1 //! Register allocator coloring pass.
2 //!
3 //! The coloring pass assigns a physical register to every SSA value with a register affinity,
4 //! under the assumption that the register pressure has been lowered sufficiently by spilling and
5 //! splitting.
6 //!
7 //! # Preconditions
8 //!
9 //! The coloring pass doesn't work on arbitrary code. Certain preconditions must be satisfied:
10 //!
11 //! 1. All instructions must be legalized and assigned an encoding. The encoding recipe guides the
12 //!    register assignments and provides exact constraints.
13 //!
14 //! 2. Instructions with tied operands must be in a coloring-friendly state. Specifically, the
15 //!    values used by the tied operands must be killed by the instruction. This can be achieved by
16 //!    inserting a `copy` to a new value immediately before the two-address instruction.
17 //!
18 //! 3. If a value is bound to more than one operand on the same instruction, the operand
19 //!    constraints must be compatible. This can also be achieved by inserting copies so the
20 //!    incompatible operands get different values.
21 //!
22 //! 4. The register pressure must be lowered sufficiently by inserting spill code. Register
23 //!    operands are allowed to read spilled values, but each such instance must be counted as using
24 //!    a register.
25 //!
26 //! 5. The code must be in Conventional SSA form. Among other things, this means that values passed
27 //!    as arguments when branching to an EBB must belong to the same virtual register as the
28 //!    corresponding EBB argument value.
29 //!
30 //! # Iteration order
31 //!
32 //! The SSA property guarantees that whenever the live range of two values overlap, one of the
33 //! values will be live at the definition point of the other value. If we visit the instructions in
34 //! a topological order relative to the dominance relation, we can assign colors to the values
35 //! defined by the instruction and only consider the colors of other values that are live at the
36 //! instruction.
37 //!
38 //! The first time we see a branch to an EBB, the EBB's argument values are colored to match the
39 //! registers currently holding branch argument values passed to the predecessor branch. By
40 //! visiting EBBs in a CFG topological order, we guarantee that at least one predecessor branch has
41 //! been visited before the destination EBB. Therefore, the EBB's arguments are already colored.
42 //!
43 //! The exception is the entry block whose arguments are colored from the ABI requirements.
45 use crate::cursor::{Cursor, EncCursor};
46 use crate::dominator_tree::DominatorTree;
47 use crate::flowgraph::ControlFlowGraph;
48 use crate::ir::{ArgumentLoc, InstBuilder, ValueDef};
49 use crate::ir::{Ebb, Function, Inst, InstructionData, Layout, Opcode, SigRef, Value, ValueLoc};
50 use crate::isa::{regs_overlap, RegClass, RegInfo, RegUnit};
51 use crate::isa::{ConstraintKind, EncInfo, OperandConstraint, RecipeConstraints, TargetIsa};
52 use crate::packed_option::PackedOption;
53 use crate::regalloc::affinity::Affinity;
54 use crate::regalloc::diversion::RegDiversions;
55 use crate::regalloc::live_value_tracker::{LiveValue, LiveValueTracker};
56 use crate::regalloc::liveness::Liveness;
57 use crate::regalloc::liverange::{LiveRange, LiveRangeContext};
58 use crate::regalloc::register_set::RegisterSet;
59 use crate::regalloc::solver::{Solver, SolverError};
60 use crate::timing;
61 use core::mem;
62 use log::debug;
64 /// Data structures for the coloring pass.
65 ///
66 /// These are scratch space data structures that can be reused between invocations.
67 pub struct Coloring {
68     divert: RegDiversions,
69     solver: Solver,
70 }
72 /// Kinds of ABI parameters.
73 enum AbiParams {
74     Parameters(SigRef),
75     Returns,
76 }
78 /// Bundle of references that the coloring algorithm needs.
79 ///
80 /// Some of the needed mutable references are passed around as explicit function arguments so we
81 /// can avoid many fights with the borrow checker over mutable borrows of `self`. This includes the
82 /// `Function` and `LiveValueTracker` references.
83 ///
84 /// Immutable context information and mutable references that don't need to be borrowed across
85 /// method calls should go in this struct.
86 struct Context<'a> {
87     // Current instruction as well as reference to function and ISA.
88     cur: EncCursor<'a>,
90     // Cached ISA information.
91     // We save it here to avoid frequent virtual function calls on the `TargetIsa` trait object.
92     reginfo: RegInfo,
93     encinfo: EncInfo,
95     // References to contextual data structures we need.
96     cfg: &'a ControlFlowGraph,
97     domtree: &'a DominatorTree,
98     liveness: &'a mut Liveness,
100     // References to working set data structures.
101     // If we need to borrow out of a data structure across a method call, it must be passed as a
102     // function argument instead, see the `LiveValueTracker` arguments.
103     divert: &'a mut RegDiversions,
104     solver: &'a mut Solver,
106     // Pristine set of registers that the allocator can use.
107     // This set remains immutable, we make clones.
108     usable_regs: RegisterSet,
110     uses_pinned_reg: bool,
111 }
113 impl Coloring {
114     /// Allocate scratch space data structures for the coloring pass.
new() -> Self115     pub fn new() -> Self {
116         Self {
117             divert: RegDiversions::new(),
118             solver: Solver::new(),
119         }
120     }
122     /// Clear all data structures in this coloring pass.
clear(&mut self)123     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
124         self.divert.clear();
125         self.solver.clear();
126     }
128     /// Run the coloring algorithm over `func`.
run( &mut self, isa: &dyn TargetIsa, func: &mut Function, cfg: &ControlFlowGraph, domtree: &DominatorTree, liveness: &mut Liveness, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker, )129     pub fn run(
130         &mut self,
131         isa: &dyn TargetIsa,
132         func: &mut Function,
133         cfg: &ControlFlowGraph,
134         domtree: &DominatorTree,
135         liveness: &mut Liveness,
136         tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker,
137     ) {
138         let _tt = timing::ra_coloring();
139         debug!("Coloring for:\n{}", func.display(isa));
140         let mut ctx = Context {
141             usable_regs: isa.allocatable_registers(func),
142             uses_pinned_reg: isa.flags().enable_pinned_reg(),
143             cur: EncCursor::new(func, isa),
144             reginfo: isa.register_info(),
145             encinfo: isa.encoding_info(),
146             cfg,
147             domtree,
148             liveness,
149             divert: &mut self.divert,
150             solver: &mut self.solver,
151         };
152         ctx.run(tracker)
153     }
154 }
156 impl<'a> Context<'a> {
157     /// Is the pinned register usage enabled, and is this register the pinned register?
