1 //! This implements the VCode container: a CFG of Insts that have been lowered.
2 //!
3 //! VCode is virtual-register code. An instruction in VCode is almost a machine
4 //! instruction; however, its register slots can refer to virtual registers in
5 //! addition to real machine registers.
6 //!
7 //! VCode is structured with traditional basic blocks, and
8 //! each block must be terminated by an unconditional branch (one target), a
9 //! conditional branch (two targets), or a return (no targets). Note that this
10 //! slightly differs from the machine code of most ISAs: in most ISAs, a
11 //! conditional branch has one target (and the not-taken case falls through).
12 //! However, we expect that machine backends will elide branches to the following
13 //! block (i.e., zero-offset jumps), and will be able to codegen a branch-cond /
14 //! branch-uncond pair if *both* targets are not fallthrough. This allows us to
15 //! play with layout prior to final binary emission, as well, if we want.
16 //!
17 //! See the main module comment in `mod.rs` for more details on the VCode-based
18 //! backend pipeline.
20 use crate::ir::{self, types, Constant, ConstantData, SourceLoc};
21 use crate::machinst::*;
22 use crate::settings;
23 use crate::timing;
24 use regalloc::Function as RegallocFunction;
25 use regalloc::Set as RegallocSet;
26 use regalloc::{
27     BlockIx, InstIx, PrettyPrint, Range, RegAllocResult, RegClass, RegUsageCollector,
28     RegUsageMapper, SpillSlot, StackmapRequestInfo,
29 };
31 use alloc::boxed::Box;
32 use alloc::{borrow::Cow, vec::Vec};
33 use cranelift_entity::{entity_impl, Keys, PrimaryMap};
34 use std::cell::RefCell;
35 use std::collections::HashMap;
36 use std::fmt;
37 use std::iter;
38 use std::string::String;
40 /// Index referring to an instruction in VCode.
41 pub type InsnIndex = u32;
42 /// Index referring to a basic block in VCode.
43 pub type BlockIndex = u32;
44 /// Range of an instructions in VCode.
45 pub type InsnRange = core::ops::Range<InsnIndex>;
47 /// VCodeInst wraps all requirements for a MachInst to be in VCode: it must be
48 /// a `MachInst` and it must be able to emit itself at least to a `SizeCodeSink`.
49 pub trait VCodeInst: MachInst + MachInstEmit {}
50 impl<I: MachInst + MachInstEmit> VCodeInst for I {}
52 /// A function in "VCode" (virtualized-register code) form, after lowering.
53 /// This is essentially a standard CFG of basic blocks, where each basic block
54 /// consists of lowered instructions produced by the machine-specific backend.
55 pub struct VCode<I: VCodeInst> {
56     /// Function liveins.
57     liveins: RegallocSet<RealReg>,
59     /// Function liveouts.
60     liveouts: RegallocSet<RealReg>,
62     /// VReg IR-level types.
63     vreg_types: Vec<Type>,
65     /// Do we have any ref values among our vregs?
66     have_ref_values: bool,
68     /// Lowered machine instructions in order corresponding to the original IR.
69     insts: Vec<I>,
71     /// Source locations for each instruction. (`SourceLoc` is a `u32`, so it is
72     /// reasonable to keep one of these per instruction.)
73     srclocs: Vec<SourceLoc>,
75     /// Entry block.
76     entry: BlockIndex,
78     /// Block instruction indices.
79     block_ranges: Vec<(InsnIndex, InsnIndex)>,
81     /// Block successors: index range in the successor-list below.
82     block_succ_range: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
84     /// Block successor lists, concatenated into one Vec. The `block_succ_range`
85     /// list of tuples above gives (start, end) ranges within this list that
86     /// correspond to each basic block's successors.
87     block_succs: Vec<BlockIx>,
89     /// Block-order information.
90     block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
92     /// ABI object.
93     abi: Box<dyn ABICallee<I = I>>,
95     /// Constant information used during code emission. This should be
96     /// immutable across function compilations within the same module.
97     emit_info: I::Info,
99     /// Safepoint instruction indices. Filled in post-regalloc. (Prior to
100     /// regalloc, the safepoint instructions are listed in the separate
101     /// `StackmapRequestInfo` held separate from the `VCode`.)
102     safepoint_insns: Vec<InsnIndex>,
104     /// For each safepoint entry in `safepoint_insns`, a list of `SpillSlot`s.
105     /// These are used to generate actual stack maps at emission. Filled in
106     /// post-regalloc.
107     safepoint_slots: Vec<Vec<SpillSlot>>,
109     /// Do we generate debug info?
110     generate_debug_info: bool,
112     /// Instruction end offsets, instruction indices at each label, and total
113     /// buffer size.  Only present if `generate_debug_info` is set.
