1# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 et:
2# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6import os, sys
8from ipdl.ast import CxxInclude, Decl, Loc, QualifiedId, State, StructDecl, TransitionStmt
9from ipdl.ast import TypeSpec, UnionDecl, UsingStmt, Visitor
10from ipdl.ast import ASYNC, SYNC, INTR
11from ipdl.ast import IN, OUT, INOUT, ANSWER, CALL, RECV, SEND
13import ipdl.builtin as builtin
15_DELETE_MSG = '__delete__'
18def _otherside(side):
19    if side == 'parent':  return 'child'
20    elif side == 'child': return 'parent'
21    else:  assert 0 and 'unknown side "%s"'% (side)
23def unique_pairs(s):
24    n = len(s)
25    for i, e1 in enumerate(s):
26        for j in xrange(i+1, n):
27            yield (e1, s[j])
29def cartesian_product(s1, s2):
30    for e1 in s1:
31        for e2 in s2:
32            yield (e1, e2)
35class TypeVisitor:
36    def __init__(self):
37        self.visited = set()
39    def defaultVisit(self, node, *args):
40        raise Exception, "INTERNAL ERROR: no visitor for node type `%s'"% (
41            node.__class__.__name__)
43    def visitVoidType(self, v, *args):
44        pass
46    def visitBuiltinCxxType(self, t, *args):
47        pass
49    def visitImportedCxxType(self, t, *args):
50        pass
52    def visitStateType(self, s, *args):
53        pass
55    def visitMessageType(self, m, *args):
56        for param in m.params:
57            param.accept(self, *args)
58        for ret in m.returns:
59            ret.accept(self, *args)
60        if m.cdtype is not None:
61            m.cdtype.accept(self, *args)
63    def visitProtocolType(self, p, *args):
64        # NB: don't visit manager and manages. a naive default impl
65        # could result in an infinite loop
66        pass
68    def visitActorType(self, a, *args):
69        a.protocol.accept(self, *args)
70        a.state.accept(self, *args)
72    def visitStructType(self, s, *args):
73        if s in self.visited:
74            return
76        self.visited.add(s)
77        for field in s.fields:
78            field.accept(self, *args)
80    def visitUnionType(self, u, *args):
81        if u in self.visited:
82            return
84        self.visited.add(u)
85        for component in u.components:
86            component.accept(self, *args)
88    def visitArrayType(self, a, *args):
89        a.basetype.accept(self, *args)
91    def visitShmemType(self, s, *args):
92        pass
94    def visitShmemChmodType(self, c, *args):
95        c.shmem.accept(self)
97    def visitFDType(self, s, *args):
98        pass
100    def visitEndpointType(self, s, *args):
101        pass
103class Type:
104    def __cmp__(self, o):
105        return cmp(self.fullname(), o.fullname())
106    def __eq__(self, o):
107        return (self.__class__ == o.__class__
108                and self.fullname() == o.fullname())
109    def __hash__(self):
110        return hash(self.fullname())
112    # Is this a C++ type?
113    def isCxx(self):
114        return False
115    # Is this an IPDL type?
116    def isIPDL(self):
117        return False
118    # Is this type neither compound nor an array?
119    def isAtom(self):
120        return False
121    # Can this type appear in IPDL programs?
122    def isVisible(self):
123        return False
124    def isVoid(self):
125        return False
126    def typename(self):
127        return self.__class__.__name__
129    def name(self): raise Exception, 'NYI'
130    def fullname(self): raise Exception, 'NYI'
132    def accept(self, visitor, *args):
133        visit = getattr(visitor, 'visit'+ self.__class__.__name__, None)
134        if visit is None:
135            return getattr(visitor, 'defaultVisit')(self, *args)
136        return visit(self, *args)
138class VoidType(Type):
139    def isCxx(self):
140        return True
141    def isIPDL(self):
142        return False
143    def isAtom(self):
144        return True
145    def isVisible(self):
146        return False
147    def isVoid(self):
148        return True
150    def name(self): return 'void'
151    def fullname(self): return 'void'
153VOID = VoidType()
156class CxxType(Type):
157    def isCxx(self):
158        return True
159    def isAtom(self):
160        return True
161    def isBuiltin(self):
162        return False
163    def isImported(self):
164        return False
165    def isGenerated(self):
166        return False
167    def isVisible(self):
168        return True
170class BuiltinCxxType(CxxType):
171    def __init__(self, qname):
172        assert isinstance(qname, QualifiedId)
173        self.loc = qname.loc
174        self.qname = qname
175    def isBuiltin(self):  return True
177    def name(self):
178        return self.qname.baseid
179    def fullname(self):
180        return str(self.qname)
182class ImportedCxxType(CxxType):
183    def __init__(self, qname):
184        assert isinstance(qname, QualifiedId)
185        self.loc = qname.loc
186        self.qname = qname
187    def isImported(self): return True
189    def name(self):
190        return self.qname.baseid
191    def fullname(self):
192        return str(self.qname)
195class IPDLType(Type):
196    def isIPDL(self):  return True
197    def isVisible(self): return True
198    def isState(self): return False
199    def isMessage(self): return False
200    def isProtocol(self): return False
201    def isActor(self): return False
202    def isStruct(self): return False
203    def isUnion(self): return False
204    def isArray(self): return False
205    def isAtom(self):  return True
206    def isCompound(self): return False
207    def isShmem(self): return False
208    def isChmod(self): return False
209    def isFD(self): return False
210    def isEndpoint(self): return False
212    def isAsync(self): return self.sendSemantics == ASYNC
213    def isSync(self): return self.sendSemantics == SYNC
214    def isInterrupt(self): return self.sendSemantics is INTR
216    def hasReply(self):  return (self.isSync() or self.isInterrupt())
218    @classmethod
219    def convertsTo(cls, lesser, greater):
220        if (lesser.nestedRange[0] < greater.nestedRange[0] or
221            lesser.nestedRange[1] > greater.nestedRange[1]):
222            return False
224        # Protocols that use intr semantics are not allowed to use
225        # message nesting.
226        if (greater.isInterrupt() and
227            lesser.nestedRange != (NOT_NESTED, NOT_NESTED)):
228            return False
230        if lesser.isAsync():
231            return True
232        elif lesser.isSync() and not greater.isAsync():
233            return True
234        elif greater.isInterrupt():
235            return True
237        return False
239    def needsMoreJuiceThan(self, o):
240        return not IPDLType.convertsTo(self, o)
242class StateType(IPDLType):
243    def __init__(self, protocol, name, start=False):
244        self.protocol = protocol
245        self.name = name
246        self.start = start
247    def isState(self): return True
248    def name(self):
249        return self.name
250    def fullname(self):
251        return self.name()
253class MessageType(IPDLType):
254    def __init__(self, nested, prio, sendSemantics, direction,
255                 ctor=False, dtor=False, cdtype=None, compress=False,
256                 verify=False):
257        assert not (ctor and dtor)
258        assert not (ctor or dtor) or type is not None
260        self.nested = nested
261        self.prio = prio
262        self.nestedRange = (nested, nested)
263        self.sendSemantics = sendSemantics
264        self.direction = direction
265        self.params = [ ]
266        self.returns = [ ]
267        self.ctor = ctor
268        self.dtor = dtor
269        self.cdtype = cdtype
270        self.compress = compress
271        self.verify = verify
272    def isMessage(self): return True
274    def isCtor(self): return self.ctor
275    def isDtor(self): return self.dtor
276    def constructedType(self):  return self.cdtype
278    def isIn(self): return self.direction is IN
279    def isOut(self): return self.direction is OUT
280    def isInout(self): return self.direction is INOUT
282    def hasImplicitActorParam(self):
283        return self.isCtor() or self.isDtor()
285class Bridge:
286    def __init__(self, parentPtype, childPtype):
287        assert parentPtype.isToplevel() and childPtype.isToplevel()
288        self.parent = parentPtype
289        self.child = childPtype
291    def __cmp__(self, o):
292        return cmp(self.parent, o.parent) or cmp(self.child, o.child)
293    def __eq__(self, o):
294        return self.parent == o.parent and self.child == o.child
295    def __hash__(self):
296        return hash(self.parent) + hash(self.child)
298class ProtocolType(IPDLType):
299    def __init__(self, qname, nestedRange, sendSemantics, stateless=False):
300        self.qname = qname
301        self.nestedRange = nestedRange
302        self.sendSemantics = sendSemantics
303        self.spawns = set()             # ProtocolType
304        self.opens = set()              # ProtocolType
305        self.managers = []           # ProtocolType
306        self.manages = [ ]
307        self.stateless = stateless
308        self.hasDelete = False
309        self.hasReentrantDelete = False
310    def isProtocol(self): return True
312    def name(self):
313        return self.qname.baseid
314    def fullname(self):
315        return str(self.qname)
317    def addManager(self, mgrtype):
318        assert mgrtype.isIPDL() and mgrtype.isProtocol()
319        self.managers.append(mgrtype)
321    def addSpawn(self, ptype):
322        assert self.isToplevel() and  ptype.isToplevel()
323        self.spawns.add(ptype)
325    def addOpen(self, ptype):
326        assert self.isToplevel() and  ptype.isToplevel()
327        self.opens.add(ptype)
329    def managedBy(self, mgr):
330        self.managers = list(mgr)
332    def toplevel(self):
333        if self.isToplevel():
334            return self
335        for mgr in self.managers:
336            if mgr is not self:
337                return mgr.toplevel()
339    def toplevels(self):
340        if self.isToplevel():
341            return [self]
342        toplevels = list()
343        for mgr in self.managers:
344            if mgr is not self:
345                toplevels.extend(mgr.toplevels())
346        return set(toplevels)
348    def isManagerOf(self, pt):
349        for managed in self.manages:
350            if pt is managed:
351                return True
352        return False
353    def isManagedBy(self, pt):
354        return pt in self.managers
356    def isManager(self):
357        return len(self.manages) > 0
358    def isManaged(self):
359        return 0 < len(self.managers)
360    def isToplevel(self):
361        return not self.isManaged()
363    def manager(self):
364        assert 1 == len(self.managers)
365        for mgr in self.managers: return mgr
367class ActorType(IPDLType):
368    def __init__(self, protocol, state=None, nullable=0):
369        self.protocol = protocol
370        self.state = state
371        self.nullable = nullable
372    def isActor(self): return True
374    def name(self):
375        return self.protocol.name()
376    def fullname(self):
377        return self.protocol.fullname()
379class _CompoundType(IPDLType):
380    def __init__(self):
381        self.defined = False            # bool
382        self.mutualRec = set()          # set(_CompoundType | ArrayType)
383    def isAtom(self):
384        return False
385    def isCompound(self):
386        return True
387    def itercomponents(self):
388        raise Exception('"pure virtual" method')
390    def mutuallyRecursiveWith(self, t, exploring=None):
391        '''|self| is mutually recursive with |t| iff |self| and |t|
392are in a cycle in the type graph rooted at |self|.  This function
393looks for such a cycle and returns True if found.'''
