1#!/usr/bin/env ruby
3# Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Salvatore Sanfilippo
4# All rights reserved.
6# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
8#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
10#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
11#     * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
12#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
23# TODO (temporary here, we'll move this into the Github issues once
24#       redis-trib initial implementation is completed).
26# - Make sure that if the rehashing fails in the middle redis-trib will try
27#   to recover.
28# - When redis-trib performs a cluster check, if it detects a slot move in
29#   progress it should prompt the user to continue the move from where it
30#   stopped.
31# - Gracefully handle Ctrl+C in move_slot to prompt the user if really stop
32#   while rehashing, and performing the best cleanup possible if the user
33#   forces the quit.
34# - When doing "fix" set a global Fix to true, and prompt the user to
35#   fix the problem if automatically fixable every time there is something
36#   to fix. For instance:
37#   1) If there is a node that pretend to receive a slot, or to migrate a
38#      slot, but has no entries in that slot, fix it.
39#   2) If there is a node having keys in slots that are not owned by it
40#      fix this condition moving the entries in the same node.
41#   3) Perform more possibly slow tests about the state of the cluster.
42#   4) When aborted slot migration is detected, fix it.
44require 'rubygems'
45require 'redis'
47ClusterHashSlots = 16384
48MigrateDefaultTimeout = 60000
49MigrateDefaultPipeline = 10
50RebalanceDefaultThreshold = 2
52$verbose = false
54def xputs(s)
55    case s[0..2]
56    when ">>>"
57        color="29;1"
58    when "[ER"
59        color="31;1"
60    when "[WA"
61        color="31;1"
62    when "[OK"
63        color="32"
64    when "[FA","***"
65        color="33"
66    else
67        color=nil
68    end
70    color = nil if ENV['TERM'] != "xterm"
71    print "\033[#{color}m" if color
72    print s
73    print "\033[0m" if color
74    print "\n"
77class ClusterNode
78    def initialize(addr)
79        s = addr.split("@")[0].split(":")
80        if s.length < 2
81           puts "Invalid IP or Port (given as #{addr}) - use IP:Port format"
82           exit 1
83        end
84        port = s.pop # removes port from split array
85        ip = s.join(":") # if s.length > 1 here, it's IPv6, so restore address
86        @r = nil
87        @info = {}
88        @info[:host] = ip
89        @info[:port] = port
90        @info[:slots] = {}
91        @info[:migrating] = {}
92        @info[:importing] = {}
93        @info[:replicate] = false
94        @dirty = false # True if we need to flush slots info into node.
95        @friends = []
96    end
98    def friends
99        @friends
100    end
102    def slots
103        @info[:slots]
104    end
106    def has_flag?(flag)
107        @info[:flags].index(flag)
108    end
110    def to_s
111        "#{@info[:host]}:#{@info[:port]}"
112    end
114    def connect(o={})
115        return if @r
116        print "Connecting to node #{self}: " if $verbose
117        STDOUT.flush
118        begin
119            @r = Redis.new(:host => @info[:host], :port => @info[:port], :timeout => 60)
120            @r.ping
121        rescue
122            xputs "[ERR] Sorry, can't connect to node #{self}"
123            exit 1 if o[:abort]
124            @r = nil
125        end
126        xputs "OK" if $verbose
127    end
129    def assert_cluster
130        info = @r.info
131        if !info["cluster_enabled"] || info["cluster_enabled"].to_i == 0
132            xputs "[ERR] Node #{self} is not configured as a cluster node."
133            exit 1
134        end
135    end
137    def assert_empty
138        if !(@r.cluster("info").split("\r\n").index("cluster_known_nodes:1")) ||
139            (@r.info['db0'])
140            xputs "[ERR] Node #{self} is not empty. Either the node already knows other nodes (check with CLUSTER NODES) or contains some key in database 0."
141            exit 1
142        end
143    end
145    def load_info(o={})
146        self.connect
147        nodes = @r.cluster("nodes").split("\n")
148        nodes.each{|n|
149            # name addr flags role ping_sent ping_recv link_status slots
150            split = n.split
151            name,addr,flags,master_id,ping_sent,ping_recv,config_epoch,link_status = split[0..6]
152            slots = split[8..-1]
153            info = {
154                :name => name,
155                :addr => addr,
156                :flags => flags.split(","),
157                :replicate => master_id,
158                :ping_sent => ping_sent.to_i,
159                :ping_recv => ping_recv.to_i,
160                :link_status => link_status
161            }
162            info[:replicate] = false if master_id == "-"
164            if info[:flags].index("myself")
165                @info = @info.merge(info)
166                @info[:slots] = {}
167                slots.each{|s|
168                    if s[0..0] == '['
169                        if s.index("->-") # Migrating
170                            slot,dst = s[1..-1].split("->-")
171                            @info[:migrating][slot.to_i] = dst
172                        elsif s.index("-<-") # Importing
173                            slot,src = s[1..-1].split("-<-")
174                            @info[:importing][slot.to_i] = src
175                        end
176                    elsif s.index("-")
177                        start,stop = s.split("-")
178                        self.add_slots((start.to_i)..(stop.to_i))
179                    else
180                        self.add_slots((s.to_i)..(s.to_i))
181                    end
182                } if slots
183                @dirty = false
184                @r.cluster("info").split("\n").each{|e|
185                    k,v=e.split(":")
186                    k = k.to_sym
187                    v.chop!
188                    if k != :cluster_state
189                        @info[k] = v.to_i
190                    else
191                        @info[k] = v
192                    end
193                }
194            elsif o[:getfriends]
195                @friends << info
196            end
197        }
198    end
200    def add_slots(slots)
201        slots.each{|s|
202            @info[:slots][s] = :new
203        }
204        @dirty = true
205    end
207    def set_as_replica(node_id)
208        @info[:replicate] = node_id
209        @dirty = true
210    end
212    def flush_node_config
213        return if !@dirty
214        if @info[:replicate]
215            begin
216                @r.cluster("replicate",@info[:replicate])
217            rescue
218                # If the cluster did not already joined it is possible that
219                # the slave does not know the master node yet. So on errors
220                # we return ASAP leaving the dirty flag set, to flush the
221                # config later.
222                return
223            end
224        else
225            new = []
226            @info[:slots].each{|s,val|
227                if val == :new
228                    new << s
229                    @info[:slots][s] = true
230                end
231            }
232            @r.cluster("addslots",*new)
233        end
234        @dirty = false
235    end
237    def info_string
238        # We want to display the hash slots assigned to this node
239        # as ranges, like in: "1-5,8-9,20-25,30"
240        #
241        # Note: this could be easily written without side effects,
242        # we use 'slots' just to split the computation into steps.
244        # First step: we want an increasing array of integers
245        # for instance: [1,2,3,4,5,8,9,20,21,22,23,24,25,30]
246        slots = @info[:slots].keys.sort
248        # As we want to aggregate adjacent slots we convert all the
249        # slot integers into ranges (with just one element)
250        # So we have something like [1..1,2..2, ... and so forth.
251        slots.map!{|x| x..x}
253        # Finally we group ranges with adjacent elements.
254        slots = slots.reduce([]) {|a,b|
255            if !a.empty? && b.first == (a[-1].last)+1
256                a[0..-2] + [(a[-1].first)..(b.last)]
257            else
258                a + [b]
259            end
260        }
262        # Now our task is easy, we just convert ranges with just one
263        # element into a number, and a real range into a start-end format.
