1 //! The task module.
2 //!
3 //! The task module contains the code that manages spawned tasks and provides a
4 //! safe API for the rest of the runtime to use. Each task in a runtime is
5 //! stored in an OwnedTasks or LocalOwnedTasks object.
6 //!
7 //! # Task reference types
8 //!
9 //! A task is usually referenced by multiple handles, and there are several
10 //! types of handles.
11 //!
12 //!  * OwnedTask - tasks stored in an OwnedTasks or LocalOwnedTasks are of this
13 //!    reference type.
14 //!
15 //!  * JoinHandle - each task has a JoinHandle that allows access to the output
16 //!    of the task.
17 //!
18 //!  * Waker - every waker for a task has this reference type. There can be any
19 //!    number of waker references.
20 //!
21 //!  * Notified - tracks whether the task is notified.
22 //!
23 //!  * Unowned - this task reference type is used for tasks not stored in any
24 //!    runtime. Mainly used for blocking tasks, but also in tests.
25 //!
26 //! The task uses a reference count to keep track of how many active references
27 //! exist. The Unowned reference type takes up two ref-counts. All other
28 //! reference types take pu a single ref-count.
29 //!
30 //! Besides the waker type, each task has at most one of each reference type.
31 //!
32 //! # State
33 //!
34 //! The task stores its state in an atomic usize with various bitfields for the
35 //! necessary information. The state has the following bitfields:
36 //!
37 //!  * RUNNING - Tracks whether the task is currently being polled or cancelled.
38 //!    This bit functions as a lock around the task.
39 //!
40 //!  * COMPLETE - Is one once the future has fully completed and has been
41 //!    dropped. Never unset once set. Never set together with RUNNING.
42 //!
43 //!  * NOTIFIED - Tracks whether a Notified object currently exists.
44 //!
45 //!  * CANCELLED - Is set to one for tasks that should be cancelled as soon as
46 //!    possible. May take any value for completed tasks.
47 //!
48 //!  * JOIN_INTEREST - Is set to one if there exists a JoinHandle.
49 //!
50 //!  * JOIN_WAKER - Is set to one if the JoinHandle has set a waker.
51 //!
52 //! The rest of the bits are used for the ref-count.
53 //!
54 //! # Fields in the task
55 //!
56 //! The task has various fields. This section describes how and when it is safe
57 //! to access a field.
58 //!
59 //!  * The state field is accessed with atomic instructions.
60 //!
61 //!  * The OwnedTask reference has exclusive access to the `owned` field.
62 //!
63 //!  * The Notified reference has exclusive access to the `queue_next` field.
64 //!
65 //!  * The `owner_id` field can be set as part of construction of the task, but
66 //!    is otherwise immutable and anyone can access the field immutably without
67 //!    synchronization.
68 //!
69 //!  * If COMPLETE is one, then the JoinHandle has exclusive access to the
70 //!    stage field. If COMPLETE is zero, then the RUNNING bitfield functions as
71 //!    a lock for the stage field, and it can be accessed only by the thread
72 //!    that set RUNNING to one.
73 //!
74 //!  * If JOIN_WAKER is zero, then the JoinHandle has exclusive access to the
75 //!    join handle waker. If JOIN_WAKER and COMPLETE are both one, then the
76 //!    thread that set COMPLETE to one has exclusive access to the join handle
77 //!    waker.
78 //!
79 //! All other fields are immutable and can be accessed immutably without
80 //! synchronization by anyone.
81 //!
82 //! # Safety
83 //!
84 //! This section goes through various situations and explains why the API is
85 //! safe in that situation.
86 //!
87 //! ## Polling or dropping the future
88 //!
89 //! Any mutable access to the future happens after obtaining a lock by modifying
90 //! the RUNNING field, so exclusive access is ensured.
91 //!
92 //! When the task completes, exclusive access to the output is transferred to
93 //! the JoinHandle. If the JoinHandle is already dropped when the transition to
94 //! complete happens, the thread performing that transition retains exclusive
95 //! access to the output and should immediately drop it.
96 //!
97 //! ## Non-Send futures
98 //!
99 //! If a future is not Send, then it is bound to a LocalOwnedTasks.  The future
100 //! will only ever be polled or dropped given a LocalNotified or inside a call
101 //! to LocalOwnedTasks::shutdown_all. In either case, it is guaranteed that the
102 //! future is on the right thread.
103 //!
104 //! If the task is never removed from the LocalOwnedTasks, then it is leaked, so
105 //! there is no risk that the task is dropped on some other thread when the last
106 //! ref-count drops.
107 //!
108 //! ## Non-Send output
109 //!
110 //! When a task completes, the output is placed in the stage of the task. Then,
111 //! a transition that sets COMPLETE to true is performed, and the value of
112 //! JOIN_INTEREST when this transition happens is read.
113 //!
114 //! If JOIN_INTEREST is zero when the transition to COMPLETE happens, then the
115 //! output is immediately dropped.
116 //!
117 //! If JOIN_INTEREST is one when the transition to COMPLETE happens, then the
118 //! JoinHandle is responsible for cleaning up the output. If the output is not
119 //! Send, then this happens:
120 //!