394        if exploring is None:
395            exploring = set()
397        if t.isAtom():
398            return False
399        elif t is self or t in self.mutualRec:
400            return True
401        elif t.isArray():
402            isrec = self.mutuallyRecursiveWith(t.basetype, exploring)
403            if isrec:  self.mutualRec.add(t)
404            return isrec
405        elif t in exploring:
406            return False
408        exploring.add(t)
409        for c in t.itercomponents():
410            if self.mutuallyRecursiveWith(c, exploring):
411                self.mutualRec.add(c)
412                return True
413        exploring.remove(t)
415        return False
417class StructType(_CompoundType):
418    def __init__(self, qname, fields):
419        _CompoundType.__init__(self)
420        self.qname = qname
421        self.fields = fields            # [ Type ]
423    def isStruct(self):   return True
424    def itercomponents(self):
425        for f in self.fields:
426            yield f
428    def name(self): return self.qname.baseid
429    def fullname(self): return str(self.qname)
431class UnionType(_CompoundType):
432    def __init__(self, qname, components):
433        _CompoundType.__init__(self)
434        self.qname = qname
435        self.components = components    # [ Type ]
437    def isUnion(self):    return True
438    def itercomponents(self):
439        for c in self.components:
440            yield c
442    def name(self): return self.qname.baseid
443    def fullname(self): return str(self.qname)
445class ArrayType(IPDLType):
446    def __init__(self, basetype):
447        self.basetype = basetype
448    def isAtom(self):  return False
449    def isArray(self): return True
451    def name(self): return self.basetype.name() +'[]'
452    def fullname(self): return self.basetype.fullname() +'[]'
454class ShmemType(IPDLType):
455    def __init__(self, qname):
456        self.qname = qname
457    def isShmem(self): return True
459    def name(self):
460        return self.qname.baseid
461    def fullname(self):
462        return str(self.qname)
464class FDType(IPDLType):
465    def __init__(self, qname):
466        self.qname = qname
467    def isFD(self): return True
469    def name(self):
470        return self.qname.baseid
471    def fullname(self):
472        return str(self.qname)
474class EndpointType(IPDLType):
475    def __init__(self, qname):
476        self.qname = qname
477    def isEndpoint(self): return True
479    def name(self):
480        return self.qname.baseid
481    def fullname(self):
482        return str(self.qname)
484def iteractortypes(t, visited=None):
485    """Iterate over any actor(s) buried in |type|."""
486    if visited is None:
487        visited = set()
489    # XXX |yield| semantics makes it hard to use TypeVisitor
490    if not t.isIPDL():
491        return
492    elif t.isActor():
493        yield t
494    elif t.isArray():
495        for actor in iteractortypes(t.basetype, visited):
496            yield actor
497    elif t.isCompound() and t not in visited:
498        visited.add(t)
499        for c in t.itercomponents():
500            for actor in iteractortypes(c, visited):
501                yield actor
503def hasactor(type):
504    """Return true iff |type| is an actor or has one buried within."""
505    for _ in iteractortypes(type): return True
506    return False
508def hasshmem(type):
509    """Return true iff |type| is shmem or has it buried within."""
510    class found: pass
511    class findShmem(TypeVisitor):
512        def visitShmemType(self, s):  raise found()
513    try:
514        type.accept(findShmem())
515    except found:
516        return True
517    return False
519def hasfd(type):
520    """Return true iff |type| is fd or has it buried within."""
521    class found: pass
522    class findFD(TypeVisitor):
523        def visitFDType(self, s):  raise found()
524    try:
525        type.accept(findFD())
526    except found:
527        return True
528    return False
531_builtinloc = Loc('<builtin>', 0)
532def makeBuiltinUsing(tname):
533    quals = tname.split('::')
534    base = quals.pop()
535    quals = quals[0:]
536    return UsingStmt(_builtinloc,
537                     TypeSpec(_builtinloc,
538                              QualifiedId(_builtinloc, base, quals)))
540builtinUsing = [ makeBuiltinUsing(t) for t in builtin.Types ]
541builtinHeaderIncludes = [ CxxInclude(_builtinloc, f) for f in builtin.HeaderIncludes ]
543def errormsg(loc, fmt, *args):
544    while not isinstance(loc, Loc):
545        if loc is None:  loc = Loc.NONE
546        else:            loc = loc.loc
547    return '%s: error: %s'% (str(loc), fmt % args)
550class SymbolTable:
551    def __init__(self, errors):
552        self.errors = errors
553        self.scopes = [ { } ]   # stack({})
554        self.globalScope = self.scopes[0]
555        self.currentScope = self.globalScope
557    def enterScope(self, node):
558        assert (isinstance(self.scopes[0], dict)
559                and self.globalScope is self.scopes[0])
560        assert (isinstance(self.currentScope, dict))
562        if not hasattr(node, 'symtab'):
563            node.symtab = { }
565        self.scopes.append(node.symtab)
566        self.currentScope = self.scopes[-1]
568    def exitScope(self, node):
569        symtab = self.scopes.pop()
570        assert self.currentScope is symtab
572        self.currentScope = self.scopes[-1]
574        assert (isinstance(self.scopes[0], dict)
575                and self.globalScope is self.scopes[0])
576        assert isinstance(self.currentScope, dict)
578    def lookup(self, sym):
579        # NB: since IPDL doesn't allow any aliased names of different types,
580        # it doesn't matter in which order we walk the scope chain to resolve
581        # |sym|
582        for scope in self.scopes:
583            decl = scope.get(sym, None)
584            if decl is not None:  return decl
585        return None
587    def declare(self, decl):
588        assert decl.progname or decl.shortname or decl.fullname
589        assert decl.loc
590        assert decl.type
592        def tryadd(name):
593            olddecl = self.lookup(name)
594            if olddecl is not None:
595                self.errors.append(errormsg(
596                        decl.loc,
597                        "redeclaration of symbol `%s', first declared at %s",
598                        name, olddecl.loc))
599                return
600            self.currentScope[name] = decl
601            decl.scope = self.currentScope
603        if decl.progname:  tryadd(decl.progname)
604        if decl.shortname: tryadd(decl.shortname)
605        if decl.fullname:  tryadd(decl.fullname)
608class TypeCheck:
609    '''This pass sets the .type attribute of every AST node.  For some
610nodes, the type is meaningless and it is set to "VOID."  This pass
611also sets the .decl attribute of AST nodes for which that is relevant;
612a decl says where, with what type, and under what name(s) a node was
615With this information, it finally type checks the AST.'''
617    def __init__(self):
618        # NB: no IPDL compile will EVER print a warning.  A program has
619        # one of two attributes: it is either well typed, or not well typed.
620        self.errors = [ ]       # [ string ]
622    def check(self, tu, errout=sys.stderr):
623        def runpass(tcheckpass):
624            tu.accept(tcheckpass)
625            if len(self.errors):
626                self.reportErrors(errout)
627                return False
628            return True
630        # tag each relevant node with "decl" information, giving type, name,
631        # and location of declaration
632        if not runpass(GatherDecls(builtinUsing, self.errors)):
633            return False
635        # now that the nodes have decls, type checking is much easier.
