2 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17import * as os from 'os';
18import * as fs from 'fs';
19import * as path from 'path';
20import * as util from 'util';
21import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
22import * as https from 'https';
23import * as http from 'http';
25import { Product } from '../common/Product.js';
26import extractZip from 'extract-zip';
27import { debug } from '../common/Debug.js';
28import { promisify } from 'util';
29import removeRecursive from 'rimraf';
30import * as URL from 'url';
31import createHttpsProxyAgent, {
32  HttpsProxyAgent,
33  HttpsProxyAgentOptions,
34} from 'https-proxy-agent';
35import { getProxyForUrl } from 'proxy-from-env';
36import { assert } from '../common/assert.js';
38const debugFetcher = debug('puppeteer:fetcher');
40const downloadURLs = {
41  chrome: {
42    linux: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/%d/%s.zip',
43    mac: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Mac/%d/%s.zip',
44    win32: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win/%d/%s.zip',
45    win64: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/%d/%s.zip',
46  },
47  firefox: {
48    linux: '%s/firefox-%s.en-US.%s-x86_64.tar.bz2',
49    mac: '%s/firefox-%s.en-US.%s.dmg',
50    win32: '%s/firefox-%s.en-US.%s.zip',
51    win64: '%s/firefox-%s.en-US.%s.zip',
52  },
53} as const;
55const browserConfig = {
56  chrome: {
57    host: 'https://storage.googleapis.com',
58    destination: '.local-chromium',
59  },
60  firefox: {
61    host: 'https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central',
62    destination: '.local-firefox',
63  },
64} as const;
67 * Supported platforms.
68 * @public
69 */
70export type Platform = 'linux' | 'mac' | 'win32' | 'win64';
72function archiveName(
73  product: Product,
74  platform: Platform,
75  revision: string
76): string {
77  if (product === 'chrome') {
78    if (platform === 'linux') return 'chrome-linux';
79    if (platform === 'mac') return 'chrome-mac';
80    if (platform === 'win32' || platform === 'win64') {
81      // Windows archive name changed at r591479.
82      return parseInt(revision, 10) > 591479 ? 'chrome-win' : 'chrome-win32';
83    }
84  } else if (product === 'firefox') {
85    return platform;
86  }
90 * @internal
91 */
92function downloadURL(
93  product: Product,
94  platform: Platform,
95  host: string,
96  revision: string
97): string {
98  const url = util.format(
99    downloadURLs[product][platform],
100    host,
101    revision,
102    archiveName(product, platform, revision)
103  );
104  return url;
108 * @internal
109 */
110function handleArm64(): void {
111  fs.stat('/usr/bin/chromium-browser', function (err, stats) {
112    if (stats === undefined) {
113      fs.stat('/usr/bin/chromium', function (err, stats) {
114        if (stats === undefined) {
115          console.error(
116            'The chromium binary is not available for arm64.' +
117              '\nIf you are on Ubuntu, you can install with: ' +
118              '\n\n sudo apt install chromium\n' +
119              '\n\n sudo apt install chromium-browser\n'
120          );
121          throw new Error();
122        }
123      });
124    }
125  });
127const readdirAsync = promisify(fs.readdir.bind(fs));
128const mkdirAsync = promisify(fs.mkdir.bind(fs));
129const unlinkAsync = promisify(fs.unlink.bind(fs));
130const chmodAsync = promisify(fs.chmod.bind(fs));
132function existsAsync(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> {
133  return new Promise((resolve) => {
134    fs.access(filePath, (err) => resolve(!err));
135  });
139 * @public
140 */
141export interface BrowserFetcherOptions {
142  platform?: Platform;
143  product?: string;
144  path?: string;
145  host?: string;
149 * @public
150 */
151export interface BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {
152  folderPath: string;
153  executablePath: string;
154  url: string;
155  local: boolean;
156  revision: string;
157  product: string;
160 * BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox.
161 *
162 * @remarks
163 * BrowserFetcher operates on revision strings that specify a precise version of Chromium, e.g. `"533271"`. Revision strings can be obtained from {@link http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/ | omahaproxy.appspot.com}.
164 * In the Firefox case, BrowserFetcher downloads Firefox Nightly and
165 * operates on version numbers such as `"75"`.
166 *
167 * @example
168 * An example of using BrowserFetcher to download a specific version of Chromium
169 * and running Puppeteer against it:
170 *
171 * ```js
172 * const browserFetcher = puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher();
173 * const revisionInfo = await browserFetcher.download('533271');
174 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch({executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath})
175 * ```
176 *
177 * **NOTE** BrowserFetcher is not designed to work concurrently with other
178 * instances of BrowserFetcher that share the same downloads directory.
