1# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - workflow
2WorkflowSetup=Workflow module setup
3WorkflowDesc=This module provides some automatic actions. By default, the workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want) but here you can activate some automatic actions.
4ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=There is no workflow modifications available with the activated modules.
5# Autocreate
6descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a sales order after a commercial proposal is signed (the new order will have same amount as the proposal)
7descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed (the new invoice will have same amount as the proposal)
8descWORKFLOW_CONTRACT_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a contract is validated
9descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a sales order is closed (the new invoice will have same amount as the order)
10# Autoclassify customer proposal or order
11descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal as billed when sales order is set to billed (and if the amount of the order is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
12descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal as billed when customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
13descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
14descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when customer invoice is set to paid (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
15descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Classify linked source sales order as shipped when a shipment is validated (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
16# Autoclassify purchase order
17descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked proposal)
18descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
19descWORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION=Classify receptions to "billed" when a linked supplier order is validated
20# Autoclose intervention
21descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Close all interventions linked to the ticket when a ticket is closed
22AutomaticCreation=Automatic creation
23AutomaticClassification=Automatic classification
24# Autoclassify shipment
25descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as closed when customer invoice is validated