2    LimeSurvey
3    Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Louis Gac
4    All rights reserved.
5    License: GNU/GPL License v2 or later, see LICENSE.php
6    LimeSurvey is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
7    to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
8    is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
9    other free or open source software licenses.
10    See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
12    (¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· Save page Content  ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)
14    This file displays the page shown to a respondent when they save the survey to complete later.
16    Depending on survey config, a navigator allowing the respondent to change their responses can be shown, and a end url.
18    Form data are in: aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm (errors, css classes, captcha, etc)
19    To show this data, turn debug mode on and copy the following line to the end of the <body> element in this file:
20    {{ dump(aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm ) }} )
22    (¯`·._.·(¯`·._.·  Advanced ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)
24    The form is generated using the Yii function CHtml::form. You must keep it to get the CRSF token.
25    Inputs are also generated using the Yii function CHtml. Eg: input textField is generated via CHtml::textField
26    You can replace those inputs by pure Html (<input type="text" ... />), just be sure to use the correct options (id, classes, required, etc)
27    @see: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/48/by-example-chtml/ , http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CHtml
29    NOTE: This content is included inside mainrow.twig
30    NOTE: see layout_global.twig for more infos
36{# Include the form opening tag #}
37{{ include('./subviews/header/start_form.twig') }} <!-- main form -->
39    {# This will display the script and the hidden inputs needed for Expression Manager #}
40    {{ aSurveyInfo.EM.ScriptsAndHiddenInputs  }}
42    <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.savecontainer }} well clearfix " {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainer }}>
43        <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.savecontainertitle }} h2" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertitle }}>{{ gT("Save your unfinished survey") }}</div>
44        <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.savecontainertext }} text-info" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertext }}>
45            <p {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertextpa }}> {{ gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.") }} </p>
46            <p {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertextpb }}> {{ gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.") }} </p>
47            <p class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.savecontainertextpc }}' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertextpc }}> {{ gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you.") }} </p>
48            <p {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainertextpd }}> {{ gT("After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey.") }} </p>
49        </div>
50        <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.savecontainerwarning }} text-warning" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.savecontainerwarning }}>
51            <p> {{ gT("To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required.") }} </p>
52        </div>
53    </div>
55    <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformcontainer }}" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformcontainer }}>
57        {% if count(aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.aErrors) > 0 %}
58            <ul class='{{ aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.sClass }}  {{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformcontainerul }} alert alert-danger list-unstyled '  >
59                {% for key,error in aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.aErrors %}
60                    <li {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformcontainerli }} >{{ error }}</li>
61                    {% endfor %}
62            </ul>
63        {% endif %}
65        {#
66            array of attributes of the form tag.
