2 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16/// <reference types="node" />
17import { EventEmitter } from './EventEmitter.js';
18import { CDPSession } from './Connection.js';
19import { Frame } from './FrameManager.js';
20import { Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, MouseButton } from './Input.js';
21import { Tracing } from './Tracing.js';
22import { Coverage } from './Coverage.js';
23import { WebWorker } from './WebWorker.js';
24import { Browser, BrowserContext } from './Browser.js';
25import { Target } from './Target.js';
26import { JSHandle, ElementHandle } from './JSHandle.js';
27import { Viewport } from './PuppeteerViewport.js';
28import { Credentials } from './NetworkManager.js';
29import { HTTPRequest } from './HTTPRequest.js';
30import { HTTPResponse } from './HTTPResponse.js';
31import { Accessibility } from './Accessibility.js';
32import { FileChooser } from './FileChooser.js';
33import { PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent } from './LifecycleWatcher.js';
34import { Protocol } from 'devtools-protocol';
35import { SerializableOrJSHandle, EvaluateHandleFn, WrapElementHandle, EvaluateFn, EvaluateFnReturnType, UnwrapPromiseLike } from './EvalTypes.js';
36import { PDFOptions } from './PDFOptions.js';
38 * @public
39 */
40export interface Metrics {
41    Timestamp?: number;
42    Documents?: number;
43    Frames?: number;
44    JSEventListeners?: number;
45    Nodes?: number;
46    LayoutCount?: number;
47    RecalcStyleCount?: number;
48    LayoutDuration?: number;
49    RecalcStyleDuration?: number;
50    ScriptDuration?: number;
51    TaskDuration?: number;
52    JSHeapUsedSize?: number;
53    JSHeapTotalSize?: number;
56 * @public
57 */
58export interface WaitTimeoutOptions {
59    /**
60     * Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to
61     * disable the timeout.
62     *
63     * @remarks
64     * The default value can be changed by using the
65     * {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} method.
66     */
67    timeout?: number;
70 * @public
71 */
72export interface WaitForOptions {
73    /**
74     * Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to
75     * disable the timeout.
76     *
77     * @remarks
78     * The default value can be changed by using the
79     * {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} or {@link Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout}
80     * methods.
81     */
82    timeout?: number;
83    waitUntil?: PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent | PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent[];
86 * @public
87 */
88export interface GeolocationOptions {
89    /**
90     * Latitude between -90 and 90.
91     */
92    longitude: number;
93    /**
94     * Longitude between -180 and 180.
95     */
96    latitude: number;
97    /**
98     * Optional non-negative accuracy value.
99     */
100    accuracy?: number;
102interface MediaFeature {
103    name: string;
104    value: string;
106interface ScreenshotClip {
107    x: number;
108    y: number;
109    width: number;
110    height: number;
112interface ScreenshotOptions {
113    type?: 'png' | 'jpeg';
114    path?: string;
115    fullPage?: boolean;
116    clip?: ScreenshotClip;
117    quality?: number;
118    omitBackground?: boolean;
119    encoding?: string;
122 * All the events that a page instance may emit.
123 *
124 * @public
125 */
126export declare const enum PageEmittedEvents {
127    /** Emitted when the page closes. */
128    Close = "close",
129    /**
130     * Emitted when JavaScript within the page calls one of console API methods,
131     * e.g. `console.log` or `console.dir`. Also emitted if the page throws an
132     * error or a warning.
133     *
134     * @remarks
135     *
136     * A `console` event provides a {@link ConsoleMessage} representing the
137     * console message that was logged.
138     *
139     * @example
140     * An example of handling `console` event:
141     * ```js
142     * page.on('console', msg => {
143     *   for (let i = 0; i < msg.args().length; ++i)
144     *    console.log(`${i}: ${msg.args()[i]}`);
145     *  });
146     *  page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, {foo: 'bar'}));
147     * ```
148     */
149    Console = "console",
150    /**
151     * Emitted when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as `alert`, `prompt`,
152     * `confirm` or `beforeunload`. Puppeteer can respond to the dialog via
153     * {@link Dialog.accept} or {@link Dialog.dismiss}.
