1**** version 2.9.0 ***
2    * 2528628 Toolbar.prototype.destroy uses variable without local declaration
3    * 2528910 Editor issue with "Paragraph style" feature in Opera 10.5 -- document.selection abandoned between Op...
4    * 2529145 Editor regexs fail in IE9
7**** version 2.8.1 ***
8no changes
10**** version 2.8.0 ***
12    * 2527611 - Original size in insert image window not working as expected
13	* 2527612 - Image size resets
14	* 2527737 - _getDoc in simpleeditor could be simpler
15	* 2527738 - Cleanup cmd_insertimage in simpleeditor
16	* 2527795 - RTE and Safari 4 Beta Defect
17	* 2527837 - Editor Window Footer open class
18	* 2527861 - Editor menu collapse doesnt change image
19	* 2527882 - allowDesignMode option for Editor
20	* 2527888 - FFox and Chrome replicate IDs when editing <li> items
21	* 2527893 - CSS typo in editor-core.css
22	* 2527934 - Editor can't be extended to have a custom toolbar in init function
23	* 2527951 - Ampersands are not always escaped properly in the RichTextEditor (RTE)
24	* 2527952 - Controlling the saveHTML process for multiple instances of HTML Editor
25                    without a real reference to the editor, to ensure the process of collecting data
26                    from a form before tunneling the request thru YUI Connection Manager.
27	* 2527977 - RTE: The cleanHTML method removes <span> tags at beginning and end of HTML when it shouldn't
28	* 2527988 - multiple images inserted
29	* 2528024 - Editor mangles and incorrectly removes <div> tags in WebKit
30	* 2528086 - editor not working in ie8
31	* 2528103 - data with large images / large quantity of images not editable
32	* 2528106 - Disabling RTE doesn't work properly in IE6
33	* 2528193 - undo functionality broken
34	* 2528194 - Custom Image Browser Example has old code
35	* 2528195 - Toggling Editor "disabled" attribute causes extra line breaks to be inserted
39**** version 2.7.0 ***
40    * 1946017 - Unable to delete text when editor opens (Firefox)
41    * 2527610 - Insert image deletes image in FF3
42    * 2527613 - Create link window - remove link from text option disables toolbar
43    * 2527678 - Rich Text Editor producing inconsistent line-breaks in Safari
44    * 2527647 - Unable to input image url with rich editor in modal panel
45    * 2034544 - Image Options Dialog Box needs fixing
46    * 2048035 - autoHeight will cause misaligned dialog panels
47    * 2107828 - extra newlines when using cleanHTML()
48    * 2117571 - getButtonBy doesn't work with custom id's on btns
49    * 2144339 - colouring a word colours the sentence (REGRESSION)
50    * 2148477 - RTE Image Editor Broken When yui-skin-sam on div
51    * 2151060 - RTE w/ Custom Image Editor broken in FF, Safari
52    * 2152230 - using ptags option only works in IE
53    * 2172817 - ampersand (&) converted to XML entity in image URL
54    * 2193135 - Safari incorrectly strips first line break
55    * 2212320 - Clicking on disabled buttons goes to '#' link
56    * 2212572 - Relative Links still convert to absolute links
57    * 2226092 - FF3: Cannot always make list item into a hyperlink
58    * 2226228 - Saf:multiple list items not made from mult lines
59    * 2277647 - Support for focus and blur events
60    * 2285513 - Ordered list html output has an extra li element
61    * 2310520 - Translating the widget
62    * 2355070 - Keyboard shortcut for Font Size isnot working.
63    * 2412129 - Removing link deactivates toolbar
64    * 2412770 - RTE color highligh whole paragraph
65    * 2417798 - cleanHTML() removes spaces around &
66    * 2447328 - Safari and Chrome inserts HTML at wrong position
67    * 2490558 - Unable to unapply formatting
68    * 2491229 - _cleanIncomingHTML replaces Cr+Lf with 2 BRs
69    * 2412129 - Removing link deactivates toolbar
72**** version 2.6.0 ***
74    * Widget promoted to GA - beta flag removed from all files.