121 //!  1. The output is created on the thread that the future was polled on. Since
122 //!     only non-Send futures can have non-Send output, the future was polled on
123 //!     the thread that the future was spawned from.
124 //!  2. Since JoinHandle<Output> is not Send if Output is not Send, the
125 //!     JoinHandle is also on the thread that the future was spawned from.
126 //!  3. Thus, the JoinHandle will not move the output across threads when it
127 //!     takes or drops the output.
128 //!
129 //! ## Recursive poll/shutdown
130 //!
131 //! Calling poll from inside a shutdown call or vice-versa is not prevented by
132 //! the API exposed by the task module, so this has to be safe. In either case,
133 //! the lock in the RUNNING bitfield makes the inner call return immediately. If
134 //! the inner call is a `shutdown` call, then the CANCELLED bit is set, and the
135 //! poll call will notice it when the poll finishes, and the task is cancelled
136 //! at that point.
138 mod core;
139 use self::core::Cell;
140 use self::core::Header;
142 mod error;
143 #[allow(unreachable_pub)] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57411
144 pub use self::error::JoinError;
146 mod harness;
147 use self::harness::Harness;
149 cfg_rt_multi_thread! {
150     mod inject;
151     pub(super) use self::inject::Inject;
152 }
154 mod join;
155 #[allow(unreachable_pub)] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57411
156 pub use self::join::JoinHandle;
158 mod list;
159 pub(crate) use self::list::{LocalOwnedTasks, OwnedTasks};
161 mod raw;
162 use self::raw::RawTask;
164 mod state;
165 use self::state::State;
167 mod waker;
169 use crate::future::Future;
170 use crate::util::linked_list;
172 use std::marker::PhantomData;
173 use std::ptr::NonNull;
174 use std::{fmt, mem};
176 /// An owned handle to the task, tracked by ref count
177 #[repr(transparent)]
178 pub(crate) struct Task<S: 'static> {
179     raw: RawTask,
180     _p: PhantomData<S>,
181 }
183 unsafe impl<S> Send for Task<S> {}
184 unsafe impl<S> Sync for Task<S> {}
186 /// A task was notified.
187 #[repr(transparent)]
188 pub(crate) struct Notified<S: 'static>(Task<S>);
190 // safety: This type cannot be used to touch the task without first verifying
191 // that the value is on a thread where it is safe to poll the task.
192 unsafe impl<S: Schedule> Send for Notified<S> {}
193 unsafe impl<S: Schedule> Sync for Notified<S> {}
195 /// A non-Send variant of Notified with the invariant that it is on a thread
196 /// where it is safe to poll it.
197 #[repr(transparent)]
198 pub(crate) struct LocalNotified<S: 'static> {
199     task: Task<S>,
200     _not_send: PhantomData<*const ()>,
201 }
203 /// A task that is not owned by any OwnedTasks. Used for blocking tasks.
204 /// This type holds two ref-counts.
205 pub(crate) struct UnownedTask<S: 'static> {
206     raw: RawTask,
207     _p: PhantomData<S>,
208 }
210 // safety: This type can only be created given a Send task.
211 unsafe impl<S> Send for UnownedTask<S> {}
212 unsafe impl<S> Sync for UnownedTask<S> {}
214 /// Task result sent back
215 pub(crate) type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, JoinError>;
217 pub(crate) trait Schedule: Sync + Sized + 'static {
218     /// The task has completed work and is ready to be released. The scheduler
219     /// should release it immediately and return it. The task module will batch
220     /// the ref-dec with setting other options.
221     ///
222     /// If the scheduler has already released the task, then None is returned.
release(&self, task: &Task<Self>) -> Option<Task<Self>>223     fn release(&self, task: &Task<Self>) -> Option<Task<Self>>;
225     /// Schedule the task
schedule(&self, task: Notified<Self>)226     fn schedule(&self, task: Notified<Self>);
228     /// Schedule the task to run in the near future, yielding the thread to
229     /// other tasks.
yield_now(&self, task: Notified<Self>)230     fn yield_now(&self, task: Notified<Self>) {
231         self.schedule(task);
232     }
233 }
235 cfg_rt! {
236     /// This is the constructor for a new task. Three references to the task are
237     /// created. The first task reference is usually put into an OwnedTasks
238     /// immediately. The Notified is sent to the scheduler as an ordinary
239     /// notification.
240     fn new_task<T, S>(
241         task: T,
242         scheduler: S
243     ) -> (Task<S>, Notified<S>, JoinHandle<T::Output>)
244     where
245         S: Schedule,
246         T: Future + 'static,
247         T::Output: 'static,
248     {
249         let raw = RawTask::new::<T, S>(task, scheduler);
250         let task = Task {
251             raw,
252             _p: PhantomData,
253         };
254         let notified = Notified(Task {
255             raw,
256             _p: PhantomData,
257         });
258         let join = JoinHandle::new(raw);
260         (task, notified, join)
261     }
263     /// Create a new task with an associated join handle. This method is used
264     /// only when the task is not going to be stored in an `OwnedTasks` list.