636        if not runpass(CheckTypes(self.errors)):
637            return False
639        if not (runpass(BuildProcessGraph(self.errors))
640                and runpass(CheckProcessGraph(self.errors))):
641            return False
643        if (tu.protocol
644            and len(tu.protocol.startStates)
645            and not runpass(CheckStateMachine(self.errors))):
646            return False
647        return True
649    def reportErrors(self, errout):
650        for error in self.errors:
651            print >>errout, error
654class TcheckVisitor(Visitor):
655    def __init__(self, symtab, errors):
656        self.symtab = symtab
657        self.errors = errors
659    def error(self, loc, fmt, *args):
660        self.errors.append(errormsg(loc, fmt, *args))
662    def declare(self, loc, type, shortname=None, fullname=None, progname=None):
663        d = Decl(loc)
664        d.type = type
665        d.progname = progname
666        d.shortname = shortname
667        d.fullname = fullname
668        self.symtab.declare(d)
669        return d
671class GatherDecls(TcheckVisitor):
672    def __init__(self, builtinUsing, errors):
673        # |self.symtab| is the symbol table for the translation unit
674        # currently being visited
675        TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
676        self.builtinUsing = builtinUsing
678    def visitTranslationUnit(self, tu):
679        # all TranslationUnits declare symbols in global scope
680        if hasattr(tu, 'symtab'):
681            return
682        tu.symtab = SymbolTable(self.errors)
683        savedSymtab = self.symtab
684        self.symtab = tu.symtab
686        # pretend like the translation unit "using"-ed these for the
687        # sake of type checking and C++ code generation
688        tu.builtinUsing = self.builtinUsing
690        # for everyone's sanity, enforce that the filename and tu name
691        # match
692        basefilename = os.path.basename(tu.filename)
693        expectedfilename = '%s.ipdl'% (tu.name)
694        if not tu.protocol:
695            # header
696            expectedfilename += 'h'
697        if basefilename != expectedfilename:
698            self.error(tu.loc,
699                       "expected file for translation unit `%s' to be named `%s'; instead it's named `%s'",
700                       tu.name, expectedfilename, basefilename)
702        if tu.protocol:
703            assert tu.name == tu.protocol.name
705            p = tu.protocol
707            # FIXME/cjones: it's a little weird and counterintuitive
708            # to put both the namespace and non-namespaced name in the
709            # global scope.  try to figure out something better; maybe
710            # a type-neutral |using| that works for C++ and protocol
711            # types?
712            qname = p.qname()
713            if 0 == len(qname.quals):
714                fullname = None
715            else:
716                fullname = str(qname)
717            p.decl = self.declare(
718                loc=p.loc,
719                type=ProtocolType(qname, p.nestedRange, p.sendSemantics,
720                                  stateless=(0 == len(p.transitionStmts))),
721                shortname=p.name,
722                fullname=fullname)
724            p.parentEndpointDecl = self.declare(
725                loc=p.loc,
726                type=EndpointType(QualifiedId(p.loc, 'Endpoint<' + fullname + 'Parent>', ['mozilla', 'ipc'])),
727                shortname='Endpoint<' + p.name + 'Parent>')
728            p.childEndpointDecl = self.declare(
729                loc=p.loc,
730                type=EndpointType(QualifiedId(p.loc, 'Endpoint<' + fullname + 'Child>', ['mozilla', 'ipc'])),
731                shortname='Endpoint<' + p.name + 'Child>')
733            # XXX ugh, this sucks.  but we need this information to compute
734            # what friend decls we need in generated C++
735            p.decl.type._ast = p
737        # make sure we have decls for all dependent protocols
738        for pinc in tu.includes:
739            pinc.accept(self)
741        # declare imported (and builtin) C++ types
742        for using in tu.builtinUsing:
743            using.accept(self)
744        for using in tu.using:
745            using.accept(self)
747        # first pass to "forward-declare" all structs and unions in
748        # order to support recursive definitions
749        for su in tu.structsAndUnions:
750            self.declareStructOrUnion(su)
752        # second pass to check each definition
753        for su in tu.structsAndUnions:
754            su.accept(self)
755        for inc in tu.includes:
756            if inc.tu.filetype == 'header':
757                for su in inc.tu.structsAndUnions:
758                    su.accept(self)
760        if tu.protocol:
761            # grab symbols in the protocol itself
762            p.accept(self)
765        tu.type = VOID
767        self.symtab = savedSymtab
769    def declareStructOrUnion(self, su):
770        if hasattr(su, 'decl'):
771            self.symtab.declare(su.decl)
772            return
774        qname = su.qname()
775        if 0 == len(qname.quals):
776            fullname = None
777        else:
778            fullname = str(qname)
780        if isinstance(su, StructDecl):
781            sutype = StructType(qname, [ ])
782        elif isinstance(su, UnionDecl):
783            sutype = UnionType(qname, [ ])
784        else: assert 0 and 'unknown type'
786        # XXX more suckage.  this time for pickling structs/unions
787        # declared in headers.
788        sutype._ast = su
790        su.decl = self.declare(
791            loc=su.loc,
792            type=sutype,
793            shortname=su.name,
794            fullname=fullname)
797    def visitInclude(self, inc):
798        if inc.tu is None:
799            self.error(
800                inc.loc,
801                "(type checking here will be unreliable because of an earlier error)")
802            return
803        inc.tu.accept(self)
804        if inc.tu.protocol:
805            self.symtab.declare(inc.tu.protocol.decl)
806            self.symtab.declare(inc.tu.protocol.parentEndpointDecl)
807            self.symtab.declare(inc.tu.protocol.childEndpointDecl)
808        else:
809            # This is a header.  Import its "exported" globals into
810            # our scope.
811            for using in inc.tu.using:
812                using.accept(self)
813            for su in inc.tu.structsAndUnions:
814                self.declareStructOrUnion(su)
816    def visitStructDecl(self, sd):
817        # If we've already processed this struct, don't do it again.
818        if hasattr(sd, 'symtab'):
819            return
821        stype = sd.decl.type
823        self.symtab.enterScope(sd)
825        for f in sd.fields:
826            ftypedecl = self.symtab.lookup(str(f.typespec))
827            if ftypedecl is None:
828                self.error(f.loc, "field `%s' of struct `%s' has unknown type `%s'",
829                           f.name, sd.name, str(f.typespec))
830                continue
832            f.decl = self.declare(
833                loc=f.loc,
834                type=self._canonicalType(ftypedecl.type, f.typespec),
835                shortname=f.name,
836                fullname=None)
837            stype.fields.append(f.decl.type)
839        self.symtab.exitScope(sd)
841    def visitUnionDecl(self, ud):
842        utype = ud.decl.type
844        # If we've already processed this union, don't do it again.
845        if len(utype.components):
846            return
848        for c in ud.components:
849            cdecl = self.symtab.lookup(str(c))
850            if cdecl is None:
851                self.error(c.loc, "unknown component type `%s' of union `%s'",
852                           str(c), ud.name)
853                continue
854            utype.components.append(self._canonicalType(cdecl.type, c))
856    def visitUsingStmt(self, using):
857        fullname = str(using.type)
858        if using.type.basename() == fullname:
859            fullname = None
860        if fullname == 'mozilla::ipc::Shmem':
861            ipdltype = ShmemType(using.type.spec)
862        elif fullname == 'mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor':
863            ipdltype = FDType(using.type.spec)
864        else:
865            ipdltype = ImportedCxxType(using.type.spec)
866            existingType = self.symtab.lookup(ipdltype.fullname())
867            if existingType and existingType.fullname == ipdltype.fullname():
868                using.decl = existingType
869                return
870        using.decl = self.declare(
871            loc=using.loc,
872            type=ipdltype,
873            shortname=using.type.basename(),
874            fullname=fullname)
876    def visitProtocol(self, p):
877        # protocol scope
878        self.symtab.enterScope(p)
880        for spawns in p.spawnsStmts:
881            spawns.accept(self)
883        for bridges in p.bridgesStmts:
884            bridges.accept(self)
886        for opens in p.opensStmts:
887            opens.accept(self)
889        seenmgrs = set()
890        for mgr in p.managers:
891            if mgr.name in seenmgrs:
892                self.error(mgr.loc, "manager `%s' appears multiple times",
893                           mgr.name)
894                continue
896            seenmgrs.add(mgr.name)
897            mgr.of = p
898            mgr.accept(self)
900        for managed in p.managesStmts:
901            managed.manager = p
902            managed.accept(self)
904        if 0 == len(p.managers) and 0 == len(p.messageDecls):
905            self.error(p.loc,
906                       "top-level protocol `%s' cannot be empty",
907                       p.name)
909        setattr(self, 'currentProtocolDecl', p.decl)
910        for msg in p.messageDecls:
911            msg.accept(self)
912        del self.currentProtocolDecl
914        p.decl.type.hasDelete = (not not self.symtab.lookup(_DELETE_MSG))
915        if not (p.decl.type.hasDelete or p.decl.type.isToplevel()):
916            self.error(
917                p.loc,
918                "destructor declaration `%s(...)' required for managed protocol `%s'",
919                _DELETE_MSG, p.name)
921        p.decl.type.hasReentrantDelete = p.decl.type.hasDelete and self.symtab.lookup(_DELETE_MSG).type.isInterrupt()
923        for managed in p.managesStmts:
924            mgdname = managed.name
925            ctordecl = self.symtab.lookup(mgdname +'Constructor')
927            if not (ctordecl and ctordecl.type.isCtor()):
928                self.error(
929                    managed.loc,
930                    "constructor declaration required for managed protocol `%s' (managed by protocol `%s')",
931                    mgdname, p.name)
933        p.states = { }
935        if len(p.transitionStmts):
936            p.startStates = [ ts for ts in p.transitionStmts
937                              if ts.state.start ]
938            if 0 == len(p.startStates):
939                p.startStates = [ p.transitionStmts[0] ]
941        # declare implicit "any", "dead", and "dying" states
942        self.declare(loc=State.ANY.loc,
943                     type=StateType(p.decl.type, State.ANY.name, start=False),
944                     progname=State.ANY.name)
945        self.declare(loc=State.DEAD.loc,
946                     type=StateType(p.decl.type, State.DEAD.name, start=False),
947                     progname=State.DEAD.name)
948        if p.decl.type.hasReentrantDelete:
949            self.declare(loc=State.DYING.loc,
950                         type=StateType(p.decl.type, State.DYING.name, start=False),
951                         progname=State.DYING.name)
953        # declare each state before decorating their mention
954        for trans in p.transitionStmts:
955            p.states[trans.state] = trans
956            trans.state.decl = self.declare(
957                loc=trans.state.loc,
958                type=StateType(p.decl.type, trans.state, trans.state.start),
959                progname=trans.state.name)
961        for trans in p.transitionStmts:
962            self.seentriggers = set()
963            trans.accept(self)
965        if not (p.decl.type.stateless
