1 //! Parses hexadecimal float literals.
2 //! There are two functions `parse_hexf32` and `parse_hexf64` provided for each type.
3 //!
4 //! ```rust
5 //! use hexf_parse::*;
6 //! assert_eq!(parse_hexf32("0x1.99999ap-4", false), Ok(0.1f32));
7 //! assert_eq!(parse_hexf64("0x1.999999999999ap-4", false), Ok(0.1f64));
8 //! ```
9 //!
10 //! An additional `bool` parameter can be set to true if you want to allow underscores.
11 //!
12 //! ```rust
13 //! use hexf_parse::*;
14 //! assert!(parse_hexf64("0x0.1_7p8", false).is_err());
15 //! assert_eq!(parse_hexf64("0x0.1_7p8", true), Ok(23.0f64));
16 //! ```
17 //!
18 //! The error is reported via an opaque `ParseHexfError` type.
20 use std::{f32, f64, fmt, isize, str};
22 /// An opaque error type from `parse_hexf32` and `parse_hexf64`.
23 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
24 pub struct ParseHexfError {
25     kind: ParseHexfErrorKind,
26 }
28 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
29 enum ParseHexfErrorKind {
30     Empty,
31     Invalid,
32     Inexact,
33 }
35 const EMPTY: ParseHexfError = ParseHexfError {
36     kind: ParseHexfErrorKind::Empty,
37 };
38 const INVALID: ParseHexfError = ParseHexfError {
39     kind: ParseHexfErrorKind::Invalid,
40 };
41 const INEXACT: ParseHexfError = ParseHexfError {
42     kind: ParseHexfErrorKind::Inexact,
43 };
45 impl ParseHexfError {
text(&self) -> &'static str46     fn text(&self) -> &'static str {
47         match self.kind {
48             ParseHexfErrorKind::Empty => "cannot parse float from empty string",
49             ParseHexfErrorKind::Invalid => "invalid hexadecimal float literal",
50             ParseHexfErrorKind::Inexact => "cannot exactly represent float in target type",
51         }
52     }
53 }
55 impl fmt::Display for ParseHexfError {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result56     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
57         fmt::Display::fmt(self.text(), f)
58     }
59 }
61 impl std::error::Error for ParseHexfError {
description(&self) -> &'static str62     fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
63         self.text()
64     }
65 }
parse(s: &[u8], allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<(bool, u64, isize), ParseHexfError>67 fn parse(s: &[u8], allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<(bool, u64, isize), ParseHexfError> {
68     // ^[+-]?
69     let (s, negative) = match s.split_first() {
70         Some((&b'+', s)) => (s, false),
71         Some((&b'-', s)) => (s, true),
72         Some(_) => (s, false),
73         None => return Err(EMPTY),
74     };
76     // 0[xX]
77     if !(s.starts_with(b"0x") || s.starts_with(b"0X")) {
78         return Err(INVALID);
79     }
81     // ([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?
82     let mut s = &s[2..];
83     let mut acc = 0; // the accumulated mantissa
84     let mut digit_seen = false;
85     loop {
86         let (s_, digit) = match s.split_first() {
87             Some((&c @ b'0'..=b'9', s)) => (s, c - b'0'),
88             Some((&c @ b'a'..=b'f', s)) => (s, c - b'a' + 10),
89             Some((&c @ b'A'..=b'F', s)) => (s, c - b'A' + 10),
90             Some((&b'_', s_)) if allow_underscore && digit_seen => {
91                 s = s_;
92                 continue;
93             }
94             _ => break,
95         };
97         s = s_;
98         digit_seen = true;
100         // if `acc << 4` fails, mantissa definitely exceeds 64 bits so we should bail out
101         if acc >> 60 != 0 {
102             return Err(INEXACT);
103         }
104         acc = acc << 4 | digit as u64;
105     }
107     // (\.[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)?
108     // we want to ignore trailing zeroes but shifting at each digit will overflow first.
109     // therefore we separately count the number of zeroes and flush it on non-zero digits.