154     */
155    Dialog = "dialog",
156    /**
157     * Emitted when the JavaScript
158     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded | DOMContentLoaded } event is dispatched.
159     */
160    DOMContentLoaded = "domcontentloaded",
161    /**
162     * Emitted when the page crashes. Will contain an `Error`.
163     */
164    Error = "error",
165    /** Emitted when a frame is attached. Will contain a {@link Frame}. */
166    FrameAttached = "frameattached",
167    /** Emitted when a frame is detached. Will contain a {@link Frame}. */
168    FrameDetached = "framedetached",
169    /** Emitted when a frame is navigated to a new URL. Will contain a {@link Frame}. */
170    FrameNavigated = "framenavigated",
171    /**
172     * Emitted when the JavaScript
173     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/load | load}
174     * event is dispatched.
175     */
176    Load = "load",
177    /**
178     * Emitted when the JavaScript code makes a call to `console.timeStamp`. For
179     * the list of metrics see {@link Page.metrics | page.metrics}.
180     *
181     * @remarks
182     * Contains an object with two properties:
183     * - `title`: the title passed to `console.timeStamp`
184     * - `metrics`: objec containing metrics as key/value pairs. The values will
185     *   be `number`s.
186     */
187    Metrics = "metrics",
188    /**
189     * Emitted when an uncaught exception happens within the page.
190     * Contains an `Error`.
191     */
192    PageError = "pageerror",
193    /**
194     * Emitted when the page opens a new tab or window.
195     *
196     * Contains a {@link Page} corresponding to the popup window.
197     *
198     * @example
199     *
200     * ```js
201     * const [popup] = await Promise.all([
202     *   new Promise(resolve => page.once('popup', resolve)),
203     *   page.click('a[target=_blank]'),
204     * ]);
205     * ```
206     *
207     * ```js
208     * const [popup] = await Promise.all([
209     *   new Promise(resolve => page.once('popup', resolve)),
210     *   page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://example.com')),
211     * ]);
212     * ```
213     */
214    Popup = "popup",
215    /**
216     * Emitted when a page issues a request and contains a {@link HTTPRequest}.
217     *
218     * @remarks
219     * The object is readonly. See {@Page.setRequestInterception} for intercepting
220     * and mutating requests.
221     */
222    Request = "request",
223    /**
224     * Emitted when a request fails, for example by timing out.
225     *
226     * Contains a {@link HTTPRequest}.
227     *
228     * @remarks
229     *
230     * NOTE: HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful
231     * responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with
232     * `requestfinished` event and not with `requestfailed`.
233     */
234    RequestFailed = "requestfailed",
235    /**
236     * Emitted when a request finishes successfully. Contains a {@link HTTPRequest}.
237     */
238    RequestFinished = "requestfinished",
239    /**
240     * Emitted when a response is received. Contains a {@link HTTPResponse}.
241     */
242    Response = "response",
243    /**
244     * Emitted when a dedicated
245     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorker}
246     * is spawned by the page.
247     */
248    WorkerCreated = "workercreated",
249    /**
250     * Emitted when a dedicated
251     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorker}
252     * is destroyed by the page.
253     */
254    WorkerDestroyed = "workerdestroyed"
257 * Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or
258 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages | extension background page} in Chromium.
259 *
260 * @remarks
261 *
262 * One Browser instance might have multiple Page instances.
263 *
264 * @example
265 * This example creates a page, navigates it to a URL, and then * saves a screenshot:
266 * ```js
267 * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
268 *
269 * (async () => {
270 *   const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
271 *   const page = await browser.newPage();
272 *   await page.goto('https://example.com');
273 *   await page.screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'});
274 *   await browser.close();
275 * })();
276 * ```
277 *
278 * The Page class extends from Puppeteer's {@link EventEmitter} class and will
279 * emit various events which are documented in the {@link PageEmittedEvents} enum.
280 *
281 * @example
282 * This example logs a message for a single page `load` event:
283 * ```js
284 * page.once('load', () => console.log('Page loaded!'));
285 * ```
286 *
287 * To unsubscribe from events use the `off` method:
288 *
289 * ```js
290 * function logRequest(interceptedRequest) {
291 *   console.log('A request was made:', interceptedRequest.url());
292 * }
293 * page.on('request', logRequest);
294 * // Sometime later...