966                or (p.decl.type.isToplevel()
967                    and None is self.symtab.lookup(_DELETE_MSG))):
968            # add a special state |state DEAD: null goto DEAD;|
969            deadtrans = TransitionStmt.makeNullStmt(State.DEAD)
970            p.states[State.DEAD] = deadtrans
971            if p.decl.type.hasReentrantDelete:
972                dyingtrans = TransitionStmt.makeNullStmt(State.DYING)
973                p.states[State.DYING] = dyingtrans
975        # visit the message decls once more and resolve the state names
976        # attached to actor params and returns
977        def resolvestate(loc, actortype):
978            assert actortype.isIPDL() and actortype.isActor()
980            # already resolved this guy's state
981            if isinstance(actortype.state, Decl):
982                return
984            if actortype.state is None:
985                # we thought this was a C++ type until type checking,
986                # when we realized it was an IPDL actor type.  But
987                # that means that the actor wasn't specified to be in
988                # any particular state
989                actortype.state = State.ANY
991            statename = actortype.state.name
992            # FIXME/cjones: this is just wrong.  we need the symbol table
993            # of the protocol this actor refers to.  low priority bug
994            # since nobody's using this feature yet
995            statedecl = self.symtab.lookup(statename)
996            if statedecl is None:
997                self.error(
998                    loc,
999                    "protocol `%s' does not have the state `%s'",
1000                    actortype.protocol.name(),
1001                    statename)
1002            elif not statedecl.type.isState():
1003                self.error(
1004                    loc,
1005                    "tag `%s' is supposed to be of state type, but is instead of type `%s'",
1006                    statename,
1007                    statedecl.type.typename())
1008            else:
1009                actortype.state = statedecl.type
1011        for msg in p.messageDecls:
1012            for iparam in msg.inParams:
1013                loc = iparam.loc
1014                for actortype in iteractortypes(iparam.type):
1015                    resolvestate(loc, actortype)
1016            for oparam in msg.outParams:
1017                loc = oparam.loc
1018                for actortype in iteractortypes(oparam.type):
1019                    resolvestate(loc, actortype)
1021        # FIXME/cjones declare all the little C++ thingies that will
1022        # be generated.  they're not relevant to IPDL itself, but
1023        # those ("invisible") symbols can clash with others in the
1024        # IPDL spec, and we'd like to catch those before C++ compilers
1025        # are allowed to obfuscate the error
1027        self.symtab.exitScope(p)
1030    def visitSpawnsStmt(self, spawns):
1031        pname = spawns.proto
1032        spawns.proto = self.symtab.lookup(pname)
1033        if spawns.proto is None:
1034            self.error(spawns.loc,
1035                       "spawned protocol `%s' has not been declared",
1036                       pname)
1038    def visitBridgesStmt(self, bridges):
1039        def lookup(p):
1040            decl = self.symtab.lookup(p)
1041            if decl is None:
1042                self.error(bridges.loc,
1043                           "bridged protocol `%s' has not been declared", p)
1044            return decl
1045        bridges.parentSide = lookup(bridges.parentSide)
1046        bridges.childSide = lookup(bridges.childSide)
1048    def visitOpensStmt(self, opens):
1049        pname = opens.proto
1050        opens.proto = self.symtab.lookup(pname)
1051        if opens.proto is None:
1052            self.error(opens.loc,
1053                       "opened protocol `%s' has not been declared",
1054                       pname)
1057    def visitManager(self, mgr):
1058        mgrdecl = self.symtab.lookup(mgr.name)
1059        pdecl = mgr.of.decl
1060        assert pdecl
1062        pname, mgrname = pdecl.shortname, mgr.name
1063        loc = mgr.loc
1065        if mgrdecl is None:
1066            self.error(
1067                loc,
1068                "protocol `%s' referenced as |manager| of `%s' has not been declared",
1069                mgrname, pname)
1070        elif not isinstance(mgrdecl.type, ProtocolType):
1071            self.error(
1072                loc,
1073                "entity `%s' referenced as |manager| of `%s' is not of `protocol' type; instead it is of type `%s'",
1074                mgrname, pname, mgrdecl.type.typename())
1075        else:
1076            mgr.decl = mgrdecl
1077            pdecl.type.addManager(mgrdecl.type)
1080    def visitManagesStmt(self, mgs):
1081        mgsdecl = self.symtab.lookup(mgs.name)
1082        pdecl = mgs.manager.decl
1083        assert pdecl
1085        pname, mgsname = pdecl.shortname, mgs.name
1086        loc = mgs.loc
1088        if mgsdecl is None:
1089            self.error(loc,
1090                       "protocol `%s', managed by `%s', has not been declared",
1091                       mgsname, pname)
1092        elif not isinstance(mgsdecl.type, ProtocolType):
1093            self.error(
1094                loc,
1095                "%s declares itself managing a non-`protocol' entity `%s' of type `%s'",
1096                pname, mgsname, mgsdecl.type.typename())
1097        else:
1098            mgs.decl = mgsdecl
1099            pdecl.type.manages.append(mgsdecl.type)
1102    def visitMessageDecl(self, md):
1103        msgname = md.name
1104        loc = md.loc
1106        isctor = False
1107        isdtor = False
1108        cdtype = None
1110        decl = self.symtab.lookup(msgname)
1111        if decl is not None and decl.type.isProtocol():
1112            # probably a ctor.  we'll check validity later.
1113            msgname += 'Constructor'
1114            isctor = True
1115            cdtype = decl.type
1116        elif decl is not None:
1117            self.error(loc, "message name `%s' already declared as `%s'",
1118                       msgname, decl.type.typename())
1119            # if we error here, no big deal; move on to find more
1121        if _DELETE_MSG == msgname:
1122            isdtor = True
1123            cdtype = self.currentProtocolDecl.type
1126        # enter message scope
1127        self.symtab.enterScope(md)
1129        msgtype = MessageType(md.nested, md.prio, md.sendSemantics, md.direction,
1130                              ctor=isctor, dtor=isdtor, cdtype=cdtype,
1131                              compress=md.compress, verify=md.verify)
1133        # replace inparam Param nodes with proper Decls
1134        def paramToDecl(param):
1135            ptname = param.typespec.basename()
1136            ploc = param.typespec.loc
1138            ptdecl = self.symtab.lookup(ptname)
1139            if ptdecl is None:
1140                self.error(
1141                    ploc,
1142                    "argument typename `%s' of message `%s' has not been declared",
1143                    ptname, msgname)
1144                ptype = VOID
1145            else:
1146                ptype = self._canonicalType(ptdecl.type, param.typespec,
1147                                            chmodallowed=1)
1148            return self.declare(loc=ploc,
1149                                type=ptype,
1150                                progname=param.name)
1152        for i, inparam in enumerate(md.inParams):
1153            pdecl = paramToDecl(inparam)
1154            msgtype.params.append(pdecl.type)
1155            md.inParams[i] = pdecl
1156        for i, outparam in enumerate(md.outParams):
1157            pdecl = paramToDecl(outparam)
1158            msgtype.returns.append(pdecl.type)
1159            md.outParams[i] = pdecl
1161        self.symtab.exitScope(md)
1163        md.decl = self.declare(
1164            loc=loc,
1165            type=msgtype,
1166            progname=msgname)
1167        md.protocolDecl = self.currentProtocolDecl
1168        md.decl._md = md
1171    def visitTransitionStmt(self, ts):
1172        self.seentriggers = set()
1173        TcheckVisitor.visitTransitionStmt(self, ts)
1175    def visitTransition(self, t):
1176        loc = t.loc
1178        # check the trigger message
1179        mname = t.msg
1180        if t in self.seentriggers:
1181            self.error(loc, "trigger `%s' appears multiple times", t.msg)
1182        self.seentriggers.add(t)
1184        mdecl = self.symtab.lookup(mname)
1185        if mdecl is not None and mdecl.type.isIPDL() and mdecl.type.isProtocol():
1186            mdecl = self.symtab.lookup(mname +'Constructor')
1188        if mdecl is None:
1189            self.error(loc, "message `%s' has not been declared", mname)
1190        elif not mdecl.type.isMessage():
1191            self.error(
1192                loc,
1193                "`%s' should have message type, but instead has type `%s'",
1194                mname, mdecl.type.typename())
1195        else:
1196            t.msg = mdecl
1198        # check the to-states
1199        seenstates = set()
1200        for toState in t.toStates:
1201            sname = toState.name
1202            sdecl = self.symtab.lookup(sname)
1204            if sname in seenstates:
1205                self.error(loc, "to-state `%s' appears multiple times", sname)
1206            seenstates.add(sname)
1208            if sdecl is None:
1209                self.error(loc, "state `%s' has not been declared", sname)
1210            elif not sdecl.type.isState():
1211                self.error(
1212                    loc, "`%s' should have state type, but instead has type `%s'",
1213                    sname, sdecl.type.typename())
1214            else:
1215                toState.decl = sdecl
1216                toState.start = sdecl.type.start
1218        t.toStates = set(t.toStates)
1221    def _canonicalType(self, itype, typespec, chmodallowed=0):
1222        loc = typespec.loc
1224        if itype.isIPDL():
1225            if itype.isProtocol():
1226                itype = ActorType(itype,
1227                                  state=typespec.state,
1228                                  nullable=typespec.nullable)
1229            # FIXME/cjones: ShmemChmod is disabled until bug 524193
1230            if 0 and chmodallowed and itype.isShmem():
1231                itype = ShmemChmodType(
1232                    itype,
1233                    myChmod=typespec.myChmod,
1234                    otherChmod=typespec.otherChmod)
1236        if ((typespec.myChmod or typespec.otherChmod)
1237            and not (itype.isIPDL() and (itype.isShmem() or itype.isChmod()))):
1238            self.error(
1239                loc,
1240                "fine-grained access controls make no sense for type `%s'",
1241                itype.name())
1243        if not chmodallowed and (typespec.myChmod or typespec.otherChmod):
1244            self.error(loc, "fine-grained access controls not allowed here")
1246        if typespec.nullable and not (itype.isIPDL() and itype.isActor()):
1247            self.error(
1248                loc,
1249                "`nullable' qualifier for type `%s' makes no sense",
1250                itype.name())
1252        if typespec.array:
1253            itype = ArrayType(itype)
1255        return itype
1260def checkcycles(p, stack=None):
1261    cycles = []
1263    if stack is None:
1264        stack = []
1266    for cp in p.manages:
1267        # special case for self-managed protocols
1268        if cp is p:
1269            continue
1271        if cp in stack:
1272            return [stack + [p, cp]]
1273        cycles += checkcycles(cp, stack + [p])
1275    return cycles
1277def formatcycles(cycles):
1278    r = []
1279    for cycle in cycles:
1280        s = " -> ".join([ptype.name() for ptype in cycle])
1281        r.append("`%s'" % s)
1282    return ", ".join(r)
1285def fullyDefined(t, exploring=None):
1286    '''The rules for "full definition" of a type are
1287  defined(atom)             := true
1288  defined(array basetype)   := defined(basetype)
1289  defined(struct f1 f2...)  := defined(f1) and defined(f2) and ...
