1# REQUIRES: x86 2# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-linux-gnu %s -o %t.o 3# RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t 4# RUN: llvm-readobj --sections --program-headers %t | FileCheck %s 5 6## Test that we generate the PT_GNU_PROPERTY segment type that describes the 7## .note.gnu.property if it is present. 8 9# CHECK: Name: .note.gnu.property 10# CHECK-NEXT: Type: SHT_NOTE (0x7) 11# CHECK-NEXT: Flags [ (0x2) 12# CHECK-NEXT: SHF_ALLOC (0x2) 13# CHECK-NEXT: ] 14# CHECK-NEXT: Address: 0x200190 15# CHECK-NEXT: Offset: 0x190 16# CHECK-NEXT: Size: 32 17# CHECK-NEXT: Link: 0 18# CHECK-NEXT: Info: 0 19# CHECK-NEXT: AddressAlignment: 8 20 21# CHECK: Type: PT_GNU_PROPERTY (0x6474E553) 22# CHECK-NEXT: Offset: 0x190 23# CHECK-NEXT: VirtualAddress: 0x200190 24# CHECK-NEXT: PhysicalAddress: 0x200190 25# CHECK-NEXT: FileSize: 32 26# CHECK-NEXT: MemSize: 32 27# CHECK-NEXT: Flags [ (0x4) 28# CHECK-NEXT: PF_R (0x4) 29# CHECK-NEXT: ] 30# CHECK-NEXT: Alignment: 8 31 32.section ".note.gnu.property", "a" 33.long 4 34.long 0x10 35.long 0x5 36.asciz "GNU" 37 38.long 0xc0000002 # GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_1_AND 39.long 4 40.long 1 # GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_1_IBT 41.long 0 42 43.text 44.globl _start 45 ret 46