2/* Copyright (C) 2015      Ion Agorria          <ion@agorria.com>
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
19 *	\file       htdocs/product/dynamic_price/class/price_parser.class.php
20 *	\ingroup    product
21 *	\brief      File of class to calculate prices using expression
22 */
23require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/evalmath.class.php';
24require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/fourn/class/fournisseur.product.class.php';
25require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/dynamic_price/class/price_expression.class.php';
26require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/dynamic_price/class/price_global_variable.class.php';
27require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/product/dynamic_price/class/price_global_variable_updater.class.php';
28require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/extrafields.class.php';
31 * Class to parse product price expressions
32 */
33class PriceParser
35	protected $db;
36	// Limit of expressions per price
37	public $limit = 100;
38	// The error that occurred when parsing price
39	public $error_parser;
40	// The expression that caused the error
41	public $error_expr;
42	//The special char
43	public $special_chr = "#";
44	//The separator char
45	public $separator_chr = ";";
47	/**
48	 *  Constructor
49	 *
50	 *  @param      DoliDB		$db      Database handler
51	 */
52	public function __construct($db)
53	{
54		$this->db = $db;
55	}
57	/**
58	 *	Returns translated error
59	 *
60	 *	@return string      Translated error
61	 */
62	public function translatedError()
63	{
64		global $langs;
65		$langs->load("errors");
66		/*
67		-No arg
68		 9, an unexpected error occured
69		14, division by zero
70		19, expression not found
71		20, empty expression
73		-1 Arg
74		 1, cannot assign to constant '%s'
75		 2, cannot redefine built-in function '%s'
76		 3, undefined variable '%s' in function definition
77		 4, illegal character '%s'
78		 5, unexpected '%s'
79		 8, unexpected operator '%s'
80		10, operator '%s' lacks operand
81		11, expecting '%s'
82		17, undefined variable '%s'
83		21, empty result '%s'
84		22, negative result '%s'
85		24, variable '%s' exists but has no value
87		-2 Args
88		 6, wrong number of arguments (%s given, %s expected)
89		23, unknown or non set variable '%s' after %s
91		-internal errors
92		 7, internal error
93		12, internal error
94		13, internal error
95		15, internal error
96		16, internal error
97		18, internal error
98		*/
99		if (empty($this->error_parser)) {
100			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown", 0); //this is not supposed to happen
101		}
102		list($code, $info) = $this->error_parser;
103		if (in_array($code, array(9, 14, 19, 20))) { //Errors which have 0 arg
104			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpression".$code);
105		} elseif (in_array($code, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 17, 21, 22))) { //Errors which have 1 arg
106			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpression".$code, $info);
107		} elseif (in_array($code, array(6, 23))) { //Errors which have 2 args
108			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpression".$code, $info[0], $info[1]);
109		} elseif (in_array($code, array(7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18))) { //Internal errors
110			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpressionInternal", $code);
111		} else //Unknown errors
112		{
113			return $langs->trans("ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown", $code);
114		}
115	}
117	/**
118	 *	Calculates price based on expression
119	 *
120	 *	@param	Product	$product    	The Product object to get information
121	 *	@param	String 	$expression     The expression to parse
122	 *	@param	array  	$values     	Strings to replaces
123	 *  @return int 					> 0 if OK, < 1 if KO
124	 */
125	public function parseExpression($product, $expression, $values)
126	{
127		global $user;
128		global $hookmanager;
129		$action = 'PARSEEXPRESSION';
130		if ($result = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doDynamiPrice', array(
131								'expression' =>$expression,
132								'product' => $product,
133								'values' => $values
134		), $this, $action)) {
135			return $result;
136		}
137		//Check if empty
138		$expression = trim($expression);
139		if (empty($expression)) {
140			$this->error_parser = array(20, null);
141			return -2;
142		}
144		//Accessible product values by expressions
145		$values = array_merge($values, array(
146			"tva_tx" => $product->tva_tx,
147			"localtax1_tx" => $product->localtax1_tx,
148			"localtax2_tx" => $product->localtax2_tx,
149			"weight" => $product->weight,
150			"length" => $product->length,
151			"surface" => $product->surface,
152			"price_min" => $product->price_min,
153		));
155		//Retrieve all extrafield for product and add it to values
156		$extrafields = new ExtraFields($this->db);
157		$extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label('product', true);
158		$product->fetch_optionals();
159		if (is_array($extrafields->attributes[$product->table_element]['label'])) {
160			foreach ($extrafields->attributes[$product->table_element]['label'] as $key => $label) {
161				$values["extrafield_".$key] = $product->array_options['options_'.$key];
162			}
163		}
165		//Process any pending updaters
166		$price_updaters = new PriceGlobalVariableUpdater($this->db);
167		foreach ($price_updaters->listPendingUpdaters() as $entry) {
168			//Schedule the next update by adding current timestamp (secs) + interval (mins)
169			$entry->update_next_update(dol_now() + ($entry->update_interval * 60), $user);
170			//Do processing
171			$res = $entry->process();
172			//Store any error or clear status if OK
173			$entry->update_status($res < 1 ? $entry->error : '', $user);
174		}
176		//Get all global values
177		$price_globals = new PriceGlobalVariable($this->db);
178		foreach ($price_globals->listGlobalVariables() as $entry) {
179			$values["global_".$entry->code] = $entry->value;
180		}
182		//Remove internal variables
183		unset($values["supplier_id"]);
185		//Prepare the lib, parameters and values
186		$em = new EvalMath();
187		$em->suppress_errors = true; //Don't print errors on page
188		$this->error_expr = null;
189		$last_result = null;
191		//Fill each variable in expression from values
192		$expression = str_replace("\n", $this->separator_chr, $expression);
193		foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
194			if ($value === null && strpos($expression, $key) !== false) {
195				$this->error_parser = array(24, $key);
196				return -7;
197			}
198			$expression = str_replace($this->special_chr.$key.$this->special_chr, strval($value), $expression);
199		}
201		//Check if there is unfilled variable
202		if (strpos($expression, $this->special_chr) !== false) {
203			$data = explode($this->special_chr, $expression);
204			$variable = $this->special_chr.$data[1];
205			if (isset($data[2])) {
206				$variable .= $this->special_chr;
207			}
208			$this->error_parser = array(23, array($variable, $expression));
209			return -6;
210		}
212		//Iterate over each expression splitted by $separator_chr
213		$expressions = explode($this->separator_chr, $expression);
214		$expressions = array_slice($expressions, 0, $this->limit);
215		foreach ($expressions as $expr) {
216			$expr = trim($expr);
217			if (!empty($expr)) {
218				$last_result = $em->evaluate($expr);
219				$this->error_parser = $em->last_error_code;
220				if ($this->error_parser !== null) { //$em->last_error_code is null if no error happened, so just check if error_parser is not null
221					$this->error_expr = $expr;
222					return -3;
223				}
224			}
225		}
226		$vars = $em->vars();
227		if (empty($vars["price"])) {
228			$vars["price"] = $last_result;
229		}
230		if (!isset($vars["price"])) {
231			$this->error_parser = array(21, $expression);
232			return -4;
233		}
234		if ($vars["price"] < 0) {
235			$this->error_parser = array(22, $expression);
236			return -5;
237		}
238		return $vars["price"];
239	}
241	/**
242	 *	Calculates product price based on product id and associated expression
243	 *
244	 *	@param	Product				$product    	The Product object to get information
245	 *	@param	array 				$extra_values   Any aditional values for expression
246	 *	@return int 						> 0 if OK, < 1 if KO
247	 */
248	public function parseProduct($product, $extra_values = array())
249	{
250		//Get the expression from db
251		$price_expression = new PriceExpression($this->db);
252		$res = $price_expression->fetch($product->fk_price_expression);
253		if ($res < 1) {
254			$this->error_parser = array(19, null);
255			return -1;
256		}
258		//Get the supplier min price
259		$productFournisseur = new ProductFournisseur($this->db);
260		$res = $productFournisseur->find_min_price_product_fournisseur($product->id, 0, 0);
261		if ($res < 0) {
262			$this->error_parser = array(25, null);
263			return -1;
264		} elseif ($res == 0) {
265			$supplier_min_price = 0;
266		} else {
267			 $supplier_min_price = $productFournisseur->fourn_unitprice;
268		}
270		//Accessible values by expressions
271		$extra_values = array_merge($extra_values, array(
272			"supplier_min_price" => $supplier_min_price,
273		));
275		//Parse the expression and return the price, if not error occurred check if price is higher than min
276		$result = $this->parseExpression($product, $price_expression->expression, $extra_values);
277		if (empty($this->error_parser)) {
278			if ($result < $product->price_min) {
279				$result = $product->price_min;
280			}
281		}
282		return $result;
283	}
285	/**
286	 *	Calculates supplier product price based on product supplier price and associated expression
287	 *
288	 *	@param	ProductFournisseur	$product_supplier   The Product supplier object to get information
289	 *	@param	array 				$extra_values       Any aditional values for expression
290	 *  @return int 				> 0 if OK, < 1 if KO
291	 */
292	public function parseProductSupplier($product_supplier, $extra_values = array())
293	{
294		//Get the expression from db
295		$price_expression = new PriceExpression($this->db);
296		$res = $price_expression->fetch($product_supplier->fk_supplier_price_expression);
297		if ($res < 1) {
298			$this->error_parser = array(19, null);
299			return -1;
300		}
302		//Get the product data (use ignore_expression to avoid possible recursion)
303		$product_supplier->fetch($product_supplier->id, '', '', '', 1);
305		//Accessible values by expressions
306		$extra_values = array_merge($extra_values, array(
307			"supplier_quantity" => $product_supplier->fourn_qty,
308			"supplier_tva_tx" => $product_supplier->fourn_tva_tx,
309		));
311		//Parse the expression and return the price
312		return $this->parseExpression($product_supplier, $price_expression->expression, $extra_values);
313	}
315	/**
316	 *  Tests string expression for validity
317	 *
318	 *  @param  int					$product_id    	The Product id to get information
319	 *  @param  string 				$expression     The expression to parse
320	 *  @param  array 				$extra_values   Any aditional values for expression
321	 *  @return int 				> 0 if OK, < 1 if KO
322	 */
323	public function testExpression($product_id, $expression, $extra_values = array())
324	{
325		//Get the product data
326		$product = new Product($this->db);
327		$product->fetch($product_id, '', '', 1);
329		//Values for product expressions
330		$extra_values = array_merge($extra_values, array(
331			"supplier_min_price" => 1,
332		));
334		//Values for supplier product expressions
335		$extra_values = array_merge($extra_values, array(
336			"supplier_quantity" => 2,
337			"supplier_tva_tx" => 3,
338		));
339		return $this->parseExpression($product, $expression, $extra_values);
340	}