1290  defined(union c1 c2 ...)  := defined(c1) or defined(c2) or ...
1292    if exploring is None:
1293        exploring = set()
1295    if t.isAtom():
1296        return True
1297    elif t.isArray():
1298        return fullyDefined(t.basetype, exploring)
1299    elif t.defined:
1300        return True
1301    assert t.isCompound()
1303    if t in exploring:
1304        return False
1306    exploring.add(t)
1307    for c in t.itercomponents():
1308        cdefined = fullyDefined(c, exploring)
1309        if t.isStruct() and not cdefined:
1310            t.defined = False
1311            break
1312        elif t.isUnion() and cdefined:
1313            t.defined = True
1314            break
1315    else:
1316        if t.isStruct():   t.defined = True
1317        elif t.isUnion():  t.defined = False
1318    exploring.remove(t)
1320    return t.defined
1323class CheckTypes(TcheckVisitor):
1324    def __init__(self, errors):
1325        # don't need the symbol table, we just want the error reporting
1326        TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
1327        self.visited = set()
1328        self.ptype = None
1330    def visitInclude(self, inc):
1331        if inc.tu.filename in self.visited:
1332            return
1333        self.visited.add(inc.tu.filename)
1334        if inc.tu.protocol:
1335            inc.tu.protocol.accept(self)
1338    def visitStructDecl(self, sd):
1339        if not fullyDefined(sd.decl.type):
1340            self.error(sd.decl.loc,
1341                       "struct `%s' is only partially defined", sd.name)
1343    def visitUnionDecl(self, ud):
1344        if not fullyDefined(ud.decl.type):
1345            self.error(ud.decl.loc,
1346                       "union `%s' is only partially defined", ud.name)
1349    def visitProtocol(self, p):
1350        self.ptype = p.decl.type
1352        # check that we require no more "power" than our manager protocols
1353        ptype, pname = p.decl.type, p.decl.shortname
1355        if len(p.spawnsStmts) and not ptype.isToplevel():
1356            self.error(p.decl.loc,
1357                       "protocol `%s' is not top-level and so cannot declare |spawns|",
1358                       pname)
1360        if len(p.bridgesStmts) and not ptype.isToplevel():
1361            self.error(p.decl.loc,
1362                       "protocol `%s' is not top-level and so cannot declare |bridges|",
1363                       pname)
1365        if len(p.opensStmts) and not ptype.isToplevel():
1366            self.error(p.decl.loc,
1367                       "protocol `%s' is not top-level and so cannot declare |opens|",
1368                       pname)
1370        for mgrtype in ptype.managers:
1371            if mgrtype is not None and ptype.needsMoreJuiceThan(mgrtype):
1372                self.error(
1373                    p.decl.loc,
1374                    "protocol `%s' requires more powerful send semantics than its manager `%s' provides",
1375                    pname, mgrtype.name())
1377        # XXX currently we don't require a delete() message of top-level
1378        # actors.  need to let experience guide this decision
1379        if not ptype.isToplevel():
1380            for md in p.messageDecls:
1381                if _DELETE_MSG == md.name: break
1382            else:
1383                self.error(
1384                    p.decl.loc,
1385                   "managed protocol `%s' requires a `delete()' message to be declared",
1386                    p.name)
1387        else:
1388            cycles = checkcycles(p.decl.type)
1389            if cycles:
1390                self.error(
1391                    p.decl.loc,
1392                    "cycle(s) detected in manager/manages heirarchy: %s",
1393                    formatcycles(cycles))
1395        if 1 == len(ptype.managers) and ptype is ptype.manager():
1396            self.error(
1397                p.decl.loc,
1398                "top-level protocol `%s' cannot manage itself",
1399                p.name)
1401        return Visitor.visitProtocol(self, p)
1404    def visitSpawnsStmt(self, spawns):
1405        if not self.ptype.isToplevel():
1406            self.error(spawns.loc,
1407                       "only top-level protocols can have |spawns| statements; `%s' cannot",
1408                       self.ptype.name())
1409            return
1411        spawnedType = spawns.proto.type
1412        if not (spawnedType.isIPDL() and spawnedType.isProtocol()
1413                and spawnedType.isToplevel()):
1414            self.error(spawns.loc,
1415                       "cannot spawn non-top-level-protocol `%s'",
1416                       spawnedType.name())
1417        else:
1418            self.ptype.addSpawn(spawnedType)
1421    def visitBridgesStmt(self, bridges):
1422        if not self.ptype.isToplevel():
1423            self.error(bridges.loc,
1424                       "only top-level protocols can have |bridges| statements; `%s' cannot",
1425                       self.ptype.name())
1426            return
1428        parentType = bridges.parentSide.type
1429        childType = bridges.childSide.type
1430        if not (parentType.isIPDL() and parentType.isProtocol()
1431                and childType.isIPDL() and childType.isProtocol()
1432                and parentType.isToplevel() and childType.isToplevel()):
1433            self.error(bridges.loc,
1434                       "cannot bridge non-top-level-protocol(s) `%s' and `%s'",
1435                       parentType.name(), childType.name())
1438    def visitOpensStmt(self, opens):
1439        if not self.ptype.isToplevel():
1440            self.error(opens.loc,
1441                       "only top-level protocols can have |opens| statements; `%s' cannot",
1442                       self.ptype.name())
1443            return
1445        openedType = opens.proto.type
1446        if not (openedType.isIPDL() and openedType.isProtocol()
1447                and openedType.isToplevel()):
1448            self.error(opens.loc,
1449                       "cannot open non-top-level-protocol `%s'",
1450                       openedType.name())
1451        else:
1452            self.ptype.addOpen(openedType)
1455    def visitManagesStmt(self, mgs):
1456        pdecl = mgs.manager.decl
1457        ptype, pname = pdecl.type, pdecl.shortname
1459        mgsdecl = mgs.decl
1460        mgstype, mgsname = mgsdecl.type, mgsdecl.shortname
1462        loc = mgs.loc
1464        # we added this information; sanity check it
1465        assert ptype.isManagerOf(mgstype)
1467        # check that the "managed" protocol agrees
1468        if not mgstype.isManagedBy(ptype):
1469            self.error(
1470                loc,
1471                "|manages| declaration in protocol `%s' does not match any |manager| declaration in protocol `%s'",
1472                pname, mgsname)
1475    def visitManager(self, mgr):
1476        # FIXME/bug 541126: check that the protocol graph is acyclic
1478        pdecl = mgr.of.decl
1479        ptype, pname = pdecl.type, pdecl.shortname
1481        mgrdecl = mgr.decl
1482        mgrtype, mgrname = mgrdecl.type, mgrdecl.shortname
1484        # we added this information; sanity check it
1485        assert ptype.isManagedBy(mgrtype)
1487        loc = mgr.loc
1489        # check that the "manager" protocol agrees
1490        if not mgrtype.isManagerOf(ptype):
1491            self.error(
1492                loc,
1493                "|manager| declaration in protocol `%s' does not match any |manages| declaration in protocol `%s'",
1494                pname, mgrname)
1497    def visitMessageDecl(self, md):
1498        mtype, mname = md.decl.type, md.decl.progname
1499        ptype, pname = md.protocolDecl.type, md.protocolDecl.shortname
1501        loc = md.decl.loc
1503        if mtype.nested == INSIDE_SYNC_NESTED and not mtype.isSync():
1504            self.error(
1505                loc,
1506                "inside_sync nested messages must be sync (here, message `%s' in protocol `%s')",
1507                mname, pname)
1509        if mtype.nested == INSIDE_CPOW_NESTED and (mtype.isOut() or mtype.isInout()):
1510            self.error(
1511                loc,
1512                "inside_cpow nested parent-to-child messages are verboten (here, message `%s' in protocol `%s')",
1513                mname, pname)
1515        # We allow inside_sync messages that are themselves sync to be sent from the
1516        # parent. Normal and inside_cpow nested messages that are sync can only come from
1517        # the child.