264        # Finally we join the array using the comma as separator.
265        slots = slots.map{|x|
266            x.count == 1 ? x.first.to_s : "#{x.first}-#{x.last}"
267        }.join(",")
269        role = self.has_flag?("master") ? "M" : "S"
271        if self.info[:replicate] and @dirty
272            is = "S: #{self.info[:name]} #{self.to_s}"
273        else
274            is = "#{role}: #{self.info[:name]} #{self.to_s}\n"+
275            "   slots:#{slots} (#{self.slots.length} slots) "+
276            "#{(self.info[:flags]-["myself"]).join(",")}"
277        end
278        if self.info[:replicate]
279            is += "\n   replicates #{info[:replicate]}"
280        elsif self.has_flag?("master") && self.info[:replicas]
281            is += "\n   #{info[:replicas].length} additional replica(s)"
282        end
283        is
284    end
286    # Return a single string representing nodes and associated slots.
287    # TODO: remove slaves from config when slaves will be handled
288    # by Redis Cluster.
289    def get_config_signature
290        config = []
291        @r.cluster("nodes").each_line{|l|
292            s = l.split
293            slots = s[8..-1].select {|x| x[0..0] != "["}
294            next if slots.length == 0
295            config << s[0]+":"+(slots.sort.join(","))
296        }
297        config.sort.join("|")
298    end
300    def info
301        @info
302    end
304    def is_dirty?
305        @dirty
306    end
308    def r
309        @r
310    end
313class RedisTrib
314    def initialize
315        @nodes = []
316        @fix = false
317        @errors = []
318        @timeout = MigrateDefaultTimeout
319    end
321    def check_arity(req_args, num_args)
322        if ((req_args > 0 and num_args != req_args) ||
323           (req_args < 0 and num_args < req_args.abs))
324           xputs "[ERR] Wrong number of arguments for specified sub command"
325           exit 1
326        end
327    end
329    def add_node(node)
330        @nodes << node
331    end
333    def reset_nodes
334        @nodes = []
335    end
337    def cluster_error(msg)
338        @errors << msg
339        xputs msg
340    end
342    # Return the node with the specified ID or Nil.
343    def get_node_by_name(name)
344        @nodes.each{|n|
345            return n if n.info[:name] == name.downcase
346        }
347        return nil
348    end
350    # Like get_node_by_name but the specified name can be just the first
351    # part of the node ID as long as the prefix in unique across the
352    # cluster.
353    def get_node_by_abbreviated_name(name)
354        l = name.length
355        candidates = []
356        @nodes.each{|n|
357            if n.info[:name][0...l] == name.downcase
358                candidates << n
359            end
360        }
361        return nil if candidates.length != 1
362        candidates[0]
363    end
365    # This function returns the master that has the least number of replicas
366    # in the cluster. If there are multiple masters with the same smaller
367    # number of replicas, one at random is returned.
368    def get_master_with_least_replicas
369        masters = @nodes.select{|n| n.has_flag? "master"}
370        sorted = masters.sort{|a,b|
371            a.info[:replicas].length <=> b.info[:replicas].length
372        }
373        sorted[0]
374    end
376    def check_cluster(opt={})
377        xputs ">>> Performing Cluster Check (using node #{@nodes[0]})"
378        show_nodes if !opt[:quiet]
379        check_config_consistency
380        check_open_slots
381        check_slots_coverage
382    end
384    def show_cluster_info
385        masters = 0
386        keys = 0
387        @nodes.each{|n|
388            if n.has_flag?("master")
389                puts "#{n} (#{n.info[:name][0...8]}...) -> #{n.r.dbsize} keys | #{n.slots.length} slots | "+
390                     "#{n.info[:replicas].length} slaves."
391                masters += 1
392                keys += n.r.dbsize
393            end
394        }
395        xputs "[OK] #{keys} keys in #{masters} masters."
396        keys_per_slot = sprintf("%.2f",keys/16384.0)
397        puts "#{keys_per_slot} keys per slot on average."
398    end
400    # Merge slots of every known node. If the resulting slots are equal
401    # to ClusterHashSlots, then all slots are served.
402    def covered_slots
403        slots = {}
404        @nodes.each{|n|
405            slots = slots.merge(n.slots)
406        }
407        slots
408    end
410    def check_slots_coverage
411        xputs ">>> Check slots coverage..."
412        slots = covered_slots
413        if slots.length == ClusterHashSlots
414            xputs "[OK] All #{ClusterHashSlots} slots covered."
415        else
416            cluster_error \
417                "[ERR] Not all #{ClusterHashSlots} slots are covered by nodes."
418            fix_slots_coverage if @fix
419        end
420    end
422    def check_open_slots
423        xputs ">>> Check for open slots..."
424        open_slots = []
425        @nodes.each{|n|
426            if n.info[:migrating].size > 0
427                cluster_error \
428                    "[WARNING] Node #{n} has slots in migrating state (#{n.info[:migrating].keys.join(",")})."
429                open_slots += n.info[:migrating].keys
430            elsif n.info[:importing].size > 0
431                cluster_error \
432                    "[WARNING] Node #{n} has slots in importing state (#{n.info[:importing].keys.join(",")})."
433                open_slots += n.info[:importing].keys
434            end
435        }
436        open_slots.uniq!
437        if open_slots.length > 0
438            xputs "[WARNING] The following slots are open: #{open_slots.join(",")}"
439        end
440        if @fix
441            open_slots.each{|slot| fix_open_slot slot}
442        end
443    end
445    def nodes_with_keys_in_slot(slot)
446        nodes = []
447        @nodes.each{|n|
448            next if n.has_flag?("slave")
449            nodes << n if n.r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,1).length > 0
450        }
451        nodes
452    end
454    def fix_slots_coverage
455        not_covered = (0...ClusterHashSlots).to_a - covered_slots.keys
456        xputs ">>> Fixing slots coverage..."
457        xputs "List of not covered slots: " + not_covered.join(",")
459        # For every slot, take action depending on the actual condition:
460        # 1) No node has keys for this slot.
461        # 2) A single node has keys for this slot.
462        # 3) Multiple nodes have keys for this slot.
463        slots = {}
464        not_covered.each{|slot|
465            nodes = nodes_with_keys_in_slot(slot)
466            slots[slot] = nodes
467            xputs "Slot #{slot} has keys in #{nodes.length} nodes: #{nodes.join(", ")}"
468        }
470        none = slots.select {|k,v| v.length == 0}
471        single = slots.select {|k,v| v.length == 1}
472        multi = slots.select {|k,v| v.length > 1}
474        # Handle case "1": keys in no node.
475        if none.length > 0
476            xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have no keys across the cluster:"
477            xputs none.keys.join(",")
478            yes_or_die "Fix these slots by covering with a random node?"
479            none.each{|slot,nodes|
480                node = @nodes.sample
481                xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} with #{node}"
482                node.r.cluster("addslots",slot)
483            }
484        end
486        # Handle case "2": keys only in one node.
487        if single.length > 0
488            xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have keys in just one node:"
489            puts single.keys.join(",")
490            yes_or_die "Fix these slots by covering with those nodes?"
