1 // Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
6 #ifndef LIB_JXL_IMAGE_H_
7 #define LIB_JXL_IMAGE_H_
9 // SIMD/multicore-friendly planar image representation with row accessors.
11 #include <inttypes.h>
12 #include <stddef.h>
13 #include <stdint.h>
14 #include <string.h>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <utility>  // std::move
19 #include "lib/jxl/base/cache_aligned.h"
20 #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
21 #include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
22 #include "lib/jxl/common.h"
24 namespace jxl {
26 // Type-independent parts of Plane<> - reduces code duplication and facilitates
27 // moving member function implementations to cc file.
28 struct PlaneBase {
PlaneBasePlaneBase29   PlaneBase()
30       : xsize_(0),
31         ysize_(0),
32         orig_xsize_(0),
33         orig_ysize_(0),
34         bytes_per_row_(0),
35         bytes_(nullptr) {}
36   PlaneBase(size_t xsize, size_t ysize, size_t sizeof_t);
38   // Copy construction/assignment is forbidden to avoid inadvertent copies,
39   // which can be very expensive. Use CopyImageTo() instead.
40   PlaneBase(const PlaneBase& other) = delete;
41   PlaneBase& operator=(const PlaneBase& other) = delete;
43   // Move constructor (required for returning Image from function)
44   PlaneBase(PlaneBase&& other) noexcept = default;
46   // Move assignment (required for std::vector)
47   PlaneBase& operator=(PlaneBase&& other) noexcept = default;
49   void Swap(PlaneBase& other);
51   // Useful for pre-allocating image with some padding for alignment purposes
52   // and later reporting the actual valid dimensions. May also be used to
53   // un-shrink the image. Caller is responsible for ensuring xsize/ysize are <=
54   // the original dimensions.
ShrinkToPlaneBase55   void ShrinkTo(const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize) {
56     JXL_CHECK(xsize <= orig_xsize_);
57     JXL_CHECK(ysize <= orig_ysize_);
58     xsize_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(xsize);
59     ysize_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(ysize);
60     // NOTE: we can't recompute bytes_per_row for more compact storage and
61     // better locality because that would invalidate the image contents.
62   }
64   // How many pixels.
xsizePlaneBase65   JXL_INLINE size_t xsize() const { return xsize_; }
ysizePlaneBase66   JXL_INLINE size_t ysize() const { return ysize_; }
68   // NOTE: do not use this for copying rows - the valid xsize may be much less.
bytes_per_rowPlaneBase69   JXL_INLINE size_t bytes_per_row() const { return bytes_per_row_; }
71   // Raw access to byte contents, for interfacing with other libraries.
72   // Unsigned char instead of char to avoid surprises (sign extension).
bytesPlaneBase73   JXL_INLINE uint8_t* bytes() {
74     void* p = bytes_.get();
75     return static_cast<uint8_t * JXL_RESTRICT>(JXL_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, 64));
76   }
bytesPlaneBase77   JXL_INLINE const uint8_t* bytes() const {
78     const void* p = bytes_.get();
79     return static_cast<const uint8_t * JXL_RESTRICT>(JXL_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, 64));
80   }
82  protected:
83   // Returns pointer to the start of a row.
VoidRowPlaneBase84   JXL_INLINE void* VoidRow(const size_t y) const {
85 #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) || \
86     defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
87     if (y >= ysize_) {
88       JXL_ABORT("Row(%" PRIu64 ") in (%u x %u) image\n", y, xsize_, ysize_);
89     }
90 #endif
92     void* row = bytes_.get() + y * bytes_per_row_;
93     return JXL_ASSUME_ALIGNED(row, 64);
94   }
96   enum class Padding {
97     // Allow Load(d, row + x) for x = 0; x < xsize(); x += Lanes(d). Default.
98     kRoundUp,
99     // Allow LoadU(d, row + x) for x = xsize() - 1. This requires an extra
100     // vector to be initialized. If done by default, this would suppress
101     // legitimate msan warnings. We therefore require users to explicitly call
102     // InitializePadding before using unaligned loads (e.g. convolution).