110     let mut nfracs = 0isize; // this is suboptimal but also practical, see below
111     let mut nzeroes = 0isize;
112     let mut frac_digit_seen = false;
113     if s.starts_with(b".") {
114         s = &s[1..];
115         loop {
116             let (s_, digit) = match s.split_first() {
117                 Some((&c @ b'0'..=b'9', s)) => (s, c - b'0'),
118                 Some((&c @ b'a'..=b'f', s)) => (s, c - b'a' + 10),
119                 Some((&c @ b'A'..=b'F', s)) => (s, c - b'A' + 10),
120                 Some((&b'_', s_)) if allow_underscore && frac_digit_seen => {
121                     s = s_;
122                     continue;
123                 }
124                 _ => break,
125             };
127             s = s_;
128             frac_digit_seen = true;
130             if digit == 0 {
131                 nzeroes = nzeroes.checked_add(1).ok_or(INEXACT)?;
132             } else {
133                 // flush nzeroes
134                 let nnewdigits = nzeroes.checked_add(1).ok_or(INEXACT)?;
135                 nfracs = nfracs.checked_add(nnewdigits).ok_or(INEXACT)?;
136                 nzeroes = 0;
138                 // if the accumulator is non-zero, the shift cannot exceed 64
139                 // (therefore the number of new digits cannot exceed 16).
140                 // this will catch e.g. `0.40000....00001` with sufficiently many zeroes
141                 if acc != 0 {
142                     if nnewdigits >= 16 || acc >> (64 - nnewdigits * 4) != 0 {
143                         return Err(INEXACT);
144                     }
145                     acc = acc << (nnewdigits * 4);
146                 }
147                 acc |= digit as u64;
148             }
149         }
150     }
152     // at least one digit should be present
153     if !(digit_seen || frac_digit_seen) {
154         return Err(INVALID);
155     }
157     // [pP]
158     let s = match s.split_first() {
159         Some((&b'P', s)) | Some((&b'p', s)) => s,
160         _ => return Err(INVALID),
161     };
163     // [+-]?
164     let (mut s, negative_exponent) = match s.split_first() {
165         Some((&b'+', s)) => (s, false),
166         Some((&b'-', s)) => (s, true),
167         Some(_) => (s, false),
168         None => return Err(INVALID),
169     };
171     // [0-9_]*[0-9][0-9_]*$
172     let mut digit_seen = false;
173     let mut exponent = 0isize; // this is suboptimal but also practical, see below
174     loop {
175         let (s_, digit) = match s.split_first() {
176             Some((&c @ b'0'..=b'9', s)) => (s, c - b'0'),
177             Some((&b'_', s_)) if allow_underscore => {
178                 s = s_;
179                 continue;
180             }
181             None if digit_seen => break,
182             // no more bytes expected, and at least one exponent digit should be present
183             _ => return Err(INVALID),
184         };
186         s = s_;
187         digit_seen = true;
189         // if we have no non-zero digits at this point, ignore the exponent :-)
190         if acc != 0 {
191             exponent = exponent
192                 .checked_mul(10)
193                 .and_then(|v| v.checked_add(digit as isize))
194                 .ok_or(INEXACT)?;
195         }
196     }
197     if negative_exponent {
198         exponent = -exponent;
199     }
201     if acc == 0 {
202         // ignore the exponent as above
203         Ok((negative, 0, 0))
204     } else {
205         // the exponent should be biased by (nfracs * 4) to match with the mantissa read.
206         // we still miss valid inputs like `0.0000...0001pX` where the input is filling
207         // at least 1/4 of the total addressable memory, but I dare not handle them!
