3namespace Drupal\Core\Field;
5use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
6use Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface;
7use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
8use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
9use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
10use Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinitionInterface;
11use Drupal\Core\TypedData\Plugin\DataType\ItemList;
14 * Represents an entity field; that is, a list of field item objects.
15 *
16 * An entity field is a list of field items, each containing a set of
17 * properties. Note that even single-valued entity fields are represented as
18 * list of field items, however for easy access to the contained item the entity
19 * field delegates __get() and __set() calls directly to the first item.
20 */
21class FieldItemList extends ItemList implements FieldItemListInterface {
23  /**
24   * Numerically indexed array of field items.
25   *
26   * @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface[]
27   */
28  protected $list = [];
30  /**
31   * The langcode of the field values held in the object.
32   *
33   * @var string
34   */
35  protected $langcode = LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
37  /**
38   * {@inheritdoc}
39   */
40  protected function createItem($offset = 0, $value = NULL) {
41    return \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.field.field_type')->createFieldItem($this, $offset, $value);
42  }
44  /**
45   * {@inheritdoc}
46   */
47  public function getEntity() {
48    // The "parent" is the TypedData object for the entity, we need to unwrap
49    // the actual entity.
50    return $this->getParent()->getValue();
51  }
53  /**
54   * {@inheritdoc}
55   */
56  public function setLangcode($langcode) {
57    $this->langcode = $langcode;
58  }
60  /**
61   * {@inheritdoc}
62   */
63  public function getLangcode() {
64    return $this->langcode;
65  }
67  /**
68   * {@inheritdoc}
69   */
70  public function getFieldDefinition() {
71    return $this->definition;
72  }
74  /**
75   * {@inheritdoc}
76   */
77  public function getSettings() {
78    return $this->definition->getSettings();
79  }
81  /**
82   * {@inheritdoc}
83   */
84  public function getSetting($setting_name) {
85    return $this->definition->getSetting($setting_name);
86  }
88  /**
89   * {@inheritdoc}
90   */
91  public function filterEmptyItems() {
92    $this->filter(function ($item) {
93      return !$item->isEmpty();
94    });
95    return $this;
96  }
98  /**
99   * {@inheritdoc}
100   */
101  public function setValue($values, $notify = TRUE) {
102    // Support passing in only the value of the first item, either as a literal
103    // (value of the first property) or as an array of properties.
104    if (isset($values) && (!is_array($values) || (!empty($values) && !is_numeric(current(array_keys($values)))))) {
105      $values = [0 => $values];
106    }
107    parent::setValue($values, $notify);
108  }
110  /**
111   * {@inheritdoc}
112   */
113  public function __get($property_name) {
114    // For empty fields, $entity->field->property is NULL.
115    if ($item = $this->first()) {
116      return $item->__get($property_name);
117    }
118  }
120  /**
121   * {@inheritdoc}
122   */
123  public function __set($property_name, $value) {
124    // For empty fields, $entity->field->property = $value automatically
125    // creates the item before assigning the value.
126    $item = $this->first() ?: $this->appendItem();
127    $item->__set($property_name, $value);
128  }
130  /**
131   * {@inheritdoc}
132   */
133  public function __isset($property_name) {
134    if ($item = $this->first()) {
135      return $item->__isset($property_name);
136    }
137    return FALSE;
138  }
140  /**
141   * {@inheritdoc}
142   */
143  public function __unset($property_name) {
144    if ($item = $this->first()) {
145      $item->__unset($property_name);
146    }
147  }
149  /**
150   * {@inheritdoc}
151   */
152  public function access($operation = 'view', AccountInterface $account = NULL, $return_as_object = FALSE) {
153    $access_control_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getAccessControlHandler($this->getEntity()->getEntityTypeId());
154    return $access_control_handler->fieldAccess($operation, $this->getFieldDefinition(), $account, $this, $return_as_object);
155  }
157  /**
158   * {@inheritdoc}
159   */
160  public function defaultAccess($operation = 'view', AccountInterface $account = NULL) {
161    // Grant access per default.