103     kUnaligned
104   };
106   // Initializes the minimum bytes required to suppress msan warnings from
107   // legitimate (according to Padding mode) vector loads/stores on the right
108   // border, where some lanes are uninitialized and assumed to be unused.
109   void InitializePadding(size_t sizeof_t, Padding padding);
111   // (Members are non-const to enable assignment during move-assignment.)
112   uint32_t xsize_;  // In valid pixels, not including any padding.
113   uint32_t ysize_;
114   uint32_t orig_xsize_;
115   uint32_t orig_ysize_;
116   size_t bytes_per_row_;  // Includes padding.
117   CacheAlignedUniquePtr bytes_;
118 };
120 // Single channel, aligned rows separated by padding. T must be POD.
121 //
122 // 'Single channel' (one 2D array per channel) simplifies vectorization
123 // (repeating the same operation on multiple adjacent components) without the
124 // complexity of a hybrid layout (8 R, 8 G, 8 B, ...). In particular, clients
125 // can easily iterate over all components in a row and Image requires no
126 // knowledge of the pixel format beyond the component type "T".
127 //
128 // 'Aligned' means each row is aligned to the L1 cache line size. This prevents
129 // false sharing between two threads operating on adjacent rows.
130 //
131 // 'Padding' is still relevant because vectors could potentially be larger than
132 // a cache line. By rounding up row sizes to the vector size, we allow
133 // reading/writing ALIGNED vectors whose first lane is a valid sample. This
134 // avoids needing a separate loop to handle remaining unaligned lanes.
135 //
136 // This image layout could also be achieved with a vector and a row accessor
137 // function, but a class wrapper with support for "deleter" allows wrapping
138 // existing memory allocated by clients without copying the pixels. It also
139 // provides convenient accessors for xsize/ysize, which shortens function
140 // argument lists. Supports move-construction so it can be stored in containers.
141 template <typename ComponentType>
142 class Plane : public PlaneBase {
143  public:
144   using T = ComponentType;
145   static constexpr size_t kNumPlanes = 1;
147   Plane() = default;
Plane(const size_t xsize,const size_t ysize)148   Plane(const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize)
149       : PlaneBase(xsize, ysize, sizeof(T)) {}
InitializePaddingForUnalignedAccesses()151   void InitializePaddingForUnalignedAccesses() {
152     InitializePadding(sizeof(T), Padding::kUnaligned);
153   }
Row(const size_t y)155   JXL_INLINE T* Row(const size_t y) { return static_cast<T*>(VoidRow(y)); }
157   // Returns pointer to const (see above).
Row(const size_t y)158   JXL_INLINE const T* Row(const size_t y) const {
159     return static_cast<const T*>(VoidRow(y));
160   }
162   // Documents that the access is const.
ConstRow(const size_t y)163   JXL_INLINE const T* ConstRow(const size_t y) const {
164     return static_cast<const T*>(VoidRow(y));
165   }
167   // Returns number of pixels (some of which are padding) per row. Useful for
168   // computing other rows via pointer arithmetic. WARNING: this must
169   // NOT be used to determine xsize.
PixelsPerRow()170   JXL_INLINE intptr_t PixelsPerRow() const {
171     return static_cast<intptr_t>(bytes_per_row_ / sizeof(T));
172   }
173 };
175 using ImageSB = Plane<int8_t>;
176 using ImageB = Plane<uint8_t>;
177 using ImageS = Plane<int16_t>;  // signed integer or half-float
178 using ImageU = Plane<uint16_t>;
179 using ImageI = Plane<int32_t>;
180 using ImageF = Plane<float>;
181 using ImageD = Plane<double>;
183 // Also works for Image3 and mixed argument types.
184 template <class Image1, class Image2>
SameSize(const Image1 & image1,const Image2 & image2)185 bool SameSize(const Image1& image1, const Image2& image2) {
186   return image1.xsize() == image2.xsize() && image1.ysize() == image2.ysize();
187 }
189 template <typename T>
190 class Image3;
192 // Rectangular region in image(s). Factoring this out of Image instead of
193 // shifting the pointer by x0/y0 allows this to apply to multiple images with
194 // different resolutions (e.g. color transform and quantization field).
195 // Can compare using SameSize(rect1, rect2).