295 * page.off('request', logRequest);
296 * ```
297 * @public
298 */
299export declare class Page extends EventEmitter {
300    /**
301     * @internal
302     */
303    static create(client: CDPSession, target: Target, ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean, defaultViewport: Viewport | null): Promise<Page>;
304    private _closed;
305    private _client;
306    private _target;
307    private _keyboard;
308    private _mouse;
309    private _timeoutSettings;
310    private _touchscreen;
311    private _accessibility;
312    private _frameManager;
313    private _emulationManager;
314    private _tracing;
315    private _pageBindings;
316    private _coverage;
317    private _javascriptEnabled;
318    private _viewport;
319    private _screenshotTaskQueue;
320    private _workers;
321    private _fileChooserInterceptors;
322    private _disconnectPromise?;
323    /**
324     * @internal
325     */
326    constructor(client: CDPSession, target: Target, ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean);
327    private _initialize;
328    private _onFileChooser;
329    /**
330     * @returns `true` if the page has JavaScript enabled, `false` otherwise.
331     */
332    isJavaScriptEnabled(): boolean;
333    /**
334     * @param options - Optional waiting parameters
335     * @returns Resolves after a page requests a file picker.
336     */
337    waitForFileChooser(options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<FileChooser>;
338    /**
339     * Sets the page's geolocation.
340     *
341     * @remarks
342     * Consider using {@link BrowserContext.overridePermissions} to grant
343     * permissions for the page to read its geolocation.
344     *
345     * @example
346     * ```js
347     * await page.setGeolocation({latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31667});
348     * ```
349     */
350    setGeolocation(options: GeolocationOptions): Promise<void>;
351    /**
352     * @returns A target this page was created from.
353     */
354    target(): Target;
355    /**
356     * @returns The browser this page belongs to.
357     */
358    browser(): Browser;
359    /**
360     * @returns The browser context that the page belongs to
361     */
362    browserContext(): BrowserContext;
363    private _onTargetCrashed;
364    private _onLogEntryAdded;
365    /**
366     * @returns The page's main frame.
367     */
368    mainFrame(): Frame;
369    get keyboard(): Keyboard;
370    get touchscreen(): Touchscreen;
371    get coverage(): Coverage;
372    get tracing(): Tracing;
373    get accessibility(): Accessibility;
374    /**
375     * @returns An array of all frames attached to the page.
376     */
377    frames(): Frame[];
378    /**
379     * @returns all of the dedicated
380     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorkers}
381     * associated with the page.
382     */
383    workers(): WebWorker[];
384    /**
385     * @param value - Whether to enable request interception.
386     *
387     * @remarks
388     * Activating request interception enables {@link HTTPRequest.abort},
389     * {@link HTTPRequest.continue} and {@link HTTPRequest.respond} methods.  This
390     * provides the capability to modify network requests that are made by a page.
391     *
392     * Once request interception is enabled, every request will stall unless it's
393     * continued, responded or aborted.
394     *
395     * **NOTE** Enabling request interception disables page caching.
396     *
397     * @example
398     * An example of a naïve request interceptor that aborts all image requests:
399     * ```js
400     * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
401     * (async () => {
402     *   const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
403     *   const page = await browser.newPage();
404     *   await page.setRequestInterception(true);
405     *   page.on('request', interceptedRequest => {
406     *     if (interceptedRequest.url().endsWith('.png') ||
407     *         interceptedRequest.url().endsWith('.jpg'))
408     *       interceptedRequest.abort();
409     *     else
410     *       interceptedRequest.continue();
411     *     });
412     *   await page.goto('https://example.com');
413     *   await browser.close();
414     * })();
415     * ```
416     */
417    setRequestInterception(value: boolean): Promise<void>;
418    /**
419     * @param enabled - When `true`, enables offline mode for the page.
420     */
421    setOfflineMode(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
422    /**
423     * @param timeout - Maximum navigation time in milliseconds.
424     */
425    setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout: number): void;
426    /**
427     * @param timeout - Maximum time in milliseconds.
428     */
429    setDefaultTimeout(timeout: number): void;
430    /**
431     * Runs `document.querySelector` within the page. If no element matches the
432     * selector, the return value resolves to `null`.
