1// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
6// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12// limitations under the License.
14package page
16import (
17	"fmt"
18	"path/filepath"
19	"strings"
20	"testing"
22	"github.com/gohugoio/hugo/media"
24	"github.com/gohugoio/hugo/output"
27func TestPageTargetPath(t *testing.T) {
28	pathSpec := newTestPathSpec()
30	noExtNoDelimMediaType := media.WithDelimiterAndSuffixes(media.TextType, "", "")
31	noExtNoDelimMediaType.Delimiter = ""
33	// Netlify style _redirects
34	noExtDelimFormat := output.Format{
35		Name:      "NER",
36		MediaType: noExtNoDelimMediaType,
37		BaseName:  "_redirects",
38	}
40	for _, langPrefixPath := range []string{"", "no"} {
41		for _, langPrefixLink := range []string{"", "no"} {
42			for _, uglyURLs := range []bool{false, true} {
44				tests := []struct {
45					name     string
46					d        TargetPathDescriptor
47					expected TargetPaths
48				}{
49					{"JSON home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.JSONFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/index.json"}},
50					{"AMP home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.AMPFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/amp/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/amp", Link: "/amp/"}},
51					{"HTML home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, BaseName: "_index", Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/"}},
52					{"Netlify redirects", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, BaseName: "_index", Type: noExtDelimFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/_redirects", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/_redirects"}},
53					{"HTML section list", TargetPathDescriptor{
54						Kind:     KindSection,
55						Sections: []string{"sect1"},
56						BaseName: "_index",
57						Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
58					}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/sect1/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/sect1", Link: "/sect1/"}},
59					{"HTML taxonomy term", TargetPathDescriptor{
60						Kind:     KindTerm,
61						Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
62						BaseName: "_index",
63						Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
64					}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/hugo/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags/hugo", Link: "/tags/hugo/"}},
65					{"HTML taxonomy", TargetPathDescriptor{
66						Kind:     KindTaxonomy,
67						Sections: []string{"tags"},
68						BaseName: "_index",
69						Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
70					}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags", Link: "/tags/"}},
71					{
72						"HTML page", TargetPathDescriptor{
73							Kind:     KindPage,
74							Dir:      "/a/b",
75							BaseName: "mypage",
76							Sections: []string{"a"},
77							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
78						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/mypage/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/mypage", Link: "/a/b/mypage/"},
79					},
81					{
82						"HTML page with index as base", TargetPathDescriptor{
83							Kind:     KindPage,
84							Dir:      "/a/b",
85							BaseName: "index",
86							Sections: []string{"a"},
87							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
88						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b", Link: "/a/b/"},
89					},
91					{
92						"HTML page with special chars", TargetPathDescriptor{
93							Kind:     KindPage,
94							Dir:      "/a/b",
95							BaseName: "My Page!",
96							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
97						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/my-page/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/my-page", Link: "/a/b/my-page/"},
98					},
99					{"RSS home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: "rss", Type: output.RSSFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.xml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/index.xml"}},
100					{"RSS section list", TargetPathDescriptor{
101						Kind:     "rss",
102						Sections: []string{"sect1"},
103						Type:     output.RSSFormat,
104					}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/sect1/index.xml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/sect1", Link: "/sect1/index.xml"}},
105					{
106						"AMP page", TargetPathDescriptor{
107							Kind:     KindPage,
108							Dir:      "/a/b/c",
109							BaseName: "myamp",
110							Type:     output.AMPFormat,
111						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp", Link: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp/"},
112					},
113					{
114						"AMP page with URL with suffix", TargetPathDescriptor{
115							Kind:     KindPage,
116							Dir:      "/sect/",
117							BaseName: "mypage",
118							URL:      "/some/other/url.xhtml",
119							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
120						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/url.xhtml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other", Link: "/some/other/url.xhtml"},
121					},
122					{
123						"JSON page with URL without suffix", TargetPathDescriptor{
124							Kind:     KindPage,
125							Dir:      "/sect/",
126							BaseName: "mypage",
127							URL:      "/some/other/path/",
128							Type:     output.JSONFormat,
129						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/index.json"},
130					},
131					{
132						"JSON page with URL without suffix and no trailing slash", TargetPathDescriptor{
133							Kind:     KindPage,
134							Dir:      "/sect/",
135							BaseName: "mypage",
136							URL:      "/some/other/path",
137							Type:     output.JSONFormat,
138						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/index.json"},
139					},
140					{
141						"HTML page with URL without suffix and no trailing slash", TargetPathDescriptor{
142							Kind:     KindPage,
143							Dir:      "/sect/",
144							BaseName: "mypage",
145							URL:      "/some/other/path",
146							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
147						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/"},
148					},
149					{
150						"HTML page with URL containing double hyphen", TargetPathDescriptor{
151							Kind:     KindPage,
152							Dir:      "/sect/",