1518        if mtype.isSync() and mtype.nested == NOT_NESTED and (mtype.isOut() or mtype.isInout()):
1519            self.error(
1520                loc,
1521                "sync parent-to-child messages are verboten (here, message `%s' in protocol `%s')",
1522                mname, pname)
1524        if mtype.needsMoreJuiceThan(ptype):
1525            self.error(
1526                loc,
1527                "message `%s' requires more powerful send semantics than its protocol `%s' provides",
1528                mname, pname)
1530        if mtype.isAsync() and len(mtype.returns):
1531            # XXX/cjones could modify grammar to disallow this ...
1532            self.error(loc,
1533                       "asynchronous message `%s' declares return values",
1534                       mname)
1536        if (mtype.compress and
1537            (not mtype.isAsync() or mtype.isCtor() or mtype.isDtor())):
1538            self.error(
1539                loc,
1540                "message `%s' in protocol `%s' requests compression but is not async or is special (ctor or dtor)",
1541                mname[:-len('constructor')], pname)
1543        if mtype.isCtor() and not ptype.isManagerOf(mtype.constructedType()):
1544            self.error(
1545                loc,
1546                "ctor for protocol `%s', which is not managed by protocol `%s'",
1547                mname[:-len('constructor')], pname)
1550    def visitTransition(self, t):
1551        _YNC = [ ASYNC, SYNC ]
1553        loc = t.loc
1554        impliedDirection, impliedSems = {
1555            SEND: [ OUT, _YNC ], RECV: [ IN, _YNC ],
1556            CALL: [ OUT, INTR ],  ANSWER: [ IN, INTR ],
1557         } [t.trigger]
1559        if (OUT is impliedDirection and t.msg.type.isIn()
1560            or IN is impliedDirection and t.msg.type.isOut()
1561            or _YNC is impliedSems and t.msg.type.isInterrupt()
1562            or INTR is impliedSems and (not t.msg.type.isInterrupt())):
1563            mtype = t.msg.type
1565            self.error(
1566                loc, "%s %s message `%s' is not `%s'd",
1567                mtype.sendSemantics.pretty, mtype.direction.pretty,
1568                t.msg.progname,
1569                t.trigger.pretty)
1573class Process:
1574    def __init__(self):
1575        self.actors = set()         # set(Actor)
1576        self.edges = { }            # Actor -> [ SpawnsEdge ]
1577        self.spawn = set()          # set(Actor)
1579    def edge(self, spawner, spawn):
1580        if spawner not in self.edges:  self.edges[spawner] = [ ]
1581        self.edges[spawner].append(SpawnsEdge(spawner, spawn))
1582        self.spawn.add(spawn)
1584    def iteredges(self):
1585        for edgelist in self.edges.itervalues():
1586            for edge in edgelist:
1587                yield edge
1589    def merge(self, o):
1590        'Merge the Process |o| into this Process'
1591        if self == o:
1592            return
1593        for actor in o.actors:
1594            ProcessGraph.actorToProcess[actor] = self
1595        self.actors.update(o.actors)
1596        self.edges.update(o.edges)
1597        self.spawn.update(o.spawn)
1598        ProcessGraph.processes.remove(o)
1600    def spawns(self, actor):
1601        return actor in self.spawn
1603    def __cmp__(self, o):  return cmp(self.actors, o.actors)
1604    def __eq__(self, o):   return self.actors == o.actors
1605    def __hash__(self):    return hash(id(self))
1606    def __repr__(self):
1607        return reduce(lambda a, x: str(a) + str(x) +'|', self.actors, '|')
1608    def __str__(self):     return repr(self)
1610class Actor:
1611    def __init__(self, ptype, side):
1612        self.ptype = ptype
1613        self.side = side
1615    def asType(self):
1616        return ActorType(self.ptype)
1617    def other(self):
1618        return Actor(self.ptype, _otherside(self.side))
1620    def __cmp__(self, o):
1621        return cmp(self.ptype, o.ptype) or cmp(self.side, o.side)
1622    def __eq__(self, o):
1623        return self.ptype == o.ptype and self.side == o.side
1624    def __hash__(self):  return hash(repr(self))
1625    def __repr__(self):  return '%s%s'% (self.ptype.name(), self.side.title())
1626    def __str__(self):   return repr(self)
1628class SpawnsEdge:
1629    def __init__(self, spawner, spawn):
1630        self.spawner = spawner      # Actor
1631        self.spawn = spawn          # Actor
1632    def __repr__(self):
1633        return '(%r)--spawns-->(%r)'% (self.spawner, self.spawn)
1634    def __str__(self):  return repr(self)
1636class BridgeEdge:
1637    def __init__(self, bridgeProto, parent, child):
1638        self.bridgeProto = bridgeProto # ProtocolType
1639        self.parent = parent           # Actor
1640        self.child = child             # Actor
1641    def __repr__(self):
1642        return '(%r)--%s bridge-->(%r)'% (
1643            self.parent, self.bridgeProto.name(), self.child)
1644    def __str__(self):  return repr(self)
1646class OpensEdge:
1647    def __init__(self, opener, openedProto):
1648        self.opener = opener            # Actor
1649        self.openedProto = openedProto  # ProtocolType
1650    def __repr__(self):
1651        return '(%r)--opens-->(%s)'% (self.opener, self.openedProto.name())
1652    def __str__(self):  return repr(self)
1654# "singleton" class with state that persists across type checking of
1655# all protocols
1656class ProcessGraph:
1657    processes = set()                   # set(Process)
1658    bridges = { }                       # ProtocolType -> [ BridgeEdge ]
1659    opens = { }                         # ProtocolType -> [ OpensEdge ]
1660    actorToProcess = { }                # Actor -> Process
1661    visitedSpawns = set()               # set(ActorType)
1662    visitedBridges = set()              # set(ActorType)
1664    @classmethod
1665    def findProcess(cls, actor):
1666        return cls.actorToProcess.get(actor, None)
1668    @classmethod
1669    def getProcess(cls, actor):
1670        if actor not in cls.actorToProcess:
1671            p = Process()
1672            p.actors.add(actor)
1673            cls.processes.add(p)
1674            cls.actorToProcess[actor] = p
1675        return cls.actorToProcess[actor]
1677    @classmethod
1678    def bridgesOf(cls, bridgeP):
1679        return cls.bridges.get(bridgeP, [])
1681    @classmethod
1682    def bridgeEndpointsOf(cls, ptype, side):
1683        actor = Actor(ptype, side)
1684        endpoints = []
1685        for b in cls.iterbridges():
1686            if b.parent == actor:
1687                endpoints.append(Actor(b.bridgeProto, 'parent'))
1688            if b.child == actor:
1689                endpoints.append(Actor(b.bridgeProto, 'child'))
1690        return endpoints
1692    @classmethod
1693    def iterbridges(cls):
1694        for edges in cls.bridges.itervalues():
1695            for bridge in edges:
1696                yield bridge
1698    @classmethod
1699    def opensOf(cls, openedP):
1700        return cls.opens.get(openedP, [])
1702    @classmethod
1703    def opensEndpointsOf(cls, ptype, side):
1704        actor = Actor(ptype, side)
1705        endpoints = []
1706        for o in cls.iteropens():
1707            if actor == o.opener:
1708                endpoints.append(Actor(o.openedProto, o.opener.side))
1709            elif actor == o.opener.other():
1710                endpoints.append(Actor(o.openedProto, o.opener.other().side))
1711        return endpoints
1713    @classmethod
1714    def iteropens(cls):
1715        for edges in cls.opens.itervalues():
1716            for opens in edges:
1717                yield opens
1719    @classmethod
1720    def spawn(cls, spawner, remoteSpawn):
1721        localSpawn = remoteSpawn.other()
1722        spawnerProcess = ProcessGraph.getProcess(spawner)
1723        spawnerProcess.merge(ProcessGraph.getProcess(localSpawn))
1724        spawnerProcess.edge(spawner, remoteSpawn)
1726    @classmethod
1727    def bridge(cls, parent, child, bridgeP):
1728        bridgeParent = Actor(bridgeP, 'parent')
1729        parentProcess = ProcessGraph.getProcess(parent)
1730        parentProcess.merge(ProcessGraph.getProcess(bridgeParent))
1731        bridgeChild = Actor(bridgeP, 'child')
1732        childProcess = ProcessGraph.getProcess(child)
1733        childProcess.merge(ProcessGraph.getProcess(bridgeChild))
1734        if bridgeP not in cls.bridges:
1735            cls.bridges[bridgeP] = [ ]
1736        cls.bridges[bridgeP].append(BridgeEdge(bridgeP, parent, child))
1738    @classmethod
1739    def open(cls, opener, opened, openedP):
1740        remoteOpener, remoteOpened, = opener.other(), opened.other()
1741        openerProcess = ProcessGraph.getProcess(opener)
1742        openerProcess.merge(ProcessGraph.getProcess(opened))
1743        remoteOpenerProcess = ProcessGraph.getProcess(remoteOpener)
1744        remoteOpenerProcess.merge(ProcessGraph.getProcess(remoteOpened))
1745        if openedP not in cls.opens:
1746            cls.opens[openedP] = [ ]
1747        cls.opens[openedP].append(OpensEdge(opener, openedP))
1750class BuildProcessGraph(TcheckVisitor):
1751    class findSpawns(TcheckVisitor):
1752        def __init__(self, errors):
1753            TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
1755        def visitTranslationUnit(self, tu):
1756            TcheckVisitor.visitTranslationUnit(self, tu)
1758        def visitInclude(self, inc):
1759            if inc.tu.protocol:
1760                inc.tu.protocol.accept(self)
1762        def visitProtocol(self, p):
1763            ptype = p.decl.type
1764            # non-top-level protocols don't add any information
1765            if not ptype.isToplevel() or ptype in ProcessGraph.visitedSpawns:
1766                return
1768            ProcessGraph.visitedSpawns.add(ptype)
1769            self.visiting = ptype
1770            ProcessGraph.getProcess(Actor(ptype, 'parent'))
1771            ProcessGraph.getProcess(Actor(ptype, 'child'))
1772            return TcheckVisitor.visitProtocol(self, p)
1774        def visitSpawnsStmt(self, spawns):
1775            # The picture here is:
1776            #  [ spawner | localSpawn | ??? ]  (process 1)
1777            #                  |
1778            #                  |
1779            #            [ remoteSpawn | ???]  (process 2)
1780            #
1781            # A spawns stmt tells us that |spawner| and |localSpawn|
1782            # are in the same process.
