1 //! Useful **type operators** that are not defined in `core::ops`.
2 //!
4 use {Bit, NInt, NonZero, PInt, UInt, UTerm, Unsigned, Z0};
6 /// A **type operator** that ensures that `Rhs` is the same as `Self`, it is mainly useful
7 /// for writing macros that can take arbitrary binary or unary operators.
8 ///
9 /// `Same` is implemented generically for all types; it should never need to be implemented
10 /// for anything else.
11 ///
12 /// Note that Rust lazily evaluates types, so this will only fail for two different types if
13 /// the `Output` is used.
14 ///
15 /// # Example
16 /// ```rust
17 /// use typenum::{Same, U4, U5, Unsigned};
18 ///
19 /// assert_eq!(<U5 as Same<U5>>::Output::to_u32(), 5);
20 ///
21 /// // Only an error if we use it:
22 /// # #[allow(dead_code)]
23 /// type Undefined = <U5 as Same<U4>>::Output;
24 /// // Compiler error:
25 /// // Undefined::to_u32();
26 /// ```
27 pub trait Same<Rhs = Self> {
28     /// Should always be `Self`
29     type Output;
30 }
32 impl<T> Same<T> for T {
33     type Output = T;
34 }
36 /// A **type operator** that returns the absolute value.
37 ///
38 /// # Example
39 /// ```rust
40 /// use typenum::{Abs, N5, Integer};
41 ///
42 /// assert_eq!(<N5 as Abs>::Output::to_i32(), 5);
43 /// ```
44 pub trait Abs {
45     /// The absolute value.
46     type Output;
47 }
49 impl Abs for Z0 {
50     type Output = Z0;
51 }
53 impl<U: Unsigned + NonZero> Abs for PInt<U> {
54     type Output = Self;
55 }
57 impl<U: Unsigned + NonZero> Abs for NInt<U> {
58     type Output = PInt<U>;
59 }
61 /// A **type operator** that provides exponentiation by repeated squaring.
62 ///
63 /// # Example
64 /// ```rust
65 /// use typenum::{Pow, N3, P3, Integer};
66 ///
67 /// assert_eq!(<N3 as Pow<P3>>::Output::to_i32(), -27);
68 /// ```
69 pub trait Pow<Exp> {
70     /// The result of the exponentiation.
71     type Output;
72     /// This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others.
73     /// It is implemented for primitives.
74     ///
75     /// # Example
76     /// ```rust
77     /// use typenum::{Pow, U3};
78     ///
79     /// let a = 7u32.powi(U3::new());
80     /// let b = 7u32.pow(3);
81     /// assert_eq!(a, b);
82     ///
83     /// let x = 3.0.powi(U3::new());
84     /// let y = 27.0;
85     /// assert_eq!(x, y);
86     /// ```
powi(self, exp: Exp) -> Self::Output87     fn powi(self, exp: Exp) -> Self::Output;
88 }
90 macro_rules! impl_pow_f {
91     ($t: ty) => (
92         impl Pow<UTerm> for $t {
93             type Output = $t;
94             #[inline]
95             fn powi(self, _: UTerm) -> Self::Output {
96                 1.0
97             }
98         }
100         impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for $t {
101             type Output = $t;
102             // powi is unstable in core, so we have to write this function ourselves.
103             // copied from num::pow::pow
104             #[inline]
105             fn powi(self, _: UInt<U, B>) -> Self::Output {
106                 let mut exp = <UInt<U, B> as Unsigned>::to_u32();
107                 let mut base = self;
109                 if exp == 0 { return 1.0 }
111                 while exp & 1 == 0 {
112                     base *= base;
113                     exp >>= 1;
114                 }
115                 if exp == 1 { return base }
117                 let mut acc = base.clone();
118                 while exp > 1 {
119                     exp >>= 1;
120                     base *= base;
121                     if exp & 1 == 1 {
122                         acc *= base.clone();
123                     }
124                 }
125                 acc
126             }
127         }
129         impl Pow<Z0> for $t {
130             type Output = $t;
131             #[inline]
132             fn powi(self, _: Z0) -> Self::Output {
133                 1.0
134             }
135         }
137         impl<U: Unsigned + NonZero> Pow<PInt<U>> for $t {
138             type Output = $t;
139             // powi is unstable in core, so we have to write this function ourselves.
