1 // Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
17 #include <array>
18 #include <cstdio>
19 #include <cstring>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
24 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
25 #include "absl/container/fixed_array.h"
26 #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
28 #include "absl/strings/internal/escaping_test_common.h"
30 namespace {
32 struct epair {
33   std::string escaped;
34   std::string unescaped;
35 };
TEST(CEscape,EscapeAndUnescape)37 TEST(CEscape, EscapeAndUnescape) {
38   const std::string inputs[] = {
39       std::string("foo\nxx\r\b\0023"),
40       std::string(""),
41       std::string("abc"),
42       std::string("\1chad_rules"),
43       std::string("\1arnar_drools"),
44       std::string("xxxx\r\t'\"\\"),
45       std::string("\0xx\0", 4),
46       std::string("\x01\x31"),
47       std::string("abc\xb\x42\141bc"),
48       std::string("123\1\x31\x32\x33"),
49       std::string("\xc1\xca\x1b\x62\x19o\xcc\x04"),
50       std::string(
51           "\\\"\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\\\" is Google\\\'s Chinese name"),
52   };
53   // Do this twice, once for octal escapes and once for hex escapes.
54   for (int kind = 0; kind < 4; kind++) {
55     for (const std::string& original : inputs) {
56       std::string escaped;
57       switch (kind) {
58         case 0:
59           escaped = absl::CEscape(original);
60           break;
61         case 1:
62           escaped = absl::CHexEscape(original);
63           break;
64         case 2:
65           escaped = absl::Utf8SafeCEscape(original);
66           break;
67         case 3:
68           escaped = absl::Utf8SafeCHexEscape(original);
69           break;
70       }
71       std::string unescaped_str;
72       EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(escaped, &unescaped_str));
73       EXPECT_EQ(unescaped_str, original);
75       unescaped_str.erase();
76       std::string error;
77       EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(escaped, &unescaped_str, &error));
78       EXPECT_EQ(error, "");
80       // Check in-place unescaping
81       std::string s = escaped;
82       EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(s, &s));
83       ASSERT_EQ(s, original);
84     }
85   }
86   // Check that all possible two character strings can be escaped then
87   // unescaped successfully.
88   for (int char0 = 0; char0 < 256; char0++) {
89     for (int char1 = 0; char1 < 256; char1++) {
90       char chars[2];
91       chars[0] = char0;
92       chars[1] = char1;
93       std::string s(chars, 2);
94       std::string escaped = absl::CHexEscape(s);
95       std::string unescaped;
96       EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(escaped, &unescaped));
97       EXPECT_EQ(s, unescaped);
98     }
99   }
100 }
TEST(CEscape,BasicEscaping)102 TEST(CEscape, BasicEscaping) {
103   epair oct_values[] = {
104       {"foo\\rbar\\nbaz\\t", "foo\rbar\nbaz\t"},
105       {"\\'full of \\\"sound\\\" and \\\"fury\\\"\\'",
106        "'full of \"sound\" and \"fury\"'"},
107       {"signi\\\\fying\\\\ nothing\\\\", "signi\\fying\\ nothing\\"},
108       {"\\010\\t\\n\\013\\014\\r", "\010\011\012\013\014\015"}
109   };
110   epair hex_values[] = {
111       {"ubik\\rubik\\nubik\\t", "ubik\rubik\nubik\t"},
112       {"I\\\'ve just seen a \\\"face\\\"",
113        "I've just seen a \"face\""},
114       {"hel\\\\ter\\\\skel\\\\ter\\\\", "hel\\ter\\skel\\ter\\"},
115       {"\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r", "\010\011\012\013\014\015"}
116   };
117   epair utf8_oct_values[] = {
118       {"\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\\r\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\\nbaz\\t",