114     insts_layout: RefCell<(Vec<u32>, Vec<u32>, u32)>,
116     /// Constants.
117     constants: VCodeConstants,
119     /// Are any debug value-labels present? If not, we can skip the
120     /// post-emission analysis.
121     has_value_labels: bool,
122 }
124 /// A builder for a VCode function body. This builder is designed for the
125 /// lowering approach that we take: we traverse basic blocks in forward
126 /// (original IR) order, but within each basic block, we generate code from
127 /// bottom to top; and within each IR instruction that we visit in this reverse
128 /// order, we emit machine instructions in *forward* order again.
129 ///
130 /// Hence, to produce the final instructions in proper order, we perform two
131 /// swaps.  First, the machine instructions (`I` instances) are produced in
132 /// forward order for an individual IR instruction. Then these are *reversed*
133 /// and concatenated to `bb_insns` at the end of the IR instruction lowering.
134 /// The `bb_insns` vec will thus contain all machine instructions for a basic
135 /// block, in reverse order. Finally, when we're done with a basic block, we
136 /// reverse the whole block's vec of instructions again, and concatenate onto
137 /// the VCode's insts.
138 pub struct VCodeBuilder<I: VCodeInst> {
139     /// In-progress VCode.
140     vcode: VCode<I>,
142     /// In-progress stack map-request info.
143     stack_map_info: StackmapRequestInfo,
145     /// Index of the last block-start in the vcode.
146     block_start: InsnIndex,
148     /// Start of succs for the current block in the concatenated succs list.
149     succ_start: usize,
151     /// Current source location.
152     cur_srcloc: SourceLoc,
153 }
155 impl<I: VCodeInst> VCodeBuilder<I> {
156     /// Create a new VCodeBuilder.
new( abi: Box<dyn ABICallee<I = I>>, emit_info: I::Info, block_order: BlockLoweringOrder, constants: VCodeConstants, ) -> VCodeBuilder<I>157     pub fn new(
158         abi: Box<dyn ABICallee<I = I>>,
159         emit_info: I::Info,
160         block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
161         constants: VCodeConstants,
162     ) -> VCodeBuilder<I> {
163         let reftype_class = I::ref_type_regclass(abi.flags());
164         let vcode = VCode::new(
165             abi,
166             emit_info,
167             block_order,
168             constants,
169             /* generate_debug_info = */ true,
170         );
171         let stack_map_info = StackmapRequestInfo {
172             reftype_class,
173             reftyped_vregs: vec![],
174             safepoint_insns: vec![],
175         };
177         VCodeBuilder {
178             vcode,
179             stack_map_info,
180             block_start: 0,
181             succ_start: 0,
182             cur_srcloc: SourceLoc::default(),
183         }
184     }
186     /// Access the ABI object.
abi(&mut self) -> &mut dyn ABICallee<I = I>187     pub fn abi(&mut self) -> &mut dyn ABICallee<I = I> {
188         &mut *self.vcode.abi
189     }
191     /// Access to the BlockLoweringOrder object.
block_order(&self) -> &BlockLoweringOrder192     pub fn block_order(&self) -> &BlockLoweringOrder {
193         &self.vcode.block_order
194     }
196     /// Set the type of a VReg.
set_vreg_type(&mut self, vreg: VirtualReg, ty: Type)197     pub fn set_vreg_type(&mut self, vreg: VirtualReg, ty: Type) {
198         if self.vcode.vreg_types.len() <= vreg.get_index() {
199             self.vcode
200                 .vreg_types
201                 .resize(vreg.get_index() + 1, ir::types::I8);
202         }
203         self.vcode.vreg_types[vreg.get_index()] = ty;
204         if is_reftype(ty) {
205             self.stack_map_info.reftyped_vregs.push(vreg);
206             self.vcode.have_ref_values = true;
207         }
208     }
210     /// Are there any reference-typed values at all among the vregs?
have_ref_values(&self) -> bool211     pub fn have_ref_values(&self) -> bool {
212         self.vcode.have_ref_values()
213     }
215     /// Set the current block as the entry block.
set_entry(&mut self, block: BlockIndex)216     pub fn set_entry(&mut self, block: BlockIndex) {
217         self.vcode.entry = block;
218     }
220     /// End the current basic block. Must be called after emitting vcode insts
221     /// for IR insts and prior to ending the function (building the VCode).
end_bb(&mut self)222     pub fn end_bb(&mut self) {
223         let start_idx = self.block_start;
224         let end_idx = self.vcode.insts.len() as InsnIndex;
225         self.block_start = end_idx;
226         // Add the instruction index range to the list of blocks.
227         self.vcode.block_ranges.push((start_idx, end_idx));
228         // End the successors list.
