1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2  * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
3  *
4  * Copyright 2015 Mozilla Foundation
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
19 #ifndef wasm_types_h
20 #define wasm_types_h
22 #include "mozilla/EnumeratedArray.h"
23 #include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
24 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
25 #include "mozilla/Move.h"
26 #include "mozilla/RefCounted.h"
27 #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
28 #include "mozilla/Unused.h"
30 #include "NamespaceImports.h"
32 #include "ds/LifoAlloc.h"
33 #include "jit/IonTypes.h"
34 #include "js/UniquePtr.h"
35 #include "js/Utility.h"
36 #include "js/Vector.h"
37 #include "vm/MallocProvider.h"
38 #include "wasm/WasmBinaryConstants.h"
40 namespace js {
42 class PropertyName;
43 namespace jit { struct BaselineScript; }
45 // This is a widespread header, so lets keep out the core wasm impl types.
47 class WasmMemoryObject;
48 typedef GCPtr<WasmMemoryObject*> GCPtrWasmMemoryObject;
49 typedef Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> RootedWasmMemoryObject;
50 typedef Handle<WasmMemoryObject*> HandleWasmMemoryObject;
51 typedef MutableHandle<WasmMemoryObject*> MutableHandleWasmMemoryObject;
53 class WasmModuleObject;
54 typedef Rooted<WasmModuleObject*> RootedWasmModuleObject;
55 typedef Handle<WasmModuleObject*> HandleWasmModuleObject;
56 typedef MutableHandle<WasmModuleObject*> MutableHandleWasmModuleObject;
58 class WasmInstanceObject;
59 typedef GCVector<WasmInstanceObject*> WasmInstanceObjectVector;
60 typedef Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> RootedWasmInstanceObject;
61 typedef Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> HandleWasmInstanceObject;
62 typedef MutableHandle<WasmInstanceObject*> MutableHandleWasmInstanceObject;
64 class WasmTableObject;
65 typedef Rooted<WasmTableObject*> RootedWasmTableObject;
66 typedef Handle<WasmTableObject*> HandleWasmTableObject;
67 typedef MutableHandle<WasmTableObject*> MutableHandleWasmTableObject;
69 namespace wasm {
71 using mozilla::DebugOnly;
72 using mozilla::EnumeratedArray;
73 using mozilla::Maybe;
74 using mozilla::Move;
75 using mozilla::MallocSizeOf;
76 using mozilla::Nothing;
77 using mozilla::PodZero;
78 using mozilla::PodCopy;
79 using mozilla::PodEqual;
80 using mozilla::RefCounted;
81 using mozilla::Some;
82 using mozilla::Unused;
84 typedef Vector<uint32_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> Uint32Vector;
85 typedef Vector<uint8_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> Bytes;
87 typedef int8_t I8x16[16];
88 typedef int16_t I16x8[8];
89 typedef int32_t I32x4[4];
90 typedef float F32x4[4];
92 class Code;
93 class CodeRange;
94 class Memory;
95 class Module;
96 class Instance;
97 class Table;
99 // To call Vector::podResizeToFit, a type must specialize mozilla::IsPod
100 // which is pretty verbose to do within js::wasm, so factor that process out
101 // into a macro.
103 #define WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(Type, VectorName)                               \
104 } } namespace mozilla {                                                         \
105 template <> struct IsPod<js::wasm::Type> : TrueType {};                         \
106 } namespace js { namespace wasm {                                               \
107 typedef Vector<Type, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> VectorName;
109 // A wasm Module and everything it contains must support serialization and
110 // deserialization. Some data can be simply copied as raw bytes and,
111 // as a convention, is stored in an inline CacheablePod struct. Everything else
112 // should implement the below methods which are called recusively by the
113 // containing Module.
115 #define WASM_DECLARE_SERIALIZABLE(Type)                                         \
116     size_t serializedSize() const;                                              \
117     uint8_t* serialize(uint8_t* cursor) const;                                  \
118     const uint8_t* deserialize(const uint8_t* cursor);                          \
119     size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
121 #define WASM_DECLARE_SERIALIZABLE_VIRTUAL(Type)                                 \
122     virtual size_t serializedSize() const;                                      \
123     virtual uint8_t* serialize(uint8_t* cursor) const;                          \
124     virtual const uint8_t* deserialize(const uint8_t* cursor);                  \
125     virtual size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
127 #define WASM_DECLARE_SERIALIZABLE_OVERRIDE(Type)                                \
128     size_t serializedSize() const override;                                     \
129     uint8_t* serialize(uint8_t* cursor) const override;                         \
130     const uint8_t* deserialize(const uint8_t* cursor) override;                 \
131     size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const override;
133 // This reusable base class factors out the logic for a resource that is shared
134 // by multiple instances/modules but should only be counted once when computing
135 // about:memory stats.
137 template <class T>
138 struct ShareableBase : RefCounted<T>
139 {
140     using SeenSet = HashSet<const T*, DefaultHasher<const T*>, SystemAllocPolicy>;
sizeOfIncludingThisIfNotSeenShareableBase142     size_t sizeOfIncludingThisIfNotSeen(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, SeenSet* seen) const {
143         const T* self = static_cast<const T*>(this);
144         typename SeenSet::AddPtr p = seen->lookupForAdd(self);
145         if (p)
146             return 0;
147         bool ok = seen->add(p, self);
148         (void)ok;  // oh well
149         return mallocSizeOf(self) + self->sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
150     }
151 };
153 // ValType utilities
155 static inline bool
IsSimdType(ValType vt)156 IsSimdType(ValType vt)
157 {
158     switch (vt) {
159       case ValType::I8x16:
160       case ValType::I16x8:
161       case ValType::I32x4:
162       case ValType::F32x4:
163       case ValType::B8x16:
164       case ValType::B16x8:
165       case ValType::B32x4:
166         return true;
167       default:
168         return false;
169     }
170 }
172 static inline uint32_t
NumSimdElements(ValType vt)173 NumSimdElements(ValType vt)
174 {
175     MOZ_ASSERT(IsSimdType(vt));
176     switch (vt) {
177       case ValType::I8x16:
178       case ValType::B8x16:
179         return 16;
180       case ValType::I16x8:
181       case ValType::B16x8:
182         return 8;
183       case ValType::I32x4:
184       case ValType::F32x4:
185       case ValType::B32x4:
186         return 4;
187      default:
188         MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled SIMD type");
189     }
190 }
192 static inline ValType
SimdElementType(ValType vt)193 SimdElementType(ValType vt)
194 {
195     MOZ_ASSERT(IsSimdType(vt));
196     switch (vt) {
197       case ValType::I8x16:
198       case ValType::I16x8:
199       case ValType::I32x4:
200         return ValType::I32;
201       case ValType::F32x4:
202         return ValType::F32;
203       case ValType::B8x16:
204       case ValType::B16x8:
205       case ValType::B32x4:
206         return ValType::I32;
207      default:
208         MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled SIMD type");
209     }
210 }
212 static inline ValType
SimdBoolType(ValType vt)213 SimdBoolType(ValType vt)
214 {
215     MOZ_ASSERT(IsSimdType(vt));
216     switch (vt) {
217       case ValType::I8x16:
218       case ValType::B8x16:
219         return ValType::B8x16;
220       case ValType::I16x8:
221       case ValType::B16x8:
222         return ValType::B16x8;
223       case ValType::I32x4:
224       case ValType::F32x4:
225       case ValType::B32x4:
226         return ValType::B32x4;
227      default:
228         MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled SIMD type");
229     }
230 }
232 static inline bool
IsSimdBoolType(ValType vt)233 IsSimdBoolType(ValType vt)
234 {
235     return vt == ValType::B8x16 || vt == ValType::B16x8 || vt == ValType::B32x4;
236 }
238 static inline jit::MIRType
ToMIRType(ValType vt)239 ToMIRType(ValType vt)
240 {
241     switch (vt) {
242       case ValType::I32: return jit::MIRType::Int32;
243       case ValType::I64: return jit::MIRType::Int64;
244       case ValType::F32: return jit::MIRType::Float32;
245       case ValType::F64: return jit::MIRType::Double;
246       case ValType::I8x16: return jit::MIRType::Int8x16;
247       case ValType::I16x8: return jit::MIRType::Int16x8;
248       case ValType::I32x4: return jit::MIRType::Int32x4;
249       case ValType::F32x4: return jit::MIRType::Float32x4;
250       case ValType::B8x16: return jit::MIRType::Bool8x16;
251       case ValType::B16x8: return jit::MIRType::Bool16x8;
252       case ValType::B32x4: return jit::MIRType::Bool32x4;
253     }
255 }
257 // The ExprType enum represents the type of a WebAssembly expression or return
258 // value and may either be a value type or void. Soon, expression types will be
259 // generalized to a list of ValType and this enum will go away, replaced,
260 // wherever it is used, by a varU32 + list of ValType.