67            To add a new attribute, just add an entry:
68            'attribute' : 'value',
69        #}
70        {% set htmlOptions = {
71                'id'          : 'form-save',
72                'name'        : 'form-save',
73                'class'       : 'ls-form',
74            }
75        %}
77        {#
78            This generates the opening form tag and the CRSF token.
79            It uses the Yii fuction CHtml::form.
80            See: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CHtml#form-detail
81        #}
82        <!-- Save Form -->
83        {{
84            C.Html.form(
85                ( aSurveyInfo.surveyUrl ),
86                'post',
87                (htmlOptions)
88            )
89        }}
90            <!-- Hidden fields  -->
91            {{  aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.sHiddenField }}
93            <!-- Name and Password -->
94            <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurvey }} form-horizontal' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurvey }}>
95                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydiva }} form-group ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydiva }}>
97                    <!-- Saved name  -->
98                    <label class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivalabel }} control-label col-sm-3' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivalabel }}>
99                        {{ gT("Name:") }}
100                        <small class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivalabelsmall }} text-danger asterisk fa fa-asterisk pull-left small " {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivalabelsmall }} ></small>
101                        <span class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivalabelspan }} sr-only text-danger asterisk" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivalabelspan }}>{{ gT("Mandatory") }}<span>
102                    </label>
103                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivb }} col-sm-7 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivb }}>
105                        {% set htmlOptions = {
106                                'id'          : 'savename',
107                                'name'        : 'savename',
108                                'class'       : 'form-control',
109                                'required'    : true,
110                            }
111                        %}
113                        {# using CHtml::textField because it encode (and break XSS) #}
114                        {{ C.Html.textField(
115                                'savename',
116                                getPost('savename'),
117                                (htmlOptions)
118                        )  }}
119                    </div>
121                </div>
123                <!-- Password -->
124                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivc }} form-group' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivc }}>
125                    <label class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivclabel }} control-label col-sm-3 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivclabel }}>
126                        {{ gT("Password:") }}
127                        <small class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivcsmall }} text-danger asterisk fa fa-asterisk pull-left small" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivcsmall }} ></small>
128                        <span class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivcspan }} sr-only text-danger asterisk" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivcspan }}>{{ gT("Mandatory") }}<span>
129                    </label>
131                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivcdiv }} col-sm-7 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivcdiv }}>
133                        {% set htmlOptions = {
134                                'id'          : 'savepass',
135                                'name'        : 'savepass',
136                                'class'       : 'form-control',
137                                'required'    : true,
138                            }
139                        %}
141                        {{ C.Html.passwordField(
142                                'savepass',
143                                '',
144                                (htmlOptions)
145                        )  }}
146                    </div>
147                </div>
149                <!-- Confirm password -->
150                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivd }} form-group ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivd }}>
151                    <label class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivdlabel }} control-label col-sm-3 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivdlabel }} >
152                        {{ gT("Repeat password:") }}
153                        <small class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivdlabelsmall }}  text-danger asterisk fa fa-asterisk pull-left small" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivdlabelsmall }}></small>
154                        <span class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivdlabelspan }} sr-only text-danger asterisk" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivdlabelspan }}>{{ gT("Mandatory") }}<span>
155                    </label>
157                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivddiv }} col-sm-7 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivddiv }}>
158                        {% set htmlOptions = {
159                                'id'          : 'savepass2',
160                                'name'        : 'savepass2',
161                                'class'       : 'form-control',
162                                'required'    : true,
163                            }
164                        %}
166                        {{ C.Html.passwordField(
167                                'savepass2',
168                                '',
169                                (htmlOptions)
170                        )  }}
171                    </div>
172                </div>
174                <!-- Email -->
175                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydive }}  form-group ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydive }}>
176                    <label class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivelabel }} control-label col-sm-3 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivelabel }} >
177                        {{ gT("Your email address:") }}
178                    </label>
179                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivediv }} col-sm-7 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivediv }}>
181                        {% set htmlOptions = {
182                                'id'          : 'saveemail',
183                                'name'        : 'saveemail',
184                                'class'       : 'form-control',
185                            }
186                        %}
188                        {{ C.Html.emailField(
189                                'saveemail',
190                                '',
191                                (htmlOptions)
192                        )  }}
193                    </div>
194                </div>
197                {% if aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.aCaptcha.show %}
198                    <!-- Captcha -->
199                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivf }} form-group ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivd }} >
200                        <label class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivflabel }} control-label col-sm-3 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivdlabel }}  >
201                            {{ gT("Security question:") }}
202                        </label>
203                        <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivfdiv }} col-sm-7 ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivddiv }} >
204                            <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivfdivdiv }} input-group' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivddivdiv }}>
205                                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivfdivdivdiv }} ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivddivdivdiv }} >
206                                    <img src='{{ aSurveyInfo.aSaveForm.aCaptcha.sImageUrl }}' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivddivdivdivimg }}   />
207                                </div>
208                                <input class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivfdivdivinput }}  form-control'  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivfdivdivinput }} />
209                            </div>
210                        </div>
211                    </div>
212                {% endif %}
214                <!-- save button -->
215                <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivg }} form-group' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivg }}>
216                    <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivgdiv }}  col-sm-7 col-md-offset-3' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivgdiv }}>
217                        <button {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivgdivbutton }}  class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivgdivbutton }} btn btn-default' >
218                            {{ gT("Save Now") }}
219                        </button>
220                    </div>
221                </div>
222            </div>
225        <div class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivh }}' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivh }}>
226            <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivhdiv }} " {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.saveformsurveydivhdiv }}>
227                <a href="{{ aSurveyInfo.surveyUrl }}" class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.saveformsurveydivhdiva }}">{{ gT("Return to survey") }}</a>
228            </div>
229        </div>
230    </div>
232</form> <!-- main form -->