229         let succ_end = self.vcode.block_succs.len();
230         self.vcode
231             .block_succ_range
232             .push((self.succ_start, succ_end));
233         self.succ_start = succ_end;
234     }
236     /// Push an instruction for the current BB and current IR inst within the BB.
push(&mut self, insn: I, is_safepoint: bool)237     pub fn push(&mut self, insn: I, is_safepoint: bool) {
238         match insn.is_term() {
239             MachTerminator::None | MachTerminator::Ret => {}
240             MachTerminator::Uncond(target) => {
241                 self.vcode.block_succs.push(BlockIx::new(target.get()));
242             }
243             MachTerminator::Cond(true_branch, false_branch) => {
244                 self.vcode.block_succs.push(BlockIx::new(true_branch.get()));
245                 self.vcode
246                     .block_succs
247                     .push(BlockIx::new(false_branch.get()));
248             }
249             MachTerminator::Indirect(targets) => {
250                 for target in targets {
251                     self.vcode.block_succs.push(BlockIx::new(target.get()));
252                 }
253             }
254         }
255         if insn.defines_value_label().is_some() {
256             self.vcode.has_value_labels = true;
257         }
258         self.vcode.insts.push(insn);
259         self.vcode.srclocs.push(self.cur_srcloc);
260         if is_safepoint {
261             self.stack_map_info
262                 .safepoint_insns
263                 .push(InstIx::new((self.vcode.insts.len() - 1) as u32));
264         }
265     }
267     /// Get the current source location.
get_srcloc(&self) -> SourceLoc268     pub fn get_srcloc(&self) -> SourceLoc {
269         self.cur_srcloc
270     }
272     /// Set the current source location.
set_srcloc(&mut self, srcloc: SourceLoc)273     pub fn set_srcloc(&mut self, srcloc: SourceLoc) {
274         self.cur_srcloc = srcloc;
275     }
277     /// Access the constants.
constants(&mut self) -> &mut VCodeConstants278     pub fn constants(&mut self) -> &mut VCodeConstants {
279         &mut self.vcode.constants
280     }
282     /// Build the final VCode, returning the vcode itself as well as auxiliary
283     /// information, such as the stack map request information.
build(self) -> (VCode<I>, StackmapRequestInfo)284     pub fn build(self) -> (VCode<I>, StackmapRequestInfo) {
285         // TODO: come up with an abstraction for "vcode and auxiliary data". The
286         // auxiliary data needs to be separate from the vcode so that it can be
287         // referenced as the vcode is mutated (e.g. by the register allocator).
288         (self.vcode, self.stack_map_info)
289     }
290 }
is_redundant_move<I: VCodeInst>(insn: &I) -> bool292 fn is_redundant_move<I: VCodeInst>(insn: &I) -> bool {
293     if let Some((to, from)) = insn.is_move() {
294         to.to_reg() == from
295     } else {
296         false
297     }
298 }
300 /// Is this type a reference type?
is_reftype(ty: Type) -> bool301 fn is_reftype(ty: Type) -> bool {
302     ty == types::R64 || ty == types::R32
303 }
305 impl<I: VCodeInst> VCode<I> {
306     /// New empty VCode.
new( abi: Box<dyn ABICallee<I = I>>, emit_info: I::Info, block_order: BlockLoweringOrder, constants: VCodeConstants, generate_debug_info: bool, ) -> VCode<I>307     fn new(
308         abi: Box<dyn ABICallee<I = I>>,
309         emit_info: I::Info,
310         block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
311         constants: VCodeConstants,
312         generate_debug_info: bool,
313     ) -> VCode<I> {
314         VCode {
315             liveins: abi.liveins(),
316             liveouts: abi.liveouts(),
317             vreg_types: vec![],
318             have_ref_values: false,
319             insts: vec![],
320             srclocs: vec![],
321             entry: 0,
322             block_ranges: vec![],
323             block_succ_range: vec![],
324             block_succs: vec![],
325             block_order,
326             abi,
327             emit_info,
328             safepoint_insns: vec![],
329             safepoint_slots: vec![],
330             generate_debug_info,
331             insts_layout: RefCell::new((vec![], vec![], 0)),
332             constants,
333             has_value_labels: false,
334         }
335     }
337     /// Returns the flags controlling this function's compilation.
flags(&self) -> &settings::Flags338     pub fn flags(&self) -> &settings::Flags {
339         self.abi.flags()
340     }
342     /// Get the IR-level type of a VReg.
vreg_type(&self, vreg: VirtualReg) -> Type343     pub fn vreg_type(&self, vreg: VirtualReg) -> Type {
344         self.vreg_types[vreg.get_index()]
345     }
347     /// Are there any reference-typed values at all among the vregs?
have_ref_values(&self) -> bool348     pub fn have_ref_values(&self) -> bool {
349         self.have_ref_values
350     }
352     /// Get the entry block.
entry(&self) -> BlockIndex353     pub fn entry(&self) -> BlockIndex {
354         self.entry
355     }
357     /// Get the number of blocks. Block indices will be in the range `0 ..
