1from collections import OrderedDict
2from datetime import datetime, timedelta
3from io import BytesIO
4import json
5import uuid
7from hpack.struct import HeaderTuple
8from http.cookies import BaseCookie, Morsel
9from hyperframe.frame import HeadersFrame, DataFrame, ContinuationFrame
11from .constants import response_codes, h2_headers
12from .logger import get_logger
13from .utils import isomorphic_decode, isomorphic_encode
15missing = object()
18class Response(object):
19    """Object representing the response to a HTTP request
21    :param handler: RequestHandler being used for this response
22    :param request: Request that this is the response for
24    .. attribute:: request
26       Request associated with this Response.
28    .. attribute:: encoding
30       The encoding to use when converting unicode to strings for output.
32    .. attribute:: add_required_headers
34       Boolean indicating whether mandatory headers should be added to the
35       response.
37    .. attribute:: send_body_for_head_request
39       Boolean, default False, indicating whether the body content should be
40       sent when the request method is HEAD.
42    .. attribute:: writer
44       The ResponseWriter for this response
46    .. attribute:: status
48       Status tuple (code, message). Can be set to an integer in which case the
49       message part is filled in automatically, or a tuple (code, message) in
50       which case code is an int and message is a text or binary string.
52    .. attribute:: headers
54       List of HTTP headers to send with the response. Each item in the list is a
55       tuple of (name, value).
57    .. attribute:: content
59       The body of the response. This can either be a string or a iterable of response
60       parts. If it is an iterable, any item may be a string or a function of zero
61       parameters which, when called, returns a string."""
63    def __init__(self, handler, request, response_writer_cls=None):
64        self.request = request
65        self.encoding = "utf8"
67        self.add_required_headers = True
68        self.send_body_for_head_request = False
69        self.close_connection = False
71        self.logger = get_logger()
72        self.writer = response_writer_cls(handler, self) if response_writer_cls else ResponseWriter(handler, self)
74        self._status = (200, None)
75        self.headers = ResponseHeaders()
76        self.content = []
78    @property
79    def status(self):
80        return self._status
82    @status.setter
83    def status(self, value):
84        if hasattr(value, "__len__"):
85            if len(value) != 2:
86                raise ValueError
87            else:
88                code = int(value[0])
89                message = value[1]
90                # Only call str() if message is not a string type, so that we
91                # don't get `str(b"foo") == "b'foo'"` in Python 3.
92                if not isinstance(message, (bytes, str)):
93                    message = str(message)
94                self._status = (code, message)
95        else:
96            self._status = (int(value), None)
98    def set_cookie(self, name, value, path="/", domain=None, max_age=None,
99                   expires=None, secure=False, httponly=False, comment=None):
100        """Set a cookie to be sent with a Set-Cookie header in the
101        response
103        :param name: name of the cookie (a binary string)
104        :param value: value of the cookie (a binary string, or None)
105        :param max_age: datetime.timedelta int representing the time (in seconds)
106                        until the cookie expires
107        :param path: String path to which the cookie applies
108        :param domain: String domain to which the cookie applies
109        :param secure: Boolean indicating whether the cookie is marked as secure
110        :param httponly: Boolean indicating whether the cookie is marked as
111                         HTTP Only
112        :param comment: String comment
113        :param expires: datetime.datetime or datetime.timedelta indicating a
114                        time or interval from now when the cookie expires
116        """
117        # TODO(Python 3): Convert other parameters (e.g. path) to bytes, too.