262 enum class ExprType
263 {
264     Void  = uint8_t(TypeCode::BlockVoid),
266     I32   = uint8_t(TypeCode::I32),
267     I64   = uint8_t(TypeCode::I64),
268     F32   = uint8_t(TypeCode::F32),
269     F64   = uint8_t(TypeCode::F64),
271     I8x16 = uint8_t(TypeCode::I8x16),
272     I16x8 = uint8_t(TypeCode::I16x8),
273     I32x4 = uint8_t(TypeCode::I32x4),
274     F32x4 = uint8_t(TypeCode::F32x4),
275     B8x16 = uint8_t(TypeCode::B8x16),
276     B16x8 = uint8_t(TypeCode::B16x8),
277     B32x4 = uint8_t(TypeCode::B32x4),
279     Limit = uint8_t(TypeCode::Limit)
280 };
282 static inline bool
IsVoid(ExprType et)283 IsVoid(ExprType et)
284 {
285     return et == ExprType::Void;
286 }
288 static inline ValType
NonVoidToValType(ExprType et)289 NonVoidToValType(ExprType et)
290 {
291     MOZ_ASSERT(!IsVoid(et));
292     return ValType(et);
293 }
295 static inline ExprType
ToExprType(ValType vt)296 ToExprType(ValType vt)
297 {
298     return ExprType(vt);
299 }
301 static inline bool
IsSimdType(ExprType et)302 IsSimdType(ExprType et)
303 {
304     return IsVoid(et) ? false : IsSimdType(ValType(et));
305 }
307 static inline jit::MIRType
ToMIRType(ExprType et)308 ToMIRType(ExprType et)
309 {
310     return IsVoid(et) ? jit::MIRType::None : ToMIRType(ValType(et));
311 }
313 static inline const char*
ToCString(ExprType type)314 ToCString(ExprType type)
315 {
316     switch (type) {
317       case ExprType::Void:  return "void";
318       case ExprType::I32:   return "i32";
319       case ExprType::I64:   return "i64";
320       case ExprType::F32:   return "f32";
321       case ExprType::F64:   return "f64";
322       case ExprType::I8x16: return "i8x16";
323       case ExprType::I16x8: return "i16x8";
324       case ExprType::I32x4: return "i32x4";
325       case ExprType::F32x4: return "f32x4";
326       case ExprType::B8x16: return "b8x16";
327       case ExprType::B16x8: return "b16x8";
328       case ExprType::B32x4: return "b32x4";
329       case ExprType::Limit:;
330     }
331     MOZ_CRASH("bad expression type");
332 }
334 static inline const char*
ToCString(ValType type)335 ToCString(ValType type)
336 {
337     return ToCString(ToExprType(type));
338 }
340 // Because WebAssembly allows one to define the payload of a NaN value,
341 // including the signal/quiet bit (highest order bit of payload), another
342 // represenation of floating-point values is required: on some platforms (x86
343 // without SSE2), passing a floating-point argument to a function call may use
344 // the x87 stack, which has the side-effect of clearing the signal/quiet bit.
345 // Because the signal/quiet bit must be preserved (by spec), we use the raw
346 // punned integer representation of floating points instead, in function calls.
347 //
348 // When we leave the WebAssembly sandbox back to JS, NaNs are canonicalized, so
349 // this isn't observable from JS.
351 template<class T>
352 class Raw
353 {
354     typedef typename mozilla::FloatingPoint<T>::Bits Bits;
355     Bits value_;
357   public:
Raw()358     Raw() : value_(0) {}
Raw(T value)360     explicit Raw(T value)
361       : value_(mozilla::BitwiseCast<Bits>(value))
362     {}
364     template<class U> MOZ_IMPLICIT Raw(U) = delete;
fromBits(Bits bits)366     static Raw fromBits(Bits bits) { Raw r; r.value_ = bits; return r; }
bits()368     Bits bits() const { return value_; }
fp()369     T fp() const { return mozilla::BitwiseCast<T>(value_); }
370 };
372 using RawF64 = Raw<double>;
373 using RawF32 = Raw<float>;
375 // The Val class represents a single WebAssembly value of a given value type,
376 // mostly for the purpose of numeric literals and initializers. A Val does not
377 // directly map to a JS value since there is not (currently) a precise
378 // representation of i64 values. A Val may contain non-canonical NaNs since,
379 // within WebAssembly, floats are not canonicalized. Canonicalization must
380 // happen at the JS boundary.