358     /// (self.num_blocks() - 1)`.
num_blocks(&self) -> usize359     pub fn num_blocks(&self) -> usize {
360         self.block_ranges.len()
361     }
363     /// Stack frame size for the full function's body.
frame_size(&self) -> u32364     pub fn frame_size(&self) -> u32 {
365         self.abi.frame_size()
366     }
368     /// Inbound stack-args size.
stack_args_size(&self) -> u32369     pub fn stack_args_size(&self) -> u32 {
370         self.abi.stack_args_size()
371     }
373     /// Get the successors for a block.
succs(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[BlockIx]374     pub fn succs(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[BlockIx] {
375         let (start, end) = self.block_succ_range[block as usize];
376         &self.block_succs[start..end]
377     }
379     /// Take the results of register allocation, with a sequence of
380     /// instructions including spliced fill/reload/move instructions, and replace
381     /// the VCode with them.
replace_insns_from_regalloc(&mut self, result: RegAllocResult<Self>)382     pub fn replace_insns_from_regalloc(&mut self, result: RegAllocResult<Self>) {
383         // Record the spillslot count and clobbered registers for the ABI/stack
384         // setup code.
385         self.abi.set_num_spillslots(result.num_spill_slots as usize);
386         self.abi
387             .set_clobbered(result.clobbered_registers.map(|r| Writable::from_reg(*r)));
389         let mut final_insns = vec![];
390         let mut final_block_ranges = vec![(0, 0); self.num_blocks()];
391         let mut final_srclocs = vec![];
392         let mut final_safepoint_insns = vec![];
393         let mut safept_idx = 0;
395         assert!(result.target_map.elems().len() == self.num_blocks());
396         for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
397             let start = result.target_map.elems()[block].get() as usize;
398             let end = if block == self.num_blocks() - 1 {
399                 result.insns.len()
400             } else {
401                 result.target_map.elems()[block + 1].get() as usize
402             };
403             let block = block as BlockIndex;
404             let final_start = final_insns.len() as InsnIndex;
406             if block == self.entry {
407                 // Start with the prologue.
408                 let prologue = self.abi.gen_prologue();
409                 let len = prologue.len();
410                 final_insns.extend(prologue.into_iter());
411                 final_srclocs.extend(iter::repeat(SourceLoc::default()).take(len));
412             }
414             for i in start..end {
415                 let insn = &result.insns[i];
417                 // Elide redundant moves at this point (we only know what is
418                 // redundant once registers are allocated).
419                 if is_redundant_move(insn) {
420                     continue;
421                 }
423                 // Is there a srcloc associated with this insn? Look it up based on original
424                 // instruction index (if new insn corresponds to some original insn, i.e., is not
425                 // an inserted load/spill/move).
426                 let orig_iix = result.orig_insn_map[InstIx::new(i as u32)];
427                 let srcloc = if orig_iix.is_invalid() {
428                     SourceLoc::default()
429                 } else {
430                     self.srclocs[orig_iix.get() as usize]
431                 };
433                 // Whenever encountering a return instruction, replace it
434                 // with the epilogue.
435                 let is_ret = insn.is_term() == MachTerminator::Ret;
436                 if is_ret {
437                     let epilogue = self.abi.gen_epilogue();
438                     let len = epilogue.len();
439                     final_insns.extend(epilogue.into_iter());
440                     final_srclocs.extend(iter::repeat(srcloc).take(len));
441                 } else {
442                     final_insns.push(insn.clone());
443                     final_srclocs.push(srcloc);
444                 }
446                 // Was this instruction a safepoint instruction? Add its final
447                 // index to the safepoint insn-index list if so.
448                 if safept_idx < result.new_safepoint_insns.len()
449                     && (result.new_safepoint_insns[safept_idx].get() as usize) == i
450                 {
451                     let idx = final_insns.len() - 1;
452                     final_safepoint_insns.push(idx as InsnIndex);
453                     safept_idx += 1;
454                 }
455             }
457             let final_end = final_insns.len() as InsnIndex;
458             final_block_ranges[block as usize] = (final_start, final_end);
459         }
461         debug_assert!(final_insns.len() == final_srclocs.len());
463         self.insts = final_insns;
464         self.srclocs = final_srclocs;
465         self.block_ranges = final_block_ranges;
466         self.safepoint_insns = final_safepoint_insns;
468         // Save safepoint slot-lists. These will be passed to the `EmitState`
469         // for the machine backend during emission so that it can do
470         // target-specific translations of slot numbers to stack offsets.