119        "\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\r\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\nbaz\t"},
120       {"\\\"\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\\\" is Google\\\'s Chinese name",
121        "\"\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c\" is Google\'s Chinese name"},
122       {"\xe3\x83\xa1\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\xab\\\\are\\\\Japanese\\\\chars\\\\",
123        "\xe3\x83\xa1\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\xab\\are\\Japanese\\chars\\"},
124       {"\xed\x81\xac\xeb\xa1\xac\\010\\t\\n\\013\\014\\r",
125        "\xed\x81\xac\xeb\xa1\xac\010\011\012\013\014\015"}
126   };
127   epair utf8_hex_values[] = {
128       {"\x20\xe4\xbd\xa0\\t\xe5\xa5\xbd,\\r!\\n",
129        "\x20\xe4\xbd\xa0\t\xe5\xa5\xbd,\r!\n"},
130       {"\xe8\xa9\xa6\xe9\xa8\x93\\\' means \\\"test\\\"",
131        "\xe8\xa9\xa6\xe9\xa8\x93\' means \"test\""},
132       {"\\\\\xe6\x88\x91\\\\:\\\\\xe6\x9d\xa8\xe6\xac\xa2\\\\",
133        "\\\xe6\x88\x91\\:\\\xe6\x9d\xa8\xe6\xac\xa2\\"},
134       {"\xed\x81\xac\xeb\xa1\xac\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r",
135        "\xed\x81\xac\xeb\xa1\xac\010\011\012\013\014\015"}
136   };
138   for (const epair& val : oct_values) {
139     std::string escaped = absl::CEscape(val.unescaped);
140     EXPECT_EQ(escaped, val.escaped);
141   }
142   for (const epair& val : hex_values) {
143     std::string escaped = absl::CHexEscape(val.unescaped);
144     EXPECT_EQ(escaped, val.escaped);
145   }
146   for (const epair& val : utf8_oct_values) {
147     std::string escaped = absl::Utf8SafeCEscape(val.unescaped);
148     EXPECT_EQ(escaped, val.escaped);
149   }
150   for (const epair& val : utf8_hex_values) {
151     std::string escaped = absl::Utf8SafeCHexEscape(val.unescaped);
152     EXPECT_EQ(escaped, val.escaped);
153   }
154 }
TEST(Unescape,BasicFunction)156 TEST(Unescape, BasicFunction) {
157   epair tests[] =
158     {{"", ""},
159      {"\\u0030", "0"},
160      {"\\u00A3", "\xC2\xA3"},
161      {"\\u22FD", "\xE2\x8B\xBD"},
162      {"\\U00010000", "\xF0\x90\x80\x80"},
163      {"\\U0010FFFD", "\xF4\x8F\xBF\xBD"}};
164   for (const epair& val : tests) {
165     std::string out;
166     EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(val.escaped, &out));
167     EXPECT_EQ(out, val.unescaped);
168   }
169   std::string bad[] = {"\\u1",         // too short
170                        "\\U1",         // too short
171                        "\\Uffffff",    // exceeds 0x10ffff (largest Unicode)
172                        "\\U00110000",  // exceeds 0x10ffff (largest Unicode)
173                        "\\uD835",      // surrogate character (D800-DFFF)
174                        "\\U0000DD04",  // surrogate character (D800-DFFF)
175                        "\\777",        // exceeds 0xff
176                        "\\xABCD"};     // exceeds 0xff
177   for (const std::string& e : bad) {
178     std::string error;
179     std::string out;
180     EXPECT_FALSE(absl::CUnescape(e, &out, &error));
181     EXPECT_FALSE(error.empty());
183     out.erase();
184     EXPECT_FALSE(absl::CUnescape(e, &out));
185   }
186 }
188 class CUnescapeTest : public testing::Test {
189  protected:
190   static const char kStringWithMultipleOctalNulls[];
191   static const char kStringWithMultipleHexNulls[];
192   static const char kStringWithMultipleUnicodeNulls[];
194   std::string result_string_;
195 };
197 const char CUnescapeTest::kStringWithMultipleOctalNulls[] =
198     "\\0\\n"    // null escape \0 plus newline
199     "0\\n"      // just a number 0 (not a null escape) plus newline
200     "\\00\\12"  // null escape \00 plus octal newline code
201     "\\000";    // null escape \000
203 // This has the same ingredients as kStringWithMultipleOctalNulls
204 // but with \x hex escapes instead of octal escapes.