382 class Val
383 {
384     ValType type_;
385     union U {
386         uint32_t i32_;
387         uint64_t i64_;
388         RawF32 f32_;
389         RawF64 f64_;
390         I8x16 i8x16_;
391         I16x8 i16x8_;
392         I32x4 i32x4_;
393         F32x4 f32x4_;
U()394         U() {}
395     } u;
397   public:
398     Val() = default;
Val(uint32_t i32)400     explicit Val(uint32_t i32) : type_(ValType::I32) { u.i32_ = i32; }
Val(uint64_t i64)401     explicit Val(uint64_t i64) : type_(ValType::I64) { u.i64_ = i64; }
Val(RawF32 f32)403     explicit Val(RawF32 f32) : type_(ValType::F32) { u.f32_ = f32; }
Val(RawF64 f64)404     explicit Val(RawF64 f64) : type_(ValType::F64) { u.f64_ = f64; }
405     MOZ_IMPLICIT Val(float) = delete;
406     MOZ_IMPLICIT Val(double) = delete;
type_(type)408     explicit Val(const I8x16& i8x16, ValType type = ValType::I8x16) : type_(type) {
409         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I8x16 || type_ == ValType::B8x16);
410         memcpy(u.i8x16_, i8x16, sizeof(u.i8x16_));
411     }
type_(type)412     explicit Val(const I16x8& i16x8, ValType type = ValType::I16x8) : type_(type) {
413         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I16x8 || type_ == ValType::B16x8);
414         memcpy(u.i16x8_, i16x8, sizeof(u.i16x8_));
415     }
type_(type)416     explicit Val(const I32x4& i32x4, ValType type = ValType::I32x4) : type_(type) {
417         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I32x4 || type_ == ValType::B32x4);
418         memcpy(u.i32x4_, i32x4, sizeof(u.i32x4_));
419     }
Val(const F32x4 & f32x4)420     explicit Val(const F32x4& f32x4) : type_(ValType::F32x4) {
421         memcpy(u.f32x4_, f32x4, sizeof(u.f32x4_));
422     }
type()424     ValType type() const { return type_; }
isSimd()425     bool isSimd() const { return IsSimdType(type()); }
i32()427     uint32_t i32() const { MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I32); return u.i32_; }
i64()428     uint64_t i64() const { MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I64); return u.i64_; }
f32()429     RawF32 f32() const { MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::F32); return u.f32_; }
f64()430     RawF64 f64() const { MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::F64); return u.f64_; }
i8x16()432     const I8x16& i8x16() const {
433         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I8x16 || type_ == ValType::B8x16);
434         return u.i8x16_;
435     }
i16x8()436     const I16x8& i16x8() const {
437         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I16x8 || type_ == ValType::B16x8);
438         return u.i16x8_;
439     }
i32x4()440     const I32x4& i32x4() const {
441         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::I32x4 || type_ == ValType::B32x4);
442         return u.i32x4_;
443     }
f32x4()444     const F32x4& f32x4() const {
445         MOZ_ASSERT(type_ == ValType::F32x4);
446         return u.f32x4_;
447     }
449     void writePayload(uint8_t* dst) const;
450 };
452 typedef Vector<Val, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ValVector;
454 // The Sig class represents a WebAssembly function signature which takes a list
455 // of value types and returns an expression type. The engine uses two in-memory
456 // representations of the argument Vector's memory (when elements do not fit
457 // inline): normal malloc allocation (via SystemAllocPolicy) and allocation in
458 // a LifoAlloc (via LifoAllocPolicy). The former Sig objects can have any
459 // lifetime since they own the memory. The latter Sig objects must not outlive
460 // the associated LifoAlloc mark/release interval (which is currently the
461 // duration of module validation+compilation). Thus, long-lived objects like
462 // WasmModule must use malloced allocation.
464 class Sig
465 {
466     ValTypeVector args_;
467     ExprType ret_;
469   public:
Sig()470     Sig() : args_(), ret_(ExprType::Void) {}
Sig(ValTypeVector && args,ExprType ret)471     Sig(ValTypeVector&& args, ExprType ret) : args_(Move(args)), ret_(ret) {}
clone(const Sig & rhs)473     MOZ_MUST_USE bool clone(const Sig& rhs) {
474         ret_ = rhs.ret_;
475         MOZ_ASSERT(args_.empty());
476         return args_.appendAll(rhs.args_);
477     }
arg(unsigned i)479     ValType arg(unsigned i) const { return args_[i]; }
args()480     const ValTypeVector& args() const { return args_; }
ret()481     const ExprType& ret() const { return ret_; }
hash()483     HashNumber hash() const {
484         return AddContainerToHash(args_, HashNumber(ret_));
485     }
486     bool operator==(const Sig& rhs) const {
487         return ret() == rhs.ret() && EqualContainers(args(), rhs.args());
488     }
489     bool operator!=(const Sig& rhs) const {
490         return !(*this == rhs);
491     }
494 };
496 struct SigHashPolicy
497 {
498     typedef const Sig& Lookup;
hashSigHashPolicy499     static HashNumber hash(Lookup sig) { return sig.hash(); }
matchSigHashPolicy500     static bool match(const Sig* lhs, Lookup rhs) { return *lhs == rhs; }
501 };
503 // An InitExpr describes a deferred initializer expression, used to initialize
504 // a global or a table element offset. Such expressions are created during
505 // decoding and actually executed on module instantiation.
507 class InitExpr
508 {
509   public:
510     enum class Kind {
511         Constant,
512         GetGlobal
513     };
515   private:
516     Kind kind_;
517     union U {
518         Val val_;
519         struct {
520             uint32_t index_;
521             ValType type_;
522         } global;
U()523         U() {}
524     } u;
526   public:
527     InitExpr() = default;
InitExpr(Val val)529     explicit InitExpr(Val val) : kind_(Kind::Constant) {
530         u.val_ = val;
531     }
InitExpr(uint32_t globalIndex,ValType type)533     explicit InitExpr(uint32_t globalIndex, ValType type) : kind_(Kind::GetGlobal) {
534         u.global.index_ = globalIndex;
535         u.global.type_ = type;
536     }
kind()538     Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
isVal()540     bool isVal() const { return kind() == Kind::Constant; }
val()541     Val val() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isVal()); return u.val_; }
globalIndex()543     uint32_t globalIndex() const { MOZ_ASSERT(kind() == Kind::GetGlobal); return u.global.index_; }
type()545     ValType type() const {
546         switch (kind()) {
547           case Kind::Constant: return u.val_.type();
548           case Kind::GetGlobal: return u.global.type_;
549         }
550         MOZ_CRASH("unexpected initExpr type");
551     }
552 };
554 // CacheableChars is used to cacheably store UniqueChars.
556 struct CacheableChars : UniqueChars
557 {
558     CacheableChars() = default;
CacheableCharsCacheableChars559     explicit CacheableChars(char* ptr) : UniqueChars(ptr) {}
CacheableCharsCacheableChars560     MOZ_IMPLICIT CacheableChars(UniqueChars&& rhs) : UniqueChars(Move(rhs)) {}
562 };
564 typedef Vector<CacheableChars, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> CacheableCharsVector;
566 // Import describes a single wasm import. An ImportVector describes all
567 // of a single module's imports.
568 //
569 // ImportVector is built incrementally by ModuleGenerator and then stored
570 // immutably by Module.
572 struct Import
573 {
574     CacheableChars module;
575     CacheableChars field;
576     DefinitionKind kind;
578     Import() = default;
ImportImport579     Import(UniqueChars&& module, UniqueChars&& field, DefinitionKind kind)
580       : module(Move(module)), field(Move(field)), kind(kind)
581     {}
584 };
586 typedef Vector<Import, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> ImportVector;
588 // A GlobalDesc describes a single global variable. Currently, asm.js and wasm
589 // exposes mutable and immutable private globals, but can't import nor export
590 // mutable globals.