118        if value is None:
119            value = b''
120            max_age = 0
121            expires = timedelta(days=-1)
123        name = isomorphic_decode(name)
124        value = isomorphic_decode(value)
126        days = {i+1: name for i, name in enumerate(["jan", "feb", "mar",
127                                                    "apr", "may", "jun",
128                                                    "jul", "aug", "sep",
129                                                    "oct", "nov", "dec"])}
131        if isinstance(expires, timedelta):
132            expires = datetime.utcnow() + expires
134        if expires is not None:
135            expires_str = expires.strftime("%d %%s %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
136            expires_str = expires_str % days[expires.month]
137            expires = expires_str
139        if max_age is not None:
140            if hasattr(max_age, "total_seconds"):
141                max_age = int(max_age.total_seconds())
142            max_age = "%.0d" % max_age
144        m = Morsel()
146        def maybe_set(key, value):
147            if value is not None and value is not False:
148                m[key] = value
150        m.set(name, value, value)
151        maybe_set("path", path)
152        maybe_set("domain", domain)
153        maybe_set("comment", comment)
154        maybe_set("expires", expires)
155        maybe_set("max-age", max_age)
156        maybe_set("secure", secure)
157        maybe_set("httponly", httponly)
159        self.headers.append("Set-Cookie", m.OutputString())
161    def unset_cookie(self, name):
162        """Remove a cookie from those that are being sent with the response"""
163        name = isomorphic_decode(name)
164        cookies = self.headers.get("Set-Cookie")
165        parser = BaseCookie()
166        for cookie in cookies:
167            parser.load(isomorphic_decode(cookie))
169        if name in parser.keys():
170            del self.headers["Set-Cookie"]
171            for m in parser.values():
172                if m.key != name:
173                    self.headers.append(("Set-Cookie", m.OutputString()))
175    def delete_cookie(self, name, path="/", domain=None):
176        """Delete a cookie on the client by setting it to the empty string
177        and to expire in the past"""
178        self.set_cookie(name, None, path=path, domain=domain, max_age=0,
179                        expires=timedelta(days=-1))
181    def iter_content(self, read_file=False):
182        """Iterator returning chunks of response body content.
184        If any part of the content is a function, this will be called
185        and the resulting value (if any) returned.
187        :param read_file: boolean controlling the behaviour when content is a
188                          file handle. When set to False the handle will be
189                          returned directly allowing the file to be passed to
190                          the output in small chunks. When set to True, the
191                          entire content of the file will be returned as a
192                          string facilitating non-streaming operations like
193                          template substitution.
194        """
195        if isinstance(self.content, bytes):
196            yield self.content
197        elif isinstance(self.content, str):
198            yield self.content.encode(self.encoding)
199        elif hasattr(self.content, "read"):
200            if read_file:
201                yield self.content.read()
202            else:
203                yield self.content
204        else:
205            for item in self.content:
206                if hasattr(item, "__call__"):
207                    value = item()
208                else:
209                    value = item
210                if value:
211                    yield value
213    def write_status_headers(self):
214        """Write out the status line and headers for the response"""
215        self.writer.write_status(*self.status)
216        for item in self.headers:
217            self.writer.write_header(*item)
218        self.writer.end_headers()
220    def write_content(self):
221        """Write out the response content"""
222        if self.request.method != "HEAD" or self.send_body_for_head_request:
223            for item in self.iter_content():
224                self.writer.write_content(item)
226    def write(self):
227        """Write the whole response"""
228        self.write_status_headers()
229        self.write_content()
231    def set_error(self, code, message=u""):
232        """Set the response status headers and return a JSON error object:
234        {"error": {"code": code, "message": message}}
235        code is an int (HTTP status code), and message is a text string.
236        """
237        err = {"code": code,
238               "message": message}
239        data = json.dumps({"error": err})
240        self.status = code
241        self.headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json"),
242                        ("Content-Length", len(data))]
243        self.content = data
244        if code == 500:
245            if isinstance(message, str) and message:
246                first_line = message.splitlines()[0]
247            else:
248                first_line = "<no message given>"
249            self.logger.error("Exception loading %s: %s" % (self.request.url,
250                                                            first_line))
251            self.logger.info(message)
254class MultipartContent(object):
255    def __init__(self, boundary=None, default_content_type=None):
256        self.items = []
257        if boundary is None:
258            boundary = str(uuid.uuid4())
259        self.boundary = boundary
260        self.default_content_type = default_content_type
262    def __call__(self):
263        boundary = b"--" + self.boundary.encode("ascii")
264        rv = [b"", boundary]
265        for item in self.items:
266            rv.append(item.to_bytes())
267            rv.append(boundary)
268        rv[-1] += b"--"
269        return b"\r\n".join(rv)
271    def append_part(self, data, content_type=None, headers=None):
272        if content_type is None:
273            content_type = self.default_content_type
274        self.items.append(MultipartPart(data, content_type, headers))
276    def __iter__(self):
277        #This is hackish; when writing the response we need an iterable
278        #or a string. For a multipart/byterange response we want an
279        #iterable that contains a single callable; the MultipartContent
280        #object itself
281        yield self
284class MultipartPart(object):
285    def __init__(self, data, content_type=None, headers=None):
286        assert isinstance(data, bytes), data
287        self.headers = ResponseHeaders()
289        if content_type is not None:
290            self.headers.set("Content-Type", content_type)
292        if headers is not None:
293            for name, value in headers:
294                if name.lower() == b"content-type":
295                    func = self.headers.set
296                else:
297                    func = self.headers.append
298                func(name, value)
300        self.data = data
302    def to_bytes(self):
303        rv = []
304        for key, value in self.headers:
305            assert isinstance(key, bytes)
306            assert isinstance(value, bytes)
307            rv.append(b"%s: %s" % (key, value))
308        rv.append(b"")
309        rv.append(self.data)
310        return b"\r\n".join(rv)
313def _maybe_encode(s):
314    """Encode a string or an int into binary data using isomorphic_encode()."""