205 const char CUnescapeTest::kStringWithMultipleHexNulls[] =
206     "\\x0\\n"
207     "0\\n"
208     "\\x00\\xa"
209     "\\x000";
211 const char CUnescapeTest::kStringWithMultipleUnicodeNulls[] =
212     "\\u0000\\n"    // short-form (4-digit) null escape plus newline
213     "0\\n"          // just a number 0 (not a null escape) plus newline
214     "\\U00000000";  // long-form (8-digit) null escape
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes1CharOctalNull)216 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes1CharOctalNull) {
217   std::string original_string = "\\0";
218   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
219   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
220 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes2CharOctalNull)222 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes2CharOctalNull) {
223   std::string original_string = "\\00";
224   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
225   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
226 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes3CharOctalNull)228 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes3CharOctalNull) {
229   std::string original_string = "\\000";
230   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
231   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
232 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes1CharHexNull)234 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes1CharHexNull) {
235   std::string original_string = "\\x0";
236   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
237   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
238 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes2CharHexNull)240 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes2CharHexNull) {
241   std::string original_string = "\\x00";
242   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
243   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
244 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes3CharHexNull)246 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes3CharHexNull) {
247   std::string original_string = "\\x000";
248   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
249   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
250 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes4CharUnicodeNull)252 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes4CharUnicodeNull) {
253   std::string original_string = "\\u0000";
254   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
255   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
256 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,Unescapes8CharUnicodeNull)258 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, Unescapes8CharUnicodeNull) {
259   std::string original_string = "\\U00000000";
260   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
261   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0", 1), result_string_);
262 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,UnescapesMultipleOctalNulls)264 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, UnescapesMultipleOctalNulls) {
265   std::string original_string(kStringWithMultipleOctalNulls);
266   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
267   // All escapes, including newlines and null escapes, should have been
268   // converted to the equivalent characters.
269   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0\n"
270                         "0\n"
271                         "\0\n"
272                         "\0",
273                         7),
274             result_string_);
275 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,UnescapesMultipleHexNulls)278 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, UnescapesMultipleHexNulls) {