592 enum class GlobalKind
593 {
594     Import,
595     Constant,
596     Variable
597 };
599 class GlobalDesc
600 {
601     union V {
602         struct {
603             union U {
604                 InitExpr initial_;
605                 struct {
606                     ValType type_;
607                     uint32_t index_;
608                 } import;
U()609                 U() {}
610             } val;
611             unsigned offset_;
612             bool isMutable_;
613         } var;
614         Val cst_;
V()615         V() {}
616     } u;
617     GlobalKind kind_;
619   public:
620     GlobalDesc() = default;
GlobalDesc(InitExpr initial,bool isMutable)622     explicit GlobalDesc(InitExpr initial, bool isMutable)
623       : kind_((isMutable || !initial.isVal()) ? GlobalKind::Variable : GlobalKind::Constant)
624     {
625         if (isVariable()) {
626             u.var.val.initial_ = initial;
627             u.var.isMutable_ = isMutable;
628             u.var.offset_ = UINT32_MAX;
629         } else {
630             u.cst_ = initial.val();
631         }
632     }
GlobalDesc(ValType type,bool isMutable,uint32_t importIndex)634     explicit GlobalDesc(ValType type, bool isMutable, uint32_t importIndex)
635       : kind_(GlobalKind::Import)
636     {
637         u.var.val.import.type_ = type;
638         u.var.val.import.index_ = importIndex;
639         u.var.isMutable_ = isMutable;
640         u.var.offset_ = UINT32_MAX;
641     }
setOffset(unsigned offset)643     void setOffset(unsigned offset) {
644         MOZ_ASSERT(!isConstant());
645         MOZ_ASSERT(u.var.offset_ == UINT32_MAX);
646         u.var.offset_ = offset;
647     }
offset()648     unsigned offset() const {
649         MOZ_ASSERT(!isConstant());
650         MOZ_ASSERT(u.var.offset_ != UINT32_MAX);
651         return u.var.offset_;
652     }
kind()654     GlobalKind kind() const { return kind_; }
isVariable()655     bool isVariable() const { return kind_ == GlobalKind::Variable; }
isConstant()656     bool isConstant() const { return kind_ == GlobalKind::Constant; }
isImport()657     bool isImport() const { return kind_ == GlobalKind::Import; }
isMutable()659     bool isMutable() const { return !isConstant() && u.var.isMutable_; }
constantValue()660     Val constantValue() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isConstant()); return u.cst_; }
initExpr()661     const InitExpr& initExpr() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isVariable()); return u.var.val.initial_; }
importIndex()662     uint32_t importIndex() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isImport()); return u.var.val.import.index_; }
type()664     ValType type() const {
665         switch (kind_) {
666           case GlobalKind::Import:   return u.var.val.import.type_;
667           case GlobalKind::Variable: return u.var.val.initial_.type();
668           case GlobalKind::Constant: return u.cst_.type();
669         }
670         MOZ_CRASH("unexpected global kind");
671     }
672 };
674 typedef Vector<GlobalDesc, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> GlobalDescVector;
676 // DataSegment describes the offset of a data segment in the bytecode that is
677 // to be copied at a given offset into linear memory upon instantiation.
679 struct DataSegment
680 {
681     InitExpr offset;
682     uint32_t bytecodeOffset;
683     uint32_t length;
684 };
686 typedef Vector<DataSegment, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> DataSegmentVector;
688 // SigIdDesc describes a signature id that can be used by call_indirect and
689 // table-entry prologues to structurally compare whether the caller and callee's
690 // signatures *structurally* match. To handle the general case, a Sig is
691 // allocated and stored in a process-wide hash table, so that pointer equality
692 // implies structural equality. As an optimization for the 99% case where the
693 // Sig has a small number of parameters, the Sig is bit-packed into a uint32
694 // immediate value so that integer equality implies structural equality. Both
695 // cases can be handled with a single comparison by always setting the LSB for
696 // the immediates (the LSB is necessarily 0 for allocated Sig pointers due to
697 // alignment).
699 class SigIdDesc
700 {
701   public:
702     enum class Kind { None, Immediate, Global };
703     static const uintptr_t ImmediateBit = 0x1;
705   private:
706     Kind kind_;
707     size_t bits_;
SigIdDesc(Kind kind,size_t bits)709     SigIdDesc(Kind kind, size_t bits) : kind_(kind), bits_(bits) {}
711   public:
kind()712     Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
713     static bool isGlobal(const Sig& sig);
SigIdDesc()715     SigIdDesc() : kind_(Kind::None), bits_(0) {}
716     static SigIdDesc global(const Sig& sig, uint32_t globalDataOffset);
717     static SigIdDesc immediate(const Sig& sig);
isGlobal()719     bool isGlobal() const { return kind_ == Kind::Global; }
immediate()721     size_t immediate() const { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Immediate); return bits_; }
globalDataOffset()722     uint32_t globalDataOffset() const { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Global); return bits_; }
723 };
725 // SigWithId pairs a Sig with SigIdDesc, describing either how to compile code
726 // that compares this signature's id or, at instantiation what signature ids to
727 // allocate in the global hash and where to put them.
729 struct SigWithId : Sig
730 {
731     SigIdDesc id;
733     SigWithId() = default;
SigWithIdSigWithId734     explicit SigWithId(Sig&& sig, SigIdDesc id) : Sig(Move(sig)), id(id) {}
735     void operator=(Sig&& rhs) { Sig::operator=(Move(rhs)); }
738 };
740 typedef Vector<SigWithId, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> SigWithIdVector;
741 typedef Vector<const SigWithId*, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> SigWithIdPtrVector;
743 // The (,Profiling,Func)Offsets classes are used to record the offsets of
744 // different key points in a CodeRange during compilation.
746 struct Offsets
747 {
748     explicit Offsets(uint32_t begin = 0, uint32_t end = 0)
beginOffsets749       : begin(begin), end(end)
750     {}
752     // These define a [begin, end) contiguous range of instructions compiled
753     // into a CodeRange.
754     uint32_t begin;
755     uint32_t end;
offsetByOffsets757     void offsetBy(uint32_t offset) {
758         begin += offset;
759         end += offset;
760     }
761 };
763 struct ProfilingOffsets : Offsets
764 {
765     MOZ_IMPLICIT ProfilingOffsets(uint32_t profilingReturn = 0)
OffsetsProfilingOffsets766       : Offsets(), profilingReturn(profilingReturn)
767     {}
769     // For CodeRanges with ProfilingOffsets, 'begin' is the offset of the
770     // profiling entry.
profilingEntryProfilingOffsets771     uint32_t profilingEntry() const { return begin; }
773     // The profiling return is the offset of the return instruction, which
774     // precedes the 'end' by a variable number of instructions due to
775     // out-of-line codegen.
