1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "api/audio_codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus_config.h"
13 namespace webrtc {
15 namespace {
17 #if defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID) || defined(WEBRTC_IOS) || defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM)
18 // If we are on Android, iOS and/or ARM, use a lower complexity setting by
19 // default, to save encoder complexity.
20 constexpr int kDefaultComplexity = 5;
21 #else
22 constexpr int kDefaultComplexity = 9;
23 #endif
25 constexpr int kDefaultLowRateComplexity =
26     WEBRTC_OPUS_VARIABLE_COMPLEXITY ? 9 : kDefaultComplexity;
28 }  // namespace
30 constexpr int AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kDefaultFrameSizeMs;
31 constexpr int AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMinBitrateBps;
32 constexpr int AudioEncoderOpusConfig::kMaxBitrateBps;
AudioEncoderOpusConfig()34 AudioEncoderOpusConfig::AudioEncoderOpusConfig()
35     : frame_size_ms(kDefaultFrameSizeMs),
36       sample_rate_hz(48000),
37       num_channels(1),
38       application(ApplicationMode::kVoip),
39       bitrate_bps(32000),
40       fec_enabled(false),
41       cbr_enabled(false),
42       max_playback_rate_hz(48000),
43       complexity(kDefaultComplexity),
44       low_rate_complexity(kDefaultLowRateComplexity),
45       complexity_threshold_bps(12500),
46       complexity_threshold_window_bps(1500),
47       dtx_enabled(false),
48       uplink_bandwidth_update_interval_ms(200),
49       payload_type(-1) {}
50 AudioEncoderOpusConfig::AudioEncoderOpusConfig(const AudioEncoderOpusConfig&) =
51     default;
52 AudioEncoderOpusConfig::~AudioEncoderOpusConfig() = default;
53 AudioEncoderOpusConfig& AudioEncoderOpusConfig::operator=(
54     const AudioEncoderOpusConfig&) = default;
IsOk() const56 bool AudioEncoderOpusConfig::IsOk() const {
57   if (frame_size_ms <= 0 || frame_size_ms % 10 != 0)
58     return false;
59   if (sample_rate_hz != 16000 && sample_rate_hz != 48000) {
60     // Unsupported input sample rate. (libopus supports a few other rates as
61     // well; we can add support for them when needed.)
62     return false;
63   }
64   if (num_channels < 0 || num_channels >= 255) {
65     return false;
66   }
67   if (!bitrate_bps)
68     return false;
69   if (*bitrate_bps < kMinBitrateBps || *bitrate_bps > kMaxBitrateBps)
70     return false;
71   if (complexity < 0 || complexity > 10)
72     return false;
73   if (low_rate_complexity < 0 || low_rate_complexity > 10)
74     return false;
75   return true;
76 }
77 }  // namespace webrtc