153							BaseName: "mypage",
154							URL:      "/some/other--url/",
155							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
156						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other--url/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other--url", Link: "/some/other--url/"},
157					},
158					{
159						"HTML page with expanded permalink", TargetPathDescriptor{
160							Kind:              KindPage,
161							Dir:               "/a/b",
162							BaseName:          "mypage",
163							ExpandedPermalink: "/2017/10/my-title/",
164							Type:              output.HTMLFormat,
165						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/2017/10/my-title/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/2017/10/my-title", Link: "/2017/10/my-title/"},
166					},
167					{
168						"Paginated HTML home", TargetPathDescriptor{
169							Kind:     KindHome,
170							BaseName: "_index",
171							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
172							Addends:  "page/3",
173						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/page/3/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/page/3", Link: "/page/3/"},
174					},
175					{
176						"Paginated Taxonomy terms list", TargetPathDescriptor{
177							Kind:     KindTerm,
178							BaseName: "_index",
179							Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
180							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
181							Addends:  "page/3",
182						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/hugo/page/3/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags/hugo/page/3", Link: "/tags/hugo/page/3/"},
183					},
184					{
185						"Regular page with addend", TargetPathDescriptor{
186							Kind:     KindPage,
187							Dir:      "/a/b",
188							BaseName: "mypage",
189							Addends:  "c/d/e",
190							Type:     output.HTMLFormat,
191						}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e", Link: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e/"},
192					},
193				}
195				for i, test := range tests {
196					t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("langPrefixPath=%s,langPrefixLink=%s,uglyURLs=%t,name=%s", langPrefixPath, langPrefixLink, uglyURLs, test.name),
197						func(t *testing.T) {
198							test.d.ForcePrefix = true
199							test.d.PathSpec = pathSpec
200							test.d.UglyURLs = uglyURLs
201							test.d.PrefixFilePath = langPrefixPath
202							test.d.PrefixLink = langPrefixLink
203							test.d.Dir = filepath.FromSlash(test.d.Dir)
204							isUgly := uglyURLs && !test.d.Type.NoUgly
206							expected := test.expected
208							// TODO(bep) simplify
209							if test.d.Kind == KindPage && test.d.BaseName == test.d.Type.BaseName {
210							} else if test.d.Kind == KindHome && test.d.Type.Path != "" {
211							} else if test.d.Type.MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix != "" && (!strings.HasPrefix(expected.TargetFilename, "/index") || test.d.Addends != "") && test.d.URL == "" && isUgly {
212								expected.TargetFilename = strings.Replace(expected.TargetFilename,
213									"/"+test.d.Type.BaseName+"."+test.d.Type.MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix,
214									"."+test.d.Type.MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix, 1)
215								expected.Link = strings.TrimSuffix(expected.Link, "/") + "." + test.d.Type.MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix
217							}
219							if test.d.PrefixFilePath != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(test.d.URL, "/"+test.d.PrefixFilePath) {
220								expected.TargetFilename = "/" + test.d.PrefixFilePath + expected.TargetFilename
221								expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = "/" + test.d.PrefixFilePath + expected.SubResourceBaseTarget
222							}
224							if test.d.PrefixLink != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(test.d.URL, "/"+test.d.PrefixLink) {
225								expected.Link = "/" + test.d.PrefixLink + expected.Link
226							}
228							expected.TargetFilename = filepath.FromSlash(expected.TargetFilename)
229							expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = filepath.FromSlash(expected.SubResourceBaseTarget)
231							pagePath := CreateTargetPaths(test.d)
233							if !eqTargetPaths(pagePath, expected) {
234								t.Fatalf("[%d] [%s] targetPath expected\n%#v, got:\n%#v", i, test.name, expected, pagePath)
235							}
236						})
237				}
238			}
239		}
240	}
243func TestPageTargetPathPrefix(t *testing.T) {
244	pathSpec := newTestPathSpec()
245	tests := []struct {
246		name     string
247		d        TargetPathDescriptor
248		expected TargetPaths
249	}{
250		{
251			"URL set, prefix both, no force",
252			TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindPage, Type: output.JSONFormat, URL: "/mydir/my.json", ForcePrefix: false, PrefixFilePath: "pf", PrefixLink: "pl"},
253			TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/mydir/my.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/mydir", SubResourceBaseLink: "/mydir", Link: "/mydir/my.json"},
254		},
255		{
256			"URL set, prefix both, force",
257			TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindPage, Type: output.JSONFormat, URL: "/mydir/my.json", ForcePrefix: true, PrefixFilePath: "pf", PrefixLink: "pl"},
258			TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/pf/mydir/my.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/pf/mydir", SubResourceBaseLink: "/pl/mydir", Link: "/pl/mydir/my.json"},
259		},
260	}
262	for i, test := range tests {
263		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf(test.name),
264			func(t *testing.T) {
265				test.d.PathSpec = pathSpec
266				expected := test.expected
267				expected.TargetFilename = filepath.FromSlash(expected.TargetFilename)
268				expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = filepath.FromSlash(expected.SubResourceBaseTarget)
270				pagePath := CreateTargetPaths(test.d)
272				if pagePath != expected {
273					t.Fatalf("[%d] [%s] targetPath expected\n%#v, got:\n%#v", i, test.name, expected, pagePath)
274				}
275			})
276	}
279func eqTargetPaths(p1, p2 TargetPaths) bool {
280	if p1.Link != p2.Link {
281		return false
282	}
284	if p1.SubResourceBaseTarget != p2.SubResourceBaseTarget {
285		return false
286	}
288	if p1.TargetFilename != p2.TargetFilename {
289		return false
290	}
292	return true