776     uint32_t profilingReturn;
offsetByProfilingOffsets778     void offsetBy(uint32_t offset) {
779         Offsets::offsetBy(offset);
780         profilingReturn += offset;
781     }
782 };
784 struct FuncOffsets : ProfilingOffsets
785 {
FuncOffsetsFuncOffsets786     MOZ_IMPLICIT FuncOffsets()
787       : ProfilingOffsets(),
788         tableEntry(0),
789         tableProfilingJump(0),
790         nonProfilingEntry(0),
791         profilingJump(0),
792         profilingEpilogue(0)
793     {}
795     // Function CodeRanges have a table entry which takes an extra signature
796     // argument which is checked against the callee's signature before falling
797     // through to the normal prologue. When profiling is enabled, a nop on the
798     // fallthrough is patched to instead jump to the profiling epilogue.
799     uint32_t tableEntry;
800     uint32_t tableProfilingJump;
802     // Function CodeRanges have an additional non-profiling entry that comes
803     // after the profiling entry and a non-profiling epilogue that comes before
804     // the profiling epilogue.
805     uint32_t nonProfilingEntry;
807     // When profiling is enabled, the 'nop' at offset 'profilingJump' is
808     // overwritten to be a jump to 'profilingEpilogue'.
809     uint32_t profilingJump;
810     uint32_t profilingEpilogue;
offsetByFuncOffsets812     void offsetBy(uint32_t offset) {
813         ProfilingOffsets::offsetBy(offset);
814         tableEntry += offset;
815         tableProfilingJump += offset;
816         nonProfilingEntry += offset;
817         profilingJump += offset;
818         profilingEpilogue += offset;
819     }
820 };
822 // A wasm::Trap represents a wasm-defined trap that can occur during execution
823 // which triggers a WebAssembly.RuntimeError. Generated code may jump to a Trap
824 // symbolically, passing the bytecode offset to report as the trap offset. The
825 // generated jump will be bound to a tiny stub which fills the offset and
826 // then jumps to a per-Trap shared stub at the end of the module.
828 enum class Trap
829 {
830     // The Unreachable opcode has been executed.
831     Unreachable,
832     // An integer arithmetic operation led to an overflow.
833     IntegerOverflow,
834     // Trying to coerce NaN to an integer.
835     InvalidConversionToInteger,
836     // Integer division by zero.
837     IntegerDivideByZero,
838     // Out of bounds on wasm memory accesses and asm.js SIMD/atomic accesses.
839     OutOfBounds,
840     // call_indirect to null.
841     IndirectCallToNull,
842     // call_indirect signature mismatch.
843     IndirectCallBadSig,
845     // (asm.js only) SIMD float to int conversion failed because the input
846     // wasn't in bounds.
847     ImpreciseSimdConversion,
849     // The internal stack space was exhausted. For compatibility, this throws
850     // the same over-recursed error as JS.
851     StackOverflow,
853     Limit
854 };
856 // A wrapper around the bytecode offset of a wasm instruction within a whole
857 // module. Trap offsets should refer to the first byte of the instruction that
858 // triggered the trap and should ultimately derive from OpIter::trapOffset.
860 struct TrapOffset
861 {
862     uint32_t bytecodeOffset;
864     TrapOffset() = default;
TrapOffsetTrapOffset865     explicit TrapOffset(uint32_t bytecodeOffset) : bytecodeOffset(bytecodeOffset) {}
866 };
868 // While the frame-pointer chain allows the stack to be unwound without
869 // metadata, Error.stack still needs to know the line/column of every call in
870 // the chain. A CallSiteDesc describes a single callsite to which CallSite adds
871 // the metadata necessary to walk up to the next frame. Lastly CallSiteAndTarget
872 // adds the function index of the callee.
874 class CallSiteDesc
875 {
876     uint32_t lineOrBytecode_ : 30;
877     uint32_t kind_ : 2;
878   public:
879     enum Kind {
880         Func,      // pc-relative call to a specific function
881         Dynamic,   // dynamic callee called via register
882         Symbolic,  // call to a single symbolic callee
883         TrapExit   // call to a trap exit
884     };
CallSiteDesc()885     CallSiteDesc() {}
CallSiteDesc(Kind kind)886     explicit CallSiteDesc(Kind kind)
887       : lineOrBytecode_(0), kind_(kind)
888     {
889         MOZ_ASSERT(kind == Kind(kind_));
890     }
CallSiteDesc(uint32_t lineOrBytecode,Kind kind)891     CallSiteDesc(uint32_t lineOrBytecode, Kind kind)
892       : lineOrBytecode_(lineOrBytecode), kind_(kind)
893     {
894         MOZ_ASSERT(kind == Kind(kind_));
895         MOZ_ASSERT(lineOrBytecode == lineOrBytecode_);
896     }
lineOrBytecode()897     uint32_t lineOrBytecode() const { return lineOrBytecode_; }
kind()898     Kind kind() const { return Kind(kind_); }
899 };
901 class CallSite : public CallSiteDesc
902 {
903     uint32_t returnAddressOffset_;
904     uint32_t stackDepth_;
906   public:
CallSite()907     CallSite() {}
CallSite(CallSiteDesc desc,uint32_t returnAddressOffset,uint32_t stackDepth)909     CallSite(CallSiteDesc desc, uint32_t returnAddressOffset, uint32_t stackDepth)
910       : CallSiteDesc(desc),
911         returnAddressOffset_(returnAddressOffset),
912         stackDepth_(stackDepth)
913     { }
setReturnAddressOffset(uint32_t r)915     void setReturnAddressOffset(uint32_t r) { returnAddressOffset_ = r; }
offsetReturnAddressBy(int32_t o)916     void offsetReturnAddressBy(int32_t o) { returnAddressOffset_ += o; }
returnAddressOffset()917     uint32_t returnAddressOffset() const { return returnAddressOffset_; }
919     // The stackDepth measures the amount of stack space pushed since the
920     // function was called. In particular, this includes the pushed return
921     // address on all archs (whether or not the call instruction pushes the
922     // return address (x86/x64) or the prologue does (ARM/MIPS)).
stackDepth()923     uint32_t stackDepth() const { return stackDepth_; }
924 };
WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(CallSite,CallSiteVector)926 WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(CallSite, CallSiteVector)
928 class CallSiteAndTarget : public CallSite
929 {
930     uint32_t index_;
932   public:
933     explicit CallSiteAndTarget(CallSite cs)
934       : CallSite(cs)
935     {
936         MOZ_ASSERT(cs.kind() != Func);
937     }
938     CallSiteAndTarget(CallSite cs, uint32_t funcIndex)
939       : CallSite(cs), index_(funcIndex)
940     {
941         MOZ_ASSERT(cs.kind() == Func);
942     }
943     CallSiteAndTarget(CallSite cs, Trap trap)
944       : CallSite(cs),
945         index_(uint32_t(trap))
946     {
947         MOZ_ASSERT(cs.kind() == TrapExit);
948     }
950     uint32_t funcIndex() const { MOZ_ASSERT(kind() == Func); return index_; }
951     Trap trap() const { MOZ_ASSERT(kind() == TrapExit); return Trap(index_); }
952 };
954 typedef Vector<CallSiteAndTarget, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> CallSiteAndTargetVector;
956 // A wasm::SymbolicAddress represents a pointer to a well-known function or
957 // object that is embedded in wasm code. Since wasm code is serialized and
958 // later deserialized into a different address space, symbolic addresses must be
959 // used for *all* pointers into the address space. The MacroAssembler records a
960 // list of all SymbolicAddresses and the offsets of their use in the code for
961 // later patching during static linking.