76    * Firefox
77        * 1776202 - FF:rich text formatting (italize) lost when color is selected in RTE
78        * 1946017 Unable to delete text when editor opens (Firefox)
79        * 2002911 Problem with Header styling in Firefox
80        * 1899196 Firefox button Inconsistencies
82    * Internet Explorer
83        * 1869619 Image Modification Dialog
84        * 1995892 set('disabled',false) cause IE6 error
85        * 2021359 IE7: dbl click image doesn't show settings dialog
86        * 2026296 Auto Adjusting height bug in IE
87        * 2025092 IE7:allowNoEdit turned on period '.' doesn't work
88        * 2027048 keyDown event does not fire in IE after enabling editor
89        * 2093253 Editor used in HTTPS page will provoke Security warning
90        * 1851177 Text Align not working correctly in IE
91        * 1986820 Clicking bulleted list before typing creates empty <li> IE7
92        * 2027073 IE7: editor list items misaligned
93        * 1956586 Fontsize is not updating when nodechange in IE
95    * Safari
96        * SF 1978372 Safari/IE list creation quirk
97        * SF 1978350 Safari 3.1 issue with lists
99    * All
100        * 1791252, 1964709 Have Undo, Redo functions in Editor
101        * 1926238 Editor adds extra </li> tag at the end of a list
102        * 1928426 filter_invalid_lists
103        * 1923255 Give descriptive error when container isn't textarea
104        * 1931768 Relative links automatically converted to absolute links.
105        * 1870106 - Add a strikethrough/blockquote buttons for the Rich Text Editor
106        * 1946874 Double clicking in the editor sets "editorDirty" false
107        * 1919826 Regex matches both <b> and <button>
108        * 1901545 - Rich Text Editor - Link menu's url encoding "&" to "&amp"
109        * 1954228 Deleting 1+ button from buttonType:advanced fails
110        * 1926462 - html encoded characters are unencoded
111        * 1975463 Editor.destroy() doesn't destroy editor windows
112        * 1986184 error on _formButtonClicked log message
113        * 2003080 Various widths affect toolbar layout
114        * 2048035 autoHeight will cause dialog panels to be misaligned
115        * 2065060 Tab & shift-tab should move focus from the editor
116        * 2077747 Simple editor losing its format when font color changes
117        * 1998524 Alignment Code doesn't generate
118        * 2035187 Custom Editor body CSS only applies to visited links
119        * 2034544 Image Options Dialog Box needs fixing
120        * 2007145 Removing underline not working in IE6/7, FF3
121        * 2015601 Text in some controls is not vertically centered
122        * 1955931 font color (background color) doesn't work properly
123        * 1954095 Bulleting
124        * 1925337 editor indent/outdent inconsistent behavior
125        * 1996074 Indent changes the font to Arial
126        * 206493  - Handle Submit Failing
129**** version 2.5.2 ***
130    * Firefox 3
131        * 1898002 - Fixed tabbing issues
133    * Internet Explorer
134        * 1898002 - Fixed tabbing issues
135        * 1918308 Rich Text Editor: colouring a word colours the sentence
137    * All
138        * 1930871 RTE doesn't load if handleSubmit: false explicitly defined
139        * 1841312 - In the RTE image menu the label for "link Url" and "image URL" aren't the same
140        * Color picker stays active when loses focus (Basic Buttons)
141        * Fixed CSS for toolbar seperators to allow for the groups to float better.
143**** version 2.5.1 ***
145    * Adobe AIR Support
146        * 1763867 - Adobe AIR: iFrame document open
147        * 1763869 - Adobe AIR: Blank Image insertion fails
148        * 1763872 - Adobe AIR: Setting font-family fails
149        * 1763880 - Adobe AIR: Image Editor should show copy/paste note
151    * Internet Explorer
152        * 1816784 tabbing troubles...
153        * 1873881 IE Bulleting Behavior
155    * Safari
156        * 1899803 Links in safari are treated as regular links...
157        * 1898878 Safari uses <span> instead of <strong> tags...