208         let exponent = nfracs
209             .checked_mul(4)
210             .and_then(|v| exponent.checked_sub(v))
211             .ok_or(INEXACT)?;
212         Ok((negative, acc, exponent))
213     }
214 }
216 #[test]
test_parse()217 fn test_parse() {
218     assert_eq!(parse(b"", false), Err(EMPTY));
219     assert_eq!(parse(b" ", false), Err(INVALID));
220     assert_eq!(parse(b"3.14", false), Err(INVALID));
221     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x3.14", false), Err(INVALID));
222     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x3.14fp+3", false), Ok((false, 0x314f, 3 - 12)));
223     assert_eq!(parse(b" 0x3.14p+3", false), Err(INVALID));
224     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x3.14p+3 ", false), Err(INVALID));
225     assert_eq!(parse(b"+0x3.14fp+3", false), Ok((false, 0x314f, 3 - 12)));
226     assert_eq!(parse(b"-0x3.14fp+3", false), Ok((true, 0x314f, 3 - 12)));
227     assert_eq!(parse(b"0xAbC.p1", false), Ok((false, 0xabc, 1)));
228     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.7p1", false), Ok((false, 0x7, 1 - 4)));
229     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.dEfP-1", false), Ok((false, 0xdef, -1 - 12)));
230     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.p1", false), Err(INVALID));
231     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.P1", false), Err(INVALID));
232     assert_eq!(parse(b"0xp1", false), Err(INVALID));
233     assert_eq!(parse(b"0xP1", false), Err(INVALID));
234     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0p", false), Err(INVALID));
235     assert_eq!(parse(b"0xp", false), Err(INVALID));
236     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.p", false), Err(INVALID));
237     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0p1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
238     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0P1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
239     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.p1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
240     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.P1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
241     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.0p1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
242     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.0P1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
243     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.0p1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
244     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.0P1", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
245     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0p0", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
246     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.p999999999", false), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
247     assert_eq!(
248         parse(b"0x0.p99999999999999999999999999999", false),
249         Ok((false, 0, 0))
250     );
251     assert_eq!(
252         parse(b"0x0.p-99999999999999999999999999999", false),
253         Ok((false, 0, 0))
254     );
255     assert_eq!(
256         parse(b"0x1.p99999999999999999999999999999", false),
257         Err(INEXACT)
258     );
259     assert_eq!(
260         parse(b"0x1.p-99999999999999999999999999999", false),
261         Err(INEXACT)
262     );
263     assert_eq!(
264         parse(b"0x4.00000000000000000000p55", false),
265         Ok((false, 4, 55))
266     );
267     assert_eq!(
268         parse(b"0x4.00001000000000000000p55", false),
269         Ok((false, 0x400001, 55 - 20))
270     );
271     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x4.00000000000000000001p55", false), Err(INEXACT));
273     // underscore insertion
274     assert_eq!(
275         parse(b"-0x3____.1_4___p+___5___", true),
276         Ok((true, 0x314, 5 - 8))
277     );
278     assert_eq!(parse(b"-_0x3.14p+5", true), Err(INVALID));
279     assert_eq!(parse(b"_0x3.14p+5", true), Err(INVALID));
280     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x_3.14p+5", true), Err(INVALID));
281     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x3._14p+5", true), Err(INVALID));
282     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x3.14p_+5", true), Err(INVALID));
283     assert_eq!(parse(b"-0x____.1_4___p+___5___", true), Err(INVALID));
284     assert_eq!(parse(b"-0x3____.____p+___5___", true), Err(INVALID));
285     assert_eq!(parse(b"-0x3____.1_4___p+______", true), Err(INVALID));
286     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x_p0", false), Err(INVALID));
287     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x_0p0", true), Err(INVALID));
288     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x_p0", true), Err(INVALID));
289     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x._p0", true), Err(INVALID));
290     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x._0p0", true), Err(INVALID));
291     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0._0p0", true), Err(INVALID));
292     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0_p0", true), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
293     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x.0_p0", true), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
294     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x0.0_p0", true), Ok((false, 0, 0)));
296     // issues
297     // #11 (https://github.com/lifthrasiir/hexf/issues/11)
298     assert_eq!(parse(b"0x1p-149", false), parse(b"0x1.0p-149", false));
299 }
301 macro_rules! define_convert {
302     ($name:ident => $f:ident) => {
303         fn $name(negative: bool, mantissa: u64, exponent: isize) -> Result<$f, ParseHexfError> {
304             // guard the exponent with the definitely safe range (we will exactly bound it later)
305             if exponent < -0xffff || exponent > 0xffff {
306                 return Err(INEXACT);
307             }
309             // strip the trailing zeroes in mantissa and adjust exponent.
310             // we do this because a unit in the least significant bit of mantissa is
311             // always safe to represent while one in the most significant bit isn't.
