1# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - banks
3MenuBankCash=Banks | Cash
4MenuVariousPayment=Miscellaneous payments
5MenuNewVariousPayment=New Miscellaneous payment
6BankName=Bank name
8BankAccount=Bank account
9BankAccounts=Bank accounts
10BankAccountsAndGateways=Bank accounts | Gateways
11ShowAccount=Show Account
12AccountRef=Financial account ref
13AccountLabel=Financial account label
14CashAccount=Cash account
15CashAccounts=Cash accounts
16CurrentAccounts=Current accounts
17SavingAccounts=Savings accounts
18ErrorBankLabelAlreadyExists=Financial account label already exists
20BankBalanceBefore=Balance before
21BankBalanceAfter=Balance after
22BalanceMinimalAllowed=Minimum allowed balance
23BalanceMinimalDesired=Minimum desired balance
24InitialBankBalance=Initial balance
25EndBankBalance=End balance
26CurrentBalance=Current balance
27FutureBalance=Future balance
28ShowAllTimeBalance=Show balance from start
29AllTime=From start
31RIB=Bank Account Number
32IBAN=IBAN number
34SwiftValid=BIC/SWIFT valid
35SwiftVNotalid=BIC/SWIFT not valid
36IbanValid=BAN valid
37IbanNotValid=BAN not valid
38StandingOrders=Direct debit orders
39StandingOrder=Direct debit order
40PaymentByDirectDebit=Payment by direct debit
41PaymentByBankTransfers=Payments by credit transfer
42PaymentByBankTransfer=Payment by credit transfer
43AccountStatement=Account statement
45AccountStatements=Account statements
46LastAccountStatements=Last account statements
47IOMonthlyReporting=Monthly reporting
48BankAccountDomiciliation=Bank address
49BankAccountCountry=Account country
50BankAccountOwner=Account owner name
51BankAccountOwnerAddress=Account owner address
52RIBControlError=Integrity check of values failed. This means the information for this account number is not complete or is incorrect (check country, numbers and IBAN).
53CreateAccount=Create account
54NewBankAccount=New account
55NewFinancialAccount=New financial account
56MenuNewFinancialAccount=New financial account
57EditFinancialAccount=Edit account
58LabelBankCashAccount=Bank or cash label
59AccountType=Account type
60BankType0=Savings account
61BankType1=Current or credit card account
62BankType2=Cash account
63AccountsArea=Accounts area
64AccountCard=Account card
65DeleteAccount=Delete account
66ConfirmDeleteAccount=Are you sure you want to delete this account?
68BankTransactionByCategories=Bank entries by categories
69BankTransactionForCategory=Bank entries for category <b>%s</b>
70RemoveFromRubrique=Remove link with category
71RemoveFromRubriqueConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove link between the entry and the category?
72ListBankTransactions=List of bank entries
73IdTransaction=Transaction ID
74BankTransactions=Bank entries
75BankTransaction=Bank entry
76ListTransactions=List entries
77ListTransactionsByCategory=List entries/category
78TransactionsToConciliate=Entries to reconcile
79TransactionsToConciliateShort=To reconcile
80Conciliable=Can be reconciled
83SaveStatementOnly=Save statement only
84ReconciliationLate=Reconciliation late
85IncludeClosedAccount=Include closed accounts
86OnlyOpenedAccount=Only open accounts
87AccountToCredit=Account to credit
88AccountToDebit=Account to debit
89DisableConciliation=Disable reconciliation feature for this account
90ConciliationDisabled=Reconciliation feature disabled
91LinkedToAConciliatedTransaction=Linked to a conciliated entry
96AddBankRecord=Add entry
97AddBankRecordLong=Add entry manually
99ConciliatedBy=Reconciled by
100DateConciliating=Reconcile date
101BankLineConciliated=Entry reconciled with bank receipt
103NotReconciled=Not reconciled
104CustomerInvoicePayment=Customer payment
105SupplierInvoicePayment=Vendor payment
106SubscriptionPayment=Subscription payment
107WithdrawalPayment=Debit payment order
108SocialContributionPayment=Social/fiscal tax payment
109BankTransfer=Credit transfer
110BankTransfers=Credit transfers
111MenuBankInternalTransfer=Internal transfer
112TransferDesc=Use internal transfer to transfer from one account to another, the application will write two records: a debit in the source account and a credit in the target account. The same amount, label and date will be used for this transaction.
