1<configuration name="http_cache.conf" description="HTTP GET cache">
2	<settings>
3		<!-- set to true if you want to enable http:// and https:// formats.  Do not use if mod_httapi is also loaded -->
4		<param name="enable-file-formats" value="false"/>
5		<!-- maximum size of cache -->
6		<param name="max-urls" value="10000"/>
7		<!-- location of cached files -->
8		<param name="location" value="$${base_dir}/http_cache"/>
9		<!-- if not specified by cache-control max-age directive, this value will be used
10			 to expire cached files -->
11		<param name="default-max-age" value="86400"/>
12		<!-- size of the prefetch thread pool -->
13		<param name="prefetch-thread-count" value="8"/>
14		<!-- size of the prefetch request queue -->
15		<param name="prefetch-queue-size" value="100"/>
16		<!-- absolute path to CA bundle file -->
17		<param name="ssl-cacert" value="$${base_dir}/conf/cacert.pem"/>
18		<!-- verify certificates -->
19		<param name="ssl-verifypeer" value="true"/>
20		<!-- verify host name matches certificate -->
21		<param name="ssl-verifyhost" value="true"/>
22	</settings>
24	<profiles>
25		<!-- amazon s3 security credentials -->
26		<profile name="s3">
27			<aws-s3>
28				<!-- 20 character key identifier -->
29				<access-key-id><![CDATA[AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE]]></access-key-id>
30				<!-- 40 character secret -->
31				<secret-access-key><![CDATA[wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY]]></secret-access-key>
32			</aws-s3>
33			<!-- optional list of domains that this profile will automatically be applied to -->
34			<!-- if you wish to apply the s3 credentials to a domain not listed here, then use
35				{profile=s3}http://foo.s3... -->
36			<domains>
37				<domain name="bucket.s3.amazonaws.com"/>
38			</domains>
39		</profile>
40	</profiles>