491            single.each{|slot,nodes|
492                xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} with #{nodes[0]}"
493                nodes[0].r.cluster("addslots",slot)
494            }
495        end
497        # Handle case "3": keys in multiple nodes.
498        if multi.length > 0
499            xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have keys in multiple nodes:"
500            xputs multi.keys.join(",")
501            yes_or_die "Fix these slots by moving keys into a single node?"
502            multi.each{|slot,nodes|
503                target = get_node_with_most_keys_in_slot(nodes,slot)
504                xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} moving keys to #{target}"
506                target.r.cluster('addslots',slot)
507                target.r.cluster('setslot',slot,'stable')
508                nodes.each{|src|
509                    next if src == target
510                    # Set the source node in 'importing' state (even if we will
511                    # actually migrate keys away) in order to avoid receiving
512                    # redirections for MIGRATE.
513                    src.r.cluster('setslot',slot,'importing',target.info[:name])
514                    move_slot(src,target,slot,:dots=>true,:fix=>true,:cold=>true)
515                    src.r.cluster('setslot',slot,'stable')
516                }
517            }
518        end
519    end
521    # Return the owner of the specified slot
522    def get_slot_owners(slot)
523        owners = []
524        @nodes.each{|n|
525            next if n.has_flag?("slave")
526            n.slots.each{|s,_|
527                owners << n if s == slot
528            }
529        }
530        owners
531    end
533    # Return the node, among 'nodes' with the greatest number of keys
534    # in the specified slot.
535    def get_node_with_most_keys_in_slot(nodes,slot)
536        best = nil
537        best_numkeys = 0
538        @nodes.each{|n|
539            next if n.has_flag?("slave")
540            numkeys = n.r.cluster("countkeysinslot",slot)
541            if numkeys > best_numkeys || best == nil
542                best = n
543                best_numkeys = numkeys
544            end
545        }
546        return best
547    end
549    # Slot 'slot' was found to be in importing or migrating state in one or
550    # more nodes. This function fixes this condition by migrating keys where
551    # it seems more sensible.
552    def fix_open_slot(slot)
553        puts ">>> Fixing open slot #{slot}"
555        # Try to obtain the current slot owner, according to the current
556        # nodes configuration.
557        owners = get_slot_owners(slot)
558        owner = owners[0] if owners.length == 1
560        migrating = []
561        importing = []
562        @nodes.each{|n|
563            next if n.has_flag? "slave"
564            if n.info[:migrating][slot]
565                migrating << n
566            elsif n.info[:importing][slot]
567                importing << n
568            elsif n.r.cluster("countkeysinslot",slot) > 0 && n != owner
569                xputs "*** Found keys about slot #{slot} in node #{n}!"
570                importing << n
571            end
572        }
573        puts "Set as migrating in: #{migrating.join(",")}"
574        puts "Set as importing in: #{importing.join(",")}"
576        # If there is no slot owner, set as owner the slot with the biggest
577        # number of keys, among the set of migrating / importing nodes.
578        if !owner
579            xputs ">>> Nobody claims ownership, selecting an owner..."
580            owner = get_node_with_most_keys_in_slot(@nodes,slot)
582            # If we still don't have an owner, we can't fix it.
583            if !owner
584                xputs "[ERR] Can't select a slot owner. Impossible to fix."
585                exit 1
586            end
588            # Use ADDSLOTS to assign the slot.
589            puts "*** Configuring #{owner} as the slot owner"
590            n.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"stable")
591            n.r.cluster("addslot",slot)
592            # Make sure this information will propagate. Not strictly needed
593            # since there is no past owner, so all the other nodes will accept
594            # whatever epoch this node will claim the slot with.
595            n.r.cluster("bumpepoch")
597            # Remove the owner from the list of migrating/importing
598            # nodes.
599            migrating.delete(n)
600            importing.delete(n)
601        end
603        # If there are multiple owners of the slot, we need to fix it
604        # so that a single node is the owner and all the other nodes
605        # are in importing state. Later the fix can be handled by one
606        # of the base cases above.
607        #
608        # Note that this case also covers multiple nodes having the slot
609        # in migrating state, since migrating is a valid state only for
610        # slot owners.
611        if owners.length > 1
612            owner = get_node_with_most_keys_in_slot(owners,slot)
613            owners.each{|n|
614                next if n == owner
615                n.r.cluster('delslots',slot)
616                n.r.cluster('setslot',slot,'importing',owner.info[:name])
617                importing.delete(n) # Avoid duplciates
618                importing << n
619            }
620            owner.r.cluster('bumpepoch')
621        end
623        # Case 1: The slot is in migrating state in one slot, and in
624        #         importing state in 1 slot. That's trivial to address.
625        if migrating.length == 1 && importing.length == 1
626            move_slot(migrating[0],importing[0],slot,:dots=>true,:fix=>true)
627        # Case 2: There are multiple nodes that claim the slot as importing,
628        # they probably got keys about the slot after a restart so opened
629        # the slot. In this case we just move all the keys to the owner
630        # according to the configuration.
631        elsif migrating.length == 0 && importing.length > 0
632            xputs ">>> Moving all the #{slot} slot keys to its owner #{owner}"
633            importing.each {|node|
634                next if node == owner
635                move_slot(node,owner,slot,:dots=>true,:fix=>true,:cold=>true)
636                xputs ">>> Setting #{slot} as STABLE in #{node}"
637                node.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"stable")
638            }
639        # Case 3: There are no slots claiming to be in importing state, but
640        # there is a migrating node that actually don't have any key. We
641        # can just close the slot, probably a reshard interrupted in the middle.
642        elsif importing.length == 0 && migrating.length == 1 &&
643              migrating[0].r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,10).length == 0
644            migrating[0].r.cluster("setslot",slot,"stable")
645        else
646            xputs "[ERR] Sorry, Redis-trib can't fix this slot yet (work in progress). Slot is set as migrating in #{migrating.join(",")}, as importing in #{importing.join(",")}, owner is #{owner}"
647        end
648    end
650    # Check if all the nodes agree about the cluster configuration
651    def check_config_consistency
652        if !is_config_consistent?
653            cluster_error "[ERR] Nodes don't agree about configuration!"
654        else
655            xputs "[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration."
656        end
657    end
659    def is_config_consistent?
660        signatures=[]
661        @nodes.each{|n|
662            signatures << n.get_config_signature
663        }
664        return signatures.uniq.length == 1
665    end
667    def wait_cluster_join
668        print "Waiting for the cluster to join"
669        while !is_config_consistent?
670            print "."
671            STDOUT.flush
672            sleep 1
673        end
674        print "\n"
675    end
677    def alloc_slots
678        nodes_count = @nodes.length
679        masters_count = @nodes.length / (@replicas+1)
680        masters = []
682        # The first step is to split instances by IP. This is useful as
683        # we'll try to allocate master nodes in different physical machines
684        # (as much as possible) and to allocate slaves of a given master in
685        # different physical machines as well.
686        #
687        # This code assumes just that if the IP is different, than it is more
688        # likely that the instance is running in a different physical host
689        # or at least a different virtual machine.
690        ips = {}
691        @nodes.each{|n|
692            ips[n.info[:host]] = [] if !ips[n.info[:host]]
693            ips[n.info[:host]] << n
694        }
696        # Select master instances
697        puts "Using #{masters_count} masters:"
698        interleaved = []
699        stop = false
700        while not stop do
701            # Take one node from each IP until we run out of nodes
702            # across every IP.