1783            spawner = Actor(self.visiting, spawns.side)
1784            remoteSpawn = Actor(spawns.proto.type, spawns.spawnedAs)
1785            ProcessGraph.spawn(spawner, remoteSpawn)
1787    def __init__(self, errors):
1788        TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
1789        self.visiting = None            # ActorType
1790        self.visited = set()            # set(ActorType)
1792    def visitTranslationUnit(self, tu):
1793        tu.accept(self.findSpawns(self.errors))
1794        TcheckVisitor.visitTranslationUnit(self, tu)
1796    def visitInclude(self, inc):
1797        if inc.tu.protocol:
1798            inc.tu.protocol.accept(self)
1800    def visitProtocol(self, p):
1801        ptype = p.decl.type
1802        # non-top-level protocols don't add any information
1803        if not ptype.isToplevel() or ptype in ProcessGraph.visitedBridges:
1804            return
1806        ProcessGraph.visitedBridges.add(ptype)
1807        self.visiting = ptype
1808        return TcheckVisitor.visitProtocol(self, p)
1810    def visitBridgesStmt(self, bridges):
1811        bridgeProto = self.visiting
1812        parentSideProto = bridges.parentSide.type
1813        childSideProto = bridges.childSide.type
1815        # the picture here is:
1816        #                                                   (process 1|
1817        #  [ parentSide(Parent|Child) | childSide(Parent|Child) | ... ]
1818        #         |                                       |
1819        #         |                        (process 2|    |
1820        #  [ parentSide(Child|Parent) | bridgeParent ]    |
1821        #                                   |             |
1822        #                                   |             |       (process 3|
1823        #                           [ bridgeChild | childSide(Child|Parent) ]
1824        #
1825        # First we have to figure out which parentSide/childSide
1826        # actors live in the same process.  The possibilities are {
1827        # parent, child } x { parent, child }.  (Multiple matches
1828        # aren't allowed yet.)  Then we make ProcessGraph aware of the
1829        # new bridge.
1830        parentSideActor, childSideActor = None, None
1831        pc = ( 'parent', 'child' )
1832        for parentSide, childSide in cartesian_product(pc, pc):
1833            pactor = Actor(parentSideProto, parentSide)
1834            pproc = ProcessGraph.findProcess(pactor)
1835            cactor = Actor(childSideProto, childSide)
1836            cproc = ProcessGraph.findProcess(cactor)
1837            assert pproc and cproc
1839            if pproc == cproc:
1840                if parentSideActor is not None:
1841                    if parentSideProto != childSideProto:
1842                        self.error(bridges.loc,
1843                                   "ambiguous bridge `%s' between `%s' and `%s'",
1844                                   bridgeProto.name(),
1845                                   parentSideProto.name(),
1846                                   childSideProto.name())
1847                else:
1848                    parentSideActor, childSideActor = pactor.other(), cactor.other()
1850        if parentSideActor is None:
1851            self.error(bridges.loc,
1852                       "`%s' and `%s' cannot be bridged by `%s' ",
1853                       parentSideProto.name(), childSideProto.name(),
1854                       bridgeProto.name())
1856        ProcessGraph.bridge(parentSideActor, childSideActor, bridgeProto)
1858    def visitOpensStmt(self, opens):
1859        openedP = opens.proto.type
1860        opener = Actor(self.visiting, opens.side)
1861        opened = Actor(openedP, opens.side)
1863        # The picture here is:
1864        #  [ opener       | opened ]   (process 1)
1865        #      |               |
1866        #      |               |
1867        #  [ remoteOpener | remoteOpened ]  (process 2)
1868        #
1869        # An opens stmt tells us that the pairs |opener|/|opened|
1870        # and |remoteOpener|/|remoteOpened| are each in the same
1871        # process.
1872        ProcessGraph.open(opener, opened, openedP)
1875class CheckProcessGraph(TcheckVisitor):
1876    def __init__(self, errors):
1877        TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
1879    # TODO: verify spawns-per-process assumption and check that graph
1880    # is a dag
1881    def visitTranslationUnit(self, tu):
1882        if 0:
1883            print 'Processes'
1884            for process in ProcessGraph.processes:
1885                print '  ', process
1886                for edge in process.iteredges():
1887                    print '    ', edge
1888            print 'Bridges'
1889            for bridgeList in ProcessGraph.bridges.itervalues():
1890                for bridge in bridgeList:
1891                    print '  ', bridge
1892            print 'Opens'
1893            for opensList in ProcessGraph.opens.itervalues():
1894                for opens in opensList:
1895                    print '  ', opens
1899class CheckStateMachine(TcheckVisitor):
1900    def __init__(self, errors):
1901        # don't need the symbol table, we just want the error reporting
1902        TcheckVisitor.__init__(self, None, errors)
1903        self.p = None
1905    def visitProtocol(self, p):
1906        self.p = p
1907        self.checkReachability(p)
1908        for ts in p.transitionStmts:
1909            ts.accept(self)
1911    def visitTransitionStmt(self, ts):
1912        # We want to disallow "race conditions" in protocols.  These
1913        # can occur when a protocol state machine has a state that
1914        # allows triggers of opposite direction.  That declaration
1915        # allows the parent to send the child a message at the
1916        # exact instance the child sends the parent a message.  One of
1917        # those messages would (probably) violate the state machine
1918        # and cause the child to be terminated.  It's obviously very
1919        # nice if we can forbid this at the level of IPDL state
1920        # machines, rather than resorting to static or dynamic
1921        # checking of C++ implementation code.
1922        #
1923        # An easy way to avoid this problem in IPDL is to only allow
1924        # "unidirectional" protocol states; that is, from each state,
1925        # only send or only recv triggers are allowed.  This approach
1926        # is taken by the Singularity project's "contract-based
1927        # message channels."  However, this can be something of a
1928        # notational burden for stateful protocols.
1929        #
1930        # If two messages race, the effect is that the parent's and
1931        # child's states get temporarily out of sync.  Informally,
1932        # IPDL allows this *only if* the state machines get out of
1933        # sync for only *one* step (state machine transition), then
1934        # sync back up.  This is a design decision: the states could
1935        # be allowd to get out of sync for any constant k number of
1936        # steps.  (If k is unbounded, there's no point in presenting
1937        # the abstraction of parent and child actor states being
1938        # "entangled".)  The working hypothesis is that the more steps
1939        # the states are allowed to be out of sync, the harder it is
1940        # to reason about the protocol.
1941        #
1942        # Slightly less informally, two messages are allowed to race
1943        # only if processing them in either order leaves the protocol
1944        # in the same state.  That is, messages A and B are allowed to
1945        # race only if processing A then B leaves the protocol in
1946        # state S, *and* processing B then A also leaves the protocol
1947        # in state S.  Technically, if this holds, then messages A and
1948        # B could be called "commutative" wrt to actor state.
1949        #
1950        # "Formally", state machine definitions must adhere to two
1951        # rules.
1952        #
1953        #   *Rule 1*: from a state S, all sync triggers must be of the same
1954        # "direction," i.e. only |send| or only |recv|
1955        #
1956        # (Pairs of sync messages can't commute, because otherwise
1957        # deadlock can occur from simultaneously in-flight sync
1958        # requests.)
1959        #
1960        #   *Rule 2*: the "Diamond Rule".