312             let trailing = mantissa.trailing_zeros() & 63; // guard mantissa=0 case
313             let mantissa = mantissa >> trailing;
314             let exponent = exponent + trailing as isize;
316             // normalize the exponent that the number is (1.xxxx * 2^normalexp),
317             // and check for the mantissa and exponent ranges
318             let leading = mantissa.leading_zeros();
319             let normalexp = exponent + (63 - leading as isize);
320             let mantissasize = if normalexp < $f::MIN_EXP as isize - $f::MANTISSA_DIGITS as isize {
321                 // the number is smaller than the minimal denormal number
322                 return Err(INEXACT);
323             } else if normalexp < ($f::MIN_EXP - 1) as isize {
324                 // the number is denormal, the # of bits in the mantissa is:
325                 // - minimum (1) at MIN_EXP - MANTISSA_DIGITS
326                 // - maximum (MANTISSA_DIGITS - 1) at MIN_EXP - 2
327                 $f::MANTISSA_DIGITS as isize - $f::MIN_EXP as isize + normalexp + 1
328             } else if normalexp < $f::MAX_EXP as isize {
329                 // the number is normal, the # of bits in the mantissa is fixed
330                 $f::MANTISSA_DIGITS as isize
331             } else {
332                 // the number is larger than the maximal denormal number
333                 // ($f::MAX_EXP denotes NaN and infinities here)
334                 return Err(INEXACT);
335             };
337             if mantissa >> mantissasize == 0 {
338                 let mut mantissa = mantissa as $f;
339                 if negative {
340                     mantissa = -mantissa;
341                 }
342                 // yes, powi somehow does not work!
343                 Ok(mantissa * (2.0 as $f).powf(exponent as $f))
344             } else {
345                 Err(INEXACT)
346             }
347         }
348     };
349 }
351 define_convert!(convert_hexf32 => f32);
352 define_convert!(convert_hexf64 => f64);
354 #[test]
test_convert_hexf32()355 fn test_convert_hexf32() {
356     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 0, 0), Ok(0.0));
357     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 1, 0), Ok(1.0));
358     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 10, 0), Ok(10.0));
359     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 10, 1), Ok(20.0));
360     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 10, -1), Ok(5.0));
361     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(true, 0, 0), Ok(-0.0));
362     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(true, 1, 0), Ok(-1.0));
364     // negative zeroes
365     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(false, 0, 0).unwrap().signum(), 1.0);
366     assert_eq!(convert_hexf32(true, 0, 0).unwrap().signum(), -1.0);
368     // normal truncation
369     assert_eq!(
370         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_00ff_ffff, 0),
371         Ok(16777215.0)
372     );
373     assert_eq!(
374         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_01ff_ffff, 0),
375         Err(INEXACT)
376     );
377     assert_eq!(
378         convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_ff00_0000_0000, -40),
379         Ok(16777215.0)
380     );
381     assert_eq!(
382         convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_ff80_0000_0000, -40),
383         Err(INEXACT)
384     );
386     // denormal truncation
387     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_007f_ffff, -149).is_ok());
388     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_00ff_ffff, -150).is_err());
389     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_00ff_fffe, -150).is_ok());
390     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_ff00_0000_0000, -190).is_err());
391     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_fe00_0000_0000, -190).is_ok());
393     // minimum
394     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, -149).is_ok());
395     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, -150).is_err());
396     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0002, -150).is_ok());
397     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0002, -151).is_err());
398     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0003, -150).is_err());
399     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0003, -151).is_err());
400     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, -212).is_ok());
401     assert!(convert_hexf32(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, -213).is_err());
403     // maximum
404     assert_eq!(
405         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_00ff_ffff, 104),
406         Ok(f32::MAX)
407     );
408     assert_eq!(
409         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_01ff_ffff, 104),
410         Err(INEXACT)
411     );
412     assert_eq!(
413         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_01ff_fffe, 104),
414         Err(INEXACT)
415     );
416     assert_eq!(
417         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, 128),