140             // copied from num::pow::pow
141             #[inline]
142             fn powi(self, _: PInt<U>) -> Self::Output {
143                 let mut exp = U::to_u32();
144                 let mut base = self;
146                 if exp == 0 { return 1.0 }
148                 while exp & 1 == 0 {
149                     base *= base;
150                     exp >>= 1;
151                 }
152                 if exp == 1 { return base }
154                 let mut acc = base.clone();
155                 while exp > 1 {
156                     exp >>= 1;
157                     base *= base;
158                     if exp & 1 == 1 {
159                         acc *= base.clone();
160                     }
161                 }
162                 acc
163             }
164         }
165     );
166 }
168 impl_pow_f!(f32);
169 impl_pow_f!(f64);
171 macro_rules! impl_pow_i {
172     () => ();
173     ($t: ty $(, $tail:tt)*) => (
174         impl Pow<UTerm> for $t {
175             type Output = $t;
176             #[inline]
177             fn powi(self, _: UTerm) -> Self::Output {
178                 1
179             }
180         }
182         impl<U: Unsigned, B: Bit> Pow<UInt<U, B>> for $t {
183             type Output = $t;
184             #[inline]
185             fn powi(self, _: UInt<U, B>) -> Self::Output {
186                 self.pow(<UInt<U, B> as Unsigned>::to_u32())
187             }
188         }
190         impl Pow<Z0> for $t {
191             type Output = $t;
192             #[inline]
193             fn powi(self, _: Z0) -> Self::Output {
194                 1
195             }
196         }
198         impl<U: Unsigned + NonZero> Pow<PInt<U>> for $t {
199             type Output = $t;
200             #[inline]
201             fn powi(self, _: PInt<U>) -> Self::Output {
202                 self.pow(U::to_u32())
203             }
204         }
206         impl_pow_i!($($tail),*);
207     );
208 }
210 impl_pow_i!(u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize);
211 #[cfg(feature = "i128")]
212 impl_pow_i!(u128, i128);
214 #[test]
pow_test()215 fn pow_test() {
216     use consts::*;
217     let z0 = Z0::new();
218     let p3 = P3::new();
220     let u0 = U0::new();
221     let u3 = U3::new();
223     macro_rules! check {
224         ($x:ident) => (
225             assert_eq!($x.powi(z0), 1);
226             assert_eq!($x.powi(u0), 1);
228             assert_eq!($x.powi(p3), $x*$x*$x);
229             assert_eq!($x.powi(u3), $x*$x*$x);
230         );
231         ($x:ident, $f:ident) => (
232             assert!((<$f as Pow<Z0>>::powi(*$x, z0) - 1.0).abs() < ::core::$f::EPSILON);
233             assert!((<$f as Pow<U0>>::powi(*$x, u0) - 1.0).abs() < ::core::$f::EPSILON);
235             assert!((<$f as Pow<P3>>::powi(*$x, p3) - $x*$x*$x).abs() < ::core::$f::EPSILON);
236             assert!((<$f as Pow<U3>>::powi(*$x, u3) - $x*$x*$x).abs() < ::core::$f::EPSILON);
237         );
238     }
240     for x in &[0i8, -3, 2] {
241         check!(x);
242     }
243     for x in &[0u8, 1, 5] {
244         check!(x);
245     }
246     for x in &[0usize, 1, 5, 40] {
247         check!(x);
248     }
249     for x in &[0isize, 1, 2, -30, -22, 48] {
250         check!(x);
251     }
252     for x in &[0.0f32, 2.2, -3.5, 378.223] {
253         check!(x, f32);
254     }
255     for x in &[0.0f64, 2.2, -3.5, -2387.2, 234.22] {
256         check!(x, f64);
257     }
258 }
260 /// A **type operator** for comparing `Self` and `Rhs`. It provides a similar functionality to
261 /// the function
262 /// [`core::cmp::Ord::cmp`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/core/cmp/trait.Ord.html#tymethod.cmp)
263 /// but for types.