471         self.safepoint_slots = result.stackmaps;
472     }
474     /// Emit the instructions to a `MachBuffer`, containing fixed-up code and external
475     /// reloc/trap/etc. records ready for use.
emit(&self) -> MachBuffer<I> where I: MachInstEmit,476     pub fn emit(&self) -> MachBuffer<I>
477     where
478         I: MachInstEmit,
479     {
480         let _tt = timing::vcode_emit();
481         let mut buffer = MachBuffer::new();
482         let mut state = I::State::new(&*self.abi);
484         // The first M MachLabels are reserved for block indices, the next N MachLabels for
485         // constants.
486         buffer.reserve_labels_for_blocks(self.num_blocks() as BlockIndex);
487         buffer.reserve_labels_for_constants(&self.constants);
489         let mut inst_ends = vec![0; self.insts.len()];
490         let mut label_insn_iix = vec![0; self.num_blocks()];
492         let mut safepoint_idx = 0;
493         let mut cur_srcloc = None;
494         for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
495             let block = block as BlockIndex;
496             let new_offset = I::align_basic_block(buffer.cur_offset());
497             while new_offset > buffer.cur_offset() {
498                 // Pad with NOPs up to the aligned block offset.
499                 let nop = I::gen_nop((new_offset - buffer.cur_offset()) as usize);
500                 nop.emit(&mut buffer, &self.emit_info, &mut Default::default());
501             }
502             assert_eq!(buffer.cur_offset(), new_offset);
504             let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block as usize];
505             buffer.bind_label(MachLabel::from_block(block));
506             label_insn_iix[block as usize] = start;
507             for iix in start..end {
508                 let srcloc = self.srclocs[iix as usize];
509                 if cur_srcloc != Some(srcloc) {
510                     if cur_srcloc.is_some() {
511                         buffer.end_srcloc();
512                     }
513                     buffer.start_srcloc(srcloc);
514                     cur_srcloc = Some(srcloc);
515                 }
516                 state.pre_sourceloc(cur_srcloc.unwrap_or(SourceLoc::default()));
518                 if safepoint_idx < self.safepoint_insns.len()
519                     && self.safepoint_insns[safepoint_idx] == iix
520                 {
521                     if self.safepoint_slots[safepoint_idx].len() > 0 {
522                         let stack_map = self.abi.spillslots_to_stack_map(
523                             &self.safepoint_slots[safepoint_idx][..],
524                             &state,
525                         );
526                         state.pre_safepoint(stack_map);
527                     }
528                     safepoint_idx += 1;
529                 }
531                 self.insts[iix as usize].emit(&mut buffer, &self.emit_info, &mut state);
533                 if self.generate_debug_info {
534                     // Buffer truncation may have happened since last inst append; trim inst-end
535                     // layout info as appropriate.
536                     let l = &mut inst_ends[0..iix as usize];
537                     for end in l.iter_mut().rev() {
538                         if *end > buffer.cur_offset() {
539                             *end = buffer.cur_offset();
540                         } else {
541                             break;
542                         }
543                     }
544                     inst_ends[iix as usize] = buffer.cur_offset();
545                 }
546             }
548             if cur_srcloc.is_some() {
549                 buffer.end_srcloc();
550                 cur_srcloc = None;
551             }
553             // Do we need an island? Get the worst-case size of the next BB and see if, having
554             // emitted that many bytes, we will be beyond the deadline.
555             if block < (self.num_blocks() - 1) as BlockIndex {
556                 let next_block = block + 1;
557                 let next_block_range = self.block_ranges[next_block as usize];
558                 let next_block_size = next_block_range.1 - next_block_range.0;
559                 let worst_case_next_bb = I::worst_case_size() * next_block_size;
560                 if buffer.island_needed(worst_case_next_bb) {
561                     buffer.emit_island();
562                 }
563             }
564         }
566         // Emit the constants used by the function.
567         for (constant, data) in self.constants.iter() {
568             let label = buffer.get_label_for_constant(constant);
569             buffer.defer_constant(label, data.alignment(), data.as_slice(), u32::max_value());
570         }
572         if self.generate_debug_info {
573             for end in inst_ends.iter_mut().rev() {
574                 if *end > buffer.cur_offset() {
575                     *end = buffer.cur_offset();
576                 } else {
577                     break;
578                 }
579             }
580             *self.insts_layout.borrow_mut() = (inst_ends, label_insn_iix, buffer.cur_offset());
581         }
583         buffer
584     }
586     /// Generates value-label ranges.
value_labels_ranges(&self) -> ValueLabelsRanges587     pub fn value_labels_ranges(&self) -> ValueLabelsRanges {
588         if !self.has_value_labels {
589             return ValueLabelsRanges::default();
590         }
592         let layout = &self.insts_layout.borrow();
593         debug::compute(&self.insts, &layout.0[..], &layout.1[..])