179 *
180 * @public
181 */
183export class BrowserFetcher {
184  private _product: Product;
185  private _downloadsFolder: string;
186  private _downloadHost: string;
187  private _platform: Platform;
189  /**
190   * @internal
191   */
192  constructor(projectRoot: string, options: BrowserFetcherOptions = {}) {
193    this._product = (options.product || 'chrome').toLowerCase() as Product;
194    assert(
195      this._product === 'chrome' || this._product === 'firefox',
196      `Unknown product: "${options.product}"`
197    );
199    this._downloadsFolder =
200      options.path ||
201      path.join(projectRoot, browserConfig[this._product].destination);
202    this._downloadHost = options.host || browserConfig[this._product].host;
203    this.setPlatform(options.platform);
204    assert(
205      downloadURLs[this._product][this._platform],
206      'Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform
207    );
208  }
210  private setPlatform(platformFromOptions?: Platform): void {
211    if (platformFromOptions) {
212      this._platform = platformFromOptions;
213      return;
214    }
216    const platform = os.platform();
217    if (platform === 'darwin') this._platform = 'mac';
218    else if (platform === 'linux') this._platform = 'linux';
219    else if (platform === 'win32')
220      this._platform = os.arch() === 'x64' ? 'win64' : 'win32';
221    else assert(this._platform, 'Unsupported platform: ' + platform);
222  }
224  /**
225   * @returns Returns the current `Platform`, which is one of `mac`, `linux`,
226   * `win32` or `win64`.
227   */
228  platform(): Platform {
229    return this._platform;
230  }
232  /**
233   * @returns Returns the current `Product`, which is one of `chrome` or
234   * `firefox`.
235   */
236  product(): Product {
237    return this._product;
238  }
240  /**
241   * @returns The download host being used.
242   */
243  host(): string {
244    return this._downloadHost;
245  }
247  /**
248   * Initiates a HEAD request to check if the revision is available.
249   * @remarks
250   * This method is affected by the current `product`.
251   * @param revision - The revision to check availability for.
252   * @returns A promise that resolves to `true` if the revision could be downloaded
253   * from the host.
254   */
255  canDownload(revision: string): Promise<boolean> {
256    const url = downloadURL(
257      this._product,
258      this._platform,
259      this._downloadHost,
260      revision
261    );
262    return new Promise((resolve) => {
263      const request = httpRequest(url, 'HEAD', (response) => {
264        resolve(response.statusCode === 200);
265      });
266      request.on('error', (error) => {
267        console.error(error);
268        resolve(false);
269      });
270    });
271  }
273  /**
274   * Initiates a GET request to download the revision from the host.
275   * @remarks
276   * This method is affected by the current `product`.
277   * @param revision - The revision to download.
278   * @param progressCallback - A function that will be called with two arguments:
279   * How many bytes have been downloaded and the total number of bytes of the download.
280   * @returns A promise with revision information when the revision is downloaded
281   * and extracted.
282   */
283  async download(
284    revision: string,
285    progressCallback: (x: number, y: number) => void = (): void => {}
286  ): Promise<BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo> {
287    const url = downloadURL(
288      this._product,
289      this._platform,
290      this._downloadHost,
291      revision
292    );
293    const fileName = url.split('/').pop();
294    const archivePath = path.join(this._downloadsFolder, fileName);
295    const outputPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
296    if (await existsAsync(outputPath)) return this.revisionInfo(revision);
297    if (!(await existsAsync(this._downloadsFolder)))
298      await mkdirAsync(this._downloadsFolder);
300    // Use Intel x86 builds on Apple M1 until native macOS arm64
301    // Chromium builds are available.
302    if (os.platform() !== 'darwin' && os.arch() === 'arm64') {
303      handleArm64();
304      return;
305    }
306    try {
307      await downloadFile(url, archivePath, progressCallback);
308      await install(archivePath, outputPath);
309    } finally {
310      if (await existsAsync(archivePath)) await unlinkAsync(archivePath);
311    }
312    const revisionInfo = this.revisionInfo(revision);
313    if (revisionInfo) await chmodAsync(revisionInfo.executablePath, 0o755);
314    return revisionInfo;
315  }
317  /**
318   * @remarks
319   * This method is affected by the current `product`.