418         Err(INEXACT)
419     );
420     assert_eq!(
421         convert_hexf32(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 65),
422         Err(INEXACT)
423     );
424     assert_eq!(
425         convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_ff00_0000_0000, 64),
426         Ok(f32::MAX)
427     );
428     assert_eq!(
429         convert_hexf32(false, 0xffff_ff80_0000_0000, 64),
430         Err(INEXACT)
431     );
432 }
434 #[test]
test_convert_hexf64()435 fn test_convert_hexf64() {
436     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 0, 0), Ok(0.0));
437     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 1, 0), Ok(1.0));
438     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 10, 0), Ok(10.0));
439     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 10, 1), Ok(20.0));
440     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 10, -1), Ok(5.0));
441     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(true, 0, 0), Ok(-0.0));
442     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(true, 1, 0), Ok(-1.0));
444     // negative zeroes
445     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(false, 0, 0).unwrap().signum(), 1.0);
446     assert_eq!(convert_hexf64(true, 0, 0).unwrap().signum(), -1.0);
448     // normal truncation
449     assert_eq!(
450         convert_hexf64(false, 0x001f_ffff_ffff_ffff, 0),
451         Ok(9007199254740991.0)
452     );
453     assert_eq!(
454         convert_hexf64(false, 0x003f_ffff_ffff_ffff, 0),
455         Err(INEXACT)
456     );
457     assert_eq!(
458         convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_f800, -11),
459         Ok(9007199254740991.0)
460     );
461     assert_eq!(
462         convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_fc00, -11),
463         Err(INEXACT)
464     );
466     // denormal truncation
467     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x000f_ffff_ffff_ffff, -1074).is_ok());
468     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x001f_ffff_ffff_ffff, -1075).is_err());
469     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x001f_ffff_ffff_fffe, -1075).is_ok());
470     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_f800, -1086).is_err());
471     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_f000, -1086).is_ok());
473     // minimum
474     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, -1074).is_ok());
475     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, -1075).is_err());
476     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0002, -1075).is_ok());
477     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0002, -1076).is_err());
478     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0003, -1075).is_err());
479     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0003, -1076).is_err());
480     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, -1137).is_ok());
481     assert!(convert_hexf64(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, -1138).is_err());
483     // maximum
484     assert_eq!(
485         convert_hexf64(false, 0x001f_ffff_ffff_ffff, 971),
486         Ok(f64::MAX)
487     );
488     assert_eq!(
489         convert_hexf64(false, 0x003f_ffff_ffff_ffff, 971),
490         Err(INEXACT)
491     );
492     assert_eq!(
493         convert_hexf64(false, 0x003f_ffff_ffff_fffe, 971),
494         Err(INEXACT)
495     );
496     assert_eq!(
497         convert_hexf32(false, 0x0000_0000_0000_0001, 1024),
498         Err(INEXACT)
499     );
500     assert_eq!(
501         convert_hexf32(false, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 961),
502         Err(INEXACT)
503     );
504     assert_eq!(
505         convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_f800, 960),
506         Ok(f64::MAX)
507     );
508     assert_eq!(
509         convert_hexf64(false, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_fc00, 960),
510         Err(INEXACT)
511     );
512 }
514 /// Tries to parse a hexadecimal float literal to `f32`.
515 /// The underscore is allowed only when `allow_underscore` is true.
parse_hexf32(s: &str, allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<f32, ParseHexfError>516 pub fn parse_hexf32(s: &str, allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<f32, ParseHexfError> {
517     let (negative, mantissa, exponent) = parse(s.as_bytes(), allow_underscore)?;
518     convert_hexf32(negative, mantissa, exponent)
519 }
521 /// Tries to parse a hexadecimal float literal to `f64`.
522 /// The underscore is allowed only when `allow_underscore` is true.
parse_hexf64(s: &str, allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<f64, ParseHexfError>523 pub fn parse_hexf64(s: &str, allow_underscore: bool) -> Result<f64, ParseHexfError> {
524     let (negative, mantissa, exponent) = parse(s.as_bytes(), allow_underscore)?;
525     convert_hexf64(negative, mantissa, exponent)
526 }
528 #[test]
test_parse_hexf()529 fn test_parse_hexf() {
530     // issues
531     // #6 (https://github.com/lifthrasiir/hexf/issues/6)
532     assert!(parse_hexf64("0x.000000000000000000102", false).is_err());
533 }