594     }
596     /// Get the offsets of stackslots.
stackslot_offsets(&self) -> &PrimaryMap<StackSlot, u32>597     pub fn stackslot_offsets(&self) -> &PrimaryMap<StackSlot, u32> {
598         self.abi.stackslot_offsets()
599     }
601     /// Get the IR block for a BlockIndex, if one exists.
bindex_to_bb(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> Option<ir::Block>602     pub fn bindex_to_bb(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> Option<ir::Block> {
603         self.block_order.lowered_order()[block as usize].orig_block()
604     }
605 }
607 impl<I: VCodeInst> RegallocFunction for VCode<I> {
608     type Inst = I;
insns(&self) -> &[I]610     fn insns(&self) -> &[I] {
611         &self.insts[..]
612     }
insns_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [I]614     fn insns_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [I] {
615         &mut self.insts[..]
616     }
get_insn(&self, insn: InstIx) -> &I618     fn get_insn(&self, insn: InstIx) -> &I {
619         &self.insts[insn.get() as usize]
620     }
get_insn_mut(&mut self, insn: InstIx) -> &mut I622     fn get_insn_mut(&mut self, insn: InstIx) -> &mut I {
623         &mut self.insts[insn.get() as usize]
624     }
blocks(&self) -> Range<BlockIx>626     fn blocks(&self) -> Range<BlockIx> {
627         Range::new(BlockIx::new(0), self.block_ranges.len())
628     }
entry_block(&self) -> BlockIx630     fn entry_block(&self) -> BlockIx {
631         BlockIx::new(self.entry)
632     }
block_insns(&self, block: BlockIx) -> Range<InstIx>634     fn block_insns(&self, block: BlockIx) -> Range<InstIx> {
635         let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block.get() as usize];
636         Range::new(InstIx::new(start), (end - start) as usize)
637     }
block_succs(&self, block: BlockIx) -> Cow<[BlockIx]>639     fn block_succs(&self, block: BlockIx) -> Cow<[BlockIx]> {
640         let (start, end) = self.block_succ_range[block.get() as usize];
641         Cow::Borrowed(&self.block_succs[start..end])
642     }
is_ret(&self, insn: InstIx) -> bool644     fn is_ret(&self, insn: InstIx) -> bool {
645         match self.insts[insn.get() as usize].is_term() {
646             MachTerminator::Ret => true,
647             _ => false,
648         }
649     }
is_included_in_clobbers(&self, insn: &I) -> bool651     fn is_included_in_clobbers(&self, insn: &I) -> bool {
652         insn.is_included_in_clobbers()
653     }
get_regs(insn: &I, collector: &mut RegUsageCollector)655     fn get_regs(insn: &I, collector: &mut RegUsageCollector) {
656         insn.get_regs(collector)
657     }
map_regs<RUM: RegUsageMapper>(insn: &mut I, mapper: &RUM)659     fn map_regs<RUM: RegUsageMapper>(insn: &mut I, mapper: &RUM) {
660         insn.map_regs(mapper);
661     }
is_move(&self, insn: &I) -> Option<(Writable<Reg>, Reg)>663     fn is_move(&self, insn: &I) -> Option<(Writable<Reg>, Reg)> {
664         insn.is_move()
665     }
get_num_vregs(&self) -> usize667     fn get_num_vregs(&self) -> usize {
668         self.vreg_types.len()
669     }
get_spillslot_size(&self, regclass: RegClass, vreg: VirtualReg) -> u32671     fn get_spillslot_size(&self, regclass: RegClass, vreg: VirtualReg) -> u32 {
672         let ty = self.vreg_type(vreg);
673         self.abi.get_spillslot_size(regclass, ty)
674     }
gen_spill(&self, to_slot: SpillSlot, from_reg: RealReg, vreg: Option<VirtualReg>) -> I676     fn gen_spill(&self, to_slot: SpillSlot, from_reg: RealReg, vreg: Option<VirtualReg>) -> I {
677         let ty = vreg.map(|v| self.vreg_type(v));
678         self.abi.gen_spill(to_slot, from_reg, ty)
679     }
gen_reload( &self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_slot: SpillSlot, vreg: Option<VirtualReg>, ) -> I681     fn gen_reload(
682         &self,
683         to_reg: Writable<RealReg>,
684         from_slot: SpillSlot,
685         vreg: Option<VirtualReg>,
686     ) -> I {
687         let ty = vreg.map(|v| self.vreg_type(v));
688         self.abi.gen_reload(to_reg, from_slot, ty)
689     }
gen_move(&self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_reg: RealReg, vreg: VirtualReg) -> I691     fn gen_move(&self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_reg: RealReg, vreg: VirtualReg) -> I {
692         let ty = self.vreg_type(vreg);
693         I::gen_move(to_reg.map(|r| r.to_reg()), from_reg.to_reg(), ty)
