1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <stddef.h>
7 #include <algorithm>
9 #include "base/command_line.h"
10 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
11 #include "gn/commands.h"
12 #include "gn/setup.h"
13 #include "gn/standard_out.h"
15 namespace commands {
17 namespace {
19 enum class DepType { NONE, PUBLIC, PRIVATE, DATA };
21 // The dependency paths are stored in a vector. Assuming the chain:
22 //    A --[public]--> B --[private]--> C
23 // The stack will look like:
24 //    [0] = A, NONE (this has no dep type since nobody depends on it)
25 //    [1] = B, PUBLIC
26 //    [2] = C, PRIVATE
27 using TargetDep = std::pair<const Target*, DepType>;
28 using PathVector = std::vector<TargetDep>;
30 // How to search.
31 enum class PrivateDeps { INCLUDE, EXCLUDE };
32 enum class DataDeps { INCLUDE, EXCLUDE };
33 enum class PrintWhat { ONE, ALL };
35 struct Options {
Optionscommands::__anon4847b7c30111::Options36   Options()
37       : print_what(PrintWhat::ONE), public_only(false), with_data(false) {}
39   PrintWhat print_what;
40   bool public_only;
41   bool with_data;
42 };
44 using WorkQueue = std::list<PathVector>;
46 struct Stats {
Statscommands::__anon4847b7c30111::Stats47   Stats() : public_paths(0), other_paths(0) {}
total_pathscommands::__anon4847b7c30111::Stats49   int total_paths() const { return public_paths + other_paths; }
51   int public_paths;
52   int other_paths;
54   // Stores targets that have a path to the destination, and whether that
55   // path is public, private, or data.
56   std::map<const Target*, DepType> found_paths;
57 };
59 // If the implicit_last_dep is not "none", this type indicates the
60 // classification of the elided last part of path.
ClassifyPath(const PathVector & path,DepType implicit_last_dep)61 DepType ClassifyPath(const PathVector& path, DepType implicit_last_dep) {
62   DepType result;
63   if (implicit_last_dep != DepType::NONE)
64     result = implicit_last_dep;
65   else
66     result = DepType::PUBLIC;
68   // Skip the 0th one since that is always NONE.
69   for (size_t i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
70     // PRIVATE overrides PUBLIC, and DATA overrides everything (the idea is
71     // to find the worst link in the path).
72     if (path[i].second == DepType::PRIVATE) {
73       if (result == DepType::PUBLIC)
74         result = DepType::PRIVATE;
75     } else if (path[i].second == DepType::DATA) {
76       result = DepType::DATA;
77     }
78   }
79   return result;
80 }
StringForDepType(DepType type)82 const char* StringForDepType(DepType type) {
83   switch (type) {
84     case DepType::PUBLIC:
85       return "public";
86     case DepType::PRIVATE:
87       return "private";
88     case DepType::DATA:
89       return "data";
90       break;
91     case DepType::NONE:
92     default:
93       return "";
94   }
95 }
97 // Prints the given path. If the implicit_last_dep is not "none", the last
98 // dependency will show an elided dependency with the given annotation.
PrintPath(const PathVector & path,DepType implicit_last_dep)99 void PrintPath(const PathVector& path, DepType implicit_last_dep) {
100   if (path.empty())
101     return;
103   // Don't print toolchains unless they differ from the first target.
104   const Label& default_toolchain = path[0].first->label().GetToolchainLabel();
106   for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
107     OutputString(path[i].first->label().GetUserVisibleName(default_toolchain));
109     // Output dependency type.
110     if (i == path.size() - 1) {
111       // Last one either gets the implicit last dep type or nothing.
112       if (implicit_last_dep != DepType::NONE) {
113         OutputString(std::string(" --> see ") +
114                          StringForDepType(implicit_last_dep) +
115                          " chain printed above...",
116                      DECORATION_DIM);
117       }
118     } else {
119       // Take type from the next entry.
120       OutputString(
121           std::string(" --[") + StringForDepType(path[i + 1].second) + "]-->",
122           DECORATION_DIM);
123     }
124     OutputString("\n");
125   }
127   OutputString("\n");
128 }
InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(const PathVector & path,DepType implicit_last_dep,Stats * stats)130 void InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(const PathVector& path,
131                                  DepType implicit_last_dep,
132                                  Stats* stats) {
133   DepType type = ClassifyPath(path, implicit_last_dep);
135   bool inserted = false;
137   // Don't try to insert the 0th item in the list which is the "from" target.
138   // The search will be run more than once (for the different path types) and
139   // if the "from" target was in the list, subsequent passes could never run
140   // the starting point is alredy in the list of targets considered).