315    if isinstance(s, int):
316        return b"%i" % (s,)
317    return isomorphic_encode(s)
320class ResponseHeaders(object):
321    """Dictionary-like object holding the headers for the response"""
322    def __init__(self):
323        self.data = OrderedDict()
325    def set(self, key, value):
326        """Set a header to a specific value, overwriting any previous header
327        with the same name
329        :param key: Name of the header to set
330        :param value: Value to set the header to
331        """
332        key = _maybe_encode(key)
333        value = _maybe_encode(value)
334        self.data[key.lower()] = (key, [value])
336    def append(self, key, value):
337        """Add a new header with a given name, not overwriting any existing
338        headers with the same name
340        :param key: Name of the header to add
341        :param value: Value to set for the header
342        """
343        key = _maybe_encode(key)
344        value = _maybe_encode(value)
345        if key.lower() in self.data:
346            self.data[key.lower()][1].append(value)
347        else:
348            self.set(key, value)
350    def get(self, key, default=missing):
351        """Get the set values for a particular header."""
352        key = _maybe_encode(key)
353        try:
354            return self[key]
355        except KeyError:
356            if default is missing:
357                return []
358            return default
360    def __getitem__(self, key):
361        """Get a list of values for a particular header
363        """
364        key = _maybe_encode(key)
365        return self.data[key.lower()][1]
367    def __delitem__(self, key):
368        key = _maybe_encode(key)
369        del self.data[key.lower()]
371    def __contains__(self, key):
372        key = _maybe_encode(key)
373        return key.lower() in self.data
375    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
376        self.set(key, value)
378    def __iter__(self):
379        for key, values in self.data.values():
380            for value in values:
381                yield key, value
383    def items(self):
384        return list(self)
386    def update(self, items_iter):
387        for name, value in items_iter:
388            self.append(name, value)
390    def __repr__(self):
391        return repr(self.data)
394class H2Response(Response):
396    def __init__(self, handler, request):
397        super(H2Response, self).__init__(handler, request, response_writer_cls=H2ResponseWriter)
399    def write_status_headers(self):
400        self.writer.write_headers(self.headers, *self.status)
402    # Hacky way of detecting last item in generator
403    def write_content(self):
404        """Write out the response content"""
405        if self.request.method != "HEAD" or self.send_body_for_head_request:
406            item = None
407            item_iter = self.iter_content()
408            try:
409                item = next(item_iter)
410                while True:
411                    check_last = next(item_iter)
412                    self.writer.write_data(item, last=False)
413                    item = check_last
414            except StopIteration:
415                if item:
416                    self.writer.write_data(item, last=True)
419class H2ResponseWriter(object):
421    def __init__(self, handler, response):
422        self.socket = handler.request
423        self.h2conn = handler.conn
424        self._response = response
425        self._handler = handler
426        self.stream_ended = False
427        self.content_written = False
428        self.request = response.request
429        self.logger = response.logger
431    def write_headers(self, headers, status_code, status_message=None, stream_id=None, last=False):
432        """
433        Send a HEADER frame that is tracked by the local state machine.
435        Write a HEADER frame using the H2 Connection object, will only work if the stream is in a state to send
436        HEADER frames.
438        :param headers: List of (header, value) tuples
439        :param status_code: The HTTP status code of the response
440        :param stream_id: Id of stream to send frame on. Will use the request stream ID if None
441        :param last: Flag to signal if this is the last frame in stream.