694     }
gen_zero_len_nop(&self) -> I696     fn gen_zero_len_nop(&self) -> I {
697         I::gen_nop(0)
698     }
maybe_direct_reload(&self, insn: &I, reg: VirtualReg, slot: SpillSlot) -> Option<I>700     fn maybe_direct_reload(&self, insn: &I, reg: VirtualReg, slot: SpillSlot) -> Option<I> {
701         insn.maybe_direct_reload(reg, slot)
702     }
func_liveins(&self) -> RegallocSet<RealReg>704     fn func_liveins(&self) -> RegallocSet<RealReg> {
705         self.liveins.clone()
706     }
func_liveouts(&self) -> RegallocSet<RealReg>708     fn func_liveouts(&self) -> RegallocSet<RealReg> {
709         self.liveouts.clone()
710     }
711 }
713 impl<I: VCodeInst> fmt::Debug for VCode<I> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result714     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
715         writeln!(f, "VCode_Debug {{")?;
716         writeln!(f, "  Entry block: {}", self.entry)?;
718         for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
719             writeln!(f, "Block {}:", block,)?;
720             for succ in self.succs(block as BlockIndex) {
721                 writeln!(f, "  (successor: Block {})", succ.get())?;
722             }
723             let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block];
724             writeln!(f, "  (instruction range: {} .. {})", start, end)?;
725             for inst in start..end {
726                 writeln!(f, "  Inst {}: {:?}", inst, self.insts[inst as usize])?;
727             }
728         }
730         writeln!(f, "}}")?;
731         Ok(())
732     }
733 }
735 /// Pretty-printing with `RealRegUniverse` context.
736 impl<I: VCodeInst> PrettyPrint for VCode<I> {
show_rru(&self, mb_rru: Option<&RealRegUniverse>) -> String737     fn show_rru(&self, mb_rru: Option<&RealRegUniverse>) -> String {
738         use std::fmt::Write;
740         let mut s = String::new();
741         write!(&mut s, "VCode_ShowWithRRU {{{{\n").unwrap();
742         write!(&mut s, "  Entry block: {}\n", self.entry).unwrap();
744         let mut state = Default::default();
745         let mut safepoint_idx = 0;
746         for i in 0..self.num_blocks() {
747             let block = i as BlockIndex;
749             write!(&mut s, "Block {}:\n", block).unwrap();
750             if let Some(bb) = self.bindex_to_bb(block) {
751                 write!(&mut s, "  (original IR block: {})\n", bb).unwrap();
752             }
753             for succ in self.succs(block) {
754                 write!(&mut s, "  (successor: Block {})\n", succ.get()).unwrap();
755             }
756             let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block as usize];
757             write!(&mut s, "  (instruction range: {} .. {})\n", start, end).unwrap();
758             for inst in start..end {
759                 if safepoint_idx < self.safepoint_insns.len()
760                     && self.safepoint_insns[safepoint_idx] == inst
761                 {
762                     write!(
763                         &mut s,
764                         "      (safepoint: slots {:?} with EmitState {:?})\n",
765                         self.safepoint_slots[safepoint_idx], state,
766                     )
767                     .unwrap();
768                     safepoint_idx += 1;
769                 }
770                 write!(
771                     &mut s,
772                     "  Inst {}:   {}\n",
773                     inst,
774                     self.insts[inst as usize].pretty_print(mb_rru, &mut state)
775                 )
776                 .unwrap();
777             }
778         }
780         write!(&mut s, "}}}}\n").unwrap();
782         s
783     }
784 }
786 /// This structure tracks the large constants used in VCode that will be emitted separately by the
787 /// [MachBuffer].
788 ///
789 /// First, during the lowering phase, constants are inserted using
790 /// [VCodeConstants.insert]; an intermediate handle, [VCodeConstant], tracks what constants are
791 /// used in this phase. Some deduplication is performed, when possible, as constant
792 /// values are inserted.
793 ///
794 /// Secondly, during the emission phase, the [MachBuffer] assigns [MachLabel]s for each of the
795 /// constants so that instructions can refer to the value's memory location. The [MachBuffer]
796 /// then writes the constant values to the buffer.