115TransferFromToDone=A transfer from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> %s has been recorded.
117ValidateCheckReceipt=Validate this check receipt?
118ConfirmValidateCheckReceipt=Are you sure that you want to submit this check receipt for validation? No changes will be possible once validated.
119DeleteCheckReceipt=Delete this check receipt?
120ConfirmDeleteCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to delete this check receipt?
121BankChecks=Bank checks
122BankChecksToReceipt=Checks awaiting deposit
123BankChecksToReceiptShort=Checks awaiting deposit
124ShowCheckReceipt=Show check deposit receipt
125NumberOfCheques=No. of check
126DeleteTransaction=Delete entry
127ConfirmDeleteTransaction=Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
128ThisWillAlsoDeleteBankRecord=This will also delete generated bank entry
130PlannedTransactions=Planned entries
132ExportDataset_banque_1=Bank entries and account statement
133ExportDataset_banque_2=Deposit slip
134TransactionOnTheOtherAccount=Transaction on the other account
135PaymentNumberUpdateSucceeded=Payment number updated successfully
136PaymentNumberUpdateFailed=Payment number could not be updated
137PaymentDateUpdateSucceeded=Payment date updated successfully
138PaymentDateUpdateFailed=Payment date could not be updated
140BankTransactionLine=Bank entry
141AllAccounts=All bank and cash accounts
142BackToAccount=Back to account
143ShowAllAccounts=Show for all accounts
144FutureTransaction=Future transaction. Unable to reconcile.
145SelectChequeTransactionAndGenerate=Select/filter the checks which are to be included in the check deposit receipt. Then, click on "Create".
146InputReceiptNumber=Choose the bank statement related with the conciliation. Use a sortable numeric value: YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD
147EventualyAddCategory=Eventually, specify a category in which to classify the records
148ToConciliate=To reconcile?
149ThenCheckLinesAndConciliate=Then, check the lines present in the bank statement and click
150DefaultRIB=Default BAN
151AllRIB=All BAN
152LabelRIB=BAN Label
153NoBANRecord=No BAN record
154DeleteARib=Delete BAN record
155ConfirmDeleteRib=Are you sure you want to delete this BAN record?
156RejectCheck=Check returned
157ConfirmRejectCheck=Are you sure you want to mark this check as rejected?
158RejectCheckDate=Date the check was returned
159CheckRejected=Check returned
160CheckRejectedAndInvoicesReopened=Check returned and invoices re-open
161BankAccountModelModule=Document templates for bank accounts
162DocumentModelSepaMandate=Template of SEPA mandate. Useful for European countries in EEC only.
163DocumentModelBan=Template to print a page with BAN information.
164NewVariousPayment=New miscellaneous payment
165VariousPayment=Miscellaneous payment
166VariousPayments=Miscellaneous payments
167ShowVariousPayment=Show miscellaneous payment
168AddVariousPayment=Add miscellaneous payment
169VariousPaymentId=Miscellaneous payment ID
170VariousPaymentLabel=Miscellaneous payment label
171ConfirmCloneVariousPayment=Confirm the clone of a miscellaneous payment
172SEPAMandate=SEPA mandate
173YourSEPAMandate=Your SEPA mandate
174FindYourSEPAMandate=This is your SEPA mandate to authorize our company to make direct debit order to your bank. Return it signed (scan of the signed document) or send it by mail to
175AutoReportLastAccountStatement=Automatically fill the field 'number of bank statement' with last statement number when making reconciliation
176CashControl=POS cash desk control
177NewCashFence=New cash desk opening or closing
178BankColorizeMovement=Colorize movements
179BankColorizeMovementDesc=If this function is enable, you can choose specific background color for debit or credit movements
180BankColorizeMovementName1=Background color for debit movement
181BankColorizeMovementName2=Background color for credit movement
182IfYouDontReconcileDisableProperty=If you don't make the bank reconciliations on some bank accounts, disable the property "%s" on them to remove this warning.
183NoBankAccountDefined=No bank account defined
184NoRecordFoundIBankcAccount=No record found in bank account. Commonly, this occurs when a record has been deleted manually from the list of transaction in the bank account (for example during a reconciliation of the bank account). Another reason is that the payment was recorded when the module "%s" was disabled.