1# ProductBATCH language file - Source file is en_US - ProductBATCH
2ManageLotSerial=Use lot/serial number
3ProductStatusOnBatch=Yes (lot required)
4ProductStatusOnSerial=Yes (unique serial number required)
5ProductStatusNotOnBatch=No (lot/serial not used)
10atleast1batchfield=Eat-by date or Sell-by date or Lot/Serial number
11batch_number=Lot/Serial number
13EatByDate=Eat-by date
14SellByDate=Sell-by date
15DetailBatchNumber=Lot/Serial details
16printBatch=Lot/Serial: %s
17printEatby=Eat-by: %s
18printSellby=Sell-by: %s
19printQty=Qty: %d
20AddDispatchBatchLine=Add a line for Shelf Life dispatching
21WhenProductBatchModuleOnOptionAreForced=When module Lot/Serial is on, automatic stock decrease  is forced to 'Decrease real stocks on shipping validation' and automatic increase mode is forced to 'Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouses' and can't be edited. Other options can be defined as you want.
22ProductDoesNotUseBatchSerial=This product does not use lot/serial number
23ProductLotSetup=Setup of module lot/serial
24ShowCurrentStockOfLot=Show current stock for couple product/lot
25ShowLogOfMovementIfLot=Show log of movements for couple product/lot
26StockDetailPerBatch=Stock detail per lot
27SerialNumberAlreadyInUse=Serial number %s is already used for product %s
28TooManyQtyForSerialNumber=You can only have one product %s for serial number %s
29ManageLotMask=Custom mask
30CustomMasks=Option to define a different numbering mask for each product
31BatchLotNumberingModules=Numbering rule for automatic generation of lot number
32BatchSerialNumberingModules=Numbering rule for automatic generation of serial number (for products with property 1 unique lot/serial for each product)
33QtyToAddAfterBarcodeScan=Qty to add for each barcode/lot/serial scanned
34LifeTime=Life span (in days)
35EndOfLife=End of life
36ManufacturingDate=Manufacturing date
37DestructionDate=Destruction date
38FirstUseDate=First use date
39QCFrequency=Quality control frequency (in days)
41#Traceability - qc status
42OutOfOrder=Out of order
43InWorkingOrder=In working order