158     #[inline]
is_pinned_reg(&self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit) -> bool159     fn is_pinned_reg(&self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit) -> bool {
160         rc.is_pinned_reg(self.uses_pinned_reg, reg)
161     }
163     /// Run the coloring algorithm.
run(&mut self, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker)164     fn run(&mut self, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker) {
165         self.cur
166             .func
167             .locations
168             .resize(self.cur.func.dfg.num_values());
170         // Visit blocks in reverse post-order. We need to ensure that at least one predecessor has
171         // been visited before each EBB. That guarantees that the EBB arguments have been colored.
172         for &ebb in self.domtree.cfg_postorder().iter().rev() {
173             self.visit_ebb(ebb, tracker);
174         }
175     }
177     /// Visit `ebb`, assuming that the immediate dominator has already been visited.
visit_ebb(&mut self, ebb: Ebb, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker)178     fn visit_ebb(&mut self, ebb: Ebb, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker) {
179         debug!("Coloring {}:", ebb);
180         let mut regs = self.visit_ebb_header(ebb, tracker);
181         tracker.drop_dead_params();
183         // Now go through the instructions in `ebb` and color the values they define.
184         self.cur.goto_top(ebb);
185         while let Some(inst) = self.cur.next_inst() {
186             self.cur.use_srcloc(inst);
187             let opcode = self.cur.func.dfg[inst].opcode();
188             if !opcode.is_ghost() {
189                 // This is an instruction which either has an encoding or carries ABI-related
190                 // register allocation constraints.
191                 let enc = self.cur.func.encodings[inst];
192                 let constraints = self.encinfo.operand_constraints(enc);
193                 if self.visit_inst(inst, constraints, tracker, &mut regs) {
194                     self.replace_global_defines(inst, tracker);
195                     // Restore cursor location after `replace_global_defines` moves it.
196                     // We want to revisit the copy instructions it inserted.
197                     self.cur.goto_inst(inst);
198                 }
199             } else {
200                 // This is a ghost instruction with no encoding and no extra constraints.
201                 let (_throughs, kills) = tracker.process_ghost(inst);
202                 self.process_ghost_kills(kills, &mut regs);
203             }
204             tracker.drop_dead(inst);
206             // We are not able to insert any regmove for diversion or un-diversion after the first
207             // branch. Instead, we record the diversion to be restored at the entry of the next EBB,
208             // which should have a single predecessor.
209             if opcode.is_branch() && cfg!(feature = "basic-blocks") {
210                 // The next instruction is necessarily an unconditional branch.
211                 if let Some(branch) = self.cur.next_inst() {
212                     debug!(
213                         "Skip coloring {}\n    from {}\n    with diversions {}",
214                         self.cur.display_inst(branch),
215                         regs.input.display(&self.reginfo),
216                         self.divert.display(&self.reginfo)
217                     );
218                     use crate::ir::instructions::BranchInfo::*;
219                     let target = match self.cur.func.dfg.analyze_branch(branch) {
220                         NotABranch | Table(_, _) => panic!(
221                             "unexpected instruction {} after a conditional branch",
222                             self.cur.display_inst(branch)
223                         ),
224                         SingleDest(ebb, _) => ebb,
225                     };
227                     // We have a single branch with a single target, and an EBB with a single
228                     // predecessor. Thus we can forward the diversion set to the next EBB.
229                     if self.cfg.pred_iter(target).count() == 1 {
230                         // Transfer the diversion to the next EBB.
231                         self.divert
232                             .save_for_ebb(&mut self.cur.func.entry_diversions, target);
233                         debug!(
234                             "Set entry-diversion for {} to\n      {}",
235                             target,
236                             self.divert.display(&self.reginfo)
237                         );
238                     } else {
239                         debug_assert!(
240                             self.divert.is_empty(),
241                             "Divert set is non-empty after the terminator."
242                         );
243                     }
244                     assert_eq!(
245                         self.cur.next_inst(),
246                         None,
247                         "Unexpected instruction after a branch group."
248                     );
249                 } else {
250                     assert!(opcode.is_terminator());
251                 }
252             }
253         }
254     }
256     /// Visit the `ebb` header.
257     ///
258     /// Initialize the set of live registers and color the arguments to `ebb`.
visit_ebb_header(&mut self, ebb: Ebb, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker) -> AvailableRegs259     fn visit_ebb_header(&mut self, ebb: Ebb, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker) -> AvailableRegs {
260         // Reposition the live value tracker and deal with the EBB arguments.
261         tracker.ebb_top(
262             ebb,
263             &self.cur.func.dfg,
264             self.liveness,
265             &self.cur.func.layout,
266             self.domtree,
267         );
269         // Copy the content of the registered diversions to be reused at the
270         // entry of this basic block.
271         self.divert.at_ebb(&self.cur.func.entry_diversions, ebb);
272         debug!(
273             "Start {} with entry-diversion set to\n      {}",
274             ebb,
275             self.divert.display(&self.reginfo)
276         );
278         if self.cur.func.layout.entry_block() == Some(ebb) {
279             // Parameters on the entry block have ABI constraints.
280             self.color_entry_params(tracker.live())
281         } else {
282             // The live-ins and parameters of a non-entry EBB have already been assigned a register.
283             // Reconstruct the allocatable set.
284             self.livein_regs(tracker.live())
285         }
286     }
288     /// Initialize a set of allocatable registers from the values that are live-in to a block.
289     /// These values must already be colored when the dominating blocks were processed.
290     ///
291     /// Also process the EBB arguments which were colored when the first predecessor branch was
292     /// encountered.
livein_regs(&self, live: &[LiveValue]) -> AvailableRegs293     fn livein_regs(&self, live: &[LiveValue]) -> AvailableRegs {
294         // Start from the registers that are actually usable. We don't want to include any reserved
295         // registers in the set.
296         let mut regs = AvailableRegs::new(&self.usable_regs);
298         for lv in live.iter().filter(|lv| !lv.is_dead) {
299             debug!(
300                 "Live-in: {}:{} in {}",
301                 lv.value,
302                 lv.affinity.display(&self.reginfo),
303                 self.divert
304                     .get(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations)
305                     .display(&self.reginfo)
306             );
307             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
308                 let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
309                 let loc = self.cur.func.locations[lv.value];
310                 let reg = match loc {
311                     ValueLoc::Reg(reg) => reg,
312                     ValueLoc::Unassigned => panic!("Live-in {} wasn't assigned", lv.value),
313                     ValueLoc::Stack(ss) => {
314                         panic!("Live-in {} is in {}, should be register", lv.value, ss)
315                     }
316                 };
317                 if lv.is_local {
318                     regs.take(rc, reg, lv.is_local);
319                 } else {
320                     let loc = self.divert.get(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations);
321                     let reg_divert = match loc {
322                         ValueLoc::Reg(reg) => reg,
323                         ValueLoc::Unassigned => {
324                             panic!("Diversion: Live-in {} wasn't assigned", lv.value)
325                         }
326                         ValueLoc::Stack(ss) => panic!(
327                             "Diversion: Live-in {} is in {}, should be register",
328                             lv.value, ss
329                         ),
330                     };
331                     regs.take_divert(rc, reg, reg_divert);
332                 }
333             }
334         }
336         regs
337     }
339     /// Color the parameters on the entry block.