433     *
434     * @remarks
435     * Shortcut for {@link Frame.$ | Page.mainFrame().$(selector) }.
436     *
437     * @param selector - A
438     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | selector}
439     * to query page for.
440     */
441    $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle | null>;
442    /**
443     * @remarks
444     *
445     * The only difference between {@link Page.evaluate | page.evaluate} and
446     * `page.evaluateHandle` is that `evaluateHandle` will return the value
447     * wrapped in an in-page object.
448     *
449     * If the function passed to `page.evaluteHandle` returns a Promise, the
450     * function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
451     *
452     * You can pass a string instead of a function (although functions are
453     * recommended as they are easier to debug and use with TypeScript):
454     *
455     * @example
456     * ```
457     * const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle('document')
458     * ```
459     *
460     * @example
461     * {@link JSHandle} instances can be passed as arguments to the `pageFunction`:
462     * ```
463     * const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body);
464     * const resultHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(body => body.innerHTML, aHandle);
465     * console.log(await resultHandle.jsonValue());
466     * await resultHandle.dispose();
467     * ```
468     *
469     * Most of the time this function returns a {@link JSHandle},
470     * but if `pageFunction` returns a reference to an element,
471     * you instead get an {@link ElementHandle} back:
472     *
473     * @example
474     * ```
475     * const button = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.querySelector('button'));
476     * // can call `click` because `button` is an `ElementHandle`
477     * await button.click();
478     * ```
479     *
480     * The TypeScript definitions assume that `evaluateHandle` returns
481     *  a `JSHandle`, but if you know it's going to return an
482     * `ElementHandle`, pass it as the generic argument:
483     *
484     * ```
485     * const button = await page.evaluateHandle<ElementHandle>(...);
486     * ```
487     *
488     * @param pageFunction - a function that is run within the page
489     * @param args - arguments to be passed to the pageFunction
490     */
491    evaluateHandle<HandlerType extends JSHandle = JSHandle>(pageFunction: EvaluateHandleFn, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<HandlerType>;
492    /**
493     * This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all objects with the
494     * given prototype.
495     *
496     * @remarks
497     *
498     * @example
499     *
500     * ```js
501     * // Create a Map object
502     * await page.evaluate(() => window.map = new Map());
503     * // Get a handle to the Map object prototype
504     * const mapPrototype = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Map.prototype);
505     * // Query all map instances into an array
506     * const mapInstances = await page.queryObjects(mapPrototype);
507     * // Count amount of map objects in heap
508     * const count = await page.evaluate(maps => maps.length, mapInstances);
509     * await mapInstances.dispose();
510     * await mapPrototype.dispose();
511     * ```
512     * @param prototypeHandle - a handle to the object prototype.
513     */
514    queryObjects(prototypeHandle: JSHandle): Promise<JSHandle>;
515    /**
516     * This method runs `document.querySelector` within the page and passes the
517     * result as the first argument to the `pageFunction`.
518     *
519     * @remarks
520     *
521     * If no element is found matching `selector`, the method will throw an error.
522     *
523     * If `pageFunction` returns a promise `$eval` will wait for the promise to
524     * resolve and then return its value.
525     *
526     * @example
527     *
528     * ```
529     * const searchValue = await page.$eval('#search', el => el.value);
530     * const preloadHref = await page.$eval('link[rel=preload]', el => el.href);
531     * const html = await page.$eval('.main-container', el => el.outerHTML);
532     * ```
533     *
534     * If you are using TypeScript, you may have to provide an explicit type to the
535     * first argument of the `pageFunction`.
536     * By default it is typed as `Element`, but you may need to provide a more
537     * specific sub-type:
538     *
539     * @example
540     *
541     * ```
542     * // if you don't provide HTMLInputElement here, TS will error
543     * // as `value` is not on `Element`
544     * const searchValue = await page.$eval('#search', (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value);
545     * ```
546     *
547     * The compiler should be able to infer the return type
548     * from the `pageFunction` you provide. If it is unable to, you can use the generic
549     * type to tell the compiler what return type you expect from `$eval`:
550     *
551     * @example
552     *
553     * ```
554     * // The compiler can infer the return type in this case, but if it can't
555     * // or if you want to be more explicit, provide it as the generic type.