442        """
443        formatted_headers = []
444        secondary_headers = []  # Non ':' prefixed headers are to be added afterwards
446        for header, value in headers:
447            # h2_headers are native strings
448            # header field names are strings of ASCII
449            if isinstance(header, bytes):
450                header = header.decode('ascii')
451            # value in headers can be either string or integer
452            if isinstance(value, bytes):
453                value = self.decode(value)
454            if header in h2_headers:
455                header = ':' + header
456                formatted_headers.append((header, str(value)))
457            else:
458                secondary_headers.append((header, str(value)))
460        formatted_headers.append((':status', str(status_code)))
461        formatted_headers.extend(secondary_headers)
463        with self.h2conn as connection:
464            connection.send_headers(
465                stream_id=self.request.h2_stream_id if stream_id is None else stream_id,
466                headers=formatted_headers,
467                end_stream=last or self.request.method == "HEAD"
468            )
470            self.write(connection)
472    def write_data(self, item, last=False, stream_id=None):
473        """
474        Send a DATA frame that is tracked by the local state machine.
476        Write a DATA frame using the H2 Connection object, will only work if the stream is in a state to send
477        DATA frames. Uses flow control to split data into multiple data frames if it exceeds the size that can
478        be in a single frame.
480        :param item: The content of the DATA frame
481        :param last: Flag to signal if this is the last frame in stream.
482        :param stream_id: Id of stream to send frame on. Will use the request stream ID if None
483        """
484        if isinstance(item, (str, bytes)):
485            data = BytesIO(self.encode(item))
486        else:
487            data = item
489        # Find the length of the data
490        data.seek(0, 2)
491        data_len = data.tell()
492        data.seek(0)
494        # If the data is longer than max payload size, need to write it in chunks
495        payload_size = self.get_max_payload_size()
496        while data_len > payload_size:
497            self.write_data_frame(data.read(payload_size), False, stream_id)
498            data_len -= payload_size
499            payload_size = self.get_max_payload_size()
501        self.write_data_frame(data.read(), last, stream_id)
503    def write_data_frame(self, data, last, stream_id=None):
504        with self.h2conn as connection:
505            connection.send_data(
506                stream_id=self.request.h2_stream_id if stream_id is None else stream_id,
507                data=data,
508                end_stream=last,
509            )
510            self.write(connection)
511        self.stream_ended = last
513    def write_push(self, promise_headers, push_stream_id=None, status=None, response_headers=None, response_data=None):
514        """Write a push promise, and optionally write the push content.
516        This will write a push promise to the request stream. If you do not provide headers and data for the response,
517        then no response will be pushed, and you should push them yourself using the ID returned from this function
519        :param promise_headers: A list of header tuples that matches what the client would use to
520                                request the pushed response
521        :param push_stream_id: The ID of the stream the response should be pushed to. If none given, will
522                               use the next available id.
523        :param status: The status code of the response, REQUIRED if response_headers given
524        :param response_headers: The headers of the response
525        :param response_data: The response data.
526        :return: The ID of the push stream
527        """
528        with self.h2conn as connection:
529            push_stream_id = push_stream_id if push_stream_id is not None else connection.get_next_available_stream_id()
530            connection.push_stream(self.request.h2_stream_id, push_stream_id, promise_headers)
531            self.write(connection)
533        has_data = response_data is not None
534        if response_headers is not None:
535            assert status is not None
536            self.write_headers(response_headers, status, stream_id=push_stream_id, last=not has_data)
538        if has_data:
539            self.write_data(response_data, last=True, stream_id=push_stream_id)
541        return push_stream_id
543    def end_stream(self, stream_id=None):
544        """Ends the stream with the given ID, or the one that request was made on if no ID given."""