340     ///
341     /// These are function parameters that should already have assigned register units in the
342     /// function signature.
343     ///
344     /// Return the set of remaining allocatable registers after filtering out the dead arguments.
color_entry_params(&mut self, args: &[LiveValue]) -> AvailableRegs345     fn color_entry_params(&mut self, args: &[LiveValue]) -> AvailableRegs {
346         let sig = &self.cur.func.signature;
347         debug_assert_eq!(sig.params.len(), args.len());
349         let mut regs = AvailableRegs::new(&self.usable_regs);
351         for (lv, abi) in args.iter().zip(&sig.params) {
352             match lv.affinity {
353                 Affinity::Reg(rci) => {
354                     let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
355                     if let ArgumentLoc::Reg(reg) = abi.location {
356                         if !lv.is_dead {
357                             regs.take(rc, reg, lv.is_local);
358                         }
359                         self.cur.func.locations[lv.value] = ValueLoc::Reg(reg);
360                     } else {
361                         // This should have been fixed by the reload pass.
362                         panic!(
363                             "Entry arg {} has {} affinity, but ABI {}",
364                             lv.value,
365                             lv.affinity.display(&self.reginfo),
366                             abi.display(&self.reginfo)
367                         );
368                     }
369                 }
370                 // The spiller will have assigned an incoming stack slot already.
371                 Affinity::Stack => debug_assert!(abi.location.is_stack()),
372                 // This is a ghost value, unused in the function. Don't assign it to a location
373                 // either.
374                 Affinity::Unassigned => {}
375             }
376         }
378         regs
379     }
381     /// Program the input-side ABI constraints for `inst` into the constraint solver.
382     ///
383     /// ABI constraints are the fixed register assignments useds for calls and returns.
program_input_abi(&mut self, inst: Inst, abi_params: AbiParams)384     fn program_input_abi(&mut self, inst: Inst, abi_params: AbiParams) {
385         let abi_types = match abi_params {
386             AbiParams::Parameters(sig) => &self.cur.func.dfg.signatures[sig].params,
387             AbiParams::Returns => &self.cur.func.signature.returns,
388         };
390         for (abi, &value) in abi_types
391             .iter()
392             .zip(self.cur.func.dfg.inst_variable_args(inst))
393         {
394             if let ArgumentLoc::Reg(reg) = abi.location {
395                 if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = self
396                     .liveness
397                     .get(value)
398                     .expect("ABI register must have live range")
399                     .affinity
400                 {
401                     let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
402                     let cur_reg = self.divert.reg(value, &self.cur.func.locations);
403                     self.solver.reassign_in(value, rc, cur_reg, reg);
404                 } else {
405                     panic!("ABI argument {} should be in a register", value);
406                 }
407             }
408         }
409     }
411     /// Color the values defined by `inst` and insert any necessary shuffle code to satisfy
412     /// instruction constraints.
413     ///
414     /// Update `regs` to reflect the allocated registers after `inst`, including removing any dead
415     /// or killed values from the set.
416     ///
417     /// Returns true when the global values defined by `inst` must be replaced by local values.
visit_inst( &mut self, inst: Inst, constraints: Option<&RecipeConstraints>, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker, regs: &mut AvailableRegs, ) -> bool418     fn visit_inst(
419         &mut self,
420         inst: Inst,
421         constraints: Option<&RecipeConstraints>,
422         tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker,
423         regs: &mut AvailableRegs,
424     ) -> bool {
425         debug!(
426             "Coloring {}\n    from {}",
427             self.cur.display_inst(inst),
428             regs.input.display(&self.reginfo),
429         );
431         // EBB whose arguments should be colored to match the current branch instruction's
432         // arguments.
433         let mut color_dest_args = None;
435         // Program the solver with register constraints for the input side.
436         self.solver.reset(&regs.input);
438         if let Some(constraints) = constraints {
439             self.program_input_constraints(inst, constraints.ins);
440         }
442         let call_sig = self.cur.func.dfg.call_signature(inst);
443         if let Some(sig) = call_sig {
444             self.program_input_abi(inst, AbiParams::Parameters(sig));
445         } else if self.cur.func.dfg[inst].opcode().is_return() {
446             self.program_input_abi(inst, AbiParams::Returns);
447         } else if self.cur.func.dfg[inst].opcode().is_branch() {
448             // This is a branch, so we need to make sure that globally live values are in their
449             // global registers. For EBBs that take arguments, we also need to place the argument
450             // values in the expected registers.
451             if let Some(dest) = self.cur.func.dfg[inst].branch_destination() {
452                 if self.program_ebb_arguments(inst, dest) {
453                     color_dest_args = Some(dest);
454                 }
455             } else {
456                 // This is a multi-way branch like `br_table`. We only support arguments on
457                 // single-destination branches.
458                 debug_assert_eq!(
459                     self.cur.func.dfg.inst_variable_args(inst).len(),
460                     0,
461                     "Can't handle EBB arguments: {}",
462                     self.cur.display_inst(inst)
463                 );
464                 self.undivert_regs(|lr, _| !lr.is_local());
465             }
466         }
468         if self.solver.has_fixed_input_conflicts() {
469             self.divert_fixed_input_conflicts(tracker.live());
470         }
472         self.solver.inputs_done();
474         // Update the live value tracker with this instruction.
475         let (throughs, kills, defs) = tracker.process_inst(inst, &self.cur.func.dfg, self.liveness);
477         // Get rid of the killed values.
478         for lv in kills {
479             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
480                 let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
481                 let reg = self.divert.reg(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations);
483                 if self.is_pinned_reg(rc, reg) {
484                     // Don't kill the pinned reg, either in the local or global register sets.
485                     debug_assert!(lv.is_local, "pinned register SSA value can't be global");
486                     continue;
487                 }
489                 debug!(
490                     "    kill {} in {} ({} {})",
491                     lv.value,
492                     self.reginfo.display_regunit(reg),
493                     if lv.is_local { "local" } else { "global" },
494                     rc
495                 );
496                 self.solver.add_kill(lv.value, rc, reg);
498                 // Update the global register set which has no diversions.