264 ///
265 /// # Example
266 /// ```rust
267 /// use typenum::{Cmp, Ord, N3, P2, P5};
268 /// use std::cmp::Ordering;
269 ///
270 /// assert_eq!(<P2 as Cmp<N3>>::Output::to_ordering(), Ordering::Greater);
271 /// assert_eq!(<P2 as Cmp<P2>>::Output::to_ordering(), Ordering::Equal);
272 /// assert_eq!(<P2 as Cmp<P5>>::Output::to_ordering(), Ordering::Less);
273 pub trait Cmp<Rhs = Self> {
274     /// The result of the comparison. It should only ever be one of `Greater`, `Less`, or `Equal`.
275     type Output;
276 }
278 /// A **type operator** that gives the length of an `Array` or the number of bits in a `UInt`.
279 pub trait Len {
280     /// The length as a type-level unsigned integer.
281     type Output: ::Unsigned;
282     /// This function isn't used in this crate, but may be useful for others.
len(&self) -> Self::Output283     fn len(&self) -> Self::Output;
284 }
286 /// Division as a partial function. This **type operator** performs division just as `Div`, but is
287 /// only defined when the result is an integer (i.e. there is no remainder).
288 pub trait PartialDiv<Rhs = Self> {
289     /// The type of the result of the division
290     type Output;
291     /// Method for performing the division
partial_div(self, _: Rhs) -> Self::Output292     fn partial_div(self, _: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
293 }
295 /// A **type operator** that returns the minimum of `Self` and `Rhs`.
296 pub trait Min<Rhs = Self> {
297     /// The type of the minimum of `Self` and `Rhs`
298     type Output;
299     /// Method returning the minimum
min(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output300     fn min(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
301 }
303 /// A **type operator** that returns the maximum of `Self` and `Rhs`.
304 pub trait Max<Rhs = Self> {
305     /// The type of the maximum of `Self` and `Rhs`
306     type Output;
307     /// Method returning the maximum
max(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output308     fn max(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
309 }
311 use Compare;
313 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self < Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
314 pub trait IsLess<Rhs = Self> {
315     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
316     type Output: Bit;
317     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_less(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output318     fn is_less(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
319 }
321 use private::IsLessPrivate;
322 impl<A, B> IsLess<B> for A
323 where
324     A: Cmp<B> + IsLessPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
325 {
326     type Output = <A as IsLessPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_less(self, _: B) -> Self::Output328     fn is_less(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
329         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
330     }
331 }
333 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self == Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
334 pub trait IsEqual<Rhs = Self> {
335     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
336     type Output: Bit;
337     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output338     fn is_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
339 }
341 use private::IsEqualPrivate;
342 impl<A, B> IsEqual<B> for A
343 where
344     A: Cmp<B> + IsEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
345 {
346     type Output = <A as IsEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output348     fn is_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
349         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
350     }
351 }
353 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self > Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
354 pub trait IsGreater<Rhs = Self> {
355     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
356     type Output: Bit;
357     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_greater(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output358     fn is_greater(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
359 }
361 use private::IsGreaterPrivate;
362 impl<A, B> IsGreater<B> for A
363 where
364     A: Cmp<B> + IsGreaterPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
365 {
366     type Output = <A as IsGreaterPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_greater(self, _: B) -> Self::Output368     fn is_greater(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
369         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
370     }
371 }
373 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self <= Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
374 pub trait IsLessOrEqual<Rhs = Self> {
375     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
376     type Output: Bit;
377     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_less_or_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output378     fn is_less_or_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
379 }
381 use private::IsLessOrEqualPrivate;
382 impl<A, B> IsLessOrEqual<B> for A
383 where
384     A: Cmp<B> + IsLessOrEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
385 {
386     type Output = <A as IsLessOrEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_less_or_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output388     fn is_less_or_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
389         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
390     }
391 }
393 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self != Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
394 pub trait IsNotEqual<Rhs = Self> {
395     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
396     type Output: Bit;
397     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_not_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output398     fn is_not_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
399 }
401 use private::IsNotEqualPrivate;
402 impl<A, B> IsNotEqual<B> for A
403 where
404     A: Cmp<B> + IsNotEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
405 {
406     type Output = <A as IsNotEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_not_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output408     fn is_not_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
409         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
410     }
411 }
413 /// A **type operator** that returns `True` if `Self >= Rhs`, otherwise returns `False`.