141   //
142   // One might imagine an alternate implementation where all items are counted
143   // here but the "from" item is erased at the beginning of each search, but
144   // that will mess up the metrics (the private search pass will find the
145   // same public paths as the previous public pass, "inserted" will be true
146   // here since the item wasn't found, and the public path will be
147   // double-counted in the stats.
148   for (size_t i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
149     const auto& pair = path[i];
151     // Don't overwrite an existing one. The algorithm works by first doing
152     // public, then private, then data, so anything already there is guaranteed
153     // at least as good as our addition.
154     if (stats->found_paths.find(pair.first) == stats->found_paths.end()) {
155       stats->found_paths.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, type));
156       inserted = true;
157     }
158   }
160   if (inserted) {
161     // Only count this path in the stats if any part of it was actually new.
162     if (type == DepType::PUBLIC)
163       stats->public_paths++;
164     else
165       stats->other_paths++;
166   }
167 }
BreadthFirstSearch(const Target * from,const Target * to,PrivateDeps private_deps,DataDeps data_deps,PrintWhat print_what,Stats * stats)169 void BreadthFirstSearch(const Target* from,
170                         const Target* to,
171                         PrivateDeps private_deps,
172                         DataDeps data_deps,
173                         PrintWhat print_what,
174                         Stats* stats) {
175   // Seed the initial stack with just the "from" target.
176   PathVector initial_stack;
177   initial_stack.emplace_back(from, DepType::NONE);
178   WorkQueue work_queue;
179   work_queue.push_back(initial_stack);
181   // Track checked targets to avoid checking the same once more than once.
182   std::set<const Target*> visited;
184   while (!work_queue.empty()) {
185     PathVector current_path = work_queue.front();
186     work_queue.pop_front();
188     const Target* current_target = current_path.back().first;
190     if (current_target == to) {
191       // Found a new path.
192       if (stats->total_paths() == 0 || print_what == PrintWhat::ALL)
193         PrintPath(current_path, DepType::NONE);
195       // Insert all nodes on the path into the found paths list. Since we're
196       // doing search breadth first, we know that the current path is the best
197       // path for all nodes on it.
198       InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(current_path, DepType::NONE, stats);
199     } else {
200       // Check for a path that connects to an already known-good one. Printing
201       // this here will mean the results aren't strictly in depth-first order
202       // since there could be many items on the found path this connects to.
203       // Doing this here will mean that the output is sorted by length of items
204       // printed (with the redundant parts of the path omitted) rather than
205       // complete path length.
206       const auto& found_current_target =
207           stats->found_paths.find(current_target);
208       if (found_current_target != stats->found_paths.end()) {
209         if (stats->total_paths() == 0 || print_what == PrintWhat::ALL)
210           PrintPath(current_path, found_current_target->second);
212         // Insert all nodes on the path into the found paths list since we know
213         // everything along this path also leads to the destination.
214         InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(current_path, found_current_target->second,
215                                     stats);
216         continue;
217       }
218     }
220     // If we've already checked this one, stop. This should be after the above
221     // check for a known-good check, because known-good ones will always have
222     // been previously visited.
223     if (visited.find(current_target) == visited.end())
224       visited.insert(current_target);
225     else
226       continue;
228     // Add public deps for this target to the queue.
229     for (const auto& pair : current_target->public_deps()) {
230       work_queue.push_back(current_path);
231       work_queue.back().push_back(TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::PUBLIC));
232     }
234     if (private_deps == PrivateDeps::INCLUDE) {
235       // Add private deps.
236       for (const auto& pair : current_target->private_deps()) {
237         work_queue.push_back(current_path);
238         work_queue.back().push_back(TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::PRIVATE));
239       }
240     }
242     if (data_deps == DataDeps::INCLUDE) {
243       // Add data deps.
244       for (const auto& pair : current_target->data_deps()) {
245         work_queue.push_back(current_path);
246         work_queue.back().push_back(TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::DATA));
247       }
248     }
249   }
250 }
DoSearch(const Target * from,const Target * to,const Options & options,Stats * stats)252 void DoSearch(const Target* from,
253               const Target* to,
254               const Options& options,
255               Stats* stats) {
256   BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::EXCLUDE, DataDeps::EXCLUDE,
257                      options.print_what, stats);
258   if (!options.public_only) {
259     // Check private deps.
260     BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::INCLUDE, DataDeps::EXCLUDE,
261                        options.print_what, stats);
262     if (options.with_data) {
263       // Check data deps.