162    return AccessResult::allowed();
163  }
165  /**
166   * {@inheritdoc}
167   */
168  public function applyDefaultValue($notify = TRUE) {
169    if ($value = $this->getFieldDefinition()->getDefaultValue($this->getEntity())) {
170      $this->setValue($value, $notify);
171    }
172    else {
173      // Create one field item and give it a chance to apply its defaults.
174      // Remove it if this ended up doing nothing.
175      // @todo Having to create an item in case it wants to set a value is
176      // absurd. Remove that in https://www.drupal.org/node/2356623.
177      $item = $this->first() ?: $this->appendItem();
178      $item->applyDefaultValue(FALSE);
179      $this->filterEmptyItems();
180    }
181    return $this;
182  }
184  /**
185   * {@inheritdoc}
186   */
187  public function preSave() {
188    // Filter out empty items.
189    $this->filterEmptyItems();
191    $this->delegateMethod('preSave');
192  }
194  /**
195   * {@inheritdoc}
196   */
197  public function postSave($update) {
198    $result = $this->delegateMethod('postSave', $update);
199    return (bool) array_filter($result);
200  }
202  /**
203   * {@inheritdoc}
204   */
205  public function delete() {
206    $this->delegateMethod('delete');
207  }
209  /**
210   * {@inheritdoc}
211   */
212  public function deleteRevision() {
213    $this->delegateMethod('deleteRevision');
214  }
216  /**
217   * Calls a method on each FieldItem.
218   *
219   * Any argument passed will be forwarded to the invoked method.
220   *
221   * @param string $method
222   *   The name of the method to be invoked.
223   *
224   * @return array
225   *   An array of results keyed by delta.
226   */
227  protected function delegateMethod($method) {
228    $result = [];
229    $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
230    foreach ($this->list as $delta => $item) {
231      // call_user_func_array() is way slower than a direct call so we avoid
232      // using it if have no parameters.
233      $result[$delta] = $args ? call_user_func_array([$item, $method], $args) : $item->{$method}();
234    }
235    return $result;
236  }
238  /**
239   * {@inheritdoc}
240   */
241  public function view($display_options = []) {
242    $view_builder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder($this->getEntity()->getEntityTypeId());
243    return $view_builder->viewField($this, $display_options);
244  }
246  /**
247   * {@inheritdoc}
248   */
249  public function generateSampleItems($count = 1) {
250    $field_definition = $this->getFieldDefinition();
251    $field_type_class = $field_definition->getItemDefinition()->getClass();
252    for ($delta = 0; $delta < $count; $delta++) {
253      $values[$delta] = $field_type_class::generateSampleValue($field_definition);
254    }
255    $this->setValue($values);
256  }
258  /**
259   * {@inheritdoc}
260   */
261  public function getConstraints() {
262    $constraints = parent::getConstraints();
263    // Check that the number of values doesn't exceed the field cardinality. For
264    // form submitted values, this can only happen with 'multiple value'
265    // widgets.
266    $cardinality = $this->getFieldDefinition()->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getCardinality();
267    if ($cardinality != FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) {
268      $constraints[] = $this->getTypedDataManager()
269        ->getValidationConstraintManager()
270        ->create('Count', [
271          'max' => $cardinality,
272          'maxMessage' => t('%name: this field cannot hold more than @count values.', ['%name' => $this->getFieldDefinition()->getLabel(), '@count' => $cardinality]),
273        ]);
274    }
276    return $constraints;
277  }
279  /**
280   * {@inheritdoc}
281   */
282  public function defaultValuesForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
283    if (empty($this->getFieldDefinition()->getDefaultValueCallback())) {
284      if ($widget = $this->defaultValueWidget($form_state)) {
285        // Place the input in a separate place in the submitted values tree.
286        $element = ['#parents' => ['default_value_input']];
287        $element += $widget->form($this, $element, $form_state);
289        return $element;
290      }
291      else {
292        return ['#markup' => $this->t('No widget available for: %type.', ['%type' => $this->getFieldDefinition()->getType()])];
293      }
294    }
295  }
297  /**
298   * {@inheritdoc}
299   */
300  public function defaultValuesFormValidate(array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
301    // Extract the submitted value, and validate it.