414 pub trait IsGreaterOrEqual<Rhs = Self> {
415     /// The type representing either `True` or `False`
416     type Output: Bit;
417     /// Method returning `True` or `False`.
is_greater_or_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output418     fn is_greater_or_equal(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
419 }
421 use private::IsGreaterOrEqualPrivate;
422 impl<A, B> IsGreaterOrEqual<B> for A
423 where
424     A: Cmp<B> + IsGreaterOrEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>,
425 {
426     type Output = <A as IsGreaterOrEqualPrivate<B, Compare<A, B>>>::Output;
is_greater_or_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output428     fn is_greater_or_equal(self, _: B) -> Self::Output {
429         unsafe { ::core::mem::uninitialized() }
430     }
431 }
433 /**
434 A convenience macro for comparing type numbers. Use `op!` instead.
436 Due to the intricacies of the macro system, if the left-hand operand is more complex than a simple
437 `ident`, you must place a comma between it and the comparison sign.
439 For example, you can do `cmp!(P5 > P3)` or `cmp!(typenum::P5, > typenum::P3)` but not
440 `cmp!(typenum::P5 > typenum::P3)`.
442 The result of this comparison will always be one of `True` (aka `B1`) or `False` (aka `B0`).
444 # Example
445 ```rust
446 #[macro_use] extern crate typenum;
447 use typenum::consts::*;
448 use typenum::Bit;
450 fn main() {
451 type Result = cmp!(P9 == op!(P1 + P2 * (P2 - N2)));
452 assert_eq!(Result::to_bool(), true);
453 }
454 ```
455  */
456 #[deprecated(since = "1.9.0", note = "use the `op!` macro instead")]
457 #[macro_export]
458 macro_rules! cmp {
459     ($a:ident < $b:ty) => (
460         <$a as $crate::IsLess<$b>>::Output
461     );
462     ($a:ty, < $b:ty) => (
463         <$a as $crate::IsLess<$b>>::Output
464     );
466     ($a:ident == $b:ty) => (
467         <$a as $crate::IsEqual<$b>>::Output
468     );
469     ($a:ty, == $b:ty) => (
470         <$a as $crate::IsEqual<$b>>::Output
471     );
473     ($a:ident > $b:ty) => (
474         <$a as $crate::IsGreater<$b>>::Output
475     );
476     ($a:ty, > $b:ty) => (
477         <$a as $crate::IsGreater<$b>>::Output
478     );
480     ($a:ident <= $b:ty) => (
481         <$a as $crate::IsLessOrEqual<$b>>::Output
482     );
483     ($a:ty, <= $b:ty) => (
484         <$a as $crate::IsLessOrEqual<$b>>::Output
485     );
487     ($a:ident != $b:ty) => (
488         <$a as $crate::IsNotEqual<$b>>::Output
489     );
490     ($a:ty, != $b:ty) => (
491         <$a as $crate::IsNotEqual<$b>>::Output
492     );
494     ($a:ident >= $b:ty) => (
495         <$a as $crate::IsGreaterOrEqual<$b>>::Output
496     );
497     ($a:ty, >= $b:ty) => (
498         <$a as $crate::IsGreaterOrEqual<$b>>::Output
499     );
500 }