1package notifiers
3import (
4	"context"
5	"fmt"
6	"net/url"
7	"strings"
9	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/bus"
10	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/infra/log"
11	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/models"
12	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/alerting"
13	"github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/setting"
16var (
17	threemaGwBaseURL = "https://msgapi.threema.ch/%s"
20func init() {
21	alerting.RegisterNotifier(&alerting.NotifierPlugin{
22		Type:        "threema",
23		Name:        "Threema Gateway",
24		Description: "Sends notifications to Threema using Threema Gateway (Basic IDs)",
25		Heading:     "Threema Gateway settings",
26		Info: "Notifications can be configured for any Threema Gateway ID of type \"Basic\". End-to-End IDs are not currently supported." +
27			"The Threema Gateway ID can be set up at https://gateway.threema.ch/.",
28		Factory: NewThreemaNotifier,
29		Options: []alerting.NotifierOption{
30			{
31				Label:          "Gateway ID",
32				Element:        alerting.ElementTypeInput,
33				InputType:      alerting.InputTypeText,
34				Placeholder:    "*3MAGWID",
35				Description:    "Your 8 character Threema Gateway Basic ID (starting with a *).",
36				PropertyName:   "gateway_id",
37				Required:       true,
38				ValidationRule: "\\*[0-9A-Z]{7}",
39			},
40			{
41				Label:          "Recipient ID",
42				Element:        alerting.ElementTypeInput,
43				InputType:      alerting.InputTypeText,
44				Placeholder:    "YOUR3MID",
45				Description:    "The 8 character Threema ID that should receive the alerts.",
46				PropertyName:   "recipient_id",
47				Required:       true,
48				ValidationRule: "[0-9A-Z]{8}",
49			},
50			{
51				Label:        "API Secret",
52				Element:      alerting.ElementTypeInput,
53				InputType:    alerting.InputTypeText,
54				Description:  "Your Threema Gateway API secret.",
55				PropertyName: "api_secret",
56				Required:     true,
57				Secure:       true,
58			},
59		},
60	})
63// ThreemaNotifier is responsible for sending
64// alert notifications to Threema.
65type ThreemaNotifier struct {
66	NotifierBase
67	GatewayID   string
68	RecipientID string
69	APISecret   string
70	log         log.Logger
73// NewThreemaNotifier is the constructor for the Threema notifier
74func NewThreemaNotifier(model *models.AlertNotification, fn alerting.GetDecryptedValueFn) (alerting.Notifier, error) {
75	if model.Settings == nil {
76		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "No Settings Supplied"}
77	}
79	gatewayID := model.Settings.Get("gateway_id").MustString()
80	recipientID := model.Settings.Get("recipient_id").MustString()
81	apiSecret := fn(context.Background(), model.SecureSettings, "api_secret", model.Settings.Get("api_secret").MustString(), setting.SecretKey)
83	// Validation
84	if gatewayID == "" {
85		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Could not find Threema Gateway ID in settings"}
86	}
87	if !strings.HasPrefix(gatewayID, "*") {
88		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Invalid Threema Gateway ID: Must start with a *"}
89	}
90	if len(gatewayID) != 8 {
91		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Invalid Threema Gateway ID: Must be 8 characters long"}
92	}
93	if recipientID == "" {
94		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Could not find Threema Recipient ID in settings"}
95	}
96	if len(recipientID) != 8 {
97		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Invalid Threema Recipient ID: Must be 8 characters long"}
98	}
99	if apiSecret == "" {
100		return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Could not find Threema API secret in settings"}
101	}
103	return &ThreemaNotifier{
104		NotifierBase: NewNotifierBase(model),
105		GatewayID:    gatewayID,
106		RecipientID:  recipientID,
107		APISecret:    apiSecret,
108		log:          log.New("alerting.notifier.threema"),
109	}, nil
112// Notify send an alert notification to Threema
113func (notifier *ThreemaNotifier) Notify(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) error {
114	notifier.log.Info("Sending alert notification from", "threema_id", notifier.GatewayID)
115	notifier.log.Info("Sending alert notification to", "threema_id", notifier.RecipientID)
117	// Set up basic API request data
118	data := url.Values{}
119	data.Set("from", notifier.GatewayID)
120	data.Set("to", notifier.RecipientID)
121	data.Set("secret", notifier.APISecret)
123	// Determine emoji
124	stateEmoji := ""
125	switch evalContext.Rule.State {
126	case models.AlertStateOK:
127		stateEmoji = "\u2705 " // Check Mark Button
128	case models.AlertStateNoData:
129		stateEmoji = "\u2753\uFE0F " // Question Mark
130	case models.AlertStateAlerting:
131		stateEmoji = "\u26A0\uFE0F " // Warning sign
132	default:
133		// Handle other cases?
134	}
136	// Build message
137	message := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n\n*State:* %s\n*Message:* %s\n",
138		stateEmoji, evalContext.GetNotificationTitle(),
139		evalContext.Rule.Name, evalContext.Rule.Message)
140	ruleURL, err := evalContext.GetRuleURL()
141	if err == nil {
142		message += fmt.Sprintf("*URL:* %s\n", ruleURL)
143	}
144	if notifier.NeedsImage() && evalContext.ImagePublicURL != "" {
145		message += fmt.Sprintf("*Image:* %s\n", evalContext.ImagePublicURL)
146	}
147	data.Set("text", message)
149	// Prepare and send request
150	url := fmt.Sprintf(threemaGwBaseURL, "send_simple")
151	body := data.Encode()
152	headers := map[string]string{
153		"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
154	}
155	cmd := &models.SendWebhookSync{
156		Url:        url,
157		Body:       body,
158		HttpMethod: "POST",
159		HttpHeader: headers,
160	}
161	if err := bus.DispatchCtx(evalContext.Ctx, cmd); err != nil {
162		notifier.log.Error("Failed to send webhook", "error", err, "webhook", notifier.Name)
163		return err
164	}
166	return nil