279   std::string original_string(kStringWithMultipleHexNulls);
280   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
281   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0\n"
282                         "0\n"
283                         "\0\n"
284                         "\0",
285                         7),
286             result_string_);
287 }
TEST_F(CUnescapeTest,UnescapesMultipleUnicodeNulls)289 TEST_F(CUnescapeTest, UnescapesMultipleUnicodeNulls) {
290   std::string original_string(kStringWithMultipleUnicodeNulls);
291   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::CUnescape(original_string, &result_string_));
292   EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0\n"
293                         "0\n"
294                         "\0",
295                         5),
296             result_string_);
297 }
299 static struct {
300   absl::string_view plaintext;
301   absl::string_view cyphertext;
302 } const base64_tests[] = {
303     // Empty string.
304     {{"", 0}, {"", 0}},
305     {{nullptr, 0},
306      {"", 0}},  // if length is zero, plaintext ptr must be ignored!
308     // Basic bit patterns;
309     // values obtained with "echo -n '...' | uuencode -m test"
311     {{"\000", 1}, "AA=="},
312     {{"\001", 1}, "AQ=="},
313     {{"\002", 1}, "Ag=="},
314     {{"\004", 1}, "BA=="},
315     {{"\010", 1}, "CA=="},
316     {{"\020", 1}, "EA=="},
317     {{"\040", 1}, "IA=="},
318     {{"\100", 1}, "QA=="},
319     {{"\200", 1}, "gA=="},
321     {{"\377", 1}, "/w=="},
322     {{"\376", 1}, "/g=="},
323     {{"\375", 1}, "/Q=="},
324     {{"\373", 1}, "+w=="},
325     {{"\367", 1}, "9w=="},
326     {{"\357", 1}, "7w=="},
327     {{"\337", 1}, "3w=="},
328     {{"\277", 1}, "vw=="},
329     {{"\177", 1}, "fw=="},
330     {{"\000\000", 2}, "AAA="},
331     {{"\000\001", 2}, "AAE="},
332     {{"\000\002", 2}, "AAI="},
333     {{"\000\004", 2}, "AAQ="},
334     {{"\000\010", 2}, "AAg="},
335     {{"\000\020", 2}, "ABA="},
336     {{"\000\040", 2}, "ACA="},
337     {{"\000\100", 2}, "AEA="},
338     {{"\000\200", 2}, "AIA="},
339     {{"\001\000", 2}, "AQA="},
340     {{"\002\000", 2}, "AgA="},
341     {{"\004\000", 2}, "BAA="},
342     {{"\010\000", 2}, "CAA="},
343     {{"\020\000", 2}, "EAA="},
344     {{"\040\000", 2}, "IAA="},
345     {{"\100\000", 2}, "QAA="},
346     {{"\200\000", 2}, "gAA="},
348     {{"\377\377", 2}, "//8="},
349     {{"\377\376", 2}, "//4="},
350     {{"\377\375", 2}, "//0="},
351     {{"\377\373", 2}, "//s="},
352     {{"\377\367", 2}, "//c="},
353     {{"\377\357", 2}, "/+8="},
354     {{"\377\337", 2}, "/98="},
355     {{"\377\277", 2}, "/78="},
356     {{"\377\177", 2}, "/38="},
357     {{"\376\377", 2}, "/v8="},
358     {{"\375\377", 2}, "/f8="},
359     {{"\373\377", 2}, "+/8="},
360     {{"\367\377", 2}, "9/8="},
361     {{"\357\377", 2}, "7/8="},
362     {{"\337\377", 2}, "3/8="},
363     {{"\277\377", 2}, "v/8="},
364     {{"\177\377", 2}, "f/8="},
366     {{"\000\000\000", 3}, "AAAA"},
367     {{"\000\000\001", 3}, "AAAB"},
368     {{"\000\000\002", 3}, "AAAC"},
369     {{"\000\000\004", 3}, "AAAE"},
370     {{"\000\000\010", 3}, "AAAI"},
371     {{"\000\000\020", 3}, "AAAQ"},
372     {{"\000\000\040", 3}, "AAAg"},
373     {{"\000\000\100", 3}, "AABA"},
374     {{"\000\000\200", 3}, "AACA"},
375     {{"\000\001\000", 3}, "AAEA"},
376     {{"\000\002\000", 3}, "AAIA"},
377     {{"\000\004\000", 3}, "AAQA"},
378     {{"\000\010\000", 3}, "AAgA"},
379     {{"\000\020\000", 3}, "ABAA"},
380     {{"\000\040\000", 3}, "ACAA"},
381     {{"\000\100\000", 3}, "AEAA"},
382     {{"\000\200\000", 3}, "AIAA"},
383     {{"\001\000\000", 3}, "AQAA"},
384     {{"\002\000\000", 3}, "AgAA"},
385     {{"\004\000\000", 3}, "BAAA"},