320   * @returns A promise with a list of all revision strings (for the current `product`)
321   * available locally on disk.
322   */
323  async localRevisions(): Promise<string[]> {
324    if (!(await existsAsync(this._downloadsFolder))) return [];
325    const fileNames = await readdirAsync(this._downloadsFolder);
326    return fileNames
327      .map((fileName) => parseFolderPath(this._product, fileName))
328      .filter((entry) => entry && entry.platform === this._platform)
329      .map((entry) => entry.revision);
330  }
332  /**
333   * @remarks
334   * This method is affected by the current `product`.
335   * @param revision - A revision to remove for the current `product`.
336   * @returns A promise that resolves when the revision has been removes or
337   * throws if the revision has not been downloaded.
338   */
339  async remove(revision: string): Promise<void> {
340    const folderPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
341    assert(
342      await existsAsync(folderPath),
343      `Failed to remove: revision ${revision} is not downloaded`
344    );
345    await new Promise((fulfill) => removeRecursive(folderPath, fulfill));
346  }
348  /**
349   * @param revision - The revision to get info for.
350   * @returns The revision info for the given revision.
351   */
352  revisionInfo(revision: string): BrowserFetcherRevisionInfo {
353    const folderPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
354    let executablePath = '';
355    if (this._product === 'chrome') {
356      if (this._platform === 'mac')
357        executablePath = path.join(
358          folderPath,
359          archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision),
360          'Chromium.app',
361          'Contents',
362          'MacOS',
363          'Chromium'
364        );
365      else if (this._platform === 'linux')
366        executablePath = path.join(
367          folderPath,
368          archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision),
369          'chrome'
370        );
371      else if (this._platform === 'win32' || this._platform === 'win64')
372        executablePath = path.join(
373          folderPath,
374          archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision),
375          'chrome.exe'
376        );
377      else throw new Error('Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform);
378    } else if (this._product === 'firefox') {
379      if (this._platform === 'mac')
380        executablePath = path.join(
381          folderPath,
382          'Firefox Nightly.app',
383          'Contents',
384          'MacOS',
385          'firefox'
386        );
387      else if (this._platform === 'linux')
388        executablePath = path.join(folderPath, 'firefox', 'firefox');
389      else if (this._platform === 'win32' || this._platform === 'win64')
390        executablePath = path.join(folderPath, 'firefox', 'firefox.exe');
391      else throw new Error('Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform);
392    } else throw new Error('Unsupported product: ' + this._product);
393    const url = downloadURL(
394      this._product,
395      this._platform,
396      this._downloadHost,
397      revision
398    );
399    const local = fs.existsSync(folderPath);
400    debugFetcher({
401      revision,
402      executablePath,
403      folderPath,
404      local,
405      url,
406      product: this._product,
407    });
408    return {
409      revision,
410      executablePath,
411      folderPath,
412      local,
413      url,
414      product: this._product,
415    };
416  }
418  /**
419   * @internal
420   */
421  _getFolderPath(revision: string): string {
422    return path.resolve(this._downloadsFolder, `${this._platform}-${revision}`);
423  }
426function parseFolderPath(
427  product: Product,
428  folderPath: string
429): { product: string; platform: string; revision: string } | null {
430  const name = path.basename(folderPath);
431  const splits = name.split('-');
432  if (splits.length !== 2) return null;
433  const [platform, revision] = splits;
434  if (!downloadURLs[product][platform]) return null;
435  return { product, platform, revision };
439 * @internal
440 */
441function downloadFile(
442  url: string,
443  destinationPath: string,
444  progressCallback: (x: number, y: number) => void
445): Promise<void> {
446  debugFetcher(`Downloading binary from ${url}`);
447  let fulfill, reject;
448  let downloadedBytes = 0;
449  let totalBytes = 0;
451  const promise = new Promise<void>((x, y) => {
452    fulfill = x;
453    reject = y;
454  });
456  const request = httpRequest(url, 'GET', (response) => {
457    if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
458      const error = new Error(
459        `Download failed: server returned code ${response.statusCode}. URL: ${url}`
460      );
461      // consume response data to free up memory
462      response.resume();
463      reject(error);
464      return;
465    }