499                 if !lv.is_local {
500                     regs.global
501                         .free(rc, self.cur.func.locations[lv.value].unwrap_reg());
502                 }
503             }
504         }
506         // This aligns with the "    from" line at the top of the function.
507         debug!("    glob {}", regs.global.display(&self.reginfo));
509         // This flag is set when the solver failed to find a solution for the global defines that
510         // doesn't interfere with `regs.global`. We need to rewrite all of `inst`s global defines
511         // as local defines followed by copies.
512         let mut replace_global_defines = false;
514         // Program the fixed output constraints before the general defines. This allows us to
515         // detect conflicts between fixed outputs and tied operands where the input value hasn't
516         // been converted to a solver variable.
517         if let Some(constraints) = constraints {
518             if constraints.fixed_outs {
519                 self.program_fixed_outputs(
520                     constraints.outs,
521                     defs,
522                     throughs,
523                     &mut replace_global_defines,
524                     &regs.global,
525                 );
526             }
527         }
529         if let Some(sig) = call_sig {
530             self.program_output_abi(
531                 sig,
532                 defs,
533                 throughs,
534                 &mut replace_global_defines,
535                 &regs.global,
536             );
537         }
539         if let Some(constraints) = constraints {
540             self.program_output_constraints(
541                 inst,
542                 constraints.outs,
543                 defs,
544                 &mut replace_global_defines,
545                 &regs.global,
546             );
547         }
549         // Finally, we've fully programmed the constraint solver.
550         // We expect a quick solution in most cases.
551         let is_reload = match &self.cur.func.dfg[inst] {
552             InstructionData::Unary {
553                 opcode: Opcode::Fill,
554                 arg: _,
555             } => true,
556             _ => false,
557         };
559         let output_regs = self
560             .solver
561             .quick_solve(&regs.global, is_reload)
562             .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
563                 debug!("quick_solve failed for {}", self.solver);
564                 self.iterate_solution(
565                     throughs,
566                     &regs.global,
567                     &mut replace_global_defines,
568                     is_reload,
569                 )
570             });
572         // The solution and/or fixed input constraints may require us to shuffle the set of live
573         // registers around.
574         self.shuffle_inputs(&mut regs.input);
576         // If this is the first time we branch to `dest`, color its arguments to match the current
577         // register state.
578         if let Some(dest) = color_dest_args {
579             self.color_ebb_params(inst, dest);
580         }
582         // Apply the solution to the defs.
583         for v in self.solver.vars().iter().filter(|&v| v.is_define()) {
584             self.cur.func.locations[v.value] = ValueLoc::Reg(v.solution);
585         }
587         // Tied defs are not part of the solution above.
588         // Copy register assignments from tied inputs to tied outputs.
589         if let Some(constraints) = constraints {
590             if constraints.tied_ops {
591                 for (op, lv) in constraints.outs.iter().zip(defs) {
592                     if let ConstraintKind::Tied(num) = op.kind {
593                         let arg = self.cur.func.dfg.inst_args(inst)[num as usize];
594                         let reg = self.divert.reg(arg, &self.cur.func.locations);
595                         self.cur.func.locations[lv.value] = ValueLoc::Reg(reg);
596                     }
597                 }
598             }
599         }
601         // Update `regs` for the next instruction.
602         regs.input = output_regs;
603         for lv in defs {
604             let loc = self.cur.func.locations[lv.value];
605             debug!(
606                 "    color {} -> {}{}",
607                 lv.value,
608                 loc.display(&self.reginfo),
609                 if lv.is_local {
610                     ""
611                 } else if replace_global_defines {
612                     " (global to be replaced)"
613                 } else {
614                     " (global)"
615                 }
616             );
618             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
619                 let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
620                 let reg = loc.unwrap_reg();
622                 debug_assert!(
623                     !self.is_pinned_reg(rc, reg)
624                         || self.cur.func.dfg[inst].opcode() == Opcode::GetPinnedReg,
625                     "pinned register may not be part of outputs for '{}'.",
626                     self.cur.func.dfg[inst].opcode()
627                 );
629                 if self.is_pinned_reg(rc, reg) {
630                     continue;
631                 }
633                 // Remove the dead defs.
634                 if lv.endpoint == inst {
635                     regs.input.free(rc, reg);
636                     debug_assert!(lv.is_local);
637                 }
639                 // Track globals in their undiverted locations.
640                 if !lv.is_local && !replace_global_defines {
641                     regs.global.take(rc, reg);
642                 }
643             }
644         }
646         self.forget_diverted(kills);
648         replace_global_defines
649     }
651     /// Program the input-side constraints for `inst` into the constraint solver.
program_input_constraints(&mut self, inst: Inst, constraints: &[OperandConstraint])652     fn program_input_constraints(&mut self, inst: Inst, constraints: &[OperandConstraint]) {
653         for (op, &value) in constraints
654             .iter()
655             .zip(self.cur.func.dfg.inst_args(inst))
656             .filter(|&(op, _)| op.kind != ConstraintKind::Stack)
657         {
658             // Reload pass is supposed to ensure that all arguments to register operands are
659             // already in a register.
660             let cur_reg = self.divert.reg(value, &self.cur.func.locations);
661             match op.kind {
662                 ConstraintKind::FixedReg(regunit) => {
663                     // Add the fixed constraint even if `cur_reg == regunit`.
664                     // It is possible that we will want to convert the value to a variable later,
665                     // and this identity assignment prevents that from happening.
666                     self.solver
667                         .reassign_in(value, op.regclass, cur_reg, regunit);
668                 }
669                 ConstraintKind::FixedTied(regunit) => {
670                     // The pinned register may not be part of a fixed tied requirement. If this
671                     // becomes the case, then it must be changed to a different register.
672                     debug_assert!(
673                         !self.is_pinned_reg(op.regclass, regunit),
674                         "see comment above"
675                     );
676                     // See comment right above.
677                     self.solver
678                         .reassign_in(value, op.regclass, cur_reg, regunit);
679                 }
680                 ConstraintKind::Tied(_) => {
681                     if self.is_pinned_reg(op.regclass, cur_reg) {
682                         // Divert the pinned register; it shouldn't be reused for a tied input.
683                         if self.solver.can_add_var(op.regclass, cur_reg) {
684                             self.solver.add_var(value, op.regclass, cur_reg);
685                         }
686                     } else if !op.regclass.contains(cur_reg) {
687                         self.solver.add_var(value, op.regclass, cur_reg);
688                     }
689                 }
690                 ConstraintKind::Reg => {
691                     if !op.regclass.contains(cur_reg) {
692                         self.solver.add_var(value, op.regclass, cur_reg);
693                     }
694                 }
695                 ConstraintKind::Stack => unreachable!(),
696             }
697         }
698     }
700     /// Program the complete set of input constraints into the solver.
