1import { toFixed, getValueFormat, scaledUnits, formattedValueToString } from './valueFormats';
2import { DecimalCount } from '../types/displayValue';
3import { TimeZone } from '../types';
4import { dateTime } from '../datetime';
6interface ValueFormatTest {
7  id: string;
8  decimals?: DecimalCount;
9  scaledDecimals?: DecimalCount;
10  timeZone?: TimeZone;
11  value: number;
12  result: string;
15describe('valueFormats', () => {
16  it.each`
17    format                | decimals     | value                                       | expected
18    ${'currencyUSD'}      | ${2}         | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'$1.53K'}
19    ${'currencyKRW'}      | ${2}         | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'₩1.53K'}
20    ${'currencyIDR'}      | ${2}         | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'Rp1.53K'}
21    ${'none'}             | ${undefined} | ${3.23}                                     | ${'3.23'}
22    ${'none'}             | ${undefined} | ${0.0245}                                   | ${'0.0245'}
23    ${'none'}             | ${undefined} | ${1 / 3}                                    | ${'0.333'}
24    ${'ms'}               | ${4}         | ${0.0024}                                   | ${'0.0024 ms'}
25    ${'ms'}               | ${0}         | ${100}                                      | ${'100 ms'}
26    ${'ms'}               | ${2}         | ${1250}                                     | ${'1.25 s'}
27    ${'ms'}               | ${1}         | ${10000086.123}                             | ${'2.8 hour'}
28    ${'ms'}               | ${undefined} | ${1000}                                     | ${'1 s'}
29    ${'ms'}               | ${0}         | ${1200}                                     | ${'1 s'}
30    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1000}                                     | ${'1 K'}
31    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1200}                                     | ${'1.20 K'}
32    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1250}                                     | ${'1.25 K'}
33    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1000000}                                  | ${'1 Mil'}
34    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1500000}                                  | ${'1.50 Mil'}
35    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${1000120}                                  | ${'1.00 Mil'}
36    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${98765}                                    | ${'98.8 K'}
37    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${9876543}                                  | ${'9.88 Mil'}
38    ${'short'}            | ${undefined} | ${9876543}                                  | ${'9.88 Mil'}
39    ${'kbytes'}           | ${undefined} | ${10000000}                                 | ${'9.54 GiB'}
40    ${'deckbytes'}        | ${undefined} | ${10000000}                                 | ${'10 GB'}
41    ${'megwatt'}          | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 GW'}
42    ${'kohm'}             | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 MΩ'}
43    ${'Mohm'}             | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 GΩ'}
44    ${'farad'}            | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 kF'}
45    ${'µfarad'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 mF'}
46    ${'nfarad'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 µF'}
47    ${'pfarad'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 nF'}
48    ${'ffarad'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 pF'}
49    ${'henry'}            | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 kH'}
50    ${'mhenry'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 H'}
51    ${'µhenry'}           | ${3}         | ${1000}                                     | ${'1.000 mH'}
52    ${'a'}                | ${0}         | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'1533 a'}
53    ${'b'}                | ${0}         | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'1533 b'}
54    ${'prefix:b'}         | ${undefined} | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'b1533'}
55    ${'suffix:d'}         | ${undefined} | ${1532.82}                                  | ${'1533 d'}
56    ${'si:µF'}            | ${2}         | ${1234}                                     | ${'1.23 mF'}
57    ${'si:µF'}            | ${2}         | ${1234000000}                               | ${'1.23 kF'}
58    ${'si:µF'}            | ${2}         | ${1234000000000000}                         | ${'1.23 GF'}
59    ${'count:xpm'}        | ${2}         | ${1234567}                                  | ${'1.23M xpm'}
60    ${'count:x/min'}      | ${2}         | ${1234}                                     | ${'1.23K x/min'}
61    ${'currency:@'}       | ${2}         | ${1234567}                                  | ${'@1.23M'}
62    ${'currency:@'}       | ${2}         | ${1234}                                     | ${'@1.23K'}
63    ${'time:YYYY'}        | ${0}         | ${dateTime(new Date(1999, 6, 2)).valueOf()} | ${'1999'}
64    ${'time:YYYY.MM'}     | ${0}         | ${dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf()} | ${'2010.07'}
65    ${'dateTimeAsIso'}    | ${0}         | ${dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf()} | ${'2010-07-02 00:00:00'}
66    ${'dateTimeAsUS'}     | ${0}         | ${dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf()} | ${'07/02/2010 12:00:00 am'}
67    ${'dateTimeAsSystem'} | ${0}         | ${dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf()} | ${'2010-07-02 00:00:00'}
68    ${'dtdurationms'}     | ${undefined} | ${100000}                                   | ${'1 minute'}
69  `(
70    'With format=$format decimals=$decimals and value=$value then result shoudl be = $expected',
71    async ({ format, value, decimals, expected }) => {
72      const result = getValueFormat(format)(value, decimals, undefined, undefined);
73      const full = formattedValueToString(result);
74      expect(full).toBe(expected);
75    }
76  );
78  it('Manually check a format', () => {
79    // helpful for adding tests one at a time with the debugger
80    const tests: ValueFormatTest[] = [
81      { id: 'time:YYYY.MM', decimals: 0, value: dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf(), result: '2010.07' },
82    ];
83    const test = tests[0];
84    const result = getValueFormat(test.id)(test.value, test.decimals, test.scaledDecimals);
85    const full = formattedValueToString(result);
86    expect(full).toBe(test.result);
87  });
89  describe('normal cases', () => {
90    it('toFixed should handle number correctly if decimal is null', () => {
91      expect(toFixed(100)).toBe('100');
93      expect(toFixed(100.4)).toBe('100');
94      expect(toFixed(100.5)).toBe('101');
95    });
97    it('toFixed should handle number correctly if decimal is not null', () => {
98      expect(toFixed(100, 1)).toBe('100.0');
100      expect(toFixed(100.37, 1)).toBe('100.4');
101      expect(toFixed(100.63, 1)).toBe('100.6');
103      expect(toFixed(100.4, 2)).toBe('100.40');
104      expect(toFixed(100.5, 2)).toBe('100.50');
105    });
106  });
108  describe('format edge cases', () => {
109    const negInf = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.toLocaleString();
110    const posInf = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.toLocaleString();
112    it('toFixed should handle non number input gracefully', () => {
113      expect(toFixed(NaN)).toBe('NaN');
114      expect(toFixed(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).toBe(negInf);
115      expect(toFixed(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).toBe(posInf);
116    });
118    it('scaledUnits should handle non number input gracefully', () => {
119      const disp = scaledUnits(5, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
120      expect(disp(NaN).text).toBe('NaN');
121      expect(disp(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).text).toBe(negInf);
122      expect(disp(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY).text).toBe(posInf);
123    });
124  });
126  describe('toFixed and negative decimals', () => {
127    it('should treat as zero decimals', () => {
128      const str = toFixed(186.123, -2);
129      expect(str).toBe('186');
130    });
131  });
133  describe('Resolve old units', () => {
134    it('resolve farenheit', () => {
135      const fmt0 = getValueFormat('farenheit');
136      const fmt1 = getValueFormat('fahrenheit');
137      expect(fmt0).toEqual(fmt1);
138    });
139  });