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README.mdH A D15-Dec-20211.2 KiB2924

bower.jsonH A D15-Dec-20216.8 KiB247246


1# How to add dependencies with bower in ILIAS
3**New dependencies MUST be approved by the Jour Fixe of the ILIAS society or by the Technical Board.**
5To propose a new dependency, create a Pull Request on GitHub that contains the
6proposed changes to `bower.json`, name it like "Add library XYZ" and assign
7the "jour fixe"-label.
9## Dependencies for production
10- Comment all lines in libs/.gitignore which begin with bower/
11- Add a new library using bower, e.g. "bower install bootstrap@3.3.7 --save"
12- Add a section in "extra" with the following metadata":
14 "jquery": {
15      "introduction-date": "2017-08-03",
16      "approved-by": "Technical Board", // "Technical Board" or "Jour Fixe"
17      "developer": "Username of the developer which introduced to Library",
18      "purpose": "Describe the reason why this library is needed in ILIAS.",
19      "last-update-for-ilias": "5.3.0" // ILIAS Version that last updated this Library
20    },
22- Run "bower install"
23- Add all files to ILIAS git-repository and commit
25## Dependencies for development
26- Add a new library using bower, e.g. "bower install mocha --save-dev"
27- Ignore all directories which are added by installation (uncomment existing)
28- commit changes in gitignore and bower.json.