703            ips.each do |ip,nodes|
704                if nodes.empty?
705                    # if this IP has no remaining nodes, check for termination
706                    if interleaved.length == nodes_count
707                        # stop when 'interleaved' has accumulated all nodes
708                        stop = true
709                        next
710                    end
711                else
712                    # else, move one node from this IP to 'interleaved'
713                    interleaved.push nodes.shift
714                end
715            end
716        end
718        masters = interleaved.slice!(0, masters_count)
719        nodes_count -= masters.length
721        masters.each{|m| puts m}
723        # Alloc slots on masters
724        slots_per_node = ClusterHashSlots.to_f / masters_count
725        first = 0
726        cursor = 0.0
727        masters.each_with_index{|n,masternum|
728            last = (cursor+slots_per_node-1).round
729            if last > ClusterHashSlots || masternum == masters.length-1
730                last = ClusterHashSlots-1
731            end
732            last = first if last < first # Min step is 1.
733            n.add_slots first..last
734            first = last+1
735            cursor += slots_per_node
736        }
738        # Select N replicas for every master.
739        # We try to split the replicas among all the IPs with spare nodes
740        # trying to avoid the host where the master is running, if possible.
741        #
742        # Note we loop two times.  The first loop assigns the requested
743        # number of replicas to each master.  The second loop assigns any
744        # remaining instances as extra replicas to masters.  Some masters
745        # may end up with more than their requested number of replicas, but
746        # all nodes will be used.
747        assignment_verbose = false
749        [:requested,:unused].each do |assign|
750            masters.each do |m|
751                assigned_replicas = 0
752                while assigned_replicas < @replicas
753                    break if nodes_count == 0
754                    if assignment_verbose
755                        if assign == :requested
756                            puts "Requesting total of #{@replicas} replicas " \
757                                 "(#{assigned_replicas} replicas assigned " \
758                                 "so far with #{nodes_count} total remaining)."
759                        elsif assign == :unused
760                            puts "Assigning extra instance to replication " \
761                                 "role too (#{nodes_count} remaining)."
762                        end
763                    end
765                    # Return the first node not matching our current master
766                    node = interleaved.find{|n| n.info[:host] != m.info[:host]}
768                    # If we found a node, use it as a best-first match.
769                    # Otherwise, we didn't find a node on a different IP, so we
770                    # go ahead and use a same-IP replica.
771                    if node
772                        slave = node
773                        interleaved.delete node
774                    else
775                        slave = interleaved.shift
776                    end
777                    slave.set_as_replica(m.info[:name])
778                    nodes_count -= 1
779                    assigned_replicas += 1
780                    puts "Adding replica #{slave} to #{m}"
782                    # If we are in the "assign extra nodes" loop,
783                    # we want to assign one extra replica to each
784                    # master before repeating masters.
785                    # This break lets us assign extra replicas to masters
786                    # in a round-robin way.
787                    break if assign == :unused
788                end
789            end
790        end
791    end
793    def flush_nodes_config
794        @nodes.each{|n|
795            n.flush_node_config
796        }
797    end
799    def show_nodes
800        @nodes.each{|n|
801            xputs n.info_string
802        }
803    end
805    # Redis Cluster config epoch collision resolution code is able to eventually
806    # set a different epoch to each node after a new cluster is created, but
807    # it is slow compared to assign a progressive config epoch to each node
808    # before joining the cluster. However we do just a best-effort try here
809    # since if we fail is not a problem.
810    def assign_config_epoch
811        config_epoch = 1
812        @nodes.each{|n|
813            begin
814                n.r.cluster("set-config-epoch",config_epoch)
815            rescue
816            end
817            config_epoch += 1
818        }
819    end
821    def join_cluster
822        # We use a brute force approach to make sure the node will meet
823        # each other, that is, sending CLUSTER MEET messages to all the nodes
824        # about the very same node.
825        # Thanks to gossip this information should propagate across all the
826        # cluster in a matter of seconds.
827        first = false
828        @nodes.each{|n|
829            if !first then first = n.info; next; end # Skip the first node
830            n.r.cluster("meet",first[:host],first[:port])
831        }
832    end
834    def yes_or_die(msg)
835        print "#{msg} (type 'yes' to accept): "
836        STDOUT.flush
837        if !(STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == "yes")
838            xputs "*** Aborting..."
839            exit 1
840        end
841    end
843    def load_cluster_info_from_node(nodeaddr)
844        node = ClusterNode.new(nodeaddr)
845        node.connect(:abort => true)
846        node.assert_cluster
847        node.load_info(:getfriends => true)
848        add_node(node)
849        node.friends.each{|f|
850            next if f[:flags].index("noaddr") ||
851                    f[:flags].index("disconnected") ||
852                    f[:flags].index("fail")
853            fnode = ClusterNode.new(f[:addr])
854            fnode.connect()
855            next if !fnode.r
856            begin
857                fnode.load_info()
858                add_node(fnode)
859            rescue => e
860                xputs "[ERR] Unable to load info for node #{fnode}"
861            end
862        }
863        populate_nodes_replicas_info
864    end
866    # This function is called by load_cluster_info_from_node in order to
867    # add additional information to every node as a list of replicas.
868    def populate_nodes_replicas_info
869        # Start adding the new field to every node.
870        @nodes.each{|n|
871            n.info[:replicas] = []
872        }
874        # Populate the replicas field using the replicate field of slave
875        # nodes.
876        @nodes.each{|n|
877            if n.info[:replicate]
878                master = get_node_by_name(n.info[:replicate])
879                if !master
880                    xputs "*** WARNING: #{n} claims to be slave of unknown node ID #{n.info[:replicate]}."
881                else
882                    master.info[:replicas] << n
883                end
884            end
885        }
886    end
888    # Given a list of source nodes return a "resharding plan"
889    # with what slots to move in order to move "numslots" slots to another
890    # instance.
891    def compute_reshard_table(sources,numslots)
892        moved = []
893        # Sort from bigger to smaller instance, for two reasons:
894        # 1) If we take less slots than instances it is better to start
895        #    getting from the biggest instances.
896        # 2) We take one slot more from the first instance in the case of not
897        #    perfect divisibility. Like we have 3 nodes and need to get 10
898        #    slots, we take 4 from the first, and 3 from the rest. So the
899        #    biggest is always the first.
900        sources = sources.sort{|a,b| b.slots.length <=> a.slots.length}
901        source_tot_slots = sources.inject(0) {|sum,source|
902            sum+source.slots.length
903        }
904        sources.each_with_index{|s,i|
905            # Every node will provide a number of slots proportional to the
906            # slots it has assigned.
907            n = (numslots.to_f/source_tot_slots*s.slots.length)
908            if i == 0
909                n = n.ceil
910            else
911                n = n.floor
912            end
913            s.slots.keys.sort[(0...n)].each{|slot|
914                if moved.length < numslots
915                    moved << {:source => s, :slot => slot}
916                end
917            }
918        }
919        return moved
920    end
922    def show_reshard_table(table)
923        table.each{|e|
924            puts "    Moving slot #{e[:slot]} from #{e[:source].info[:name]}"
925        }
926    end
928    # Move slots between source and target nodes using MIGRATE.