466    const file = fs.createWriteStream(destinationPath);
467    file.on('finish', () => fulfill());
468    file.on('error', (error) => reject(error));
469    response.pipe(file);
470    totalBytes = parseInt(
471      /** @type {string} */ response.headers['content-length'],
472      10
473    );
474    if (progressCallback) response.on('data', onData);
475  });
476  request.on('error', (error) => reject(error));
477  return promise;
479  function onData(chunk: string): void {
480    downloadedBytes += chunk.length;
481    progressCallback(downloadedBytes, totalBytes);
482  }
485function install(archivePath: string, folderPath: string): Promise<unknown> {
486  debugFetcher(`Installing ${archivePath} to ${folderPath}`);
487  if (archivePath.endsWith('.zip'))
488    return extractZip(archivePath, { dir: folderPath });
489  else if (archivePath.endsWith('.tar.bz2'))
490    return extractTar(archivePath, folderPath);
491  else if (archivePath.endsWith('.dmg'))
492    return mkdirAsync(folderPath).then(() =>
493      installDMG(archivePath, folderPath)
494    );
495  else throw new Error(`Unsupported archive format: ${archivePath}`);
499 * @internal
500 */
501function extractTar(tarPath: string, folderPath: string): Promise<unknown> {
502  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
503  const tar = require('tar-fs');
504  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
505  const bzip = require('unbzip2-stream');
506  return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
507    const tarStream = tar.extract(folderPath);
508    tarStream.on('error', reject);
509    tarStream.on('finish', fulfill);
510    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(tarPath);
511    readStream.pipe(bzip()).pipe(tarStream);
512  });
516 * @internal
517 */
518function installDMG(dmgPath: string, folderPath: string): Promise<void> {
519  let mountPath;
521  function mountAndCopy(fulfill: () => void, reject: (Error) => void): void {
522    const mountCommand = `hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noautoopen "${dmgPath}"`;
523    childProcess.exec(mountCommand, (err, stdout) => {
524      if (err) return reject(err);
525      const volumes = stdout.match(/\/Volumes\/(.*)/m);
526      if (!volumes)
527        return reject(new Error(`Could not find volume path in ${stdout}`));
528      mountPath = volumes[0];
529      readdirAsync(mountPath)
530        .then((fileNames) => {
531          const appName = fileNames.find(
532            (item) => typeof item === 'string' && item.endsWith('.app')
533          );
534          if (!appName)
535            return reject(new Error(`Cannot find app in ${mountPath}`));
536          const copyPath = path.join(mountPath, appName);
537          debugFetcher(`Copying ${copyPath} to ${folderPath}`);
538          childProcess.exec(`cp -R "${copyPath}" "${folderPath}"`, (err) => {
539            if (err) reject(err);
540            else fulfill();
541          });
542        })
543        .catch(reject);
544    });
545  }
547  function unmount(): void {
548    if (!mountPath) return;
549    const unmountCommand = `hdiutil detach "${mountPath}" -quiet`;
550    debugFetcher(`Unmounting ${mountPath}`);
551    childProcess.exec(unmountCommand, (err) => {
552      if (err) console.error(`Error unmounting dmg: ${err}`);
553    });
554  }
556  return new Promise<void>(mountAndCopy)
557    .catch((error) => {
558      console.error(error);
559    })
560    .finally(unmount);
563function httpRequest(
564  url: string,
565  method: string,
566  response: (x: http.IncomingMessage) => void
567): http.ClientRequest {
568  const urlParsed = URL.parse(url);
570  type Options = Partial<URL.UrlWithStringQuery> & {
571    method?: string;
572    agent?: HttpsProxyAgent;
573    rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
574  };
576  let options: Options = {
577    ...urlParsed,
578    method,
579  };
581  const proxyURL = getProxyForUrl(url);
582  if (proxyURL) {
583    if (url.startsWith('http:')) {
584      const proxy = URL.parse(proxyURL);
585      options = {
586        path: options.href,
587        host: proxy.hostname,
588        port: proxy.port,
589      };
590    } else {
591      const parsedProxyURL = URL.parse(proxyURL);
593      const proxyOptions = {
594        ...parsedProxyURL,
595        secureProxy: parsedProxyURL.protocol === 'https:',
596      } as HttpsProxyAgentOptions;
598      options.agent = createHttpsProxyAgent(proxyOptions);
599      options.rejectUnauthorized = false;
600    }
601  }
603  const requestCallback = (res: http.IncomingMessage): void => {
604    if (res.statusCode >= 300 && res.statusCode < 400 && res.headers.location)
605      httpRequest(res.headers.location, method, response);
606    else response(res);
607  };
608  const request =
609    options.protocol === 'https:'
610      ? https.request(options, requestCallback)
611      : http.request(options, requestCallback);
612  request.end();
613  return request;