159    * All
160        * 1776107 - ToolbarButton doesn't have a destroy method
161        * 1776117 - Editor Accessibility Enhancements
162        * 1874009 Greedy Regex in RTE Eats embed and other tags
163        * 1878976 Regex matches both <i> and <iframe>
164        * 1898886 Problem with handleSubmit after move to 2.5.0
165        * 1869619 Image Modification Dialog
168**** version 2.5.0 ***
170    *Examples:
171        1. 1861119 Flickr Example code is incorrect
173    *Config
174        1. 1816784 tabbing troubles...
175            Added a new config option called plainText. (See API docs for more information)
176        2. Removed the requirement for a textarea. If you pass the config as the first argument to the constructor
177            the Editor will create the textarea for you.
179    *Internet Explorer
180        1. 1807057 RTE _setDesignMode reloads page content
181        2. 1861514 editorContentLoaded fires early in IE6/7
182        3. 1866217 Editor in frameset causes "unspecified error" in IE6
183        4. 1859031 Change Font Color on IE
184        5. 1857798 IE7 RTE HTTPS problem
185        6. 1854657 IE bullet/number strange behaviour
187    *All
188        1. 1862824 Problem with <script> tags in editor content
189        2. 1857235 cleanHTML function stripping closing tags
190        3. 1849730 Multiple Editors' toolbars conflict
191        4. 1867927 Editor dynamic height adjust
192        5. 1870215 handleSubmit hijacks the value of the submit button
193        6. 1869619 Image Modification Dialog
194        7. 1850814 Editor produces faulty code
197**** version 2.4.0 ***
199* Performance enhancements and bug fixes.
200* Created a new base class called SimpleEditor. Editor now extends SimpleEditor
201* Created 2 new Toolbar Buttons
202    YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton - No requirement for Button or Menu
203    YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced - Still Required Button and Menu
205    *All
206        1. 1774823 Change text size removes selection highlight
207        2. 1796897 Font size issue
208        3. 1799379 setEditorHTML strips title attribute
209        4. 1810162 [example] Link Options Window appears behind the editor
210            Added a config option "limitCommands" when set to true, the editor will not execute a command that is not bound to a button.
212        5. 1808154 add non-editable snippets to YUI-RTE
213            Added a config option "allowNoEdit", when set to true the "_isNonEditalble method is called at the beginning of all event handlers to check if this element or
214                a parent element has the class yui-noedit (this.CLASS_NOEDIT) applied. If it does, then this method will stop the event and return true. The event handlers
215                will then return false and stop the nodeChange from occurring. This method will also disable and enable the Editor's toolbar based on the noedit state.
217        6. 1808102 Keep the content of invalidHTML
218            If you set the value of a key in this.invalidHTML to "{ keepContents: true }", then the element will be replaced with a yui-non span to be filtered out when
219                cleanHTML is called. The only tag that is ignored here is the span tag as it will force the Editor into a loop and freeze the browser. However, all of
220                these tags will be removed in the cleanHTML routine
222        7. 1818681 RTE converts input tags to emnput
223        8. 1787357 Split into separate modules
224            Split the Editor into Editor and SimpleEditor. Also split out the execCommand support into several methods for easier overriding and extending.
226        9. 1779516 Dirty flag for editor
227            You can now check the editorDirty property on the Editor instance. It will be default false and be set to true when something important happens.
228            You will need to manually change it back to false when you check it.
230    *Internet Explorer
231        1. 1804028, 1810362 Omission of DocType at top of page
232            It appears that Internet Explorer doesn't like the page containing the Editor to not have a doctype if the page inside the editor does.
233                The Editor will now check for compatMode and if it is not in standards mode, it will omit the doctype from the editable area.
235        2. 1808818 IE6 reports security violation on secure pages
236        3. 1810362 Will Not Work Without DTD header
237        4. 1496536 - yui editor indentation problem
238        5. 1789702 RTE Image insertion creates timer error
240    *Firefox
241        1. 1492573 - Can not get focus on edit box in FF 1.5 on FreeBSD
243**** version 2.3.1 ***
245* Performance enhancements and bug fixes.
