filename, not a path')
3109    if not options.config_filename:
3110      options.config_filename = self.gclientfile_default
3111    options.entries_filename = options.config_filename + '_entries'
3112    if options.jobs < 1:
3113      self.error('--jobs must be 1 or higher')
3115    # These hacks need to die.
3116    if not hasattr(options, 'revisions'):
3117      # GClient.RunOnDeps expects it even if not applicable.
3118      options.revisions = []
3119    if not hasattr(options, 'head'):
3120      options.head = None
3121    if not hasattr(options, 'nohooks'):
3122      options.nohooks = True
3123    if not hasattr(options, 'noprehooks'):
3124      options.noprehooks = True
3125    if not hasattr(options, 'deps_os'):
3126      options.deps_os = None
3127    if not hasattr(options, 'force'):
3128      options.force = None
3129    return (options, args)
3132def disable_buffering():
3133  # Make stdout auto-flush so buildbot doesn't kill us during lengthy
3134  # operations. Python as a strong tendency to buffer sys.stdout.
3135  sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAutoFlush(sys.stdout)
3136  # Make stdout annotated with the thread ids.
3137  sys.stdout = gclient_utils.MakeFileAnnotated(sys.stdout)
3140def path_contains_tilde():
3141  for element in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
3142    if element.startswith('~') and os.path.abspath(
3143        os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(element))) == DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR:
3144      return True
3145  return False
3148def can_run_gclient_and_helpers():
3149  if sys.hexversion < 0x02060000:
3150    print(
3151        '\nYour python version %s is unsupported, please upgrade.\n' %
3152        sys.version.split(' ', 1)[0],
3153        file=sys.stderr)
3154    return False
3155  if not sys.executable:
3156    print(
3157        '\nPython cannot find the location of it\'s own executable.\n',
3158        file=sys.stderr)
3159    return False
3160  if path_contains_tilde():
3161    print(
3162        '\nYour PATH contains a literal "~", which works in some shells ' +
3163        'but will break when python tries to run subprocesses. ' +
3164        'Replace the "~" with $HOME.\n' +
3165        'See https://crbug.com/952865.\n',
3166        file=sys.stderr)
3167    return False
3168  return True
3171def main(argv):
3172  """Doesn't parse the arguments here, just find the right subcommand to
3173  execute."""
3174  if not can_run_gclient_and_helpers():
3175    return 2
3176  fix_encoding.fix_encoding()
3177  disable_buffering()
3178  setup_color.init()
3179  dispatcher = subcommand.CommandDispatcher(__name__)
3180  try:
3181    return dispatcher.execute(OptionParser(), argv)
3182  except KeyboardInterrupt:
3183    gclient_utils.GClientChildren.KillAllRemainingChildren()
3184    raise
3185  except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError) as e:
3186    print('Error: %s' % str(e), file=sys.stderr)
3187    return 1
3188  finally:
3189    gclient_utils.PrintWarnings()
3190  return 0
3193if '__main__' == __name__:
3194  with metrics.collector.print_notice_and_exit():
3195    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
3197# vim: ts=2:sw=2:tw=80:et: