4 * Perform basic XML-RPC tests that do not require addition callbacks.
5 */
6class XMLRPCBasicTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
8  public static function getInfo() {
9    return array(
10      'name'  => 'XML-RPC basic',
11      'description'  => 'Perform basic XML-RPC tests that do not require additional callbacks.',
12      'group' => 'XML-RPC',
13    );
14  }
16  /**
17   * Ensure that a basic XML-RPC call with no parameters works.
18   */
19  protected function testListMethods() {
20    // Minimum list of methods that should be included.
21    $minimum = array(
22      'system.multicall',
23      'system.methodSignature',
24      'system.getCapabilities',
25      'system.listMethods',
26      'system.methodHelp',
27    );
29    // Invoke XML-RPC call to get list of methods.
30    $url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
31    $methods = xmlrpc($url, array('system.listMethods' => array()));
33    // Ensure that the minimum methods were found.
34    $count = 0;
35    foreach ($methods as $method) {
36      if (in_array($method, $minimum)) {
37        $count++;
38      }
39    }
41    $this->assertEqual($count, count($minimum), 'system.listMethods returned at least the minimum listing');
42  }
44  /**
45   * Ensure that system.methodSignature returns an array of signatures.
46   */
47  protected function testMethodSignature() {
48    $url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
49    $signature = xmlrpc($url, array('system.methodSignature' => array('system.listMethods')));
50    $this->assert(is_array($signature) && !empty($signature) && is_array($signature[0]),
51      'system.methodSignature returns an array of signature arrays.');
52  }
54  /**
55   * Ensure that XML-RPC correctly handles invalid messages when parsing.
56   */
57  protected function testInvalidMessageParsing() {
58    $invalid_messages = array(
59      array(
60        'message' => xmlrpc_message(''),
61        'assertion' => 'Empty message correctly rejected during parsing.',
62      ),
63      array(
64        'message' => xmlrpc_message('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'),
65        'assertion' => 'Empty message with XML declaration correctly rejected during parsing.',
66      ),
67      array(
68        'message' => xmlrpc_message('<?xml version="1.0"?><params><param><value><string>value</string></value></param></params>'),
69        'assertion' => 'Non-empty message without a valid message type is rejected during parsing.',
70      ),
71      array(
72        'message' => xmlrpc_message('<methodResponse><params><param><value><string>value</string></value></param></methodResponse>'),
73        'assertion' => 'Non-empty malformed message is rejected during parsing.',
74      ),
75    );
77    foreach ($invalid_messages as $assertion) {
78      $this->assertFalse(xmlrpc_message_parse($assertion['message']), $assertion['assertion']);
79    }
80  }
83class XMLRPCValidator1IncTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
84  public static function getInfo() {
85    return array(
86      'name' => 'XML-RPC validator',
87      'description' => 'See <a href="http://www.xmlrpc.com/validator1Docs">the xmlrpc validator1 specification</a>.',
88      'group' => 'XML-RPC',
89    );
90  }
92  function setUp() {
93    parent::setUp('xmlrpc_test');
94  }
96  /**
97   * Run validator1 tests.
98   */
99  function testValidator1() {
100    $xml_url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
101    srand();
102    mt_srand();
104    $array_1 = array(array('curly' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
105                  array('curly' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
106                  array('larry' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
107                  array('larry' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
108                  array('moe' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
109                  array('moe' => mt_rand(-100, 100)),
110                  array('larry' => mt_rand(-100, 100)));
111    shuffle($array_1);
112    $l_res_1 = xmlrpc_test_arrayOfStructsTest($array_1);
113    $r_res_1 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.arrayOfStructsTest' => array($array_1)));
114    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_1, $r_res_1);
116    $string_2 = 't\'&>>zf"md>yr>xlcev<h<"k&j<og"w&&>">>uai"np&s>>q\'&b<>"&&&';
117    $l_res_2 = xmlrpc_test_countTheEntities($string_2);
118    $r_res_2 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.countTheEntities' => array($string_2)));
119    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_2, $r_res_2);
121    $struct_3 = array('moe' => mt_rand(-100, 100), 'larry' => mt_rand(-100, 100), 'curly' => mt_rand(-100, 100), 'homer' => mt_rand(-100, 100));
122    $l_res_3 = xmlrpc_test_easyStructTest($struct_3);
123    $r_res_3 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.easyStructTest' => array($struct_3)));
124    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_3, $r_res_3);
126    $struct_4 = array('sub1' => array('bar' => 13),
127                    'sub2' => 14,
128                    'sub3' => array('foo' => 1, 'baz' => 2),
129                    'sub4' => array('ss' => array('sss' => array('ssss' => 'sssss'))));
130    $l_res_4 = xmlrpc_test_echoStructTest($struct_4);
131    $r_res_4 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.echoStructTest' => array($struct_4)));
132    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_4, $r_res_4);
134    $int_5     = mt_rand(-100, 100);
135    $bool_5    = (($int_5 % 2) == 0);
136    $string_5  = $this->randomName();
137    $double_5  = (double)(mt_rand(-1000, 1000) / 100);
138    $time_5    = REQUEST_TIME;
139    $base64_5  = $this->randomName(100);
140    $l_res_5 = xmlrpc_test_manyTypesTest($int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), $base64_5);
141    // See http://drupal.org/node/37766 why this currently fails
142    $l_res_5[5] = $l_res_5[5]->data;
143    $r_res_5 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.manyTypesTest' => array($int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), xmlrpc_base64($base64_5))));
144    // @todo Contains objects, objects are not equal.
145    $this->assertEqual($l_res_5, $r_res_5);
147    $size = mt_rand(100, 200);
148    $array_6 = array();
149    for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
150      $array_6[] = $this->randomName(mt_rand(8, 12));
151    }
153    $l_res_6 = xmlrpc_test_moderateSizeArrayCheck($array_6);
154    $r_res_6 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck' => array($array_6)));
155    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_6, $r_res_6);
157    $struct_7 = array();
158    for ($y = 2000; $y < 2002; $y++) {
159      for ($m = 3; $m < 5; $m++) {
160        for ($d = 1; $d < 6; $d++) {
161          $ys = (string) $y;
162          $ms = sprintf('%02d', $m);
163          $ds = sprintf('%02d', $d);
164          $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['moe']   = mt_rand(-100, 100);
165          $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['larry'] = mt_rand(-100, 100);
166          $struct_7[$ys][$ms][$ds]['curly'] = mt_rand(-100, 100);
167        }
168      }
169    }
170    $l_res_7 = xmlrpc_test_nestedStructTest($struct_7);
171    $r_res_7 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.nestedStructTest' => array($struct_7)));
172    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_7, $r_res_7);
175    $int_8 = mt_rand(-100, 100);
176    $l_res_8 = xmlrpc_test_simpleStructReturnTest($int_8);
177    $r_res_8 = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('validator1.simpleStructReturnTest' => array($int_8)));
178    $this->assertIdentical($l_res_8, $r_res_8);
180    /* Now test multicall */
181    $x = array();
182    $x['validator1.arrayOfStructsTest'] = array($array_1);
183    $x['validator1.countTheEntities'] = array($string_2);
184    $x['validator1.easyStructTest'] = array($struct_3);
185    $x['validator1.echoStructTest'] = array($struct_4);
186    $x['validator1.manyTypesTest'] = array($int_5, $bool_5, $string_5, $double_5, xmlrpc_date($time_5), xmlrpc_base64($base64_5));
187    $x['validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck'] = array($array_6);
188    $x['validator1.nestedStructTest'] = array($struct_7);
189    $x['validator1.simpleStructReturnTest'] = array($int_8);
191    $a_l_res = array($l_res_1, $l_res_2, $l_res_3, $l_res_4, $l_res_5, $l_res_6, $l_res_7, $l_res_8);
192    $a_r_res = xmlrpc($xml_url, $x);
193    $this->assertEqual($a_l_res, $a_r_res);
194  }
197class XMLRPCMessagesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
198  public static function getInfo() {
199    return array(
200      'name'  => 'XML-RPC message and alteration',
201      'description' => 'Test large messages and method alterations.',
202      'group' => 'XML-RPC',
203    );
204  }
206  function setUp() {
207    parent::setUp('xmlrpc_test');
208  }
210  /**
211   * Make sure that XML-RPC can transfer large messages.
212   */
213  function testSizedMessages() {
214    // These tests can produce up to 128 x 160 words in the XML-RPC message
215    // (see xmlrpc_test_message_sized_in_kb()) with 4 tags used to represent
216    // each. Set a large enough tag limit to allow this to be tested.
217    variable_set('xmlrpc_message_maximum_tag_count', 100000);
219    $xml_url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
220    $sizes = array(8, 80, 160);
221    foreach ($sizes as $size) {
222      $xml_message_l = xmlrpc_test_message_sized_in_kb($size);
223      $xml_message_r = xmlrpc($xml_url, array('messages.messageSizedInKB' => array($size)));
225      $this->assertEqual($xml_message_l, $xml_message_r, format_string('XML-RPC messages.messageSizedInKB of %s Kb size received', array('%s' => $size)));
226    }
227  }
229  /**
230   * Ensure that hook_xmlrpc_alter() can hide even builtin methods.
231   */
232  protected function testAlterListMethods() {
234    // Ensure xmlrpc_test_xmlrpc_alter() is disabled and retrieve regular list of methods.
235    variable_set('xmlrpc_test_xmlrpc_alter', FALSE);
236    $url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
237    $methods1 = xmlrpc($url, array('system.listMethods' => array()));
239    // Enable the alter hook and retrieve the list of methods again.
240    variable_set('xmlrpc_test_xmlrpc_alter', TRUE);
241    $methods2 = xmlrpc($url, array('system.listMethods' => array()));
243    $diff = array_diff($methods1, $methods2);
244    $this->assertTrue(is_array($diff) && !empty($diff), 'Method list is altered by hook_xmlrpc_alter');
245    $removed = reset($diff);
246    $this->assertEqual($removed, 'system.methodSignature', 'Hiding builting system.methodSignature with hook_xmlrpc_alter works');
247  }
249  /**
250   * Test limits on system.multicall that can prevent brute-force attacks.
251   */
252  function testMulticallLimit() {
253    $url = url(NULL, array('absolute' => TRUE)) . 'xmlrpc.php';
254    $multicall_args = array();
255    $num_method_calls = 10;
256    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_method_calls; $i++) {
257      $struct = array('i' => $i);
258      $multicall_args[] = array('methodName' => 'validator1.echoStructTest', 'params' => array($struct));
259    }
260    // Test limits of 1, 5, 9, 13.
261    for ($limit = 1; $limit < $num_method_calls + 4; $limit += 4) {
262      variable_set('xmlrpc_multicall_duplicate_method_limit', $limit);
263      $results = xmlrpc($url, array('system.multicall' => array($multicall_args)));
264      $this->assertEqual($num_method_calls, count($results));
265      for ($i = 0; $i < min($limit, $num_method_calls); $i++) {
266        $x = array_shift($results);
267        $this->assertTrue(empty($x->is_error), "Result $i is not an error");
268        $this->assertEqual($multicall_args[$i]['params'][0], $x);
269      }
270      for (; $i < $num_method_calls; $i++) {
271        $x = array_shift($results);
272        $this->assertFalse(empty($x->is_error), "Result $i is an error");
273        $this->assertEqual(-156579, $x->code);
274      }
275    }
276    variable_set('xmlrpc_multicall_duplicate_method_limit', -1);
277    $results = xmlrpc($url, array('system.multicall' => array($multicall_args)));
278    $this->assertEqual($num_method_calls, count($results));
279    foreach ($results as $i => $x) {
280      $this->assertTrue(empty($x->is_error), "Result $i is not an error");
281    }
282  }