1# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - mailmanspip
2MailmanSpipSetup=Mailman and SPIP module Setup
3MailmanTitle=Mailman mailing list system
4TestSubscribe=To test subscription to Mailman lists
5TestUnSubscribe=To test unsubscribe from Mailman lists
6MailmanCreationSuccess=Subscription test was executed successfully
7MailmanDeletionSuccess=Unsubscription test was executed successfully
8SynchroMailManEnabled=A Mailman update will be performed
9SynchroSpipEnabled=A Spip update will be performed
10DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_ADMINPW=Mailman administrator password
11DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_URL=URL for Mailman subscriptions
12DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_UNSUB_URL=URL for Mailman unsubscriptions
13DescADHERENT_MAILMAN_LISTS=List(s) for automatic inscription of new members (separated by a comma)
14SPIPTitle=SPIP Content Management System
16DescADHERENT_SPIP_DB=SPIP database name
17DescADHERENT_SPIP_USER=SPIP database login
18DescADHERENT_SPIP_PASS=SPIP database password
19AddIntoSpip=Add into SPIP
20AddIntoSpipConfirmation=Are you sure you want to add this member into SPIP?
21AddIntoSpipError=Failed to add the user in SPIP
22DeleteIntoSpip=Remove from SPIP
23DeleteIntoSpipConfirmation=Are you sure you want to remove this member from SPIP?
24DeleteIntoSpipError=Failed to suppress the user from SPIP
25SPIPConnectionFailed=Failed to connect to SPIP
26SuccessToAddToMailmanList=%s successfully added to mailman list %s or SPIP database
27SuccessToRemoveToMailmanList=%s successfully removed from mailman list %s or SPIP database