545        with self.h2conn as connection:
546            connection.end_stream(stream_id if stream_id is not None else self.request.h2_stream_id)
547            self.write(connection)
548        self.stream_ended = True
550    def write_raw_header_frame(self, headers, stream_id=None, end_stream=False, end_headers=False, frame_cls=HeadersFrame):
551        """
552        Ignores the statemachine of the stream and sends a HEADER frame regardless.
554        Unlike `write_headers`, this does not check to see if a stream is in the correct state to have HEADER frames
555        sent through to it. It will build a HEADER frame and send it without using the H2 Connection object other than
556        to HPACK encode the headers.
558        :param headers: List of (header, value) tuples
559        :param stream_id: Id of stream to send frame on. Will use the request stream ID if None
560        :param end_stream: Set to True to add END_STREAM flag to frame
561        :param end_headers: Set to True to add END_HEADERS flag to frame
562        """
563        if not stream_id:
564            stream_id = self.request.h2_stream_id
566        header_t = []
567        for header, value in headers:
568            header_t.append(HeaderTuple(header, value))
570        with self.h2conn as connection:
571            frame = frame_cls(stream_id, data=connection.encoder.encode(header_t))
573            if end_stream:
574                self.stream_ended = True
575                frame.flags.add('END_STREAM')
576            if end_headers:
577                frame.flags.add('END_HEADERS')
579            data = frame.serialize()
580            self.write_raw(data)
582    def write_raw_data_frame(self, data, stream_id=None, end_stream=False):
583        """
584        Ignores the statemachine of the stream and sends a DATA frame regardless.
586        Unlike `write_data`, this does not check to see if a stream is in the correct state to have DATA frames
587        sent through to it. It will build a DATA frame and send it without using the H2 Connection object. It will
588        not perform any flow control checks.
590        :param data: The data to be sent in the frame
591        :param stream_id: Id of stream to send frame on. Will use the request stream ID if None
592        :param end_stream: Set to True to add END_STREAM flag to frame
593        """
594        if not stream_id:
595            stream_id = self.request.h2_stream_id
597        frame = DataFrame(stream_id, data=data)
599        if end_stream:
600            self.stream_ended = True
601            frame.flags.add('END_STREAM')
603        data = frame.serialize()
604        self.write_raw(data)
606    def write_raw_continuation_frame(self, headers, stream_id=None, end_headers=False):
607        """
608        Ignores the statemachine of the stream and sends a CONTINUATION frame regardless.
610        This provides the ability to create and write a CONTINUATION frame to the stream, which is not exposed by
611        `write_headers` as the h2 library handles the split between HEADER and CONTINUATION internally. Will perform
612        HPACK encoding on the headers.
614        :param headers: List of (header, value) tuples
615        :param stream_id: Id of stream to send frame on. Will use the request stream ID if None
616        :param end_headers: Set to True to add END_HEADERS flag to frame
617        """
618        self.write_raw_header_frame(headers, stream_id=stream_id, end_headers=end_headers, frame_cls=ContinuationFrame)
621    def get_max_payload_size(self, stream_id=None):
622        """Returns the maximum size of a payload for the given stream."""
623        stream_id = stream_id if stream_id is not None else self.request.h2_stream_id
624        with self.h2conn as connection:
625            return min(connection.remote_settings.max_frame_size, connection.local_flow_control_window(stream_id)) - 9
627    def write(self, connection):
628        self.content_written = True
629        data = connection.data_to_send()
630        self.socket.sendall(data)
632    def write_raw(self, raw_data):
633        """Used for sending raw bytes/data through the socket"""
635        self.content_written = True
636        self.socket.sendall(raw_data)
638    def decode(self, data):
639        """Convert bytes to unicode according to response.encoding."""
640        if isinstance(data, bytes):
641            return data.decode(self._response.encoding)
642        elif isinstance(data, str):
643            return data
644        else:
645            raise ValueError(type(data))
647    def encode(self, data):
648        """Convert unicode to bytes according to response.encoding."""
649        if isinstance(data, bytes):
650            return data
651        elif isinstance(data, str):
652            return data.encode(self._response.encoding)
653        else:
654            raise ValueError
657class ResponseWriter(object):
658    """Object providing an API to write out a HTTP response.
660    :param handler: The RequestHandler being used.
661    :param response: The Response associated with this writer."""