701     ///
702     /// The `program_input_constraints()` function above will not tell the solver about any values
703     /// that are already assigned to appropriate registers. This is normally fine, but if we want
704     /// to add additional variables to help the solver, we need to make sure that they are
705     /// constrained properly.
706     ///
707     /// This function completes the work of `program_input_constraints()` by calling `add_var` for
708     /// all values used by the instruction.
program_complete_input_constraints(&mut self)709     fn program_complete_input_constraints(&mut self) {
710         let inst = self.cur.current_inst().expect("Not on an instruction");
711         let constraints = self
712             .encinfo
713             .operand_constraints(self.cur.func.encodings[inst])
714             .expect("Current instruction not encoded")
715             .ins;
717         for (op, &value) in constraints.iter().zip(self.cur.func.dfg.inst_args(inst)) {
718             match op.kind {
719                 ConstraintKind::Reg | ConstraintKind::Tied(_) => {
720                     let cur_reg = self.divert.reg(value, &self.cur.func.locations);
722                     // This is the opposite condition of `program_input_constraints()`. The pinned
723                     // register mustn't be added back as a variable.
724                     if op.regclass.contains(cur_reg) && !self.is_pinned_reg(op.regclass, cur_reg) {
725                         // This code runs after calling `solver.inputs_done()` so we must identify
726                         // the new variable as killed or live-through. Always special-case the
727                         // pinned register as a through variable.
728                         let ctx = self.liveness.context(&self.cur.func.layout);
729                         if self.liveness[value].killed_at(inst, ctx.order.pp_ebb(inst), ctx) {
730                             self.solver.add_killed_var(value, op.regclass, cur_reg);
731                         } else {
732                             self.solver.add_through_var(value, op.regclass, cur_reg);
733                         }
734                     }
735                 }
736                 ConstraintKind::FixedReg(_)
737                 | ConstraintKind::FixedTied(_)
738                 | ConstraintKind::Stack => {}
739             }
740         }
741     }
743     /// Prepare for a branch to `dest`.
744     ///
745     /// 1. Any values that are live-in to `dest` must be un-diverted so they live in their globally
746     ///    assigned register.
747     /// 2. If the `dest` EBB takes arguments, reassign the branch argument values to the matching
748     ///    registers.
749     ///
750     /// Returns true if this is the first time a branch to `dest` is seen, so the `dest` argument
751     /// values should be colored after `shuffle_inputs`.
program_ebb_arguments(&mut self, inst: Inst, dest: Ebb) -> bool752     fn program_ebb_arguments(&mut self, inst: Inst, dest: Ebb) -> bool {
753         // Find diverted registers that are live-in to `dest` and reassign them to their global
754         // home.
755         //
756         // Values with a global live range that are not live in to `dest` could appear as branch
757         // arguments, so they can't always be un-diverted.
758         self.undivert_regs(|lr, ctx| lr.is_livein(dest, ctx));
760         // Now handle the EBB arguments.
761         let br_args = self.cur.func.dfg.inst_variable_args(inst);
762         let dest_args = self.cur.func.dfg.ebb_params(dest);
763         debug_assert_eq!(br_args.len(), dest_args.len());
764         for (&dest_arg, &br_arg) in dest_args.iter().zip(br_args) {
765             // The first time we encounter a branch to `dest`, we get to pick the location. The
766             // following times we see a branch to `dest`, we must follow suit.
767             match self.cur.func.locations[dest_arg] {
768                 ValueLoc::Unassigned => {
769                     // This is the first branch to `dest`, so we should color `dest_arg` instead of
770                     // `br_arg`. However, we don't know where `br_arg` will end up until
771                     // after `shuffle_inputs`. See `color_ebb_params` below.
772                     //
773                     // It is possible for `dest_arg` to have no affinity, and then it should simply
774                     // be ignored.
775                     if self.liveness[dest_arg].affinity.is_reg() {
776                         return true;
777                     }
778                 }
779                 ValueLoc::Reg(dest_reg) => {
780                     // We've branched to `dest` before. Make sure we use the correct argument
781                     // registers by reassigning `br_arg`.
782                     if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = self.liveness[br_arg].affinity {
783                         let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
784                         let br_reg = self.divert.reg(br_arg, &self.cur.func.locations);
785                         self.solver.reassign_in(br_arg, rc, br_reg, dest_reg);
786                     } else {
787                         panic!("Branch argument {} is not in a register", br_arg);
788                     }
789                 }
790                 ValueLoc::Stack(ss) => {
791                     // The spiller should already have given us identical stack slots.
792                     debug_assert_eq!(ValueLoc::Stack(ss), self.cur.func.locations[br_arg]);
793                 }
794             }
795         }
797         // No `dest` arguments need coloring.
798         false
799     }
801     /// Knowing that we've never seen a branch to `dest` before, color its parameters to match our
802     /// register state.
803     ///
804     /// This function is only called when `program_ebb_arguments()` returned `true`.
color_ebb_params(&mut self, inst: Inst, dest: Ebb)805     fn color_ebb_params(&mut self, inst: Inst, dest: Ebb) {
806         let br_args = self.cur.func.dfg.inst_variable_args(inst);
807         let dest_args = self.cur.func.dfg.ebb_params(dest);
808         debug_assert_eq!(br_args.len(), dest_args.len());
809         for (&dest_arg, &br_arg) in dest_args.iter().zip(br_args) {
810             match self.cur.func.locations[dest_arg] {
811                 ValueLoc::Unassigned => {
812                     if self.liveness[dest_arg].affinity.is_reg() {
813                         let br_reg = self.divert.reg(br_arg, &self.cur.func.locations);
814                         self.cur.func.locations[dest_arg] = ValueLoc::Reg(br_reg);
815                     }
816                 }
817                 ValueLoc::Reg(_) => panic!("{} arg {} already colored", dest, dest_arg),
818                 // Spilled value consistency is verified by `program_ebb_arguments()` above.