386     {{"\010\000\000", 3}, "CAAA"},
387     {{"\020\000\000", 3}, "EAAA"},
388     {{"\040\000\000", 3}, "IAAA"},
389     {{"\100\000\000", 3}, "QAAA"},
390     {{"\200\000\000", 3}, "gAAA"},
392     {{"\377\377\377", 3}, "////"},
393     {{"\377\377\376", 3}, "///+"},
394     {{"\377\377\375", 3}, "///9"},
395     {{"\377\377\373", 3}, "///7"},
396     {{"\377\377\367", 3}, "///3"},
397     {{"\377\377\357", 3}, "///v"},
398     {{"\377\377\337", 3}, "///f"},
399     {{"\377\377\277", 3}, "//+/"},
400     {{"\377\377\177", 3}, "//9/"},
401     {{"\377\376\377", 3}, "//7/"},
402     {{"\377\375\377", 3}, "//3/"},
403     {{"\377\373\377", 3}, "//v/"},
404     {{"\377\367\377", 3}, "//f/"},
405     {{"\377\357\377", 3}, "/+//"},
406     {{"\377\337\377", 3}, "/9//"},
407     {{"\377\277\377", 3}, "/7//"},
408     {{"\377\177\377", 3}, "/3//"},
409     {{"\376\377\377", 3}, "/v//"},
410     {{"\375\377\377", 3}, "/f//"},
411     {{"\373\377\377", 3}, "+///"},
412     {{"\367\377\377", 3}, "9///"},
413     {{"\357\377\377", 3}, "7///"},
414     {{"\337\377\377", 3}, "3///"},
415     {{"\277\377\377", 3}, "v///"},
416     {{"\177\377\377", 3}, "f///"},
418     // Random numbers: values obtained with
419     //
420     //  #! /bin/bash
421     //  dd bs=$1 count=1 if=/dev/random of=/tmp/bar.random
422     //  od -N $1 -t o1 /tmp/bar.random
423     //  uuencode -m test < /tmp/bar.random
424     //
425     // where $1 is the number of bytes (2, 3)
427     {{"\243\361", 2}, "o/E="},
428     {{"\024\167", 2}, "FHc="},
429     {{"\313\252", 2}, "y6o="},
430     {{"\046\041", 2}, "JiE="},
431     {{"\145\236", 2}, "ZZ4="},
432     {{"\254\325", 2}, "rNU="},
433     {{"\061\330", 2}, "Mdg="},
434     {{"\245\032", 2}, "pRo="},
435     {{"\006\000", 2}, "BgA="},
436     {{"\375\131", 2}, "/Vk="},
437     {{"\303\210", 2}, "w4g="},
438     {{"\040\037", 2}, "IB8="},
439     {{"\261\372", 2}, "sfo="},
440     {{"\335\014", 2}, "3Qw="},
441     {{"\233\217", 2}, "m48="},
442     {{"\373\056", 2}, "+y4="},
443     {{"\247\232", 2}, "p5o="},
444     {{"\107\053", 2}, "Rys="},
445     {{"\204\077", 2}, "hD8="},
446     {{"\276\211", 2}, "vok="},
447     {{"\313\110", 2}, "y0g="},
448     {{"\363\376", 2}, "8/4="},
449     {{"\251\234", 2}, "qZw="},
450     {{"\103\262", 2}, "Q7I="},
451     {{"\142\312", 2}, "Yso="},
452     {{"\067\211", 2}, "N4k="},
453     {{"\220\001", 2}, "kAE="},
454     {{"\152\240", 2}, "aqA="},
455     {{"\367\061", 2}, "9zE="},
456     {{"\133\255", 2}, "W60="},
457     {{"\176\035", 2}, "fh0="},
458     {{"\032\231", 2}, "Gpk="},
460     {{"\013\007\144", 3}, "Cwdk"},
461     {{"\030\112\106", 3}, "GEpG"},
462     {{"\047\325\046", 3}, "J9Um"},
463     {{"\310\160\022", 3}, "yHAS"},
464     {{"\131\100\237", 3}, "WUCf"},
465     {{"\064\342\134", 3}, "NOJc"},
466     {{"\010\177\004", 3}, "CH8E"},
467     {{"\345\147\205", 3}, "5WeF"},
468     {{"\300\343\360", 3}, "wOPw"},
469     {{"\061\240\201", 3}, "MaCB"},
470     {{"\225\333\044", 3}, "ldsk"},
471     {{"\215\137\352", 3}, "jV/q"},
472     {{"\371\147\160", 3}, "+Wdw"},
473     {{"\030\320\051", 3}, "GNAp"},
474     {{"\044\174\241", 3}, "JHyh"},
475     {{"\260\127\037", 3}, "sFcf"},
476     {{"\111\045\033", 3}, "SSUb"},
477     {{"\202\114\107", 3}, "gkxH"},
478     {{"\057\371\042", 3}, "L/ki"},
479     {{"\223\247\244", 3}, "k6ek"},
480     {{"\047\216\144", 3}, "J45k"},
481     {{"\203\070\327", 3}, "gzjX"},
482     {{"\247\140\072", 3}, "p2A6"},
483     {{"\124\115\116", 3}, "VE1O"},
484     {{"\157\162\050", 3}, "b3Io"},
485     {{"\357\223\004", 3}, "75ME"},
486     {{"\052\117\156", 3}, "Kk9u"},
487     {{"\347\154\000", 3}, "52wA"},
488     {{"\303\012\142", 3}, "wwpi"},
489     {{"\060\035\362", 3}, "MB3y"},