556     * const searchValue = await page.$eval<string>(
557     *  '#search', (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value
558     * );
559     * ```
560     *
561     * @param selector - the
562     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | selector}
563     * to query for
564     * @param pageFunction - the function to be evaluated in the page context.
565     * Will be passed the result of `document.querySelector(selector)` as its
566     * first argument.
567     * @param args - any additional arguments to pass through to `pageFunction`.
568     *
569     * @returns The result of calling `pageFunction`. If it returns an element it
570     * is wrapped in an {@link ElementHandle}, else the raw value itself is
571     * returned.
572     */
573    $eval<ReturnType>(selector: string, pageFunction: (element: Element, ...args: unknown[]) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>>;
574    /**
575     * This method runs `Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))` within
576     * the page and passes the result as the first argument to the `pageFunction`.
577     *
578     * @remarks
579     *
580     * If `pageFunction` returns a promise `$$eval` will wait for the promise to
581     * resolve and then return its value.
582     *
583     * @example
584     *
585     * ```
586     * // get the amount of divs on the page
587     * const divCount = await page.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length);
588     *
589     * // get the text content of all the `.options` elements:
590     * const options = await page.$$eval('div > span.options', options => {
591     *   return options.map(option => option.textContent)
592     * });
593     * ```
594     *
595     * If you are using TypeScript, you may have to provide an explicit type to the
596     * first argument of the `pageFunction`.
597     * By default it is typed as `Element[]`, but you may need to provide a more
598     * specific sub-type:
599     *
600     * @example
601     *
602     * ```
603     * // if you don't provide HTMLInputElement here, TS will error
604     * // as `value` is not on `Element`
605     * await page.$$eval('input', (elements: HTMLInputElement[]) => {
606     *   return elements.map(e => e.value);
607     * });
608     * ```
609     *
610     * The compiler should be able to infer the return type
611     * from the `pageFunction` you provide. If it is unable to, you can use the generic
612     * type to tell the compiler what return type you expect from `$$eval`:
613     *
614     * @example
615     *
616     * ```
617     * // The compiler can infer the return type in this case, but if it can't
618     * // or if you want to be more explicit, provide it as the generic type.
619     * const allInputValues = await page.$$eval<string[]>(
620     *  'input', (elements: HTMLInputElement[]) => elements.map(e => e.textContent)
621     * );
622     * ```
623     *
624     * @param selector the
625     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | selector}
626     * to query for
627     * @param pageFunction the function to be evaluated in the page context. Will
628     * be passed the result of `Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))`
629     * as its first argument.
630     * @param args any additional arguments to pass through to `pageFunction`.
631     *
632     * @returns The result of calling `pageFunction`. If it returns an element it
633     * is wrapped in an {@link ElementHandle}, else the raw value itself is
634     * returned.
635     */
636    $$eval<ReturnType>(selector: string, pageFunction: (elements: Element[], ...args: unknown[]) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>>;
637    $$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle[]>;
638    $x(expression: string): Promise<ElementHandle[]>;
639    /**
640     * If no URLs are specified, this method returns cookies for the current page
641     * URL. If URLs are specified, only cookies for those URLs are returned.