819                 ValueLoc::Stack(_) => {}
820             }
821         }
822     }
824     /// Find all diverted registers where `pred` returns `true` and undo their diversion so they
825     /// are reallocated to their global register assignments.
undivert_regs<Pred>(&mut self, mut pred: Pred) where Pred: FnMut(&LiveRange, LiveRangeContext<Layout>) -> bool,826     fn undivert_regs<Pred>(&mut self, mut pred: Pred)
827     where
828         Pred: FnMut(&LiveRange, LiveRangeContext<Layout>) -> bool,
829     {
830         for (&value, rdiv) in self.divert.iter() {
831             let lr = self
832                 .liveness
833                 .get(value)
834                 .expect("Missing live range for diverted register");
835             if pred(lr, self.liveness.context(&self.cur.func.layout)) {
836                 if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lr.affinity {
837                     let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
838                     // Stack diversions should not be possible here. They only live transiently
839                     // during `shuffle_inputs()`.
840                     self.solver.reassign_in(
841                         value,
842                         rc,
843                         rdiv.to.unwrap_reg(),
844                         rdiv.from.unwrap_reg(),
845                     );
846                 } else {
847                     panic!(
848                         "Diverted register {} with {} affinity",
849                         value,
850                         lr.affinity.display(&self.reginfo)
851                     );
852                 }
853             }
854         }
855     }
857     /// Find existing live values that conflict with the fixed input register constraints programmed
858     /// into the constraint solver. Convert them to solver variables so they can be diverted.
divert_fixed_input_conflicts(&mut self, live: &[LiveValue])859     fn divert_fixed_input_conflicts(&mut self, live: &[LiveValue]) {
860         for lv in live {
861             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
862                 let toprc = self.reginfo.toprc(rci);
863                 let reg = self.divert.reg(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations);
864                 if self.solver.is_fixed_input_conflict(toprc, reg) {
865                     self.solver.add_var(lv.value, toprc, reg);
866                 }
867             }
868         }
869     }
871     /// Program any fixed-register output constraints into the solver. This may also detect
872     /// conflicts between live-through registers and fixed output registers. These live-through
873     /// values need to be turned into solver variables so they can be reassigned.
program_fixed_outputs( &mut self, constraints: &[OperandConstraint], defs: &[LiveValue], throughs: &[LiveValue], replace_global_defines: &mut bool, global_regs: &RegisterSet, )874     fn program_fixed_outputs(
875         &mut self,
876         constraints: &[OperandConstraint],
877         defs: &[LiveValue],
878         throughs: &[LiveValue],
879         replace_global_defines: &mut bool,
880         global_regs: &RegisterSet,
881     ) {
882         for (op, lv) in constraints.iter().zip(defs) {
883             match op.kind {
884                 ConstraintKind::FixedReg(reg) | ConstraintKind::FixedTied(reg) => {
885                     self.add_fixed_output(lv.value, op.regclass, reg, throughs);
886                     if !lv.is_local && !global_regs.is_avail(op.regclass, reg) {
887                         debug!(
888                             "Fixed output {} in {}:{} is not available in global regs",
889                             lv.value,
890                             op.regclass,
891                             self.reginfo.display_regunit(reg)
892                         );
893                         *replace_global_defines = true;
894                     }
895                 }
896                 ConstraintKind::Reg | ConstraintKind::Tied(_) | ConstraintKind::Stack => {}
897             }
898         }
899     }
901     /// Program the output-side ABI constraints for `inst` into the constraint solver.
902     ///
903     /// That means return values for a call instruction.
program_output_abi( &mut self, sig: SigRef, defs: &[LiveValue], throughs: &[LiveValue], replace_global_defines: &mut bool, global_regs: &RegisterSet, )904     fn program_output_abi(
905         &mut self,
906         sig: SigRef,
907         defs: &[LiveValue],
908         throughs: &[LiveValue],
909         replace_global_defines: &mut bool,
910         global_regs: &RegisterSet,
911     ) {
912         // It's technically possible for a call instruction to have fixed results before the
913         // variable list of results, but we have no known instances of that.
914         // Just assume all results are variable return values.
915         debug_assert_eq!(defs.len(), self.cur.func.dfg.signatures[sig].returns.len());
916         for (i, lv) in defs.iter().enumerate() {
917             let abi = self.cur.func.dfg.signatures[sig].returns[i];
918             if let ArgumentLoc::Reg(reg) = abi.location {
919                 if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
920                     let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
921                     self.add_fixed_output(lv.value, rc, reg, throughs);
922                     if !lv.is_local && !global_regs.is_avail(rc, reg) {
923                         debug!(
924                             "ABI output {} in {}:{} is not available in global regs",
925                             lv.value,
926                             rc,
927                             self.reginfo.display_regunit(reg)
928                         );
929                         *replace_global_defines = true;
930                     }
931                 } else {
932                     panic!("ABI argument {} should be in a register", lv.value);
933                 }
934             }
935         }
936     }
938     /// Add a single fixed output value to the solver.
add_fixed_output( &mut self, value: Value, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit, throughs: &[LiveValue], )939     fn add_fixed_output(
940         &mut self,
941         value: Value,
942         rc: RegClass,
943         reg: RegUnit,
944         throughs: &[LiveValue],
945     ) {
946         // Pinned register is already unavailable in the solver, since it is copied in the
947         // available registers on entry.
948         if !self.is_pinned_reg(rc, reg) && !self.solver.add_fixed_output(rc, reg) {
949             // The fixed output conflicts with some of the live-through registers.
950             for lv in throughs {
951                 if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
952                     let toprc2 = self.reginfo.toprc(rci);
953                     let reg2 = self.divert.reg(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations);
954                     if regs_overlap(rc, reg, toprc2, reg2) {
955                         // This live-through value is interfering with the fixed output assignment.
956                         // Convert it to a solver variable.
957                         self.solver.add_through_var(lv.value, toprc2, reg2);
958                     }
959                 }
960             }
962             let ok = self.solver.add_fixed_output(rc, reg);
963             debug_assert!(ok, "Couldn't clear fixed output interference for {}", value);
964         }
965         self.cur.func.locations[value] = ValueLoc::Reg(reg);
966     }
968     /// Program the output-side constraints for `inst` into the constraint solver.
969     ///
970     /// It is assumed that all fixed outputs have already been handled.
program_output_constraints( &mut self, inst: Inst, constraints: &[OperandConstraint], defs: &[LiveValue], replace_global_defines: &mut bool, global_regs: &RegisterSet, )971     fn program_output_constraints(
972         &mut self,
973         inst: Inst,
974         constraints: &[OperandConstraint],
975         defs: &[LiveValue],
976         replace_global_defines: &mut bool,
977         global_regs: &RegisterSet,
978     ) {
979         for (op, lv) in constraints.iter().zip(defs) {
980             match op.kind {
981                 ConstraintKind::FixedReg(_)
982                 | ConstraintKind::FixedTied(_)
983                 | ConstraintKind::Stack => continue,
984                 ConstraintKind::Reg => {
985                     self.solver.add_def(lv.value, op.regclass, !lv.is_local);
986                 }
987                 ConstraintKind::Tied(num) => {
988                     // Find the input operand we're tied to.