490     {{"\130\226\361", 3}, "WJbx"},
491     {{"\173\013\071", 3}, "ews5"},
492     {{"\336\004\027", 3}, "3gQX"},
493     {{"\357\366\234", 3}, "7/ac"},
494     {{"\353\304\111", 3}, "68RJ"},
495     {{"\024\264\131", 3}, "FLRZ"},
496     {{"\075\114\251", 3}, "PUyp"},
497     {{"\315\031\225", 3}, "zRmV"},
498     {{"\154\201\276", 3}, "bIG+"},
499     {{"\200\066\072", 3}, "gDY6"},
500     {{"\142\350\267", 3}, "Yui3"},
501     {{"\033\000\166", 3}, "GwB2"},
502     {{"\210\055\077", 3}, "iC0/"},
503     {{"\341\037\124", 3}, "4R9U"},
504     {{"\161\103\152", 3}, "cUNq"},
505     {{"\270\142\131", 3}, "uGJZ"},
506     {{"\337\076\074", 3}, "3z48"},
507     {{"\375\106\362", 3}, "/Uby"},
508     {{"\227\301\127", 3}, "l8FX"},
509     {{"\340\002\234", 3}, "4AKc"},
510     {{"\121\064\033", 3}, "UTQb"},
511     {{"\157\134\143", 3}, "b1xj"},
512     {{"\247\055\327", 3}, "py3X"},
513     {{"\340\142\005", 3}, "4GIF"},
514     {{"\060\260\143", 3}, "MLBj"},
515     {{"\075\203\170", 3}, "PYN4"},
516     {{"\143\160\016", 3}, "Y3AO"},
517     {{"\313\013\063", 3}, "ywsz"},
518     {{"\174\236\135", 3}, "fJ5d"},
519     {{"\103\047\026", 3}, "QycW"},
520     {{"\365\005\343", 3}, "9QXj"},
521     {{"\271\160\223", 3}, "uXCT"},
522     {{"\362\255\172", 3}, "8q16"},
523     {{"\113\012\015", 3}, "SwoN"},
525     // various lengths, generated by this python script:
526     //
527     // from std::string import lowercase as lc
528     // for i in range(27):
529     //   print '{ %2d, "%s",%s "%s" },' % (i, lc[:i], ' ' * (26-i),
530     //                                     lc[:i].encode('base64').strip())
532     {{"", 0}, {"", 0}},
533     {"a", "YQ=="},
534     {"ab", "YWI="},
535     {"abc", "YWJj"},
536     {"abcd", "YWJjZA=="},
537     {"abcde", "YWJjZGU="},
538     {"abcdef", "YWJjZGVm"},
539     {"abcdefg", "YWJjZGVmZw=="},
540     {"abcdefgh", "YWJjZGVmZ2g="},
541     {"abcdefghi", "YWJjZGVmZ2hp"},
542     {"abcdefghij", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpag=="},
543     {"abcdefghijk", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpams="},
544     {"abcdefghijkl", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamts"},
545     {"abcdefghijklm", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbQ=="},
546     {"abcdefghijklmn", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW4="},
547     {"abcdefghijklmno", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5v"},
548     {"abcdefghijklmnop", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcA=="},
549     {"abcdefghijklmnopq", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHE="},
550     {"abcdefghijklmnopqr", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFy"},
551     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrs", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFycw=="},
552     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3Q="},
553     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1"},
554     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dg=="},
555     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnc="},
556     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4"},
557     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eQ=="},
558     {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXo="},
559 };
561 template <typename StringType>
TestEscapeAndUnescape()562 void TestEscapeAndUnescape() {
563   // Check the short strings; this tests the math (and boundaries)
564   for (const auto& tc : base64_tests) {
565     StringType encoded("this junk should be ignored");
566     absl::Base64Escape(tc.plaintext, &encoded);
567     EXPECT_EQ(encoded, tc.cyphertext);
568     EXPECT_EQ(absl::Base64Escape(tc.plaintext), tc.cyphertext);