662    def __init__(self, handler, response):
663        self._wfile = handler.wfile
664        self._response = response
665        self._handler = handler
666        self._status_written = False
667        self._headers_seen = set()
668        self._headers_complete = False
669        self.content_written = False
670        self.request = response.request
671        self.file_chunk_size = 32 * 1024
672        self.default_status = 200
674    def _seen_header(self, name):
675        return self.encode(name.lower()) in self._headers_seen
677    def write_status(self, code, message=None):
678        """Write out the status line of a response.
680        :param code: The integer status code of the response.
681        :param message: The message of the response. Defaults to the message commonly used
682                        with the status code."""
683        if message is None:
684            if code in response_codes:
685                message = response_codes[code][0]
686            else:
687                message = ''
688        self.write(b"%s %d %s\r\n" %
689                   (isomorphic_encode(self._response.request.protocol_version), code, isomorphic_encode(message)))
690        self._status_written = True
692    def write_header(self, name, value):
693        """Write out a single header for the response.
695        If a status has not been written, a default status will be written (currently 200)
697        :param name: Name of the header field
698        :param value: Value of the header field
699        :return: A boolean indicating whether the write succeeds
700        """
701        if not self._status_written:
702            self.write_status(self.default_status)
703        self._headers_seen.add(self.encode(name.lower()))
704        if not self.write(name):
705            return False
706        if not self.write(b": "):
707            return False
708        if isinstance(value, int):
709            if not self.write(str(value)):
710                return False
711        elif not self.write(value):
712            return False
713        return self.write(b"\r\n")
715    def write_default_headers(self):
716        for name, f in [("Server", self._handler.version_string),
717                        ("Date", self._handler.date_time_string)]:
718            if not self._seen_header(name):
719                if not self.write_header(name, f()):
720                    return False
722        if (isinstance(self._response.content, (bytes, str)) and
723            not self._seen_header("content-length")):
724            #Would be nice to avoid double-encoding here
725            if not self.write_header("Content-Length", len(self.encode(self._response.content))):
726                return False
728        return True
730    def end_headers(self):
731        """Finish writing headers and write the separator.
733        Unless add_required_headers on the response is False,
734        this will also add HTTP-mandated headers that have not yet been supplied
735        to the response headers.
736        :return: A boolean indicating whether the write succeeds
737        """
739        if self._response.add_required_headers:
740            if not self.write_default_headers():
741                return False
743        if not self.write("\r\n"):
744            return False
745        if not self._seen_header("content-length"):
746            self._response.close_connection = True
747        self._headers_complete = True
749        return True
751    def write_content(self, data):
752        """Write the body of the response.
754        HTTP-mandated headers will be automatically added with status default to 200 if they have
755        not been explicitly set.
756        :return: A boolean indicating whether the write succeeds
757        """
758        if not self._status_written:
759            self.write_status(self.default_status)
760        if not self._headers_complete:
761            self._response.content = data
762            self.end_headers()
763        return self.write_raw_content(data)
765    def write_raw_content(self, data):
766        """Writes the data 'as is'"""
767        if data is None:
768            raise ValueError('data cannot be None')
769        if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)):
770            # Deliberately allows both text and binary types. See `self.encode`.
771            return self.write(data)
772        else:
773            return self.write_content_file(data)
775    def write(self, data):
776        """Write directly to the response, converting unicode to bytes
777        according to response.encoding.
778        :return: A boolean indicating whether the write succeeds
779        """
780        self.content_written = True
781        try:
782            self._wfile.write(self.encode(data))
783            return True
784        except OSError:
785            # This can happen if the socket got closed by the remote end
786            return False
788    def write_content_file(self, data):
789        """Write a file-like object directly to the response in chunks."""
790        self.content_written = True
791        success = True
792        while True:
793            buf = data.read(self.file_chunk_size)
794            if not buf:
795                success = False
796                break
797            try:
798                self._wfile.write(buf)
799            except OSError:
800                success = False
801                break
802        data.close()
803        return success
805    def encode(self, data):
806        """Convert unicode to bytes according to response.encoding."""
807        if isinstance(data, bytes):
808            return data
809        elif isinstance(data, str):
810            return data.encode(self._response.encoding)
811        else:
812            raise ValueError("data %r should be text or binary, but is %s" % (data, type(data)))