989                     // The solver doesn't care about the output value.
990                     let arg = self.cur.func.dfg.inst_args(inst)[num as usize];
991                     let reg = self.divert.reg(arg, &self.cur.func.locations);
993                     if let Some(reg) =
994                         self.solver
995                             .add_tied_input(arg, op.regclass, reg, !lv.is_local)
996                     {
997                         // The value we're tied to has been assigned to a fixed register.
998                         // We need to make sure that fixed output register is compatible with the
999                         // global register set.
1000                         if !lv.is_local && !global_regs.is_avail(op.regclass, reg) {
1001                             debug!(
1002                                 "Tied output {} in {}:{} is not available in global regs",
1003                                 lv.value,
1004                                 op.regclass,
1005                                 self.reginfo.display_regunit(reg)
1006                             );
1007                             *replace_global_defines = true;
1008                         }
1009                     }
1010                 }
1011             }
1012         }
1013     }
1015     /// Try harder to find a solution to the constraint problem since `quick_solve()` failed.
1016     ///
1017     /// We may need to move more registers around before a solution is possible. Use an iterative
1018     /// algorithm that adds one more variable until a solution can be found.
iterate_solution( &mut self, throughs: &[LiveValue], global_regs: &RegisterSet, replace_global_defines: &mut bool, is_reload: bool, ) -> RegisterSet1019     fn iterate_solution(
1020         &mut self,
1021         throughs: &[LiveValue],
1022         global_regs: &RegisterSet,
1023         replace_global_defines: &mut bool,
1024         is_reload: bool,
1025     ) -> RegisterSet {
1026         // Make sure `try_add_var()` below doesn't create a variable with too loose constraints.
1027         self.program_complete_input_constraints();
1029         loop {
1030             match self.solver.real_solve(global_regs, is_reload) {
1031                 Ok(regs) => return regs,
1032                 Err(SolverError::Divert(rc)) => {
1033                     // Do we have any live-through `rc` registers that are not already variables?
1034                     let added = self.try_add_var(rc, throughs);
1035                     debug_assert!(added, "Ran out of registers in {}", rc);
1036                 }
1037                 Err(SolverError::Global(_value)) => {
1038                     debug!(
1039                         "Not enough global registers for {}, trying as local",
1040                         _value
1041                     );
1042                     // We'll clear the `is_global` flag on all solver variables and instead make a
1043                     // note to replace all global defines with local defines followed by a copy.
1044                     *replace_global_defines = true;
1045                     self.solver.clear_all_global_flags();
1046                 }
1047             };
1048         }
1049     }
1051     /// Try to add an `rc` variable to the solver from the `throughs` set.
try_add_var(&mut self, rc: RegClass, throughs: &[LiveValue]) -> bool1052     fn try_add_var(&mut self, rc: RegClass, throughs: &[LiveValue]) -> bool {
1053         debug!("Trying to add a {} reg from {} values", rc, throughs.len());
1055         for lv in throughs {
1056             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
1057                 // The new variable gets to roam the whole top-level register class because it is
1058                 // not actually constrained by the instruction. We just want it out of the way.
1059                 let toprc2 = self.reginfo.toprc(rci);
1060                 let reg2 = self.divert.reg(lv.value, &self.cur.func.locations);
1061                 if rc.contains(reg2)
1062                     && self.solver.can_add_var(toprc2, reg2)
1063                     && !self.is_live_on_outgoing_edge(lv.value)
1064                 {
1065                     self.solver.add_through_var(lv.value, toprc2, reg2);
1066                     return true;
1067                 }
1068             }
1069         }
1071         false
1072     }
1074     /// Determine if `value` is live on a CFG edge from the current instruction.
1075     ///
1076     /// This means that the current instruction is a branch and `value` is live in to one of the
1077     /// branch destinations. Branch arguments and EBB parameters are not considered live on the
1078     /// edge.
is_live_on_outgoing_edge(&self, value: Value) -> bool1079     fn is_live_on_outgoing_edge(&self, value: Value) -> bool {
1080         use crate::ir::instructions::BranchInfo::*;
1082         let inst = self.cur.current_inst().expect("Not on an instruction");
1083         let ctx = self.liveness.context(&self.cur.func.layout);
1084         match self.cur.func.dfg.analyze_branch(inst) {
1085             NotABranch => false,
1086             SingleDest(ebb, _) => {
1087                 let lr = &self.liveness[value];
1088                 lr.is_livein(ebb, ctx)
1089             }
1090             Table(jt, ebb) => {
1091                 let lr = &self.liveness[value];
1092                 !lr.is_local()
1093                     && (ebb.map_or(false, |ebb| lr.is_livein(ebb, ctx))
1094                         || self.cur.func.jump_tables[jt]
1095                             .iter()
1096                             .any(|ebb| lr.is_livein(*ebb, ctx)))
1097             }
1098         }
1099     }
1101     /// Emit `regmove` instructions as needed to move the live registers into place before the
1102     /// instruction. Also update `self.divert` accordingly.
1103     ///
1104     /// The `self.cur` cursor is expected to point at the instruction. The register moves are
1105     /// inserted before.
1106     ///
1107     /// The solver needs to be reminded of the available registers before any moves are inserted.
shuffle_inputs(&mut self, regs: &mut RegisterSet)1108     fn shuffle_inputs(&mut self, regs: &mut RegisterSet) {
1109         use crate::regalloc::solver::Move::*;
1111         let spills = self.solver.schedule_moves(regs);
1113         // The move operations returned by `schedule_moves` refer to emergency spill slots by
1114         // consecutive indexes starting from 0. Map these to real stack slots.
1115         // It is very unlikely (impossible?) that we would need more than one spill per top-level
1116         // register class, so avoid allocation by using a fixed array here.
1117         let mut slot = [PackedOption::default(); 8];
1118         debug_assert!(spills <= slot.len(), "Too many spills ({})", spills);
1120         for m in self.solver.moves() {
1121             match *m {
1122                 Reg {
1123                     value,
1124                     from,
1125                     to,
1126                     rc,
1127                 } => {
1128                     debug_assert!(
1129                         !self.is_pinned_reg(rc, to),
1130                         "pinned register used in a regmove"
1131                     );
1132                     self.divert.regmove(value, from, to);
1133                     self.cur.ins().regmove(value, from, to);
1134                 }
1135                 Spill {
1136                     value,
1137                     from,
1138                     to_slot,
1139                     ..