1961        #   from a state S,
1962        #     for any pair of triggers t1 and t2,
1963        #         where t1 and t2 have opposite direction,
1964        #         and t1 transitions to state T1 and t2 to T2,
1965        #       then the following must be true:
1966        #         (T2 allows the trigger t1, transitioning to state U)
1967        #         and
1968        #         (T1 allows the trigger t2, transitioning to state U)
1969        #         and
1970        #         (
1971        #           (
1972        #             (all of T1's triggers have the same direction as t2)
1973        #             and
1974        #             (all of T2's triggers have the same direction as t1)
1975        #           )
1976        #           or
1977        #           (T1, T2, and U are the same "terminal state")
1978        #         )
1979        #
1980        # A "terminal state" S is one from which all triggers
1981        # transition back to S itself.
1982        #
1983        # The presence of triggers with multiple out states complicates
1984        # this check slightly, but doesn't fundamentally change it.
1985        #
1986        #   from a state S,
1987        #     for any pair of triggers t1 and t2,
1988        #         where t1 and t2 have opposite direction,
1989        #       for each pair of states (T1, T2) \in t1_out x t2_out,
1990        #           where t1_out is the set of outstates from t1
1991        #                 t2_out is the set of outstates from t2
1992        #                 t1_out x t2_out is their Cartesian product
1993        #                 and t1 transitions to state T1 and t2 to T2,
1994        #         then the following must be true:
1995        #           (T2 allows the trigger t1, with out-state set { U })
1996        #           and
1997        #           (T1 allows the trigger t2, with out-state set { U })
1998        #           and
1999        #           (
2000        #             (
2001        #               (all of T1's triggers have the same direction as t2)
2002        #               and
2003        #               (all of T2's triggers have the same direction as t1)
2004        #             )
2005        #             or
2006        #             (T1, T2, and U are the same "terminal state")
2007        #           )
2009        # check Rule 1
2010        syncdirection = None
2011        syncok = True
2012        for trans in ts.transitions:
2013            if not trans.msg.type.isSync(): continue
2014            if syncdirection is None:
2015                syncdirection = trans.trigger.direction()
2016            elif syncdirection is not trans.trigger.direction():
2017                self.error(
2018                    trans.loc,
2019                    "sync trigger at state `%s' in protocol `%s' has different direction from earlier sync trigger at same state",
2020                    ts.state.name, self.p.name)
2021                syncok = False
2022        # don't check the Diamond Rule if Rule 1 doesn't hold
2023        if not syncok:
2024            return
2026        # helper functions
2027        def triggerTargets(S, t):
2028            '''Return the set of states transitioned to from state |S|
2029upon trigger |t|, or { } if |t| is not a trigger in |S|.'''
2030            for trans in self.p.states[S].transitions:
2031                if t.trigger is trans.trigger and t.msg is trans.msg:
2032                    return trans.toStates
2033            return set()
2035        def allTriggersSameDirectionAs(S, t):
2036            '''Return true iff all the triggers from state |S| have the same
2037direction as trigger |t|'''
2038            direction = t.direction()
2039            for trans in self.p.states[S].transitions:
2040                if direction != trans.trigger.direction():
2041                    return False
2042            return True
2044        def terminalState(S):
2045            '''Return true iff |S| is a "terminal state".'''
2046            for trans in self.p.states[S].transitions:
2047                for S_ in trans.toStates:
2048                    if S_ != S:  return False
2049            return True
2051        def sameTerminalState(S1, S2, S3):
2052            '''Return true iff states |S1|, |S2|, and |S3| are all the same
2053"terminal state".'''
2054            if isinstance(S3, set):
2055                assert len(S3) == 1
2056                for S3_ in S3: pass
2057                S3 = S3_
2059            return (S1 == S2 == S3) and terminalState(S1)
2061        S = ts.state.name
2063        # check the Diamond Rule
2064        for (t1, t2) in unique_pairs(ts.transitions):
2065            # if the triggers have the same direction, they can't race,
2066            # since only one endpoint can initiate either (and delivery
2067            # is in-order)
2068            if t1.trigger.direction() == t2.trigger.direction():
2069                continue
2071            loc = t1.loc
2072            t1_out = t1.toStates
2073            t2_out = t2.toStates
2075            for (T1, T2) in cartesian_product(t1_out, t2_out):
2076                # U1 <- { u | T1 --t2--> u }
2077                U1 = triggerTargets(T1, t2)
2078                # U2 <- { u | T2 --t1--> u }
2079                U2 = triggerTargets(T2, t1)
2081                # don't report more than one Diamond Rule violation
2082                # per state. there may be O(n^4) total, way too many
2083                # for a human to parse
2084                #
2085                # XXX/cjones: could set a limit on #printed and stop
2086                # after that limit ...
2087                raceError = False
2088                errT1 = None
2089                errT2 = None
2091                if 0 == len(U1) or 0 == len(U2):
2092                    print "******* case 1"
2093                    raceError = True
2094                elif 1 < len(U1) or 1 < len(U2):
2095                    raceError = True
2096                    # there are potentially many unpaired states; just
2097                    # pick two
2098                    print "******* case 2"
2099                    for u1, u2 in cartesian_product(U1, U2):
2100                        if u1 != u2:
2101                            errT1, errT2 = u1, u2
2102                            break
2103                elif U1 != U2:
2104                    print "******* case 3"
2105                    raceError = True
2106                    for errT1 in U1: pass
2107                    for errT2 in U2: pass
2109                if raceError:
2110                    self.reportRaceError(loc, S,
2111                                         [ T1, t1, errT1 ],
2112                                         [ T2, t2, errT2 ])
2113                    return
2115                if not ((allTriggersSameDirectionAs(T1, t2.trigger)
2116                           and allTriggersSameDirectionAs(T2, t1.trigger))
2117                          or sameTerminalState(T1, T2, U1)):
2118                    self.reportRunawayError(loc, S, [ T1, t1, None ], [ T2, t2, None ])
2119                    return
2121    def checkReachability(self, p):
2122        def explore(ts, visited):
2123            if ts.state in visited:
2124                return
2125            visited.add(ts.state)
2126            for outedge in ts.transitions:
2127                for toState in outedge.toStates:
2128                    explore(p.states[toState], visited)
2130        checkfordelete = (State.DEAD in p.states)
2132        allvisited = set()         # set(State)
2133        for root in p.startStates:
2134            visited = set()
2136            explore(root, visited)
2137            allvisited.update(visited)
2139            if checkfordelete and State.DEAD not in visited:
2140                self.error(
2141                    root.loc,
2142                    "when starting from state `%s', actors of protocol `%s' cannot be deleted", root.state.name, p.name)
2144        for ts in p.states.itervalues():
2145            if ts.state is not State.DEAD and ts.state not in allvisited:
2146                self.error(ts.loc,
2147                           "unreachable state `%s' in protocol `%s'",
2148                           ts.state.name, p.name)
2151    def _normalizeTransitionSequences(self, t1Seq, t2Seq):
2152        T1, M1, U1 = t1Seq
2153        T2, M2, U2 = t2Seq
2154        assert M1 is not None and M2 is not None
2156        # make sure that T1/M1/U1 is the parent side of the race
2157        if M1.trigger is RECV or M1.trigger is ANSWER:
2158            T1, M1, U1, T2, M2, U2 = T2, M2, U2, T1, M1, U1
2160        def stateName(S):
2161            if S: return S.name
2162            return '[error]'
2164        T1 = stateName(T1)
2165        T2 = stateName(T2)
2166        U1 = stateName(U1)
2167        U2 = stateName(U2)
2169        return T1, M1.msg.progname, U1, T2, M2.msg.progname, U2
2172    def reportRaceError(self, loc, S, t1Seq, t2Seq):
2173        T1, M1, U1, T2, M2, U2 = self._normalizeTransitionSequences(t1Seq, t2Seq)
2174        self.error(
2175            loc,
2176"""in protocol `%(P)s', the sequence of events
2177     parent:    +--`send %(M1)s'-->( state `%(T1)s' )--`recv %(M2)s'-->( state %(U1)s )
2178               /
2179 ( state `%(S)s' )
2180               \\
2181      child:    +--`send %(M2)s'-->( state `%(T2)s' )--`recv %(M1)s'-->( state %(U2)s )
2182results in error(s) or leaves parent/child state out of sync for more than one step and is thus a race hazard; i.e., triggers `%(M1)s' and `%(M2)s' fail to commute in state `%(S)s'"""% {
2183                'P': self.p.name, 'S': S, 'M1': M1, 'M2': M2,
2184                'T1': T1, 'T2': T2, 'U1': U1, 'U2': U2
2185        })
2188    def reportRunawayError(self, loc, S, t1Seq, t2Seq):
2189        T1, M1, _, T2, M2, __ = self._normalizeTransitionSequences(t1Seq, t2Seq)
2190        self.error(
2191            loc,
2192        """in protocol `%(P)s', the sequence of events
2193     parent:    +--`send %(M1)s'-->( state `%(T1)s' )
2194               /
2195 ( state `%(S)s' )
2196               \\
2197      child:    +--`send %(M2)s'-->( state `%(T2)s' )
2198lead to parent/child states in which parent/child state can become more than one step out of sync (though this divergence might not lead to error conditions)"""% {
2199                'P': self.p.name, 'S': S, 'M1': M1, 'M2': M2, 'T1': T1, 'T2': T2
2200        })