642     */
643    cookies(...urls: string[]): Promise<Protocol.Network.Cookie[]>;
644    deleteCookie(...cookies: Protocol.Network.DeleteCookiesRequest[]): Promise<void>;
645    setCookie(...cookies: Protocol.Network.CookieParam[]): Promise<void>;
646    addScriptTag(options: {
647        url?: string;
648        path?: string;
649        content?: string;
650        type?: string;
651    }): Promise<ElementHandle>;
652    addStyleTag(options: {
653        url?: string;
654        path?: string;
655        content?: string;
656    }): Promise<ElementHandle>;
657    exposeFunction(name: string, puppeteerFunction: Function): Promise<void>;
658    authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Promise<void>;
659    setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: Record<string, string>): Promise<void>;
660    setUserAgent(userAgent: string): Promise<void>;
661    metrics(): Promise<Metrics>;
662    private _emitMetrics;
663    private _buildMetricsObject;
664    private _handleException;
665    private _onConsoleAPI;
666    private _onBindingCalled;
667    private _addConsoleMessage;
668    private _onDialog;
669    url(): string;
670    content(): Promise<string>;
671    setContent(html: string, options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<void>;
672    goto(url: string, options?: WaitForOptions & {
673        referer?: string;
674    }): Promise<HTTPResponse>;
675    reload(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
676    waitForNavigation(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
677    private _sessionClosePromise;
678    waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate: string | Function, options?: {
679        timeout?: number;
680    }): Promise<HTTPRequest>;
681    waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate: string | Function, options?: {
682        timeout?: number;
683    }): Promise<HTTPResponse>;
684    goBack(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
685    goForward(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
686    private _go;
687    bringToFront(): Promise<void>;
688    emulate(options: {
689        viewport: Viewport;
690        userAgent: string;
691    }): Promise<void>;
692    setJavaScriptEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
693    setBypassCSP(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
694    emulateMediaType(type?: string): Promise<void>;
695    emulateMediaFeatures(features?: MediaFeature[]): Promise<void>;
696    emulateTimezone(timezoneId?: string): Promise<void>;
697    /**
698     * Emulates the idle state.
699     * If no arguments set, clears idle state emulation.
700     *
701     * @example
702     * ```js
703     * // set idle emulation
704     * await page.emulateIdleState({isUserActive: true, isScreenUnlocked: false});
705     *
706     * // do some checks here
707     * ...
708     *
709     * // clear idle emulation
710     * await page.emulateIdleState();
711     * ```
712     *
713     * @param overrides Mock idle state. If not set, clears idle overrides
714     * @param isUserActive Mock isUserActive
715     * @param isScreenUnlocked Mock isScreenUnlocked
716     */
717    emulateIdleState(overrides?: {
718        isUserActive: boolean;
719        isScreenUnlocked: boolean;
720    }): Promise<void>;
721    /**
722     * Simulates the given vision deficiency on the page.
723     *
724     * @example
725     * ```js
726     * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
727     *
728     * (async () => {
729     *   const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
730     *   const page = await browser.newPage();
731     *   await page.goto('https://v8.dev/blog/10-years');
732     *
733     *   await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('achromatopsia');
734     *   await page.screenshot({ path: 'achromatopsia.png' });
735     *
736     *   await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('deuteranopia');
737     *   await page.screenshot({ path: 'deuteranopia.png' });
738     *
739     *   await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('blurredVision');
740     *   await page.screenshot({ path: 'blurred-vision.png' });
741     *
742     *   await browser.close();
743     * })();
744     * ```
745     *
746     * @param type - the type of deficiency to simulate, or `'none'` to reset.
747     */
748    emulateVisionDeficiency(type?: Protocol.Emulation.SetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyRequest['type']): Promise<void>;
749    setViewport(viewport: Viewport): Promise<void>;
750    viewport(): Viewport | null;
751    /**
752     * @remarks
753     *
754     * Evaluates a function in the page's context and returns the result.
755     *
756     * If the function passed to `page.evaluteHandle` returns a Promise, the
757     * function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
758     *
759     * @example
760     *
761     * ```js
762     * const result = await frame.evaluate(() => {
763     *   return Promise.resolve(8 * 7);
764     * });
765     * console.log(result); // prints "56"
766     * ```
767     *
768     * You can pass a string instead of a function (although functions are
769     * recommended as they are easier to debug and use with TypeScript):
770     *
771     * @example
772     * ```
773     * const aHandle = await page.evaluate('1 + 2');
774     * ```
775     *
776     * To get the best TypeScript experience, you should pass in as the
777     * generic the type of `pageFunction`:
778     *
779     * ```
780     * const aHandle = await page.evaluate<() => number>(() => 2);
781     * ```
782     *
783     * @example
784     *
785     * {@link ElementHandle} instances (including {@link JSHandle}s) can be passed
786     * as arguments to the `pageFunction`:
787     *
788     * ```
789     * const bodyHandle = await page.$('body');
790     * const html = await page.evaluate(body => body.innerHTML, bodyHandle);
791     * await bodyHandle.dispose();
792     * ```
793     *
794     * @param pageFunction - a function that is run within the page
795     * @param args - arguments to be passed to the pageFunction
796     *
797     * @returns the return value of `pageFunction`.