1140                 } => {
1141                     debug_assert_eq!(slot[to_slot].expand(), None, "Overwriting slot in use");
1142                     let ss = self
1143                         .cur
1144                         .func
1145                         .stack_slots
1146                         .get_emergency_slot(self.cur.func.dfg.value_type(value), &slot[0..spills]);
1147                     slot[to_slot] = ss.into();
1148                     self.divert.regspill(value, from, ss);
1149                     self.cur.ins().regspill(value, from, ss);
1150                 }
1151                 Fill {
1152                     value,
1153                     from_slot,
1154                     to,
1155                     rc,
1156                 } => {
1157                     debug_assert!(
1158                         !self.is_pinned_reg(rc, to),
1159                         "pinned register used in a regfill"
1160                     );
1161                     // These slots are single use, so mark `ss` as available again.
1162                     let ss = slot[from_slot].take().expect("Using unallocated slot");
1163                     self.divert.regfill(value, ss, to);
1164                     self.cur.ins().regfill(value, ss, to);
1165                 }
1166             }
1167         }
1168     }
1170     /// Forget about any register diversions in `kills`.
forget_diverted(&mut self, kills: &[LiveValue])1171     fn forget_diverted(&mut self, kills: &[LiveValue]) {
1172         if self.divert.is_empty() {
1173             return;
1174         }
1176         for lv in kills {
1177             if lv.affinity.is_reg() {
1178                 self.divert.remove(lv.value);
1179             }
1180         }
1181     }
1183     /// Replace all global values defined by `inst` with local values that are then copied into the
1184     /// global value:
1185     ///
1186     ///   v1 = foo
1187     ///
1188     /// becomes:
1189     ///
1190     ///   v20 = foo
1191     ///   v1 = copy v20
1192     ///
1193     /// This is sometimes necessary when there are no global registers available that can satisfy
1194     /// the constraints on the instruction operands.
1195     ///
replace_global_defines(&mut self, inst: Inst, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker)1196     fn replace_global_defines(&mut self, inst: Inst, tracker: &mut LiveValueTracker) {
1197         debug!("Replacing global defs on {}", self.cur.display_inst(inst));
1199         // We'll insert copies *after `inst`. Our caller will move the cursor back.
1200         self.cur.next_inst();
1202         // The tracker keeps the defs from `inst` at the end. Any dead defs have already been
1203         // removed, so it's not obvious how many defs to process
1204         for lv in tracker.live_mut().iter_mut().rev() {
1205             // Keep going until we reach a value that is not defined by `inst`.
1206             if match self.cur.func.dfg.value_def(lv.value) {
1207                 ValueDef::Result(i, _) => i != inst,
1208                 _ => true,
1209             } {
1210                 break;
1211             }
1212             if lv.is_local || !lv.affinity.is_reg() {
1213                 continue;
1214             }
1216             // Now `lv.value` is globally live and defined by `inst`. Replace it with a local live
1217             // range that is copied after `inst`.
1218             let ty = self.cur.func.dfg.value_type(lv.value);
1219             let local = self.cur.func.dfg.replace_result(lv.value, ty);
1220             self.cur.ins().with_result(lv.value).copy(local);
1221             let copy = self.cur.built_inst();
1223             // Create a live range for `local: inst -> copy`.
1224             self.liveness.create_dead(local, inst, lv.affinity);
1225             self.liveness.extend_locally(
1226                 local,
1227                 self.cur.func.layout.pp_ebb(inst),
1228                 copy,
1229                 &self.cur.func.layout,
1230             );
1232             // Move the definition of the global `lv.value`.
1233             self.liveness.move_def_locally(lv.value, copy);
1235             // Transfer the register coloring to `local`.
1236             let loc = mem::replace(&mut self.cur.func.locations[lv.value], ValueLoc::default());
1237             self.cur.func.locations[local] = loc;
1239             // Update `lv` to reflect the new `local` live range.
1240             lv.value = local;
1241             lv.endpoint = copy;
1242             lv.is_local = true;
1244             debug!(
1245                 "  + {} with {} in {}",
1246                 self.cur.display_inst(copy),
1247                 local,
1248                 loc.display(&self.reginfo)
1249             );
1250         }
1251         debug!("Done: {}", self.cur.display_inst(inst));
1252     }
1254     /// Process kills on a ghost instruction.
1255     /// - Forget diversions.
1256     /// - Free killed registers.
process_ghost_kills(&mut self, kills: &[LiveValue], regs: &mut AvailableRegs)1257     fn process_ghost_kills(&mut self, kills: &[LiveValue], regs: &mut AvailableRegs) {
1258         for lv in kills {
1259             if let Affinity::Reg(rci) = lv.affinity {
1260                 let rc = self.reginfo.rc(rci);
1261                 let loc = match self.divert.remove(lv.value) {
1262                     Some(loc) => loc,
1263                     None => self.cur.func.locations[lv.value],
1264                 };
1265                 regs.input.free(rc, loc.unwrap_reg());
1266                 if !lv.is_local {
1267                     regs.global
1268                         .free(rc, self.cur.func.locations[lv.value].unwrap_reg());
1269                 }
1270             }
1271         }
1272     }
1273 }
1275 /// Keep track of the set of available registers in two interference domains: all registers
1276 /// considering diversions and global registers not considering diversions.
1277 struct AvailableRegs {
1278     /// The exact set of registers available on the input side of the current instruction. This
1279     /// takes into account register diversions, and it includes both local and global live ranges.
1280     input: RegisterSet,
1282     /// Registers available for allocating globally live values. This set ignores any local values,
1283     /// and it does not account for register diversions.
1284     ///
1285     /// Global values must be allocated out of this set because conflicts with other global values
1286     /// can't be resolved with local diversions.
1287     global: RegisterSet,
1288 }
1290 impl AvailableRegs {
1291     /// Initialize both the input and global sets from `regs`.
new(regs: &RegisterSet) -> Self1292     pub fn new(regs: &RegisterSet) -> Self {
1293         Self {
1294             input: regs.clone(),
1295             global: regs.clone(),
1296         }
1297     }
1299     /// Take an un-diverted register from one or both sets.
take(&mut self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit, is_local: bool)1300     pub fn take(&mut self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit, is_local: bool) {
1301         self.input.take(rc, reg);
1302         if !is_local {
1303             self.global.take(rc, reg);
1304         }
1305     }
1307     /// Take a diverted register from both sets for a non-local allocation.
take_divert(&mut self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit, reg_divert: RegUnit)1308     pub fn take_divert(&mut self, rc: RegClass, reg: RegUnit, reg_divert: RegUnit) {
1309         self.input.take(rc, reg_divert);
1310         self.global.take(rc, reg);
1311     }
1312 }