929    #
930    # Options:
931    # :verbose -- Print a dot for every moved key.
932    # :fix     -- We are moving in the context of a fix. Use REPLACE.
933    # :cold    -- Move keys without opening slots / reconfiguring the nodes.
934    # :update  -- Update nodes.info[:slots] for source/target nodes.
935    # :quiet   -- Don't print info messages.
936    def move_slot(source,target,slot,o={})
937        o = {:pipeline => MigrateDefaultPipeline}.merge(o)
939        # We start marking the slot as importing in the destination node,
940        # and the slot as migrating in the target host. Note that the order of
941        # the operations is important, as otherwise a client may be redirected
942        # to the target node that does not yet know it is importing this slot.
943        if !o[:quiet]
944            print "Moving slot #{slot} from #{source} to #{target}: "
945            STDOUT.flush
946        end
948        if !o[:cold]
949            target.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"importing",source.info[:name])
950            source.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"migrating",target.info[:name])
951        end
952        # Migrate all the keys from source to target using the MIGRATE command
953        while true
954            keys = source.r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,o[:pipeline])
955            break if keys.length == 0
956            begin
957                source.r.client.call(["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],"",0,@timeout,:keys,*keys])
958            rescue => e
959                if o[:fix] && e.to_s =~ /BUSYKEY/
960                    xputs "*** Target key exists. Replacing it for FIX."
961                    source.r.client.call(["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],"",0,@timeout,:replace,:keys,*keys])
962                else
963                    puts ""
964                    xputs "[ERR] #{e}"
965                    exit 1
966                end
967            end
968            print "."*keys.length if o[:dots]
969            STDOUT.flush
970        end
972        puts if !o[:quiet]
973        # Set the new node as the owner of the slot in all the known nodes.
974        if !o[:cold]
975            @nodes.each{|n|
976                next if n.has_flag?("slave")
977                n.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"node",target.info[:name])
978            }
979        end
981        # Update the node logical config
982        if o[:update] then
983            source.info[:slots].delete(slot)
984            target.info[:slots][slot] = true
985        end
986    end
988    # redis-trib subcommands implementations.
990    def check_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
991        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
992        check_cluster
993    end
995    def info_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
996        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
997        show_cluster_info
998    end
1000    def rebalance_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1001        opt = {
1002            'pipeline' => MigrateDefaultPipeline,
1003            'threshold' => RebalanceDefaultThreshold
1004        }.merge(opt)
1006        # Load nodes info before parsing options, otherwise we can't
1007        # handle --weight.
1008        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1010        # Options parsing
1011        threshold = opt['threshold'].to_i
1012        autoweights = opt['auto-weights']
1013        weights = {}
1014        opt['weight'].each{|w|
1015            fields = w.split("=")
1016            node = get_node_by_abbreviated_name(fields[0])
1017            if !node || !node.has_flag?("master")
1018                puts "*** No such master node #{fields[0]}"
1019                exit 1
1020            end
1021            weights[node.info[:name]] = fields[1].to_f
1022        } if opt['weight']
1023        useempty = opt['use-empty-masters']
1025       # Assign a weight to each node, and compute the total cluster weight.
1026        total_weight = 0
1027        nodes_involved = 0
1028        @nodes.each{|n|
1029            if n.has_flag?("master")
1030                next if !useempty && n.slots.length == 0
1031                n.info[:w] = weights[n.info[:name]] ? weights[n.info[:name]] : 1
1032                total_weight += n.info[:w]
1033                nodes_involved += 1
1034            end
1035        }
1037        # Check cluster, only proceed if it looks sane.
1038        check_cluster(:quiet => true)
1039        if @errors.length != 0
1040            puts "*** Please fix your cluster problems before rebalancing"
1041            exit 1
1042        end
1044        # Calculate the slots balance for each node. It's the number of
1045        # slots the node should lose (if positive) or gain (if negative)
1046        # in order to be balanced.
1047        threshold = opt['threshold'].to_f
1048        threshold_reached = false
1049        @nodes.each{|n|
1050            if n.has_flag?("master")
1051                next if !n.info[:w]
1052                expected = ((ClusterHashSlots.to_f / total_weight) *
1053                            n.info[:w]).to_i
1054                n.info[:balance] = n.slots.length - expected
1055                # Compute the percentage of difference between the
1056                # expected number of slots and the real one, to see
1057                # if it's over the threshold specified by the user.
1058                over_threshold = false
1059                if threshold > 0
1060                    if n.slots.length > 0
1061                        err_perc = (100-(100.0*expected/n.slots.length)).abs
1062                        over_threshold = true if err_perc > threshold
1063                    elsif expected > 0
1064                        over_threshold = true
1065                    end
1066                end
1067                threshold_reached = true if over_threshold
1068            end
1069        }
1070        if !threshold_reached
1071            xputs "*** No rebalancing needed! All nodes are within the #{threshold}% threshold."
1072            return
1073        end
1075        # Only consider nodes we want to change
1076        sn = @nodes.select{|n|
1077            n.has_flag?("master") && n.info[:w]
1078        }
1080        # Because of rounding, it is possible that the balance of all nodes
1081        # summed does not give 0. Make sure that nodes that have to provide
1082        # slots are always matched by nodes receiving slots.
1083        total_balance = sn.map{|x| x.info[:balance]}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
1084        while total_balance > 0
1085            sn.each{|n|
1086                if n.info[:balance] < 0 && total_balance > 0
1087                    n.info[:balance] -= 1
1088                    total_balance -= 1
1089                end
1090            }
1091        end
1093        # Sort nodes by their slots balance.
1094        sn = sn.sort{|a,b|
1095            a.info[:balance] <=> b.info[:balance]
1096        }
1098        xputs ">>> Rebalancing across #{nodes_involved} nodes. Total weight = #{total_weight}"
1100        if $verbose
1101            sn.each{|n|
1102                puts "#{n} balance is #{n.info[:balance]} slots"
1103            }
1104        end
1106        # Now we have at the start of the 'sn' array nodes that should get
1107        # slots, at the end nodes that must give slots.
1108        # We take two indexes, one at the start, and one at the end,
1109        # incrementing or decrementing the indexes accordingly til we
1110        # find nodes that need to get/provide slots.
1111        dst_idx = 0
1112        src_idx = sn.length - 1
1114        while dst_idx < src_idx
1115            dst = sn[dst_idx]
1116            src = sn[src_idx]
1117            numslots = [dst.info[:balance],src.info[:balance]].map{|n|
1118                n.abs
1119            }.min
1121            if numslots > 0
1122                puts "Moving #{numslots} slots from #{src} to #{dst}"
1124                # Actaully move the slots.
1125                reshard_table = compute_reshard_table([src],numslots)
1126                if reshard_table.length != numslots
1127                    xputs "*** Assertio failed: Reshard table != number of slots"
1128                    exit 1
1129                end
1130                if opt['simulate']
1131                    print "#"*reshard_table.length
1132                else
1133                    reshard_table.each{|e|
1134                        move_slot(e[:source],dst,e[:slot],
1135                            :quiet=>true,
1136                            :dots=>false,
1137                            :update=>true,
1138                            :pipeline=>opt['pipeline'])
1139                        print "#"
1140                        STDOUT.flush
1141                    }
1142                end
1143                puts
1144            end
1146            # Update nodes balance.