570     StringType decoded("this junk should be ignored");
571     EXPECT_TRUE(absl::Base64Unescape(encoded, &decoded));
572     EXPECT_EQ(decoded, tc.plaintext);
574     StringType websafe(tc.cyphertext);
575     for (int c = 0; c < websafe.size(); ++c) {
576       if ('+' == websafe[c]) websafe[c] = '-';
577       if ('/' == websafe[c]) websafe[c] = '_';
578       if ('=' == websafe[c]) {
579         websafe.resize(c);
580         break;
581       }
582     }
584     encoded = "this junk should be ignored";
585     absl::WebSafeBase64Escape(tc.plaintext, &encoded);
586     EXPECT_EQ(encoded, websafe);
587     EXPECT_EQ(absl::WebSafeBase64Escape(tc.plaintext), websafe);
589     // Let's try the string version of the decoder
590     decoded = "this junk should be ignored";
591     EXPECT_TRUE(absl::WebSafeBase64Unescape(websafe, &decoded));
592     EXPECT_EQ(decoded, tc.plaintext);
593   }
595   // Now try the long strings, this tests the streaming
596   for (const auto& tc : absl::strings_internal::base64_strings()) {
597     StringType buffer;
598     absl::WebSafeBase64Escape(tc.plaintext, &buffer);
599     EXPECT_EQ(tc.cyphertext, buffer);
600     EXPECT_EQ(absl::WebSafeBase64Escape(tc.plaintext), tc.cyphertext);
601   }
603   // Verify the behavior when decoding bad data
604   {
605     absl::string_view data_set[] = {"ab-/", absl::string_view("\0bcd", 4),
606                                     absl::string_view("abc.\0", 5)};
607     for (absl::string_view bad_data : data_set) {
608       StringType buf;
609       EXPECT_FALSE(absl::Base64Unescape(bad_data, &buf));
610       EXPECT_FALSE(absl::WebSafeBase64Unescape(bad_data, &buf));
611       EXPECT_TRUE(buf.empty());
612     }
613   }
614 }
TEST(Base64,EscapeAndUnescape)616 TEST(Base64, EscapeAndUnescape) {
617   TestEscapeAndUnescape<std::string>();
618 }
TEST(Base64,DISABLED_HugeData)620 TEST(Base64, DISABLED_HugeData) {
621   const size_t kSize = size_t(3) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
622   static_assert(kSize % 3 == 0, "kSize must be divisible by 3");
623   const std::string huge(kSize, 'x');
625   std::string escaped;
626   absl::Base64Escape(huge, &escaped);
628   // Generates the string that should match a base64 encoded "xxx..." string.
629   // "xxx" in base64 is "eHh4".
630   std::string expected_encoding;
631   expected_encoding.reserve(kSize / 3 * 4);
632   for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize / 3; ++i) {
633     expected_encoding.append("eHh4");
634   }
635   EXPECT_EQ(expected_encoding, escaped);
637   std::string unescaped;
638   EXPECT_TRUE(absl::Base64Unescape(escaped, &unescaped));
639   EXPECT_EQ(huge, unescaped);
640 }
TEST(HexAndBack,HexStringToBytes_and_BytesToHexString)642 TEST(HexAndBack, HexStringToBytes_and_BytesToHexString) {
643   std::string hex_mixed = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
644   std::string bytes_expected = "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef\xAB\xCD\xEF";
645   std::string hex_only_lower = "0123456789abcdefabcdef";
647   std::string bytes_result = absl::HexStringToBytes(hex_mixed);
648   EXPECT_EQ(bytes_expected, bytes_result);
650   std::string prefix_valid = hex_mixed + "?";
651   std::string prefix_valid_result = absl::HexStringToBytes(
652       absl::string_view(prefix_valid.data(), prefix_valid.size() - 1));
653   EXPECT_EQ(bytes_expected, prefix_valid_result);
655   std::string infix_valid = "?" + hex_mixed + "???";
656   std::string infix_valid_result = absl::HexStringToBytes(
657       absl::string_view(infix_valid.data() + 1, hex_mixed.size()));
658   EXPECT_EQ(bytes_expected, infix_valid_result);
660   std::string hex_result = absl::BytesToHexString(bytes_expected);
661   EXPECT_EQ(hex_only_lower, hex_result);
662 }
664 }  // namespace