2return array (
3  'Messages' => '消息',
4  'Message' => '消息',
5  'Accounts' => '帐号',
6  'E-mail Account' => 'E-mail 帐号',
7  'Sorry, You can\'t move messages to another account' => 'Sorry, 不能移动消息到其他帐号',
8  'Compose' => '编写',
9  'Reply' => '回复',
10  'Reply all' => '回复所有',
11  'Mark as read' => '标记已读',
12  'Mark as unread' => '标记未读',
13  'Add flag' => '添加标记',
14  'Remove flag' => '移除标记',
15  'Flagged' => '已标记',
16  'Unflagged' => '未标记',
17  'Root' => '根目录',
18  'Folders' => '文件夹',
19  'Filter' => '筛选',
20  'Filters' => '筛选',
21  'Select a folder to delete please' => '请选择要删除的文件夹',
22  'First select a folder from the tree where you want to add the new folder. Then click on \'Add\'' => '先从目录树中选择要新建文件夹的目录,然后点击“增加”',
23  'Forward' => '发送',
24  'Reset search' => '重置搜索',
25  'E-mail message' => 'E-mail 消息',
26  'Host' => '主机',
27  'Field' => '域',
28  'Contains' => '包含',
29  'Move to folder' => '移动到文件夹',
30  'Incoming mail' => '接收邮件',
31  'Advanced' => '高级',
32  'Don\'t validate certificate' => '不需要验证',
33  'Port' => '端口',
34  'Root mailbox' => '邮箱根目录',
35  'Manage folders' => '管理文件夹',
36  'Sent items folder' => '发件箱',
37  'Trash folder' => '垃圾箱',
38  'Drafts folder' => '草稿箱',
39  'From field' => '发件人',
40  'To field' => '收件人',
41  'CC field' => '抄送',
42  'BCC field' => '暗送',
43  'Keyword' => '关键字',
44  'Request read notification' => '回执',
45  'High' => '高',
46  'Normal' => '普通',
47  'Low' => '低',
48  'Send To' => '发送到',
49  'CC' => '抄送',
50  'BCC' => '暗送',
51  'Select template' => '选择模板',
52  'Compose an e-mail message' => '编写邮件',
53  'Send' => '发送',
54  'Extra options' => '扩展选项',
55  'Show' => '显示',
56  'You didn\'t configure an e-mail account yet. Go to Start menu -> E-mail -> Administration -> Accounts to setup your first e-mail account' => '您没有设定一个Email帐户。转到 e-mail -> 帐号 设置您的第一个 e-mail 帐号',
57  'Attach files from your PC' => '从本机上添加附件',
58  'Upload attachments' => '上传附件',
59  'Start transfer' => '开始传输',
60  'You can\'t edit this folder' => '不能编辑这个文件夹',
61  'You can\'t delete the INBOX folder' => '不能删除收件箱',
62  'Enter the folder name:' => '输入文件夹名称:',
63  'Add folder' => '增加文件夹',
64  'Download all as zipfile' => '打包下载',
65  'Body' => '内容',
66  'Received before' => '收到',
67  'Received since' => '从收到',
68  'Answered' => '已回复',
69  'Unanswered' => '未回复',
70  'Viewed' => '已庋',
71  'Outgoing mail' => '发送邮件...',
72  'Encryption' => '加密',
73  'Type' => '类型',
74  'No encryption' => '没有加密',
75  'No account' => '没有帐号',
76  'Priority' => '优先级',
77  'Read' => '读',
78  'Empty folder' => '清空文件夹',
79  'Are you sure you want to EMPTY \'{name}\'?' => '你确定要清空 \'{name}\'?',
80  'Add unknown recipients' => '添加一未知收件人',
81  'You just sent an e-mail to one or more recipients that are not in your addressbook. Click on a name if you want to add that person or close this window.' => '您刚发的 e-mail 里有一个或多个收件人不在您的通讯录中。发果您想添加联系人请单击名字,或者关闭窗口',
82  'Add from PC' => '从电脑上添加',
83  'Add from {product_name}' => '从 {product_name} 添加',
84  'Automatic reply' => '自动回复',
85  'Activate automatic reply' => '激活自动回复',
86  'Subject' => '主题',
87  'Add to recipients' => '添加收件人',
88  'Add to CC' => '添加到抄送',
89  'Add to BCC' => '添加到密送',
90  'View source' => '查看源文件',
91  'The sender of this messages likes a read notification by you at: %s. Do you want to send a read notification now?' => '消息发件人要求回执: %s. 现在发送回执吗?',
92  'Show messages in current folder' => '查看消息',
93  'You didn\'t enter a recipient' => '未输入收件人',
94  'There was a problem communicating with SMTP: ' => 'SMTP通信出错: ',
95  'There was an unexpected problem building the email: ' => '创建邮件出现一个未知错误: ',
96  'Failed to create folder' => '新建文件夹失败',
97  'Failed to subscribe folder' => '订阅文件夹失败Failed to subscribe folder',
98  'Failed to unsubscribe folder' => '注销文件夹失败Failed to unsubscribe folder',
99  'Could not connect to %1$s at port %3$s<br /><br />The mail server returned: %2$s' => '不能连接到 %1$s<br /><br />邮件服务器返回: %2$s',
100  'Inbox' => '收件箱',
101  'Spam' => '垃圾Spam',
102  'Trash' => '垃圾',
103  'Sent items' => '发送邮件',
104  'Drafts' => '草稿',
105  'No subject' => '没有主题',
106  'Undisclosed recipients' => '未知的收件人',
107  '--- Original message follows ---' => '--- 原始邮件信息 ---',
108  'Attachments' => '附件',
109  'Read: %s' => '读: %s',
110  'Your message with subject "%s" was displayed at %s' => '邮件主题 "%s" 显示在 %s',
111  'Could not get message from server' => '无法从服务器接收邮件',
112  'No recipients' => '没有收件人',
113  'description' => 'Email 模块; 基本的web邮件客户端。所有人都可以发送、回复和转发邮件。',
114  'SSL' => 'SSL',
115  'TLS' => 'TLS',
116  'N/A' => 'N/A',
117  'Add from Group-Office' => '从 {product_name} 添加',
118  'To' => 'To',
119  'From' => 'From',