1 // Larbin
2 // Sebastien Ailleret
3 // 04-02-00 -> 10-12-01
5 #ifndef VECTOR_HH
6 #define VECTOR_HH
8 #include "types.h"
10 #include <assert.h>
12 template <class T>
13 class Vector {
14  private:
15   /** This array contain the object */
16   T **tab;
17   /** Number of object in the array */
18   uint pos;
19   /** Size of the array */
20   uint size;
22  public:
23   /** Constructor */
24   Vector (uint size = StdVectSize);
25   /** Destructor */
26   ~Vector ();
27   /** Re-init this vector : empty it all */
28   void recycle ();
29   /** add an element to this vector */
30   void addElement (T *elt);
31   /** give the size of the vector */
getLength()32   inline uint getLength () { return pos; }
33   /** give the array containing the objects */
getTab()34   inline T **getTab() { return tab; }
35   /** get an element of this Vector */
36   T *operator [] (uint i);
37 };
39 /** Constructor
40  * @param size the initial capacity of the Vector
41  */
42 template <class T>
Vector(uint size)43 Vector<T>::Vector (uint size) {
44   this->size = size;
45   pos = 0;
46   tab = new T*[size];
47 }
49 /** Destructor */
50 template <class T>
~Vector()51 Vector<T>::~Vector () {
52   for (uint i=0; i<pos; i++) {
53 	delete tab[i];
54   }
55   delete [] tab;
56 }
58 /** Re-init this vector : empty it all */
59 template <class T>
recycle()60 void Vector<T>::recycle () {
61   for (uint i=0; i<pos; i++) {
62 	delete tab[i];
63   }
64   pos = 0;
65 }
67 /** add an element to this vector */
68 template <class T>
addElement(T * elt)69 void Vector<T>::addElement (T *elt) {
70   assert (pos <= size);
71   if (pos == size) {
72 	size *= 2;
73 	T **tmp = new T*[size];
74 	for (uint i=0; i<pos; i++) {
75 	  tmp[i] = tab[i];
76 	}
77 	delete [] tab;
78 	tab = tmp;
79   }
80   tab[pos] = elt;
81   pos++;
82 }
84 /** get an element of this Vector */
85 template <class T>
86 T *Vector<T>::operator [] (uint i) {
87   if (i<pos) {
88 	return tab[i];
89   } else {
90 	return NULL;
91   }
92 }
94 #endif // VECTOR_HH