247    *All
248        1. 1406169 - Fixed Toolbar performance issues
249        2. 1406176 - You can now set the height and width of the editor after it has been rendered
250        3. 1413456 - Group Labels can now be turned off after the editor has been rendered
251        4. 1413750 - Editor now supports delayed render (script block above the textarea markup)
252        5. 1416349 - cleanHTML now supports markup config options better (added xhtml option)
253        6. 1422334 - Added a link field to the image property editor
254        7. 1775187 Fixed adding a link to an LI
255        8. 1767246 Using Back button causes breaking behavior. Fixed.
256        9. 1435809 - Base href config fails when on a page with a port number. Fixed.
258    *Safari
259        1. 1390926 - Fixed Safari handleSubmit issue
260        2. 1433563 - Editor becomes unstable when rendered inside an element set to display: none (added show() method)
262    *Opera
263        1. 1396921 - Fixed clicking the Toolbar while typing loses insertion point
264        2. 1767251 Background color can not be overridden in Opera.. Fixed.
266    *Gecko
267        1. 1769657 RTE looks strange on Firefox when base.css - Fixed style collisions
268        2. 1433563 - Editor becomes unstable when rendered inside an element set to display: none (added show() method)
270    *Internet Explorer
271        1. 1396921 - Fixed clicking the Toolbar while typing loses insertion point
274**** version 2.3.0 ***
276* Beta release.
278* Known Issues
279    * All
280        1. Removed the menu for Create Ordered Lists, it now defaults to creating a simple OL with no type.
282    * Safari
283        1. Bug #1390926 - Safari may not inject the editor's HTML into the text area when the config handleSubmit is set to true.
284            You can get around this with the following code (where comment is the id of the textarea):
285                YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle('comment', 'visibility', 'hidden');
286                YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle('comment', 'position', 'absolute');
287                YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle('comment', 'display', 'block');
288                oEditor.saveHTML();
289                window.setTimeout(function() {
290                        YAHOO.util.Dom.get('comment').form.submit();
291                }, 200);
293            This issue will be fixed in a later release..
294        2. Unable to get the cursor position inside the editable area.
295            What this means is that when an image/object is inserted into the document
296            we have no way of knowing "exactly" where to put it. So we make an educated guess.
297            If they user clicked on an "element" (HTML Element) in the editor, then we will place
298            the newly inserted element directly after it in the DOM. If there was no element clicked
299            We will append the new element to the body.
301        3. Ordered/Unorder Lists are not support natively. So we have built a work around for this.
302            Most browsers will allow you to select a block of text and create a list out of it "automagically"
303            by inserting an LI around blocks that are separated by line breaks, BRs or Ps. In Safari, the
304            entire text block will be turned into the first LI of the list. The user can then place the cursor
305            at the beginning of each line, and backspace, then hit enter to create the new list item. There are some
306            use cases that this might fail.
308        4. Dragging and dropping of selections and images/objects is not supported.
309            Safari will do some weird things if the text in the editable area is selected and dragged and dropped.
310            We prevent this from happening to images inside of the editable area, but we can not prevent it for text.
311            Safari will also give unexpected results if text from another Safari window in selected, then dragged
312            into the editable area.
314    * Opera
315        1. Placing the cursor in the editor, then Shift Clicking to highlight will not work. The limitation appear to be in Opera.
317        2. Image resize is unavailable, due to limitations in the browser
319        3. Shortcut keys are not supported in this release.
321        4. Dragging and dropping of selections and images/objects is not supported.
323        5. Hitting the back button on the page will not reload the iframe.
325        6. Selecting the editable area, then hitting the shortcut keys for "Reload" will
326            cause the current page to be displayed inside the editable area.
329**** version 2.3.0 Peview Release Notes ***
331* The only server side resource required to run the editor, is the blankimage file.
332    The blankimage file is the temporary image loaded into the editor when you click the
333    "Insert Image" button in the toolbar.
335    This can be set using:
337    var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('test', {
338        blankimage: 'MY_IMAGE_PATH'
339    });
341* There is a performance issue with Safari on a G4 computer. We will be working to get this resolved before the initial beta release.