196 class Rect {
197  public:
198   // Most windows are xsize_max * ysize_max, except those on the borders where
199   // begin + size_max > end.
Rect(size_t xbegin,size_t ybegin,size_t xsize_max,size_t ysize_max,size_t xend,size_t yend)200   constexpr Rect(size_t xbegin, size_t ybegin, size_t xsize_max,
201                  size_t ysize_max, size_t xend, size_t yend)
202       : x0_(xbegin),
203         y0_(ybegin),
204         xsize_(ClampedSize(xbegin, xsize_max, xend)),
205         ysize_(ClampedSize(ybegin, ysize_max, yend)) {}
207   // Construct with origin and known size (typically from another Rect).
Rect(size_t xbegin,size_t ybegin,size_t xsize,size_t ysize)208   constexpr Rect(size_t xbegin, size_t ybegin, size_t xsize, size_t ysize)
209       : x0_(xbegin), y0_(ybegin), xsize_(xsize), ysize_(ysize) {}
211   // Construct a rect that covers a whole image/plane/ImageBundle etc.
212   template <typename Image>
Rect(const Image & image)213   explicit Rect(const Image& image)
214       : Rect(0, 0, image.xsize(), image.ysize()) {}
Rect()216   Rect() : Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) {}
218   Rect(const Rect&) = default;
219   Rect& operator=(const Rect&) = default;
221   // Construct a subrect that resides in an image/plane/ImageBundle etc.
222   template <typename Image>
Crop(const Image & image)223   Rect Crop(const Image& image) const {
224     return Rect(x0_, y0_, xsize_, ysize_, image.xsize(), image.ysize());
225   }
227   // Construct a subrect that resides in the [0, ysize) x [0, xsize) region of
228   // the current rect.
Crop(size_t area_xsize,size_t area_ysize)229   Rect Crop(size_t area_xsize, size_t area_ysize) const {
230     return Rect(x0_, y0_, xsize_, ysize_, area_xsize, area_ysize);
231   }
233   // Returns a rect that only contains `num` lines with offset `y` from `y0()`.
Lines(size_t y,size_t num)234   Rect Lines(size_t y, size_t num) const {
235     JXL_DASSERT(y + num <= ysize_);
236     return Rect(x0_, y0_ + y, xsize_, num);
237   }
Line(size_t y)239   Rect Line(size_t y) const { return Lines(y, 1); }
Intersection(const Rect & other)241   JXL_MUST_USE_RESULT Rect Intersection(const Rect& other) const {
242     return Rect(std::max(x0_, other.x0_), std::max(y0_, other.y0_), xsize_,
243                 ysize_, std::min(x0_ + xsize_, other.x0_ + other.xsize_),
244                 std::min(y0_ + ysize_, other.y0_ + other.ysize_));
245   }
Translate(int64_t x_offset,int64_t y_offset)247   JXL_MUST_USE_RESULT Rect Translate(int64_t x_offset, int64_t y_offset) const {
248     return Rect(x0_ + x_offset, y0_ + y_offset, xsize_, ysize_);
249   }
251   template <typename T>
Row(Plane<T> * image,size_t y)252   T* Row(Plane<T>* image, size_t y) const {
253     return image->Row(y + y0_) + x0_;
254   }
256   template <typename T>
Row(const Plane<T> * image,size_t y)257   const T* Row(const Plane<T>* image, size_t y) const {
258     return image->Row(y + y0_) + x0_;
259   }
261   template <typename T>
PlaneRow(Image3<T> * image,const size_t c,size_t y)262   T* PlaneRow(Image3<T>* image, const size_t c, size_t y) const {
263     return image->PlaneRow(c, y + y0_) + x0_;
264   }
266   template <typename T>
ConstRow(const Plane<T> & image,size_t y)267   const T* ConstRow(const Plane<T>& image, size_t y) const {
268     return image.ConstRow(y + y0_) + x0_;
269   }
271   template <typename T>
ConstPlaneRow(const Image3<T> & image,size_t c,size_t y)272   const T* ConstPlaneRow(const Image3<T>& image, size_t c, size_t y) const {
273     return image.ConstPlaneRow(c, y + y0_) + x0_;
274   }
IsInside(const Rect & other)276   bool IsInside(const Rect& other) const {
277     return x0_ >= other.x0() && x0_ + xsize_ <= other.x0() + other.xsize_ &&
278            y0_ >= other.y0() && y0_ + ysize_ <= other.y0() + other.ysize();
279   }
281   // Returns true if this Rect fully resides in the given image. ImageT could be
282   // Plane<T> or Image3<T>; however if ImageT is Rect, results are nonsensical.