963 enum class SymbolicAddress
964 {
965     ToInt32,
966 #if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM)
967     aeabi_idivmod,
968     aeabi_uidivmod,
969     AtomicCmpXchg,
970     AtomicXchg,
971     AtomicFetchAdd,
972     AtomicFetchSub,
973     AtomicFetchAnd,
974     AtomicFetchOr,
975     AtomicFetchXor,
976 #endif
977     ModD,
978     SinD,
979     CosD,
980     TanD,
981     ASinD,
982     ACosD,
983     ATanD,
984     CeilD,
985     CeilF,
986     FloorD,
987     FloorF,
988     TruncD,
989     TruncF,
990     NearbyIntD,
991     NearbyIntF,
992     ExpD,
993     LogD,
994     PowD,
995     ATan2D,
996     Context,
997     InterruptUint32,
998     ReportOverRecursed,
999     HandleExecutionInterrupt,
1000     ReportTrap,
1001     ReportOutOfBounds,
1002     ReportUnalignedAccess,
1003     CallImport_Void,
1004     CallImport_I32,
1005     CallImport_I64,
1006     CallImport_F64,
1007     CoerceInPlace_ToInt32,
1008     CoerceInPlace_ToNumber,
1009     DivI64,
1010     UDivI64,
1011     ModI64,
1012     UModI64,
1013     TruncateDoubleToInt64,
1014     TruncateDoubleToUint64,
1015     Uint64ToFloatingPoint,
1016     Int64ToFloatingPoint,
1017     GrowMemory,
1018     CurrentMemory,
1019     Limit
1020 };
1022 void*
1023 AddressOf(SymbolicAddress imm, ExclusiveContext* cx);
1025 // Assumptions captures ambient state that must be the same when compiling and
1026 // deserializing a module for the compiled code to be valid. If it's not, then
1027 // the module must be recompiled from scratch.
1029 struct Assumptions
1030 {
1031     uint32_t              cpuId;
1032     JS::BuildIdCharVector buildId;
1034     explicit Assumptions(JS::BuildIdCharVector&& buildId);
1036     // If Assumptions is constructed without arguments, initBuildIdFromContext()
1037     // must be called to complete initialization.
1038     Assumptions();
1039     bool initBuildIdFromContext(ExclusiveContext* cx);
1041     bool clone(const Assumptions& other);
1043     bool operator==(const Assumptions& rhs) const;
1044     bool operator!=(const Assumptions& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
1046     size_t serializedSize() const;
1047     uint8_t* serialize(uint8_t* cursor) const;
1048     const uint8_t* deserialize(const uint8_t* cursor, size_t limit);
1049     size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
1050 };
1052 // A Module can either be asm.js or wasm.
1054 enum ModuleKind
1055 {
1056     Wasm,
1057     AsmJS
1058 };
1060 // Represents the resizable limits of memories and tables.
1062 struct Limits
1063 {
1064     uint32_t initial;
1065     Maybe<uint32_t> maximum;
1066 };
1068 // TableDesc describes a table as well as the offset of the table's base pointer
1069 // in global memory. Currently, wasm only has "any function" and asm.js only
1070 // "typed function".
1072 enum class TableKind
1073 {
1074     AnyFunction,
1075     TypedFunction
1076 };
1078 struct TableDesc
1079 {
1080     TableKind kind;
1081     bool external;
1082     uint32_t globalDataOffset;
1083     Limits limits;
1085     TableDesc() = default;
TableDescTableDesc1086     TableDesc(TableKind kind, Limits limits)
1087      : kind(kind),
1088        external(false),
1089        globalDataOffset(UINT32_MAX),
1090        limits(limits)
1091     {}
1092 };
1094 typedef Vector<TableDesc, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> TableDescVector;
1096 // ExportArg holds the unboxed operands to the wasm entry trampoline which can
1097 // be called through an ExportFuncPtr.
1099 struct ExportArg
1100 {
1101     uint64_t lo;
1102     uint64_t hi;
1103 };
1105 // TLS data for a single module instance.
1106 //
1107 // Every WebAssembly function expects to be passed a hidden TLS pointer argument
1108 // in WasmTlsReg. The TLS pointer argument points to a TlsData struct.
1109 // Compiled functions expect that the TLS pointer does not change for the
1110 // lifetime of the thread.
1111 //
1112 // There is a TlsData per module instance per thread, so inter-module calls need
1113 // to pass the TLS pointer appropriate for the callee module.
1114 //
1115 // After the TlsData struct follows the module's declared TLS variables.
1117 struct TlsData
1118 {
1119     // Pointer to the JSContext that contains this TLS data.
1120     JSContext* cx;
1122     // Pointer to the Instance that contains this TLS data.
1123     Instance* instance;
1125     // Pointer to the global data for this Instance.
1126     uint8_t* globalData;
1128     // Pointer to the base of the default memory (or null if there is none).
1129     uint8_t* memoryBase;
1131     // Stack limit for the current thread. This limit is checked against the
1132     // stack pointer in the prologue of functions that allocate stack space. See
1133     // `CodeGenerator::generateWasm`.
1134     void* stackLimit;
1135 };
1137 typedef int32_t (*ExportFuncPtr)(ExportArg* args, TlsData* tls);
1139 // FuncImportTls describes the region of wasm global memory allocated in the
1140 // instance's thread-local storage for a function import. This is accessed
1141 // directly from JIT code and mutated by Instance as exits become optimized and
1142 // deoptimized.
1144 struct FuncImportTls
1145 {
1146     // The code to call at an import site: a wasm callee, a thunk into C++, or a
1147     // thunk into JIT code.
1148     void* code;
1150     // The callee's TlsData pointer, which must be loaded to WasmTlsReg (along
1151     // with any pinned registers) before calling 'code'.
1152     TlsData* tls;
1154     // If 'code' points into a JIT code thunk, the BaselineScript of the callee,
1155     // for bidirectional registration purposes.
1156     jit::BaselineScript* baselineScript;
1158     // A GC pointer which keeps the callee alive. For imported wasm functions,
1159     // this points to the wasm function's WasmInstanceObject. For all other
1160     // imported functions, 'obj' points to the JSFunction.
1161     GCPtrObject obj;
1162     static_assert(sizeof(GCPtrObject) == sizeof(void*), "for JIT access");
1163 };
1165 // TableTls describes the region of wasm global memory allocated in the
1166 // instance's thread-local storage which is accessed directly from JIT code
1167 // to bounds-check and index the table.
1169 struct TableTls
1170 {
1171     // Length of the table in number of elements (not bytes).
1172     uint32_t length;
1174     // Pointer to the array of elements (of type either ExternalTableElem or
1175     // void*).
1176     void* base;
1177 };
1179 // When a table can contain functions from other instances (it is "external"),
1180 // the internal representation is an array of ExternalTableElem instead of just
1181 // an array of code pointers.
