1 // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <memory>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "build/build_config.h"
15 #include "ui/aura/window_tree_host_platform.h"
16 #include "ui/platform_window/extensions/workspace_extension_delegate.h"
17 #include "ui/views/views_export.h"
18 #include "ui/views/widget/desktop_aura/desktop_window_tree_host.h"
19 #include "ui/views/widget/desktop_aura/window_move_client_platform.h"
21 namespace views {
23 class VIEWS_EXPORT DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform
24     : public aura::WindowTreeHostPlatform,
25       public DesktopWindowTreeHost,
26       public ui::WorkspaceExtensionDelegate {
27  public:
28   DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform(
29       internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* native_widget_delegate,
30       DesktopNativeWidgetAura* desktop_native_widget_aura);
31   ~DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform() override;
33   // A way of converting a |widget| into the content_window()
34   // of the associated DesktopNativeWidgetAura.
35   static aura::Window* GetContentWindowForWidget(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
37   // A way of converting a |widget| into this object.
38   static DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform* GetHostForWidget(
39       gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
41   // Accessor for DesktopNativeWidgetAura::content_window().
42   aura::Window* GetContentWindow();
43   const aura::Window* GetContentWindow() const;
45   // DesktopWindowTreeHost:
46   void Init(const Widget::InitParams& params) override;
47   void OnNativeWidgetCreated(const Widget::InitParams& params) override;
48   void OnWidgetInitDone() override;
49   void OnActiveWindowChanged(bool active) override;
50   std::unique_ptr<corewm::Tooltip> CreateTooltip() override;
51   std::unique_ptr<aura::client::DragDropClient> CreateDragDropClient(
52       DesktopNativeCursorManager* cursor_manager) override;
53   void Close() override;
54   void CloseNow() override;
55   aura::WindowTreeHost* AsWindowTreeHost() override;
56   void Show(ui::WindowShowState show_state,
57             const gfx::Rect& restore_bounds) override;
58   bool IsVisible() const override;
59   void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) override;
60   void StackAbove(aura::Window* window) override;
61   void StackAtTop() override;
62   void CenterWindow(const gfx::Size& size) override;
63   void GetWindowPlacement(gfx::Rect* bounds,
64                           ui::WindowShowState* show_state) const override;
65   gfx::Rect GetWindowBoundsInScreen() const override;
66   gfx::Rect GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen() const override;
67   gfx::Rect GetRestoredBounds() const override;
68   std::string GetWorkspace() const override;
69   gfx::Rect GetWorkAreaBoundsInScreen() const override;
70   void SetShape(std::unique_ptr<Widget::ShapeRects> native_shape) override;
71   void Activate() override;
72   void Deactivate() override;
73   bool IsActive() const override;
74   void Maximize() override;
75   void Minimize() override;
76   void Restore() override;
77   bool IsMaximized() const override;
78   bool IsMinimized() const override;
79   bool HasCapture() const override;
80   void SetZOrderLevel(ui::ZOrderLevel order) override;
81   ui::ZOrderLevel GetZOrderLevel() const override;
82   void SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(bool always_visible) override;
83   bool IsVisibleOnAllWorkspaces() const override;
84   bool SetWindowTitle(const base::string16& title) override;
85   void ClearNativeFocus() override;
86   Widget::MoveLoopResult RunMoveLoop(
87       const gfx::Vector2d& drag_offset,
88       Widget::MoveLoopSource source,
89       Widget::MoveLoopEscapeBehavior escape_behavior) override;
90   void EndMoveLoop() override;
91   void SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(bool value) override;
92   std::unique_ptr<NonClientFrameView> CreateNonClientFrameView() override;
93   bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const override;
94   bool ShouldWindowContentsBeTransparent() const override;
95   void FrameTypeChanged() override;
96   void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) override;
97   bool IsFullscreen() const override;
98   void SetOpacity(float opacity) override;
99   void SetAspectRatio(const gfx::SizeF& aspect_ratio) override;
100   void SetWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia& window_icon,
101                       const gfx::ImageSkia& app_icon) override;
102   void InitModalType(ui::ModalType modal_type) override;
103   void FlashFrame(bool flash_frame) override;
104   bool IsAnimatingClosed() const override;
105   bool IsTranslucentWindowOpacitySupported() const override;
106   void SizeConstraintsChanged() override;
107   bool ShouldUpdateWindowTransparency() const override;
108   bool ShouldUseDesktopNativeCursorManager() const override;
109   bool ShouldCreateVisibilityController() const override;
111   // WindowTreeHost:
112   gfx::Transform GetRootTransform() const override;
113   void ShowImpl() override;
114   void HideImpl() override;
116   // PlatformWindowDelegate:
117   void OnClosed() override;
118   void OnWindowStateChanged(ui::PlatformWindowState new_state) override;
119   void OnCloseRequest() override;
120   void OnWillDestroyAcceleratedWidget() override;
121   void OnActivationChanged(bool active) override;
122   base::Optional<gfx::Size> GetMinimumSizeForWindow() override;
123   base::Optional<gfx::Size> GetMaximumSizeForWindow() override;
125   // ui::WorkspaceExtensionDelegate:
126   void OnWorkspaceChanged() override;
128  protected:
129   // TODO(https://crbug.com/990756): move these methods back to private
130   // once DWTHX11 stops using them.
native_widget_delegate()131   internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* native_widget_delegate() {
132     return native_widget_delegate_;
133   }
desktop_native_widget_aura()134   DesktopNativeWidgetAura* desktop_native_widget_aura() {
135     return desktop_native_widget_aura_;
136   }
138   // These are not general purpose methods and must be used with care. Please
139   // make sure you understand the rounding direction before using.
140   gfx::Rect ToDIPRect(const gfx::Rect& rect_in_pixels) const;
141   gfx::Rect ToPixelRect(const gfx::Rect& rect_in_dip) const;
143  private:
144   void ScheduleRelayout();
146   Widget* GetWidget();
147   const Widget* GetWidget() const;
149   // Set visibility and fire OnNativeWidgetVisibilityChanged() if it changed.
150   void SetVisible(bool visible);
152   // There are platform specific properties that Linux may want to add.
153   virtual void AddAdditionalInitProperties(
154       const Widget::InitParams& params,
155       ui::PlatformWindowInitProperties* properties);
157   internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* const native_widget_delegate_;
158   DesktopNativeWidgetAura* const desktop_native_widget_aura_;
160   bool is_active_ = false;
162   base::string16 window_title_;
164   // We can optionally have a parent which can order us to close, or own
165   // children who we're responsible for closing when we CloseNow().
166   DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform* window_parent_ = nullptr;
167   std::set<DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform*> window_children_;
169   // Keep track of PlatformWindow state so that we would react correctly and set
170   // visibility only if the window was minimized or was unminimized from the
171   // normal state.
172   ui::PlatformWindowState old_state_ = ui::PlatformWindowState::kUnknown;
174   // Used for tab dragging in move loop requests.
175   WindowMoveClientPlatform window_move_client_;
177   base::WeakPtrFactory<DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform> close_widget_factory_{
178       this};
180   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DesktopWindowTreeHostPlatform);
181 };
183 }  // namespace views