1147            dst.info[:balance] += numslots
1148            src.info[:balance] -= numslots
1149            dst_idx += 1 if dst.info[:balance] == 0
1150            src_idx -= 1 if src.info[:balance] == 0
1151        end
1152    end
1154    def fix_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1155        @fix = true
1156        @timeout = opt['timeout'].to_i if opt['timeout']
1158        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1159        check_cluster
1160    end
1162    def reshard_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1163        opt = {'pipeline' => MigrateDefaultPipeline}.merge(opt)
1165        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1166        check_cluster
1167        if @errors.length != 0
1168            puts "*** Please fix your cluster problems before resharding"
1169            exit 1
1170        end
1172        @timeout = opt['timeout'].to_i if opt['timeout'].to_i
1174        # Get number of slots
1175        if opt['slots']
1176            numslots = opt['slots'].to_i
1177        else
1178            numslots = 0
1179            while numslots <= 0 or numslots > ClusterHashSlots
1180                print "How many slots do you want to move (from 1 to #{ClusterHashSlots})? "
1181                numslots = STDIN.gets.to_i
1182            end
1183        end
1185        # Get the target instance
1186        if opt['to']
1187            target = get_node_by_name(opt['to'])
1188            if !target || target.has_flag?("slave")
1189                xputs "*** The specified node is not known or not a master, please retry."
1190                exit 1
1191            end
1192        else
1193            target = nil
1194            while not target
1195                print "What is the receiving node ID? "
1196                target = get_node_by_name(STDIN.gets.chop)
1197                if !target || target.has_flag?("slave")
1198                    xputs "*** The specified node is not known or not a master, please retry."
1199                    target = nil
1200                end
1201            end
1202        end
1204        # Get the source instances
1205        sources = []
1206        if opt['from']
1207            opt['from'].split(',').each{|node_id|
1208                if node_id == "all"
1209                    sources = "all"
1210                    break
1211                end
1212                src = get_node_by_name(node_id)
1213                if !src || src.has_flag?("slave")
1214                    xputs "*** The specified node is not known or is not a master, please retry."
1215                    exit 1
1216                end
1217                sources << src
1218            }
1219        else
1220            xputs "Please enter all the source node IDs."
1221            xputs "  Type 'all' to use all the nodes as source nodes for the hash slots."
1222            xputs "  Type 'done' once you entered all the source nodes IDs."
1223            while true
1224                print "Source node ##{sources.length+1}:"
1225                line = STDIN.gets.chop
1226                src = get_node_by_name(line)
1227                if line == "done"
1228                    break
1229                elsif line == "all"
1230                    sources = "all"
1231                    break
1232                elsif !src || src.has_flag?("slave")
1233                    xputs "*** The specified node is not known or is not a master, please retry."
1234                elsif src.info[:name] == target.info[:name]
1235                    xputs "*** It is not possible to use the target node as source node."
1236                else
1237                    sources << src
1238                end
1239            end
1240        end
1242        if sources.length == 0
1243            puts "*** No source nodes given, operation aborted"
1244            exit 1
1245        end
1247        # Handle soures == all.
1248        if sources == "all"
1249            sources = []
1250            @nodes.each{|n|
1251                next if n.info[:name] == target.info[:name]
1252                next if n.has_flag?("slave")
1253                sources << n
1254            }
1255        end
1257        # Check if the destination node is the same of any source nodes.
1258        if sources.index(target)
1259            xputs "*** Target node is also listed among the source nodes!"
1260            exit 1
1261        end
1263        puts "\nReady to move #{numslots} slots."
1264        puts "  Source nodes:"
1265        sources.each{|s| puts "    "+s.info_string}
1266        puts "  Destination node:"
1267        puts "    #{target.info_string}"
1268        reshard_table = compute_reshard_table(sources,numslots)
1269        puts "  Resharding plan:"
1270        show_reshard_table(reshard_table)
1271        if !opt['yes']
1272            print "Do you want to proceed with the proposed reshard plan (yes/no)? "
1273            yesno = STDIN.gets.chop
1274            exit(1) if (yesno != "yes")
1275        end
1276        reshard_table.each{|e|
1277            move_slot(e[:source],target,e[:slot],
1278                :dots=>true,
1279                :pipeline=>opt['pipeline'])
1280        }
1281    end
1283    # This is an helper function for create_cluster_cmd that verifies if
1284    # the number of nodes and the specified replicas have a valid configuration
1285    # where there are at least three master nodes and enough replicas per node.
1286    def check_create_parameters
1287        masters = @nodes.length/(@replicas+1)
1288        if masters < 3
1289            puts "*** ERROR: Invalid configuration for cluster creation."
1290            puts "*** Redis Cluster requires at least 3 master nodes."
1291            puts "*** This is not possible with #{@nodes.length} nodes and #{@replicas} replicas per node."
1292            puts "*** At least #{3*(@replicas+1)} nodes are required."
1293            exit 1
1294        end
1295    end
1297    def create_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1298        opt = {'replicas' => 0}.merge(opt)
1299        @replicas = opt['replicas'].to_i
1301        xputs ">>> Creating cluster"
1302        argv[0..-1].each{|n|
1303            node = ClusterNode.new(n)
1304            node.connect(:abort => true)
1305            node.assert_cluster
1306            node.load_info
1307            node.assert_empty
1308            add_node(node)
1309        }
1310        check_create_parameters
1311        xputs ">>> Performing hash slots allocation on #{@nodes.length} nodes..."
1312        alloc_slots
1313        show_nodes
1314        yes_or_die "Can I set the above configuration?"
1315        flush_nodes_config
1316        xputs ">>> Nodes configuration updated"
1317        xputs ">>> Assign a different config epoch to each node"
1318        assign_config_epoch
1319        xputs ">>> Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster"
1320        join_cluster
1321        # Give one second for the join to start, in order to avoid that
1322        # wait_cluster_join will find all the nodes agree about the config as
1323        # they are still empty with unassigned slots.
1324        sleep 1
1325        wait_cluster_join
1326        flush_nodes_config # Useful for the replicas
1327        check_cluster
1328    end
1330    def addnode_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1331        xputs ">>> Adding node #{argv[0]} to cluster #{argv[1]}"
1333        # Check the existing cluster
1334        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[1])
1335        check_cluster
1337        # If --master-id was specified, try to resolve it now so that we
1338        # abort before starting with the node configuration.
1339        if opt['slave']
1340            if opt['master-id']
1341                master = get_node_by_name(opt['master-id'])
1342                if !master
1343                    xputs "[ERR] No such master ID #{opt['master-id']}"
1344                end
1345            else
1346                master = get_master_with_least_replicas
1347                xputs "Automatically selected master #{master}"
1348            end
1349        end
1351        # Add the new node
1352        new = ClusterNode.new(argv[0])
1353        new.connect(:abort => true)
1354        new.assert_cluster
1355        new.load_info
1356        new.assert_empty
1357        first = @nodes.first.info
1358        add_node(new)
1360        # Send CLUSTER MEET command to the new node
1361        xputs ">>> Send CLUSTER MEET to node #{new} to make it join the cluster."
1362        new.r.cluster("meet",first[:host],first[:port])
1364        # Additional configuration is needed if the node is added as
1365        # a slave.