1183 struct ExternalTableElem
1184 {
1185     // The code to call when calling this element. The table ABI is the system
1186     // ABI with the additional ABI requirements that:
1187     //  - WasmTlsReg and any pinned registers have been loaded appropriately
1188     //  - if this is a heterogeneous table that requires a signature check,
1189     //    WasmTableCallSigReg holds the signature id.
1190     void* code;
1192     // The pointer to the callee's instance's TlsData. This must be loaded into
1193     // WasmTlsReg before calling 'code'.
1194     TlsData* tls;
1195 };
1197 // CalleeDesc describes how to compile one of the variety of asm.js/wasm calls.
1198 // This is hoisted into WasmTypes.h for sharing between Ion and Baseline.
1200 class CalleeDesc
1201 {
1202   public:
1203     enum Which {
1204         // Calls a function defined in the same module by its index.
1205         Func,
1207         // Calls the import identified by the offset of its FuncImportTls in
1208         // thread-local data.
1209         Import,
1211         // Calls a WebAssembly table (heterogeneous, index must be bounds
1212         // checked, callee instance depends on TableDesc).
1213         WasmTable,
1215         // Calls an asm.js table (homogeneous, masked index, same-instance).
1216         AsmJSTable,
1218         // Call a C++ function identified by SymbolicAddress.
1219         Builtin,
1221         // Like Builtin, but automatically passes Instance* as first argument.
1222         BuiltinInstanceMethod
1223     };
1225   private:
1226     Which which_;
1227     union U {
U()1228         U() {}
1229         uint32_t funcIndex_;
1230         struct {
1231             uint32_t globalDataOffset_;
1232         } import;
1233         struct {
1234             uint32_t globalDataOffset_;
1235             bool external_;
1236             SigIdDesc sigId_;
1237         } table;
1238         SymbolicAddress builtin_;
1239     } u;
1241   public:
CalleeDesc()1242     CalleeDesc() {}
function(uint32_t funcIndex)1243     static CalleeDesc function(uint32_t funcIndex) {
1244         CalleeDesc c;
1245         c.which_ = Func;
1246         c.u.funcIndex_ = funcIndex;
1247         return c;
1248     }
import(uint32_t globalDataOffset)1249     static CalleeDesc import(uint32_t globalDataOffset) {
1250         CalleeDesc c;
1251         c.which_ = Import;
1252         c.u.import.globalDataOffset_ = globalDataOffset;
1253         return c;
1254     }
wasmTable(const TableDesc & desc,SigIdDesc sigId)1255     static CalleeDesc wasmTable(const TableDesc& desc, SigIdDesc sigId) {
1256         CalleeDesc c;
1257         c.which_ = WasmTable;
1258         c.u.table.globalDataOffset_ = desc.globalDataOffset;
1259         c.u.table.external_ = desc.external;
1260         c.u.table.sigId_ = sigId;
1261         return c;
1262     }
asmJSTable(const TableDesc & desc)1263     static CalleeDesc asmJSTable(const TableDesc& desc) {
1264         CalleeDesc c;
1265         c.which_ = AsmJSTable;
1266         c.u.table.globalDataOffset_ = desc.globalDataOffset;
1267         return c;
1268     }
builtin(SymbolicAddress callee)1269     static CalleeDesc builtin(SymbolicAddress callee) {
1270         CalleeDesc c;
1271         c.which_ = Builtin;
1272         c.u.builtin_ = callee;
1273         return c;
1274     }
builtinInstanceMethod(SymbolicAddress callee)1275     static CalleeDesc builtinInstanceMethod(SymbolicAddress callee) {
1276         CalleeDesc c;
1277         c.which_ = BuiltinInstanceMethod;
1278         c.u.builtin_ = callee;
1279         return c;
1280     }
which()1281     Which which() const {
1282         return which_;
1283     }
funcIndex()1284     uint32_t funcIndex() const {
1285         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Func);
1286         return u.funcIndex_;
1287     }
importGlobalDataOffset()1288     uint32_t importGlobalDataOffset() const {
1289         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Import);
1290         return u.import.globalDataOffset_;
1291     }
isTable()1292     bool isTable() const {
1293         return which_ == WasmTable || which_ == AsmJSTable;
1294     }
tableLengthGlobalDataOffset()1295     uint32_t tableLengthGlobalDataOffset() const {
1296         MOZ_ASSERT(isTable());
1297         return u.table.globalDataOffset_ + offsetof(TableTls, length);
1298     }
tableBaseGlobalDataOffset()1299     uint32_t tableBaseGlobalDataOffset() const {
1300         MOZ_ASSERT(isTable());
1301         return u.table.globalDataOffset_ + offsetof(TableTls, base);
1302     }
wasmTableIsExternal()1303     bool wasmTableIsExternal() const {
1304         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == WasmTable);
1305         return u.table.external_;
1306     }
wasmTableSigId()1307     SigIdDesc wasmTableSigId() const {
1308         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == WasmTable);
1309         return u.table.sigId_;
1310     }
builtin()1311     SymbolicAddress builtin() const {
1312         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Builtin || which_ == BuiltinInstanceMethod);
1313         return u.builtin_;
1314     }
1315 };
1317 // Because ARM has a fixed-width instruction encoding, ARM can only express a
1318 // limited subset of immediates (in a single instruction).
1320 extern bool
1321 IsValidARMImmediate(uint32_t i);
1323 extern uint32_t
1324 RoundUpToNextValidARMImmediate(uint32_t i);
1326 // The WebAssembly spec hard-codes the virtual page size to be 64KiB and
1327 // requires the size of linear memory to always be a multiple of 64KiB.
1329 static const unsigned PageSize = 64 * 1024;
1331 // Bounds checks always compare the base of the memory access with the bounds
1332 // check limit. If the memory access is unaligned, this means that, even if the
1333 // bounds check succeeds, a few bytes of the access can extend past the end of
1334 // memory. To guard against this, extra space is included in the guard region to
1335 // catch the overflow. MaxMemoryAccessSize is a conservative approximation of
1336 // the maximum guard space needed to catch all unaligned overflows.
1338 static const unsigned MaxMemoryAccessSize = sizeof(Val);
1340 #ifdef JS_CODEGEN_X64
1342 // All other code should use WASM_HUGE_MEMORY instead of JS_CODEGEN_X64 so that
1343 // it is easy to use the huge-mapping optimization for other 64-bit platforms in
1344 // the future.
1345 # define WASM_HUGE_MEMORY
1347 // On WASM_HUGE_MEMORY platforms, every asm.js or WebAssembly memory
1348 // unconditionally allocates a huge region of virtual memory of size
1349 // wasm::HugeMappedSize. This allows all memory resizing to work without
1350 // reallocation and provides enough guard space for all offsets to be folded
1351 // into memory accesses.