283   template <class ImageT>
IsInside(const ImageT & image)284   bool IsInside(const ImageT& image) const {
285     return (x0_ + xsize_ <= image.xsize()) && (y0_ + ysize_ <= image.ysize());
286   }
x0()288   size_t x0() const { return x0_; }
y0()289   size_t y0() const { return y0_; }
xsize()290   size_t xsize() const { return xsize_; }
ysize()291   size_t ysize() const { return ysize_; }
293  private:
294   // Returns size_max, or whatever is left in [begin, end).
ClampedSize(size_t begin,size_t size_max,size_t end)295   static constexpr size_t ClampedSize(size_t begin, size_t size_max,
296                                       size_t end) {
297     return (begin + size_max <= end) ? size_max
298                                      : (end > begin ? end - begin : 0);
299   }
301   size_t x0_;
302   size_t y0_;
304   size_t xsize_;
305   size_t ysize_;
306 };
308 // Currently, we abuse Image to either refer to an image that owns its storage
309 // or one that doesn't. In similar vein, we abuse Image* function parameters to
310 // either mean "assign to me" or "fill the provided image with data".
311 // Hopefully, the "assign to me" meaning will go away and most images in the
312 // codebase will not be backed by own storage. When this happens we can redesign
313 // Image to be a non-storage-holding view class and introduce BackedImage in
314 // those places that actually need it.
316 // NOTE: we can't use Image as a view because invariants are violated
317 // (alignment and the presence of padding before/after each "row").
319 // A bundle of 3 same-sized images. Typically constructed by moving from three
320 // rvalue references to Image. To overwrite an existing Image3 using
321 // single-channel producers, we also need access to Image*. Constructing
322 // temporary non-owning Image pointing to one plane of an existing Image3 risks
323 // dangling references, especially if the wrapper is moved. Therefore, we
324 // store an array of Image (which are compact enough that size is not a concern)
325 // and provide Plane+Row accessors.
326 template <typename ComponentType>
327 class Image3 {
328  public:
329   using T = ComponentType;
330   using PlaneT = jxl::Plane<T>;
331   static constexpr size_t kNumPlanes = 3;
Image3()333   Image3() : planes_{PlaneT(), PlaneT(), PlaneT()} {}
Image3(const size_t xsize,const size_t ysize)335   Image3(const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize)
336       : planes_{PlaneT(xsize, ysize), PlaneT(xsize, ysize),
337                 PlaneT(xsize, ysize)} {}
Image3(Image3 && other)339   Image3(Image3&& other) noexcept {
340     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPlanes; i++) {
341       planes_[i] = std::move(other.planes_[i]);
342     }
343   }
Image3(PlaneT && plane0,PlaneT && plane1,PlaneT && plane2)345   Image3(PlaneT&& plane0, PlaneT&& plane1, PlaneT&& plane2) {
346     JXL_CHECK(SameSize(plane0, plane1));
347     JXL_CHECK(SameSize(plane0, plane2));
348     planes_[0] = std::move(plane0);
349     planes_[1] = std::move(plane1);
350     planes_[2] = std::move(plane2);
351   }
353   // Copy construction/assignment is forbidden to avoid inadvertent copies,
354   // which can be very expensive. Use CopyImageTo instead.
355   Image3(const Image3& other) = delete;
356   Image3& operator=(const Image3& other) = delete;
358   Image3& operator=(Image3&& other) noexcept {
359     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPlanes; i++) {
360       planes_[i] = std::move(other.planes_[i]);
361     }
362     return *this;
363   }
365   // Returns row pointer; usage: PlaneRow(idx_plane, y)[x] = val.