264       BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::INCLUDE, DataDeps::INCLUDE,
265                          options.print_what, stats);
266     }
267   }
268 }
270 }  // namespace
272 const char kPath[] = "path";
273 const char kPath_HelpShort[] = "path: Find paths between two targets.";
274 const char kPath_Help[] =
275     R"(gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>
277   Finds paths of dependencies between two targets. Each unique path will be
278   printed in one group, and groups will be separate by newlines. The two
279   targets can appear in either order (paths will be found going in either
280   direction).
282   By default, a single path will be printed. If there is a path with only
283   public dependencies, the shortest public path will be printed. Otherwise, the
284   shortest path using either public or private dependencies will be printed. If
285   --with-data is specified, data deps will also be considered. If there are
286   multiple shortest paths, an arbitrary one will be selected.
288 Interesting paths
290   In a large project, there can be 100's of millions of unique paths between a
291   very high level and a common low-level target. To make the output more useful
292   (and terminate in a reasonable time), GN will not revisit sub-paths
293   previously known to lead to the target.
295 Options
297   --all
298      Prints all "interesting" paths found rather than just the first one.
299      Public paths will be printed first in order of increasing length, followed
300      by non-public paths in order of increasing length.
302   --public
303      Considers only public paths. Can't be used with --with-data.
305   --with-data
306      Additionally follows data deps. Without this flag, only public and private
307      linked deps will be followed. Can't be used with --public.
309 Example
311   gn path out/Default //base //gn
312 )";
RunPath(const std::vector<std::string> & args)314 int RunPath(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
315   if (args.size() != 3) {
316     Err(Location(), "You're holding it wrong.",
317         "Usage: \"gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>\"")
318         .PrintToStdout();
319     return 1;
320   }
322   // Deliberately leaked to avoid expensive process teardown.
323   Setup* setup = new Setup;
324   if (!setup->DoSetup(args[0], false))
325     return 1;
326   if (!setup->Run())
327     return 1;
329   const Target* target1 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[1]);
330   if (!target1)
331     return 1;
332   const Target* target2 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[2]);
333   if (!target2)
334     return 1;
336   Options options;
337   options.print_what = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("all")
338                            ? PrintWhat::ALL
339                            : PrintWhat::ONE;
340   options.public_only =
341       base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("public");
342   options.with_data =
343       base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("with-data");
344   if (options.public_only && options.with_data) {
345     Err(Location(), "Can't use --public with --with-data for 'gn path'.",
346         "Your zealous over-use of arguments has inevitably resulted in an "
347         "invalid\ncombination of flags.")
348         .PrintToStdout();
349     return 1;
350   }
352   Stats stats;
353   DoSearch(target1, target2, options, &stats);
354   if (stats.total_paths() == 0) {
355     // If we don't find a path going "forwards", try the reverse direction.
356     // Deps can only go in one direction without having a cycle, which will
357     // have caused a run failure above.
358     DoSearch(target2, target1, options, &stats);
359   }
361   // This string is inserted in the results to annotate whether the result
362   // is only public or includes data deps or not.
363   const char* path_annotation = "";
364   if (options.public_only)
365     path_annotation = "public ";
366   else if (!options.with_data)
367     path_annotation = "non-data ";
369   if (stats.total_paths() == 0) {
370     // No results.
371     OutputString(
372         base::StringPrintf("No %spaths found between these two targets.\n",
373                            path_annotation),
375   } else if (stats.total_paths() == 1) {
376     // Exactly one result.
377     OutputString(base::StringPrintf("1 %spath found.", path_annotation),
378                  DECORATION_YELLOW);
379     if (!options.public_only) {
380       if (stats.public_paths)
381         OutputString(" It is public.");
382       else
383         OutputString(" It is not public.");
384     }
385     OutputString("\n");
386   } else {
387     if (options.print_what == PrintWhat::ALL) {
388       // Showing all paths when there are many.
389       OutputString(base::StringPrintf("%d \"interesting\" %spaths found.",
390                                       stats.total_paths(), path_annotation),
391                    DECORATION_YELLOW);
392       if (!options.public_only) {
393         OutputString(
394             base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.", stats.public_paths));
395       }
396       OutputString("\n");
397     } else {
398       // Showing one path when there are many.
399       OutputString(
400           base::StringPrintf("Showing one of %d \"interesting\" %spaths.",
401                              stats.total_paths(), path_annotation),
402           DECORATION_YELLOW);
403       if (!options.public_only) {
404         OutputString(
405             base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.", stats.public_paths));
406       }
407       OutputString("\nUse --all to print all paths.\n");
408     }
409   }
410   return 0;
411 }
413 }  // namespace commands