1353 static const uint64_t IndexRange = uint64_t(UINT32_MAX) + 1;
1354 static const uint64_t OffsetGuardLimit = uint64_t(INT32_MAX) + 1;
1355 static const uint64_t UnalignedGuardPage = PageSize;
1356 static const uint64_t HugeMappedSize = IndexRange + OffsetGuardLimit + UnalignedGuardPage;
1358 static_assert(MaxMemoryAccessSize <= UnalignedGuardPage, "rounded up to static page size");
1360 #else // !WASM_HUGE_MEMORY
1362 // On !WASM_HUGE_MEMORY platforms:
1363 //  - To avoid OOM in ArrayBuffer::prepareForAsmJS, asm.js continues to use the
1364 //    original ArrayBuffer allocation which has no guard region at all.
1365 //  - For WebAssembly memories, an additional GuardSize is mapped after the
1366 //    accessible region of the memory to catch folded (base+offset) accesses
1367 //    where `offset < OffsetGuardLimit` as well as the overflow from unaligned
1368 //    accesses, as described above for MaxMemoryAccessSize.
1370 static const size_t OffsetGuardLimit = PageSize - MaxMemoryAccessSize;
1371 static const size_t GuardSize = PageSize;
1373 // Return whether the given immediate satisfies the constraints of the platform
1374 // (viz. that, on ARM, IsValidARMImmediate).
1376 extern bool
1377 IsValidBoundsCheckImmediate(uint32_t i);
1379 // For a given WebAssembly/asm.js max size, return the number of bytes to
1380 // map which will necessarily be a multiple of the system page size and greater
1381 // than maxSize. For a returned mappedSize:
1382 //   boundsCheckLimit = mappedSize - GuardSize
1383 //   IsValidBoundsCheckImmediate(boundsCheckLimit)
1385 extern size_t
1386 ComputeMappedSize(uint32_t maxSize);
1388 #endif // WASM_HUGE_MEMORY
1390 // Metadata for bounds check instructions that are patched at runtime with the
1391 // appropriate bounds check limit. On WASM_HUGE_MEMORY platforms for wasm (and
1392 // SIMD/Atomic) bounds checks, no BoundsCheck is created: the signal handler
1393 // catches everything. On !WASM_HUGE_MEMORY, a BoundsCheck is created for each
1394 // memory access (except when statically eliminated by optimizations) so that
1395 // the length can be patched in as an immediate. This requires that the bounds
1396 // check limit IsValidBoundsCheckImmediate.
1398 class BoundsCheck
1399 {
1400   public:
1401     BoundsCheck() = default;
BoundsCheck(uint32_t cmpOffset)1403     explicit BoundsCheck(uint32_t cmpOffset)
1404       : cmpOffset_(cmpOffset)
1405     { }
patchAt(uint8_t * code)1407     uint8_t* patchAt(uint8_t* code) const { return code + cmpOffset_; }
offsetBy(uint32_t offset)1408     void offsetBy(uint32_t offset) { cmpOffset_ += offset; }
1410   private:
1411     uint32_t cmpOffset_;
1412 };
WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(BoundsCheck,BoundsCheckVector)1414 WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(BoundsCheck, BoundsCheckVector)
1416 // Metadata for memory accesses. On WASM_HUGE_MEMORY platforms, only
1417 // (non-SIMD/Atomic) asm.js loads and stores create a MemoryAccess so that the
1418 // signal handler can implement the semantically-correct wraparound logic; the
1419 // rest simply redirect to the out-of-bounds stub in the signal handler. On x86,
1420 // the base address of memory is baked into each memory access instruction so
1421 // the MemoryAccess records the location of each for patching. On all other
1422 // platforms, no MemoryAccess is created.
1424 class MemoryAccess
1425 {
1426     uint32_t insnOffset_;
1427     uint32_t trapOutOfLineOffset_;
1429   public:
1430     MemoryAccess() = default;
1431     explicit MemoryAccess(uint32_t insnOffset, uint32_t trapOutOfLineOffset = UINT32_MAX)
1432       : insnOffset_(insnOffset),
1433         trapOutOfLineOffset_(trapOutOfLineOffset)
1434     {}
1436     uint32_t insnOffset() const {
1437         return insnOffset_;
1438     }
1439     bool hasTrapOutOfLineCode() const {
1440         return trapOutOfLineOffset_ != UINT32_MAX;
1441     }
1442     uint8_t* trapOutOfLineCode(uint8_t* code) const {
1443         MOZ_ASSERT(hasTrapOutOfLineCode());
1444         return code + trapOutOfLineOffset_;
1445     }
1447     void offsetBy(uint32_t delta) {
1448         insnOffset_ += delta;
1449         if (hasTrapOutOfLineCode())
1450             trapOutOfLineOffset_ += delta;
1451     }
1452 };
1454 WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(MemoryAccess, MemoryAccessVector)
1456 // Metadata for the offset of an instruction to patch with the base address of
1457 // memory. In practice, this is only used for x86 where the offset points to the
1458 // *end* of the instruction (which is a non-fixed offset from the beginning of
1459 // the instruction). As part of the move away from code patching, this should be
1460 // removed.
1462 struct MemoryPatch
1463 {
1464     uint32_t offset;
1466     MemoryPatch() = default;
MemoryPatchMemoryPatch1467     explicit MemoryPatch(uint32_t offset) : offset(offset) {}
offsetByMemoryPatch1469     void offsetBy(uint32_t delta) {
1470         offset += delta;
1471     }
1472 };
1474 WASM_DECLARE_POD_VECTOR(MemoryPatch, MemoryPatchVector)
1476 // Constants:
1478 static const unsigned NaN64GlobalDataOffset       = 0;
1479 static const unsigned NaN32GlobalDataOffset       = NaN64GlobalDataOffset + sizeof(double);
1480 static const unsigned InitialGlobalDataBytes      = NaN32GlobalDataOffset + sizeof(float);
1482 static const unsigned MaxSigs                     =        4 * 1024;
1483 static const unsigned MaxFuncs                    =      512 * 1024;
1484 static const unsigned MaxGlobals                  =        4 * 1024;
1485 static const unsigned MaxLocals                   =       64 * 1024;
1486 static const unsigned MaxImports                  =       64 * 1024;
1487 static const unsigned MaxExports                  =       64 * 1024;
1488 static const unsigned MaxTables                   =        4 * 1024;
1489 static const unsigned MaxTableElems               =     1024 * 1024;
1490 static const unsigned MaxDataSegments             =       64 * 1024;
1491 static const unsigned MaxElemSegments             =       64 * 1024;
1492 static const unsigned MaxArgsPerFunc              =        4 * 1024;
1493 static const unsigned MaxBrTableElems             = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
1495 // To be able to assign function indices during compilation while the number of
1496 // imports is still unknown, asm.js sets a maximum number of imports so it can
1497 // immediately start handing out function indices starting at the maximum + 1.
1498 // this means that there is a "hole" between the last import and the first
1499 // definition, but that's fine.
1501 static const unsigned AsmJSMaxImports             = 4 * 1024;
1502 static const unsigned AsmJSFirstDefFuncIndex      = AsmJSMaxImports + 1;
1504 static_assert(AsmJSMaxImports <= MaxImports, "conservative");
1505 static_assert(AsmJSFirstDefFuncIndex < MaxFuncs, "conservative");
1507 } // namespace wasm
1508 } // namespace js
1510 #endif // wasm_types_h