PlaneRow(const size_t c,const size_t y)366   JXL_INLINE T* PlaneRow(const size_t c, const size_t y) {
367     // Custom implementation instead of calling planes_[c].Row ensures only a
368     // single multiplication is needed for PlaneRow(0..2, y).
369     PlaneRowBoundsCheck(c, y);
370     const size_t row_offset = y * planes_[0].bytes_per_row();
371     void* row = planes_[c].bytes() + row_offset;
372     return static_cast<T * JXL_RESTRICT>(JXL_ASSUME_ALIGNED(row, 64));
373   }
375   // Returns const row pointer; usage: val = PlaneRow(idx_plane, y)[x].
PlaneRow(const size_t c,const size_t y)376   JXL_INLINE const T* PlaneRow(const size_t c, const size_t y) const {
377     PlaneRowBoundsCheck(c, y);
378     const size_t row_offset = y * planes_[0].bytes_per_row();
379     const void* row = planes_[c].bytes() + row_offset;
380     return static_cast<const T * JXL_RESTRICT>(JXL_ASSUME_ALIGNED(row, 64));
381   }
383   // Returns const row pointer, even if called from a non-const Image3.
ConstPlaneRow(const size_t c,const size_t y)384   JXL_INLINE const T* ConstPlaneRow(const size_t c, const size_t y) const {
385     PlaneRowBoundsCheck(c, y);
386     return PlaneRow(c, y);
387   }
Plane(size_t idx)389   JXL_INLINE const PlaneT& Plane(size_t idx) const { return planes_[idx]; }
Plane(size_t idx)391   JXL_INLINE PlaneT& Plane(size_t idx) { return planes_[idx]; }
Swap(Image3 & other)393   void Swap(Image3& other) {
394     for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
395       other.planes_[c].Swap(planes_[c]);
396     }
397   }
399   // Useful for pre-allocating image with some padding for alignment purposes
400   // and later reporting the actual valid dimensions. May also be used to
401   // un-shrink the image. Caller is responsible for ensuring xsize/ysize are <=
402   // the original dimensions.
ShrinkTo(const size_t xsize,const size_t ysize)403   void ShrinkTo(const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize) {
404     for (PlaneT& plane : planes_) {
405       plane.ShrinkTo(xsize, ysize);
406     }
407   }
409   // Sizes of all three images are guaranteed to be equal.
xsize()410   JXL_INLINE size_t xsize() const { return planes_[0].xsize(); }
ysize()411   JXL_INLINE size_t ysize() const { return planes_[0].ysize(); }
412   // Returns offset [bytes] from one row to the next row of the same plane.
413   // WARNING: this must NOT be used to determine xsize, nor for copying rows -
414   // the valid xsize may be much less.
bytes_per_row()415   JXL_INLINE size_t bytes_per_row() const { return planes_[0].bytes_per_row(); }
416   // Returns number of pixels (some of which are padding) per row. Useful for
417   // computing other rows via pointer arithmetic. WARNING: this must NOT be used
418   // to determine xsize.
PixelsPerRow()419   JXL_INLINE intptr_t PixelsPerRow() const { return planes_[0].PixelsPerRow(); }
421  private:
PlaneRowBoundsCheck(const size_t c,const size_t y)422   void PlaneRowBoundsCheck(const size_t c, const size_t y) const {
423 #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) || \
424     defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
425     if (c >= kNumPlanes || y >= ysize()) {
426       JXL_ABORT("PlaneRow(%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 ") in (%" PRIu64 " x %" PRIu64
427                 ") image\n",
428                 static_cast<uint64_t>(c), static_cast<uint64_t>(y),
429                 static_cast<uint64_t>(xsize()), static_cast<uint64_t>(ysize()));
430     }
431 #endif
432   }
434  private:
435   PlaneT planes_[kNumPlanes];
436 };
438 using Image3B = Image3<uint8_t>;
439 using Image3S = Image3<int16_t>;
440 using Image3U = Image3<uint16_t>;
441 using Image3I = Image3<int32_t>;
442 using Image3F = Image3<float>;
443 using Image3D = Image3<double>;
445 }  // namespace jxl
447 #endif  // LIB_JXL_IMAGE_H_