797 #[derive(Default)]
798 pub struct VCodeConstants {
799     constants: PrimaryMap<VCodeConstant, VCodeConstantData>,
800     pool_uses: HashMap<Constant, VCodeConstant>,
801     well_known_uses: HashMap<*const [u8], VCodeConstant>,
802 }
803 impl VCodeConstants {
804     /// Initialize the structure with the expected number of constants.
with_capacity(expected_num_constants: usize) -> Self805     pub fn with_capacity(expected_num_constants: usize) -> Self {
806         Self {
807             constants: PrimaryMap::with_capacity(expected_num_constants),
808             pool_uses: HashMap::with_capacity(expected_num_constants),
809             well_known_uses: HashMap::new(),
810         }
811     }
813     /// Insert a constant; using this method indicates that a constant value will be used and thus
814     /// will be emitted to the `MachBuffer`. The current implementation can deduplicate constants
815     /// that are [VCodeConstantData::Pool] or [VCodeConstantData::WellKnown] but not
816     /// [VCodeConstantData::Generated].
insert(&mut self, data: VCodeConstantData) -> VCodeConstant817     pub fn insert(&mut self, data: VCodeConstantData) -> VCodeConstant {
818         match data {
819             VCodeConstantData::Generated(_) => self.constants.push(data),
820             VCodeConstantData::Pool(constant, _) => match self.pool_uses.get(&constant) {
821                 None => {
822                     let vcode_constant = self.constants.push(data);
823                     self.pool_uses.insert(constant, vcode_constant);
824                     vcode_constant
825                 }
826                 Some(&vcode_constant) => vcode_constant,
827             },
828             VCodeConstantData::WellKnown(data_ref) => {
829                 match self.well_known_uses.get(&(data_ref as *const [u8])) {
830                     None => {
831                         let vcode_constant = self.constants.push(data);
832                         self.well_known_uses
833                             .insert(data_ref as *const [u8], vcode_constant);
834                         vcode_constant
835                     }
836                     Some(&vcode_constant) => vcode_constant,
837                 }
838             }
839         }
840     }
842     /// Retrieve a byte slice for the given [VCodeConstant], if available.
get(&self, constant: VCodeConstant) -> Option<&[u8]>843     pub fn get(&self, constant: VCodeConstant) -> Option<&[u8]> {
844         self.constants.get(constant).map(|d| d.as_slice())
845     }
847     /// Return the number of constants inserted.
len(&self) -> usize848     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
849         self.constants.len()
850     }
852     /// Iterate over the [VCodeConstant] keys inserted in this structure.
keys(&self) -> Keys<VCodeConstant>853     pub fn keys(&self) -> Keys<VCodeConstant> {
854         self.constants.keys()
855     }
857     /// Iterate over the [VCodeConstant] keys and the data (as a byte slice) inserted in this
858     /// structure.
iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (VCodeConstant, &VCodeConstantData)>859     pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (VCodeConstant, &VCodeConstantData)> {
860         self.constants.iter()
861     }
862 }
864 /// A use of a constant by one or more VCode instructions; see [VCodeConstants].
865 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
866 pub struct VCodeConstant(u32);
867 entity_impl!(VCodeConstant);
869 /// Identify the different types of constant that can be inserted into [VCodeConstants]. Tracking
870 /// these separately instead of as raw byte buffers allows us to avoid some duplication.
871 pub enum VCodeConstantData {
872     /// A constant already present in the Cranelift IR
873     /// [ConstantPool](crate::ir::constant::ConstantPool).
874     Pool(Constant, ConstantData),
875     /// A reference to a well-known constant value that is statically encoded within the compiler.
876     WellKnown(&'static [u8]),
877     /// A constant value generated during lowering; the value may depend on the instruction context
878     /// which makes it difficult to de-duplicate--if possible, use other variants.
879     Generated(ConstantData),
880 }
881 impl VCodeConstantData {
882     /// Retrieve the constant data as a byte slice.
as_slice(&self) -> &[u8]883     pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
884         match self {
885             VCodeConstantData::Pool(_, d) | VCodeConstantData::Generated(d) => d.as_slice(),
886             VCodeConstantData::WellKnown(d) => d,
887         }
888     }
890     /// Calculate the alignment of the constant data.
alignment(&self) -> u32891     pub fn alignment(&self) -> u32 {
892         if self.as_slice().len() <= 8 {
893             8
894         } else {
895             16
896         }
897     }
898 }
900 #[cfg(test)]
901 mod test {
902     use super::*;
903     use std::mem::size_of;
905     #[test]
size_of_constant_structs()906     fn size_of_constant_structs() {
907         assert_eq!(size_of::<Constant>(), 4);
908         assert_eq!(size_of::<VCodeConstant>(), 4);
909         assert_eq!(size_of::<ConstantData>(), 24);
910         assert_eq!(size_of::<VCodeConstantData>(), 32);
911         assert_eq!(
912             size_of::<PrimaryMap<VCodeConstant, VCodeConstantData>>(),
913             24
914         );
915         // TODO The VCodeConstants structure's memory size could be further optimized.
916         // With certain versions of Rust, each `HashMap` in `VCodeConstants` occupied at
917         // least 48 bytes, making an empty `VCodeConstants` cost 120 bytes.
918     }
919 }