265     ///
266     /// Currently only blocking tasks use this method.
267     pub(crate) fn unowned<T, S>(task: T, scheduler: S) -> (UnownedTask<S>, JoinHandle<T::Output>)
268     where
269         S: Schedule,
270         T: Send + Future + 'static,
271         T::Output: Send + 'static,
272     {
273         let (task, notified, join) = new_task(task, scheduler);
275         // This transfers the ref-count of task and notified into an UnownedTask.
276         // This is valid because an UnownedTask holds two ref-counts.
277         let unowned = UnownedTask {
278             raw: task.raw,
279             _p: PhantomData,
280         };
281         std::mem::forget(task);
282         std::mem::forget(notified);
284         (unowned, join)
285     }
286 }
288 impl<S: 'static> Task<S> {
from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Task<S>289     unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Task<S> {
290         Task {
291             raw: RawTask::from_raw(ptr),
292             _p: PhantomData,
293         }
294     }
header(&self) -> &Header296     fn header(&self) -> &Header {
297         self.raw.header()
298     }
299 }
301 impl<S: 'static> Notified<S> {
header(&self) -> &Header302     fn header(&self) -> &Header {
303         self.0.header()
304     }
305 }
307 cfg_rt_multi_thread! {
308     impl<S: 'static> Notified<S> {
309         unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Notified<S> {
310             Notified(Task::from_raw(ptr))
311         }
312     }
314     impl<S: 'static> Task<S> {
315         fn into_raw(self) -> NonNull<Header> {
316             let ret = self.header().into();
317             mem::forget(self);
318             ret
319         }
320     }
322     impl<S: 'static> Notified<S> {
323         fn into_raw(self) -> NonNull<Header> {
324             self.0.into_raw()
325         }
326     }
327 }
329 impl<S: Schedule> Task<S> {
330     /// Pre-emptively cancel the task as part of the shutdown process.
shutdown(self)331     pub(crate) fn shutdown(self) {
332         let raw = self.raw;
333         mem::forget(self);
334         raw.shutdown();
335     }
336 }
338 impl<S: Schedule> LocalNotified<S> {
339     /// Run the task
run(self)340     pub(crate) fn run(self) {
341         let raw = self.task.raw;
342         mem::forget(self);
343         raw.poll();
344     }
345 }
347 impl<S: Schedule> UnownedTask<S> {
348     // Used in test of the inject queue.
349     #[cfg(test)]
into_notified(self) -> Notified<S>350     pub(super) fn into_notified(self) -> Notified<S> {
351         Notified(self.into_task())
352     }
into_task(self) -> Task<S>354     fn into_task(self) -> Task<S> {
355         // Convert into a task.
356         let task = Task {
357             raw: self.raw,
358             _p: PhantomData,
359         };
360         mem::forget(self);
362         // Drop a ref-count since an UnownedTask holds two.
363         task.header().state.ref_dec();
365         task
366     }
run(self)368     pub(crate) fn run(self) {
369         let raw = self.raw;
370         mem::forget(self);
372         // Transfer one ref-count to a Task object.
373         let task = Task::<S> {
374             raw,
375             _p: PhantomData,
376         };
378         // Use the other ref-count to poll the task.
379         raw.poll();
380         // Decrement our extra ref-count
381         drop(task);
382     }
shutdown(self)384     pub(crate) fn shutdown(self) {
385         self.into_task().shutdown()
386     }
387 }
389 impl<S: 'static> Drop for Task<S> {
drop(&mut self)390     fn drop(&mut self) {
391         // Decrement the ref count
392         if self.header().state.ref_dec() {
393             // Deallocate if this is the final ref count
394             self.raw.dealloc();
395         }
396     }
397 }
399 impl<S: 'static> Drop for UnownedTask<S> {
drop(&mut self)400     fn drop(&mut self) {
401         // Decrement the ref count
402         if self.raw.header().state.ref_dec_twice() {
403             // Deallocate if this is the final ref count
404             self.raw.dealloc();
405         }
406     }
407 }
409 impl<S> fmt::Debug for Task<S> {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result410     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
411         write!(fmt, "Task({:p})", self.header())
412     }
413 }
415 impl<S> fmt::Debug for Notified<S> {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result416     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
417         write!(fmt, "task::Notified({:p})", self.0.header())
418     }
419 }
421 /// # Safety
422 ///
423 /// Tasks are pinned
424 unsafe impl<S> linked_list::Link for Task<S> {
425     type Handle = Task<S>;
426     type Target = Header;
as_raw(handle: &Task<S>) -> NonNull<Header>428     fn as_raw(handle: &Task<S>) -> NonNull<Header> {
429         handle.header().into()
430     }
from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Task<S>432     unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Task<S> {
433         Task::from_raw(ptr)
434     }
pointers(target: NonNull<Header>) -> NonNull<linked_list::Pointers<Header>>436     unsafe fn pointers(target: NonNull<Header>) -> NonNull<linked_list::Pointers<Header>> {
437         // Not super great as it avoids some of looms checking...
438         NonNull::from(target.as_ref().owned.with_mut(|ptr| &mut *ptr))
439     }
440 }