302    if ($widget = $this->defaultValueWidget($form_state)) {
303      $widget->extractFormValues($this, $element, $form_state);
304      // Force a non-required field definition.
305      // @see self::defaultValueWidget().
306      $this->getFieldDefinition()->setRequired(FALSE);
307      $violations = $this->validate();
309      // Assign reported errors to the correct form element.
310      if (count($violations)) {
311        $widget->flagErrors($this, $violations, $element, $form_state);
312      }
313    }
314  }
316  /**
317   * {@inheritdoc}
318   */
319  public function defaultValuesFormSubmit(array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
320    // Extract the submitted value, and return it as an array.
321    if ($widget = $this->defaultValueWidget($form_state)) {
322      $widget->extractFormValues($this, $element, $form_state);
323      return $this->getValue();
324    }
325    return [];
326  }
328  /**
329   * {@inheritdoc}
330   */
331  public static function processDefaultValue($default_value, FieldableEntityInterface $entity, FieldDefinitionInterface $definition) {
332    return $default_value;
333  }
335  /**
336   * Returns the widget object used in default value form.
337   *
338   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
339   *   The form state of the (entire) configuration form.
340   *
341   * @return \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetInterface|null
342   *   A Widget object or NULL if no widget is available.
343   */
344  protected function defaultValueWidget(FormStateInterface $form_state) {
345    if (!$form_state->has('default_value_widget')) {
346      $entity = $this->getEntity();
348      // Force a non-required widget.
349      $definition = $this->getFieldDefinition();
350      $definition->setRequired(FALSE);
351      $definition->setDescription('');
353      // Use the widget currently configured for the 'default' form mode, or
354      // fallback to the default widget for the field type.
355      $entity_form_display = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
356        ->getFormDisplay($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $entity->bundle());
357      $widget = $entity_form_display->getRenderer($this->getFieldDefinition()->getName());
358      if (!$widget) {
359        $widget = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.field.widget')->getInstance(['field_definition' => $this->getFieldDefinition()]);
360      }
362      $form_state->set('default_value_widget', $widget);
363    }
365    return $form_state->get('default_value_widget');
366  }
368  /**
369   * {@inheritdoc}
370   */
371  public function equals(FieldItemListInterface $list_to_compare) {
372    $count1 = count($this);
373    $count2 = count($list_to_compare);
374    if ($count1 === 0 && $count2 === 0) {
375      // Both are empty we can safely assume that it did not change.
376      return TRUE;
377    }
378    if ($count1 !== $count2) {
379      // One of them is empty but not the other one so the value changed.
380      return FALSE;
381    }
382    $value1 = $this->getValue();
383    $value2 = $list_to_compare->getValue();
384    if ($value1 === $value2) {
385      return TRUE;
386    }
387    // If the values are not equal ensure a consistent order of field item
388    // properties and remove properties which will not be saved.
389    $property_definitions = $this->getFieldDefinition()->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getPropertyDefinitions();
390    $non_computed_properties = array_filter($property_definitions, function (DataDefinitionInterface $property) {
391      return !$property->isComputed();
392    });
393    $callback = function (&$value) use ($non_computed_properties) {
394      if (is_array($value)) {
395        $value = array_intersect_key($value, $non_computed_properties);
397        // Also filter out properties with a NULL value as they might exist in
398        // one field item and not in the other, depending on how the values are
399        // set. Do not filter out empty strings or other false-y values as e.g.
400        // a NULL or FALSE in a boolean field is not the same.
401        $value = array_filter($value, function ($property) {
402          return $property !== NULL;
403        });
405        ksort($value);
406      }
407    };
408    array_walk($value1, $callback);
409    array_walk($value2, $callback);
411    return $value1 == $value2;
412  }
414  /**
415   * {@inheritdoc}
416   */
417  public function hasAffectingChanges(FieldItemListInterface $original_items, $langcode) {
418    return !$this->equals($original_items);
419  }