1[%# variables in this template
2  isXML       [bool]
3  extmap      [ExtensionMap object]
4  suitetitle  [string]
5  specroot    [URI of spec]
6  formatdir   [string]
7  chaptitle   [string]
8  chapdir     [string]
9  testcount   [number]
10  sections    [list of struct]
11    .id          [string - section number or id]
12    .uri         [URI of section]
13    .tests       [list of struct]
14       .asserts    [list of strings]
15       .flags      [list of token strings]
16       .links      [list of uri strings]
17       .name       [string]
19[% PROCESS suitedata.tmpl %]
20[% IF isXML %]
21<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
22<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
23[% formatMismatchFlag = 'HTMLonly' %]
24[% ELSE %]
25<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
27[% formatMismatchFlag = 'nonHTML' %]
28[% END %]
29 <head>
30  <title>[% suitetitle %] Reftest Index</title>
31  <style type="text/css">
32    @import "http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/base.css";
33    @import "[% IF formatdir %]../[% END %]indices.css";
34  </style>
35 </head>
37 <body>
39  <h1>[% suitetitle %] Reftest Index</h1>
40  <table width="100%">
41    <col id="test-column">[% IF isXML %]</col>[% END %]
42    <col id="ref-column">[% IF isXML %]</col>[% END %]
43    <col id="flags-column">[% IF isXML %]</col>[% END %]
44    <thead>
45      <tr>
46        <th>Test</th>
47        <th>Reference</th>
48        <th>Flags</th>
49      </tr>
50    </thead>
51[% FOREACH entry IN tests.sort('name') %]
52  [% IF entry.references and not entry.flags.contains(formatMismatchFlag) %]
53    <tbody id="[% entry.name %]" class="[% entry.flags.join(' ') %]">
54    [% FOREACH refList IN entry.references %]
55      [% IF loop.first %]
56      <tr>
57        <td rowspan="[% loop.size %]" title="[% entry.title | collapse | html %]">
58          <a href="[% extmap.translate(entry.file) %]">[% entry.name %]</a></td>
59        <td>[% FOREACH ref IN refList %]<a href="[% extmap.translate(ref.relpath) %]">[% refCompMap.${ref.type} %]</a> [% END %]</td>
60        <td rowspan="[% entry.references.size %]">[% FOREACH flag IN entry.flags %][% IF flag != 'nonHTML' and flag != 'HTMLonly' %]<abbr class="[% flag %]" title="[% flagInfo.$flag.title %]">[% flagInfo.$flag.abbr %]</abbr>[% END %][% END %]</td>
61      </tr>
62      [% ELSE %]
63      <tr>
64        <td><a href="[% extmap.translate(ref.relpath) %]">[% refCompMap.${ref.type} %]</a></td>
65      </tr>
66      [% END %]
67    [% END %]
68    </tbody>
69  [% END %]
70[% END %]
71  </table>
73 </body>