798     */
799    evaluate<T extends EvaluateFn>(pageFunction: T, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<UnwrapPromiseLike<EvaluateFnReturnType<T>>>;
800    evaluateOnNewDocument(pageFunction: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise<void>;
801    setCacheEnabled(enabled?: boolean): Promise<void>;
802    screenshot(options?: ScreenshotOptions): Promise<Buffer | string | void>;
803    private _screenshotTask;
804    /**
805     * Generatees a PDF of the page with the `print` CSS media type.
806     * @remarks
807     *
808     * IMPORTANT: PDF generation is only supported in Chrome headless mode.
809     *
810     * To generate a PDF with the `screen` media type, call
811     * {@link Page.emulateMediaType | `page.emulateMediaType('screen')`} before
812     * calling `page.pdf()`.
813     *
814     * By default, `page.pdf()` generates a pdf with modified colors for printing.
815     * Use the
816     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-print-color-adjust | `-webkit-print-color-adjust`}
817     * property to force rendering of exact colors.
818     *
819     *
820     * @param options - options for generating the PDF.
821     */
822    pdf(options?: PDFOptions): Promise<Buffer>;
823    title(): Promise<string>;
824    close(options?: {
825        runBeforeUnload?: boolean;
826    }): Promise<void>;
827    isClosed(): boolean;
828    get mouse(): Mouse;
829    click(selector: string, options?: {
830        delay?: number;
831        button?: MouseButton;
832        clickCount?: number;
833    }): Promise<void>;
834    focus(selector: string): Promise<void>;
835    hover(selector: string): Promise<void>;
836    select(selector: string, ...values: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
837    tap(selector: string): Promise<void>;
838    type(selector: string, text: string, options?: {
839        delay: number;
840    }): Promise<void>;
841    /**
842     * @remarks
843     *
844     * This method behaves differently depending on the first parameter. If it's a
845     * `string`, it will be treated as a `selector` or `xpath` (if the string
846     * starts with `//`). This method then is a shortcut for
847     * {@link Page.waitForSelector} or {@link Page.waitForXPath}.
848     *
849     * If the first argument is a function this method is a shortcut for
850     * {@link Page.waitForFunction}.
851     *
852     * If the first argument is a `number`, it's treated as a timeout in
853     * milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the
854     * timeout.
855     *
856     * @param selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout - a selector, predicate or timeout to
857     * wait for.
858     * @param options - optional waiting parameters.
859     * @param args - arguments to pass to `pageFunction`.
860     *
861     * @deprecated Don't use this method directly. Instead use the more explicit
862     * methods available: {@link Page.waitForSelector},
863     * {@link Page.waitForXPath}, {@link Page.waitForFunction} or
864     * {@link Page.waitForTimeout}.
865     */
866    waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: string | number | Function, options?: {
867        visible?: boolean;
868        hidden?: boolean;
869        timeout?: number;
870        polling?: string | number;
871    }, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<JSHandle>;
872    /**
873     * Causes your script to wait for the given number of milliseconds.
874     *
875     * @remarks
876     *
877     * It's generally recommended to not wait for a number of seconds, but instead
878     * use {@link Page.waitForSelector}, {@link Page.waitForXPath} or
879     * {@link Page.waitForFunction} to wait for exactly the conditions you want.
880     *
881     * @example
882     *
883     * Wait for 1 second:
884     *
885     * ```
886     * await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
887     * ```
888     *
889     * @param milliseconds - the number of milliseconds to wait.
890     */
891    waitForTimeout(milliseconds: number): Promise<void>;
892    waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: {
893        visible?: boolean;
894        hidden?: boolean;
895        timeout?: number;
896    }): Promise<ElementHandle | null>;
897    waitForXPath(xpath: string, options?: {
898        visible?: boolean;
899        hidden?: boolean;
900        timeout?: number;
901    }): Promise<ElementHandle | null>;
902    waitForFunction(pageFunction: Function | string, options?: {
903        timeout?: number;
904        polling?: string | number;
905    }, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<JSHandle>;
907export {};
908//# sourceMappingURL=Page.d.ts.map