1366        if opt['slave']
1367            wait_cluster_join
1368            xputs ">>> Configure node as replica of #{master}."
1369            new.r.cluster("replicate",master.info[:name])
1370        end
1371        xputs "[OK] New node added correctly."
1372    end
1374    def delnode_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1375        id = argv[1].downcase
1376        xputs ">>> Removing node #{id} from cluster #{argv[0]}"
1378        # Load cluster information
1379        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1381        # Check if the node exists and is not empty
1382        node = get_node_by_name(id)
1384        if !node
1385            xputs "[ERR] No such node ID #{id}"
1386            exit 1
1387        end
1389        if node.slots.length != 0
1390            xputs "[ERR] Node #{node} is not empty! Reshard data away and try again."
1391            exit 1
1392        end
1394        # Send CLUSTER FORGET to all the nodes but the node to remove
1395        xputs ">>> Sending CLUSTER FORGET messages to the cluster..."
1396        @nodes.each{|n|
1397            next if n == node
1398            if n.info[:replicate] && n.info[:replicate].downcase == id
1399                # Reconfigure the slave to replicate with some other node
1400                master = get_master_with_least_replicas
1401                xputs ">>> #{n} as replica of #{master}"
1402                n.r.cluster("replicate",master.info[:name])
1403            end
1404            n.r.cluster("forget",argv[1])
1405        }
1407        # Finally shutdown the node
1408        xputs ">>> SHUTDOWN the node."
1409        node.r.shutdown
1410    end
1412    def set_timeout_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1413        timeout = argv[1].to_i
1414        if timeout < 100
1415            puts "Setting a node timeout of less than 100 milliseconds is a bad idea."
1416            exit 1
1417        end
1419        # Load cluster information
1420        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1421        ok_count = 0
1422        err_count = 0
1424        # Send CLUSTER FORGET to all the nodes but the node to remove
1425        xputs ">>> Reconfiguring node timeout in every cluster node..."
1426        @nodes.each{|n|
1427            begin
1428                n.r.config("set","cluster-node-timeout",timeout)
1429                n.r.config("rewrite")
1430                ok_count += 1
1431                xputs "*** New timeout set for #{n}"
1432            rescue => e
1433                puts "ERR setting node-timeot for #{n}: #{e}"
1434                err_count += 1
1435            end
1436        }
1437        xputs ">>> New node timeout set. #{ok_count} OK, #{err_count} ERR."
1438    end
1440    def call_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1441        cmd = argv[1..-1]
1442        cmd[0] = cmd[0].upcase
1444        # Load cluster information
1445        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1446        xputs ">>> Calling #{cmd.join(" ")}"
1447        @nodes.each{|n|
1448            begin
1449                res = n.r.send(*cmd)
1450                puts "#{n}: #{res}"
1451            rescue => e
1452                puts "#{n}: #{e}"
1453            end
1454        }
1455    end
1457    def import_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1458        source_addr = opt['from']
1459        xputs ">>> Importing data from #{source_addr} to cluster #{argv[1]}"
1460        use_copy = opt['copy']
1461        use_replace = opt['replace']
1463        # Check the existing cluster.
1464        load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0])
1465        check_cluster
1467        # Connect to the source node.
1468        xputs ">>> Connecting to the source Redis instance"
1469        src_host,src_port = source_addr.split(":")
1470        source = Redis.new(:host =>src_host, :port =>src_port)
1471        if source.info['cluster_enabled'].to_i == 1
1472            xputs "[ERR] The source node should not be a cluster node."
1473        end
1474        xputs "*** Importing #{source.dbsize} keys from DB 0"
1476        # Build a slot -> node map
1477        slots = {}
1478        @nodes.each{|n|
1479            n.slots.each{|s,_|
1480                slots[s] = n
1481            }
1482        }
1484        # Use SCAN to iterate over the keys, migrating to the
1485        # right node as needed.
1486        cursor = nil
1487        while cursor != 0
1488            cursor,keys = source.scan(cursor, :count => 1000)
1489            cursor = cursor.to_i
1490            keys.each{|k|
1491                # Migrate keys using the MIGRATE command.
1492                slot = key_to_slot(k)
1493                target = slots[slot]
1494                print "Migrating #{k} to #{target}: "
1495                STDOUT.flush
1496                begin
1497                    cmd = ["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],k,0,@timeout]
1498                    cmd << :copy if use_copy
1499                    cmd << :replace if use_replace
1500                    source.client.call(cmd)
1501                rescue => e
1502                    puts e
1503                else
1504                    puts "OK"
1505                end
1506            }
1507        end
1508    end
1510    def help_cluster_cmd(argv,opt)
1511        show_help
1512        exit 0
1513    end
1515    # Parse the options for the specific command "cmd".
1516    # Returns an hash populate with option => value pairs, and the index of
1517    # the first non-option argument in ARGV.
1518    def parse_options(cmd)
1519        idx = 1 ; # Current index into ARGV
1520        options={}
1521        while idx < ARGV.length && ARGV[idx][0..1] == '--'
1522            if ARGV[idx][0..1] == "--"
1523                option = ARGV[idx][2..-1]
1524                idx += 1
1526                # --verbose is a global option
1527                if option == "verbose"
1528                    $verbose = true
1529                    next
1530                end
1532                if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd] == nil || ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd][option] == nil
1533                    puts "Unknown option '#{option}' for command '#{cmd}'"
1534                    exit 1
1535                end
1536                if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd][option] != false
1537                    value = ARGV[idx]
1538                    idx += 1
1539                else
1540                    value = true
1541                end
1543                # If the option is set to [], it's a multiple arguments
1544                # option. We just queue every new value into an array.
1545                if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd][option] == []
1546                    options[option] = [] if !options[option]
1547                    options[option] << value
1548                else
1549                    options[option] = value
1550                end
1551            else
1552                # Remaining arguments are not options.
1553                break
1554            end
1555        end
1557        # Enforce mandatory options
1558        if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd]
1559            ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd].each {|option,val|
1560                if !options[option] && val == :required
1561                    puts "Option '--#{option}' is required "+ \
1562                         "for subcommand '#{cmd}'"
1563                    exit 1
1564                end
1565            }
1566        end
1567        return options,idx
1568    end
1572# Libraries
1574# We try to don't depend on external libs since this is a critical part
1575# of Redis Cluster.
1578# This is the CRC16 algorithm used by Redis Cluster to hash keys.
1579# Implementation according to CCITT standards.
1581# This is actually the XMODEM CRC 16 algorithm, using the
1582# following parameters:
1584# Name                       : "XMODEM", also known as "ZMODEM", "CRC-16/ACORN"
1585# Width                      : 16 bit
1586# Poly                       : 1021 (That is actually x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1)
1587# Initialization             : 0000
1588# Reflect Input byte         : False
1589# Reflect Output CRC         : False
1590# Xor constant to output CRC : 0000
1591# Output for "123456789"     : 31C3
1593module RedisClusterCRC16
1594    def RedisClusterCRC16.crc16(bytes)
1595        crc = 0
1596        bytes.each_byte{|b|
1597            crc = ((crc<<8) & 0xffff) ^ XMODEMCRC16Lookup[((crc>>8)^b) & 0xff]
1598        }
1599        crc
1600    end
1603    XMODEMCRC16Lookup = [
1604        0x0000,0x1021,0x2042,0x3063,0x4084,0x50a5,0x60c6,0x70e7,
1605        0x8108,0x9129,0xa14a,0xb16b,0xc18c,0xd1ad,0xe1ce,0xf1ef,
1606        0x1231,0x0210,0x3273,0x2252,0x52b5,0x4294,0x72f7,0x62d6,
1607        0x9339,0x8318,0xb37b,0xa35a,0xd3bd,0xc39c,0xf3ff,0xe3de,
1608        0x2462,0x3443,0x0420,0x1401,0x64e6,0x74c7,0x44a4,0x5485,
1609        0xa56a,0xb54b,0x8528,0x9509,0xe5ee,0xf5cf,0xc5ac,0xd58d,
1610        0x3653,0x2672,0x1611,0x0630,0x76d7,0x66f6,0x5695,0x46b4,
1611        0xb75b,0xa77a,0x9719,0x8738,0xf7df,0xe7fe,0xd79d,0xc7bc,
1612        0x48c4,0x58e5,0x6886,0x78a7,0x0840,0x1861,0x2802,0x3823,
1613        0xc9cc,0xd9ed,0xe98e,0xf9af,0x8948,0x9969,0xa90a,0xb92b,
1614        0x5af5,0x4ad4,0x7ab7,0x6a96,0x1a71,0x0a50,0x3a33,0x2a12,
1615        0xdbfd,0xcbdc,0xfbbf,0xeb9e,0x9b79,0x8b58,0xbb3b,0xab1a,
1616        0x6ca6,0x7c87,0x4ce4,0x5cc5,0x2c22,0x3c03,0x0c60,0x1c41,
1617        0xedae,0xfd8f,0xcdec,0xddcd,0xad2a,0xbd0b,0x8d68,0x9d49,
1618        0x7e97,0x6eb6,0x5ed5,0x4ef4,0x3e13,0x2e32,0x1e51,0x0e70,
1619        0xff9f,0xefbe,0xdfdd,0xcffc,0xbf1b,0xaf3a,0x9f59,0x8f78,
1620        0x9188,0x81a9,0xb1ca,0xa1eb,0xd10c,0xc12d,0xf14e,0xe16f,
1621        0x1080,0x00a1,0x30c2,0x20e3,0x5004,0x4025,0x7046,0x6067,
1622        0x83b9,0x9398,0xa3fb,0xb3da,0xc33d,0xd31c,0xe37f,0xf35e,
1623        0x02b1,0x1290,0x22f3,0x32d2,0x4235,0x5214,0x6277,0x7256,
1624        0xb5ea,0xa5cb,0x95a8,0x8589,0xf56e,0xe54f,0xd52c,0xc50d,
1625        0x34e2,0x24c3,0x14a0,0x0481,0x7466,0x6447,0x5424,0x4405,
1626        0xa7db,0xb7fa,0x8799,0x97b8,0xe75f,0xf77e,0xc71d,0xd73c,
1627        0x26d3,0x36f2,0x0691,0x16b0,0x6657,0x7676,0x4615,0x5634,
1628        0xd94c,0xc96d,0xf90e,0xe92f,0x99c8,0x89e9,0xb98a,0xa9ab,
1629        0x5844,0x4865,0x7806,0x6827,0x18c0,0x08e1,0x3882,0x28a3,
1630        0xcb7d,0xdb5c,0xeb3f,0xfb1e,0x8bf9,0x9bd8,0xabbb,0xbb9a,
1631        0x4a75,0x5a54,0x6a37,0x7a16,0x0af1,0x1ad0,0x2ab3,0x3a92,
1632        0xfd2e,0xed0f,0xdd6c,0xcd4d,0xbdaa,0xad8b,0x9de8,0x8dc9,
1633        0x7c26,0x6c07,0x5c64,0x4c45,0x3ca2,0x2c83,0x1ce0,0x0cc1,
1634        0xef1f,0xff3e,0xcf5d,0xdf7c,0xaf9b,0xbfba,0x8fd9,0x9ff8,
1635        0x6e17,0x7e36,0x4e55,0x5e74,0x2e93,0x3eb2,0x0ed1,0x1ef0
1636    ]
1639# Turn a key name into the corrisponding Redis Cluster slot.
1640def key_to_slot(key)
1641    # Only hash what is inside {...} if there is such a pattern in the key.
1642    # Note that the specification requires the content that is between
1643    # the first { and the first } after the first {. If we found {} without
1644    # nothing in the middle, the whole key is hashed as usually.
1645    s = key.index "{"
1646    if s
1647        e = key.index "}",s+1
1648        if e && e != s+1
1649            key = key[s+1..e-1]
1650        end
1651    end
1652    RedisClusterCRC16.crc16(key) % 16384
1656# Definition of commands
1660    "create"  => ["create_cluster_cmd", -2, "host1:port1 ... hostN:portN"],
1661    "check"   => ["check_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"],
1662    "info"    => ["info_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"],
1663    "fix"     => ["fix_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"],
1664    "reshard" => ["reshard_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"],
1665    "rebalance" => ["rebalance_cluster_cmd", -2, "host:port"],
1666    "add-node" => ["addnode_cluster_cmd", 3, "new_host:new_port existing_host:existing_port"],
1667    "del-node" => ["delnode_cluster_cmd", 3, "host:port node_id"],
1668    "set-timeout" => ["set_timeout_cluster_cmd", 3, "host:port milliseconds"],
1669    "call" =>    ["call_cluster_cmd", -3, "host:port command arg arg .. arg"],
1670    "import" =>  ["import_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"],
1671    "help"    => ["help_cluster_cmd", 1, "(show this help)"]
1675    "create" => {"replicas" => true},
1676    "add-node" => {"slave" => false, "master-id" => true},
1677    "import" => {"from" => :required, "copy" => false, "replace" => false},
1678    "reshard" => {"from" => true, "to" => true, "slots" => true, "yes" => false, "timeout" => true, "pipeline" => true},
1679    "rebalance" => {"weight" => [], "auto-weights" => false, "use-empty-masters" => false, "timeout" => true, "simulate" => false, "pipeline" => true, "threshold" => true},
1680    "fix" => {"timeout" => MigrateDefaultTimeout},
1683def show_help
1684    puts "Usage: redis-trib <command> <options> <arguments ...>\n\n"
1685    COMMANDS.each{|k,v|
1686        o = ""
1687        puts "  #{k.ljust(15)} #{v[2]}"
1688        if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[k]
1689            ALLOWED_OPTIONS[k].each{|optname,has_arg|
1690                puts "                  --#{optname}" + (has_arg ? " <arg>" : "")
1691            }
1692        end
1693    }
1694    puts "\nFor check, fix, reshard, del-node, set-timeout you can specify the host and port of any working node in the cluster.\n"
1697# Sanity check
1698if ARGV.length == 0
1699    show_help
1700    exit 1
1703rt = RedisTrib.new
1704cmd_spec = COMMANDS[ARGV[0].downcase]
1705if !cmd_spec
1706    puts "Unknown redis-trib subcommand '#{ARGV[0]}'"
1707    exit 1
1710# Parse options
1711cmd_options,first_non_option = rt.parse_options(ARGV[0].downcase)
1714# Dispatch